GGCHEMPY is efficient for building 1-D, 2-D and 3-D simulations of physical parameters of Planck galactic cold clumps; it provides a graphical user interface and can also be invoked by a Python script. The code initializes the reaction network using input parameters, and then computes the reaction rate coefficients for all reactions. It uses the backward-differentiation formulas method to solve the ordinary differential equations for the integration. The modeled results are saved and can be directly passed to a Python dictionary for analysis and plotting.
The Julia library GRASS produces realistic stellar spectra with time-variable granulation signatures. It is based on real observations of the Sun, and does not rely on magnetohydrodynamic simulations to produce its spectra. GRASS can also compute bisectors for absorption lines or CCF profiles, and provides two methods for calculating bisectors.
BASTA determines properties of stars using a pre-computed grid of stellar models. It calculates the probability density function of a given stellar property based on a set of observational constraints defined by the user. BASTA is very versatile and has been used in a large variety of studies requiring robust determination of fundamental stellar properties.
Quokka is a two-moment radiation hydrodynamics code that uses the piecewise-parabolic method, with AMR and subcycling in time. It runs on CPUs (MPI+vectorized) or NVIDIA GPUs (MPI+CUDA) with a single-source codebase. The hydrodynamics solver is an unsplit method, using the piecewise parabolic method for reconstruction in the primitive variables, the HLLC Riemann solver for flux computations, and a method-of-lines formulation for the time integration. The order of reconstruction is reduced in zones where shocks are detected in order to suppress spurious oscillations in strong shocks. Quokka's radiation hydrodynamics formulation is based on the mixed-frame moment equations. The radiation subsystem is coupled to the hydrodynamic subsystem via operator splitting, with the hydrodynamic update computed first, followed by the radiation update, with the latter update including the source terms corresponding to the radiation four-force applied to both the radiation and hydrodynamic variables. A method-of-lines formulation is also used for the time integration, with the time integration done by the same integrator chosen for the hydrodynamic subsystem.
ParSNIP learns generative models of transient light curves from a large dataset of transient light curves. It is designed to work with light curves in sncosmo format using the lcdata package to handle large datasets. This code can be used for classification of transients, cosmological distance estimation, and identifying novel transients.
PISCOLA (Python for Intelligent Supernova-COsmology Light-curve Analysis) fits supernova light curves and corrects them in a few lines of code. It uses Gaussian Processes to estimate rest-frame light curves of transients without needing an underlying light-curve template. The user can add filters, calculates the light-curves parameters, and obtain transmission functions for the observed filters and the Bessell filters. The correction process can be applied with default settings to obtain restframe light curves and light-curve parameters. PISCOLA can plot the SN light curves, filter transmission functions, light-curves fits results, the mangling function for a given phase, and includes several utilities that can, for example, convert fluxes to magnitudes and magnitudes to fluxes, and trim leading and trailing zeros from a 1-D array or sequence.
ArtPop (Artificial Stellar Populations) synthesizes stellar populations and simulates realistic images of stellar systems. The code is modular, making it possible to use each of its functionalities independently or together. ArtPop can build stellar populations independently from generating mock images, as one might want to do when interested only in calculating integrated photometric properties of the population. The code can also generate stellar magnitudes and artificial galaxies, which can be inject into real imaging data.
TauRunner propagates ultra-high-energy neutrinos, with a focus on tau neutrinos. Although it was developed for extremely high energy (EeV+) applications, it is able to propagate neutrinos from 1 to 10^16 GeV. Oscillations are not taken into account at the lowest energies, but they become negligible above 1 TeV.
TULIPS (Tool for Understanding the Lives, Interiors, and Physics of Stars) creates diagrams of the structure and evolution of stars. It creates plots and movies based on output from the MESA stellar evolution code (ascl:1010.083). TULIPS represents stars as circles of varying size and color. The code can also visualize the size and perceived color of stars, their interior mixing and nuclear burning processes, their chemical composition, and can compare different MESA models.
PSRDADA supports the development of distributed data acquisition and analysis systems; it provides a flexible and well-managed ring buffer in shared memory with a variety of applications for piping data from device to ring buffer and from ring buffer to device. PSRDADA allows more than one data set to be queued in the ring buffer at one time, and data may be recorded in selected bursts using data validity flags. A variety of clients have been implemented that can write data to the ring buffer and read data from it. The primary write clients can be controlled via a simple, text-based socket interface, and read client software exists for writing data to an array of disks, sending data to an array of nodes, or processing the data directly from RAM. At the highest level of control and configuration, scripts launch the PSRDADA configuration across all nodes in the cluster, monitor all relevant processes, configure and control through a web-based interface, interface with observatory scheduling tools, and manage the ownership and archival of project data. It has been used in the implementation of baseband recording and processing instrumentation for radio pulsar astronomy.
Exodetbox provides mathematical methods for calculating the planet-star separation and difference in magnitude extrema as well as when planets have particular planet-star separations or differences in magnitude. The code also projects the 3D Keplerian Orbit into a reparameterized 2D ellipse in the plane of the sky. Exodetbox is implemented in the EXOSIMS modeling software (ascl:1706.010).
JWST_Simulation generates a novel geometric-focused deep field simulation of the expected JWST future deep field image. Galaxies are represented by ellipses with randomly-generated positions and orientations. Three scripts are included: a deterministic simulation, an ensemble simulation, and a more-realistic monochrome image simulation. The following initial conditions can be perturbed in these codes: H0, Ωm, ΩΛ, the dark energy equation of state parameter, the number of unseen galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Image (HUDF), the increase in effective radius due to the JWST’s higher sensitivity, the anisotropy of dark energy, and the maximum redshift reached by the JWST. Galaxy number densities are estimated using integration over comoving volume with an integration constant calibrated with the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. A galaxy coverage percentage is calculated for each image to determine the percentage of the background occupied by galaxies.
Snowball models atmospheric loss in order to constrain an atmosphere's cumulative impact of historic X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation-driven mass loss. The escape model interpolates the BaSTI luminosity evolution grid to the observed mass and luminosity of the host star.
BiPoS1 (Binary Population Synthesizer) efficiently calculates binary distribution functions after the dynamical processing of a realistic population of binary stars during the first few Myr in the hosting embedded star cluster. It is particularly useful for generating a realistic birth binary population as an input for N-body simulations of globular clusters. Instead of time-consuming N-body simulations, BiPoS1 uses the stellar dynamical operator, which determines the fraction of surviving binaries depending on the binding energy of the binaries. The stellar dynamical operator depends on the initial star cluster density, as well as the time until the residual gas of the star cluster is expelled. At the time of gas expulsion, the dynamical processing of the binary population is assumed to effectively end due to the expansion of the star cluster related to that event. BiPoS1 has also a galactic-field mode, in order to synthesize the stellar population of a whole galaxy.
Healpix.jl is a Julia-only port of the C/C++/Fortran/Python HEALPix library (ascl:1107.018), which implements a hierarchical pixelization of the sphere in equal-area pixels. Much like the original library, Healpix.jl supports two enumeration schemes for the pixels (RING and NESTED) and implements an optimized computation of the generalized Fourier transform using spherical harmonics, binding libsharp2 (ascl:1402.033). In addition, Healpix.jl provides four additional features: 1.) it fully supports Windows systems, alongside the usual Linux and MAC OS X machines; 2.) it uses Julia's strong typesystem to prevent several bugs related to mismatches in map ordering (e.g., combining a RING map with a NESTED map); 3.) it uses a versatile memory layout so that map bytes can be stored in shared memory objects or on GPUs; and 4.) it implements an elegant and general way to signal missing values in maps.
OSPREI simulates the Sun-to-Earth (or satellite) behavior of CMEs. It is comprised of three separate models: ForeCAT, ANTEATR, and FIDO. ForeCAT uses the PFSS background to determine the external magnetic forces on a CME; ANTEATR takes the ForeCAT CME and propagates it to the final satellite distance, and outputs the final CME speed (both propagation and expansion), size, and shape (and their profiles with distance) as well as the arrival time and internal thermal and magnetic properties of the CME. FIDO takes the evolved CME from ANTEATR with the position and orientation from ForeCAT and passes the CME over a synthetic spacecraft. The relative location of the spacecraft within the CME determines the in situ magnetic field vector and velocity. It also calculates the Kp index from these values. OSPREI includes tools for creating figures from the results, including histograms, contour plots, and ensemble correlation plots, and new figures can be created using the results object that contains all the simulation data in an easily accessible format.
Varstar Detect uses several numerical and statistical methods to filter and interpret the data obtained from TESS. It performs an amplitude test to determine whether a star is variable and if so, provides the characteristics of each star through phenomenological analysis of the lightcurve.
Menura simulates the interaction between a fully turbulent solar wind and various bodies of the solar system using a novel two-step approach. It is an advanced numerical tool for self-consistent modeling that bridges planetary science and plasma physics. Menura is built around a hybrid Particle-In-Cell solver, treating electrons as a charge-neutralising fluid, and ions as massive particles. It solves iteratively the particles’ dynamics, gathers particle moments at the nodes of a grid, at which the magnetic field is also computed, and then solves the Maxwell equations. This solver uses the popular Current Advance Method (CAM).
BHJet models steady-state SEDs of jets launched from accreting black holes. This semi-analytical, multi-zone jet model is applicable across the entire black hole mass scale, from black hole X-ray binaries (both low and high mass) to active galactic nuclei of any class (from low-luminosity AGN to flat spectrum radio quasars). It is designed to be more comparable than other codes to GRMHD simulations and/or RMHD semi-analytical solutions.
gphist performs Bayesian inference on the cosmological expansion history using Gaussian process priors. It is written in Python and includes driver programs to run inference calculations and plot the results. The code infers the cosmological expansion history using a Gaussian process prior, reads these ouputs, and performs checks to ensure they are indeed compatible. gphist then generates a single combined output file to plot expansion history inferences.
ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism is used to study Fisher Formalism predictions on galaxy weak lensing for LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration. It can create predictions with user-defined parameters for one or two galaxies simulated from GalSim (ascl:1402.009).
WeakLensingDeblending provides weak lensing fast simulations and analysis for the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration. It is used to study the effects of overlapping sources on shear estimation, photometric redshift algorithms, and deblending algorithms. Users can run their own simulations (of LSST and other surveys) or download the galaxy catalog and simulation outputs to use with their own code.
SNEWPY uses simulated supernovae data to generate a time series of neutrino spectral fluences at Earth or the total time-integrated spectral fluence. The code can also process generated data through SNOwGLoBES (ascl:2109.019) and collate its output into the observable channels of each detector. Data from core-collapse, thermonuclear, and pair-instability supernovae simulations are included in the package.
SNOwGLoBES (SuperNova Observatories with GLoBES) computes interaction rates and distributions of observed quantities for supernova burst neutrinos in common detector materials. The code provides a very simple and fast code and data package for tests of observability of physics signatures in current and future detectors, and for evaluation of relative sensitivities of different detector configurations. The event estimates are made using available cross-sections and parameterized detector responses. Water, argon, scintillator and lead-based configurations are included. The package makes use of GLoBES (ascl:2109.018). SNOwGLoBES is not intended to replace full detector simulations; however output should be useful for many types of studies, and simulation results can be incorporated.
GLoBES simulates long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. The package features full incorporation of correlations and degeneracies in the oscillation parameter space, advanced routines for the treatment of arbitrary systematical errors, and user-defined priors, which allowsn for the inclusion of arbitrary external physical information. Its use of AEDL, the Abstract Experiment Definition Language, provides an easy way to define experimental setups. GLoBES also provides an interface for the simulation of non-standard physics, and offers predefined setups for many experiments, including Superbeams, Beta Beams, Neutrino factories, Reactors, and various detector technologies.
HTOF parses the intermediate data from Hipparcos and Gaia and fits astrometric solutions to those data. It computes likelihoods and parameter errors in line with the catalog and can reproduce five, seven, and nine (or higher) parameter fits to their astrometry.
SkyPy simulates the astrophysical sky. It provides functions that sample realizations of sources and their associated properties from probability distributions. Simulation pipelines are constructed from these models, while task scheduling and data dependencies are handled internally. The package's modular design, containing a library of physical and empirical models across a range of observables and a command line script to run end-to-end simulations, allows users to interface with external software.
unpopular is an implementation of the Causal Pixel Model (CPM) de-trending method to obtain TESS Full-Frame Image (FFI) light curves. The code, written in Python, models the systematics in the light curves of individual pixels as a linear combination of light curves from many other distant pixels and removes shared flux variations. unpopular is able to preserve sector-length astrophysical signals, allowing for the extraction of multi-sector light curves from the FFI data.
The Hough Stream Spotter (HSS) is a stream finding code which transforms individual positions of stars to search for linear structure in discrete data sets. The code requires only the two-dimensional plane of galactic longitude and latitude as input.
WimPyDD calculates accurate predictions for the expected rates in WIMP direct–detection experiments within the framework of Galilean–invariant non–relativistic effective theory. The object–oriented customizable Python code handles different scenarios including inelastic scattering, WIMP of arbitrary spin, and a generic velocity distribution of WIMP in the Galactic halo.
STAR-MELT extracts and identifies emission lines from FITS files by matching to a compiled reference database of lines. Line profiles are fitted and quantified, allowing for calculations of physical properties across each individual observation. Temporal variations in lines can readily be displayed and quantified. STAR-MELT is also useful for different applications of spectral analysis where emission line identification is required. Standard data formats for spectra are automatically compatible, with user-defined custom formats also available. Any reference database (atomic or molecular) can also be used for line identification.
