Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:1905.010] FastPM: Scaling N-body Particle Mesh solver

FastPM solves the gravity Possion equation with a boosted particle mesh. Arbitrary time steps can be used. The code is intended to study the formation of large scale structure and supports plain PM and Comoving-Lagranian (COLA) solvers. A broadband correction enforces the linear theory model growth factor at large scale. FastPM scales extremely well to hundred thousand MPI ranks, which is possible through the use of the PFFT Fourier Transform library. The size of mesh in FastPM can vary with time, allowing one to use coarse force mesh at high redshift with increase temporal resolution for accurate large scale modes. The code supports a variety of Greens function and differentiation kernels, though for most practical simulations the choice of kernels does not make a difference. A parameter file interpreter is provided to validate and execute the configuration files without running the simulation, allowing creative usages of the configuration files.

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