Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1910.003] a3cosmos-gas-evolution: Galaxy cold molecular gas evolution functions

a3cosmos-gas-evolution calculates galaxies' cold molecular gas properties using gas scaling functions derived from the A3COSMOS project. By known galaxies' redshifts or cosmic age, stellar masses, and star formation enhancement to galaxies' star-forming main sequence (Delta MS), the gas scaling functions predict their stellar mass ratio (gas fraction) and gas depletion time.

[ascl:2005.002] michi2: SED and SLED fitting tool

michi2 fits combinations of arbitrary numbers of libraries/components to a given observational data. Written in C++ and Python, this chi-square fitting tool can fit a galaxy's spectral energy distribution (SED) with stellar, active galactic nuclear, dust and radio SED templates, and fit a galaxy's spectral line energy distribution (SLED) with one or more gas components using radiative transfer LVG model grid libraries.

michi2 first samples the high-dimensional parameter space (N1*N2*N3*..., where N is the number of independent templates in each library, and 1/2/3 is the ID of components) in an optimized way for a few thousand or tens of thousand times to compute the chi-square to the input observational data, then uses Python scripts to analyze the chi-square distribution and derive the best-fit, median, lower and higher 1-sigma values for each parameter in each library/component. This tool is useful for fitting larger number of templates and arbitrary combinations of libraries/components, including some constraining of one library/component onto another.

[ascl:2105.020] PAP: PHANGS-ALMA pipeline

The PHANGS-ALMA pipeline process data from radio interferometer observations. It uses CASA (ascl:1107.013), AstroPy (ascl:1304.002), and other affiliated packages to process data from calibrated visibilities to science-ready spectral cubes and maps. The PHANGS-ALMA pipeline offers a flexible alternative to the scriptForImaging script distributed by ALMA. The pipeline runs in two separate software environments: CASA 5.6 or 5.7 (staging, imaging and post-processing) and Python 3.6 or later (derived products) with modern versions of several packages.

[ascl:2409.007] Stardust: Composite template fitting software

Stardust extracts galaxy properties by fitting their multiwavelength data to a set of linearly combined templates. This Python package brings three different families of templates together: 1.) UV+Optical emission from dust unobscured stellar light; 2.) AGN heated dust in the MIR; and 3.) IR dust reprocessed stellar light in the NIR-FIR. Stardust's template fitting does not rely on energy balance. As a result, the total luminosity of dust obscured and dust unobscured stellar light do not rely on each other, and it is possible to fit objects such as SMGs where the energy balance approach might not be applicable.