Rubble implicitly models the local evolution of dust distributions in size, mass, and surface density by solving the Smoluchowski equation (also known as the coagulation-fragmentation equation) under given disk conditions. The Python package's robustness has been validated by a suite of numerical benchmarks against known analytical and empirical results. Rubble can model prescribed physical processes such as bouncing, modulated mass transfer, regulated dust loss/supply, probabilistic collisional outcomes based on velocity distributions, and more. The package also includes a toolkit for analyzing and visualizing results produced by Rubble.
Frankenstein (frank) fits the 1D radial brightness profile of an interferometric source given a set of visibilities. It uses a Gaussian process that performs the fit in <1 minute for a typical protoplanetary disc continuum dataset. Frankenstein can perform a fit in 2 ways, by running the code directly from the terminal or using the code as a Python module.
pyFFTW is a pythonic wrapper around FFTW (ascl:1201.015), the speedy FFT library. Both the complex DFT and the real DFT are supported, as well as on arbitrary axes of arbitrary shaped and strided arrays, which makes it almost feature equivalent to standard and real FFT functions of numpy.fft. Additionally, it supports the clongdouble dtype, which numpy.fft does not, and operating FFTW in multithreaded mode.
pyia provides tools for working with Gaia data. It accesses Gaia data columns as Quantity objects, i.e., with units (e.g., data.parallax will have units ‘milliarcsecond’) , constructs covariance matrices for Gaia data, and generates random samples from the Gaia error distribution per source. pyia can also create SkyCoord objects from Gaia data and execute simple (small) remote queries via the Gaia science archive and automatically fetch the results.
SkyCalc-iPy (SkyCalc for interactive Python) accesses atmospheric emission and transmission data generated by ESO’s SkyCalc tool interactively with Python. This package is based on the command line tool by ESO for accessing spectra on the ESO SkyCalc server.
The e-MERLIN CASA Pipeline calibrates and processes data from the e-MERLIN radio interferometer. It works on top of CASA (ascl:1107.013) and can convert, concatenate, prepare, flag and calibrate raw to produce advanced calibrated products for both continuum and spectral line data. The main outputs of the data are calibration tables, calibrated data, assessment plots, preliminary images of target and calibrator sources and a summary weblog. The pipeline provides an easy, ready-to-use toolkit that delivers calibrated data in a consistent, clear, and repeatable way. A parameters file is used to control the pipeline execution, so optimization of the algorithms is straightforward and reproducible. Good quality images are usually obtained with minimum human intervention.
SoFiA 2 is a fully automated spectral-line source finding pipeline originally intended for the detection of galaxies in large HI data cubes. It is a reimplementation of parts of the original SoFiA pipeline (ascl:1412.001) in the C programming language and uses OpenMP for multithreading, making it substantially faster and more memory-efficient than its predecessor. At its core, SoFiA 2 uses the Smooth + Clip algorithm for source finding which operates by spatially and spectrally smoothing the data on multiple scales and applying a user-defined flux threshold relative to the noise level in each iteration. A wide range of useful preconditioning and post-processing filters is available, including noise normalization, flagging of artifacts and reliability filtering. In addition to global data products and source catalogs in different formats, SoFiA 2 can also generate cutout images and spectra for each individual detection.
DviSukta calculates the Spherically Averaged Bispectrum (SABS). The code is based on an optimized direct estimation method, is written in C, and is parallelized. DviSukta starts by reading the real space gridded data and performing a 3D Fourier transform of it. Alternatively, it starts by reading the data already in Fourier space. The grid spacing, number of k1 bins, number of n bins, and number of cos(theta) bins need to be specified in the input file.
The VOLK2 (VLBI Observation for transient Localization Keen Searcher) pipeline conducts single pulse searches and localization in regular VLBI observations as well as single pulse detections from known sources in dedicated observations. In VOLKS2, the search and localization are two independent steps. The search step takes the idea of geodetic VLBI post processing, which fully utilizes the cross spectrum fringe phase information to maximize the signal power. Compared with auto spectrum based method, it is able to extract single pulses from highly RFI contaminated data. The localization uses the geodetic VLBI solving methods, which derives the single pulse location by solving a set of linear equations given the relation between the residual delay and the offset to a priori position.
alpconv calculates the alp-photon conversion by calculating the degree of irregularity of the spectrum, in contract to some other methods that fit the source's spectrum with both null and ALP models and then compare the goodness of fit between the two.
gammaALPs calculates the conversion probability between photons and axions/axion-like particles in various astrophysical magnetic fields. Though focused on environments relevant to mixing between gamma rays and ALPs, this suite, written in Python, can also be used for broader applications. The code also implements various models of astrophysical magnetic fields, which can be useful for applications beyond ALP searches.
A super lightweight interface in Python to load spectra from the Pickles 1998 (stellar) and Brown 2014 (galactic) spectral catalogues
A python package created around Eric Gendron’s code for analytically (and quickly) generating field-varying SCAO PSFs for the ELT.
A reference database for astronomical instrument and telescope characteristics for all types of visual and infrared systems. Instrument packages are used in conjunction with the ScopeSim instrument data simulator.
Templates and helper functions for creating on-sky Source description objects for the ScopeSim instrument data simulation engine.
An attempt at creating a common pythonic framework for visual and infrared telescope instrument data simulators.
SORA optimally analyzes stellar occultation data. The library includes processes starting on the prediction of such events to the resulting size, shape and position of the Solar System object and can be used to build pipelines to analyze stellar occultation data. A stellar occultation is defined by the occulting body (Body), the occulted star (Star), and the time of the occultation. On the other hand, each observational station (Observer) will be associated with their light curve (LightCurve). SORA has tasks that allow the user to determine the immersion and emersion times and project them to the tangent sky plane, using the information within the Observer, Body and Star Objects. That projection will lead to chords that will be used to obtain the object’s apparent size, shape and position at the moment of the occultation. Automatic processes optimize the reduction of typical events. However, users have full control over the parameters and methods and can make changes in every step of the process.
iminuit is a Jupyter-friendly Python interface for the Minuit2 C++ library maintained by CERN's ROOT team. It can be used as a general robust function minimization method, but is most commonly used for likelihood fits of models to data, and to get model parameter error estimates from likelihood profile analysis.
CMC-COSMIC models dense star clusters using Hénon's method using orbit-averaging collisional stellar dynamics. It includes all the relevant physics for modeling dense spherical star clusters, such as strong dynamical encounters, single and binary stellar evolution, central massive black holes, three-body binary formation, and relativistic dynamics, among others. CMC is parallelized using the Message Passing Interface (MPI), and is pinned to the COSMIC (ascl:2108.022) package for binary population synthesis, which itself was originally based on the version of BSE (ascl:1303.014). COSMIC is currently a submodule within CMC, ensuring that any cluster simulations or binary populations are integrated with the same physics.
COSMIC (Compact Object Synthesis and Monte Carlo Investigation Code) generates synthetic populations with an adaptive size based on how the shape of binary parameter distributions change as the number of simulated binaries increases. It implements stellar evolution using SSE (ascl:1303.015) and binary interactions using BSE (ascl:1303.014). COSMIC can also be used to simulate a single binary at a time, a list of multiple binaries, a grid of binaries, or a fixed population size as well as restart binaries at a mid point in their evolution. The code is included in CMC-COSMIC (ascl:2108.023).
ExoPlaSim extends the PlaSim (ascl:2107.019) 3D general climate model to terrestrial exoplanets. It includes the PlaSim general circulation model and modifications that allow this code to run tidally-locked planets, planets with substantially different surface pressures than Earth, planets orbiting stars with different effective temperatures, super-Earths, and more. ExoPlaSim includes the ability to compute carbon-silicate weathering, dynamic orography through the glacier module (though only accumulation and ablation/evaporation/melting are included; glacial flow and spreading are not), and storm climatology.
DBSP_DRP reduces data from the Palomar spectrograph DBSP. Built on top of PypeIt (ascl:1911.004), it automates the reduction, fluxing, telluric correction, and combining of the red and blue sides of one night's data. The pipeline also provides several GUIs for easier control of the reduction, with one for selecting which data to reduce, and verifying the correctness of FITS headers in an editable table. Another GUI manually places traces for a sort of manually "forced" spectroscopy with the -m option, and after manually placing traces, manually selects sky regions and tweaks the FWHM of the manual traces.
PIPS analyzes the lightcurves of astronomical objects whose brightness changes periodically. Originally developed to determine the periods of RR Lyrae variable stars, the code offers many features designed for variable star analysis and can obtain period values for almost any type of lightcurve with both speed and accuracy. PIPS determines periods through several different methods, analyzes the morphology of lightcurves via Fourier analysis, estimates the statistical significance of the detected signal, and determines stellar properties based on pre-existing stellar models.
Cosmic-CoNN detects cosmic rays (CR) in CCD-captured astronomical images. It offers a PyTorch deep-learning framework to train generic, robust CR detection models for ground- and space-based imaging data as well as spectroscopic observations. Cosmic-CoNN also includes a suite of tools, including console commands, a web app, and Python APIs, to make deep-learning models easily accessible.
AutoProf performs basic and advanced non-parametric galaxy image analysis. The pipeline's design allows for fast startup and easy implementation; the package offers a suite of robust default and optional tools for surface brightness profile extractions and related methods. AUTOPROF is highly extensible and can be adapted for a variety of applications, providing flexibility for exploring new ideas and supporting advanced users.
The neural network-based emulator Chemulator advances the gas temperature and chemical abundances of a single position in an astrophysical gas. It is accurate on a single timestep and stable over many iterations with decreased accuracy, though performs less well at low visual extinctions. The code is useful for applications such as large scale ISM modeling; by retraining the emulator for a given parameter space, Chemulator could also perform more specialized applications such as planetary atmosphere modeling.
ELISa models light curves of close eclipsing binaries. It models surfaces of detached, semi-detached, and over-contact binaries, generates light curves, and generates stellar spots with given longitude, latitude, radius, and temperature. It can also fit radial velocity curves and light curves via the implementation of the non-linear least squares method and also via Markov Chain Monte Carlo method.
StelNet predicts mass and age from absolute luminosity and effective temperature for stars with close to solar metallicity. It uses a Deep Neural Network trained on stellar evolutionary tracks. The underlying model makes no assumption on the evolutionary stage and includes the pre-main sequence phase. A mix of models are trained and bootstrapped to quantify the uncertainty of the model, and data is through all trained models to provide a predictive distribution from which an expectation value and uncertainty level can be estimated.
AMOEBA (Automated Molecular Excitation Bayesian line-fitting Algorithm) employs a Bayesian approach to Gaussian decomposition, resulting in an objective and statistically robust identification of individual clouds along the line-of-sight. It uses the Python implementation of Goodman & Weare's Affine Invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Ensemble sampler emcee (ascl:1303.002) to sample the posterior probability distribution and numerically evaluate the integrals required to compute the Bayes Factor. Amoeba takes as input a set of OH optical depth spectra and a set of expected brightness temperature spectra that are obtained by measuring the brightness temperature towards the bright background continuum source (the "on-source" observations), and in a pattern surrounding the continuum source (the "off-source" observations). Amoeba can also take as input a set of OH optical depth spectra only, and also allows input of an arbitrary number of spectra to be fit simultaneously.
The NRDD_constraints tool provides simple interpolating functions written in Python that return the most constraining limit on the dark matter-nucleon scattering cross section for a list of non-relativistic effective operators. The package contains four files: the main code,; a simple driver,; and two data files, NRDD_data1.npy and NRDD_data2.npy
Spectra-Without-Windows (formerly called BOSS-Without-Windows) analyzes Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) DR12 data using quadratic and cubic estimators. It contains analysis codes to estimate unwindowed power spectra and unwindowed bispectra. It also supplies the raw power and bispectrum spectrum measurements of BOSS and 999 Patchy simulations, and contains a utility function to generate the background number density, n(r) from the survey mask and n(z) distribution. This code has been replaced by the newer and more powerful 3D polyspectrum code PolyBin3D (ascl:2404.006).
FIREFLY (Fitting IteRativEly For Likelihood analYsis) derives stellar population properties of stellar systems, whether observed galaxy or star cluster spectra or model spectra from simulations. The code fits combinations of single-burst stellar population models to spectroscopic data following an iterative best-fitting process controlled by the Bayesian Information Criterion without applying priors. Solutions within a statistical cut are retained with their weight, which is arbitrary. No additive or multiplicative polynomia are used to adjust the spectral shape and no regularization is imposed. This fitting freedom allows mapping of the effect of intrinsic spectral energy distribution (SED) degeneracies, such as age, metallicity, dust reddening on stellar population properties, and quantifying the effect of varying input model components on such properties.
caesar-rest is a REST-ful web service for astronomical source extraction and classification with the caesar source extractor [ascl:1807.015]. The software is developed in python and consists of containerized microservices, deployable on standalone servers or on a distributed cloud infrastructure. The core component is the REST web application, based on the Flask framework and providing APIs for managing the input data (e.g. data upload/download/removal) and source finding jobs (e.g. submit, get status, get outputs) with different job management systems (Kubernetes, Slurm, Celery). Additional services (AAI, user DB, log storage, job monitor, accounting) enable the user authentication, the storage and retrieval of user data and job information, the monitoring of submitted jobs, and the aggregation of service logs and user data/job stats.
