Astrophysics Source Code Library

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Results 751-1000 of 3678 (3581 ASCL, 97 submitted)

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[ascl:1909.003] SecularMultiple: Hierarchical multiple system secular evolution model

SecularMultiple computes the secular (orbit-averaged) gravitational dynamics of hierarchical multiple systems composed of nested binary orbits (simplex-type systems) with any configuration and any number of bodies. A particle can represent a binary or a body. The structure of the system is determined by linking to other particles with the attributes child1 and child2, and tidal interactions and relativistic corrections are included in an ad hoc fashion. SecularMultiple also includes routines for external perturbations such as flybys and supernovae.

[ascl:1101.001] Second-order Tight-coupling Code

Prior to recombination photons, electrons, and atomic nuclei rapidly scattered and behaved, almost, like a single tightly-coupled photon-baryon plasma. In order to solve the cosmological perturbation equations during that time, Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) codes use the so-called tight-coupling approximation in which the problematic terms (i.e. the source of the stiffness) are expanded in inverse powers of the Thomson Opacity. Most codes only keep the terms linear in the inverse Thomson Opacity. We have developed a second-order tight-coupling code to test the validity of the usual first-order tight-coupling code. It is based on the publicly available code CAMB.

[ascl:1201.003] SeBa: Stellar and binary evolution

SeBa is the stellar and binary evolution module, fully integrated into the kira N-body integrator, for Starlab (ascl:1010.076), although it can also be used as a stand-alone module for non-dynamical applications. Due to the interaction between stellar evolution and stellar dynamics, it is difficult to solve for the evolution of both systems in a completely self-consistent way. The trajectories of stars are computed using a block timestep scheme, as described earlier. Stellar and binary evolution is updated at fixed intervals (every 1/64 of a crossing time, typically a few thousand years). Any feedback between the two systems may thus experience a delay of at most one timestep. Internal evolution time steps may differ for each star and binary, and depend on binary period, perturbations due to neighbors, and the evolutionary state of the star. Time steps in this treatment vary from several milliseconds up to (at most) a million years.

[ascl:1210.012] SearchCal: The JMMC Evolutive Search Calibrator Tool

SearchCal builds an evolutive catalog of stars suitable as calibrators within any given user-defined angular distance and magnitude around a scientific target. SearchCal can select suitable bright calibration stars (V ≤ 10; K ≤ 5.0) for obtaining the ultimate precision of current interferometric instruments like the VLTI and faint calibration stars up to K ~ 15 around the scientific target. Star catalogs available at the CDS are searched via web requests and provide the useful astrometric and photometric informations for selecting calibrators. The missing photometries are computed with an accuracy of about 0.1 mag. The stellar angular diameter is estimated with a precision of about 10% through newly determined surface-brightness versus color-index relations based on the I, J, H and K magnitudes. For each star the squared visibility is computed taking into account the central wavelength and the maximum baseline of the predicted observations.

[ascl:2012.015] seaborn: Statistical data visualization

Seaborn provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics. Written in Python, it builds on matplotlib and integrates closely with pandas data structures. Its plotting functions operate on dataframes and arrays containing whole datasets and internally perform the necessary semantic mapping and statistical aggregation to produce informative plots. Its dataset-oriented, declarative API allows the user to focus on what the different elements of the plots mean, rather than on the details of how to draw them.

[submitted] SDSS Dual Active Nuclei Galaxy Detection Pipeline

Dual Active Nuclei Galaxies (DAGNs) are rare occurrences in the sky. Until now, most AGNs have been described to be found serendipitously, or by manual observation. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in such dual AGNs and their astrophysical properties. Their study is important to the understanding of galaxy formation, star formation and these objects are the precursors to Gravitational Wave Sources.

Hence, we have devised a pipeline, that along with systematic data collection, can detect such dual AGN candidates. A novel algorithm 'Graph-Boosted Gradient Ascent' has been devised to detect whether an R-band image of a galaxy is a potential candidate for a DAGN or not. The pipeline can be cloned to a user's machine, and by joining the AstrIRG_DAGN group on SciServer, astronomers can collectively contribute to the mining of DAGNs.

[ascl:2408.001] SDR: Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction

Sharpened dimensionality reduction (SDR) sharpens original data before dimensionality reduction to create visually segregrated sample clusters. user-guided labeling. Each distinct cluster can then be labeled and used to further analyze an otherwise unlabeled data set. Written in C++, SDR scales well with large high-dimensional data.

[ascl:2002.001] SDAR: Slow-Down Algorithmic Regularization code for solving few-body problems

SDAR (Slow-Down Algorithmic Regularization) simulates the long-term evolution of few-body systems such as binaries and triples. The algorithm used provides a few orders of magnitude faster performance than the classical N-body method. The secular evolution of hierarchical systems, e.g. Kozai-Lidov oscillation, can be well reproduced. The code is written in the C++ language and can be used either as a stand-alone tool or a library to be plugged in other N-body codes. The high precision of the floating point to 62 digits is also supported.

[ascl:2202.018] Sculptor: Interactive modeling of astronomical spectra

Sculptor manipulates, models and analyzes spectroscopic data; the code facilitates reproducible scientific results and easy to inspect model fits. A built-in graphical user interface around LMFIT (ascl:1606.014) offers interactive control to set up and combine multiple spectral models to fully fit the spectrum of choice. Alternatively, all core functionality can be scripted to facilitate the design of spectral fitting and analysis pipelines.

[ascl:2204.013] SCRIPT: Semi-numerical Code for ReIonization with PhoTon-conservation

SCRIPT (Semi-numerical Code for ReIonization with PhoTon-conservation) generates the ionization field during the epoch of cosmological reionization using a photon-conserving algorithm. The code depends on density and velocity files obtained using a N-body simulation, which can be generated with a 2LPT code such as MUSIC (ascl:1311.011).

[ascl:2303.011] Scri: Manipulate time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics

Scri manipulates time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics. It implements the BMS transformations of the most common gravitational waveforms, including the Newman-Penrose quantity ψ4, the Bondi news function, the shear spin coefficient σ, and the transverse-traceless metric perturbation h, as well as the remaining Newman-Penrose quantities ψ0 through ψ3.

[ascl:2003.004] scousepy: Semi-automated multi-COmponent Universal Spectral-line fitting Engine

scousepy is a Python implementation of spectral line-fitting IDL code SCOUSE (ascl:1601.003). It fits a large amount of complex astronomical spectral line data in a systematic way.

[ascl:1601.003] SCOUSE: Semi-automated multi-COmponent Universal Spectral-line fitting Engine

The Semi-automated multi-COmponent Universal Spectral-line fitting Engine (SCOUSE) is a spectral line fitting algorithm that fits Gaussian files to spectral line emission. It identifies the spatial area over which to fit the data and generates a grid of spectral averaging areas (SAAs). The spatially averaged spectra are fitted according to user-provided tolerance levels, and the best fit is selected using the Akaike Information Criterion, which weights the chisq of a best-fitting solution according to the number of free-parameters. A more detailed inspection of the spectra can be performed to improve the fit through an iterative process, after which SCOUSE integrates the new solutions into the solution file.

[ascl:2112.003] SCORPIO: Sky COllector of galaxy Pairs and Image Output

The Python package SCORPIO retrieves images and associated data of galaxy pairs based on their position, facilitating visual analysis and data collation of multiple archetypal systems. The code ingests information from SDSS, 2MASS and WISE surveys based on the available bands and is designed for studies of galaxy pairs as natural laboratories of multiple astrophysical phenomena for, among other things, tidal force deformation of galaxies, pressure gradient induced star formation regions, and morphological transformation.

[ascl:2209.005] SCORE: Shape COnstraint REstoration

The Shape COnstraint REstoration algorithm (SCORE) is a proximal algorithm based on sparsity and shape constraints to restore images. Its main purpose is to restore images while preserving their shape information. It can, for example, denoise a galaxy image by instanciating SCORE and using its denoise method and then visualize the results, and can deconvolve multiple images with different parameter values.

[submitted] ScopeSim Templates

Templates and helper functions for creating on-sky Source description objects for the ScopeSim instrument data simulation engine.

[submitted] ScopeSim Instrument Reference Database

A reference database for astronomical instrument and telescope characteristics for all types of visual and infrared systems. Instrument packages are used in conjunction with the ScopeSim instrument data simulator.

[submitted] ScopeSim

An attempt at creating a common pythonic framework for visual and infrared telescope instrument data simulators.

[ascl:2306.013] SCONCE-SCMS: Spherical and conic cosmic web finders with extended SCMS algorithms

SCONCE-SCMS detects cosmic web structures, primarily cosmic filaments and the associated cosmic nodes, from a collection of discrete observations with the extended subspace constrained mean shift (SCMS) algorithms on the unit (hyper)sphere (in most cases, the 2D (RA,DEC) celestial sphere), and the directional-linear products space (most commonly, the 3D (RA,DEC,redshift) light cone).

The subspace constrained mean shift (SCMS) algorithm is a gradient ascent typed method dealing with the estimation of local principal curves, more widely known as density ridges. The one-dimensional density ridge traces over the curves where observational data are highly concentrated and thus serves as a natural model for cosmic filaments in our Universe. Modeling cosmic filaments as density ridges enables efficient estimation by the kernel density estimator (KDE) and the subsequent SCMS algorithm in a statistically consistent way. While the standard SCMS algorithm can identify the density ridges in any "flat" Euclidean space, it exhibits large bias in estimating the density ridges on the data space with a non-linear curvature. The extended SCMS algorithms used in SCONCE-SCMS are adaptive to the spherical and conic geometries and resolve the estimation bias of the standard SCMS algorithm on a 2D (RA,DEC) celestial sphere or 3D (RA,DEC,redshift) light cone.

[ascl:2011.019] Scintools: Pulsar scintillation data tools

SCINTOOLS (SCINtillation TOOLS) simulates and analyzes pulsar scintillation data. The code can be used for processing observed dynamic spectra, computing secondary spectra and ACFs, measuring scintillation arcs, simulating dynamic spectra, and modeling pulsar transverse velocities through scintillation arcs or diffractive timescales.

[ascl:1609.006] SCIMES: Spectral Clustering for Interstellar Molecular Emission Segmentation

SCIMES identifies relevant molecular gas structures within dendrograms of emission using the spectral clustering paradigm. It is useful for decomposing objects in complex environments imaged at high resolution.

[ascl:1311.001] SciDB: Open Source DMAS for Scientific Research

SciDB is a DMAS (Data Management and Analytics Software System) optimized for data management of big data and for big analytics. SciDB is organized around multidimensional array storage, a generalization of relational tables, and is designed to be scalable up to petabytes and beyond. Complex analytics are simplified with SciDB because arrays and vectors are first-class objects with built-in optimized operations. Spatial operators and time-series analysis are easy to express. Interfaces to common scientific tools like R as well as programming languages like C++ and Python are provided.

[ascl:2202.007] SciCatalog: Tools for scientific data catalogs

SciCatalog handles catalogs of scientific data in a way that is easily extensible, including the ability to create nicely formatted AASTex deluxe tables for use in AAS Publishing manuscripts. It handles catalogs of values, their positive and negative uncertainties, and references for those values with methods for easily adding columns and changing values. The catalog is also backed up every time it is loaded under the assumption that it is about to be modified.

[ascl:1907.001] schwimmbad: Parallel processing pools interface

schwimmbad provides a uniform interface to parallel processing pools and enables switching easily between local development (e.g., serial processing or with multiprocessing) and deployment on a cluster or supercomputer (via, e.g., MPI or JobLib). The utilities provided by schwimmbad require that tasks or data be “chunked” and that code can be “mapped” onto the chunked tasks.

[ascl:2103.013] schNell: Fast calculation of N_ell for GW anisotropies

schNell computes basic map-level noise properties for generic networks of gravitational wave interferometers, primarily the noise power spectrum "N_ell", but this lightweight python module that can also be used for, for example, antenna patterns, overlap functions, and inverse variance maps, among other tasks. The code has three main classes; detectors contain information about each individual detector of the network, such as their positions, noise properties, and orientation. NoiseCorrelations describes the noise-level correlation between pairs of detectors, and the MapCalculators class combines a list of Detectors into a network (potentially together with a NoiseCorrelation object) and computes the corresponding map-level noise properties arising from their correlations.

[ascl:2306.060] SCF-FDPS: Disk-halo systems simulator

The fast N-body code SCF-FDPS (Self-Consistent Field-Framework for Developing Particle Simulators) simulates disk-halo systems. It combines a self-consistent field (SCF) code, which provides scalability, and a tree code that is parallelized using the Framework for Developing Particle Simulators (FDPS) (ascl:1604.011). SCF-FDPS handles a wide variety of halo profiles and can be used to study extensive dynamical problems of disk-halo systems.

[ascl:1505.008] SCEPtER: Stellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid

SCEPtER (Stellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid) estimates the stellar mass and radius given a set of observable quantities; the results are obtained by adopting a maximum likelihood technique over a grid of pre-computed stellar models. The code is quite flexible since different observables can be used, depending on their availability, as well as different grids of models.

[ascl:2208.003] Scatfit: Scattering fits of time domain radio signals (Fast Radio Bursts or pulsars)

Scatfit models observed burst signals of impulsive time domain radio signals ( e.g., Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) or pulsars pulses), which usually are convolution products of various effects, and fits them to the experimental data. It includes several models for scattering and instrumental effects. The code loads the experimental time domain radio data, cleans them, fits an aggregate scattering model to the data, and robustly estimates the model parameters and their uncertainties. Additionally, scatfit determines the scaling of the scattering time with frequency, i.e. the scattering index, and the scattering-corrected dispersion measure of the burst or pulse.

[ascl:1803.003] scarlet: Source separation in multi-band images by Constrained Matrix Factorization

SCARLET performs source separation (aka "deblending") on multi-band images. It is geared towards optical astronomy, where scenes are composed of stars and galaxies, but it is straightforward to apply it to other imaging data. Separation is achieved through a constrained matrix factorization, which models each source with a Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) and a non-parametric morphology, or multiple such components per source. The code performs forced photometry (with PSF matching if needed) using an optimal weight function given by the signal-to-noise weighted morphology across bands. The approach works well if the sources in the scene have different colors and can be further strengthened by imposing various additional constraints/priors on each source. Because of its generic utility, this package provides a stand-alone implementation that contains the core components of the source separation algorithm. However, the development of this package is part of the LSST Science Pipeline; the meas_deblender package contains a wrapper to implement the algorithms here for the LSST stack.

[ascl:1209.012] Scanamorphos: Maps from scan observations made with bolometer arrays

Scanamorphos is an IDL program to build maps from scan observations made with bolometer arrays. Scanamorphos can post-process scan observations performed with the Herschel photometer arrays. This post-processing mainly consists in subtracting the total low-frequency noise (both its thermal and non-thermal components), masking cosmic ray hit residuals, and projecting the data onto a map. Although it was developed for Herschel, it is also applicable with minimal adjustment to scan observations made with other bolometer arrays provided they entail sufficient redundancy; it was successfully applied to P-Artemis, an instrument operating on the APEX telescope. Scanamorphos does not assume any particular noise model and does not apply any Fourier-space filtering to the data. It is an empirical tool using only the redundancy built in the observations, taking advantage of the fact that each portion of the sky is sampled at multiple times by multiple bolometers. The user is allowed to optionally visualize and control results at each intermediate step, but the processing is fully automated.

[ascl:2002.006] ScamPy: Sub-halo Clustering and Abundance Matching Python interface

ScamPy "paints" an observed population of cosmological objects on top of the DM-halo/subhalo hierarchy obtained from DM-only simulations. The method combines the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) method with sub-halo abundance matching (SHAM); the two processes together are dubbed Sub-halo clustering and abundance matching (SCAM). The procedure requires applying the two methods in sequence; by applying the HOD scheme, the host sub-haloes are selected, and the SHAM algorithm associates an observable property of choice to each sub-halo. The provided python interface allows users to load and populate DM halos and sub-halos obtained by FoF and SUBFIND algorithms applied to DM snapshots at any redshift. The software is highly-optimized and flexible.

[ascl:1010.063] SCAMP: Automatic Astrometric and Photometric Calibration

Astrometric and photometric calibrations have remained the most tiresome step in the reduction of large imaging surveys. SCAMP has been written to address this problem. The program efficiently computes accurate astrometric and photometric solutions for any arbitrary sequence of FITS images in a completely automatic way. SCAMP is released under the GNU General Public License.

