Results 301-350 of 3676 (3581 ASCL, 95 submitted)
threedhst reduces WFC3 grism exposures. It is essentially a wrapper around aXe (ascl:1109.016) and produces a catalog and other useful files; extracted 1D spectra are placed in a single file, and 2D spectra are in individual files. The code produces an HTML table with thumbnails of the direct images, 1D, and 2D spectra and supports the pipeline Unicorn (ascl:2411.019), which produces data products from the 3D-HST grism survey of four CANDELS fields. threedhst has been superceded by Grizli (ascl:1905.001).
THOR solves the three-dimensional nonhydrostatic Euler equations. The code implements an icosahedral grid for the poles where converging meridians lead to increasingly smaller time steps; irregularities in the grid are smoothed using spring dynamics. THOR is designed to run on graphics processing units (GPUs) and is part of the open-source Exoclimes Simulation Platform.
Thindisk computes the line emission from a geometrically thin protoplanetary disk. It creates a datacube in FITS format that can be processed with a data reduction package (such as GILDAS, ascl:1305.010) to produce synthetic images and visibilities. These synthetic data can be compared with observations to determine the properties (e.g. central mass or inclination) of an observed disk. The disk is assumed to be in Keplerian rotation at a radius lower than the centrifugal radius (which can be set to a large value, for a purely Keplerian disk), and in infall with rotation beyond the centrifugal radius.
ThermoEngine estimates the thermodynamic properties of minerals, fluids, and melts, and calculates phase equilibriums. The Equilibrate module of ThermoEngine provides Python functions and classes for computing equilibrium phase assemblages with focus on MELTS calculations. The Phases module includes Python functions and classes for computing standard thermodynamic calculations utilizing the Berman, Holland and Powell, or Stixrude-Lithgow-Bertelloni endmember databases, and calculations based on solution properties utilized by MELTS. There are many helper functions available in this module that assist in the calculation of pseudosections, univariant equilibria and the construction of phase diagrams.
THERMINATOR is a Monte Carlo event generator dedicated to studies of the statistical production of particles in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The increased functionality of the code contains the following features: The input of any shape of the freeze-out hypersurface and the expansion velocity field, including the 3+1 dimensional profiles, in particular those generated externally with various hydrodynamic codes. The hypersufraces may have variable thermal parameters, which allows for studies departing significantly from the mid-rapidity region, where the baryon chemical potential becomes large. We include a library of standard sets of hypersurfaces and velocity profiles describing the RHIC Au+Au data at sqrt(s_(NN)) = 200 GeV for various centralities, as well as those anticipated for the LHC Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt(s_(NN)) = 5.5 TeV. A separate code, FEMTO-THERMINATOR, is provided to carry out the analysis of femtoscopic correlations which are an important source of information concerning the size and expansion of the system. We also include several useful scripts that carry out auxiliary tasks, such as obtaining an estimate of the number of elastic collisions after the freeze-out, counting of particles flowing back into the fireball and violating causality (typically very few), or visualizing various results: the particle p_T-spectra, the elliptic flow coefficients, and the HBT correlation radii. We also investigate the problem of the back-flow of particles into the hydrodynamic region, as well as estimate the elastic rescattering in terms of trajectory crossings. The package is written in C++ and uses the CERN ROOT environment.
ThERESA retrieves three-dimensional maps of exoplanets. The code constructs 2-dimensional maps for each light given light curve, places those maps vertically in an atmosphere, and runs radiative transfer to calculate emission from the planet over a latitude/longitude grid. ThERESA then integrates over the grid (combined with the visibility function) to generate light curves. These light curves are compared against the input light curves behind MCMC to explore parameter space.
THELI is an easy-to-use, end-to-end pipeline for the reduction of any optical, near-IR and mid-IR imaging data. It combines a variety of processing algorithms and third party software into a single, homogeneous tool. Over 90 optical and infrared instruments at observatories world-wide are pre-configured; more can be added by the user. The code's online appendix contains three walk-through examples using public data (optical, near-IR and mid-IR) and additional online documentation is available for training and troubleshooting.
the-wizz clusters redshift estimates for any photometric unknown sample in a survey. The software is composed of two main parts: a pair finder and a pdf maker. The pair finder finds spatial pairs and stores the indices of all closer pairs around target reference objects in an output HDF5 data file. Users then query this data file using the indices of their unknown sample to produce an output clustering-z.
