Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2009.006] SPInS: Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically

SPInS (Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically) provides the age, mass, and radius of a star, among other parameters, from a set of photometric, spectroscopic, interferometric, and/or asteroseismic observational constraints; it also generates error bars and correlations. Derived from AIMS (ascl:1611.014), it relies on a stellar model grid and uses a Bayesian approach to find the PDF of stellar parameters from a set of classical constraints. The heart of SPInS is a MCMC solver coupled with interpolation within a pre-computed stellar model grid. The code can consider priors such as the IMF or SFR and can characterize single stars or coeval stars, such as members of binary systems or of stellar clusters.

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