Astrophysics Source Code Library

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ASCL Code Record

[ascl:2403.011] LtU-ILI: Robust machine learning in astro

LtU-ILI (Learning the Universe Implicit Likelihood Inference) performs machine learning parameter inference. Given labeled training data or a stochastic simulator, the LtU-ILI piepline automatically trains state-of-the-art neural networks to learn the data-parameter relationship and produces robust, well-calibrated posterior inference. The package comes with a wide range of customizable complexity, including posterior-, likelihood-, and ratio-estimation methods for ILI, including sequential learning analogs, and various neural density estimators, including mixture density networks, conditional normalizing flows, and ResNet-like ratio classifiers. It offers fully-customizable, exotic embedding networks, including CNNs and Graph Neural Networks, and a unified interface for multiple ILI backends such as sbi, pydelfi, and lampe. LtU-ILI also handles multiple marginal and multivariate posterior coverage metrics, and offers Jupyter and command-line interfaces and a parallelizable configuration framework for efficient hyperparameter tuning and production runs.

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