The Tractor optimizes or samples from models of astronomical objects. The approach is generative: given astronomical sources and a description of the image properties, the code produces pixel-space estimates or predictions of what will be observed in the images. This estimate can be used to produce a likelihood for the observed data given the model: assuming the model space actually includes the truth (it doesn’t, in detail), then if we had the optimal model parameters, the predicted image would differ from the actually observed image only by noise. Given a noise model of the instrument and assuming pixelwise independent noise, the log-likelihood is the negative chi-squared difference: (image - model) / noise.
The Starfish Diagram is a statistical visualization tool that simultaneously displays the properties of an individual and its parent sample through a series of histograms. The code is useful for large datasets for which one needs to understand the standing or significance of a single entry.
The Sequencer reveals the main sequence in a dataset if one exists. To do so, it reorders objects within a set to produce the most elongated manifold describing their similarities which are measured in a multi-scale manner and using a collection of metrics. To be generic, it combines information from four different metrics: the Euclidean Distance, the Kullback-Leibler Divergence, the Monge-Wasserstein or Earth Mover Distance, and the Energy Distance. It considers different scales of the data by dividing each object in the input data into separate parts (chunks), and estimating pair-wise similarities between the chunks. It then aggregates the information in each of the chunks into a single estimator for each metric+scale.
The Payne precisely and simultaneously determines numerous stellar labels from observed spectra based on fitting physical spectral models. It fits all all labels (stellar parameters and element abundances) simultaneously, and uses spectral models where the atmosphere structure and the radiative transport are consistently calculated to reflect the stellar labels. The Payne leads to both precise and accurate estimates of stellar labels, based on physical models and without re-calibration.
The Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center (EMAC) is a website which serves as a catalog, repository and integration platform for modeling and analysis resources focused on the study of exoplanet characteristics and environments. EMAC hosts user-submitted software ranging in category from planetary interior models to data visualization tools. Other features of EMAC include integrated web tools developed by the EMAC team in collaboration with the tools' original authors and video demonstrations of a growing number of hosted tools. EMAC aims to be a comprehensive repository for researchers to access a variety of exoplanet resources that can assist them in their work, and currently hosts a growing number of code bases, models, and tools. EMAC is a key project of the NASA GSFC Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration (SEEC).
Given sparse or low-quality radial-velocity measurements of a star, there are often many qualitatively different stellar or exoplanet companion orbit models that are consistent with the data. The consequent multimodality of the likelihood function leads to extremely challenging search, optimization, and MCMC posterior sampling over the orbital parameters. The Joker is a custom-built Monte Carlo sampler that can produce a posterior sampling for orbital parameters given sparse or noisy radial-velocity measurements, even when the likelihood function is poorly behaved. The method produces correct samplings in orbital parameters for data that include as few as three epochs. The Joker can therefore be used to produce proper samplings of multimodal pdfs, which are still highly informative and can be used in hierarchical (population) modeling.
The Hammer can classify spectra in a variety of formats with targets spanning the MK spectral sequence. It processes a list of input spectra by automatically estimating each object's spectral type and measuring activity and metallicity tracers in late type stars. Once automatic processing is complete, an interactive interface allows the user to manually tweak the final assigned spectral type through visual comparison with a set of templates.
The Farmer contains photometry routines geared towards deep, multi-wavelength galaxy surveys. It fits simple parametric surface brightness profiles provided by The Tractor (ascl:1604.008) to measure precision photometry even in deeply crowded fields when provided with a suitable high resolution detection image. The Farmer has been used to build a number of galaxy survey catalogs including COSMOS202, SHELA, and H20.
The Exo-Striker analyzes exoplanet orbitals, performs N-body simulations, and models the RV stellar reflex motion caused by dynamically interacting planets in multi-planetary systems. It offers a broad range of tools for detailed analysis of transit and Doppler data, including power spectrum analysis for Doppler and transit data; Keplerian and dynamical modeling of multi-planet systems; MCMC and nested sampling; Gaussian Processes modeling; and a long-term stability check of multi-planet systems. The Exo-Striker can also analyze Mean Motion Resonance (MMR) analysis, create fast fully interactive plots, and export ready-to-use LaTeX tables with best-fit parameters, errors, and statistics. It combines Fortran efficiency and Python flexibility and is cross-platform compatible (MAC OS, Linux, Windows). The tool relies on a number of open-source packages, including RVmod engine, emcee (ascl:1303.002), batman (ascl:1510.002), celerite (ascl:1709.008), and dynesty (ascl:1809.013).