[ascl:1907.014] sbpy: Small-body planetary astronomy

sbpy, an Astropy affiliated package, supplements functionality provided by Astropy (ascl:1304.002) with functions and methods that are frequently used for planetary astronomy with a clear focus on asteroids and comets. It offers access tools for various databases for orbital and physical data, spectroscopy analysis tools and models, photometry models for resolved and unresolved observations, ephemerides services, and other tools useful for small-body planetary astronomy.

[ascl:2306.002] sbi: Simulation-based inference toolkit

Simulation-based inference is the process of finding parameters of a simulator from observations. The PyTorch package sbi performs simulation-based inference by taking a Bayesian approach to return a full posterior distribution over the parameters, conditional on the observations. This posterior can be amortized (i.e. useful for any observation) or focused (i.e.tailored to a particular observation), with different computational trade-offs. The code offers a simple interface for one-line posterior inference.

[ascl:1904.015] SBGAT: Small Bodies Geophysical Analysis Tool

SBGAT (Small Body Geophysical Analysis Tool) generates simulated data originating from small bodies shape models, combined with advanced shape-modification properties. It uses polyhedral shape models from which can be computed mass properties such as volume, center of mass, and inertia, synthetic observations such as lightcurves and radar, and which can be used within dynamical models, such as spherical harmonics and polyhedron gravity modeling. SBGAT can generate spherical harmonics expansions from constant-density polyhedra (and export them to JSON) and evaluate the spherical harmonics expansions. It can also generate YORP coefficients, multi-threaded Polyhedron Gravity Model gravity and potential evaluations, and synthetic light-curve and radar observations for single/primary asteroids.

SBGAT has two distinct packages: a dynamic library SBGAT Core that contains the data structure and algorithm backbone of SBGAT, and SBGAT Gui, which wraps the former inside a VTK, Qt user interface to facilitate user/data interaction. SBGAT Core can be used without the SBGAT Gui wrapper.

[ascl:1601.012] SavGolFilterCov: Savitzky Golay filter for data with error covariance

A Savitzky–Golay filter is often applied to data to smooth the data without greatly distorting the signal; however, almost all data inherently comes with noise, and the noise properties can differ from point to point. This python script improves upon the traditional Savitzky-Golay filter by accounting for error covariance in the data. The inputs and arguments are modeled after scipy.signal.savgol_filter.

[ascl:2306.003] SAVED21cm: Global 21cm signal extraction pipeline

SAVED21cm extracts the 21cm signal from the simulated mock observation for the Radio Experiment for the Analysis of Cosmic Hydrogen (REACH). Though built for the REACH experiment, this 21cm signal extraction pipeline can in principle can be utilized for any global 21cm experiment. The toolkit is based on a pattern recognition framework using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the 21cm and foreground training set. SAVED21cm finds the patterns in the training sets and properly models the chromatic distortions with a better basis than the polynomials.

[ascl:1309.005] SATMC: SED Analysis Through Monte Carlo

SATMC is a general purpose, MCMC-based SED fitting code written for IDL and Python. Following Bayesian statistics and Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithms, SATMC derives the best fit parameter values and returns the sampling of parameter space used to construct confidence intervals and parameter-parameter confidence contours. The fitting may cover any range of wavelengths. The code is designed to incorporate any models (and potential priors) of the user's choice. The user guide lists all the relevant details for including observations, models and usage under both IDL and Python.

[ascl:2303.016] SatGen: Semi-analytical satellite galaxy and dark matter halo generator

SatGen generates satellite-galaxy populations for host halos of desired mass and redshift. It combines halo merger trees, empirical relations for galaxy-halo connection, and analytic prescriptions for tidal effects, dynamical friction, and ram-pressure stripping. It emulates zoom-in cosmological hydrosimulations in certain ways and outperforms simulations regarding statistical power and numerical resolution.

[ascl:2203.011] SATCHEL: Pipeline to search for long-period exoplanet signals

SATCHEL (Search Algorithm for Transits in the Citizen science Hunt for Exoplanets in Lightcurves) searches for individual signals of interest in time-series data classified through crowdsourcing. The pipeline was built for the purpose of finding long-period exoplanet transit signals in Kepler photometric time-series data, but may be adapted for searches for any kind of one-dimensional signals in crowdsourced classifications.

[ascl:2103.005] satcand: Orbital stability and tidal migration constraints for KOI exomoon candidates

satcand applies theoretical constraints of orbital stability and tidal migration to KOI exomoon candidates. The package can evaluate the tidal migration within a Sun-Earth-Moon system, plot angular velocity over time, and calculate the migration time scale (T1) and the total migration time scale, among other things. In addition to the theoretical constraints, observational constraints can be applied.

[ascl:1707.002] SASRST: Semi-Analytic Solutions for 1-D Radiative Shock Tubes

SASRST, a small collection of Python scripts, attempts to reproduce the semi-analytical one-dimensional equilibrium and non-equilibrium radiative shock tube solutions of Lowrie & Rauenzahn (2007) and Lowrie & Edwards (2008), respectively. The included code calculates the solution for a given set of input parameters and also plots the results using Matplotlib. This software was written to provide validation for numerical radiative shock tube solutions produced by a radiation hydrodynamics code.

[ascl:2302.010] SASHIMI-W: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Warm Dark Matter

SASHIMI-W calculates various subhalo properties efficiently using semi-analytical models for warm dark matter (WDM); the code is based on the extended Press-Schechter formalism and subhalos' tidal evolution prescription. The calculated constraints are independent of physics of galaxy formation and free from numerical resolution and the Poisson noise, and its results are well in agreement with those from numerical N-body simulations.

[ascl:2302.013] SASHIMI-C: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Cold Dark Matter

SASHIMI-C calculates various subhalo properties efficiently using semi-analytical models for cold dark matter (CDM), providing a full catalog of dark matter subhalos in a host halo with arbitrary mass and redshift. Each subhalo is characterized by its mass and density profile both at accretion and at the redshift of interest, accretion redshift, and effective number (or weight) corresponding to that particular subhalo. SASHIMI-C computes the subhalo mass function without making any assumptions such as power-law functional forms; the only assumed power law is that for the primordial power spectrum predicted by inflation. The code is not limited to numerical resolution nor to Poisson shot noise, and its results are well in agreement with those from numerical N-body simulations.

[ascl:1404.004] SAS: Science Analysis System for XMM-Newton observatory

The Science Analysis System (SAS) is an extensive suite of software tasks developed to process the data collected by the XMM-Newton Observatory. The SAS extracts standard (spectra, light curves) and/or customized science products, and allows reproductions of the reduction pipelines run to get the PPS products from the ODFs files. SAS includes a powerful and extensive suite of FITS file manipulation packages based on the Data Access Layer library.

[ascl:1904.020] SARAH: SUSY and non-SUSY model builder and analyzer

SARAH builds and analyzes SUSY and non-SUSY models. It calculates all vertices, mass matrices, tadpoles equations, one-loop corrections for tadpoles and self-energies, and two-loop RGEs for a given model. SARAH writes model files for a variety of other software packages for dark matter studies, includes many SUSY and non-SUSY models, and makes implementing new models efficient and straightforward. Written in Mathematica, SARAH can also use output from Vevacious (ascl:1904.019) to check for the global minimum for a given model and parameter point.

[ascl:1907.005] SARA-PPD: Preconditioned primal-dual algorithm for radio-interferometric imaging

SARA-PPD is a proof of concept MATLAB implementation of an acceleration strategy for a recently proposed primal-dual distributed algorithm. The algorithm optimizes resolution by accounting for the correct noise statistics, leverages natural weighting in the definition of the minimization problem for image reconstruction, and optimizes sensitivity by enabling accelerated convergence through a preconditioning strategy incorporating sampling density information. This algorithm offers efficient processing of large-scale data sets that will be acquired by next generation radio-interferometers such as the Square Kilometer Array.

[ascl:2408.015] SAQQARA: Stochastic gravitational wave background analysis

SAQQARA analyzes stochastic gravitational wave background signals. This Simulation-based Inference (SBI) library is built on top of the swyft code (ascl:2302.016), which implements neural ratio estimation to efficiently access marginal posteriors for all parameters of interest. Simulation-based inference combined with implicit marginalization (over nuisance parameters) has been shown to be well suited for SGWB data analysis.

[ascl:1210.029] Sapporo: N-body simulation library for GPUs

Sapporo mimics the behavior of GRAPE hardware and uses the GPU to perform high-precision gravitational N-body simulations. It makes use of CUDA and therefore only works on NVIDIA GPUs. N-body codes currently running on GRAPE-6 can switch to Sapporo by a simple relinking of the library. Sapporo's precision is comparable to that of GRAPE-6, even though internally the GPU hardware is limited to single precision arithmetics. This limitation is effectively overcome by emulating double precision for calculating the distance between particles.

[ascl:2112.015] SAPHIRES: Stellar Analysis in Python for HIgh REsolution Spectroscopy

The SAPHIRES (Stellar Analysis in Python for HIgh REsolution Spectroscopy) suite contains functions for analyzing high-resolution stellar spectra. Though most of its functionality is aimed at deriving radial velocities (RVs), the suite also includes capabilities to measure projected rotational velocities (vsini) and determine spectroscopic flux ratios in double-lined binary systems (SB2s). These measurements are made primarily by computing spectral-line broadening functions. More traditional techniques such as Fourier cross-correlation, and two-dimensional cross-correlation (TODCOR) are also included.

[ascl:0003.002] SAOImage DS9: A utility for displaying astronomical images in the X11 window environment

SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP. DS9 is a stand-alone application. It requires no installation or support files. Versions of DS9 currently exist for Solaris, Linux, MacOSX, and Windows. All versions and platforms support a consistent set of GUI and functional capabilities. DS9 supports advanced features such as multiple frame buffers, mosaic images, tiling, blinking, geometric markers, colormap manipulation, scaling, arbitrary zoom, rotation, pan, and a variety of coordinate systems. DS9 also supports FTP and HTTP access. The GUI for DS9 is user configurable. GUI elements such as the coordinate display, panner, magnifier, horizontal and vertical graphs, button bar, and colorbar can be configured via menus or the command line. DS9 is a Tk/Tcl application which utilizes the SAOTk widget set. It also incorporates the X Public Access (XPA) mechanism to allow external processes to access and control its data, GUI functions, and algorithms.

[ascl:1605.015] SAND: Automated VLBI imaging and analyzing pipeline

The Search And Non-Destroy (SAND) is a VLBI data reduction pipeline composed of a set of Python programs based on the AIPS interface provided by ObitTalk. It is designed for the massive data reduction of multi-epoch VLBI monitoring research. It can automatically investigate calibrated visibility data, search all the radio emissions above a given noise floor and do the model fitting either on the CLEANed image or directly on the uv data. It then digests the model-fitting results, intelligently identifies the multi-epoch jet component correspondence, and recognizes the linear or non-linear proper motion patterns. The outputs including CLEANed image catalogue with polarization maps, animation cube, proper motion fitting and core light curves. For uncalibrated data, a user can easily add inline modules to do the calibration and self-calibration in a batch for a specific array.

[ascl:2307.030] SAMUS: Simulator of Asteroid Malformation Under Stress

SAMUS (Simulator of Asteroid Malformation Under Stress) simulates the deformation of minor bodies, assuming that they are homogenous incompressible fluid masses. They are initialized as ellipsoids and the Navier-Stokes equations are interatively solved to investigate the deformation of the body over time. The software is modular and allows for user-defined output functions, size, and trajectories. Structured as a single large class, SAMUS can store variables and handle arbitrary function calls, which eases debugging and investigation, especially for lengthy high-fidelity simulation runs.

[ascl:2207.011] samsam: Scaled Adaptive Metropolis SAMpler

The samsam package provides two samplers, a scaled adaptive metropolis algorithm to robustly obtain samples from a target distribution, and a covariance importance sampling algorithm to efficiently compute the model evidence (or other integrals). It also includes tools to assess the convergence of the sam sampler and a few commonly used prior distributions.

[ascl:1504.011] samiDB: A Prototype Data Archive for Big Science Exploration

samiDB is an archive, database, and query engine to serve the spectra, spectral hypercubes, and high-level science products that make up the SAMI Galaxy Survey. Based on the versatile Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5), samiDB does not depend on relational database structures and hence lightens the setup and maintenance load imposed on science teams by metadata tables. The code, written in Python, covers the ingestion, querying, and exporting of data as well as the automatic setup of an HTML schema browser. samiDB serves as a maintenance-light data archive for Big Science and can be adopted and adapted by science teams that lack the means to hire professional archivists to set up the data back end for their projects.

[ascl:1407.006] SAMI: Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field spectrograph pipeline

The SAMI (Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field spectrograph) pipeline reduces data from the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field spectrograph (SAMI) for the SAMI Galaxy Survey. The python code organizes SAMI data and, along with the AAO 2dfdr package, carries out all steps in the data reduction, from raw data to fully calibrated datacubes. The principal steps are: data management, use of 2dfdr to produce row-stacked spectra, flux calibration, correction for telluric absorption, removal of atmospheric dispersion, alignment of dithered exposures, and drizzling onto a regular output grid. Variance and covariance information is tracked throughout the pipeline. Some quality control routines are also included.

[ascl:1203.011] SALT2: Spectral Adaptive Lightcurve Template

SALT (Spectral Adaptive Lightcurve Template) is a package for Type Ia Supernovae light curve fitting. Its main purpose is to provide a distance estimator but it can also be used for photometric redshifts, and spectroscopic + photometric identification. This code is also known by the name snfit.

[ascl:2408.004] Sailfish: GPU-accelerated grid-based astrophysics gas dynamics code

Sailfish simulates accreting binary systems, including binary protostars, post-AGN stellar binaries, mass-transferring X-ray binaries, and double black hole systems. The binary components are "on the grid" rather than excised, and are evolved according to the Kepler two-body problem, modified to account for gravitational wave losses or self-consistent forcing from the orbiting gas. The solvers are shock-capturing and are second order accurate in space and time. Gravity is fully Newtonian. Thermodynamics can be treated using a gamma-law equation of state with a blackbody cooling term, or in the locally isothermal approximation, in which the gas temperature is set to a constant times the local free-fall speed. Sailfish is fully Cartesian and has extensive diagnostic capabilities to facilitate accurate calculations of gas-driven orbital evolution or the extraction of electromagnetic disk signatures. The code is extremely efficient, reaching more than one billion zone updates per second on an NVIDIA A100 GPU, enabling extremely high resolution of complex flows around the binary components.

[ascl:2312.028] SAGE: Stellar Activity Grid for Exoplanets

SAGE corrects the time-dependent impact of stellar activity on transmission spectra. It uses a pixelation approach to model the stellar surface with spots and faculae, while accounting for limb-darkening and rotational line-broadening. The code can be used to evaluate stellar contamination for F to M-type hosts, test various spot sizes and locations, and quantify the impact of limb-darkening. SAGE can also retrieve the properties and distribution of active regions on the stellar surface from photometric monitoring, and connect the photometric variability to the stellar contamination of transmission spectra.

[ascl:1601.006] SAGE: Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution

SAGE (Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution) models galaxy formation in a cosmological context. SAGE has been rebuilt to be modular and customizable. The model runs on any dark matter cosmological N-body simulation whose trees are organized in a supported format and contain a minimum set of basic halo properties.

[submitted] Sacc: Save All Correlations and Covariances

SACC (Save All Correlations and Covariances) is a format and reference library for general storage
of summary statistic measurements for the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) within and from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) project's Dark Energy Science Collaboration.

[ascl:1306.001] SAC: Sheffield Advanced Code

The Sheffield Advanced Code (SAC) is a fully non-linear MHD code designed for simulations of linear and non-linear wave propagation in gravitationally strongly stratified magnetized plasma. It was developed primarily for the forward modelling of helioseismological processes and for the coupling processes in the solar interior, photosphere, and corona; it is built on the well-known VAC platform that allows robust simulation of the macroscopic processes in gravitationally stratified (non-)magnetized plasmas. The code has no limitations of simulation length in time imposed by complications originating from the upper boundary, nor does it require implementation of special procedures to treat the upper boundaries. SAC inherited its modular structure from VAC, thereby allowing modification to easily add new physics.

[ascl:1111.003] Saada: A Generator of Astronomical Database

Saada transforms a set of heterogeneous FITS files or VOtables of various categories (images, tables, spectra, etc.) in a powerful database deployed on the Web. Databases are located on your host and stay independent of any external server. This job doesn’t require writing code. Saada can mix data of various categories in multiple collections. Data collections can be linked each to others making relevant browsing paths and allowing data-mining oriented queries. Saada supports 4 VO services (Spectra, images, sources and TAP) . Data collections can be published immediately after the deployment of the Web interface.

