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Results 3573-7144 of 3594 (3502 ASCL, 92 submitted)

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[ascl:2409.001] DarsakX: X-ray telescope design and imaging performance analyzer

Written in Python, DarsakX is used to design and analyze the imaging performance of a multi-shell X-ray telescope with an optical configuration similar to Wolter-1 optics for astronomical purposes. It can also assess the impact of figure error on the telescope's imaging performance and optimize the optical design to improve angular resolution for wide-field telescopes. By default, DarsakX uses DarpanX (ascl:2101.015) to calculate the mirror's reflectivity.

[ascl:2409.002] UltraDark: Cosmological scalar fields simulator

UltraDark.jl simulates cosmological scalar fields. Written in Julia, it is inspired by PyUltraLight (ascl:1810.009) and designed to be simple to use and extend. It solves a non-interacting scalar field Gross-Pitaevskii equation coupled to Poisson's equation for gravitational potential. The scalar field describes scalar dark matter in models including ultralight dark matter, fuzzy dark matter, axion-like particles and the like. It also describes an inflaton field in the reheating epoch of the early universe.

[ascl:2409.003] SUSHI: Semi-blind Unmixing with Sparsity for Hyperspectral Images

SUSHI (Semi-blind Unmixing with Sparsity for hyperspectral images) performs non-stationary unmixing of hyperspectral images. The typical use case is to map the physical parameters such as temperature and redshift from a model with multiple components using data from hyperspectral images. Applying a spatial regularization provides more robust results on voxels with low signal to noise ratio. The code has been used on X-ray astronomy but the method can be applied to any integral field unit (IFU) data cubes.

[ascl:2409.004] FGCluster: ForeGround Clustering

FGCluster runs spectral clustering onto Healpix maps for parametric foreground removal, using a map encoding the feature to cluster as inputs. Pixel similarity is given by the geometrical affinity of each pixel in the sphere. FGCluster can also take an uncertainty map as an input, in which case the adjacency is modified in such a way that the pixel similarity accounts also for the statistical significance given by the pixel values in a map and the uncertainties.

[ascl:2409.005] MCMole3D: Statistical model for galactic molecular clouds

MCMole3D (Monte-Carlo MOlecular Line Emission) simulates the 3D molecular cloud emission in the Milky Way. In particular, it can simulate both the unpolarized and polarized emission coming from the first rotational line of Carbon Monoxide (CO, J=1-0). MCMole3D seeks to compare the simulated emission with that observed by full sky surveys from the Planck satellite.

[ascl:2409.006] PICASSO: Inpainter for point-sources for synchrotron and dust polarization

PICASSO (Python Inpainter for Cosmological and AStrophysical SOurces) provides a suite of inpainting methodologies to reconstruct holes on images (128x128 pixels) extracted from a HEALPIX map. Three inpainting techniques are included; these are divided into two main groups: diffusive-based methods (Nearest-Neighbors), and learning-based methods that rely on training DCNNs to fill the missing pixels with the predictions learned from a training data-set (Deep-Prior and Generative Adversarial Networks). PICASSO also provides scripts for projecting from full sky HEALPIX maps to flat thumbnails images, performing inpainting on GPUs and parallel inpainting on multiple processes, and for projecting from flat images to HEALPIX. Pretrained models are also included.

[ascl:2409.007] Stardust: Composite template fitting software

Stardust extracts galaxy properties by fitting their multiwavelength data to a set of linearly combined templates. This Python package brings three different families of templates together: 1.) UV+Optical emission from dust unobscured stellar light; 2.) AGN heated dust in the MIR; and 3.) IR dust reprocessed stellar light in the NIR-FIR. Stardust's template fitting does not rely on energy balance. As a result, the total luminosity of dust obscured and dust unobscured stellar light do not rely on each other, and it is possible to fit objects such as SMGs where the energy balance approach might not be applicable.

[ascl:2409.008] cloudyfsps: Python interface between FSPS and Cloudy

cloudyfsps is a Python interface between FSPS (ascl:1010.043) and Cloudy (ascl:9910.001). It compiles FSPS models for use as ionizing sources (Stellar SED grids) within Cloudy and generates Cloudy input files, single-parameter or grids of parameters. It runs Cloudy models in parallel and formats the output, which is nebular continuum and nebular line emission, for FSPS input and for explorative manipulation and plotting within Python. cloudyfsps includes pre-packaged plots for BPT diagrams (NII, SII, OI, OII) with observed data from HII regions and SDSS galaxies, and also provides comparisons with MAPPINGS III (ascl:1306.008) models.

