Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2110.021] PT-REX: Point-to-point TRend EXtractor

PT-REX (Point-to-point TRend EXtractor) performs ptp analysis on every kind of extended radio source. The code exploits a set of different fitting methods to allow study of the spatial correlation, and is structured in a series of tasks to handle the individual steps of a ptp analysis independently, from defining a grid to sample the radio emission to accurately analyzing the data using several statistical methods. A major feature of PT-REX is the use of an automatic, randomly-generated sampling routine to combine several SMptp analysis into a Monte Carlo ptp (MCptp) analysis. By repeating several cycles of SMptp analysis with randomly-generated grids, PT-REX produces a distribution of values of k that describe its parameter space, thus allowing a reliably estimate of the trend (and its uncertainties).

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