[ascl:2403.008] s4cmb: Systematics For Cosmic Microwave Background

s4cmb (Systematics For Cosmic Microwave Background) studies the impact of instrumental systematic effects on measurements of CMB experiments based on bolometric detector technology. s4cmb provides a unified framework to simulate raw data streams in the time domain (TODs) acquired by CMB experiments scanning the sky, and to inject in these realistic instrumental systematics effect.

[ascl:2005.009] s3PCF: Compute the 3-point correlation function in the squeezed limit

s3PCF computes the 3-point correlation function (3PCF) in the squeezed limit given galaxy positions and pair positions. The code is currently written specifically for the Abacus simulations, but the main functionalities can be also easily adapted for other galaxy catalogs with the appropriate properties.

[ascl:1103.003] S2PLOT: Three-dimensional (3D) Plotting Library

We present a new, three-dimensional (3D) plotting library with advanced features, and support for standard and enhanced display devices. The library - S2PLOT - is written in C and can be used by C, C++ and FORTRAN programs on GNU/Linux and Apple/OSX systems. S2PLOT draws objects in a 3D (x,y,z) Cartesian space and the user interactively controls how this space is rendered at run time. With a PGPLOT inspired interface, S2PLOT provides astronomers with elegant techniques for displaying and exploring 3D data sets directly from their program code, and the potential to use stereoscopic and dome display devices. The S2PLOT architecture supports dynamic geometry and can be used to plot time-evolving data sets, such as might be produced by simulation codes. In this paper, we introduce S2PLOT to the astronomical community, describe its potential applications, and present some example uses of the library.

[ascl:1211.001] S2LET: Fast wavelet analysis on the sphere

S2LET provides high performance routines for fast wavelet analysis of signals on the sphere. It uses the SSHT code (ascl:2207.034) built on the MW sampling theorem to perform exact spherical harmonic transforms on the sphere. The resulting wavelet transform implemented in S2LET is theoretically exact, i.e. a band-limited signal can be recovered from its wavelet coefficients exactly and the wavelet coefficients capture all the information. S2LET also supports the HEALPix sampling scheme, in which case the transforms are not theoretically exact but achieve good numerical accuracy. The core routines of S2LET are written in C and have interfaces in Matlab, IDL and Java. Real signals can be written to and read from FITS files and plotted as Mollweide projections.

[ascl:1110.013] S2HAT: Scalable Spherical Harmonic Transform Library

Many problems in astronomy and astrophysics require a computation of the spherical harmonic transforms. This is in particular the case whenever data to be analyzed are distributed over the sphere or a set of corresponding mock data sets has to be generated. In many of those contexts, rapidly improving resolutions of both the data and simulations puts increasingly bigger emphasis on our ability to calculate the transforms quickly and reliably.

The scalable spherical harmonic transform library S2HAT consists of a set of flexible, massively parallel, and scalable routines for calculating diverse (scalar, spin-weighted, etc) spherical harmonic transforms for a class of isolatitude sky grids or pixelizations. The library routines implement the standard algorithm with the complexity of O(n^3/2), where n is a number of pixels/grid points on the sphere, however, owing to their efficient parallelization and advanced numerical implementation, they achieve very competitive performance and near perfect scalability. S2HAT is written in Fortran 90 with a C interface. This software is a derivative of the spherical harmonic transforms included in the HEALPix package and is based on both serial and MPI routines of its version 2.01, however, since version 2.5 this software is fully autonomous of HEALPix and can be compiled and run without the HEALPix library.

[ascl:2404.027] s2fft: Differentiable and accelerated spherical transforms

S2FFT computes Fourier transforms on the sphere and rotation group using JAX (ascl:2111.002) or PyTorch. It leverages autodiff to provide differentiable transforms, which are also deployable on hardware accelerators (e.g., GPUs and TPUs). More specifically, S2FFT provides support for spin spherical harmonic and Wigner transforms (for both real and complex signals), with support for adjoint transformations where needed, and comes with different optimisations (precompute or not) that one may select depending on available resources and desired angular resolution L.

[ascl:1606.008] s2: Object oriented wrapper for functions on the sphere

The s2 package can represent any arbitrary function defined on the sphere. Both real space map and harmonic space spherical harmonic representations are supported. Basic sky representations have been extended to simulate full sky noise distributions and Gaussian cosmic microwave background realisations. Support for the representation and convolution of beams is also provided. The code requires HEALPix (ascl:1107.018) and CFITSIO (ascl:1010.001).

[ascl:2402.003] Rwcs: World coordinate system transforms in R

Rwcs offers access to all the projection and distortion systems of WCSLIB (ascl:1108.003) in R. This can be used directly for, for example, pixel lookups, or for higher level general distortion and projection.

[ascl:1907.013] RVSpecFit: Radial velocity and stellar atmospheric parameter fitting

RVSpecFit determines radial velocities and stellar atmospheric parameters from spectra by direct pixel fitting by interpolated stellar templates. The code doesn't require spectrum normalization and can deal with non-flux calibrated spectra. RVSpecFit is able to fit multiple spectra simultaneously.

[ascl:9912.003] RVSAO 2.0: Digital Redshifts and Radial Velocities

RVSAO is a set of programs to obtain redshifts and radial velocities from digital spectra. RVSAO operates in the IRAF (Tody 1986, 1993) environment. The heart of the system is xcsao, which implements the cross-correlation method, and is a direct descendant of the system built by Tonry and Davis (1979). emsao uses intelligent heuristics to search for emission lines in spectra, then fits them to obtain a redshift. sumspec shifts and sums spectra to build templates for cross-correlation. linespec builds synthetic spectra given a list of spectral lines. bcvcorr corrects velocities for the motion of the earth. We discuss in detail the parameters necessary to run xcsao and emsao properly. We discuss the reliability and error associated with xcsao derived redshifts. We develop an internal error estimator, and we show how large, stable surveys can be used to develop more accurate error estimators. We develop a new methodology for building spectral templates for galaxy redshifts. We show how to obtain correlation velocities using emission line templates. Emission line correlations are substantially more efficient than the previous standard technique, automated emission line fitting. We compare the use of RVSAO with new methods, which use Singular Value Decomposition and $chi^2$ fitting techniques.

[ascl:1210.031] RVLIN: Fitting Keplerian curves to radial velocity data

The RVLIN package for IDL is a set of routines that quickly fits an arbitrary number of Keplerian curves to radial velocity data. It can handle data from multiple telescopes (i.e. it solves for the offset), constraints on P, e, and time of peri passage, and can incorporate transit timing data. The code handles fixed periods and circular orbits in combination and transit time constraints, including for multiple transiting planets.

[ascl:1505.020] rvfit: Radial velocity curves fitting for binary stars or exoplanets

rvfit, developed in IDL 7.0, fits non-precessing keplerian radial velocity (RV) curves for double-line and single-line binary stars or exoplanets. It fits a simple keplerian model to the observed RV and computes the seven parameters (six for a single-line system) from the model. Some parameters can be fixed beforehand if they are known, for instance, if photometric observations are available. The fit is done using an Adaptive Simulated Annealing algorithm optimized for this specific task. Simulated Annealing methods are powerful heuristic algorithms to minimize functions in multiparametric spaces.

[ascl:1406.007] RV: Radial Components of Observer's Velocity

The RV program produces a report listing the components, in a given direction, of the observer's velocity on a given date. This allows an observed radial velocity to be referred to an appropriate standard of rest -- typically either the Sun or an LSR.

As a secondary function, RV computes light time components to the Sun, thus allowing the times of phenomena observed from a terrestrial observatory to be referred to a heliocentric frame of reference. n.b. It will of course, in addition, be necessary to express the observations in the appropriate timescale as well as applying light time corrections. In particular, it is likely that an observed UTC will need to be converted to TDB as well as being corrected to the Sun.)

RV is distributed with the Starlink software collection (ascl:1110.012) and uses SLALIB (ascl:1403.025).

[ascl:1802.011] runDM: Running couplings of Dark Matter to the Standard Model

runDM calculates the running of the couplings of Dark Matter (DM) to the Standard Model (SM) in simplified models with vector mediators. By specifying the mass of the mediator and the couplings of the mediator to SM fields at high energy, the code can calculate the couplings at low energy, taking into account the mixing of all dimension-6 operators. runDM can also extract the operator coefficients relevant for direct detection, namely low energy couplings to up, down and strange quarks and to protons and neutrons.

[ascl:2307.044] RUBIS: Fast centrifugal deformation program for stellar and planetary models

The centrifugal deformation program RUBIS (Rotation code Using Barotropy conservation over Isopotential Surfaces) takes an input 1D model (with spherical symmetry) and returns its deformed version by applying a conservative rotation profile specified by the user. The code needs only the density as a function of radial distance from the reference model in addition to the surface pressure to be imposed to perform the deformation; preserving the relation between density and pressure when going from the 1D to the 2D structure makes this lightness possible. By solving Poisson's equation in spheroidal rather than spherical coordinates whenever a discontinuity is present, RUBIS can deform both stellar and planetary models, thereby dealing with potential discontinuities in the density profile.

[ascl:2109.011] Rubble: Simulating dust size distributions in protoplanetary disks

Rubble implicitly models the local evolution of dust distributions in size, mass, and surface density by solving the Smoluchowski equation (also known as the coagulation-fragmentation equation) under given disk conditions. The Python package's robustness has been validated by a suite of numerical benchmarks against known analytical and empirical results. Rubble can model prescribed physical processes such as bouncing, modulated mass transfer, regulated dust loss/supply, probabilistic collisional outcomes based on velocity distributions, and more. The package also includes a toolkit for analyzing and visualizing results produced by Rubble.

[ascl:2204.007] RTS: Radio Transient Simulations

Radio Transient Simulations uses Monte-Carlo simulations to accurately determine transient rates in radio surveys. The user inputs either a real or simulated observational setup, and the simulations code calculates transient rate as a function of transient duration and peak flux. These simulations allow for simulating a wide variety of scenarios including observations with varying sensitivities and durations, multiple overlapping telescope pointings, and a wide variety of light curve shapes with the user having the ability to easily add more. Though the current scientific focus is on the radio regime, the simulations code can be easily adapted to other wavelength regimes.

[ascl:1706.002] rtpipe: Searching for Fast Radio Transients in Interferometric Data

rtpipe (real-time pipeline) analyzes radio interferometric data with an emphasis on searching for transient or variable astrophysical sources. The package combines single-dish concepts such as dedispersion and filters with interferometric concepts, including images and the uv-plane. In contrast to time-domain data recorded with large single-dish telescopes, visibilities from interferometers can precisely localize sources anywhere in the entire field of view. rtpipe opens interferometers to the study of fast transient sky, including sources like pulsars, stellar flares, rotating radio transients, and fast radio bursts. Key portions of the search pipeline, such as image generation and dedispersion, have been accelerated. That, in combination with its multi-threaded, multi-node design, makes rtpipe capable of searching millisecond timescale data in real time on small compute clusters.

[ascl:1607.015] RT1D: 1D code for Rayleigh-Taylor instability

The parallel one-dimensional moving-mesh hydrodynamics code RT1D reproduces the multidimensional dynamics from Rayleigh-Taylor instability in supernova remnants.

[ascl:1808.002] rsigma: Resonant disturbance

rsigma calculates the resonant disturbing function, R(sigma), for a massless particle in an arbitrary orbit perturbed by a planet in circular orbit. This function defines the strength of the resonance (its semi-amplitude) and the location of the stable equilibrium points (the minima). It depends on the variable sigma called critical angle and on the particle's orbital elements a, e, i and the argument of the perihelion. R(sigma) is numerically calculated and the code is valid for arbitrary eccentricities and inclinations, including retrograde orbits.

[ascl:2204.017] RSG: Redshift Search Graphs

Redshift Search Graphs provides a fast and reliable way to test redshifts found from sub-mm redshift searches. The scripts can graphically test the robustness of a spectroscopic redshift of a galaxy, test the efficiency of an instrument towards spectroscopic redshift searches, and optimize observations of tunable institutes (such as ALMA) for upcoming redshift searches.

[ascl:2312.029] RRLFE: Metallicity calibrations for RR Lyrae variable stars

RRLFE generates and applies calibrations for retrieving [Fe/H] from low-res spectra of RR Lyrae variable stars. The code can generate a metallicity calibration anew, from real or synthetic spectra; it can also apply a metallicity calibration to low-resolution (R ~2000) RR Lyrae spectra spanning 3911 to 4950 angstroms.

[ascl:2011.017] RRATtrap: Rotating Radio Transient identifier

RRATtrap is a single-pulse sifting algorithm to identify Rotating Radio Transients (RRATs) and transients using output from the PRESTO (ascl:1107.017) routine It can be integrated into pulsar survey data analysis pipelines and, in addition to finding RRATs, it can also identify Fast Radio Bursts.

[ascl:2001.013] RPPPS: Re-analyzing Pipeline for Parkes Pulsar Survey

RPPPS (Re-analysing Pipeline for Parkes Pulsar Survey) uses Linux shell scripts, C language, and python code and two parallel strategies to reorganize the PRESTO (ascl:1107.017) pulsar search pipeline to run multiple processes in parallel, thus accelerating the search for pulsars. Though originally designed for reprocessing PMPS data, the code has also been successfully used with FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope) drift scan data. The pipeline is only CPU-based and can be easily and quickly deployed in computing nodes for testing purposes or data processes.

[ascl:1905.015] rPICARD: Radboud PIpeline for the Calibration of high Angular Resolution Data

rPICARD (Radboud PIpeline for the Calibration of high Angular Resolution Data) reduces data from different VLBI arrays, including high-frequency and low-sensitivity arrays, and supports continuum, polarization, and phase-referencing observations. Built on the CASA (ascl:1107.013) framework, it uses CASA for CLEAN imaging and self-calibration, and can be run non-interactively after only a few non-default input parameters are set. rPICARD delivers high-quality calibrated data and large bandwidth data can be processed within reasonable computing times.

[ascl:1902.006] RPFITS: Routines for reading and writing RPFITS files

The RPFITS data file format records synthesis visibility data obtained from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at Narrabri, NSW. It is also used for single-dish spectral line data obtained from Parkes and Mopra, including Parkes multibeam data. RPFITS superficially resembles random group FITS, but differs in important respects, making it incompatible with standard FITS software such as FITSIO (ascl:1010.001) and FTOOLS (ascl:9912.002) and, in particular, it precludes the use of fv (ascl:1205.005). The RPFITS Fortran library contains routines for reading and writing RPFITS files. A header file, RPFITS.h, is provided to facilitate usage by C and C++ applications. Also included is rpfhdr, a utility for viewing RPFITS headers (it also works for standard FITS), and rpfex for extracting selected scans from an RPFITS file.

[ascl:2311.016] RoSSBi3D: Finite volume code for protoplanetary disk evolution study

The numerical code RoSSBi3D (Rotating Systems Simulation Code for Bi-fluids) is designed for protoplanetary discs study at 2D and 3D. It is a finite volume code which is second order in time, features self-gravity (2D), and uses an exact Riemann solver to account for discontinuities. This FORTRAN 90 code solves the fully compressible inviscid Euler, continuity and energy conservation equations in polar coordinates for an ideal gas orbiting a central object. Solid particles are treated as a pressureless fluid and interact with the gas through aerodynamic forces. The code works on high performance computers thanks to the MPI standard (CPU).

[ascl:2301.011] Rosetta: Platform for resource-intensive, interactive data analysis

Rosetta runs tasks for resource-intensive, interactive data analysis as software containers. The code's architecture frames user tasks as microservices – independent and self-contained units – which fully support custom and user-defined software packages, libraries and environments. These include complete remote desktop and GUI applications, common analysis environments such as the Jupyter Notebooks. Rosetta relies on Open Container Initiative containers, allowing for safe, effective and reproducible code execution. It can use a number of container engines and runtimes and seamlessly supports several workload management systems, thus enabling containerized workloads on a wide range of computing resources.

[ascl:2005.005] RoLo: Calculate radius and potential of the Roche Lobe

RoLo (Roche Lobe) calculates the radius and potential of the Roche Lobe for any specified direction, and also gives some other commonly used quantities (such as the Lagrange points). The calculator is valid for any mass ratio q between 0.01 and 100. The coordinates are spherical-polar (R, theta, phi) centered on one star (M1), with the x-axis (theta=pi/2, phi=0) pointing towards the other star (M2). The mass ratio is defined as q=M2/M1. Distances are given in units of the binary separation, a. A circular orbit is assumed.