[ascl:2409.009] resonances: Mean-motion resonances in Solar system and other planetary systems identifier

resonances identifies mean-motion resonances of small bodies. It uses the REBOUND integrator (ascl:1110.016) and automatically identifies two-body and three-body mean-motion resonance in the Solar system. The package can be used for other possible planetary systems, including exoplanets. resonances accurately differentiates different types of resonances (pure, transient, uncertain) and provides an interface for mass tasks, such as finding resonant areas in a planetary system. The software can also plot time series and periodograms.

[ascl:2409.010] BeyonCE: Beyond Common Eclipsers

BeyonCE (Beyond Common Eclipsers) explores the large parameter space of eclipsing disc systems. The fitting code reduces the parameter space encompassed by the transit of circumsecondary disc (CSD) systems with azimuthally symmetric, non-uniform optical-depth profiles to constrain the size and orientation of discs with a complex sub-structure. BeyonCE does this by rejecting disc geometries that do not reproduce the measured gradients within their light curves.

[ascl:2409.011] ClassiPyGRB: Swift/BAT GRB visualizer and classifier

ClassiPyGRB downloads, processes, visualizes, and classifies GRBs in the Swift/BAT database. Users can query light curves for any GRB and use tools to preprocess the data, including noise/duration reduction and interpolation. The package provides a set of facilities and tutorials for classifying GRBs based on their light curves using a method based on a dimensionality reduction of the data using t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (TSNE); results are visualized using a Graphical User Interface (GUI). ClassiPyGRB also plots and animates the results of the TSNE analysis for a deeper hyperparameter grid search.

[ascl:2409.012] AMReX: Software framework for block structured AMR

The software framework AMReX is designed for building massively parallel block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) applications. Key features of AMReX include C++ and Fortran interfaces; 1-, 2- and 3-D support; and support for cell-centered, face-centered, edge-centered, and nodal data. The framework also supports hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic solves on hierarchical adaptive grid structure, optional subcycling in time for time-dependent PDEs, and parallelization via flat MPI, OpenMP, hybrid MPI/OpenMP, or MPI/MPI, and parallel I/O. AMReX supports the plotfile format with AmrVis, VisIt (ascl:1103.007), ParaView (ascl:1103.014), and yt (ascl:1011.022).

[ascl:2409.013] planetMagFields: Routines to plot magnetic fields of planets in our solar system

planetMagFields accesses and analyzes information about magnetic fields of planets in our solar system and visualizes them in both 2D and 3D. The code provides access to properties of a planet, such as dipole tilt, Gauss coefficients, and computed radial magnetic field at surface, and has methods to plot the field and write a vts file for 3D visualization. planetMagFields can be used to produce both 2D and 3D visualizations of a planetary field; it also provides the option of potential extrapolation.

[ascl:2409.014] symbolic_pofk: Precise symbolic emulators of the linear and nonlinear matter power spectrum

symbolic_pofk provides simple Python functions and a Fortran90 routine for precise symbolic emulations of the linear and non-linear matter power spectra and for the conversion σ 8 ↔ A s as a function of cosmology. These can be easily copied, pasted, and modified to other languages. Outside of a tested k range, the fit includes baryons by default; however, this can be switched off.

[ascl:2409.015] GASTLI: GAS gianT modeL for Interiors

GASTLI (GAS gianT modeL for Interiors) calculates the interior structure models for gas giants exoplanets. The code computes mass-radius curves, thermal evolution curves, and interior composition retrievals to fit a interior structure model to your mass, radius, age, and if available, atmospheric metallicity data. GASTLI can also plot the results, including internal and atmospheric profiles, a pressure-temperature diagram, mass-radius relations, and thermal evolution curves.

[ascl:2409.016] PyExoCross: Molecular line lists post-processor

PyExoCross, a Python adaptation of ExoCross (ascl:1803.014), post-processes molecular line lists generated by ExoMol, HITRAN, and HITEMP and other similar initiatives. It generates absorption and emission spectra and other properties, including partition functions, specific heats, and cooling functions, based on molecular line lists. The code also calculates cross sections with four line profiles: Doppler, Gaussian, Lorentzian, and Voigt. PyExoCross can convert data format between ExoMol and HITRAN, and supports importing and exporting line lists in the ExoMol and HITRAN/HITEMP formats.

