4150 site links (89.38%) are working as of 2024-09-17 04:35:24.*
- There are 3502 codes in the ASCL, and 95 submitted.
- There are 16455 citations to ASCL entries in ADS.
- 3484 (99.49%) ASCL codes are in ADS.
- 1430 (41.04%) have ADS citations.
Code additions by year:
Citations by year:
Citations by journal:
ApJ: 4506 (27.38%)
MNRAS: 4375 (26.59%)
A&A: 2277 (13.84%)
AJ: 1424 (8.65%)
arXiv: 1294 (7.86%)
ApJS: 490 (2.98%)
PASP: 162 (0.98%)
PhRvD: 159 (0.97%)
PASA: 142 (0.86%)
RNAAS: 119 (0.72%)
JCAP: 98 (0.60%)
NatAs: 93 (0.57%)
RAA: 75 (0.46%)
Natur: 75 (0.46%)
A&C: 71 (0.43%)
PSJ: 66 (0.40%)
PASJ: 56 (0.34%)
Sci: 46 (0.28%)
JOSS: 42 (0.26%)
PhRvL: 36 (0.22%)
OJAp: 32 (0.19%)
Galax: 28 (0.17%)
ASPC: 28 (0.17%)
exha: 25 (0.15%)
PhDT: 24 (0.15%)
Univ: 23 (0.14%)
SPIE: 23 (0.14%)
JApA: 22 (0.13%)
IAUS: 21 (0.13%)
RASTI: 20 (0.12%)
SPIE1: 20 (0.12%)
AcA: 17 (0.10%)
AstL: 15 (0.09%)
CoSka: 13 (0.08%)
JPhCS: 13 (0.08%)
LRCA: 13 (0.08%)
AN: 12 (0.07%)
JATIS: 12 (0.07%)
tsc2: 11 (0.07%)
BSRSL: 11 (0.07%)
FrASS: 10 (0.06%)
PhRvC: 10 (0.06%)
NatCo: 9 (0.05%)
EPJWC: 9 (0.05%)
NewA: 8 (0.05%)
AstBu: 8 (0.05%)
SciA: 8 (0.05%)
TJAA: 8 (0.05%)
Ap&SS: 8 (0.05%)
ARA&A: 8 (0.05%)
sf2a: 7 (0.04%)
JAVSO: 7 (0.04%)
MmSAI: 7 (0.04%)
Astro: 7 (0.04%)
CQGra: 7 (0.04%)
PhRvR: 6 (0.04%)
SCPMA: 6 (0.04%)
NatSR: 6 (0.04%)
A&ARv: 6 (0.04%)
EPJC: 6 (0.04%)
csss: 5 (0.03%)
OEJV: 5 (0.03%)
PhRvX: 5 (0.03%)
JKAS: 5 (0.03%)
RMxAA: 5 (0.03%)
BAAS: 5 (0.03%)
IBVS: 5 (0.03%)
SoPh: 5 (0.03%)
OAst: 4 (0.02%)
RMxAC: 4 (0.02%)
Msngr: 4 (0.02%)
CmPhy: 4 (0.02%)
AMT: 4 (0.02%)
ExA: 4 (0.02%)
EPJA: 4 (0.02%)
JPhG: 4 (0.02%)
Icar: 4 (0.02%)
PhRvF: 4 (0.02%)
JFM: 4 (0.02%)
INASR: 3 (0.02%)
SSRv: 3 (0.02%)
ogpd: 3 (0.02%)
sea: 3 (0.02%)
JApCr: 3 (0.02%)
LRR: 3 (0.02%)
bhns: 3 (0.02%)
RSEnv: 3 (0.02%)
PhPl: 3 (0.02%)
dmde: 3 (0.02%)
EcoEv: 3 (0.02%)
JAI: 3 (0.02%)
JOSAB: 3 (0.02%)
SpWea: 3 (0.02%)
zndo: 2 (0.01%)
EPJP: 2 (0.01%)
hsa: 2 (0.01%)
icrc: 2 (0.01%)
AcASn: 2 (0.01%)
ResPh: 2 (0.01%)
GeoRL: 2 (0.01%)
PhRvB: 2 (0.01%)
RvMP: 2 (0.01%)
Senso: 2 (0.01%)
NatSD: 2 (0.01%)
ascl: 2 (0.01%)
BlgAJ: 2 (0.01%)
EAS: 2 (0.01%)
WRR: 2 (0.01%)
MLS&T: 2 (0.01%)
JGRA: 2 (0.01%)
StaUN: 2 (0.01%)
PTEP: 2 (0.01%)
Parti: 2 (0.01%)
AdSpR: 2 (0.01%)
JPO: 2 (0.01%)
PSFor: 2 (0.01%)
Atoms: 2 (0.01%)
ARep: 2 (0.01%)
RaSc: 2 (0.01%)
RemS: 2 (0.01%)
JGRE: 2 (0.01%)
NewAR: 2 (0.01%)
EPJH: 2 (0.01%)
plat: 1 (0.01%)
VMSAI: 1 (0.01%)
pas: 1 (0.01%)
BAAVC: 1 (0.01%)
PARep: 1 (0.01%)
PZP: 1 (0.01%)
LPICo: 1 (0.01%)
FaDi: 1 (0.01%)
agnw: 1 (0.01%)
map: 1 (0.01%)
ssci: 1 (0.01%)
ASInC: 1 (0.01%)
hypa: 1 (0.01%)
ChPhC: 1 (0.01%)
ComAC: 1 (0.01%)
SerAJ: 1 (0.01%)
RoAJ: 1 (0.01%)
RScI: 1 (0.01%)
ACP: 1 (0.01%)
OGRv: 1 (0.01%)
PMB: 1 (0.01%)
CEAS: 1 (0.01%)
E&ES: 1 (0.01%)
EnST: 1 (0.01%)
JNIS: 1 (0.01%)
Nanot: 1 (0.01%)
MaMol: 1 (0.01%)
pcsf: 1 (0.01%)
Ap: 1 (0.01%)
cwla: 1 (0.01%)
CoKon: 1 (0.01%)
MsT: 1 (0.01%)
PDU: 1 (0.01%)
apn6: 1 (0.01%)
sros: 1 (0.01%)
JCoPh: 1 (0.01%)
BAST: 1 (0.01%)
GeoJI: 1 (0.01%)
JRSp: 1 (0.01%)
IJER: 1 (0.01%)