[ascl:1907.028] ROHSA: Separation of diffuse sources in hyper-spectral data

ROHSA (Regularized Optimization for Hyper-Spectral Analysis) reveals the statistical properties of interstellar gas through atomic and molecular lines. It uses a Gaussian decomposition algorithm based on a multi-resolution process from coarse to fine grid to decompose any kind of hyper-spectral observations into a sum of coherent Gaussian. Optimization is performed on the whole data cube at once to obtain a solution with spatially smooth parameters.

[ascl:2010.011] ROGER: Automatic classification of galaxies using phase-space information

ROGER (Reconstructing Orbits of Galaxies in Extreme Regions) predicts the dynamical properties of galaxies using the projected phase-space information. Written in R, it offers a choice of machine learning methods to classify the dynamical properties of galaxies. An interface for online use of the software is available at

[ascl:1712.009] RODRIGUES: RATT Online Deconvolved Radio Image Generation Using Esoteric Software

RODRIGUES (RATT Online Deconvolved Radio Image Generation Using Esoteric Software) is a web-based radio telescope simulation and reduction tool. From a technical perspective it is a web based parameterized docker container scheduler with a result set viewer.

[ascl:1210.008] Rockstar: Phase-space halo finder

Rockstar (Robust Overdensity Calculation using K-Space Topologically Adaptive Refinement) identifies dark matter halos, substructure, and tidal features. The approach is based on adaptive hierarchical refinement of friends-of-friends groups in six phase-space dimensions and one time dimension, which allows for robust (grid-independent, shape-independent, and noise-resilient) tracking of substructure. Our method is massively parallel (up to 10^5 CPUs) and runs on the largest current simulations (>10^10 particles) with high efficiency (10 CPU hours and 60 gigabytes of memory required per billion particles analyzed). Rockstar offers significant improvement in substructure recovery as compared to several other halo finders.

[ascl:1201.002] Roche: Visualization and analysis tool for Roche-lobe geometry of evolving binaries

Roche is a visualization and analysis tool for drawing the Roche-lobe geometry of evolving binaries. Roche can be used as a standalone program reading data from the command line or from a file generated by SeBa (ascl:1201.003). Eventually Roche will be able to read data from any other binary evolution program. Roche requires Starlab (ascl:1010.076) version 4.1.1 or later and the pgplot (ascl:1103.002) libraries. Roche creates a series of images, based on the SeBa output file, displaying the evolutionary state of a binary.

[ascl:2012.006] Robovetter: Automatic vetting of Threshold Crossing Events (TCEs)

The DR25 Kepler Robovetter is a robotic decision-making code that dispositions each Threshold Crossing Event (TCE) from the final processing (DR 25) of the Kepler data into Planet Candidates (PCs) and False Positives (FPs). The Robovetter provides four major flags to designate each FP TCE as Not Transit-Like (NTL), a Stellar Eclipse (SS), a Centroid Offset (CO), and/or an Ephemeris Match (EM). It produces a score ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 that indicates the Robovetter's disposition confidence, where 1.0 indicates strong confidence in PC, and 0.0 indicates strong confidence in FP. Finally, the Robovetter provides comments in a text string that indicate the specific tests each FP TCE fails and provides supplemental information on all TCEs as necessary.

[ascl:1502.023] ROBOSPECT: Width fitting program

ROBOSPECT, written in C, automatically measures and deblends line equivalent widths for absorption and emission spectra. ROBOSPECT should not be used for stars with spectra in which there is no discernible continuum over large wavelength regions, nor for the most carbon-enhanced stars for which spectral synthesis would be favored. Although ROBOSPECT was designed for metal-poor stars, it is capable of fitting absorption and emission features in a variety of astronomical sources.

[ascl:1808.011] Robbie: Radio transients and variables detection workflow

Robbie automates cataloging sources, finding variables, and identifying transients in the image domain. It works in a batch processing paradigm with a modular design so components can be swapped out or upgraded to adapt to different input data while retaining a consistent and coherent methodological approach. Robbie is based on commonly used and open software, including AegeanTools (ascl:1212.009) and STILS/TOPCAT (ascl:1101.010).

[ascl:1603.008] ROBAST: ROOT-based ray-tracing library for cosmic-ray telescopes

ROBAST (ROOT-based simulator for ray tracing) is a non-sequential ray-tracing simulation library developed for wide use in optical simulations of gamma-ray and cosmic-ray telescopes. The library is written in C++ and fully utilizes the geometry library of the ROOT analysis framework, and can build the complex optics geometries typically used in cosmic ray experiments and ground-based gamma-ray telescopes.

[ascl:2107.002] ROA: Running Optimal Average

ROA (Running Optimal Average) describes time series data. This model uses a Gaussian window function that moves through the data giving stronger weights to points close to the center of the Gaussian. Therefore, the width of the window function, delta, controls the flexibility of the model, with a small delta providing a very flexible model. The function also calculates the effective number of parameters, as a very flexible model will correspond to large number of parameters while a rigid model (low delta) has a low effective number of parameters. Knowing the effective number of parameters can be used to optimize the window width, e.g., using the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). An error envelope, which expands appropriately where there are gaps in the data, is also calculated for the model.

[ascl:1104.008] Rmodel: Determining Stellar Population Parameters

This program determines stellar population parameters (e.g. age, metallicity, IMF slope,...), using as input a pair of line-strength indices, through the interpolation in SSP model predictions. Both linear and bivariate fits are computed to perform the interpolation.

[ascl:2204.008] RMNest: Bayesian approach to measuring Faraday rotation and conversion in radio signals

RMNest directly fits the Stokes Q and U (and V) spectra of a radio signal to measure the effects of Faraday rotation (or conversion) induced by propagation through a magnetized plasma along the line of sight. The software makes use of the Bayesian Inference Library (Bilby; ascl:1901.011) as an interface to the dynesty (ascl:1809.013) nested sampling algorithm.

[ascl:1403.011] RMHB: Hierarchical Reverberation Mapping

RMHB is a hierarchical Bayesian code for reverberation mapping (RM) that combines results of a sparsely sampled broad line region (BLR) light curve and a large sample of active galactic nuclei (AGN) to infer properties of the sample of the AGN. The key idea of RM is to measure the time lag τ between variations in the continuum emission from the accretion disc and subsequent response of the broad line region (BLR). The measurement of τ is typically used to estimate the physical size of the BLR and is combined with other measurements to estimate the black hole mass MBH. A major difficulty with RM campaigns is the large amount of data needed to measure τ. RMHB allows a clear interpretation of a posterior distribution for hyperparameters describing the sample of AGN.

[ascl:1409.011] rmfit: Forward-folding spectral analysis software

Rmfit uses a forward-folding technique to obtain the best-fit parameters for a chosen model given user-selected source and background time intervals from data files containing observed count rates and a corresponding detector response matrix. rmfit displays lightcurves and spectra using a graphical interface that enables user-defined integrated or time-resolved spectral fits and binning in either time or energy. Originally developed for the analysis of BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) spectroscopy, rmfit is a tool for the spectroscopy of transient sources; it accommodates the Fermi GBM and LAT data and Swift BAT.

[ascl:1806.024] RMextract: Ionospheric Faraday Rotation calculator

RMextract calculates Ionospheric Faraday Rotation for a given epoch, location and line of sight. This Python code extracts TEC, vTEC, Earthmagnetic field and Rotation Measures from GPS and WMM data for radio interferometry observations.

[ascl:2005.003] RM-Tools: Rotation measure (RM) synthesis and Stokes QU-fitting

RM-Tools analyzes radio polarization data, specifically the use of Faraday rotation measure synthesis and Stokes QU model fitting. It contains routines for both single-pixel 1D polarized spectra as well as 3D polarization cubes. RM-Tools is intended to serve as a toolkit for studies of polarized radio sources and measurements of their Faraday rotation. RM-Tools is the core package for the pipelines used for the POlarized Sky Survey of the Universe's Magnetism (POSSUM) and the polarization component of the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS). The package is maintained by the Canadian Initiative for Radio Astronomy Data Analysis (CIRADA;

[ascl:1708.011] RM-CLEAN: RM spectra cleaner

RM-CLEAN reads in dirty Q and U cubes, generates rmtf based on the frequencies given in an ASCII file, and cleans the RM spectra following the algorithm given by Brentjens (2007). The output cubes contain the clean model components and the CLEANed RM spectra. The input cubes must be reordered with mode=312, and the output cubes will have the same ordering and thus must be reordered after being written to disk. RM-CLEAN runs as a MIRIAD (ascl:1106.007) task and a Python wrapper is included with the code.

[ascl:1811.009] RLOS: Time-resolved imaging of model astrophysical jets

RLOS (Relativistic Line Of Sight) uses hydrocode output data, such as that from PLUTO (ascl:1010.045), to create synthetic images depicting what a model relativistic astrophysical jet looks like to a stationary observer. The approximate time-delayed imaging algorithm used is implemented within existing line-of-sight code. The software has the potential to study a variety of dynamical astrophysical phenomena in collaboration with other imaging and simulation tools.

[ascl:2104.006] RJObject: Reversible Jump Objects

RJObject provides a general approach to trans-dimensional Bayesian inference problems, using trans-dimensional MCMC embedded within a Nested Sampling algorithm. This allows exploration of the posterior distribution and calculattion of the marginal likelihood (summed over N) even if the problem contains a phase transition or other difficult features such as multimodality.

[ascl:2208.008] RJ-plots: Automated objective classification of 2D structures

RJ-plots uses a moments of inertia method to disentangle a 2D structure's elongation from its centrally over/under-density, thus providing a means for the automated and objective classification of such structures. It may be applied to any 2D pixelated image such as column density maps or moment zero maps of molecular lines. This method is a further development of J-plots (ascl:2009.007).

[ascl:2310.010] riptide: Pulsar searching with the Fast Folding Algorithm

riptide implements the Fast Folding Algorithm (FFA) to identify periodic signals from time series data. In order to identify faint pulsars, the code provides access to a library of functions and classes for processing dedispersed radio signals. The FFA approaches the theoretical optimum for sensitivity to periodic signals regardless of pulse period and duty cycle.

[ascl:2405.010] riddler: Type Ia supernovae spectral time series fitter

riddler automates fitting of type Ia supernovae spectral time series. The code is comprised of a series of neural networks trained to emulate radiative transfer simulations from TARDIS (ascl:1402.018). Emulated spectra are then fit to observations using nested sampling implemented in UltraNest (ascl:1611.001) to estimate the posterior distributions of model parameters and evidences.

[ascl:2005.001] RID: Relativistic Image Doubling in water Cherenkov detectors

RID (Relativistic Image Doubling in water Cherenkov detectors) uses Monte Carlo simulations to find the relative fraction of charged, relativistic particles entering a HAWC-like Water Cherenkov Detector that can cause a Relativistic Image Doubling (RID) effect visible to at least one of the internal detectors. The technique is available in C++ and Fortran; RID also includes python code for the horizontal incidence of the muon inside the tank.

[ascl:2302.017] RichValues: Managing numeric values with uncertainties and upper/lower limits

RichValues transforms numeric values with uncertainties and upper/lower limits to create "rich values" that can be written in plain text documents in an easily readable format and used to propagate uncertainties automatically. Rich values can also be exported in the same formatting style as the import. The RichValues library uses a specific formatting style to represent the different kinds of rich values with plain text; it can also be used to create rich values within a script. Individual rich values can be used in, for example, tuples, lists, and dictionaries, and also in arrays and tables.

[ascl:1410.005] RICH: Numerical simulation of compressible hydrodynamics on a moving Voronoi mesh

RICH (Racah Institute Computational Hydrodynamics) is a 2D hydrodynamic code based on Godunov's method. The code, largely based on AREPO (ascl:1909.010), acts on an unstructured moving mesh. It differs from AREPO in the interpolation and time advancement scheme as well as a novel parallelization scheme based on Voronoi tessellation. Though not universally true, in many cases a moving mesh gives better results than a static mesh: where matter moves one way and a sound wave is traveling in the other way (such that relative to the grid the wave is not moving), a static mesh gives better results than a moving mesh. RICH is designed in an object oriented, user friendly way that facilitates incorporation of new algorithms and physical processes.

[ascl:2003.005] RHT: Rolling Hough Transform

The RHT (Rolling Hough Transform) measures linear intensity as a function of orientation in images. This machine vision algorithm works on any image-space (2D) data, and quantifies the presence of linear structure as a function of orientation. The RHT can be used to identify linear features in images, to quantify the orientation of structure in images, and to map image intensity from 2D x-y space to 3D x-y-orientation space. An option in the code allows the user to quantify intensity as a function of direction (modulo 2pi) rather than orientation (modulo pi). The RHT was first used to discover that filamentary structures in neutral hydrogen emission are aligned with the ambient magnetic field.

[ascl:2404.030] RhoPop: Small-planet populations identifier

RhoPop identifies compositionally distinct populations of small planets (R≲2R). It employs mixture models in a hierarchical framework and the dynesty (ascl:1809.013) nested sampler for parameter and evidence estimates. RhoPop includes a density-mass grid of water-rich compositions from water mass fraction (WMF) 0-1.0 and a grid of volatile-free rocky compositions over a core mass fraction (CMF) range of 0.006-0.95. Both grids were calculated using the ExoPlex mass-radius-composition calculator (ascl:2404.029).

[ascl:1611.009] RHOCUBE: 3D density distributions modeling code

RHOCUBE models 3D density distributions on a discrete Cartesian grid and their integrated 2D maps. It can be used for a range of applications, including modeling the electron number density in LBV shells and computing the emission measure. The RHOCUBE Python package provides several 3D density distributions, including a powerlaw shell, truncated Gaussian shell, constant-density torus, dual cones, and spiralling helical tubes, and can accept additional distributions. RHOCUBE provides convenient methods for shifts and rotations in 3D, and if necessary, an arbitrary number of density distributions can be combined into the same model cube and the integration ∫ dz performed through the joint density field.

[ascl:1502.001] RH 1.5D: Polarized multi-level radiative transfer with partial frequency distribution

RH 1.5D performs Zeeman multi-level non-local thermodynamical equilibrium calculations with partial frequency redistribution for an arbitrary amount of chemical species. Derived from the RH code and written in C, it calculates spectra from 3D, 2D or 1D atmospheric models on a column-by-column basis (or 1.5D). It includes optimization features to speed up or improve convergence, which are particularly useful in dynamic models of chromospheres. While one should be aware of its limitations, the calculation of spectra using the 1.5D or column-by-column is a good approximation in many cases, and generally allows for faster convergence and more flexible methods of improving convergence. RH 1.5D scales well to at least tens of thousands of CPU cores.

[ascl:1711.006] RGW: Goodman-Weare Affine-Invariant Sampling

RGW is a lightweight R-language implementation of the affine-invariant Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling method of Goodman & Weare (2010). The implementation is based on the description of the python package emcee (ascl:1303.002).

[ascl:1710.002] rfpipe: Radio interferometric transient search pipeline

rfpipe supports Python-based analysis of radio interferometric data (especially from the Very Large Array) and searches for fast radio transients. This extends on the rtpipe library (ascl:1706.002) with new approaches to parallelization, acceleration, and more portable data products. rfpipe can run in standalone mode or be in a cluster environment.

[ascl:2402.002] Rfits: FITS file manipulation in R

Rfits reads and writes FITS images, tables, and headers. Written in R, Rfits works with all types of compressed images, and both ASCII and binary tables. It uses CFITSIO (ascl:1010.001) for all low level FITS IO, so in general should be as fast as other CFITSIO-based software. For images, Rfits offers fully featured memory mapping and on-the-fly subsetting (by pixel and coordinate) and sparse pixel sampling, allowing for efficient inspection of very large (larger than memory) images.

[ascl:2202.011] RFEP: Residual Feature Extraction Pipeline

Residual Feature Extraction Pipeline carries out feature extraction of residual substructure within the residual images produced by popular galaxy structural-fitting routines such as GALFIT (ascl:1104.010) and GIM2D (ascl:1004.001). It extracts faint low surface brightness features by isolating flux-wise and area-wise significant contiguous pixels regions by rigorous masking routine. The code accepts the image cubes (original image, model image, residual image) and generates several data products, such as an image with extracted features, a source extraction based segmentation map, and the background sky mask and the residual extraction mask. It uses a Monte Carlo approach-based area threshold above which the extracted features are identified. The pipeline also creates a catalog entry indicating the surface brightness and its error.

[ascl:2005.018] RFCDE: Random Forests for Conditional Density Estimation

RFCDE provides an implementation of random forests designed for conditional density estimation. It computes a kernel density estimate of y with nearest neighbor weightings defined by the location of the evaluation point x relative to the leaves in the random forest.