CatBoost is a machine learning method based on gradient boosting over decision trees and can be used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. It supports both numerical and categorical features and computation on CPU and GPU, and is fast and scalable. Visualization tools are also included in CatBoost.
catwoman models asymmetric transit lightcurves. Written in Python, it calculates light curves for any radially symmetric stellar limb darkening law, and where planets are modeled as two semi-circles of different radii. Catwoman is built on the batman library (ascl:1510.002) and uses its integration algorithm.
viper (Velocity and IP EstimatoR) measures differential radial velocities from stellar spectra taken through iodine or other gas cells. It convolves the product of a stellar template and a gas cell spectrum with an instrumental profile. Via least square fitting, it optimizes the parameters of the instrumental profile, the wavelength solution, flux normalization, and the stellar Doppler shift. viper offers various functions to describe the instrumental profile such as Gaussian, super-Gaussian, skewed Gaussian or mixtures of Gaussians. The code is developed for echelle spectra; it can handle data from CES, CRIRES+, KECK, OES, TCES, and UVES, and additional instruments can easily be added. A graphical interface facilitates the work with numerous flexible options.
millennium-tap-query is a simple wrapper for the Python package requests to deal with connections to the Millennium TAP Web Client. With this tool you can perform basic or advanced queries to the Millennium Simulation database and download the data products. millennium-tap-query is similar to the TAP query tool in the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO) VOtables package.
WaldoInSky finds anomalous astronomical light curves and their analogs. The package contains four methods: an adaptation of the Unsupervised Random Forest for anomaly detection in light curves that operates on the light curve points and their power spectra; two manifold-learning methods (the t-SNE and UMAP) that operate on the DMDT maps (image representations of the light curves), and that can be used to find analog light curves in the low-dimensional representation; and an Isolation Forest method for evaluating approaches of light curve pre-processing, before they are passed to the anomaly detectors. WaldoInSky also contain code for random sparsification of light curves.
MAPS (Multi-frequency Angular Power Spectrum) extracts two-point statistical information from Epoch of Reionization (EoR) signals observed in three dimensions, with two directions on the sky and the wavelength (or frequency) constituting the third dimension. Rather than assume that the signal has the same statistical properties in all three directions, as the spherically averaged power spectrum (SAPS) does, MAPS does not make these assumptions, making it more natural for radio interferometric observations than SAPS.
AUM predicts galaxy abundances, their clustering, and the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal, given the halo occupation distribution of galaxies and the underlying cosmological model. In combination with the measurements of the clustering, abundance, and lensing of galaxies, these routines can be used to perform cosmological parameter inference.
This module implements an ad-hoc grism-based spectrograph optical model. It provides a flexible chromatic mapping between the input focal plane and the output detector plane, based on an effective simplified ray-tracing model of the key optical elements defining the spectrograph (collimator, prism, grating, camera), described by a restricted number of physically-motivated distortion parameters.
Generate simulated radio recombination line observations of HII regions with various internal kinematic structure. Fit single Gaussians to each pixel of the simulated observations and generate images of the fitted Gaussian center and full-width half-maximum (FWHM) linewidth.
MALU visualizes integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data such as CALIFA, MANGA, SAMI or MUSE data producing fully interactive plots. The tool is not specific to any instrument. It is available in Python and no installation is required.
The HERMES (High-Energy Radiative MESsengers) computational framework for line of sight integration creates sky maps in the HEALPix-compatibile format of various galactic radiative processes, including Faraday rotation, synchrotron and free-free radio emission, gamma-ray emission from pion-decay, bremsstrahlung and inverse-Compton. The code is written in C++ and provides numerous integrators, including dispersion measure, rotation measure, and Gamma-ray emissions from Dark Matter annihilation, among others.
Persistent_Homology_LSS analyzes halo catalogs using persistent homology to constrain cosmological parameters. It implements persistent homology on a point cloud composed of halos positions in a cubic box from N-body simulations of the universe at large scales. The output of the code are persistence diagrams and images that are used to constrain cosmological parameters from the halo catalog.
TRINITY statistically connects dark matter halos, galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBHs) from z=0-10. Constrained by multiple galaxy (0 < z < 10) and SMBH datasets (0 < z < 6.5), the empirical model finds the posterior probability distributions of the halo-galaxy-SMBH connection and SMBH properties, all of which are allowed to evolve with redshift. TRINITY can predict many observational data, such as galaxy stellar mass functions and quasar luminosity functions, and underlying galaxy and SMBH properties, including SMBH Eddington average Eddington ratios. These predictions are made by different code files. There are basically two types of prediction codes: the first type generates observable data given input redshift or redshift invertals; the second type generates galaxy or SMBH properties as a function of host halo mass and redshift.
KeplerPORTS calculates the detection efficiency of the DR25 Kepler Pipeline. It uses a detection contour model to quantify the recoverability of transiting planet signals due to the Kepler pipeline, and accurately portrays the ability of the Kepler pipeline to generate a Threshold Crossing Event (TCE) for a given hypothetical planet.
K2mosaic stitches the postage stamp-sized pixel masks obtained by NASA's Kepler and K2 missions together into CCD-sized mosaics and movies. The command-line tool's principal use is to take a set of Target Pixel Files (TPF) and turn them into more traditional FITS image files -- one per CCD channel and per cadence. K2mosaic can also be used to create animations from these mosaics. The mosaics produced by K2mosaic also makes the analysis of certain Kepler/K2 targets, such as clusters and asteroids, easier. Moreover such mosaics are useful to reveal the context of single-star observations, e.g., they enable users to check for the presence of instrumental noise or nearby bright objects.
MCPM extracts K2 photometry in dense stellar regions; the code is a modification and extension of the K2-CPM package (ascl:2107.024), which was developed for less-crowded fields. MCPM uses the pixel response function together with accurate astrometric grids, combining signals from a few pixels, and simultaneously fits for an astrophysical model to produce extracted more precise K2 photometry.
K2-CPM captures variability while preserving transit signals in Kepler data. Working at the pixel level, the model captures very fine-grained information about the variation of the spacecraft. The CPM models the systematic effects in the time series of a pixel using the pixels of many other stars and the assumption that any shared signal in these causally disconnected light curves is caused by instrumental effects. The target star's future and past are used and the data points are separated into training and test sets to ensure that information about any transit is perfectly isolated from the model. The method has four tuning parameters, the number of predictor stars or pixels, the autoregressive window size, and two L2-regularization amplitudes for model components, and consistently produces low-noise light curves.
cosmic_variance calculates the cosmic variance during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) for the UV Luminosity Function (UV LF), Stellar Mass Function (SMF), and Halo Mass Function (HMF). The three functions in the package provide the output as the cosmic variance expressed in percentage. The code is written in Python, and simple examples that show how to use the functions are provided.
Kd-match matches stellar catalogs for which the transformation between the coordinate systems of the two catalogs is unknown and might include shearing. The code uses the ratio of sides as the invariant under a coordinate transformation and searches for several triangles with similar transformations by building quadrilaterals from sets of four objects in each catalog and calculating the ratio of areas of the triangles that comprise the quadrilaterals. The k-d tree accelerates this quadrilateral search dramatically and is significantly faster than the customary direct search over triangles.
The RePrimAnd library supports numerical simulations of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. It provides methods for recovering primitive variables such as pressure and velocity from the variables evolved in quasi-conservative formulations. Further, it provides a general framework for handling matter equations of state (EOS). Python bindings are automatically built together with the library, provided a Python3 installation containing the pybind11 package is detected. RePrimAnd also provides an (experimental) thorn that builds the library within an Einstein Toolkit (ascl:1102.014) environment using the ExternalLibraries mechanism.
Chem-I-Calc evaluates the chemical information content of resolved star spectroscopy. It takes advantage of the Fisher information matrix and the Cramér-Rao inequality to quickly calculate the Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs), which give the best theoretically achievable precision from a set of observations.
PlaSim is a climate model of intermediate complexity for Earth, Mars and other planets. It is written for a university environment, to be used to train the next GCM (general circulation model) developers, to support scientists in understanding climate processes, and to do fundamental research. In addition to an atmospheric GCM of medium complexity, PlaSim includes other compartments of the climate system such as, for example, an ocean with sea ice and a land surface with a biosphere. These other compartments are reduced to linear systems. In other words, PlaSim consists of a GCM with a linear ocean/sea-ice module formulated in terms of a mixed layer energy balance. The soil/biosphere module is introduced analoguously. Thus, working with PlaSim is like testing the performance of an atmospheric or oceanic GCM interacting with various linear processes, which parameterize the variability of the subsystems in terms of their energy (and mass) balances.
ART reconstructs log-probability distributions using Gaussian processes. It requires an existing MCMC chain or similar set of samples from a probability distribution, including the log-probabilities. Gaussian process regression is used for interpolating the log-probability for the rescontruction, allowing for easy resampling, importance sampling, marginalization, testing different samplers, investigating chain convergence, and other operations.
PyCactus contains tools for postprocessing data from numerical simulations performed with the Einstein Toolkit, based on the Cactus computational toolkit. The main package is PostCactus, which provides a high-level Python interface to the various data formats in a simulation folder. Further, the package SimRep allows the automatic creation of html reports for a simulation, and the SimVideo package allows the creation of movies visualizing simulation data.
shear-stacking calculates stacked shear profiles and tests based upon them, e.g. consistency for different slices of lensed background galaxies. The basic concept is that the lensing signal in terms of surface mass density (instead of shear) should be entirely determined by the properties of the lens sample and have no dependence on source galaxy properties.
The shapelens C++ library provides ways to load galaxies and star images from FITS files and catalogs and to analyze their morphology. The main purpose of this library is to make several weak-lensing shape estimators publicly available. All of them are based on the moments of the brightness distribution. The estimators include DEIMOS, for analytic deconvolution in moment space, DEIMOSElliptical, a practical implemention of DEIMOS with an automatically matched elliptical weight function, DEIMOSCircular, which is identical to DEIMOSElliptical but with a circular weight function, and others.
Skylens++ implements a Layer-based raytracing framework particularly well-suited for realistic simulations of weak and strong gravitational lensing. Source galaxies can be drawn from analytic models or deep space-based imaging. Lens planes can be populated with arbitrary deflectors, typically either from N-body simulations or analytic lens models. Both sources and lenses can be placed at freely configurable positions into the light cone, in effect allowing for multiple source and lens planes.
GUBAS (General Use Binary Asteroid Simulator) predicts binary asteroid system behaviors by implementing the Hou 2016 realization of the full two-body problem (F2BP). The F2BP models binary asteroid systems as two arbitrary mass distributions whose mass elements interact gravitationally and result in both gravity forces and torques. To account for these mass distributions and model the mutual gravity of the F2BP, GUBAS computes the inertia integrals of each body up to a user defined expansion order. This approach provides a recursive expression of the mutual gravity potential and represents a significant decrease in the computational burden of the F2BP when compared to other methods of representing the mutual potential.
PyROA models quasar light curves where the variability is described using a running optimal average (ROA), and parameters are sampled using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques using emcee (ascl:1303.002). Using a Bayesian approach, priors can be used on the sampled parameters. Currently it has three main uses: 1.) Determining the time delay between lightcurves at different wavelengths; 2.) Intercalibrating light curves from multiple telescopes, merging them into a single lightcurve; and 3.) Determining the time delay between images of lensed quasars, where the microlensing effects are also modeled. PyROA also includes a noise model, where there is a parameter for each light curve that adds extra variance to the flux measurments, to account for underestimated errors; this can be turned off if required. Example jupyter notebooks that demonstrate each of the three main uses of the code are provided.
AlignBandColors (ABC) aligns inter-color-band astronomical images to a 100th of a pixel accuracy using surrounding stars as guiding points. It has currently been tested with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 12 images, but is designed to be survey-independent. The code is part of the SpArcFiRe (ascl:2107.010) method.
SpArcFiRe takes as input an image of a galaxy in FITS, JPG, or PNG format, identifies spiral arms, and extracts structural information about the spiral arms. Pixels in each arm segment are listed, enabling image analysis on each segment. The automated method also performs a least-squares fit of a logarithmic spiral arc to the pixels in that segment, giving per-arc parameters, such as the pitch angle, arm segment length, and location, and outputs images showing the steps SpArcFire took to detect arm segments.
The Balrog package of Python simulation code is for use with real astronomical imaging data. Objects are simulated into a survey's images and measurement software is run over the simulated objects' images. Balrog allows the user to derive the mapping between what is actually measured and the input truth. The package uses GalSim (ascl:1402.009) for all object simulations; source extraction and measurement is performed by SExtractor (ascl:1010.064). Balrog facilitates the ease of running these codes en masse over many images, automating useful GalSim and SExtractor functionality, as well as filling in many bookkeeping steps along the way.
nimbus is a hierarchical Bayesian framework to infer the intrinsic luminosity parameters of kilonovae (KNe) associated with gravitational-wave (GW) events, based purely on non-detections. This framework makes use of GW 3-D distance information and electromagnetic upper limits from a given survey for multiple events, and self-consistently accounts for finite sky-coverage and probability of astrophysical origin.
Skymapper maps astronomical survey data from the celestial sphere onto 2D using a collection of matplotlib instructions. It facilitates interactive work as well as the creation of publication-quality plots with a python-based workflow many astronomers are accustomed to. The primary motivation is a truthful representation of samples and fields from the curved sky in planar figures, which becomes relevant when sizable portions of the sky are observed.
snmachine reads in photometric supernova light curves, extracts useful features from them, and subsequently performs supervised machine learning to classify supernovae based on their light curves. This python library is also flexible enough to easily extend to general transient classification.
The C code ReionYuga generates the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) neutral Hydrogen (HI) field (successively the redshifted 21-cm signal) within a cosmological simulation box using semi-numerical techniques. The code is based on excursion set formalism and uses a three parameter model. It is designed to work with PMN-body (ascl:2107.003) and FoF-Halo-finder (ascl:2107.004).
