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[ascl:1512.004] EDRSX: Extensions to the EDRS package

EDRSX extends the Electronography Data Reduction System (EDRS, ascl:1512.0030). It makes more versatile analysis of IRAS images than was otherwise available possible. EDRSX provides facilities for converting images into and out of EDRS format, accesses RA and DEC information stored with IRAS images, and performs several standard image processing operations such as displaying image histograms and statistics, and Fourier transforms. This enables such operations to be performed as estimation and subtraction of non-linear backgrounds, de-striping of IRAS images, modelling of image features, and easy aligning of separate images, among others.

[ascl:1512.003] EDRS: Electronography Data Reduction System

The Electronography Data Reduction System (EDRS) reduces and analyzes large format astronomical images and was written to be used from within ASPIC (ascl:1510.006). In its original form it specialized in the reduction of electronographic data but was built around a set of utility programs which were widely applicable to astronomical images from other sources. The programs align and calibrate images, handle lists of (X,Y) positions, apply linear geometrical transformations and do some stellar photometry. This package is now obsolete.

[ascl:2202.010] EDIVU: Exoplanet Detection Identifier Vetter Unplugged

The EDI (Exoplanet Detection Identifier) Vetter Unplugged software identifies false positive transit signals using Transit Least Squares (TLS) information and has been simplified from the full EDI-Vetter algorithm (ascl:2202.009) for easy implementation with the TLS output.

[ascl:2202.009] EDIV: Exoplanet Detection Identifier Vetter

EDI (Exoplanet Detection Identifier) Vetter identifies false positive transit signal in the K2 data set. It combines the functionalities of Terra (ascl:2202.008) and RoboVetter (ascl:2012.006) and is optimized to test single transiting planet signals. An easily implemented suite of vetting metrics built to run alongside TLS of EDI Vetter, EDI-Vetter Unplugged (ascl:2202.010), is also available.

[ascl:1901.010] eddy: Extracting Disk DYnamics

The Python suite eddy recovers precise rotation profiles of protoplanetary disks from Doppler shifted line emission, providing an easy way to fit first moment maps and the inference of a rotation velocity from an annulus of spectra.

[ascl:2402.007] ECLIPSR: Automatically find individual eclipses in light curves, determine ephemerides, and more

ECLIPSR fully and automatically analyzes space based light curves to find eclipsing binaries and provide some first order measurements, such as the binary star period and eclipse depths. It provides a recipe to find individual eclipses using the time derivatives of the light curves, including eclipses in light curves of stars where the dominating variability is, for example, pulsations. Since the algorithm detects each eclipse individually, even light curves containing only one eclipse can (in principle) be successfully analyzed and classified. ECLIPSR can find eclipsing binaries among both pulsating and non-pulsating stars in a homogeneous and quick manner and process large amounts of light curves in reasonable amounts of time. The output includes, among other things, the individual eclipse markers, the period and time of first (primary) eclipse, and a score between 0 and 1 indicating the likelihood that the analyzed light curve is that of an eclipsing binary.

[ascl:1112.001] Eclipse: ESO C Library for an Image Processing Software Environment

Written in ANSI C, eclipse is a library offering numerous services related to astronomical image processing: FITS data access, various image and cube loading methods, binary image handling and filtering (including convolution and morphological filters), 2-D cross-correlation, connected components, cube and image arithmetic, dead pixel detection and correction, object detection, data extraction, flat-fielding with robust fit, image generation, statistics, photometry, image-space resampling, image combination, and cube stacking. It also contains support for mathematical tools like random number generation, FFT, curve fitting, matrices, fast median computation, and point-pattern matching. The main feature of this library is its ability to handle large amounts of input data (up to 2GB in the current version) regardless of the amount of memory and swap available on the local machine. Another feature is the very high speed allowed by optimized C, making it an ideal base tool for programming efficient number-crunching applications, e.g., on parallel (Beowulf) systems.

[ascl:2306.031] ECLIPSE: Efficient Cmb poLarization and Intensity Power Spectra Estimator

ECLIPSE (Efficient Cmb poLarization and Intensity Power Spectra Estimator) implements an optimized version of the Quadratic Maximum Likelihood (QML) method for the estimation of the power spectra of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from masked skies. Written in Fortran, ECLIPSE can be used in a personal computer but also benefits from the capabilities of a supercomputer to tackle large scale problems; it is designed to run parallel on many MPI tasks. ECLIPSE analyzes masked CMB maps in which the signal can be affected by the beam and pixel window functions. The masks of intensity and polarization can be different and the noise can be isotropic or anisotropic. The program can estimate auto and cross-correlation power spectrum, that can be binned or unbinned.