[ascl:2306.028] rfast: Planetary spectral forward and inverse modeling tool

rfast ingests tables of opacities and generates synthetic spectra of worlds and retrieves real or simulated spectral observations. It can add noise, perform inverse modeling, and plot results. The tool can be applied to simulated and real observations spanning reflected-light, thermal emission, and transit transmission. Retrieval parameters can be toggled and parameters can be retrieved in log or linear space and adopt a Gaussian or flat prior.

[ascl:1907.023] REVOLVER: REal-space VOid Locations from suVEy Reconstruction

REVOLVER reconstructs real space positions from redshift-space tracer data by subtracting RSD through FFT-based reconstruction (optional) and applies void-finding algorithms to create a catalogue of voids in these tracers. The tracers are normally galaxies from a redshift survey but could also be halos or dark matter particles from a simulation box. Two void-finding routines are provided. The first is based on ZOBOV (ascl:1304.005) and uses Voronoi tessellation of the tracer field to estimate the local density, followed by a watershed void-finding step. The second is a voxel-based method, which uses a particle-mesh interpolation to estimate the tracer density, and then uses a similar watershed algorithm. Input data files can be in FITS format, or ASCII- or NPY-formatted data arrays.

[ascl:2411.010] ReverseDiff: Reverse mode automatic Differentiation for Julia

ReverseDiff implements methods to take gradients, Jacobians, Hessians, and higher-order derivatives of native Julia functions (or any callable object) using reverse mode automatic differentiation (AD). While performance can vary depending on the functions you evaluate, the algorithms implemented by ReverseDiff generally outperform non-AD algorithms in both speed and accuracy.

[ascl:2409.009] resonances: Mean-motion resonances in Solar system and other planetary systems identifier

resonances identifies mean-motion resonances of small bodies. It uses the REBOUND integrator (ascl:1110.016) and automatically identifies two-body and three-body mean-motion resonance in the Solar system. The package can be used for other possible planetary systems, including exoplanets. resonances accurately differentiates different types of resonances (pure, transient, uncertain) and provides an interface for mass tasks, such as finding resonant areas in a planetary system. The software can also plot time series and periodograms.

[ascl:1505.028] RESOLVE: Bayesian algorithm for aperture synthesis imaging in radio astronomy

RESOLVE is a Bayesian inference algorithm for image reconstruction in radio interferometry. It is optimized for extended and diffuse sources. Features include parameter-free Bayesian reconstruction of radio continuum data with a focus on extended and weak diffuse sources, reconstruction with uncertainty propagation dependent on measurement noise, and estimation of the spatial correlation structure of the radio astronomical source. RESOLVE provides full support for measurement sets and includes a simulation tool (if uv-coverage is provided).

[ascl:1809.016] RequiSim: Variance weighted overlap calculator

RequiSim computes the Variance Weighted Overlap, which is a measure of the bias on the lensing signal from power spectrum modelling bias for any non-linear model. It assumes that the bias on the power spectrum is Gaussian with a covariance described by a user-provided knowledge matrix that describes the covariance in the bias on the power spectrum. The data from the Euclid wide-field survey are included.

[ascl:1612.022] REPS: REscaled Power Spectra for initial conditions with massive neutrinos

REPS (REscaled Power Spectra) provides accurate, one-percent level, numerical simulations of the initial conditions for massive neutrino cosmologies, rescaling the late-time linear power spectra to the simulation initial redshift.

[ascl:2011.023] reproject: Python-based astronomical image reprojection

reproject implements image reprojection (resampling) methods for astronomical images using various techniques via a uniform interface. Reprojection re-grids images from one world coordinate system to another (for example changing the pixel resolution, orientation, coordinate system). reproject works on celestial images by interpolation, as well as by finding the exact overlap between pixels on the celestial sphere. It can also reproject to/from HEALPIX projections by relying on the astropy-healpix package.

[ascl:2107.021] RePrimAnd: Recovery of Primitives And EOS framework

The RePrimAnd library supports numerical simulations of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. It provides methods for recovering primitive variables such as pressure and velocity from the variables evolved in quasi-conservative formulations. Further, it provides a general framework for handling matter equations of state (EOS). Python bindings are automatically built together with the library, provided a Python3 installation containing the pybind11 package is detected. RePrimAnd also provides an (experimental) thorn that builds the library within an Einstein Toolkit (ascl:1102.014) environment using the ExternalLibraries mechanism.

[ascl:1904.008] repack: Repack and compress line-transition data

repack re-packs and compresses line-transition data for radiative-transfer calculations. It identifies the strong lines that dominate the spectrum from the large-majority of weaker lines, returning a binary line-by-line (LBL) file with the strong lines info (wavenumber, Elow, gf, and isotope ID), and an ASCII file with the combined contribution of the weaker lines compressed into a continuum extinction coefficient (in cm-1 amagat-1) as function of wavenumber and temperature.

[ascl:2307.049] reMASTERed: Calculate contributions to pseudo-Cl for maps with correlated masks

reMASTERed reconstructs ensemble-averaged pseudo-$C_\ell$ to effectively exact precision, with significant improvements over traditional estimators for cases where the map and mask are correlated. The code can compute the results given an arbitrary map and mask; it can also compute the results in the ensemble average for certain types of threshold masks.

[ascl:2010.015] relxill: Reflection models of black hole accretion disks

relxill self-consistently connects an angle-dependent reflection model constructed with XILLVER with the relativistic blurring code RELLINE (ascl:1505.021). It calculates the proper emission angle of the radiation at each point on the accretion disk and then takes the corresponding reflection spectrum into account.

[ascl:1505.021] relline: Relativistic line profiles calculation

relline calculates relativistic line profiles; it is compatible with the common X-ray data analysis software XSPEC (ascl:9910.005) and ISIS (ascl:1302.002). The two basic forms are an additive line model (RELLINE) and a convolution model to calculate relativistic smearing (RELCONV).

[ascl:2307.003] RelicFast: Fast scale-dependent halo bias

RelicFast computes the scale-dependent bias induced by relics of different masses, spins, and temperatures, through spherical collapse and the peak-background split. The code determines halo bias in under a second, making it possible to include this effect for different cosmologies, and light relics, at little computational cost.

[ascl:2306.023] RELAGN: AGN SEDs with full GR ray tracing

RELAGN creates spectral models for the calculation of AGN SEDs, ranging from the Optical/UV (outer accretion disc) to the Hard X-ray (Innermost X-ray Corona). The code is available in two languages, Python and Fortran. The Fortran version is written to be used with the spectral fitting software XSPEC (ascl:9910.005), and is the preferred version for analyzing X-ray spectral data. The Python version provides more flexibility for modeling. Whereas the Fortran version produces only a spectrum, the Python implementation can extract the physical properties of the system (such as the physical mass accretion rate, disc size, and efficiency parameters) since these are all stored as attributes within the model. Both versions require a working installation of HEASOFT (ascl:1408.004).

[ascl:2107.005] ReionYuga: Epoch of Reionization neutral Hydrogen field generator

The C code ReionYuga generates the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) neutral Hydrogen (HI) field (successively the redshifted 21-cm signal) within a cosmological simulation box using semi-numerical techniques. The code is based on excursion set formalism and uses a three parameter model. It is designed to work with PMN-body (ascl:2107.003) and FoF-Halo-finder (ascl:2107.004).

[ascl:1404.012] RegPT: Regularized cosmological power spectrum

RegPT computes the power spectrum in flat wCDM class models based on the RegPT treatment when provided with either of transfer function or matter power spectrum. It then gives the multiple-redshift outputs for power spectrum, and optionally provides correlation function data. The Fortran code has two major options for power spectrum calculations; -fast, which quickly computes the power spectrum at two-loop level (typically a few seconds) using the pre-computed data set of PT kernels for fiducial cosmological models, and -direct, in which the code first applies the fast method, and then follows the regularized expression for power spectrum to directly evaluate the multi-dimensional integrals. The output results are the power spectrum of direct calculation and difference of the results between fast and direct method. The code also gives the data set of PT diagrams necessary for power spectrum calculations from which the power spectrum can be constructed.

[ascl:1206.001] RegiStax: Alignment, stacking and processing of images

RegiStax is software for alignment/stacking/processing of images; it was released over 10 years ago and continues to be developed and improved. The current version is RegiStax 6, which supports the following formats: AVI, SER, RFL (RegiStax Framelist), BMP, JPG, TIF, and FIT. This version has a shorter and simpler processing sequence than its predecessor, and optimizing isn't necessary anymore as a new image alignment method optimizes directly. The interface of RegiStax 6 has been simplified to look more uniform in appearance and functionality, and RegiStax 6 now uses Multi-core processing, allowing the user to have up to have multiple cores(recommended to use maximally 4) working simultaneous during alignment/stacking.

[ascl:1401.004] Reflex: Graphical workflow engine for data reduction

Reflex provides an easy and flexible way to reduce VLT/VLTI science data using the ESO pipelines. It allows graphically specifying the sequence in which the data reduction steps are executed, including conditional stops, loops and conditional branches. It eases inspection of the intermediate and final data products and allows repetition of selected processing steps to optimize the data reduction. The data organization necessary to reduce the data is built into the system and is fully automatic; advanced users can plug their own modules and steps into the data reduction sequence. Reflex supports the development of data reduction workflows based on the ESO Common Pipeline Library. Reflex is based on the concept of a scientific workflow, whereby the data reduction cascade is rendered graphically and data seamlessly flow from one processing step to the next. It is distributed with a number of complete test datasets so users can immediately start experimenting and familiarize themselves with the system.

[ascl:2106.017] redvsblue: Quasar and emission line redshift fitting

redvsblue measures a precise redshift given a broad redshift prior. For each emission line or the full spectrum, the software runs a coarse chi2 scan as a function of redshift, using the input PCA+broadband Legendre polynomials, and finds three local minima, and does a finer chi2 scan in each minima. It then defines the global PCA redshift (ZPCA) from the best minimum of the three; ZPCA is a redshift estimator biased toward the computation of the PCA. The redshift of the line (ZLINE) is defined from the maximum of the best-fit model of the line. ZLINE is a redshift estimator un-biased toward the velocity of the line, but can be biased with respect to the cosmological redshift. The output is a FITS file, with one HDU per redshift type.

[ascl:1508.003] REDUCEME: Long-slit spectroscopic data reduction and analysis

The astronomical data reduction package REDUCEME reduces and analyzes long-slit spectroscopic data. The package uses the unformatted FORTRAN raw data format, so requires FITS files be transformed to REDUCEME format; the reverse operation (from REDUCEME to FITS format) is also available. The package is a set of programs written in FORTRAN 77 and includes shell scripts (using the C shell syntax) to perform routine tasks; it can be extended by the inclusion of external programs. REDUCEME uses PGPLOT (ascl:1103.002) for line plots and images, and a subset of subroutines, called BUTTON, enables the user to communicate interactively with the image display employing graphic buttons. One advantage of using REDUCEME is that for each image an associated error image can also be processed throughout the reduction process, allowing for a careful control of the error propagation.

[ascl:1507.017] REDSPEC: NIRSPEC data reduction

REDSPEC is an IDL based reduction package designed with NIRSPEC in mind though can be used to reduce data from other spectrographs as well. REDSPEC accomplishes spatial rectification by summing an A+B pair of a calibration star to produce an image with two spectra; the image is remapped on the basis of polynomial fits to the spectral traces and calculation of gaussian centroids to define their separation, producing straight spectral traces with respect to the detector rows. The raw images are remapped onto a coordinate system with uniform intervals in spatial extent along the slit and in wavelength along the dispersion axis.

[ascl:2103.004] redshifts: Spectroscopic redshifts search tool

redshifts collects all unique spectroscopic redshifts from online databases such as VizieR and NED. It can perform a flexible search within a radius of a given set of (RA, DEC) coordinates and uses column names and descriptions (including UCD keywords) to identify columns containing spectroscopic redshifts or velocities. It weeds out photometric redshifts and duplicates and returns a unique list of best spectroscopic redshift measurements. redshifts can be used standalone from the terminal, and can take a number of optional command line arguments, or from Python.

[ascl:2106.024] RedPipe: Reduction Pipeline

The RedPipe collection of Python scripts performs optical photometric and spectroscopic data reduction. There are scripts on preprocessing, photometry, calibration, spectroscopy, analysis and plotting. The photometry and spectroscopy codes use pyraf (ascl:1207.011) and hence require an already existing installation of Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF, ascl:9911.002).

[ascl:2005.004] REDFIT: Red-noise spectra directly from unevenly spaced time series

Time series are commonly unevenly spaced in time make it difficult to obtain an accurate estimate of their typical red-noise spectrum. REDFIT overcomes this problem by fitting a first-order autoregressive (AR1) process directly to unevenly spaced time series. Hence, interpolation in the time domain and its inevitable bias can be avoided. The program can be used to test if peaks in the spectrum of a time series are significant against the red-noise background from an AR1 process.

[ascl:2406.028] Redback: Bayesian inference package for fitting electromagnetic transients

Redback provides end-to-end interpretation and parameter estimation of electromagnetic transients. Using data downloaded by the code or provided by the user, the code processes the data into a homogeneous transient object. Redback implements several different types of electromagnetic transients models, ranging from simple analytical models to numerical surrogates, fits models implemented in the package or provided by the user, and plots lightcurves. The code can also be used as a tool to simulate realistic populations without having to fit anything, as models are implemented as functions and can be used to simulate populations. Redback uses Bilby (ascl:1901.011) for sampling and can easily switch samplers and likelihoods.

[ascl:1106.026] RECFAST: Calculate the Recombination History of the Universe

RECFAST calculates the recombination of H, HeI, and HeII in the early Universe; this involves a line-by-line treatment of each atomic level. It differs in comparison to previous calculations in two major ways: firstly, the ionization fraction x_e is approximately 10% smaller for redshifts <~800, due to non-equilibrium processes in the excited states of H, and secondly, HeI recombination is much slower than previously thought, and is delayed until just before H recombines. RECFAST enables fast computation of the ionization history (and quantities such as the power spectrum of CMB anisotropies which depend on it) for arbitrary cosmologies.

[ascl:2011.020] REBOUNDx: Adding effects in REBOUND N-body integrations

REBOUNDx incorporates additional physics into REBOUND (ascl:1110.016) simulations. Users can add effects from a list of pre-implemented astrophysical forces or contribute new ones. The main code is written in C, and a Python wrapper is provided for interfacing with other libraries. The REBOUNDx source code is machine independent and a binary format to save REBOUNDx configurations interfaces with the SimulationArchive class in REBOUND, making it possible to share and reproduce results bit by bit.

[ascl:1110.016] REBOUND: Multi-purpose N-body code for collisional dynamics

REBOUND is a multi-purpose N-body code which is freely available under an open-source license. It was designed for collisional dynamics such as planetary rings but can also solve the classical N-body problem. It is highly modular and can be customized easily to work on a wide variety of different problems in astrophysics and beyond.

REBOUND comes with symplectic integrators WHFast, WHFastHelio, SEI, and LEAPFROG. It supports open, periodic and shearing-sheet boundary conditions. REBOUND can use a Barnes-Hut tree to calculate both self-gravity and collisions. These modules are fully parallelized with MPI as well as OpenMP. The former makes use of a static domain decomposition and a distributed essential tree. Two new collision detection modules based on a plane-sweep algorithm are also implemented. The performance of the plane-sweep algorithm is superior to a tree code for simulations in which one dimension is much longer than the other two and in simulations which are quasi-two dimensional with less than one million particles.

[ascl:1107.009] REAS3: Modeling Radio Emission from Cosmic Ray Air Showers

The freely available Monte Carlo code REAS for modelling radio emission from cosmic ray air showers has evolved to include the full complexity of air shower physics. REAS3 improves the calculation of the emission contributions, which was not fully consistent in earlier versions of REAS, by incorporating the missing radio emission due to the variation of the number of charged particles during the air shower evolution using an "end-point formalism". With the inclusion of these emission contributions, the structure of the simulated radio pulses changes from unipolar to bipolar, and the azimuthal emission pattern becomes nearly symmetric. Remaining asymmetries can be explained by radio emission due to the variation of the net charge excess in air showers, which is automatically taken into account in the new implementation. REAS3 constitutes the first self-consistent time-domain implementation based on single particle emission taking the full complexity of air shower physics into account, and is freely available for all interested users. REAS3 has been superseded by CoREAS (ascl:1406.003).

