Astrophysics Source Code Library
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Results 751-1000 of 3678 (3581 ASCL, 97 submitted)
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PyDrizzle: Python version of Drizzle
[ascl:1401.006] Common-Resolution Convolution Kernels for Space- and Ground-Based Telescopes
abundance: High Redshift Cluster Abundance
massconvert: Halo Mass Conversion
PPF module for CAMB
sunpy: Python for Solar Physicists
HydraLens: Gravitational lens model generator
Vissage: ALMA VO Desktop Viewer
Glue: Linked data visualizations across multiple files
astroplotlib: Astronomical library of plots
PyVO: Python access to the Virtual Observatory
Aladin Lite: Lightweight sky atlas for browsers
Munipack: General astronomical image processing software
SPLAT: Spectral Analysis Tool
SPLAT-VO: Spectral Analysis Tool for the Virtual Observatory
GalSim: Modular galaxy image simulation toolkit
CPL: Common Pipeline Library
KROME: Chemistry package for astrophysical simulations
QUICKCV: Cosmic variance calculator
CASSIS: Interactive spectrum analysis
ARTIST: Adaptable Radiative Transfer Innovations for Submillimeter Telescopes
BF_dist: Busy Function fitting
FAMA: Fast Automatic MOOG Analysis
UVMULTIFIT: Fitting astronomical radio interferometric data
TARDIS: Temperature And Radiative Diffusion In Supernovae
ANAigm: Analytic model for attenuation by the intergalactic medium
XNS: Axisymmetric equilibrium configuration of neutron stars
PyGFit: Python Galaxy Fitter
DexM: Semi-numerical simulations for very large scales
QuickReduce: Data reduction pipeline for the WIYN One Degree Imager
BAOlab: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations software
athena: Tree code for second-order correlation functions
Darth Fader: Galaxy catalog cleaning method for redshift estimation
Commander 2: Bayesian CMB component separation and analysis
wssa_utils: WSSA 12 micron dust map utilities
P2SAD: Particle Phase Space Average Density
gyrfalcON: N-body code
HALOFIT: Nonlinear distribution of cosmological mass and galaxies
libsharp: Library for spherical harmonic transforms
PyWiFeS: Wide Field Spectrograph data reduction pipeline
MGHalofit: Modified Gravity extension of Halofit
GPU-D: Generating cosmological microlensing magnification maps
pyExtinction: Atmospheric extinction
MLZ: Machine Learning for photo-Z
Lightcone: Light-cone generating script
GRay: Massive parallel ODE integrator
CHIMERA: Core-collapse supernovae simulation code
PC: Unified EOS for neutron stars
SURF: Submm User Reduction Facility
ISAP: ISO Spectral Analysis Package
Inverse Beta: Inverse cumulative density function (CDF) of a Beta distribution
RMHB: Hierarchical Reverberation Mapping
YNOGKM: Time-like geodesics in the Kerr-Newmann Spacetime calculations
BAOlab: Image processing program
T(dust) as a function of sSFR
computePk: Power spectrum computation
Viewpoints: Fast interactive linked plotting of large multivariate data sets
MGE_FIT_SECTORS: Multi-Gaussian Expansion fits to galaxy images
JAM: Jeans Anisotropic MGE modeling method
KINEMETRY: Analysis of 2D maps of kinematic moments of LOSVD
disc2vel: Tangential and radial velocity components derivation
CCDPACK: CCD Data Reduction Package
KAPPA: Kernel Applications Package
ASTERIX: X-ray Data Processing System
GAIA: Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Tool
SLALIB: A Positional Astronomy Library
SOFA: Standards of Fundamental Astronomy
LTS_LINEFIT & LTS_PLANEFIT: LTS fit of lines or planes
ZDCF: Z-Transformed Discrete Correlation Function
SAS: Science Analysis System for XMM-Newton observatory
SER: Subpixel Event Repositioning Algorithms
TORUS: Radiation transport and hydrodynamics code
AMBIG: Automated Ambiguity-Resolution Code
Comet: Multifunction VOEvent broker
carma_pack: MCMC sampler for Bayesian inference
VictoriaReginaModels: Stellar evolutionary tracks
CAP_LOESS_1D & CAP_LOESS_2D: Recover mean trends from noisy data
RegPT: Regularized cosmological power spectrum
WFC3UV_GC: WFC3 UVIS geometric-distortion correction
SpecPro: Astronomical spectra viewer and analyzer
TTVFast: Transit timing inversion
AST: World Coordinate Systems in Astronomy
Spextool: Spectral EXtraction tool
LBLRTM: Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model