[ascl:1910.008] ECLIPS3D: Linear wave and circulation calculations

ECLIPS3D (Eigenvectors, Circulation, and Linear Instabilities for Planetary Science in 3 Dimensions) calculates a posteriori energy equations for the study of linear processes in planetary atmospheres with an arbitrary steady state, and provides both increased robustness and physical meaning to the obtained eigenmodes. It was developed originally for planetary atmospheres and includes python scripts for data analysis. ECLIPS3D can be used to study the initial spin up of superrotation of GCM simulations of hot Jupiters in addition to being applied to other problems.

[ascl:1810.011] Eclairs: Efficient Codes for the LArge scales of the unIveRSe

Eclairs calculates matter power spectrum based on standard perturbation theory and regularized pertubation theory. The codes are written in C++ with a python wrapper which is designed to be easily combined with MCMC samplers.

[ascl:2008.020] Eclaire: CUDA-based Library for Astronomical Image REduction

Eclaire is a GPU-accelerated image-reduction pipeline; it uses CuPy, a Python package for general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU), to perform image processing, including bias subtraction, dark subtraction, flat fielding, bad pixel masking, alignment, and co-adding. It has been used for real-time image reduction of MITSuME observational data, and can be used with data from other observatories.

[ascl:1405.018] ECHOMOP: Echelle data reduction package

ECHOMOP extracts spectra from 2-D data frames. These data can be single-order spectra or multi-order echelle spectra. A substantial degree of automation is provided, particularly in the traditionally manual functions for cosmic-ray detection and wavelength calibration; manual overrides are available. Features include robust and flexible order tracing, optimal extraction, support for variance arrays, and 2-D distortion fitting and extraction. ECHOMOP is distributed as part of the Starlink software collection (ascl:1110.012).

[ascl:1810.006] Echelle++: Generic spectrum simulator

Echelle++ simulates realistic raw spectra based on the Zemax model of any spectrograph, with a particular emphasis on cross-dispersed Echelle spectrographs. The code generates realistic spectra of astronomical and calibration sources, with accurate representation of optical aberrations, the shape of the point spread function, detector characteristics, and photon noise. It produces high-fidelity spectra fast, an important feature when testing data reduction pipelines with a large set of different input spectra, when making critical choices about order spacing in the design phase of the instrument, or while aligning the spectrograph during construction. Echelle++ also works with low resolution, low signal to noise, multi-object, IFU, or long slit spectra, for simulating a wide array of spectrographs.

[ascl:2207.005] echelle: Dynamic echelle diagrams for asteroseismology

Echelle diagrams are used mainly in asteroseismology, where they function as a diagnostic tool for estimating Δν, the separation between modes of the same degree ℓ; the amplitude spectrum of a star is stacked in equal slices of Δν, the large separation. The echelle Python code creates and manipulates echelle diagrams. The code provides the ability to dynamically change Δν for rapid identification of the correct value. echelle features performance optimized dynamic echelle diagrams and multiple backends for supporting Jupyter or terminal usage.

[ascl:1411.017] ECCSAMPLES: Bayesian Priors for Orbital Eccentricity

ECCSAMPLES solves the inverse cumulative density function (CDF) of a Beta distribution, sometimes called the IDF or inverse transform sampling. This allows one to sample from the relevant priors directly. ECCSAMPLES actually provides joint samples for both the eccentricity and the argument of periastron, since for transiting systems they display non-zero covariance.

[ascl:2404.015] EBWeyl: Compute the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor

EBWeyl computes the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor, Eαβ and Bαβ, using a 3+1 slicing formulation. The module provides a Finite Differencing class with 4th (default) and 6th order backward, centered, and forward schemes. Periodic boundary conditions are used by default; otherwise, a combination of the 3 schemes is available. It also includes a Weyl class that computes for a given metric the variables of the 3+1 formalism, the spatial Christoffel symbols, spatial Ricci tensor, electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor projected along the normal to the hypersurface and fluid flow, the Weyl scalars and invariant scalars. EBWeyl can also compute the determinant and inverse of a 3x3 or 4x4 matrice in every position of a data box.