[ascl:2407.008] RealSim: Statistical observational realism for synthetic images from galaxy simulations

RealSim generates survey-realistic synthetic images of galaxies from hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution. The main functionality of this code inserts "idealized" simulated galaxies into Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images in such a way that the statistics of sky brightness, resolution, and crowding are matched between simulated galaxies and observed galaxies in the SDSS. The suite accepts idealized synthetic images in calibrated AB surface brightnesses and rebins them to the desired redshift and CCD angular scale; RealSim can add Poisson noise, if desired, by adopting generic values of photometric calibrations in survey fields. Images produced by the suite can be inserted into real image fields to incorporate real skies, PSF degradation, and contamination by neighboring sources in the field of view. The RealSim methodology can be applied to any existing galaxy imaging survey.

[ascl:2206.022] RealSim-IFS: Realistic synthetic integral field spectrscopy of galaxies from numerical simulations

RealSim-IFS generates survey-realistic integral-field spectroscopy (IFS) observations of galaxies from numerical simulations of galaxy formation. The tool is designed primarily to emulate current and experimental observing strategies for IFS galaxy surveys in astronomy, and can reproduce both the flux and variance propagation of real galaxy spectra to cubes. RealSim-IFS has built-in functions supporting SAMI and MaNGA IFU footprints, but supports any fiber-based IFU design, in general.

[ascl:1506.007] REALMAF: Magnetic power spectra from Faraday rotation maps

REALMAF is a maximum-a-posteriori code to measure magnetic power spectra from Faraday rotation data. It uses a sophisticated model for the magnetic autocorrelation in real space, thus alleviating the need for simplifying assumptions in the processing. REALMAF treats the divergence relation of the magnetic field with a multiplicative factor in Fourier space, which allows modeling the magnetic autocorrelation as a spherically symmetric function.

[ascl:2007.016] ReadPDS: Visualization tools for PDS4 data

ReadPDS reads in and visualizes data from the Planetary Data System in PDS4 format. Tools are available in Python as PDS4Viewer and in IDL as PDS4-IDL. These tools support PDS4 data, including images, spectra, and arrays and provide multiple views of the data, including summary, image, plot, and table views in addition to easy access to metadata such as structure labels and spectral characteristics.

[ascl:2301.017] ReACT: Calculation of non-linear power spectra from non-standard physics

ReACT extends the Copter (ascl:1304.022) and MG-Copter packages, which calculate redshift and real space large scale structure observables for a wide class of gravity and dark energy models. Additions to Copter include spherical collapse in modified gravity, halo model power spectrum for general theories, and real and redshift space LSS 2 point statistics for modified gravity and dark energy. ReACT also includes numerical perturbation theory kernel solvers, real space bispectra in modified gravity, and a numerical perturbation theory kernel solver up to 4th order for 1-loop bispectrum.

[ascl:1408.017] RDGEN: Routines for data handling, display, and adjusting

RDGEN is a collection of routines for data handling, display, and adjusting, with a facility which helps to set up files for using with VPFIT (ascl:1408.015); it is included in the VPFIT distribution file. It is useful for setting region boundaries and initial guesses for VPFIT, for displaying the accumulated results, for examining by eye particular redshift systems and fits to them, testing that the error array is a true reflection of the rms scatter in the data, comparing spectra and generally examining and even modifying the data.

[ascl:2302.006] RCR: Robust Chauvenet Outlier Rejection

RCR provides advanced outlier rejection that is easy to use. Both sigma clipping, the simplest form of outlier rejection, and traditional Chauvenet rejection make use of non-robust quantities, the mean and standard deviation, which are sensitive to the outliers that they are being used to reject. This limits such techniques to samples with small contaminants or small contamination fractions. RCR instead first makes use of robust replacements for the mean, such as the median and the half-sample mode, and similar robust replacements for the standard deviation. RCR has been carefully calibrated and can be applied to samples with both large contaminants and large contaminant fractions (sometimes in excess of 90% contaminated).

[ascl:2009.015] rcosmo: Cosmic Microwave Background data analysis

rcosmo provides information processing, visualization, manipulation and spatial statistical analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation and other spherical data stored in or converted to HEALPix coordinates. The package has more than 100 different functions, and can perform spherical geometry, manipulate CMB and other spherical data, and visualize HEALPix data. rcosmo can also perform statistical analysis of CMB and spherical data, and transforme spherical data in cartesian and geographic coordinates into HEALPix format.

[submitted] RCETC: Roman Coronagraph Exposure Time Calculator

The Roman Coronagraph Exposure Time Calculator (Roman_Coronagraph_ETC for short) is the public version of the exposure time calculator of the Coronagraph Instrument aboard the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope funded by NASA. The methods used to estimate the integration times are based upon peer reviewed research articles (see Bibliography) and a collection of instrumental and modeling parameters of both the Coronagraph Instrument and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The code is written in python. Visit for more information.

[ascl:1411.006] RC3 mosaicking pipeline: Creating mosaics for the RC3 Catalogue

The RC3 mosaicking pipeline creates color composite images and scientifically-calibrated FITS mosaics in all SDSS imaging bands for all the RC3 galaxies that lie within the survey’s footprint and on photographic plates taken by the Digitized Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (DPOSS) for the B, R, IR bands. The pipeline uses SExtractor (ascl:1010.064) for extraction and STIFF (ascl:1110.006) to generating color images. The mosaicking program uses a recursive algorithm for positional update first to correct the positional inaccuracy inherent in the RC3 catalog, then conducts the mosaicking procedure using the Astropy (ascl:1304.002) wrapper to IPAC's Montage (ascl:1010.036) software. The program is generalized into a pipeline that can be easily extended to future survey data or other source catalogs; an online interface is available at

[ascl:2405.003] raynest: Parallel nested sampling based on ray

raynest, written in Python, computes Bayesian evidences and probability distributions using parallel chains.

[ascl:2401.002] Rayleigh: Pseudo-spectral MHD

The 3-D convection code Rayleigh enables study of dynamo behavior in spherical geometry. It evolves the incompressible and anelastic MHD equations in spherical geometry using a pseudo-spectral approach. Rayleigh employs spherical harmonics in the horizontal direction and Chebyshev polynomials in the radial direction and has undergone extensive accuracy testing.

[ascl:1105.009] Ray Tracing Codes: run_tau, run_raypath, and ray_kernel

Time-distance helioseismology aims to measure and interpret the travel times of waves propagating between two points located on the solar surface. The travel times are then inverted to infer sub-surface properties that are encoded in the measurements. The trajectory of the waves generally follows that of the infinite-frequency ray path, although they are sensitive to perturbations off of this path. Finite-frequency sensitivity kernels are thus needed to give more accurate inversion results.

Ray tracing codes calculate travel time kernels for a ray. There are three main codes which calculate the group time as a function of distance, the ray paths as well as the phase and group times along the path, and the ray kernels for the sound speed squared.

[ascl:0008.002] RATRAN: Radiative Transfer and Molecular Excitation in One and Two Dimensions

RATRAN is a numerical method and computer code to calculate the radiative transfer and excitation of molecular lines. The approach is based on the Monte Carlo method, and incorporates elements from Accelerated Lambda Iteration. It combines the flexibility of the former with the speed and accuracy of the latter. Convergence problems known to plague Monte Carlo methods at large optical depth (>100) are avoided by separating local contributions to the radiation field from the overall transfer problem. The random nature of the Monte Carlo method serves to verify the independence of the solution to the angular, spatial, and frequency sampling of the radiation field. This allows the method to be used in a wide variety of astrophysical problems without specific adaptations. Moreover, the code can be applied to all atoms or molecules for which collisional rate coefficients are available and any axially symmetric source model. Continuum emission and absorption by dust is explicitly taken into account but scattering is neglected. We expect this program to be an important tool in analyzing data from present and future infrared and (sub-)millimeter telescopes.

[ascl:1904.014] rate: Reliable Analytic Thermochemical Equilibrium

rate computes thermochemical-equilibrium abundances for a H-C-N-O system with known pressure, temperature, and elemental abundances. The output abundances are H2O, CH4, CO, CO2, NH3, C2H2, C2H4, HCN, and N2, H2, H, and He.

[ascl:2102.022] RASSINE: Normalizing 1D stellar spectra

RASSINE normalizes merged 1D spectra using the concept of convex hulls. The code uses six parameters that can be fine-tuned, and provides an interactive interface, including graphical feedback, for easily choosing the parameters. RASSINE can also provide a first guess for the parameters that are derived directly from the merged 1D spectrum based on previously performed calibrations.

[ascl:2002.002] RASCAS: Resonant line transfer in AMR simulations

The massively parallel code RASCAS (RAdiative SCattering in Astrophysical Simulations) performs radiative transfer on an adaptive mesh with an octree structure using the Monte Carlo technique. The code features full MPI parallelization, domain decomposition, adaptive load-balancing, and a standard peeling algorithm to construct mock observations. The radiative transport of resonant line photons through different mixes of species (e.g. HI, SiII, MgII, FeII), including their interaction with dust, is implemented in a modular fashion to allow new transitions to be easily added to the code. RASCAS may also be used to propagate photons at any wavelength (e.g. stellar continuum or fluorescent lines), and has been designed to be easily customizable and to process simulations of arbitrarily large sizes on large supercomputers.

[ascl:1909.008] RascalC: Fast code for galaxy covariance matrix estimation

RascalC quickly estimates covariance matrices from two- or three-point galaxy correlation functions. Given an input set of random particle locations and a two-point correlation function (or input set of galaxy positions), RascalC produces an estimate of the associated covariance for a given binning strategy, with non-Gaussianities approximated by a ‘shot-noise-rescaling’ parameter. For the 2PCF, the rescaling parameter can be calibrated by dividing the particles into jackknife regions and comparing sample to theoretical jackknife covariance. RascalC can also be used to compute Legendre-binned covariances and cross-covariances between different two-point correlation functions.

[ascl:1803.015] RAPTOR: Imaging code for relativistic plasmas in strong gravity

RAPTOR produces accurate images, animations, and spectra of relativistic plasmas in strong gravity by numerically integrating the equations of motion of light rays and performing time-dependent radiative transfer calculations along the rays. The code is compatible with any analytical or numerical spacetime, is hardware-agnostic and may be compiled and run on both GPUs and CPUs. RAPTOR is useful for studying accretion models of supermassive black holes, performing time-dependent radiative transfer through general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamical (GRMHD) simulations and investigating the expected observational differences between the so-called fastlight and slow-light paradigms.

[ascl:2308.008] Rapster: Rapid population synthesis for binary black hole mergers in dynamical environments

Rapster (RAPid cluSTER evolution) models binary black hole population synthesis and the evolution of star clusters based on simple, yet realistic prescriptions. The code can generate large populations of dynamically formed binary black holes. Rapster uses SEVN (ascl:2206.019) to model the initial black hole mass spectrum and PRECESSION (ascl:1611.004) to model the mass, spin, and gravitational recoil of merger remnants.

[ascl:2005.016] RAPP: Robust Automated Photometry Pipeline

RAPP is a robust automated photometry pipeline for blurred images. RAPP requires that the observed images contain at least three stars and applies bias, dark, and flat field correction on blurred observational raw data; it also uses the median of adjacent pixels to eliminate outliers. It also uses star enhancement and robust image matching, extracts stars, and performs aperture photometry to extract information from blurred images.

[ascl:2209.016] RAPOC: Rosseland and Planck mean opacities calculator

RAPOC (Rosseland and Planck Opacity Converter) uses molecular absorption measurements (i.e., wavelength-dependent opacities) for a given temperature, pressure, and wavelength range to calculate Rosseland and Planck mean opacities for use in atmospheric modeling. The code interpolates between discrete data points and can use ExoMol and DACE data, or any user-defined data provided in a readable format. RAPOC is simple, straightforward, and easily incorporated into other codes.

[ascl:2003.007] RAPID: Real-time Automated Photometric IDentification

RAPID (Real-time Automated Photometric IDentification) classifies multiband photometric light curves into several different transient classes. It uses a deep recurrent neural network to produce time-varying classifications, and because it does not rely on deriving computationally expensive features from the data, it is well suited for processing alerts that wide-field surveys such as the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will produce.

[ascl:2105.019] RandomQuintessence: Integrate the Klein-Gordon and Friedmann equations with random initial conditions

RandomQuintessence integrates the Klein-Gordon and Friedmann equations for quintessence models with random initial conditions and functional forms for the potential. Quintessence models generically impose non-trivial structure on observables like the equation of state of dark energy. There are three main modules; sets initial conditions, loops over a bunch of randomly-initialised models, integrates the equations, and then analyses and saves the resulting solutions for each model. Models are defined in; each model corresponds to an object that defines the functional form of the potential, various model parameters, and functions to randomly draw those parameters. All of the equation-solving code and methods to analyze the solution are kept in under the base class DEModel(). Other files available analyze and plot the data in a variety of ways.

[ascl:2008.021] ramses2hsim: RAMSES output to 3D data cube for HSIM

The ramses2hsim pipeline converts a simulated galaxy in a RAMSES (ascl:1011.007) output into an 3D input data cube for HSIM (ascl:1912.006). The code incorporates gas kinematics (both bulk and turbulence), line emission and line width for Hα, and accounts for dust extinction.

[ascl:1011.007] RAMSES: A new N-body and hydrodynamical code

A new N-body and hydrodynamical code, called RAMSES, is presented. It has been designed to study structure formation in the universe with high spatial resolution. The code is based on Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) technique, with a tree based data structure allowing recursive grid refinements on a cell-by-cell basis. The N-body solver is very similar to the one developed for the ART code (Kravtsov et al. 97), with minor differences in the exact implementation. The hydrodynamical solver is based on a second-order Godunov method, a modern shock-capturing scheme known to compute accurately the thermal history of the fluid component. The accuracy of the code is carefully estimated using various test cases, from pure gas dynamical tests to cosmological ones. The specific refinement strategy used in cosmological simulations is described, and potential spurious effects associated to shock waves propagation in the resulting AMR grid are discussed and found to be negligible. Results obtained in a large N-body and hydrodynamical simulation of structure formation in a low density LCDM universe are finally reported, with 256^3 particles and 4.1 10^7 cells in the AMR grid, reaching a formal resolution of 8192^3. A convergence analysis of different quantities, such as dark matter density power spectrum, gas pressure power spectrum and individual haloes temperature profiles, shows that numerical results are converging down to the actual resolution limit of the code, and are well reproduced by recent analytical predictions in the framework of the halo model.

[ascl:1710.013] Ramses-GPU: Second order MUSCL-Handcock finite volume fluid solver

RamsesGPU is a reimplementation of RAMSES (ascl:1011.007) which drops the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) features to optimize 3D uniform grid algorithms for modern graphics processor units (GPU) to provide an efficient software package for astrophysics applications that do not need AMR features but do require a very large number of integration time steps. RamsesGPU provides an very efficient C++/CUDA/MPI software implementation of a second order MUSCL-Handcock finite volume fluid solver for compressible hydrodynamics as a magnetohydrodynamics solver based on the constraint transport technique. Other useful modules includes static gravity, dissipative terms (viscosity, resistivity), and forcing source term for turbulence studies, and special care was taken to enhance parallel input/output performance by using state-of-the-art libraries such as HDF5 and parallel-netcdf.

[ascl:2302.022] RALF: RADEX Line Fitter

The RADEX Line Fitter provides a Python 3 interface that calls RADEX (ascl:1010.075) to make a non-LTE fit to a set of observed lines and derive the column density of the molecule that produced the lines and optionally also the molecular hydrogen (H2) number density or the kinetic temperature of the molecule. This code requires RADEX to be installed locally.

[ascl:2103.016] RAiSERed: Analytic AGN model based code for radio-frequency redshifts

The RAiSERed (Radio AGN in Semi-analytic Environments: Redshifts) code implements the RAiSE analytic model for Fanaroff-Riley type II sources, using a Bayesian prior for their host cosmological environments, to measure the redshift of active galactic nuclei lobes based on radio-frequency observations. The Python code provides a class for the user to store measured attributes for each radio source, and to which model derived redshift probability density functions are returned. Systematic uncertainties in the analytic model can be calibrated by specifying a subset of radio sources with spectroscopic redshifts. Functions are additionally provided to plot the redshift probability density functions and assess the success of the model calibration.

[ascl:2312.019] Rainbow: Simultaneous multi-band light curve fitting

Rainbow is a black-body parametric model for transient light curves. It uses Bazin function as a model for bolometric flux evolution and a logistic function for the temperature evolution; it provides seven fit parameters and goodness of fit (reduced χ2) and is well-suited for transient objects. Also included is RainbowRisingFit, suitable for rising transient objects, which offers six fit parameters. It is based on a rising sigmoid bolometric flux and a sigmoid temperature evolution. These implementations are implemented in the light-curve processing toolbox (ascl:2107.001) for Python.