TelFit: Fitting the telluric absorption spectrum
The Hammer: An IDL Spectral Typing Suite
Defringeflat: Fringe pattern removal
HIIPHOT: Automated Photometry of H II Regions
PROPER: Optical propagation routines
FORWARD: Forward modeling of coronal observables
TRIPP: Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package
ATV: Image display tool
FLUXES: Position and flux density of planets
DATACUBE: A datacube manipulation package
PISA: Position Intensity and Shape Analysis
PHOTOM: Photometry of digitized images
POLPACK: Imaging polarimetry reduction package
CURSA: Catalog and Table Manipulation Applications
DIPSO: Spectrum analysis code
ESP: Extended Surface Photometry
ECHOMOP: Echelle data reduction package
ASURV: Astronomical SURVival Statistics
PAMELA: Optimal extraction code for long-slit CCD spectroscopy
CoREAS: CORSIKA-based Radio Emission from Air Showers simulator
Autoastrom: Autoastrometry for Mosaics
PERIOD: Time-series analysis package
FROG: Time-series analysis
RV: Radial Components of Observer's Velocity
ASTROM: Basic astrometry program
VADER: Viscous Accretion Disk Evolution Resource
MATCH: A program for matching star lists
TSP: Time-Series/Polarimetry Package
POLMAP: Interactive data analysis package for linear spectropolarimetry
CGS4DR: Automated reduction of data from CGS4
IRAS90: IRAS Data Processing
IRCAMDR: IRCAM3 Data Reduction Software
IUEDR: IUE Data Reduction package
COCO: Conversion of Celestial Coordinates
GAUSSCLUMPS: Gaussian-shaped clumping from a spectral map
JCMTDR: Applications for reducing JCMT continuum data in GSD format
STARMAN: Stellar photometry and image/table handling
The Starfish Diagram: Statistical visualization tool
TWODSPEC: Long-slit and optical fiber array spectra extensions for FIGARO
SPECDRE: Spectroscopy Data Reduction
MCMAC: Monte Carlo Merger Analysis Code
MAAT: MATLAB Astronomy and Astrophysics Toolbox
SAMI: Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field spectrograph pipeline
ASTRORAY: General relativistic polarized radiative transfer code
Exopop: Exoplanet population inference
Period04: Statistical analysis of large astronomical time series
CLE: Coronal line synthesis
kungifu: Calibration and reduction of fiber-fed IFU astronomical spectroscopy
PINGSoft2: Integral Field Spectroscopy Software
VStar: Variable star data visualization and analysis tool
VIDE: The Void IDentification and Examination toolkit
BayesFlare: Bayesian method for detecting stellar flares
Brut: Automatic bubble classifier
e-MERLIN data reduction pipeline
AstroML: Machine learning and data mining in astronomy
EZ_Ages: Stellar population age calculator
Halogen: Multimass spherical structure models for N-body simulations
Imfit: A Fast, Flexible Program for Astronomical Image Fitting
LIA: LWS Interactive Analysis
PIA: ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis
HEAsoft: Unified Release of FTOOLS and XANADU
POET: Planetary Orbital Evolution due to Tides
SPAM: Source Peeling and Atmospheric Modeling
Skycorr: Sky emission subtraction for observations without plain sky information
GALIC: Galaxy initial conditions construction
IIPImage: Large-image visualization
VisiOmatic: Celestial image viewer
GALAPAGOS-C: Galaxy Analysis over Large Areas
LightcurveMC: An extensible lightcurve simulation program
NumCosmo: Numerical Cosmology
pieflag: CASA task to efficiently flag bad data
VPFIT: Voigt profile fitting program
vpguess: Fitting multiple Voigt profiles to spectroscopic data
RDGEN: Routines for data handling, display, and adjusting
CosmoPhotoz: Photometric redshift estimation using generalized linear models
scl: Object-oriented scientific computing library
bamr: Bayesian analysis of mass and radius observations
APS: Active Parameter Searching
PhotoRApToR: PHOTOmetric Research APplication TO Redshifts
WSClean: Widefield interferometric imager
mixT: single-temperature fit for a multi-component thermal plasma
TGFM: Tsyganenko Geomagnetic Field Models
LANL*: Radiation belt drift shell modeling
IFSRED: Data Reduction for Integral Field Spectrographs
IFSFIT: Spectral Fitting for Integral Field Spectrographs
iSpec: Stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances
ORBS: A reduction software for SITELLE and SpiOMM data
CHLOE: A tool for automatic detection of peculiar galaxies