FoF-Halo-finder identifies the location and size of collapsed objects (halos) within a cosmological simulation box. These halos are the host for the luminous objects in the Universe. Written in C, it is based on the friends-of-friends (FoF) algorithm, and is designed to work with PMN-body (ascl:2107.003).
PMN-body computes the non-linear evolution of the cosmological matter density contrast. It is based on the Particle Mesh (PM) technique. Written in C, the code is parallelized for shared-memory machines using Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP).
ROA (Running Optimal Average) describes time series data. This model uses a Gaussian window function that moves through the data giving stronger weights to points close to the center of the Gaussian. Therefore, the width of the window function, delta, controls the flexibility of the model, with a small delta providing a very flexible model. The function also calculates the effective number of parameters, as a very flexible model will correspond to large number of parameters while a rigid model (low delta) has a low effective number of parameters. Knowing the effective number of parameters can be used to optimize the window width, e.g., using the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). An error envelope, which expands appropriately where there are gaps in the data, is also calculated for the model.
light-curve implements the extraction of numerous light curve features suitable for processing alert and archival data for the current ZTF and future Vera Rubin Observatory LSST photometric surveys. These high-performance irregular time series processing tools are written in Rust and Python.
GalaXimView (for Galaxies Simulations Viewer) is a python3+matplotlib tool designed to visualise simulations which use particles, providing notably a rotatable 3D view and corresponding projections in 2D, together with a way of navigating through snapshots of a simulation keeping the same projection.
iragnsep performs IR SED fits separated into AGN and galaxy contributions, and measures host galaxy properties free of AGN contamination. The advantage of iragnsep is that, in addition to fitting observed broadband photometric fluxes, it also incorporates IR spectra in the fits which, if available, improves the robustness of the galaxy-AGN separation. For the galaxy component, iragnsep uses a library of galaxy templates. In terms of the AGN contribution, if the input dataset is a mixture of spectral and photometric data, iragnsep uses a combination of power-laws for the AGN continuum, and some broad features for the silicate emission. If instead the dataset contains photometric data alone, the AGN contribution is accounted for by using a library of AGN templates. The advanced fitting techniques used by iragnsep combined with the powerful model comparison tests allows iragnsep to provide a statistically robust interpretation of IR SEDs in terms of AGN-galaxy contributions, even when the AGN contribution is highly diluted by the host galaxy emission.
Atmos contains two atmospheric models and scripts to couple them together. One atmospheric model calculates the profiles of chemical species, including both gaseous and aerosol phases, and the second model calculates the temperature profile. Because these profiles depend on each other - kinetic reaction rates are temperature-dependent and radiative transfer is subject to radiatively active gases - atmos alternates the running of these two models until both models have solutions consistent with the other one. While either of these models can be run with time-dependence, most applications of these models are to find steady-state solutions for the atmosphere that would be stable over long (geological/astronomical) time periods, given constant inputs to the atmosphere.
ehtplot creates publication quality, elegant, and consistent plots. Written for the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, it provides a set of easy-to-use plotting functions for EHT and Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) specific figures. This includes plotting visibility and images for both synthetic and real data, adding uv-tracks to the plots, and adding the expected event horizon size to the plots, among other functions.
PORTA solves three-dimensional non-equilibrium radiative transfer problems with massively parallel computers. The code can be used for modeling the spectral line polarization produced by the scattering of anisotropic radiation and the Hanle and Zeeman effects assuming complete frequency redistribution, either using two-level or multilevel atomic models. The numerical method of solution used to find the self-consistent values of the atomic density matrix at each point of the model’s Cartesian grid is based on Jacobi iterative scheme and on a short-characteristics formal solver of the Stokes-vector transfer equation that uses monotonic Bézier interpolation. The code can also be used to compute the linear polarization of the continuum radiation caused by Rayleigh and Thomson scattering in 3D models of stellar atmospheres, and to solve the simpler 3D radiative transfer problem of unpolarized radiation in multilevel systems. PORTA accepts/produces HDF5 input/output and offers an advanced graphical user interface.
BiFFT uses Fourier transforms to implement the Dirac-Delta function that enforces a closed triangle of three k-vectors; this allows very fast calculations of the bispectrum. Once the C code associated with the package is compiled and the source folder directed to the location of the C code, the user can run the code using the python wrapper.The binning in each function has been tested over the course of many years and the user can use it out of the box without ever touching the underlying C code. However, the cylindrical bispectrum calculation is much more sensitive to sample variance; its default binning is quite coarse and might need adjusting (and testing) for some datasets.
CalPriorSNIa quickly computes the effective calibration prior on the absolute magnitude MB of Type Ia supernovae that corresponds to a given determination of H0.
The SNAD ZTF DR4 object viewer enables quick expert investigation of objects within the public Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) data releases. The viewer allows visualization of raw and folded light curves and metadata, as well as cross-match information with the General Catalog of Variable Stars, the International Variable Stars Index, the ATLAS Catalog of Variable Stars, the ZTF Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars, the Transient Name Server, the Open Astronomy Catalogs, the OGLE III Catalog of Variable Stars, the Simbad Astronomical Data Base, Gaia DR2 distances (Bailer-Jones+, 2018), and Vizier. The viewer is also available for ZTF DR2 and ZTF DR3.
ZWAD (ZTF anomaly detection pipeline) examines data and performs tailored feature extraction. The code then uses machine learning methods to searches for outliers, and identifies anomalies to be examined for validation by experts. Used with the SNAD ZTF data releases object viewer (ascl:2106.034), the infrastructure helps experts to form global views of specific scientifically interesting candidates.
DarkSirensStat statistically measures modified gravitational wave (GW) propagation and the Hubble parameter. The package implements a hierarchical Bayesian framework for constraining the Hubble parameter and modified GW propagation with dark sirens and galaxy catalogs. The package downloads the needed data; which include the GLADE galaxy catalog, O2 and O3 skymaps from the LVC official data releases, and O2 and O3 strain sensitivities. The default options are for running inference for H0 on the O3 BBH events, with flat prior between 20 and 140, mask completeness with 9 masks, interpolation between multiplicative and homogeneous completion, B-band luminosity weights, and a completeness threshold of 50%. The selection effects are computed with MC.
BiHalofit fits the matter bispectrum in the nonlinear regime calibrated by high-resolution cosmological N-body simulations of 41 cold dark matter models around the Planck 2015 best-fit parameters. The parameterization is similar to that in Halofit (ascl:1402.032). The simulation volume is sufficiently large to cover almost all measurable triangle bispectrum configurations in the universe, and the function is calibrated using one-loop perturbation theory at large scales. BiHaloFit predicts the weak-lensing bispectrum and will assist current and future weak-lensing surveys and cosmic microwave background lensing experiments.
DM_statistics calculates the free-electron power spectrum and the cosmological dispersion measure (DM) statistics (such as its mean and variance, angular power spectrum and correlation function). The default cosmological parameters are consistent with the Planck 2015 LambdaCDM model; the cosmological model can be easily changed by editing a few lines of the C code.
EMBERS provides a modular framework for radio telescopes and interferometric arrays such as the MWA, HERA, and the upcoming SKA-Low to accurately measure the all sky polarized beam responses of their antennas using weather and communication satellites. This tool enables astronomers and system engineers, all over the world, to characterize the in-situ antenna beam patterns of large arrays with ease.
FRBSTATS provides a user-friendly web interface to an open-access catalog of fast radio bursts (FRBs) published up to date, along with a highly accurate statistical overview of the observed events. The platform supports the retrieval of fundamental FRB data either directly through the FRBSTATS API, or in the form of a CSV/JSON-parsed database, while enabling the plotting of parameter distributions for a variety of visualizations. These features allow researchers to conduct more thorough population studies while narrowing down the list of astrophysical models describing the origins and emission mechanisms behind these sources. Lastly, the platform provides a visualization tool that illustrates associations between primary bursts and repeaters, complementing basic repeater information provided by the Transient Name Server.
MultiModeCode facilitates efficient Monte Carlo sampling of prior probabilities for inflationary model parameters and initial conditions and efficiently generates large sample-sets for inflation models with O(100) fields. The code numerically solves the equations of motion for the background and first-order perturbations of multi-field inflation models with canonical kinetic terms and arbitrary potentials, providing the adiabatic, isocurvature, and tensor power spectra at the end of inflation. For models with sum-separable potentials MultiModeCode also computes the slow-roll prediction via the δN formalism for easy model exploration and validation.
Katu evolves the interaction of particles (photons, protons, neutrons, leptons, pions and neutrinos) in plasma. The package comes with wrappers for emcee (ascl:1303.002) and pymultinest (ascl:1606.005) for Bayesian analysis, making the software applicable to blazars and able to extract relevant statistical information from their electromagnetic (and neutrino, if applicable) flux. The code is optimized for fast performance, and can be easily modified and extended.
ModeChord computes the primordial scalar and tensor power spectra for single field inflationary models. The code solves the inflationary mode equations numerically, avoiding the slow roll approximation. It provides an efficient and robust numerical evaluation of the inflationary perturbation spectrum, and allows the free parameters in the inflationary potential to be estimated. ModeChord also allows the estimation of reheating uncertainties once a potential has been specified.
The RedPipe collection of Python scripts performs optical photometric and spectroscopic data reduction. There are scripts on preprocessing, photometry, calibration, spectroscopy, analysis and plotting. The photometry and spectroscopy codes use pyraf (ascl:1207.011) and hence require an already existing installation of Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF, ascl:9911.002).
so_noise_models is the N(ell) noise curve projection code for the Simons Observatory. The code, written in pure Python, consists of several independent sub-modules, representing each version of the noise code. The usage of the models can vary substantially from version to version. The package also includes demo code that that demonstrates usage of the noise models, such as by producing noise curve plots, effective noise power spectra for SO LAT component-separated CMB T, E, B, and Compton-y maps, and lensing noise curves from SO LAT component-separated CMB T, E, B maps.
The 3D grid-based Monte Carlo code STaRS (Sejong Radiative Transfer through Raman and Rayleigh Scattering with atomic hydrogen) traces radiative transfer through Raman and Rayleigh scattering. This can be used to investigate line formation of Raman-scattered features in a thick neutral region illuminated by a strong far-UV emission source. Favorable conditions for Raman scattering with atomic hydrogen are easily met in symbiotic stars, young planetary nebulae, and active galactic nuclei.
aztekas solves hyperbolic partial differential equations in conservative form using High Resolution Shock-Capturing (HRSC) schemes. The code can solve the non-relativistic and relativistic hydrodynamic equations of motion (Euler equations) for a perfect fluid. The relativistic part can solve these equations on a background fixed metric, such as for Schwarzschild, Minkowski, Kerr-Schild, and others.
simple_reg_dem reconstructs differential emission measures (DEMs) in the solar corona. It overcomes issues, such as complexity, idiosyncratic output, convergence difficulty, and lack of speed, that exists in other methods. Initially written for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) data, the algorithm is notable for its simplicity, and is robust and extensible to any other wavelengths (e.g., X-rays) where the DEM treatment is valid. It is available in the SolarSoft (ascl:1208.013) package.
GLEMuR (Gpu-based Lagrangian mimEtic Magnetic Relaxation) is a finite difference Lagrangian code which uses mimetic differential operators and runs on Nvidia GPUs. Its main purpose is to study the relaxation of magnetic relaxation in environments of zero resistivity and viscosity; it preserves the magnetic flux and the topology of magnetic field lines. The use of mimetic operators for the spatial derivatives improve accuracy for high distortions of the grid, and the final state of the simulation approximates a force-free state with a significantly higher accuracy. Note, however, that GLEMuR is not a general purpose equation solver and the full magnetohydrodynamics equations are not implemented.
picca fits continua of forests, computes correlation functions (1D and 3D) and power-spectra (1D), computes covariance matrices, and fits models for the correlation functions. This set of tools is used for the analysis of the Lyman-alpha forest sample from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) and the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI).
redvsblue measures a precise redshift given a broad redshift prior. For each emission line or the full spectrum, the software runs a coarse chi2 scan as a function of redshift, using the input PCA+broadband Legendre polynomials, and finds three local minima, and does a finer chi2 scan in each minima. It then defines the global PCA redshift (ZPCA) from the best minimum of the three; ZPCA is a redshift estimator biased toward the computation of the PCA. The redshift of the line (ZLINE) is defined from the maximum of the best-fit model of the line. ZLINE is a redshift estimator un-biased toward the velocity of the line, but can be biased with respect to the cosmological redshift. The output is a FITS file, with one HDU per redshift type.
QuasarNET is a deep convolutional neural network that performs classification and redshift estimation of astrophysical spectra with human-expert accuracy. It is trained on data of low signal-to-noise and medium resolution, typical of current and future astrophysical surveys, and could be easily applied to classify spectra from current and upcoming surveys such as eBOSS, DESI and 4MOST.
The ATES hydrodynamics code computes the temperature, density, velocity and ionization fraction profiles of highly irradiated planetary atmospheres, along with the current, steady-state mass loss rate. ATES solves the one-dimensional Euler, mass and energy conservation equations in
radial coordinates through a finite-volume scheme. The hydrodynamics module is paired with a photoionization equilibrium solver that includes cooling via bremsstrahlung, recombination and collisional excitation/ionization for the case of an atmosphere of primordial composition (i.e., pure atomic hydrogen-helium), while also accounting for advection of the different ion species.
Lemon solves the radiative transfer (RT) processes that contain scattering. These processes are described by differentio-integral equations with given initial or boundary conditions; Lemon solves these differentio-integral equations, which can be converted into the second kind integral equations of Fredholm. The code then obtains the Neumman solution (a series that consists of infinite terms of multiple integrals) from the Fredholm integral equation, and uses the Monte Carlo (MC) method to evaluate these integrals. Lemon is written in Fortran; IDL programs are included for plotting the results.
