Astrophysics Source Code Library
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gdr2_completeness: GaiaDR2 data retrieval and manipulation
Geant4: A Simulation Toolkit for the Passage of Particles through Matter
Gemini IRAF: Data reduction software for the Gemini telescopes
GEMINI: A toolkit for analytical models of two-point correlations and inhomogeneous structure formation
General complex polynomial root solver
GenetIC: Initial conditions generator for cosmological simulations
GENGA: Gravitational ENcounters with Gpu Acceleration
GenPK: Power spectrum generator
Geokerr: Computing Photon Orbits in a Kerr Spacetime
George: Gaussian Process regression
GeoTOA: Geocentric TOA tools
GER: Global Extinction Reduction
GetData: A filesystem-based, column-oriented database format for time-ordered binary data
GetDist: Monte Carlo sample analyzer
getimages: Background derivation and image flattening method
getsf: Multi-scale, multi-wavelength sources and filaments extraction
getsources: Multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction
gevolution: General Relativity Cosmological N-body code for evolution of large scale structures
GGADT: Generalized Geometry Anomalous Diffraction Theory
GGchem: Fast thermo-chemical equilibrium code
GGCHEMPY: Gas-Grain CHEMical code for interstellar medium in Python3
ggm: Gaussian gradient magnitude filtering of astronomical images
GGobi: A data visualization system
GIBIS: Gaia Instrument and Basic Image Simulator
GIDGET: Gravitational Instability-Dominated Galaxy Evolution Tool
GILDAS: Grenoble Image and Line Data Analysis Software
GIM2D: Galaxy IMage 2D
Ginga: Flexible FITS viewer
GIPSY: Groningen Image Processing System
GiRaFFE: General relativistic force-free electrodynamics code
GIST: Galaxy IFU Spectroscopy Tool
GIZMO: Multi-method magneto-hydrodynamics+gravity code
GizmoAnalysis: Read and analyze Gizmo simulations
GLACiAR: GaLAxy survey Completeness AlgoRithm
GLADIS: GLobal Accretion Disk Instability Simulation
glafic: Software Package for Analyzing Gravitational Lensing
GLASS: Cosmological simulations on the sphere
GLASS: Parallel, free-form gravitational lens modeling tool and framework
GLEAM: Galaxy Line Emission and Absorption Modeling
GLEMuR: GPU-based Lagrangian mimEtic Magnetic Relaxation
GLESP 2.0: Gauss-Legendre Sky Pixelization for CMB Analysis
Glimpse: Sparsity based weak lensing mass-mapping tool
glmnet: Lasso and elastic-net regularized generalized linear models
Glnemo2: Interactive Visualization 3D Program
Global Sky Model (GSM): A Model of Diffuse Galactic Radio Emission from 10 MHz to 100 GHz
globalemu: Global (sky-averaged) 21-cm signal emulation
GLoBES: General Long Baseline Experiment Simulator
GLS: Generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram
Glue: Linked data visualizations across multiple files
GMCALab: Generalized Morphological Component Analysis
GMM: Gaussian Mixture Modeling
gnm: The MCMC Jagger
Gnuastro: GNU Astronomy Utilities
GoFish: Molecular line detections in protoplanetary disks
GOSSIP: SED fitting code
gotetra: Cosmic velocity fields tracking through the use of tetrahedra
GOTHIC: Double nuclei galaxy detector
GP2PCF: Brute-force computation of 2-point correlation functions
GPC: General Polygon Clipper library
GPCAL: Instrumental polarization calibration in VLBI data
GPCC: Gaussian process cross-correlation for time delay estimation
gphist: Cosmological expansion history inference using Gaussian processes
gPhoton: Time-tagged GALEX photon events analysis tools
GPI Pipeline: Gemini Planet Imager Data Pipeline
GProtation: Measuring stellar rotation periods with Gaussian processes
GPry: Bayesian inference of expensive likelihoods with Gaussian processes
GPU-D: Generating cosmological microlensing magnification maps
GPUniverse: Quantum fields in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces modeler
GPUVMEM: Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) GPU algorithm for radio astronomical image synthesis
GR1D: Open-Source Code for Spherically-Symmetric Stellar Collapse to Neutron Stars and Black Holes
Grackle: Chemistry and radiative cooling library for astrophysical simulations
GRACOS: Scalable and Load Balanced P3M Cosmological N-body Code
GRAFIC-2: Multiscale Gaussian Random Fields for Cosmological Simulations
GRALE: A genetic algorithm for the non-parametric inversion of strong lensing systems
Gramsci: GRAph Made Statistics for Cosmological Information
GRAND-HOD: GeneRalized ANd Differentiable Halo Occupation Distribution
GRAPUS: GRAvitational instability PopUlation Synthesis
GRASIL: Spectral evolution of stellar systems with dust
GRASP: General-purpose Relativistic Atomic Structure Package
GRASP2K: Relativistic Atomic Structure Package