[ascl:1203.007] EBTEL: Enthalpy-Based Thermal Evolution of Loops

Observational and theoretical evidence suggests that coronal heating is impulsive and occurs on very small cross-field spatial scales. A single coronal loop could contain a hundred or more individual strands that are heated quasi-independently by nanoflares. It is therefore an enormous undertaking to model an entire active region or the global corona. Three-dimensional MHD codes have inadequate spatial resolution, and 1D hydro codes are too slow to simulate the many thousands of elemental strands that must be treated in a reasonable representation. Fortunately, thermal conduction and flows tend to smooth out plasma gradients along the magnetic field, so "0D models" are an acceptable alternative. We have developed a highly efficient model called Enthalpy-Based Thermal Evolution of Loops (EBTEL) that accurately describes the evolution of the average temperature, pressure, and density along a coronal strand. It improves significantly upon earlier models of this type--in accuracy, flexibility, and capability. It treats both slowly varying and highly impulsive coronal heating; it provides the differential emission measure distribution, DEM(T), at the transition region footpoints; and there are options for heat flux saturation and nonthermal electron beam heating. EBTEL gives excellent agreement with far more sophisticated 1D hydro simulations despite using four orders of magnitude less computing time. It promises to be a powerful new tool for solar and stellar studies.

[ascl:1909.007] EBHLIGHT: General relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics with Monte Carlo transport

EBHLIGHT (also referred to as BHLIGHT) solves the equations of general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics in stationary spacetimes. Fluid integration is performed with the second order shock-capturing scheme HARM (ascl:1209.005) and frequency-dependent radiation transport is performed with the second order Monte Carlo code grmonty (ascl:1306.002). Fluid and radiation exchange four-momentum in an explicit first-order operator-split fashion.

[ascl:1908.018] EBAI: Eclipsing Binaries with Artificial Intelligence

Eclipsing Binaries via Artificial Intelligence (EBAI) automates the process of solving light curves of eclipsing binary stars. EBAI is based on the back-propagating neural network paradigm and is highly flexible in construction of neural networks. EBAI comes in two flavors, serial (ebai) and multi-processor (ebai.mpi), and can be run in training, continued training, and recognition mode.

[ascl:1010.052] EAZY: A Fast, Public Photometric Redshift Code

EAZY, Easy and Accurate Zphot from Yale, determines photometric redshifts. The program is optimized for cases where spectroscopic redshifts are not available, or only available for a biased subset of the galaxies. The code combines features from various existing codes: it can fit linear combinations of templates, it includes optional flux- and redshift-based priors, and its user interface is modeled on the popular HYPERZ (ascl:1108.010) code. The default template set, as well as the default functional forms of the priors, are not based on (usually highly biased) spectroscopic samples, but on semi-analytical models. Furthermore, template mismatch is addressed by a novel rest-frame template error function. This function gives different wavelength regions different weights, and ensures that the formal redshift uncertainties are realistic. A redshift quality parameter, Q_z, provides a robust estimate of the reliability of the photometric redshift estimate.

[submitted] easyspec

easyspec is a tool designed to streamline long-slit spectroscopy, offering an intuitive framework for reducing, extracting, and analyzing astrophysical spectra.

[ascl:1011.013] EasyLTB: Code for Testing LTB Models against CosmologyConfronting Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi Models with Observational Cosmology

The possibility that we live in a special place in the universe, close to the centre of a large void, seems an appealing alternative to the prevailing interpretation of the acceleration of the universe in terms of a LCDM model with a dominant dark energy component. In this paper we confront the asymptotically flat Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) models with a series of observations, from Type Ia Supernovae to Cosmic Microwave Background and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations data. We propose two concrete LTB models describing a local void in which the only arbitrary functions are the radial dependence of the matter density Omega_M and the Hubble expansion rate H. We find that all observations can be accommodated within 1 sigma, for our models with 4 or 5 independent parameters. The best fit models have a chi^2 very close to that of the LCDM model. We perform a simple Bayesian analysis and show that one cannot exclude the hypothesis that we live within a large local void of an otherwise Einstein-de Sitter model.

