Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2302.019] MADCUBA: MAdrid Data CUBe Analysis

MADCUBA analyzes astronomical datacubes and multiple spectra from various astronomical facilities, including ALMA, Herschel, VLA, IRAM 30m, APEX, GBT, and others. These telescopes, and in particular ALMA, generate extremely large datacubes (spatial, spectral and polarization). This software combines a user-friendly interface and powerful data analysis system to derive the physical conditions of molecular gas, its chemical complexity and the kinematics from datacubes. Built using the ImageJ (ascl:1206.013) infrastructure, MADCUBA visualizes astronomical datacubes with thousands on spectral channels, and datasets with thousands of spectra; it also identifies molecular species using publicly available molecular catalogs. It can automatically derive the physical parameters of the molecular species: column density, excitation temperature, velocity and linewidths and provides the best non-linear least-squared fit using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, among other tasks.

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