[ascl:1411.010] Raga: Monte Carlo simulations of gravitational dynamics of non-spherical stellar systems

Raga (Relaxation in Any Geometry) is a Monte Carlo simulation method for gravitational dynamics of non-spherical stellar systems. It is based on the SMILE software (ascl:1308.001) for orbit analysis. It can simulate stellar systems with a much smaller number of particles N than the number of stars in the actual system, represent an arbitrary non-spherical potential with a basis-set or spline spherical-harmonic expansion with the coefficients of expansion computed from particle trajectories, and compute particle trajectories independently and in parallel using a high-accuracy adaptive-timestep integrator. Raga can also model two-body relaxation by local (position-dependent) velocity diffusion coefficients (as in Spitzer's Monte Carlo formulation) and adjust the magnitude of relaxation to the actual number of stars in the target system, and model the effect of a central massive black hole.

[ascl:1902.008] Radynversion: Solar atmospheric properties during a solar flare

Radynversion infers solar atmospheric properties during a solar flare. The code is based on an Invertible Neural Network (INN) that is trained to learn an approximate bijective mapping between the atmospheric properties of electron density, temperature, and bulk velocity (all as a function of altitude), and the observed Hα and Ca II λ8542 line profiles. As information is lost in the forward process of radiation transfer, this information is injected back into the model during the inverse process by means of a latent space; the training allows this latent space to be filled using an n-dimensional unit Gaussian distribution, where n is the dimensionality of the latent space. The code is based on a model trained by simulations made by RADYN, a 1D non-equilibrium radiation hydrodynamic model with good optically thick radiation treatment that does not consider magnetic effects.

[ascl:1801.012] RadVel: General toolkit for modeling Radial Velocities

RadVel models Keplerian orbits in radial velocity (RV) time series. The code is written in Python with a fast Kepler's equation solver written in C. It provides a framework for fitting RVs using maximum a posteriori optimization and computing robust confidence intervals by sampling the posterior probability density via Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). RadVel can perform Bayesian model comparison and produces publication quality plots and LaTeX tables.

[ascl:2210.008] RADTRAN: General purpose planetary radiative transfer model

RADTRAN calculates the transmission, absorption or emission spectra emitted by planetary atmospheres using either line-by-line integration, spectral band models, or 'correlated-K' approaches. Part of the NEMESIS project (ascl:2210.009), the code also incorporates both multiple scattering and single scattering calculations. RADTRAN is general purpose and not hard-wired to any specific planet.

[ascl:9910.009] RADPACK: A RADical compression analysis PACKage for fitting to the CMB

The RADPACK package, written in IDL, contains both data and software. The data are the constraints on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) angular power spectrum from all published data as of 9/99. A unique aspect of this compilation is that the non-Gaussianity of the uncertainties has been characterized. The most important program in the package, written in the IDL language, is called and calculates $chi^2$, for an input power spectrum, according to the offset log-normal form of Bond, Jaffe and Knox (astro-ph/9808264). also outputs files that are useful for examining the residuals (the difference between the predictions of the model and the data). There is an sm macro for plotting up the residuals, and a histogram of the residuals. The histogram is actually for the 'whitenend' residuals ---a linear combination of the residuals which leaves them uncorrelated and with unit variance. The expectation is that the whitened residuals will be distributed as a Gaussian with unit variance.

[ascl:1811.015] radon: Streak detection using the Fast Radon Transform

radon performs a Fast Radon Transform (FRT) on image data for streak detection. The software finds short streaks and multiple streaks, convolves the images with a given PSF, and tracks the best S/N results and find a automatic threshold. It also calculates the streak parameters in the input image and the streak parameters in the input image. radon has a simulator that can make multiple streaks of different intensities and coordinates, and can simulate random streaks with parameters chosen uniformly in a user-defined range.

[ascl:1108.016] RADMC: A 2-D Continuum Radiative Transfer Tool

RADMC is a 2-D Monte-Carlo code for dust continuum radiative transfer circumstellar disks and envelopes. It is based on the method of Bjorkman & Wood (ApJ 2001, 554, 615), but with several modifications to produce smoother results with fewer photon packages.

[ascl:1202.015] RADMC-3D: A multi-purpose radiative transfer tool

RADMC-3D is a software package for astrophysical radiative transfer calculations in arbitrary 1-D, 2-D or 3-D geometries. It is mainly written for continuum radiative transfer in dusty media, but also includes modules for gas line transfer and gas continuum transfer. RADMC-3D is a new incarnation of the older software package RADMC (ascl:1108.016).

[ascl:1308.012] RADLite: Raytracer for infrared line spectra

RADLite is a raytracer that is optimized for producing infrared line spectra and images from axisymmetric density structures, originally developed to function on top of the dust radiative transfer code RADMC. RADLite can consistently deal with a wide range of velocity gradients, such as those typical for the inner regions of protoplanetary disks. The code is intended as a back-end for chemical and excitation codes, and can rapidly produce spectra of thousands of lines for grids of models for comparison with observations. It includes functionality for simulating telescopic images for optical/IR/midIR/farIR telescopes. It takes advantage of multi-threaded CPUs and includes an escape-probability non-LTE module.

[ascl:2312.033] RADIS: Fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra

RADIS resolves spectra with millions of lines within seconds on a single-CPU and can be GPU-accelerated. It supports HITRAN, HITEMP and ExoMol out-of-the-box (auto-download), and therefore is particularly suitable to compute cross-sections or transmission spectra at high-temperature. RADIS includes equilibrium calculations for all species, and non-LTE for CO2 and CO.

[ascl:2101.004] radiowinds: Radio emission from stellar winds

radiowinds calculates the radio emission produced by the winds around stars. The code calculates thermal bremsstrahlung that is emitted from the wind, which depends directly on the density and temperature of the stellar wind plasma. The program takes input data in the form of an interpolated 3d grid of points (of the stellar wind) containing position, temperature and density data. From this it calculates the thermal free-free emission expected from the wind at a range of user-defined frequencies.

[submitted] RadioSunPy: A Robust Preprocessing Pipeline for RATAN-600 Solar Radio Observations Data

This paper introduces RadioSunPy, an open-source Python package developed for accessing, visualizing, and analyzing multi-band radio observations of the Sun from the RATAN-600 solar complex. The advancement of observational technologies and software for processing and visualizing spectro-polarimetric microwave data obtained with the RATAN-600 radio telescope opens new opportunities for studying the physical characteristics of solar plasma at the levels of the chromosphere and corona. These levels remain some difficult to detect in the ultraviolet and X-ray ranges. The development of these methods allows for more precise investigation of the fine structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere, thereby deepening our understanding of the processes occurring in these layers. The obtained data also can be utilized for diagnosing solar plasma and forecasting solar activity. However, using RATAN-600 data requires extensive data processing and familiarity with the RATAN-600. The package offers comprehensive data processing functionalities, including direct access to raw data, essential processing steps such as calibration and quiet Sun normalization, and tools for analyzing solar activity. This includes automatic detection of local sources, identifying them with NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) active regions, and further determining parameters for local sources and active regions. By streamlining data processing workflows, RadioSunPy enables researchers to investigate the fine structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere more efficiently, contributing to advancements in solar physics and space weather forecasting.

[ascl:2408.012] RadioSED: Radio SED fitting for AGN

RadioSED uses nested sampling to perform a Bayesian analysis of radio SEDs constructed from radio flux density measurements obtained as part of large area surveys (or in some limited cases, as part of targeted followup campaigns). It is a pure Python implementation, and is essentially a wrapper around Bilby (ascl:1901.011), the Bayesian inference library. RadioSED uses dynesty (ascl:1809.013) to perform the sampling steps, though other samplers could also be used. Users can make use of a pre-defined set of models and surveys from which to draw flux density measurements, or they can define their own models and provide their own input flux density measurements. All flux density measurements are referenced against the RACS-LOW survey, and source names and IDs from the survey catalogue are used as identifiers.

[ascl:2208.019] RadioLensfit: Radio weak lensing shear measurement in the visibility domain

RadioLensfit measures star-forming galaxy ellipticities using a Bayesian model fitting approach. The software uses an analytical exponential Sersic model and works in the visibility domain avoiding Fourier Transform. It also simulates visibilities of observed SF galaxies given a source catalog and Measurement Sets containing the description of the radio interferometer and of the observation. It provides both serial and MPI versions.

[ascl:2104.022] RadioFisher: Fisher forecasting for 21cm intensity mapping and spectroscopic galaxy surveys

RadioFisher is a Fisher forecasting code for cosmology with intensity maps of the redshifted 21cm emission line of neutral hydrogen. It uses CAMB (ascl:1102.026) to produce a high-resolution P(k) for the fiducial cosmology when the code is first run and caches the results, making subsequent runs faster and more efficient. It includes specifications for a large number of experiments, as well as survey parameters and the fiducial cosmological parameters, and can run a forecast for a galaxy redshift survey rather than an IM survey. RadioFisher also contains a number of options for plotting results.

[ascl:1108.014] RADICAL: Multi-purpose 2-D Radiative Transfer Code

RADICAL is a multi-purpose 2-D radiative transfer code for axi-symmetric circumstellar (or circum-black-hole) envelopes /disks / tori etc. It has been extensively tested and found reliable and accurate. The code has recently been supplemented with a Variable Eddington Tensor module which enables it to solve dust continuum radiative transfer problems from very low up to extremely high optical depths with only a few (about 7) iterations at most.

[ascl:1806.017] RadFil: Radial density profile builder for interstellar filaments

RadFil is a radial density profile building and fitting tool for interstellar filaments. The software uses an image array and (in most cases) a boolean mask array that delineates the boundary of the filament to build and fit a radial density profile for the filaments.

[ascl:1010.075] Radex: Fast Non-LTE Analysis of Interstellar Line Spectra

The large quantity and high quality of modern radio and infrared line observations require efficient modeling techniques to infer physical and chemical parameters such as temperature, density, and molecular abundances. Radex calculates the intensities of atomic and molecular lines produced in a uniform medium, based on statistical equilibrium calculations involving collisional and radiative processes and including radiation from background sources. Optical depth effects are treated with an escape probability method. The program makes use of molecular data files maintained in the Leiden Atomic and Molecular Database (LAMDA), which will continue to be improved and expanded. The performance of the program is compared with more approximate and with more sophisticated methods. An Appendix provides diagnostic plots to estimate physical parameters from line intensity ratios of commonly observed molecules. This program should form an important tool in analyzing observations from current and future radio and infrared telescopes.

[ascl:2405.023] raccoon: Radial velocities and Activity indicators from Cross-COrrelatiON with masks

raccoon implements the cross-correlation function (CCF) method. It builds weighted binary masks from a stellar spectrum template, computes the CCF of stellar spectra with a mask, and derives radial velocities (RVs) and activity indicators from the CCF. raccoon is mainly implemented in Python 3; it also uses some Fortran subroutines that are called from Python.

[ascl:1711.015] rac-2d: Thermo-chemical for modeling water vapor formation in protoplanetary disks

rec-2d models the distribution of water vapor in protoplanetary disks. Given a distribution of gas and dust, rac-2d first solves the dust temperature distribution with a Monte Carlo method and then solves the gas temperature distribution and chemical composition. Although the geometry is symmetric with respect to rotation around the central axis and reflection about the midplane, the photon propagation is done in full three dimensions. After establishing the dust temperature distribution, the disk chemistry is evolved for 1 Myr; the heating and cooling processes are coupled with chemistry, allowing the gas temperature to be evolved in tandem with chemistry based on the heating and cooling rates.

[ascl:1502.013] Rabacus: Analytic Cosmological Radiative Transfer Calculations

Rabacus performs analytic radiative transfer calculations in simple geometries relevant to cosmology and astrophysics; it also contains tools to calculate cosmological quantities such as the power spectrum and mass function. With core routines written in Fortran 90 and then wrapped in Python, the execution speed is thousands of times faster than equivalent routines written in pure Python.

[ascl:1106.005] R3D: Reduction Package for Integral Field Spectroscopy

R3D was developed to reduce fiber-based integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data. The package comprises a set of command-line routines adapted for each of these steps, suitable for creating pipelines. The routines have been tested against simulations, and against real data from various integral field spectrographs (PMAS, PPAK, GMOS, VIMOS and INTEGRAL). Particular attention is paid to the treatment of cross-talk.

R3D unifies the reduction techniques for the different IFS instruments to a single one, in order to allow the general public to reduce different instruments data in an homogeneus, consistent and simple way. Although still in its prototyping phase, it has been proved to be useful to reduce PMAS (both in the Larr and the PPAK modes), VIMOS and INTEGRAL data. The current version has been coded in Perl, using PDL, in order to speed-up the algorithm testing phase. Most of the time critical algorithms have been translated to C, and it is our intention to translate all of them. However, even in this phase R3D is fast enough to produce valuable science frames in reasonable time.

[ascl:1104.009] r-Java: An r-process Code and Graphical User Interface for Heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis

r-Java performs r-process nucleosynthesis calculations. It has a simple graphical user interface and is carries out nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) as well as static and dynamic r-process calculations for a wide range of input parameters. r-Java generates an abundance pattern based on a general entropy expression that can be applied to degenerate as well as non-degenerate matter, which allows tracking of the rapid density and temperature evolution of the ejecta during the initial stages of ejecta expansion.

[ascl:1210.028] QYMSYM: A GPU-accelerated hybrid symplectic integrator

QYMSYM is a GPU accelerated 2nd order hybrid symplectic integrator that identifies close approaches between particles and switches from symplectic to Hermite algorithms for particles that require higher resolution integrations. This is a parallel code running with CUDA on a video card that puts the many processors on board to work while taking advantage of fast shared memory.

[ascl:2112.014] Qwind3: Modeling UV line-driven winds originating from accretion discs

Qwind3 models radiation-driven winds originating from accretion discs. An improvement over Qwind (ascl:2112.013), it derives the wind initial conditions and has significantly improved ray-tracing to calculate the wind absorption self consistently given the extended nature of the UV emission. It also corrects the radiation flux for relativistic effects, and assesses the impact of this on the wind velocity.

[ascl:2112.013] Qwind: Non-hydrodynamical model for AGN line-drive winds

Qwind simulates the launching and acceleration phase of line-driven winds in the context of AGN accretion discs. The wind is modeled as a set of streamlines originating on the surface of the AGN accretion disc, and evolved following their equation of motion, given by the balance between radiative and gravitational force.

[ascl:2110.009] Quokka: Two-moment AMR radiation hydrodynamics on GPUs for astrophysics

Quokka is a two-moment radiation hydrodynamics code that uses the piecewise-parabolic method, with AMR and subcycling in time. It runs on CPUs (MPI+vectorized) or NVIDIA GPUs (MPI+CUDA) with a single-source codebase. The hydrodynamics solver is an unsplit method, using the piecewise parabolic method for reconstruction in the primitive variables, the HLLC Riemann solver for flux computations, and a method-of-lines formulation for the time integration. The order of reconstruction is reduced in zones where shocks are detected in order to suppress spurious oscillations in strong shocks. Quokka's radiation hydrodynamics formulation is based on the mixed-frame moment equations. The radiation subsystem is coupled to the hydrodynamic subsystem via operator splitting, with the hydrodynamic update computed first, followed by the radiation update, with the latter update including the source terms corresponding to the radiation four-force applied to both the radiation and hydrodynamic variables. A method-of-lines formulation is also used for the time integration, with the time integration done by the same integrator chosen for the hydrodynamic subsystem.

[ascl:1811.006] QuickSip: Project survey image properties onto the sky into Healpix maps

QuickSip quickly projects Survey Image Properties (e.g. seeing, sky noise, airmass) into Healpix sky maps with flexible weighting schemes. It was initially designed to produce observing condition "systematics" maps for the Dark Energy Survey (DES), but will work with any multi-epoch survey and images with valid WCS. QuickSip can reproduce the Mangle (ascl:1202.005) magnitude limit maps at sub-percent accuracy but doesn't support additional masks (stars, trails, etc), in which case Mangle should be used. Thus, QuickSip can be seen as a simplified Mangle to project image properties into Healpix maps in a fast and more flexible manner.

[ascl:1402.024] QuickReduce: Data reduction pipeline for the WIYN One Degree Imager

QuickReduce quickly reduces data for ODI and is optimized for a first data inspection during acquisition at the the telescope. When installed on the ODI observer's interface, QuickReduce, coded in Python, performs all basic reduction steps as well as more advanced corrections for pupil-ghost removal, fringe correction and masking of persistent pixels and is capable enough for science-quality data reductions. It can also add an accurate astrometric WCS solution based on the 2MASS reference system as well as photometric zeropoint calibration for frames covered by the SDSS foot-print. The pipeline makes use of multiple CPU-cores wherever possible, resulting in an execution time of only a few seconds per frame, thus offering the ODI observer a convenient way to closely monitor data quality.