[ascl:2203.015] easyFermi: Fermi-LAT data analyzer

easyFermi provides a user-friendly graphical interface for basic to intermediate analysis of Fermi-LAT data in the framework of Fermipy (ascl:1812.006). The code can measure the gamma-ray flux and photon index, build spectral energy distributions, light curves, test statistic maps, test for extended emission, and relocalize the coordinates of gamma-ray sources. Tutorials for easyFermi are available on YouTube and GitHub.

[ascl:1812.008] easyaccess: SQL command line interpreter for astronomical surveys

easyaccess facilitates access to astronomical catalogs stored in SQL Databases. It is an enhanced command line interpreter and provides a custom interface with custom commands and was specifically designed to access data from the Dark Energy Survey Oracle database, including autocompletion of tables, columns, users and commands, simple ways to upload and download tables using csv, fits and HDF5 formats, iterators, search and description of tables among others. It can easily be extended to other surveys or SQL databases. The package is written in Python and supports customized addition of commands and functionalities.

[ascl:1612.010] Earthshine simulator: Idealized images of the Moon

Terrestrial albedo can be determined from observations of the relative intensity of earthshine. Images of the Moon at different lunar phases can be analyzed to derive the semi-hemispheric mean albedo of the Earth, and an important tool for doing this is simulations of the appearance of the Moon for any time. This software produces idealized images of the Moon for arbitrary times. It takes into account the libration of the Moon and the distances between Sun, Moon and the Earth, as well as the relevant geometry. The images of the Moon are produced as FITS files. User input includes setting the Julian Day of the simulation. Defaults for image size and field of view are set to produce approximately 1x1 degree images with the Moon in the middle from an observatory on Earth, currently set to Mauna Loa.

[ascl:1611.012] EarthShadow: Calculator for dark matter particle velocity distribution after Earth-scattering

EarthShadow calculates the impact of Earth-scattering on the distribution of Dark Matter (DM) particles. The code calculates the speed and velocity distributions of DM at various positions on the Earth and also helps with the calculation of the average scattering probabilities. Tabulated data for DM-nuclear scattering cross sections and various numerical results, plots and animations are also included in the code package.

[ascl:2205.007] EarthScatterLikelihood: Event rates and likelihoods for Dark Matter direct detection in the presence of Earth-Scattering

EarthScatterLikelihood calculates event rates and likelihoods for Earth-scattering Dark Matter. It is written in Fortran with plotting routines in Python. For input, it uses results from Monte Carlo simulations generated by DaMaSCUS (ascl:1706.003). It includes routines for submitting many reconstructions in parallel on a cluster, and the properties of the detector, such as for a Germanium and a Sapphire detector, can be edited.

[ascl:1805.004] EARL: Exoplanet Analytic Reflected Lightcurves package

EARL (Exoplanet Analytic Reflected Lightcurves) computes the analytic form of a reflected lightcurve, given a spherical harmonic decomposition of the planet albedo map and the viewing and orbital geometries. The EARL Mathematica notebook allows rapid computation of reflected lightcurves, thus making lightcurve numerical experiments accessible.

[ascl:2307.043] EAGLES: Estimating AGes from Lithium Equivalent widthS

EAGLES (Estimating AGes from Lithium Equivalent widthS) implements an empirical model that predicts the lithium equivalent width (EW) of a star as a function of its age and effective temperature. The code computes the age probability distribution for a star with a given EW and Teff, subject to an age probability prior that may be flat in age or flat in log age. Data for more than one star can be entered; EAGLES then treats these as a cluster and determines the age probability distribution for the ensemble. The code produces estimates of the most probable age, uncertainties and the median age; output files consisting of probability plots, best-fit isochrone plots, and tables of the posterior age probability distribution(s).

[ascl:1106.004] E3D: The Euro3D Visualization Tool

E3D is a package of tools for the analysis and visualization of IFS data. It is capable of reading, writing, and visualizing reduced data from 3D spectrographs of any kind.

[ascl:1910.013] E0102-VR: Virtual Reality application to visualize the optical ejecta in SNR 1E 0102.2-7219

E0102-VR facilitates the characterization of the 3D structure of the oxygen-rich optical ejecta in the young supernova remnant 1E 0102.2-7219 in the Small Magellanic Cloud. This room-scale Virtual Reality application written for the HTC Vive contributes to the exploration of the scientific potential of this technology for the field of observational astrophysics.