[ascl:2409.017] WISE2MBH: Mass of supermassive black holes estimator

WISE2MBH uses infrared cataloged data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) to estimate the mass of supermassive black holes (SMBH). It implements a Monte Carlo approach for error propagation, considering mean photometric errors from WISE magnitudes, errors in fits of scaling relations used and scatter of those relations, if available.

[ascl:2409.018] PySR: High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia

PySR performs Symbolic Regression; it uses machine learning to find an interpretable symbolic expression that optimizes some objective. Over a period of several years, PySR has been engineered from the ground up to be (1) as high-performance as possible, (2) as configurable as possible, and (3) easy to use. PySR is developed alongside the Julia library SymbolicRegression.jl, which forms the powerful search engine of PySR. Symbolic regression works best on low-dimensional datasets, but one can also extend these approaches to higher-dimensional spaces by using "Symbolic Distillation" of Neural Networks. Here, one essentially uses symbolic regression to convert a neural net to an analytic equation. Thus, these tools simultaneously present an explicit and powerful way to interpret deep neural networks.

[ascl:2409.019] Padé: Protoplanetary disk turbulence simulator

Padé simulates protoplanetary disk hydrodynamics in cylindrical coordinates. Written in Fortran90, it is a finite-difference code and the compact 4th-order standard Padé scheme is used for spatial differencing. Padé differentiation is known to have spectral-like resolving power. The z direction can be periodic or non-periodic. The 4th order Runge-Kutta is used for time advancement. Padé implements a version of the FARGO technique to eliminate the time-step restriction imposed by Keplerian advection, and capturing of shocks that are not too strong can be done by using artificial bulk viscosity.

[ascl:2409.020] pyRRG: Weak lensing shape measurement code

pyRRG measures the 2nd and 4th order moments using a TinyTim model to correct for PSF distortions. The code is invariant to the number exposures and orientation of the drizzle images. pyRRG uses a machine learning algorithm to automatically classify stars and galaxies; this can also be done manually if greater accuracy is needed.

[ascl:2410.001] GalCraft: Building integral-field spectrograph data cubes of the Milky Way

GalCraft creates mock integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) observations of the Milky Way and other hydrodynamical/N-body simulations. It conducts all the procedures from inputting data and spectral templates to the output of IFS data cubes in FITS format. The produced mock data cubes can be analyzed in the same way as real IFS observations by many methods, particularly codes like Voronoi binning (ascl:1211.006), pPXF (ascl:1210.002), line-strength indices, or a combination of them (e.g., the GIST pipeline, ascl:1907.025). The code is implemented using Python-native parallelization. GalCraft will be particularly useful for directly comparing the Milky Way with other MW-like galaxies in terms of kinematics and stellar population parameters and ultimately linking the Galactic and extragalactic to study galaxy evolution.

[submitted] vortex-p: a Helmholtz-Hodge and Reynolds decomposition algorithm for particle-based simulations

Astrophysical turbulent flows display an intrinsically multi-scale nature, making their numerical simulation and the subsequent analyses of simulated data a complex problem. In particular, two fundamental steps in the study of turbulent velocity fields are the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition (compressive+solenoidal; HHD) and the Reynolds decomposition (bulk+turbulent; RD). These problems are relatively simple to perform numerically for uniformly-sampled data, such as the one emerging from Eulerian, fix-grid simulations; but their computation is remarkably more complex in the case of non-uniformly sampled data, such as the one stemming from particle-based or meshless simulations. In this paper, we describe, implement and test vortex-p, a publicly available tool evolved from the vortex code, to perform both these decompositions upon the velocity fields of particle-based simulations, either from smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), moving-mesh or meshless codes. The algorithm relies on the creation of an ad-hoc adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) set of grids, on which the input velocity field is represented. HHD is then addressed by means of elliptic solvers, while for the RD we adapt an iterative, multi-scale filter. We perform a series of idealised tests to assess the accuracy, convergence and scaling of the code. Finally, we present some applications of the code to various SPH and meshless finite-mass (MFM) simulations of galaxy clusters performed with OpenGadget3, with different resolutions and physics, to showcase the capabilities of the code.


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