Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2203.031] TAWAS: Wave equation solver

TAWAS solves the wave equation for torsional Alfvèn waves in a viscous plasma. The background magnetic field is axisymmetric and force-free with no azimuthal component and the plasma beta is assumed to be negligible. The solution is calculated over a uniform numerical grid with coordinates r and z for the radius and height respectively. TAWAS, written in IDL, requires no input files. The problem parameters at the top of the code can be changed as need. The 'plotting' variable determines which plots are shown by the script; the code contains several options for plotting. Outputs can be saved to a specific location by changing the variables save_dir and run_name listed just below the parameters. The code outputs include solutions for the velocity perturbation, the magnetic field perturbation and the wave energy flux.

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