[ascl:1407.017] e-MERLIN data reduction pipeline

Written in Python and utilizing ParselTongue (ascl:1208.020) to interface with AIPS (ascl:9911.003), the e-MERLIN data reduction pipeline processes, calibrates and images data from the UK's radio interferometric array (Multi-Element Remote-Linked Interferometer Network). Driven by a plain text input file, the pipeline is modular and can be run in stages. The software includes options to load raw data, average in time and/or frequency, flag known sources of interference, flag more comprehensively with SERPent (ascl:1312.001), carry out some or all of the calibration procedures (including self-calibration), and image in either normal or wide-field mode. It also optionally produces a number of useful diagnostic plots at various stages so data quality can be assessed.

[ascl:1902.010] dyPolyChord: Super fast dynamic nested sampling with PolyChord

dyPolyChord implements dynamic nested sampling using the efficient PolyChord (ascl:1502.011) sampler to provide state-of-the-art nested sampling performance. Any likelihoods and priors which work with PolyChord can be used (Python, C++ or Fortran), and the output files produced are in the PolyChord format.

[ascl:1809.013] dynesty: Dynamic Nested Sampling package

dynesty is a Dynamic Nested Sampling package for estimating Bayesian posteriors and evidences. dynesty samples from a given distribution when provided with a loglikelihood function, a prior_transform function (that transforms samples from the unit cube to the target prior), and the dimensionality of the parameter space.

[ascl:2011.007] DYNAMITE: DYnamics, Age and Metallicity Indicators Tracing Evolution

DYNAMITE (DYnamics, Age and Metallicity Indicators Tracing Evolution) is a triaxial dynamical modeling code for stellar systems and is based on existing codes for Schwarzschild modeling in triaxial systems. DYNAMITE provides an easy-to-use object oriented Python wrapper that extends the scope of pre-existing triaxial Schwarzschild codes with a number of new features, including discrete kinematics, more flexible descriptions of line-of-sight velocity distributions, and modeling of stellar population information. It also offers more efficient steps through parameter space, and can use GPU acceleration.

[ascl:2109.004] DviSukta: Spherically Averaged Bispectrum calculator

DviSukta calculates the Spherically Averaged Bispectrum (SABS). The code is based on an optimized direct estimation method, is written in C, and is parallelized. DviSukta starts by reading the real space gridded data and performing a 3D Fourier transform of it. Alternatively, it starts by reading the data already in Fourier space. The grid spacing, number of k1 bins, number of n bins, and number of cos(theta) bins need to be specified in the input file.

[ascl:1602.004] DUSTYWAVE: Linear waves in gas and dust

Written in Fortran, DUSTYWAVE computes the exact solution for linear waves in a two-fluid mixture of gas and dust. The solutions are general with respect to both the dust-to-gas ratio and the amplitude of the drag coefficient.

[ascl:9911.001] DUSTY: Radiation transport in a dusty environment

DUSTY solves the problem of radiation transport in a dusty environment. The code can handle both spherical and planar geometries. The user specifies the properties of the radiation source and dusty region, and the code calculates the dust temperature distribution and the radiation field in it. The solution method is based on a self-consistent equation for the radiative energy density, including dust scattering, absorption and emission, and does not introduce any approximations. The solution is exact to within the specified numerical accuracy. DUSTY has built in optical properties for the most common types of astronomical dust and comes with a library for many other grains. It supports various analytical forms for the density distribution, and can perform a full dynamical calculation for radiatively driven winds around AGB stars. The spectral energy distribution of the source can be specified analytically as either Planckian or broken power-law. In addition, arbitrary dust optical properties, density distributions and external radiation can be entered in user supplied files. Furthermore, the wavelength grid can be modified to accommodate spectral features. A single DUSTY run can process an unlimited number of models, with each input set producing a run of optical depths, as specified. The user controls the detail level of the output, which can include both spectral and imaging properties as well as other quantities of interest.

[ascl:2310.005] DustPyLib: A library of DustPy extensions

The DustPyLib library contains auxiliary modules for the dust evolution software DustPy (ascl:2207.016), which simulates the evolution of dust and gas in protoplanetary disks. DustPyLib includes interfaces to radiative transfer codes and modules with extensions to the DustPy defaults.