The Kadath library implements spectral methods in the context of theoretical physics. It is fully parallel; a sequential version can be installed. The library is written in C++, and solves a wide variety of problems. Several coordinates systems are implemented and additional geometries can be easily encoded. Partial differential equations of various types are discretized by means of spectral methods. The resulting system is solved using a Newton-Raphson iteration, allowing KADATH to deal with strongly non-linear situations. An optimized version of Kadath is available that improves memory management (reducing the number of uses of new and delete), inlines several member functions, and provides better management of the accessors for the arrays.
StarcNet (STAR Cluster classification NETwork) classifies star clusters from galaxy images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST); it uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) trained to classify five-band galaxy images into four morphological classes. Written in PyTorch, StarcNet runs using mosaics (.fits files with the galaxy photometric information) and catalogs (.tab files with object coordinates), and includes the option to also download the galaxy mosaics from a single .tar.gz file per galaxy (as from the Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey).
MakeCloud makes turbulent giant molecular cloud (GMC) initial conditions for GIZMO (ascl:1410.003). It generates turbulent velocity fields on the fly and stores that data in a user-specified path for efficiency. The code is flexible, allowing the user control through various parameters, including the radius of the cloud, number of gas particles, type of initial turbulent velocity (Gaussian or full), and magnetic energy as a fraction of the binding energy, among other options. With an additional file, it can also create glassy initial conditions.
The Maneage (Managing data lineage; ending pronounced like "lineage") framework produces fully reproducible computational research. It provides full control on building the necessary software environment from a low-level C compiler, the shell and LaTeX, all the way up to the high-level science software in languages such as Python without a third-party package manager. Once the software environment is built, adding analysis steps is as easy as defining "Make" rules to allow parallelized operations, and not repeating operations that do not need to be recreated. Make provides control over data provenance. A Maneage'd project also contains the narrative description of the project in LaTeX, which helps prepare the research for publication. All results from the analysis are passed into the report through LaTeX macros, allowing immediate dynamic updates to the PDF paper when any part of the analysis has changed. All information is stored in plain text and is version-controlled in Git. Maneage itself is actually a Git branch; new projects start by defining a new Git branch over it and customizing it for a new project. Through Git merging of branches, it is possible to import infrastructure updates to projects.
baofit analyzes cosmological correlation functions to estimate parameters related to baryon acoustic oscillations and redshift-space distortions. It has primarily been used to analyze Lyman-alpha forest autocorrelations and cross correlations with the quasar number density in BOSS data. Fit models are fully three-dimensional and include flexible treatments of redshift-space distortions, anisotropic non-linear broadening, and broadband distortions.
simqso generates mock quasar spectra and photometry. Simulated quasar spectra are built from a series of components. Common quasar models are built-in, such as a broken power-law continuum model and Gaussian emission line templates; however, the code allows user-defined features to be included. Mock spectra are generated at arbitrary resolution and can be used to produce broadband photometry representative of a number of surveys.
CoMover determines the probability that two stars are co-moving and thus gravitationally bound. It uses the sky position, proper motion, parallax and optionally the heliocentric radial velocity of a host star (with their respective measurement errors), and compares it to the observables of a potential companion (with their respective measurement errors). The sky position and proper motion of the potential companion star are required, and its heliocentric radial velocity and parallax are facultative inputs to refine its co-moving probability.
If all kinematic observables of the host star are provided, a single spatial-kinematic model is built, consisting of a single 6-dimensional multivariate Gaussian in Galactic coordinates (XYZ) and space velocities (UVW). The observables of the potential companion are then compared to this model and a given field-stars model with Bayes' theorem by marginalizing over any missing kinematic observables of the companion star with analytical integral solutions. The field stars are modeled using a 10-component multivariate Gaussian, accurate for stars within a few hundred parsecs of the Sun. In the case where a heliocentric radial velocity is missing for the host star, the single host-star multivariate Gaussian model is replaced with a series of host star models and numerically marginalized over by taking the numerical sum of the host-star model probabilities.
Pyshellspec models binary systems with circumstellar matter (e.g. accretion disk, jet, shell), computes the interferometric observables |V2|, arg T3, |T3|, |dV|, and arg dV, and performs comparisons of light curves, spectro-interferometry, spectra, and SED with observations, and both global and local optimization of system parameters. The code solves the inverse problem of finding the stellar and orbital parameters of the stars and circumstellar medium. Pyshellspec is based on the long-characteristic LTE radiation transfer code Shellspec (ascl:1108.017).
Marvin searches, accesses, and visualizes data from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey. Written in Python, it provides tools for easy efficient interaction with the MaNGA data via local files, files retrieved from the Science Archive Server, or data directly grabbed from the database. The tools come mainly in the form of convenience functions and classes for interacting with the data. Also available is a web app, Marvin-web, offers an easily accessible interface for searching the MaNGA data and visual exploration of individual MaNGA galaxies or of the entire sample, and a powerful query functionality that uses the API to query the MaNGA databases and return the search results to your python session. Marvin-API is the critical link that allows Marvin-tools and Marvin-web to interact with the databases, which enables users to harness the statistical power of the MaNGA data set.
crowdsource removes a rough sky (the median), find the brighter peaks and fits these sources, computes centroids, and then computes an improved PSF. With this model of the image, the code then iteratively subtracts it and recomputes the median to get a better sky estimate, finds fainter peaks, and calculates a better PSF. crowdsource performs at least four iterations, evaluates the results, and continues until certain thresholds are met. Once the iterative passes are complete, it makes one last pass. If no sources are detected and positions do not vary, it performs photometry for the existing list of stellar positions.
PyDoppler is a python-based wrapper for the Spruit Doppler tomography software dopmap (ascl:2106.002). PyDoppler is designed to study time-resolved spectroscopic datasets of accreting compact binaries. This code can produce a trail spectra of a dataset and create Doppler tomography maps. It is intended to be a light-weight code for single emission line datasets.
dopmap constructs Doppler maps from the orbital variation of line profiles of (mass transferring) binaries. It uses an algorithm related to Richardson-Lucy iteration and includes an IDL-based set of routines for manipulating and plotting the input and output data.
KOBE (Kepler Observes Bern Exoplanets) adds the geometrical limitations and the physical detection biases of the transit method to a given population of theoretical planets. In addition, it also adds the completeness and reliability of a transit survey.
PFITS performs data reduction of spectra, including dark removal and flat fielding; this software was a standard 1983 Reticon reduction package available at the University of Texas. It was based on the plotting program PCOSY by Gary Ferland, and in 1985 was updated by Andrew McWilliam.
Kepler's Goat Herd solves Kepler's equation using contour integration to solve the "geometric goat problem". The C++ code implements a variety of solution: 1.) Newton-Raphson: The quadratic Newton-Raphson root finder; 2.) Danby: The quartic root; 3.) Series: An elliptical series method; and 4.) Contour: A new method based on contour integration. Given an array of mean anomalies, an eccentricity and a desired precision, the code estimates the eccentric anomaly using each method. The accuracy of each approach is increased until the desired precision is reached, and timing is performed using the C++ chrono package.
The PHANGS-ALMA pipeline process data from radio interferometer observations. It uses CASA (ascl:1107.013), AstroPy (ascl:1304.002), and other affiliated packages to process data from calibrated visibilities to science-ready spectral cubes and maps. The PHANGS-ALMA pipeline offers a flexible alternative to the scriptForImaging script distributed by ALMA. The pipeline runs in two separate software environments: CASA 5.6 or 5.7 (staging, imaging and post-processing) and Python 3.6 or later (derived products) with modern versions of several packages.
RandomQuintessence integrates the Klein-Gordon and Friedmann equations for quintessence models with random initial conditions and functional forms for the potential. Quintessence models generically impose non-trivial structure on observables like the equation of state of dark energy. There are three main modules; sets initial conditions, loops over a bunch of randomly-initialised models, integrates the equations, and then analyses and saves the resulting solutions for each model. Models are defined in; each model corresponds to an object that defines the functional form of the potential, various model parameters, and functions to randomly draw those parameters. All of the equation-solving code and methods to analyze the solution are kept in under the base class DEModel(). Other files available analyze and plot the data in a variety of ways.
ClaRAN (Classifying Radio sources Automatically with Neural networks) classifies radio source morphology based upon the Faster Region-based Convolutional Neutral Network (Faster R-CNN). It is capable of associating discrete and extended components of radio sources in an automated fashion. ClaRAN demonstrates the feasibility of applying deep learning methods for cross-matching complex radio sources of multiple components with infrared maps. The promising results from ClaRAN have implications for the further development of efficient cross-wavelength source identification, matching, and morphology classifications for future radio surveys.
Pyrat Bay computes radiative-transfer spectra and fits exoplanet atmospheric properties, and is an efficient, user-friendly Python tool. The package offers transmission or emission spectra of exoplanet transit or eclipses respectively and forward-model or retrieval calculations. The radiative-transfer includes opacity sources from line-by-line molecular absorption, collision-induced absorption, Rayleigh scattering absorption, and more, including Gray aerosol opacities. Pyrat Bay's Bayesian (MCMC) posterior sampling of atmospheric parameters includes molecular abundances, temperature profile, pressure-radius, and Rayleigh and cloud properties.
CUDAHM accelerates Bayesian inference of Hierarchical Models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo by constructing a Metropolis-within-Gibbs MCMC sampler for a three-level hierarchical model, requiring the user to supply only a minimimal amount of CUDA code. CUDAHM assumes that a set of measurements are available for a sample of objects, and that these measurements are related to an unobserved set of characteristics for each object. For example, the measurements could be the spectral energy distributions of a sample of galaxies, and the unknown characteristics could be the physical quantities of the galaxies, such as mass, distance, or age. The measured spectral energy distributions depend on the unknown physical quantities, which enables one to derive their values from the measurements. The characteristics are also assumed to be independently and identically sampled from a parent population with unknown parameters (e.g., a Normal distribution with unknown mean and variance). CUDAHM enables one to simultaneously sample the values of the characteristics and the parameters of their parent population from their joint posterior probability distribution.
PyTorchDIA is a Difference Image Analysis tool. It is built around the PyTorch machine learning framework and uses automatic differentiation and (optional) GPU support to perform fast optimizations of image models. The code offers quick results and is scalable and flexible.
encore (Efficient N-point Correlator Estimation) estimates the isotropic NPCF multipoles for an arbitrary survey geometry in O(N2) time, with optional GPU support. The code features support for the isotropic 2PCF, 3PCF, 4PCF, 5PCF and 6PCF, with the option to subtract the Gaussian 4PCF contributions at the estimator level. For the 4PCF, 5PCF and 6PCF algorithms, the runtime is dominated by sorting the spherical harmonics into bins, which has complexity O(N_galaxy x N_bins3 x N_ell5) [4PCF], O(N_galaxy x N_bins4 x N_ell8) [5PCF] or O(N_galaxy x N_bins5 x N_ell11) [6PCF]. The higher-point functions are slow to compute unless N_bins and N_ell are small.
SISPO (Space Imaging Simulator for Proximity Operations) simulates trajectories, light parameters, and camera intrinsic parameters for small solar system body fly-by and terrestrial planet surface missions. The software provides realistic surface rendering and realistic dust- and gas-environment optical models for comets and active asteroids and also simulates common image aberrations such as simple geometric distortions and tangential astigmatism. SISPO uses Blender and its Cycles rendering engine, which provides physically based rendering capabilities and procedural micropolygon displacement texture generation.
orvara (Orbits from Radial Velocity, Absolute, and/or Relative Astrometry) fits orbits of bright stars and their faint companions (exoplanets, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, and low-mass stars). It can use any combination of radial velocity, relative astrometry, and absolute astrometry data and offers a variety of plots from the orbital fit, such as the radial velocity orbit over an extended time baseline, position angle between two companions, and a density plot of the predicted position at a chosen epoch. orvara can also check convergence of fitted parameters in the HDU1 extension, save the results from the fitted and inferred parameters from the HDU1 extension, and plot the results of a three-body or multiple-body fit.
BlackBOX performs standard CCD image reduction tasks on multiple images from the BlackGEM and MeerLICHT telescopes. It uses the satdet module of ASCtools (ascl:2011.024) and Astro-SCRAPPY (ascl:1907.032). BlackBOX simultaneously uses multi-processing and multi-threading and feeds the reduced images to ZOGY (ascl:2105.010) to ultimately perform optimal image subtraction and detect transient sources.
ZOGY performs optimal image subtraction; the code is designed specifically for the MeerLICHT and BlackGEM pipelines, but should also be useful to apply to images of other telescopes. The module accepts a new and a reference FITS image, runs SExtractor (ascl:1010.064) on them, and finds their WCS solution using (ascl:1208.001). ZOGY then uses PSFex (ascl:1301.001) to infer the position-dependent PSFs of the images and SWarp (ascl:1010.068) to map the reference image to the new image and performs optimal image subtraction. This produces the subtracted image, the significance image, the corrected significance image, and the PSF photometry image and associated error image. The inferred PSFs are also used to extract optimal photometry of all sources detected by SExtractor.
MeerCRAB (MeerLICHT Classification of Real and Bogus Transients using Deep Learning) filters out false detections of transients from true astrophysical sources in the transient detection pipeline of the MeerLICHT telescope. It uses a deep learning model based on Convolutional Neural Network.