GRASS: GRanulation and Spectrum Simulator
GraviDy: Gravitational Dynamics
GRAVLENS: Computational Methods for Gravitational Lensing
GravSphere: Jeans modeling code
GRay: Massive parallel ODE integrator
GRBoondi: AMR-based code to evolve generalized Proca fields on arbitrary fixed backgrounds
GRChombo: Numerical relativity simulator
GRDzhadzha: Evolve matter on curved spacetimes
Green Bank Observatory Gridder
GRFolres: Extension to GRChombo for modified gravity simulations
GrGadget: Evolve metric perturbations in the weak field limit
GRID-core: Gravitational Potential Identification of Cores
GRIM: General Relativistic Implicit Magnetohydrodynamics
GRINN: Gravity Informed Neural Network for studying hydrodynamical systems
GriSPy: Fixed-radius nearest neighbors grid search in Python
GRIT: Gravitational Rigid-body InTegrators for simulating coupled dynamics
Grizli: Grism redshift and line analysis software
GRIZZLY: 1D radiative transfer code
grmonty: Relativistic radiative transport Monte Carlo code
growl: Growth factor and growth rate of expanding universes
grtrans: Polarized general relativistic radiative transfer via ray tracing
GRUMPY: Galaxy formation with RegUlator Model in PYthon
GSD: Global Section Datafile access library
gsf: galactic structure finder
gsf: Grism SED Fitting package
GSGS: In-Focus Phase Retrieval Using Non-Redundant Mask Data
GSpec: Gamma-ray Burst Monitor analyzer
GSSP: Grid Search in Stellar Parameters
GStokes: Magnetic field structure and line profiles calculator
Guacho: 3D uniform mesh parallel HD/MHD code for astrophysics
GUBAS: General Use Binary Asteroid Simulator
gw_pta_emulator: Gravitational Waves via Pulsar Timing Arrays
GWDALI: Gravitational wave parameter estimation
gwdet: Detectability of gravitational-wave signals from compact binary coalescences
GWecc: Calculator for pulsar timing array signals due to eccentric supermassive binaries
GWFAST: Fisher information matrix python package for gravitational-wave detectors
GWFrames: Manipulate gravitational waveforms
GWpy: Python package for studying data from gravitational-wave detectors
GWSim: Mock gravitational waves event generator
GWSurrogate: Gravitational wave surrogate models
GWToolbox: Gravitational wave observation simulator
Gyoto: General relativitY Orbit Tracer of Observatoire de Paris
GYRE: Stellar oscillation code
gyrfalcON: N-body code
gyrointerp: Gyrochronology via interpolation of open cluster rotation sequences
H-FISTA: Phase retrieval for pulsar spectroscopy
HADES: Hexadecapolar Analysis for Dust Estimation in Simulations (of CMB B-mode thermal dust emission)
HAFFET: Supernovae photometric and spectroscopic data analyzer
HaloAnalysis: Read and analyze halo catalogs and merger trees
HALOFIT: Nonlinear distribution of cosmological mass and galaxies
Halofitting codes for DGP and Degravitation
HaloFlow: Simulation-Based Inference (SBI) using forward modeled galaxy photometry
HALOGEN: Approximate synthetic halo catalog generator
HaloGen: Modular halo model code
Halogen: Multimass spherical structure models for N-body simulations
HaloGraphNet: Predict halo masses from simulations
halomod: Flexible interface for the halo model of dark matter halos
Halotools: Galaxy-Halo connection models
HAM2D: 2D Shearing Box Model
Hammurabi: Simulating polarized Galactic synchrotron emission
hankl: Python implementation of the FFTLog algorithm for cosmology
HAOS-DIPER: HAO Spectral Diagnostic Package For Emitted Radiation
hardCORE: Exoplanet core radius fractions calculator
HARM: A Numerical Scheme for General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics
Harmonia: Hybrid-basis inference for large-scale galaxy clustering
Harmonic: Learnt harmonic mean estimator
Harmony: Synchrotron Emission Coefficients
HARMPI: 3D massively parallel general relativictic MHD code
HawkingNet: Finding Hawking points in the Cosmic Microwave Background
HAYASHI: Halo-level AnalYsis of the Absorption Signal in HI
HAZEL: HAnle and ZEeman Light
Hazma: Compute indirect detection constraints on sub-GeV dark matter
HBT: Hierarchical Bound-Tracing
HBT+: Subhalo finder and merger tree builder
HCGrid: Mapping non-uniform radio astronomy data onto a uniformly distributed grid
HDMSpectra: Dark Matter Spectra from the electroweak to the Planck scale
HDS: Hierarchical Data System
HEADSS: HiErArchical Data Splitting and Stitching for non-distributed clustering algorithms
HEALPix: Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization of a sphere
Healpix.jl: Julia-only port of the HEALPix library
healpy: Python wrapper for HEALPix
healvis: Radio interferometric visibility simulator based on HEALpix maps
HEARSAY: Simulations for the probability of alien contact