Nahoon: Time-dependent gas-phase chemical model
Slim: Numerical data compression for scientific data sets
rmfit: Forward-folding spectral analysis software
CosmoSIS: Cosmological parameter estimation
IM3SHAPE: Maximum likelihood galaxy shear measurement code for cosmic gravitational lensing
DIAMONDS: high-DImensional And multi-MOdal NesteD Sampling
MEPSA: Multiple Excess Peak Search Algorithm
GIZMO: Multi-method magneto-hydrodynamics+gravity code
UVOTPY: Swift UVOT grism data reduction
RICH: Numerical simulation of compressible hydrodynamics on a moving Voronoi mesh
pyGadgetReader: GADGET snapshot reader for python
pysovo: A library for implementing alerts triggered by VOEvents
voevent-parse: Parse, manipulate, and generate VOEvent XML packets
OPERA: Open-source Pipeline for Espadons Reduction and Analysis
HOPE: Just-in-time Python compiler for astrophysical computations
RC3 mosaicking pipeline: Creating mosaics for the RC3 Catalogue
segueSelect: SDSS/SEGUE selection function modelling
galpy: Galactic dynamics package
iDealCam: Interactive Data Reduction and Analysis for CanariCam
Raga: Monte Carlo simulations of gravitational dynamics of non-spherical stellar systems
PyMGC3: Finding stellar streams in the Galactic Halo using a family of Great Circle Cell counts methods
util_2comp: Planck-based two-component dust model utilities
NEAT: Nebular Empirical Analysis Tool
NAFE: Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Equalization
SPOTROD: Semi-analytic model for transits of spotted stars
Flicker: Mean stellar densities from flicker
ECCSAMPLES: Bayesian Priors for Orbital Eccentricity
GPI Pipeline: Gemini Planet Imager Data Pipeline
Anmap: Image and data analysis
JCMT COADD: UKT14 continuum and photometry data reduction
POSTMORTEM: Visibility data reduction and map making package
Starlink Figaro: Starlink version of the Figaro data reduction software package
NDF: Extensible N-dimensional Data Format Library
CGS3DR: UKIRT CGS3 data reduction software
SPT Lensing Likelihood: South Pole Telescope CMB lensing likelihood code
sic: Sparse Inpainting Code
BKGE: Fermi-LAT Background Estimator
SoFiA: Source Finding Application
Cheetah: Starspot modeling code
UTM: Universal Transit Modeller
DAMIT: Database of Asteroid Models from Inversion Techniques
BRUCE/KYLIE: Pulsating star spectra synthesizer
HMF: Halo Mass Function calculator
PIAO: Python spherIcAl Overdensity code
Hrothgar: MCMC model fitting toolkit
URCHIN: Reverse ray tracer
MMAS: Make Me A Star
TraP: Transients discovery pipeline for image-plane surveys
GeoTOA: Geocentric TOA tools
CRPropa: Numerical tool for the propagation of UHE cosmic rays, gamma-rays and neutrinos
SOPHIA: Simulations Of Photo Hadronic Interactions in Astrophysics
PynPoint: Exoplanet image data analysis
NIGO: Numerical Integrator of Galactic Orbits
python-qucs: Python package for automating QUCS simulations
dst: Polarimeter data destriper
DECA: Decomposition of images of galaxies
PsrPopPy: Pulsar Population Modelling Programs in Python
LP-VIcode: La Plata Variational Indicators Code
Enrico: Python package to simplify Fermi-LAT analysis
BIANCHI: Bianchi VIIh Simulations
PythonPhot: Simple DAOPHOT-type photometry in Python
transfer: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Transfer Infrastructure
Exorings: Exoring modelling software
Molecfit: Telluric absorption correction tool
GalPaK 3D: Galaxy parameters and kinematics extraction from 3D data
Exoplanet: Trans-dimensional MCMC method for exoplanet discovery
Colossus: COsmology, haLO, and large-Scale StrUcture toolS
RH 1.5D: Polarized multi-level radiative transfer with partial frequency distribution
OpenOrb: Open-source asteroid orbit computation software
N-GenIC: Cosmological structure initial conditions
ADAM: All-Data Asteroid Modeling
PARSEC: PARametrized Simulation Engine for Cosmic rays
Montblanc: GPU accelerated Radio Interferometer Measurement Equations in support of Bayesian Inference for Radio Observations
PyBDSF: Python Blob Detection and Source Finder
KAPPA: Optically thin spectra synthesis for non-Maxwellian kappa-distributions
HDS: Hierarchical Data System
nbody6tt: Tidal tensors in N-body simulations
PolyChord: Nested sampling for cosmology
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