MCALF (Multi-Component Atmospheric Line Fitting) accurately constrains velocity information from spectral imaging observations using machine learning techniques. It is useful for solar physicists trying to extract line-of-sight (LOS) Doppler velocity information from spectral imaging observations (Stokes I measurements) of the Sun. A toolkit is provided that can be used to define a spectral model optimized for a particular dataset. MCALF is particularly suited for extracting velocity information from spectral imaging observations where the individual spectra can contain multiple spectral components. Such multiple components are typically present when active solar phenomenon occur within an isolated region of the solar disk. Spectra within such a region will often have a large emission component superimposed on top of the underlying absorption spectral profile from the quiescent solar atmosphere.
SpheCow explores the structure and dynamics of any spherical model for galaxies and dark matter haloes. The lightweight and flexible code automatically calculates the dynamical properties, assuming an isotropic or Osipkov-Merritt anisotropic orbital structure, of any model with either an analytical density profile or an analytical surface density profile as a starting point. SpheCow contains readily usable implementations for many standard models, including the Plummer, Hernquist, NFW, Einasto, Sérsic and Nuker models. The code is easily extendable, allowing new models to be added in a straightforward way. The code is publicly available as a set of C++ routines and as a Python module.
The Sequencer reveals the main sequence in a dataset if one exists. To do so, it reorders objects within a set to produce the most elongated manifold describing their similarities which are measured in a multi-scale manner and using a collection of metrics. To be generic, it combines information from four different metrics: the Euclidean Distance, the Kullback-Leibler Divergence, the Monge-Wasserstein or Earth Mover Distance, and the Energy Distance. It considers different scales of the data by dividing each object in the input data into separate parts (chunks), and estimating pair-wise similarities between the chunks. It then aggregates the information in each of the chunks into a single estimator for each metric+scale.
COMPAS (Compact Object Mergers: Population Astrophysics & Statistics) draws properties for a binary star system from a set of initial distributions and evolves it from zero-age main sequence to the end of its life as two compact remnants. Evolution prescriptions and model parameters are easily adjustable in the software. COMPAS has been used for inference from observations of gravitational-wave mergers, Galactic neutron stars, X-ray binaries, and luminous red novae.
TesseRACt computes concentrations of simulated dark matter halos from volume information for particles generated using Voronoi tesselation. This technique is advantageous as it is non-parametric, does not assume spherical symmetry, and allows for the presence of substructure. TesseRACt accepts data in a number of formats, including Gadget-2 (ascl:0003.001), Gasoline (ascl:1710.019), and ASCII, and computes concentrations using particles volumes, traditional fitting to an NFW profile, and non-parametric techniques that assume spherical symmetry.
ATARRI is a graphical user interface for downloading TESS Full Frame Images (FFIs) and displaying properties of the lightcurves of selected objects. Preliminary analysis is performed assuming the object is an RR Lyrae variable. The raw lightcurve, a Lomb-Scargle analysis (both full and pre-whitened), and a folded lightcurve are presented to the user along with options to select the type of RR Lyrae and data quality flags for output.
PDM2 (Phase Dispersion Minimization) ddetermines periodic components of data sets with erratic time intervals, poor coverage, non-sine-wave curve shape, and/or large noise components. Essentially a least-squares fitting technique, the fit is relative to the mean curve as defined by the means of each bin; the code simultaneously obtains the best least-squares light curve and the best period. PDM2 allows an arbitrary degree of smoothing and provides improved curve fits, suppressed subharmonics, and beta function statistics.
The Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit models gravitational radiation from small mass-ratio binaries as well as from the ringdown of black holes. The former are key sources for the future space-based gravitational wave detector LISA. BHPToolkit brings together core elements of multiple scattered black hole perturbation theory codes into a Toolkit that can be used by all; different tools can be installed individually by users depending on need and interest.
Phase Dispersion Minimization (PDM) is a periodical signal detection method, and it is originally implemented by Stellingwerf with C ( With the help of Cython, Py-PDM is much faster than other Python implementations.
Posidonius is a N-body code based on the tidal model used in Mercury-T (ascl:1511.020). It uses the REBOUND (ascl:1110.016) symplectic integrator WHFast to compute the evolution of positions and velocities, which is also combined with a midpoint integrator to calculate the spin evolution in a consistent way. As Mercury-T, Posidonius takes into account tidal forces, rotational-flattening effects and general relativity corrections. It also includes different evolution models for FGKML stars and gaseous planets. The N-Body code is written in Rust; a Python package is provided to easily define simulation cases in JSON format, which is readable by the Posidonius integrator.
Lofti_gaia fits orbital parameters for one wide stellar binary relative to the other, when both objects are resolved in Gaia DR2. It takes as input only the Gaia DR2 source id of the two components, and their masses. It retrieves the relevant parameters from the Gaia archive, computes observational constraints for them, and fits orbital parameters to those measurements. It assumes the two components are bound in an elliptical orbit.
TES models the evolution of exoplanet systems. This n-body integration package comes in two parts, the C++ TES source code, and the Python-based experiment manager for running experiments and plotting the results. The experiment manager, used as the interface to TES, handles temporary data storage and allows for experiment results to be saved and then loaded later on for plotting. The experiment manager can automatically use multiple threads to run independent experiments in parallel using the mpi4py package. The experiment manager is specifically designed to enable HPC to be performed as easily as possible.
globalemu emulates the Global or sky averaged 21-cm signal and the associated neutral fraction history. The code can train a network on your own Global 21-cm signal or neutral fraction simulations using the built-in globalemu pre-processing techniques. It also features a GUI that can be invoked from the command line and used to explore how the structure of the Global 21-cm signal varies with the values of the astrophysical inputs.
linemake generates formatted and curated atomic and molecular line lists suitable for spectral synthesis work. It is lightweight and easy-to-use. The code requires that the requested beginning and ending wavelengths not bridge the divide between two files of atomic line data; in such cases, run the code twice, once on either side of the divide, to generate the desired lists.
The Skye framework develops and prototypes new EOS physics; it is not tied to a specific set of physics choices and can be extended for new effects by writing new terms in the free energy. It takes into account the effects of positrons, relativity, electron degeneracy, and non-linear mixing effects and more, and determines the point of Coulomb crystallization in a self-consistent manner. It is available in the MESA (ascl:1010.083) EOS module and as a standalone package.
SpaceHub uses unique algorithms for fast precise and accurate computations for few-body problems ranging from interacting black holes to planetary dynamics. This few-body gravity integration toolkit can treat black hole dynamics with extreme mass ratios, extreme eccentricities and very close encounters. SpaceHub offers a regularized Radau integrator with round off error control down to 64 bits floating point machine precision and can handle extremely eccentric orbits and close approaches in long-term integrations.
GAMMA models relativistic hydrodynamics and non-thermal emission on a moving mesh. It uses an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach only in the dominant direction of fluid motion to avoid mesh entanglement and associated computational costs. Shock detection, particle injection and local calculation of their evolution including radiative cooling are done at runtime. The package is modular; though it was designed with GRB physics applications in mind, new solvers and geometries can be implemented easily, making GAMMA suitable for a wide range of applications.
PyBird evaluates the multipoles of the power spectrum of biased tracers in redshift space. In general, PyBird can evaluate the power spectrum of matter or biased tracers in real or redshift space. The code uses FFTLog (ascl:1512.017) to evaluate the one-loop power spectrum and the IR resummation. PyBird is designed for a fast evaluation of the power spectra, and can be easily inserted in a data analysis pipeline. It is a standalone tool whose input is the linear matter power spectrum which can be obtained from any Boltzmann code, such as CAMB (ascl:1102.026) or CLASS (ascl:1106.020). The Pybird output can be used in a likelihood code which can be part of the routine of a standard MCMC sampler. The design is modular and concise, such that parts of the code can be easily adapted to other case uses (e.g., power spectrum at two loops or bispectrum). PyBird can evaluate the power spectrum either given one set of EFT parameters, or independently of the EFT parameters. If the former option is faster, the latter is useful for subsampling or partial marginalization over the EFT parameters, or to Taylor expand around a fiducial cosmology for efficient parameter exploration.
RadioFisher is a Fisher forecasting code for cosmology with intensity maps of the redshifted 21cm emission line of neutral hydrogen. It uses CAMB (ascl:1102.026) to produce a high-resolution P(k) for the fiducial cosmology when the code is first run and caches the results, making subsequent runs faster and more efficient. It includes specifications for a large number of experiments, as well as survey parameters and the fiducial cosmological parameters, and can run a forecast for a galaxy redshift survey rather than an IM survey. RadioFisher also contains a number of options for plotting results.
cmblensplus reconstructs lensing potential, cosmic bi-refringence, and patchy reionization from cosmic microwave background anisotropies (CMB) in full and flat sky. This Fortran wrapper for Python also includes modules for delensing and bi-spectrum calculations. cmblensplus contains a module of basic routines such as analytic calculation of delensed B-mode spectrum and lensing bispectrum. Two additional main modules are for curved sky and flat sky analyses, and measure lensing, bi-refringence, patchy tau, bias-hardening, bi-spectrum, delensing and analytic reconstruction normalization. The package also contains simple Python utility and demonstration scripts. cmblensplus uses FFTW (ascl:1201.015), HEALPix (ascl:1107.018), LAPACK (ascl:2104.020), CFITSIO (ascl:1010.001), and LensPix (ascl:1102.025).
LAPACK provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems. The associated matrix factorizations (LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD, Schur, generalized Schur) are also provided, as are related computations such as reordering of the Schur factorizations and estimating condition numbers. Dense and banded matrices are handled, but not general sparse matrices. In all areas, similar functionality is provided for real and complex matrices, in both single and double precision. The list of LAPACK Contributors is available online.
SpectRes efficiently resamples spectra and their associated uncertainties onto an arbitrary wavelength grid. The Python function works with any grid of wavelength values, including non-uniform sampling, and preserves the integrated flux. This may be of use for binning data to increase the signal to noise ratio, obtaining synthetic photometry, or resampling model spectra to match the sampling of observational data.
GGchem is a fast thermo-chemical equilibrium code with or without equilibrium condensation down to 100K. It can handle up to 40 elements (H, ..., Zr, and W), up to 1155 molecules, and up to 200 condensates (solids and liquids) from NIST-JANAF and SUPCRTBL. It offers a customized selection of elements, molecules, and condensates. The Fortran-90 code is very fast, and has a stable iterative solution scheme based on Newton-Raphson.
Bagpipes generates realistic model galaxy spectra and fits these to spectroscopic and photometric observations.
Skyoffset makes wide-field mosaics of FITS images. Principal features of Skyoffset are the ability to produce a mosaic with a continuous background level by solving for sky offsets that minimize the intensity differences between overlapping images, and its handling of hierarchies, making it ideal for optimizing backgrounds in large mosaics made with array cameras (such as CFHT’s MegaCam and WIRCam). Skyoffset uses MongoDB in conjunction with Mo’Astro (ascl:2104.012) to store metadata about each mosaic and SWarp (ascl:1010.068) to handle image combination and propagate uncertainty maps. Skyoffset can be integrated into Python pipelines and offers a convenient API and metadata storage in MongoDB. It was developed originally for the Andromeda Optical and Infrared Disk Survey (ANDROIDS).
dense_basis implements the Dense Basis method tailored to SED fitting, in particular, the task of recovering accurate star formation history (SFH) information from galaxy spectral energy distributions (SEDs). The code's original use-case was simultaneously fitting specific large catalogs of galaxies; it is adapted to a general purpose SED fitting code, and acts as a module to compress and decompress SFHs and other time-series.
SSSpaNG is a data-driven Gaussian Process model of the spectra of APOGEE red clump stars, whose parameters are inferred using Gibbs sampling. By pooling information between stars to infer their covariance it permits clear identification of the correlations between spectral pixels. Harnessing this correlation structure, a complete spectrum for each red clump star can be inferred, inpainting missing regions and de-noising by a factor of at least 2-3 for low-signal-to-noise stars.
pfits reads, manipulates and processes PSRFITS format search- and fold-mode pulsar astronomy data files. It summerizes the header information in a PSRFITS file, reproduces some of fv's (ascl:1205.005) functionality, and allows the user to obtain detailed information about the file. It can determine whether the data is search mode or fold mode and plot the profile, color scale image, frequency time, sum in frequency, and 4-pol data, as appropriate. pfits can also read in a search mode file, dedisperses, and frequency-sums (if requested), and offers an option to output multiple dispersed data files, among other tasks.
Mo’Astro is a MongoDB framework for observational astronomy pipelines. Mo'Astro sets up a MongoDB collection of a survey's image set, keeping FITS metadata readily available, and providing a place in the reduction pipeline to persist metadata. Mo’Astro also provides facilities for batch processing images with the Astromatic tool suite, and for hosting a local 2MASS star catalog with spatial-search built-in.
FreeTure monitors images from GigE all-sky cameras to detect and record falling stars and fireball. Originally, it was developed for the FRIPON (Fireball Recovery and InterPlanetary Observation Network) project, which sought to cover all of France with 100 fish eyes cameras, but can be used by any station that has a GigE camera.
Ulula is an ultra-lightweight 2D hydro code for teaching purposes. The code is written in pure python and is designed to be as short and easy to understand as possible, while not compromising on performance. The latter is achieved with a simple Godunov solver and by using numpy for all array operations.
Optool computes dust opacities and scattering matrices, for specific grain sizes or averaged over size distributions. It is derived from OpacityTool (ascl:2104.009) and implements the Distribution of Hollow Spheres (DHS) statistical method to approximate irregular and low porosity grains. Mie theory is available as a limiting case of DHS. It also implements the Tazaki Modified Mean Field Theory (MMF) to treat fractal and highly porous aggregates. The refractive index data for many astronomically relevant materials are compiled into the code, and external refractive index data can be used as well. A compact and intuitive command line interface makes it easy to construct complex particles on the fly. Available output formats are ASCII and FITS, including files directly readable by RADMC-3D (ascl:1202.015). A python interface to the FORTRAN program is included.