We present the DTFE public software, a code for reconstructing fields from a discrete set of samples/measurements using the maximum of information contained in the point distribution. The code is written in C++ using the CGAL library and is parallelized using OpenMP. The software was designed for the analysis of cosmological data but can be used in other fields where one must interpolate quantities given at a discrete point set. The software comes with a wide suite of options to facilitate the analysis of 2- and 3-dimensional data and of both numerical simulations and galaxy redshift surveys. For comparison purposes, the code also implements the TSC and SPH grid interpolation methods. The code comes with an extensive user guide detailing the program options, examples and the inner workings of the code.
The Cannon is a data-driven method for determining stellar labels (physical parameters and chemical abundances) from stellar spectra in the context of vast spectroscopic surveys. It fits for the spectral model given training spectra and labels, with the polynomial order for the spectral model decided by the user, infers labels for the test spectra, and provides diagnostic output for monitoring and evaluating the process. It offers SNR-independent continuum normalization, performs well at lower signal-to-noise, and is very accurate.
THALASSA (Tool for High-Accuracy, Long-term Analyses for SSA) propagates orbits for bodies in the Earth-Moon-Sun system. Written in Fortran, it integrates either Newtonian equations in Cartesian coordinates or regularized equations of motion with the LSODAR (Livermore Solver for Ordinary Differential equations with Automatic Root-finding). THALASSA is a command-line tool; the repository also includes some Python3 scripts to perform batch propagations.
The Tsyganenko models are semi-empirical best-fit representations for the magnetic field, based on a large number of satellite observations (IMP, HEOS, ISEE, POLAR, Geotail, GOES, etc). The models include the contributions from major external magnetospheric sources: ring current, magnetotail current system, magnetopause currents, and large-scale system of field-aligned currents.
TGCat is an archive of Chandra transmission grating spectra and a suite of software for processing such data. Users can browse and categorize Chandra gratings observations quickly and easily, generate custom plots of resulting response corrected spectra on-line without the need for special software and download analysis ready products from multiple observations in one convenient operation. Data processing for the catalog is done with a suite of ISIS/S-Lang scripts; the software is available for download. These ISIS scripts wrap and call CIAO tools for reprocessing from "Level 1" (acis_process_events or hrc_process_events) through "Level 2" (binned spectra, via tg_resolve_events and tgextract), compute responses (grating "RMFs" and "ARFs", via mkgrmf and mkgarf), and make summary plots.
Turbulence Generator generates a time sequence of random Fourier modes via an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process, used to drive turbulence in hydrodynamical simulation codes. It can also generate single turbulent realizations. Turbulence driving based on this method is currently supported by implementations in AREPO (ascl:1909.010), FLASH (ascl:1010.082), GADGET (ascl:0003.001), PHANTOM (ascl:1709.002), PLUTO (ascl:1010.045), and Quokka (ascl:2110.009).
TFIT measures galaxy photometry using prior knowledge of sources in a deep, high‐resolution image (HRI) to improve photometric measurements of objects in a corresponding low‐resolution image (LRI) of the same field, usually at a different wavelength. For background‐limited data, this technique produces optimally weighted photometry that maximizes signal‐to‐noise ratio (S/N). For objects not significantly detected in the low‐resolution image, it provides useful and quantitative information for setting upper limits.
This code is no longer updated and has been superseded by T-PHOT (ascl:1609.001).
TFF derives the Fourier decomposition of period-folded RR Lyrae light curves with gaps. The method can be used for the same purpose on any other types of variables, assuming that the the template database is changed to the proper type of variables.
tf_unet mitigates radio frequency interference (RFI) signals in radio data using a special type of Convolutional Neural Network, the U-Net, that enables the classification of clean signal and RFI signatures in 2D time-ordered data acquired from a radio telescope. The code is not tied to a specific segmentation and can be used, for example, to detect radio frequency interference (RFI) in radio astronomy or galaxies and stars in widefield imaging data. This U-Net implementation can outperform classical RFI mitigation algorithms.
TESSreduce builds on lightkurve (ascl:1812.013) to reduce TESS data while preserving transient signals. It takes a TPF as input (supplied or constructed with TESScut ( The background subtraction accounts for the smooth background and detector straps. In addition to background subtraction, TESSreduce also aligns images, performs difference imaging, detects transient events, and by using PS1 data, can calibrate TESS counts to physical flux or AB magnitudes.
