Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:2011.028] CWITools: Tools for Cosmic Web Imager data

CWITools analyzes integral field spectroscopy data from the Palomar and Keck Cosmic Web Imagers, and can be adapted for any three-dimensional integral field spectroscopy data. The package is modular, allowing users to construct data analysis pipelines to suit their own scientific needs, and includes tools for reducing data cubes, extracting a target signal, making emission maps, spectra, and other products. It also fits emission line and radial profiles and obtains final scalar quantities such as size and luminosity, among other tasks. It also contains helper functions that can, for example, obtain the wavelength axis from a 3D header, and create an auto-populated list of nebular emission lines or sky lines.

[ascl:2301.020] VDA: Void Dwarf Analyzer

void-dwarf-analysis analyzes Keck Cosmic Web Imager datacubes to produce maps of kinematic properties (velocity and velocity dispersion), emission line fluxes, and gas-phase metallicities of void dwarf galaxies.

[ascl:2404.003] KCWIKit: KCWI Post-Processing and Improvements

KCWIKit extends the official KCWI DRP (ascl:2301.019) with a variety of stacking tools and DRP improvements. The software offers masking and median filtering scripts to be used while running the KCWI DRP, and a step-by-step KCWI_DRP implementation for finer control over the reduction process. Once the DRP has finished, KCWIKit can be used to stack the output cubes via the Montage package. Various functions cross-correlate and mosaic the constituent cubes and the final stacked cubes are WCS corrected. Helper functions can then be used to deproject the stacked cube into lower-dimensional representations should the user desire.