[ascl:2207.016] DustPy: Simulation of dust evolution in protoplanetary disks

DustPy simulates the radial evolution of gas and dust in protoplanetary disks, involving viscous evolution of the gas disk and advection and diffusion of the dust disk, as well as dust growth by solving the Smoluchowski equation. The package provides a standard simulation and the ability to plot results, and also allows modification of the initial conditions for dust, gas, the grid, and the central star.

[ascl:2411.026] DustPOL-py: Numerical modeling of dust polarization

The numerical modeling code DustPOL-py calculates the multi-wavelength polarization degree of absorption and thermal dust emission based on Radiative Torque alignment (RAT-A), Magnetically enhanced RAT (MRAT) and Radiative Torque Disruption (RAT-D). The code saves the output files (wavelength and degree of polarization) for further analysis and is idealization for diffuse ISM, molecular clouds and star-forming regions; it also predicts the polarization spectrum for one- or two-dust layers. A web-interface GUI for DustPOL-py is also available.

[ascl:2206.027] DustFilaments: Paint filaments to produce a thermal dust full sky map at mm frequencies

DustFilaments paints filaments in the Celestial Sphere to generate a full sky map of the Thermal Dust emission at millimeter frequencies by integrating a population of 3D filaments. The code requires a magnetic field cube, which can be calculated separately or by DustFilaments. With the magnetic field cube as input, the package creates a random filament population with a given seed, and then paints a filament into a healpix map provided as input; the healpix map is updated in place.

[ascl:1307.001] DustEM: Dust extinction and emission modelling

DustEM computes the extinction and the emission of interstellar dust grains heated by photons. It is written in Fortran 95 and is jointly developed by IAS and CESR. The dust emission is calculated in the optically thin limit (no radiative transfer) and the default spectral range is 40 to 108 nm. The code is designed so dust properties can easily be changed and mixed and to allow for the inclusion of new grain physics.

[ascl:1908.016] DustCharge: Charge distribution for a dust grain

DustCharge calculates the equilibrium charge distribution for a dust grain of a given size and composition, depending on the local interstellar medium conditions, such as density, temperature, ionization fraction, local radiation field strength, and cosmic ray ionization fraction.

[ascl:1503.005] dust: Dust scattering and extinction in the X-ray

Written in Python, dust calculates X-ray dust scattering and extinction in the intergalactic and local interstellar media.

[ascl:1605.014] DUO: Spectra of diatomic molecules

Duo computes rotational, rovibrational and rovibronic spectra of diatomic molecules. The software, written in Fortran 2003, solves the Schrödinger equation for the motion of the nuclei for the simple case of uncoupled, isolated electronic states and also for the general case of an arbitrary number and type of couplings between electronic states. Possible couplings include spin–orbit, angular momenta, spin-rotational and spin–spin. Introducing the relevant couplings using so-called Born–Oppenheimer breakdown curves can correct non-adiabatic effects.

[ascl:1201.011] Duchamp: A 3D source finder for spectral-line data

Duchamp is software designed to find and describe sources in 3-dimensional, spectral-line data cubes. Duchamp has been developed with HI (neutral hydrogen) observations in mind, but is widely applicable to many types of astronomical images. It features efficient source detection and handling methods, noise suppression via smoothing or multi-resolution wavelet reconstruction, and a range of graphical and text-based outputs to allow the user to understand the detections.

[ascl:2008.023] DUCC: Distinctly Useful Code Collection

DUCC (Distinctly Useful Code Collection) provides basic programming tools for numerical computation, including Fast Fourier Transforms, Spherical Harmonic Transforms, non-equispaced Fourier transforms, as well as some concrete applications like 4pi convolution on the sphere and gridding/degridding of radio interferometry data. The code is written in C++17 and provides a simple and comprehensive Python

[ascl:1505.034] dStar: Neutron star thermal evolution code

dStar is a collection of modules for computing neutron star structure and evolution, and uses the numerical, utility, and equation of state libraries of MESA (ascl:1010.083).

[ascl:1501.004] dst: Polarimeter data destriper

Dst is a fully parallel Python destriping code for polarimeter data; destriping is a well-established technique for removing low-frequency correlated noise from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) survey data. The software destripes correctly formatted HDF5 datasets and outputs hitmaps, binned maps, destriped maps and baseline arrays.

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