TesseRACt computes concentrations of simulated dark matter halos from volume information for particles generated using Voronoi tesselation. This technique is advantageous as it is non-parametric, does not assume spherical symmetry, and allows for the presence of substructure. TesseRACt accepts data in a number of formats, including Gadget-2 (ascl:0003.001), Gasoline (ascl:1710.019), and ASCII, and computes concentrations using particles volumes, traditional fitting to an NFW profile, and non-parametric techniques that assume spherical symmetry.
TESS-Point converts astronomical target coordinates given in right ascension and declination to detector pixel coordinates for the MIT-led NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) spacecraft. The program can also provide detector pixel coordinates for a star by TESS input catalog identifier number and common astronomical name. Tess-Point outputs the observing sector number, camera number, detector number, and pixel column and row.
TESS-Localize identifies the location on the target pixel files (TPF) where sources of variability found in the aperture originate. The user needs only to provide a list of frequencies found in the aperture that belong to the same source and the number of principal components needed to be removed from the light curve to ensure it is free of systematic trends.
TESS_PRF displays the TESS pixel response function (PRF) at any location on the detector. The package is primarily for estimating how the light from a point source is distributed given its position in a TESS Target Pixel File (TPF) or TESScut postage stamp. By default, it accesses the relevant PRF files on MAST, but can also reference files on a local directory. TESS_PRF assumes the PRF doesn't change considerably within a small TPF. The PRF model can be positioned by passing the relative row and column location within the TPF to the "resample" method. The pixel locations follow WCS convention, that an integer value corresponds to the center of a pixel.
TES models the evolution of exoplanet systems. This n-body integration package comes in two parts, the C++ TES source code, and the Python-based experiment manager for running experiments and plotting the results. The experiment manager, used as the interface to TES, handles temporary data storage and allows for experiment results to be saved and then loaded later on for plotting. The experiment manager can automatically use multiple threads to run independent experiments in parallel using the mpi4py package. The experiment manager is specifically designed to enable HPC to be performed as easily as possible.
TERRA (Transiting Exoearth Robust Reduction Algorithm) identifies and removes instrumental noise in Kepler photometry. This transit detection code is optimized to detect small planets around photometrically quiet stars. TERRA calculates photometry in the time domain, combs the calibrated photometry for periodic, box-shaped signals, fits promising signals, and rejects signals inconsistent with exoplanet transits.
Tensiometer provides non-Gaussian tension estimators that extend GetDist (ascl:1910.018) capabilities to test the level of agreement or disagreement between different posterior distributions by using kernel density estimates. The code has been used to study the level of internal agreement between different measurements of the clustering of cosmological structures from the Dark Energy Survey and the Planck satellite.
Tempo2 is a pulsar timing package developed to be used both for general pulsar timing applications and also for pulsar timing array research in which data-sets from multiple pulsars need to be processed simultaneously. It was initially developed by George Hobbs and Russell Edwards as part of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project. Tempo2 is based on the original Tempo (ascl:1509.002) code and can be used (from the command-line) in a similar fashion. It is very versatile and can be extended by plugins.
Tempo analyzes pulsar timing data. Pulse times of arrival (TOAs), pulsar model parameters, and coded instructions are read from one or more input files. The TOAs are fitted by a pulse timing model incorporating transformation to the solar-system barycenter, pulsar rotation and spin-down and, where necessary, one of several binary models. Program output includes parameter values and uncertainties, residual pulse arrival times, chi-squared statistics, and the covariance matrix of the model. In prediction mode, ephemerides of pulse phase behavior (in the form of polynomial expansions) are calculated from input timing models. Tempo is the basis for the Tempo2 (ascl:1210.015) code.
tellrv measures absolute radial velocities for low-resolution NIR spectra. It uses telluric features to provide absolute wavelength calibration, and then cross-correlates with a standard star. Observations of a standard star are included for convenience; the code also requires both the telluric and non-telluric-corrected spectra.
TelFit calculates the best-fit telluric absorption spectrum in high-resolution optical and near-IR spectra. The best-fit model can then be divided out to remove the telluric contamination. Written in Python, TelFit is essentially a wrapper to LBLRTM (ascl:1405.001), the Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model, and simplifies the process of generating a telluric model.
TEA (Thermal Equilibrium Abundances) calculates gaseous molecular abundances under thermochemical equilibrium conditions. Given a single T,P point or a list of T,P pairs (the thermal profile of an atmosphere) and elemental abundances, TEA calculates mole fractions of the desired molecular species. TEA uses 84 elemental species and thermodynamical data for more then 600 gaseous molecular species, and can adopt any initial elemental abundances.