OpacityTool computes dust opacities for disc modelling; it includes a number of robust facts obtained from observations and theory and goes beyond astronomical silicates. It provides output files with κext(λ),κabs(λ),κsca(λ) as a function of wavelength λ, and the 6 scattering matrix elements for randomly oriented particles, F11(λ,θ), F12(λ,θ), F22(λ,θ), F33(λ, θ), F34(λ, θ), F44(λ, θ) as functions of wavelength and scattering angle θ.
This code is superseded by optool (ascl:2104.010).
The NASA Langley Fu-Liou radiative transfer code (also known as Ed4 LaRC Fu-Liou) computes broadband solar shortwave and thermal long wave profiles of down-welling and up-welling flux accounting for gas absorption by H2O, CO2, O3, O2, CH4, N2O and CFCs and absorption and scattering by clouds and aerosols. Longwave has options of a four-stream or 2/4 stream solver, while shortwave has options for two-stream, four-stream or Gamma weighted two-stream (GWTSA) which treats the inhomogeniety of cloud optical depth. A delta-Eddington approximation is used to treat the forward scattering peak. Water cloud properties are based on Mie calculations and ice cloud properties or the ice particle aspect ratio. Aerosol properties are given for 25 types.
EPIC5 computes positions, velocities and densities along closed orbits of interstellar matter, including frictional forces, in a galaxy with an arbitrary perturbing potential. Radial velocities are given for chosen lines of sight. These are analytic gas orbits in an arbitrary rotating galactic potential using the linear epicyclic approximation
RJObject provides a general approach to trans-dimensional Bayesian inference problems, using trans-dimensional MCMC embedded within a Nested Sampling algorithm. This allows exploration of the posterior distribution and calculattion of the marginal likelihood (summed over N) even if the problem contains a phase transition or other difficult features such as multimodality.
CTR (Coronal Temperature Reconstruction) reconstructs differential emission measures (DEMs) in the solar corona. Written in IDL, the code guarantees positivity of the recovered DEM, enforces an explicit smoothness constraint, returns a featureless (flat) solution in the absence of information, and converges quickly. The algorithm is robust and can be extended to other wavelengths where the DEM treatment is valid.
Spectractor extracts spectra from slitless spectrophotometric images and measures the atmospheric transmission on the line of sight if standard stars are targeted. It has been optimized on CTIO images but can be configured to analyze any kind of slitless data that contains the order 0 and the order 1 of a spectrum. In particular, it can be used to estimate the atmospheric transmission of the Vera Rubin Observatory site using the dedicated Auxiliary Telescope.
Hilal-Obs authenticates lunar crescent first visibility reports. The code, written in Python, uses PyEphem (ascl:1112.014) for astrometrics, and takes into account all the factors that affect lunar crescent visibility, including atmospheric extinction, observer physiology, sky and lunar brightness, contrast threshold, and the type of observation.
The HERA Librarian system keeps track of all the primary data products for the telescope at a given site. The Librarian supports large data volumes and automated data processing capabilities. A web-based application handles human user and automatic requests and interfaces with a backing database and data storage servers. The system supports the long-term data storage of all relevant telescope data, as well as staging data to individual users' directories for processing.
The hera_opm package provides a convenient and flexible framework for developing data analysis pipelines for operating on a sequence of input files. Though developed for application to the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA), it is a general package that can be applied to any workflow designed to apply a series of analysis steps to any type of files. It is also portable, operating both on a diversity of computer clusters with batch submission systems and local machines.
CARTA (Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy) is a image visualization and analysis tool designed for the ALMA, VLA, SKA pathfinders, and the ngVLA. If offers catalog support, shared region analytics, profile smoothing, and spectral line query, and more. CARTA adopts a client-server architecture suitable for visualizing images with large file sizes (GB to TB) easily obtained from ALMA, VLA, or SKA pathfinder observations; computation and data storage are handled by remote enterprise-class servers or clusters with high performance storage, while processed products are sent to clients only for visualization with modern web features, such as GPU-accelerated rendering. This architecture also enables users to interact with the ALMA and VLA science archives by using CARTA as an interface. CARTA provides a desktop version and a server version. The former is suitable for single-user usage with a laptop, a desktop, or a remote server in the "remote" execution mode. The latter is suitable for institution-wide deployment to support multiple users with user authentication and additional server-side features.
DIAPHANE provides a common platform for application-independent radiation and neutrino transport in astrophysical simulations. The library contains radiation and neutrino transport algorithms for modeling galaxy formation, black hole formation, and planet formation, as well as supernova stellar explosions. DIAPHANE is written in C and C++, but as many hydrodynamic codes use Fortran, the library includes examples of how to interface the library from the Fortran codes SPHYNX (ascl:1709.001) and RAMSES (ascl:1011.007).
SparseBLS uses the Box-fitting Least Squares (BLS) algorithm to detect transiting exoplanets in photometric data. SparseBLS does not bin data into phase bins and does not use a phase grid. Because its detection efficiency does not depend on the transit phase, it is significantly faster than BLS for sparse data and is well-suited for large photometric surveys producing unevenly-sampled sparse light curves, such as Gaia.
astrofix is an astronomical image correction algorithm based on Gaussian Process Regression. It trains itself to apply the optimal interpolation kernel for each image, performing multiple times better than median replacement and interpolation with a fixed kernel.
Gallenspy uses the gravitational lensing effect (GLE) to reconstruct mass profiles in disc-like galaxies. The algorithm inverts the lens equation for gravitational potentials with spherical symmetry, in addition to the estimation in the position of the source, given the positions of the images produced by the lens. Gallenspy also computes critical and caustic curves and the Einstein ring.
PyPion reads in Silo (ascl:2103.025) data files from PION (ascl:2103.024) simulations and plots the data. This library works for 1D, 2D, and 3D data files and for any amount of nested-grid levels. The scripts contained in PyPion save the options entered into the command line when the python script is run, open the silo file and save all of the important header variables, open the directory in the silo (or vtk, or fits) file and save the requested variable data (eg. density, temp, etc.), and set up the plotting function and the figure.
Silo reads and writes a wide variety of scientific data to binary disk files. The files Silo produces and the data within them can be easily shared and exchanged between wholly independently developed applications running on disparate computing platforms. Consequently, Silo facilitates the development of general purpose tools for processing scientific data. One of the more popular tools that process Silo data files is the VisIt visualization tool (ascl:1103.007).
Silo supports gridless (point) meshes, structured meshes, unstructured-zoo and unstructured-arbitrary-polyhedral meshes, block structured AMR meshes, constructive solid geometry (CSG) meshes, piecewise-constant (e.g., zone-centered) and piecewise-linear (e.g. node-centered) variables defined on the node, edge, face or volume elements of meshes as well as the decomposition of meshes into arbitrary subset hierarchies including materials and mixing materials. In addition, Silo supports a wide variety of other useful objects to address various scientific computing application needs. Although the Silo library is a serial library, it has features that enable it to be applied quite effectively and scalable in parallel.
PION (PhotoIonization of Nebulae) is a grid-based fluid dynamics code for hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, including a ray-tracing module for calculating the attenuation of radiation from point sources of ionizing photons. It also has a module for coupling fluid dynamics and the radiation field to microphysical processes such as heating/cooling and ionization/recombination. PION models the evolution of HII regions, photoionized bubbles that form around hot stars, and has been extended to include stellar wind sources so that both wind bubbles and photoionized bubbles can be simulated at the same time. It is versatile enough to be extended to other applications.
DRAKE (Dark matter Relic Abundance beyond Kinetic Equilibrium) predicts the dark matter relic abundance in situations where the standard assumption of kinetic equilibrium during the freeze-out process may not be satisfied. The code comes with a set of three dedicated Boltzmann equation solvers that implement, respectively, the traditionally adopted equation for the dark matter number density, fluid-like equations that couple the evolution of number density and velocity dispersion, and a full numerical evolution of the phase-space distribution.
nestle is a pure Python implementation of nested sampling algorithms for evaluating Bayesian evidence. Nested sampling integrates posterior probability in order to compare models in Bayesian statistics. It is similar to Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) in that it generates samples that can be used to estimate the posterior probability distribution. Unlike MCMC, the nature of the sampling also allows one to calculate the integral of the distribution. It is also a pretty good method for robustly finding global maxima.
Carsus manages atomic datasets. It requires Chianti (ascl:9911.004), and can read data from a variety of sources and output them to file formats readable by radiative transfer codes such as TARDIS (ascl:1402.018).
ARTIS is a 3D radiative transfer code for Type Ia supernovae using the Monte Carlo method with indivisible energy packets. It incorporates polarization and virtual packets and non-LTE physics appropriate for the nebular phase of Type Ia supernovae.
SuperNu simulates time-dependent radiation transport in local thermodynamic equilibrium with matter. It applies the methods of Implicit Monte Carlo (IMC) and Discrete Diffusion Monte Carlo (DDMC) for static or homologously expanding spatial grids. The radiation field affects material temperature but does not affect the motion of the fluid. SuperNu may be applied to simulate radiation transport for supernovae with ejecta velocities that are not affected by radiation momentum. The physical opacity calculation includes elements from Hydrogen up to Cobalt. SuperNu is motivated by the ongoing research into the effect of variation in the structure of progenitor star explosions on observables: the brightness and shape of light curves and the temporal evolution of the spectra. Consequently, the code may be used to post-process data from hydrodynamic simulations. SuperNu does not include any capabilities or methods that allow for non-trivial hydrodynamics.
GalacticDNSMass performs Bayesian inference on Galactic double neutron stars (DNS) to investigate their mass distribution. Each DNS is comprised of two neutron stars (NS), a recycled NS and a non-recycled (slow) NS. It compares two hypotheses: A - recycled NS and non-recycled NS follow an identical mass distribution, and B - they are drawn from two distinct populations. Within each hypothesis it also explore three possible functional models: Gaussian, two-Gaussian (mixture model), and uniform mass distributions.
CRIME (Cosmological Realizations for Intensity Mapping Experiments) generates mock realizations of intensity mapping observations of the neutral hydrogen distribution. It contains three separate tools, GetHI, ForGet, and JoinT. GetHI generates realizations of the temperature fluctuations due to the 21cm emission of neutral hydrogen. Optionally it can also generate a realization of the point-source continuum emission (for a given population) by sampling the same density distribution, though using this feature greatly affects performance. ForGet generates realizations of the different galactic and extra-galactic foregrounds relevant for intensity mapping experiments using some external datasets (e.g. the Haslam 408 MHz map) stored in the "data"folder. JoinT is provided for convenience; it joins the temperature maps generated by GetHI and ForGet and includes several instrument-dependent effects (in an overly simplistic way).
The RAiSERed (Radio AGN in Semi-analytic Environments: Redshifts) code implements the RAiSE analytic model for Fanaroff-Riley type II sources, using a Bayesian prior for their host cosmological environments, to measure the redshift of active galactic nuclei lobes based on radio-frequency observations. The Python code provides a class for the user to store measured attributes for each radio source, and to which model derived redshift probability density functions are returned. Systematic uncertainties in the analytic model can be calibrated by specifying a subset of radio sources with spectroscopic redshifts. Functions are additionally provided to plot the redshift probability density functions and assess the success of the model calibration.
LPF (Live Pulse Finder) provides real-time automated analysis of the radio image data stream at multiple frequencies. The fully automated GPU-based machine-learning backed pipeline performs source detection, association, flux measurement and physical parameter inference. At the end of the pipeline, an alert of a significant detection of a transient event can be sent out and the data saved for further investigation.
QuickCBC is a robust end-to-end low-latency Bayesian parameter estimation algorithm for binary mergers. It reads in calibrated strain data, performs robust on-source spectral estimation, executes a rapid search for compact binary coalescence (CBC) signals, uses wavelet de-noising to subtract any glitches from the search residuals, produces low-latency sky maps and initial parameter estimates, followed by full Bayesian parameter estimation.
schNell computes basic map-level noise properties for generic networks of gravitational wave interferometers, primarily the noise power spectrum "N_ell", but this lightweight python module that can also be used for, for example, antenna patterns, overlap functions, and inverse variance maps, among other tasks. The code has three main classes; detectors contain information about each individual detector of the network, such as their positions, noise properties, and orientation. NoiseCorrelations describes the noise-level correlation between pairs of detectors, and the MapCalculators class combines a list of Detectors into a network (potentially together with a NoiseCorrelation object) and computes the corresponding map-level noise properties arising from their correlations.
AstroNet-Triage contains TensorFlow models and data processing code for identifying exoplanets in astrophysical light curves; this is the triage version of two TESS neural networks. For the vetting version, see AstroNet-Vetting (ascl:2103.011). The TensorFlow code downloads and pre-processes TESS data, builds different types of neural network classification models, trains and evaluates new models, and generates new predictions using a trained model. Utilities that operate on light curves are provided; these reading TESS data from .h5 files, and perform phase folding, splitting, binning, and other tasks. C++ implementations of some light curve utilities are also included.
AstroNet-Vetting identifies exoplanets in astrophysical light curves. This is the vetting version of two TESS neural networks; for the triage version, see AstroNet-Triage (ascl:2103.012). The package contains TensorFlow code that downloads and pre-processes TESS data, builds different types of neural network classification models, trains and evaluates a new model, and uses a trained model to generate new predictions. It includes utilities for operating on light curves, such as for reading TESS data from .h5 files, phase folding, splitting, and binning. In addition, C++ implementations of light curve utilities are also provided.