[ascl:1402.012] QUICKCV: Cosmic variance calculator

QUICKCV is an IDL sample variance/cosmic variance calculator for some geometry for galaxies in given stellar mass bins as a function of mean redshift and redshift bin size.

[ascl:1704.006] Quickclump: Identify clumps within a 3D FITS datacube

Quickclump finds clumps in a 3D FITS datacube. It is a fast, accurate, and automated tool written in Python. Though Quickclump is primarily intended for decomposing observations of interstellar clouds into individual clumps, it can also be used for finding clumps in any 3D rectangular data.

[ascl:2103.014] QuickCBC: Rapid and reliable inference for binary mergers

QuickCBC is a robust end-to-end low-latency Bayesian parameter estimation algorithm for binary mergers. It reads in calibrated strain data, performs robust on-source spectral estimation, executes a rapid search for compact binary coalescence (CBC) signals, uses wavelet de-noising to subtract any glitches from the search residuals, produces low-latency sky maps and initial parameter estimates, followed by full Bayesian parameter estimation.

[ascl:2112.002] QUESTFIT: Fitter for mid-infrared galaxy spectra

QUESTFIT fit the Spitzer mid-infrared spectra of the QUEST (Quasar ULIRG and Evolution STudy) sample. It uses two PAH templates atop an extincted and absorbed continuum model to fit the mid-IR spectra of galaxies that are heavily-absorbed. It also fits AGN with silicate models. The current version of QUESTFIT is optimized for processing spectra from the CASSIS (Combined Atlas of Sources with Spitzer IRS Spectra) portal to produce PAH fluxes for heavily absorbed sources.

[ascl:2005.013] qubefit: MCMC kinematic modeling

qubefit fits an observed data cube to generate a model cube from a user-defined emission model. The model cube is convolved with the observed beam, after which residuals between the convolved model and the observed data cube are minimized using a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. qubefit also determines estimates of the uncertainty for each parameter of the model.

[ascl:2106.016] QuasarNET: CNN for redshifting and classification of astrophysical spectra

QuasarNET is a deep convolutional neural network that performs classification and redshift estimation of astrophysical spectra with human-expert accuracy. It is trained on data of low signal-to-noise and medium resolution, typical of current and future astrophysical surveys, and could be easily applied to classify spectra from current and upcoming surveys such as eBOSS, DESI and 4MOST.

[ascl:2305.006] QuartiCal: Fast radio interferometric calibration

QuartiCal is the successor to CubiCal (ascl:1805.031). It implements a suite of fast radio interferometric calibration routines exploiting complex optimization. Unlike CubiCal, QuartiCal allows for any available Jones terms to be combined. It can also be deployed on a cluster.

[ascl:2401.017] QuantifAI: Radio interferometric imaging reconstruction with scalable Bayesian uncertainty quantification

QuantifAI reconstructs radio interferometric images using scalable Bayesian uncertainty quantification relying on data-driven (learned) priors. It relies on the convex accelerated optimization algorithms in CRR (ascl:2401.016) and is built on top of PyTorch. QuantifAI also includes MCMC algorithms for posterior sampling.

[ascl:1703.011] QtClassify: IFS data emission line candidates classifier

QtClassify is a GUI that helps classify emission lines found in integral field spectroscopic data. Input needed is a datacube as well as a catalog with emission lines and a signal-to-noise cube, such at that created by LSDCat (ascl:1612.002). The main idea is to take each detected line and guess what line it could be (and thus the redshift of the object). You would expect to see other lines that might not have been detected but are visible in the cube if you know where to look, which is why parts of the spectrum are shown where other lines are expected. In addition, monochromatic layers of the datacube are displayed, making it easy to spot additional emission lines.

[ascl:1912.011] QSOSIM: Simulated Quasar Spectrum Generator

QSOSIM realistically simulates high-resolution quasar spectra using a set of basic parameters (magnitude, redshift, and spectral index). The simulated spectra include physical effects seen in the real data: the power-law quasar continuum, the narrow and broad emission lines, absorption by neutral hydrogen (HI) in the Lyman alpha forest, and heavy element transitions along the line of sight. The code uses empirical HI column density, redshift, and b-parameter distributions to simulate absorption in the Lyman alpha forest. All absorbers with column densities larger than log [N(HI)/cm2]>17 have heavy element absorption, for which the column densities are calculated using the plasma simulation code CLOUDY (ascl:9910.001) and the radiative transfer code CUBA. The code also simulates the clustering of the intergalactic medium along the line of sight, the proximity effect of the quasar, and the effect of the cosmic ultraviolet background. Each simulated spectrum is saved in a single FITS file in as a noiseless R=100000 spectrum, as well as a spectrum convolved with Sloan Digital Sky Survey resolution (R=10000) and realistic noise.

[ascl:2205.003] QSOGEN: Model quasar SEDs

The QSOGEN collection of Python code models quasar colors, magnitudes and SEDs. It implements an empirically-motivated parametric model to efficiently account for the observed emission-line properties, host-galaxy contribution, dust reddening, hot dust emission, and IGM suppression in the rest-frame 900-30000A wavelength range for quasars with a wide range of redshift and luminosity.
The code is packaged with a set of empirically-derived emission-line templates and an empirically-derived quasar dust extinction curve which are publicly released.

[ascl:1612.011] QSFit: Quasar Spectral FITting

QSFit performs automatic analysis of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) optical spectra. It provides estimates of: AGN continuum luminosities and slopes at several restframe wavelengths; luminosities, widths and velocity offsets of 20 emission lines; luminosities of iron blended lines at optical and UV wavelengths; host galaxy luminosities. The whole fitting process is customizable for specific needs, and can be extended to analyze spectra from other data sources. The ultimate purpose of QSFit is to allow astronomers to run standardized recipes to analyze the AGN data, in a simple, replicable and shareable way.

[ascl:2208.002] qrpca: QR-based Principal Components Analysis

qrpca uses QR-decomposition for fast principal component analysis. The software is particularly suited for large dimensional matrices. It makes use of torch for internal matrix computations and enables GPU acceleration, when available. Written in both R and python languages, qrpca provides functionalities similar to the prcomp (R) and sklearn (python) packages.

[ascl:1809.011] qp: Quantile parametrization for probability distribution functions

qp manipulates parametrizations of 1-dimensional probability distribution functions, as suitable for photo-z PDF compression. The code helps determine a parameterization for storing a catalog of photo-z PDFs that balances the available storage resources against the accuracy of the photo-z PDFs and science products reconstructed from the stored parameters.

[ascl:1910.022] qnm: Kerr quasinormal modes, separation constants, and spherical-spheroidal mixing coefficients calculator

qnm computes the Kerr quasinormal mode frequencies, angular separation constants, and spherical-spheroidal mixing coefficients. The qnm package includes a Leaver solver with the Cook-Zalutskiy spectral approach to the angular sector, and a caching mechanism to avoid repeating calculations. A large cache of low ℓ, m, n modes is available for download and can be installed with a single function call and interpolated to provide good initial guess for root-polishing at new values of spin.

[ascl:2406.012] QMC: Quadratic Monte Carlo

Quadratic Monte Carlo generates ensembles of models and confines fitness landscapes without relying on linear stretch moves; it works very efficiently for ring potential and Rosenbrock density. The method is general and can be implemented into any existing MC software, requiring only a few lines of code.

[submitted] qmatch: Some astronomical image matching programs

Matching stars in astronomical images is an essential step in data reduction. This work includes some matching programs implemented by Python: simple matching, fast matching, and triangle matching. For two catalogs with m and n objects, the simple method has a time and space complexity of O(m*n) but is fast for fewer n or m. The time complexity of the fast method is O(mlogm+nlogn). The triangle method will work between rotated and scaled images. All methods are applied in pipelines and work well. This package is published to the PyPI with the name 'qmatch'.

[ascl:1908.020] QLF: Luminosity function analysis code

QLF derives full posterior distributions for and analyzes luminosity functions models; it also models hydrogen and helium reionization. Used with the included homogenized data, the derived luminosity functions can be easily compared with theoretical models or future data sets.

[ascl:1304.016] Qhull: Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull

Qhull computes the convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, halfspace intersection about a point, furthest-site Delaunay triangulation, and furthest-site Voronoi diagram. The source code runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull. It handles roundoff errors from floating point arithmetic. It computes volumes, surface areas, and approximations to the convex hull.

[ascl:1210.019] QFitsView: FITS file viewer

QFitsView is a FITS file viewer that can display one, two, and three-dimensional FITS files. It has three modes of operation, depending of what kind of data is being displayed. One-dimensional data are shown in an x-y plot. Two-dimensional images are shown in the main window. Three-dimensional data cubes can be displayed in a variety of ways, with the third dimension shown as a x-y plot at the bottom of the image display. QFitsView was written in C++ and uses the Qt widget library, which makes it available for all major platforms: Windows, MAC OS X, and many Unix variants.

[ascl:1806.006] QE: Quantum opEn-Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure, Simulation, and Optimization

Quantum ESPRESSO (opEn-Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure, Simulation, and Optimization) is an integrated suite of codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials. QE performs ground-state calculations such as self-consistent total energies, forces, stresses and Kohn-Sham orbitals, Car-Parrinello and Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics, and quantum transport such as ballistic transport, coherent transport from maximally localized Wannier functions, and Kubo-Greenwood electrical conductivity. It can also determine spectroscopic properties and examine time-dependent density functional perturbations and electronic excitations, and has a wide range of other functions.

[ascl:1601.015] QDPHOT: Quick & Dirty PHOTometry

QDPHOT is a fast CCD stellar photometry task which quickly produces CCD stellar photometry from two CCD images of a star field. It was designed to be a data mining tool for finding high-quality stellar observations in the data archives of the National Virtual Observatory. QDPHOT typically takes just a few seconds to analyze two Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 observations of Local Group star clusters. It is also suitable for real-time data-quality analysis of CCD observations; on-the-fly instrumental color-magnitude diagrams can be produced at the telescope console during the few seconds between CCD readouts.

[ascl:1712.014] QATS: Quasiperiodic Automated Transit Search

QATS detects transiting extrasolar planets in time-series photometry. It relaxes the usual assumption of strictly periodic transits by permitting a variable, but bounded, interval between successive transits.

[ascl:1908.001] QAC: Quick Array Combinations front end to CASA

QAC (Quick Array Combinations) is a front end to CASA (ascl:1107.013) and calls tools and tasks to help in combining data from a single dish and interferometer. QAC hides some of the complexity of writing CASA scripts and provides a simple interface to array combination tools and tasks in CASA. This project was conceived alongside the TP2VIS (ascl:1904.021) project, where it was used to provide an easier way to call CASA and perform regression tests.

[ascl:2310.004] q3dfit: PSF decomposition and spectral analysis for JWST-IFU spectroscopy

q3dfit performs PSF decomposition and spectral analysis for high dynamic range JWST IFU observations, allowing the user to create science-ready maps of relevant spectral features. The software takes advantage of the spectral differences between quasars and their host galaxies for maximal-contrast subtraction of the quasar point-spread function (PSF) to reveal and characterize the faint extended emission of the host galaxy. Host galaxy emission is carefully fit with a combination of stellar continuum, emission and absorption of dust and ices, and ionic and molecular emission lines.

[ascl:1905.008] Q3C: A PostgreSQL package for spatial queries and cross-matches of large astronomical catalogs

Q3C (Quad Tree Cube) enables fast cone, ellipse and polygonal searches and cross-matches between large astronomical catalogs inside a PostgreSQL database. The package supports searches even if objects have proper motions.

[ascl:1806.003] pyZELDA: Python code for Zernike wavefront sensors

pyZELDA analyzes data from Zernike wavefront sensors dedicated to high-contrast imaging applications. This modular software was originally designed to analyze data from the ZELDA wavefront sensor prototype installed in VLT/SPHERE; simple configuration files allow it to be extended to support several other instruments and testbeds. pyZELDA also includes simple simulation tools to measure the theoretical sensitivity of a sensor and to compare it to other sensors.

[ascl:2101.014] PyXspec: Python interface to XSPEC spectral-fitting program

PyXspec is an object oriented Python interface to the XSPEC (ascl:9910.005) spectral-fitting program. It provides an alternative to Tcl, the sole scripting language for standard Xspec usage. With PyXspec loaded, a user can run Xspec with Python language scripts or interactively at a Python shell prompt; everything in PyXspec is accessible by importing the package xspec into your Python script. PyXspec can be utilized in a Python script or from the command line of the plain interactive Python interpreter. PyXspec does not implement its own command handler, so it is not intended to be run as the Python equivalent of a traditional interactive XSPEC session (which is really an enhanced interactive Tcl interpreter).

[ascl:1608.002] pyXSIM: Synthetic X-ray observations generator

pyXSIM simulates X-ray observations from astrophysical sources. X-rays probe the high-energy universe, from hot galaxy clusters to compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes and many interesting sources in between. pyXSIM generates synthetic X-ray observations of these sources from a wide variety of models, whether from grid-based simulation codes such as FLASH (ascl:1010.082), Enzo (ascl:1010.072), and Athena (ascl:1010.014), to particle-based codes such as Gadget (ascl:0003.001) and AREPO (ascl:1909.010), and even from datasets that have been created “by hand”, such as from NumPy arrays. pyXSIM can also manipulate the synthetic observations it produces in various ways and export the simulated X-ray events to other software packages to simulate the end products of specific X-ray observatories. pyXSIM is an implementation of the PHOX (ascl:1112.004) algorithm and was initially the photon_simulator analysis module in yt (ascl:1011.022); it is dependent on yt.

[ascl:2301.002] Pyxel: Detector and end-to-end instrument simulation

Pyxel hosts and pipelines models (analytical, numerical, statistical) simulating different types of detector effects on images produced by Charge-Coupled Devices (CCD), Monolithic, and Hybrid CMOS imaging sensors. Users can provide one or more input images to Pyxel, set the detector and model parameters, and select which effects to simulate, such as cosmic rays, detector Point Spread Function (PSF), electronic noises, Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI), persistence, dark current, and charge diffusion, among others. The output is one or more images including the simulated detector effects combined. The Pyxel framework, written in Python, provides basic image analysis tools, an input image generator, and a parametric mode to perform parametric and sensitivity analysis. It also offers a model calibration mode to find optimal values of its parameters based on a target dataset the model should reproduce.

[ascl:2012.019] PyXel: Astronomical X-ray imaging data modeling

PyXel models astronomical X-ray imaging data; it provides a common set of image analysis tools for astronomers working with extended X-ray sources. PyXel can model surface brightness profiles from X-ray satellites using a variety of models and statistics. PyXel can, for example, fit a broken power-law model to a surface brightness profile, and fit a constant to the sky background level in the direction of the merging galaxy cluster.

[ascl:2009.011] PyWST: WST and RWST for astrophysics

PyWST performs statistical analyses of two-dimensional data with the Wavelet Scattering Transform (WST) and the Reduced Wavelet Scattering Transform (RWST). The WST/RWST provides convenient sets of coefficients for describing non-Gaussian data in a comprehensive way.

[ascl:2205.023] PyWPF: Waterfall Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Folding

PyWPF (Waterfall Principal Component Analysis Folding) finds periodicity in one-dimensional timestream data sets; it is particularly designed for very high noise situations where traditional methods may fail. Given a timestream, with each point being the arrival times of a source, the software computes the estimated period. The core function of the package requires several initial parameters to run, and using the best known period of the source (T_init) is recommended.

[ascl:1402.034] PyWiFeS: Wide Field Spectrograph data reduction pipeline

PyWiFeS is a Python-based data reduction pipeline for the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS). Its core data processing routines are built on standard scientific Python packages commonly used in astronomical applications. It includes an implementation of a global optical model of the spectrograph which provides wavelengths solutions accurate to ˜0.05 Å (RMS) across the entire detector. Through scripting, PyWiFeS can enable batch processing of large quantities of data.

[ascl:2004.005] PyWD2015: Wilson-Devinney code GUI

PyWD2015 provides a modern graphical user interface (GUI) for the 2015 version of the Wilson-Devinney (WD) code (ascl:2004.004). The GUI is written in Python 2.7 and uses the Qt4 interface framework. At its core, PyWD2015 generates lcin and dcin files from user inputs and sends them to WD, then reads and visualizes the output in a user-friendly way. It also includes tools that make the technical aspects of the modeling process significantly easier.

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