TDEmass interprets Tidal Disruption Event (TDE) observations. In TDEs, a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy tears apart an ordinary star; the debris is placed on highly eccentric orbits and ultimately produces a very bright flare. Using this TDEmass, one can infer the mass of the black hole (mbh) and the mass of the star (mstar) involved in a TDE.
TCF calculates a periodogram designed to detect exoplanet transits after the light curve has been differenced. It is a matched filter for a periodic double-spike pattern. The difference operator that can be used independently for detrending a light curve; it is also embedded in ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) Box-Jenkins modeling.
Three-Body Integration performs numerical n-body simulations for mapping conditions for close approaches for the relevant parameter space of configurations and mass values of two white dwarfs and a third star. Low tertiary masses of 0.1M⊙ can be studied, and the collision probability can be estimated with good confidence for the case of nearly equal mass white dwarfs.
TAWAS solves the wave equation for torsional Alfvèn waves in a viscous plasma. The background magnetic field is axisymmetric and force-free with no azimuthal component and the plasma beta is assumed to be negligible. The solution is calculated over a uniform numerical grid with coordinates r and z for the radius and height respectively. TAWAS, written in IDL, requires no input files. The problem parameters at the top of the code can be changed as need. The 'plotting' variable determines which plots are shown by the script; the code contains several options for plotting. Outputs can be saved to a specific location by changing the variables save_dir and run_name listed just below the parameters. The code outputs include solutions for the velocity perturbation, the magnetic field perturbation and the wave energy flux.
TauRunner propagates ultra-high-energy neutrinos, with a focus on tau neutrinos. Although it was developed for extremely high energy (EeV+) applications, it is able to propagate neutrinos from 1 to 10^16 GeV. Oscillations are not taken into account at the lowest energies, but they become negligible above 1 TeV.
TauREx 3 (Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets) provides a fully Bayesian inverse atmospheric retrieval framework for exoplanetary atmosphere modeling and retrievals. It is fully customizable, allowing the user to mix and match atmospheric parameters and add additional ones. The framework builds forward models, simulates instruments, and performs retrievals, and provides a rich library of classes for building additional programs and using new atmospheric parameters.
TAU is a 1D line-by-line radiative transfer code for modeling transmission spectra of close-in extrasolar planets. The code calculates the optical path through the planetary atmosphere of the radiation from the host star and quantifies the absorption due to the modeled composition in a transmission spectrum of transit depth as a function of wavelength. The code is written in C++ and is parallelized using OpenMP.
TATTER (Two-sAmple TesT EstimatoR) performs two-sample hypothesis test. The two-sample hypothesis test is concerned with whether distributions p(x) and q(x) are different on the basis of finite samples drawn from each of them. This ubiquitous problem appears in a legion of applications, ranging from data mining to data analysis and inference. This implementation can perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (for one-dimensional data only), Kullback-Leibler divergence, and Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) test. The module performs a bootstrap algorithm to estimate the null distribution and compute p-value.
TATOO (Tidal-chronology Age TOOl) estimates the age of massive close-in planetary systems, even those subject to tidal spin-up, using the systems' observed properties: the mass of the planet and the star, stellar rotational, and planetary orbital periods. It can also be used as a classical gyrochronological tool and offers first order correction of the impact of tidal interaction on gyrochronology.
TAT-pulsar (Timing Analysis Toolkit for Pulsars) analyzes, processes, and visualizes pulsar data, thus handling the scientific intricacies of pulsar timing. By leveraging observational data from pulsars, along with the associated physical processes and statistical characteristics, the package integrates a suite of Python-based tools and data analysis scripts specifically developed for both isolated pulsars and binary systems. This enables swift analysis and the detailed presentation of timing properties in the high-energy pulsar field. Developed and implemented completely independently from other pulsar timing software such as Stingray (ascl:1608.001) and PINT (ascl:1902.007), TAT-pulsar serves as a valuable cross-checking and supplementary tool for data analysis.
TARDIS creates synthetic spectra for supernova ejecta and is sufficiently fast to allow exploration of the complex parameter spaces of models for SN ejecta. TARDIS uses Monte Carlo methods to obtain a self-consistent description of the plasma state and to compute a synthetic spectrum. It is written in Python with a modular design that facilitates the implementation of a range of physical approximations that can be compared to assess both accuracy and computational expediency; this allows users to choose a level of sophistication appropriate for their application.
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