TransitFit fits exoplanetary transit light-curves for transmission spectroscopy studies. The code uses nested sampling for efficient and robust multi-epoch, multi-wavelength fitting of transit data obtained from one or more telescopes. TransitFit allows per-telescope detrending to be performed simultaneously with parameter fitting, including the use of user-supplied detrending alogorithms. Host limb darkening can be fitted either independently ("uncoupled") for each filter or combined ("coupled") using prior conditioning from the PHOENIX stellar atmosphere models. For this, TransitFit uses the Limb Darkening Toolkit (ascl:1510.003) together with filter profiles, including user-supplied filter profiles.
The cosmology code DarkEmulator calculates summary statistics of large scale structure constructed as a part of Dark Quest Project. The “dark_emulator” python package enables fast and accurate computations of halo clustering quantities. The code supports the halo mass function, halo-matter cross-correlation, and halo auto-correlation as a function of halo masses, redshift, separations and cosmological models.
The MRS (The MOS Reduction Software) suite reduces the spectra taken with the multi-object spectrograph spectra used as the focal plane instrument of RTT150 telescope in the TÜBİTAK National Observatory.
Simple program for planning and managing astronomical observations as observational diary or logs.
Pyedra performs asteroid phase curve fitting. From a simple table containing the asteroid MPC number, phase angle and reduced magnitude, Pyedra estimates the parameters of the phase function using the least squares method. The user can choose from three different models for the phase curve fit: H-G model, H-G1-G2 model and the Shevchenko model. The output in all cases is a table containing the adjusted parameters and their corresponding errors. This package allows carrying out phase function analysis for a few asteroids as well as to process large volumes of data such as those released by current large surveys.
TFF derives the Fourier decomposition of period-folded RR Lyrae light curves with gaps. The method can be used for the same purpose on any other types of variables, assuming that the the template database is changed to the proper type of variables.
Ggm contains useful utilities for Gaussian gradient filtering of astronomical FITS images. It applies the Gaussian gradient magnitude filter to an input fits image, using a particular scale, sigma, in pixels. ggm cosmetically hides point sources in fits images by filling point sources with random values from the surrounding pixel region. It also provides an interactive tool to combine FITS images filtered on different scales.
satcand applies theoretical constraints of orbital stability and tidal migration to KOI exomoon candidates. The package can evaluate the tidal migration within a Sun-Earth-Moon system, plot angular velocity over time, and calculate the migration time scale (T1) and the total migration time scale, among other things. In addition to the theoretical constraints, observational constraints can be applied.
Characterize and understandOpen Clusters(OCs) allow us to understand better properties and mechanisms about the Universe such as stellar formation and the regions where these events occur. They also provide information about stellar processes and the evolution of the galactic disk.
In this paper, we present a novel method to characterize OCs. Our method employs a model built on Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs). More specifically, we adapted a state of the art model, the Deep Embedded Clustering(DEC) model for our purpose. The developed method aims to improve classical state of the arts techniques. We improved not only in terms of computational efficiency (with lower computational requirements), but inusability (reducing the number of hyperparameters to get a good characterization of the analyzed clusters). For our experiments, we used the Gaia DR2 database as the data source, and compared our model with the clustering technique K-Means. Our method achieves good results, becoming even better (in some of the cases) than current techniques.
redshifts collects all unique spectroscopic redshifts from online databases such as VizieR and NED. It can perform a flexible search within a radius of a given set of (RA, DEC) coordinates and uses column names and descriptions (including UCD keywords) to identify columns containing spectroscopic redshifts or velocities. It weeds out photometric redshifts and duplicates and returns a unique list of best spectroscopic redshift measurements. redshifts can be used standalone from the terminal, and can take a number of optional command line arguments, or from Python.
spalipy performs detection-based astronomical image registration in Python. A source image is transformed to the pixel-coordinate system of a template image using their respective detections as tie-points by finding matching quads of detections. spalipy also includes an optional additional warping of the initial affine transformation via splines to achieve accurate registration in the case of non-homogeneous coordinate transforms. This is particularly useful in the case of optically distorted or wide field-of-view images.
hfs_fit performs parameter optimization in the analysis of emission line hyperfine structure (HFS). The code uses a simulated annealing algorithm to optimize the magnetic dipole interaction constants, electric quadrupole interaction constants, Voigt profile widths and the center of gravity wavenumber for a given emission line profile. The fit can be changed visually with sliders for parameters, which is useful when HFS constants are unknown.
21cmDeepLearning extracts the underlying matter density map from a 21 cm intensity field by making use of a convolutional neural network (CNN) with the U-Net architecture; the software is implemented in Pytorch. The astrophysical parameters of the simulations can be predicted with a secondary CNN. The simulations of matter density and 21 cm maps are performed with the code 21cmFAST (ascl:1102.023).
The synchrofit (synchrotron fitter) package implements a reduced dimensionality parameterisation of standard synchrotron spectrum models, and provides fitting routines applicable for active galactic nuclei and supernova remnants. The Python code includes the Jaffe-Parola model (JP), Kardashev-Pacholczyk model (KP), and continuous injection models (CI/KGJP) for both constant or Maxwell-Boltzmann magnetic field distributions. An adaptive maximum likelihood algorithm is invoked to fit these models to multi-frequency radio observations; the adaptive mesh is customisable for either optimal precision or computational efficiency. Functions are additionally provided to plot the fitted spectral model with its confidence interval, and to derive the spectral age of the synchrotron emitting particles.
USNO/AE98 contains ephemerides for fifteen of the largest asteroids that The Astronomical Almanac has used since its 2000 edition. These ephemerides are based on the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) planetary ephemeris DE405 and, thus, aligned to the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS). The data cover the period from 1799 November 16 (JD 2378450.5) through 2100 February 1 (JD 2488100.5). The internal uncertainty in the mean longitude at epoch, 1997 December 18, ranges from 0.05 arcseconds for 7 Iris through 0.22 arcseconds for 65 Cybele, and the uncertainty in the mean motion varies from 0.02 arcseconds per century for 4 Vesta to 0.14 arcseconds per century for 511 Davida.
The Astronomical Almanac has published ephemerides for 1 Ceres, 2 Pallas, 3 Juno, and 4 Vesta since its 1953 edition. Historically, these four asteroids have been observed more than any of the others. Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta deserve such attention because as they are the three most massive asteroids, the source of significant perturbations of the planets, the largest in linear size, and among the brightest main belt asteroids. Studying asteroids may provide clues to the origin and primordial composition of the solar system, data for modeling the chaotic dynamics of small solar system bodies, and assessments of potential collisions. Therefore, USNO/AE98 includes more than the traditional four asteroids.
The following criteria were used to select main belt asteroids for USNO/AE98:
Diameter greater than 300 km, presumably among the most massive asteroids
Excellent observing history and discovered before 1850
Largest in their taxonomic class
The massive asteroids included may be studied for their perturbing effects on the planets while those with detailed observing histories may be used to evaluate the accuracy limits of asteroid ephemerides. The fifteen asteroids that met at least one of these criteria are
1 Ceres (new mass determination)
2 Pallas (new mass determination)
3 Juno
4 Vesta (new mass determination)
6 Hebe
7 Iris
8 Flora
9 Metis
10 Hygiea
15 Eunomia
16 Psyche
52 Europa
65 Cybele
511 Davida
704 Interamnia
The refereed paper by Hilton (1999, Astron. J. 117, 1077) describes the USNO/AE98 asteroid ephemerides in detail. The associated USNO/AA Tech Note 1998-12 includes residual plots for all fifteen asteroids and a comparison between these ephemerides and those used in The Astronomical Almanac through 1999.
Software to compact, read, and interpolate the USNO/AE98 asteroid ephemerides is also available. It is written in C and designed to work with the C edition of the Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Software (NOVAS). The programs could be used with tabular ephemerides of other asteroids as well. The associated README file provides the details of this system.
FLARE, a parallel code written in Python, generates 100,000 Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) using the Monte Carlo method. The FRB population is diverse and includes sporadic FRBs, repeaters, and periodic repeaters. However, less than 200 FRBs have been detected to date, which makes understanding the FRB population difficult. To tackle this problem, FLARE uses a Monte Carlo method to generate 100,000 realistic FRBs, which can be analyzed later on for further research. It has the capability to simulate FRB distances (based on the observed FRB distance range), energies (based on the "flaring magnetar model" of FRBs), fluences, multi-wavelength counterparts (based on x-ray to radio fluence ratio of FRB 200428), and other properties. It analyzes the resulting synthetic FRB catalog and displays the distribution of their properties. It is fast (as a result of parallel code) and requires minimal human interaction. FLARE is, therefore, able to give a broad picture of the FRB population.
GLEAM (Galaxy Line Emission and Absorption Modeling) fits Gaussian models to emission and absorption lines in large samples of 1D galaxy spectra. The code is tailored to work well without much human interaction on optical and infrared spectra in a wide range of instrument setups and signal-to-noise regimes. gleam will create a fits table with Gaussian line measurements, including central wavelength, width, height and amplitude, as well as estimates for the continuum under the line and the line flux, luminosity, equivalent width and velocity width. gleam will also, optionally, make plots of the spectrum with fitted lines overlaid.
BALRoGO (Bayesian Astrometric Likelihood Recovery of Galactic Objects) handles data from the Gaia space mission. It extracts galactic objects such as globular clusters and dwarf galaxies from data contaminated by interlopers using a combination of Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches. It fits proper motion space, surface density, and the object center. It also provides confidence regions for the color-magnitude diagram and parallaxes.
PyAutoFit supports advanced statistical methods such as massively parallel non-linear search grid-searches, chaining together model-fits and sensitivity mapping. It is a Python-based probabilistic programming language which composes and fits models using a range of Bayesian inference libraries, such as emcee (ascl:1303.002) and dynesty (ascl:1809.013). It performs model composition and customization, outputting results, model-specific visualization and posterior analysis. Built for big-data analysis, results are output as a database which can be loaded after model-fitting is complete.
PyFstat performs F-statistic-based continuous gravitational wave (CW) searches and other CW data analysis tasks. It is built on top of the LALSuite library (ascl:2012.021), making that library's functionality more accessible through a Python interface; it also provides MCMC-based followup of promising candidates from wide-parameter-space searches.
extinction is an implementation of fast interstellar dust extinction laws in Python. It contains Cython-optimized implementations of empirical dust extinction laws found in the literature. Flux values can be reddened or dereddened using included functions, and all extinction laws accept a unit keyword to change the interpretation of the wavelength array from Angstroms to inverse microns. Part of this code originated in the specutils package (ascl:1902.012).
binaryoffset identifies the binary offset effect in images from any detector. The easiest input to work with is a dark or bias image that is spatially flat. The code can also be run on images that are not spatially flat, assuming that there is some model of the signal on the CCD that can be used to produce a residual image.
Piff models the point-spread function (PSF) across multiple detectors in the full field of view (FOV). Models can be built in chip coordinates or in sky coordinates if needed to account for the effects of astrometric distortion. The software can fit in either real or Fourier space, and can identify and excise outlier stars that are poor exemplars of the PSF according to some metric.
Multi_CLASS modifies the Boltzmann code CLASS (ascl:1106.020) to compute of the cross-tracer angular power spectra of the number count fluctuations for two different tracers of the underlying dark matter density field. In other words, it generalizes the standard nCl output option of CLASS to the case of two different tracers, for example, two different galaxy populations with their own redshift distribution, and galaxy and magnification bias parameters, among others.
Multi_CLASS also includes an implementation of the effect of primordial non-Gaussianities of the local type, parametrized by the parameter f_NL (following the large-scale structure convention), on the effective bias of the tracers. There is also the possibility of having a tilted non-Gaussian correction, parametrized by n_NG, with a pivot scale determined by k_pivot_NG. The package includes galaxy redshift distributions for forthcoming galaxy surveys, with the ease of choosing between them (or an input file) from the parameters input file (e.g., multi_explanatory.ini). In addition, Multi_CLASS includes the possibility of using resolved gravitational wave events as a tracer.
RASSINE normalizes merged 1D spectra using the concept of convex hulls. The code uses six parameters that can be fine-tuned, and provides an interactive interface, including graphical feedback, for easily choosing the parameters. RASSINE can also provide a first guess for the parameters that are derived directly from the merged 1D spectrum based on previously performed calibrations.
lensingGW simulates lensed gravitational waves in ground-based interferometers from arbitrary compact binaries and lens models. Its algorithm resolves strongly lensed images and microimages simultaneously, such as the images resulting from hundreds of microlenses embedded in galaxies and galaxy clusters. It is based on Lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012),
MOSAIC (Multipole Operators in Symbols, Automatically Improved and Condensed) automatically produces, verifies, and optimizes computer code for Fast Multipole Method (FMM) operators. It is based on a symbolic algebra library, and can produce code for any expansion order and be extended to use any basis or kernel function. The code applies algebraic modifications to reduce the number of floating-point operations and can symbolically verify correctness.
HUAYNO implements integrators derived from second order Hamiltonian splitting for N-body dynamics. This integration scheme conserves energy and momentum with little or no systematic drift. The code uses an explicit but approximate formula for the time symmetrization that is compatible with the use of individual time steps, making an iterative scheme unnecessary. HUAYNO is available as part of the AMUSE package (ascl:1107.007).
DaMaSCUS-SUN is a Monte Carlo tool simulating the process of solar reflection of dark matter (DM) particles. It provides precise estimates of the DM particle flux reflected by the Sun and passing through a direct detection experiment on Earth. One application is to compute exclusion limits for low DM masses based on nuclear and electron recoil experiments.
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