HEAsoft: Unified Release of FTOOLS and XANADU
HEATCVB: Coronal heating rate approximations
HeatingRate: Radioactive heating rate and macronova (kilonova) light curve
Heimdall: GPU accelerated transient detection pipeline for radio astronomy
HELA: Random Forest retrieval for exoplanet atmospheres
HelioPy: Heliospheric and planetary physics library
HELIOS-K: Opacity Calculator for Radiative Transfer
Helios-r2: Bayesian nested-sampling retrieval code
HELIOS: Radiative transfer code for exoplanetary atmospheres
HENDRICS: High ENergy Data Reduction Interface from the Command Shell
hera_opm: The HERA Online Processing Module
HERACLES: 3D Hydrodynamical Code to Simulate Astrophysical Fluid Flows
Herculens: Differentiable gravitational lensing
HERMES: High-Energy Radiative MESsengers
hfof: Friends-of-Friends via spatial hashing
hfs_fit: Atomic emission spectral line hyperfine structure fitting
HfS: Hyperfine Structure fitting tool
hh0: Hierarchical Hubble Constant Inference
HHTpywrapper: Python Wrapper for Hilbert–Huang Transform MATLAB Package
hi_class: Horndeski in the Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System
Hi-COLA: Cosmological large-scale structure simulator for Horndeski theories
HIBAYES: Global 21-cm Bayesian Monte-Carlo Model Fitting
HIDE: HI Data Emulator
hierArc: Hierarchical analysis of strong gravitational lenses
HiFLEx: Echelle data reduction pipeline
HiGal_SED_Fitter: SED fitting tools for Herschel Hi-Gal data
HiGPUs: Hermite's N-body integrator running on Graphic Processing Units
HII-CHI-mistry_UV: Oxygen abundance and ionizionation parameters for ultraviolet emission lines
HII-CHI-mistry: Oxygen abundance and ionizionation parameters for optical emission lines
HIIexplorer: Detect and extract integrated spectra of HII regions
HIIPHOT: Automated Photometry of H II Regions
Hilal-Obs: Authentication agorithm for new moon visibility report
HilalPy: Analysis tool for lunar crescent visibility criterion
HiLLiPoP: High-L Likelihood Polarized for Planck
HIPE: Herschel Interactive Processing Environment
hipipe: VLT/HiRISE reduction pipeline
HIPP: HIgh-Performance Package for scientific computation
HIPSTER: HIgh-k Power Spectrum EstimatoR
HISS: HI spectra stacker
Hitomi: Cosmological analysis of anisotropic galaxy distributions
HLattice: Scalar fields and gravity simulator for the early universe
HLINOP: Hydrogen LINe OPacity in stellar atmospheres
HMcode: Halo-model matter power spectrum computation
HMF: Halo Mass Function calculator
HNBody: Hierarchical N-Body Symplectic Integration Package
HO-CHUNK: Radiation Transfer code
HOCHUNK3D: Dust radiative transfer in 3D
HoloSim-ML: Analyzing radio holography measurements of complex optical systems
HOMER: A Bayesian inverse modeling code
HOP: A Group-finding Algorithm for N-body Simulations
HOPE: Just-in-time Python compiler for astrophysical computations
HOPS: Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System
HorizonGRound: Relativistic effects in ultra-large-scale clustering
HOTPANTS: High Order Transform of PSF ANd Template Subtraction
HOURS: Simulation and analysis software for the KM3NeT
HRK: HII Region Kinematics
HRM: HII Region Models
Hrothgar: MCMC model fitting toolkit
HSIM: HARMONI simulation pipeline
HSS: The Hough Stream Spotter
HSTCosmicrays: Analyzing cosmic rays in HST calibration data
HTOF: Astrometric solutions for Hipparcos and Gaia intermediate data
HUAYNO: Hierarchically split-Up AstrophYsical N-body sOlver N-body code
HumVI: Human Viewable Image creation
Hydra: A Parallel Adaptive Grid Code
HydraLens: Gravitational lens model generator
HydroCode1D: 1D finite volume code
Hyper-Fit: Fitting routines for multidimensional data with multivariate Gaussian uncertainties
hyperas: Keras + Hyperopt
Hyperion: Parallelized 3D Dust Continuum Radiative Transfer Code
Hyperopt: Distributed asynchronous hyper-parameter optimization
Hyperz: Photometric Redshift Code
HyPhy: Hydrodynamical Physics via Deep Generative Painting
HyRec: A Fast and Highly Accurate Primordial Hydrogen and Helium Recombination Code
i-SPin: Multicomponent Schrodinger-Poisson systems with self-interactions
IAS Stacking Library in IDL
Icarus: Stellar binary light curve synthesis tool
ICICLE: Initial Conditions for Isolated CoLlisionless systEms
ICORE: Image Co-addition with Optional Resolution Enhancement
ICOSAHEDRON: A package for pixelizing the sphere
iCosmo: An Interactive Cosmology Package
ICPertFLRW: Cactus Code thorn for initial conditions
ICSF: Intensity Conserving Spectral Fitting
iDealCam: Interactive Data Reduction and Analysis for CanariCam
IDEFIX: Astrophysical fluid dynamics
Identikit 1: A Modeling Tool for Interacting Disk Galaxies
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