JKPS: 1 (0.01%)
MWRv: 1 (0.01%)
Optik: 1 (0.01%)
AcMat: 1 (0.01%)
PLSCB: 1 (0.01%)
LNCS: 1 (0.01%)
ssep: 1 (0.01%)
NatRP: 1 (0.01%)
EJPh: 1 (0.01%)
SoftX: 1 (0.01%)
JApV: 1 (0.01%)
ArtSa: 1 (0.01%)
JAnSc: 1 (0.01%)
ScPP: 1 (0.01%)
PhysJ: 1 (0.01%)
LPI: 1 (0.01%)
JGeod: 1 (0.01%)
EPJD: 1 (0.01%)
PJAB: 1 (0.01%)
MS&E: 1 (0.01%)
AIPC: 1 (0.01%)
GApFD: 1 (0.01%)
JAtS: 1 (0.01%)
PhRvA: 1 (0.01%)
Entrp: 1 (0.01%)
Ge&Ae: 1 (0.01%)
HEAD: 1 (0.01%)
AAS: 1 (0.01%)
IJMPD: 1 (0.01%)
BiCon: 1 (0.01%)
PLoSO: 1 (0.01%)
Geode: 1 (0.01%)
PlnSc: 1 (0.01%)
AgFM: 1 (0.01%)
AqSci: 1 (0.01%)
Biotr: 1 (0.01%)
Heliy: 1 (0.01%)
OAP: 1 (0.01%)
OExpr: 1 (0.01%)
mla: 1 (0.01%)
AcAau: 1 (0.01%)
PhFl: 1 (0.01%)
EstCo: 1 (0.01%)
Caten: 1 (0.01%)
JSR: 1 (0.01%)
MatST: 1 (0.01%)
MarER: 1 (0.01%)
SyBio: 1 (0.01%)
ODivE: 1 (0.01%)
FiEco: 1 (0.01%)
PSyEv: 1 (0.01%)
RaPC: 1 (0.01%)
PhRvE: 1 (0.01%)
hsax: 1 (0.01%)
NJPh: 1 (0.01%)
Atmos: 1 (0.01%)
PhyS: 1 (0.01%)
mfob: 1 (0.01%)
PrPNP: 1 (0.01%)
Geosc: 1 (0.01%)
MEPS: 1 (0.01%)
ARNPS: 1 (0.01%)
NRvEE: 1 (0.01%)
PhyU: 1 (0.01%)
JETPL: 1 (0.01%)
SoSyR: 1 (0.01%)
P&SS: 1 (0.01%)
AeMiS: 1 (0.01%)
bda: 1 (0.01%)
JGRB: 1 (0.01%)
JMPh: 1 (0.01%)
tnss: 1 (0.01%)
ivoa: 1 (0.01%)
JInst: 1 (0.01%)
DivDi: 1 (0.01%)
NSE: 1 (0.01%)
JPCS: 1 (0.01%)
tmc: 1 (0.01%)
LRSP: 1 (0.01%)
AnP: 1 (0.01%)
JPhEn: 1 (0.01%)
JQSRT: 1 (0.01%)
ICHMT: 1 (0.01%)
GReGr: 1 (0.01%)
AnRSA: 1 (0.01%)
JHEP: 1 (0.01%)
Fluid: 1 (0.01%)
BAAA: 1 (0.01%)
hxga: 1 (0.01%)
Prolific authors:
Hogg, David W.: 21 codes credited
Ginsburg, Adam: 21 codes credited
Foreman-Mackey, Daniel: 19 codes credited
Agol, Eric: 18 codes credited
White, Martin: 17 codes credited
Jenness, Tim: 15 codes credited
Lewis, Antony: 14 codes credited
Robitaille, Thomas: 14 codes credited
Bovy, Jo: 13 codes credited
Gammie, Charles F.: 13 codes credited
Most viewed codes:
COSMICS: Cosmological initial conditions and microwave anisotropy codes (ascl:9910.004): 39200 views
kungifu: Calibration and reduction of fiber-fed IFU astronomical spectroscopy (ascl:1407.011): 35004 views
McScatter: Three-Body Scattering with Stellar Evolution (ascl:1201.001): 24371 views
BHSKY: Visual distortions near a black hole (ascl:9910.006): 23990 views
Turbospectrum: Code for spectral synthesis (ascl:1205.004): 21389 views
Starlink: Multi-purpose Astronomy Software (ascl:1110.012): 15729 views
NEMO: A Stellar Dynamics Toolbox (ascl:1010.051): 15727 views
Astropy: Community Python library for astronomy (ascl:1304.002): 15499 views
Rockstar: Phase-space halo finder (ascl:1210.008): 15411 views
MAAT: MATLAB Astronomy and Astrophysics Toolbox (ascl:1407.005): 14730 views
* The scripts to build the information on this page are run twice a week; the date and time of the most recent run is at the top of the page. The percentage of working site links is lowered artificially by links that do not respond to checking and FTP sites the link checker reports as bad but are working.
We use NASA's Astrophysics Data System for journal and citation statistics.