HiLLiPoP is a multifrequency CMB likelihood for Planck data. The likelihood is a spectrum-based Gaussian approximation for cross-correlation spectra from Planck 100, 143 and 217GHz split-frequency maps, with semi-analytic estimates of the Cl covariance matrix based on the data. The cross-spectra are debiased from the effects of the mask and the beam leakage using Xpol (ascl:2301.009) before being compared to the model, which includes CMB and foreground residuals. They cover the multipoles from ℓ=30 to ℓ=2500. HiLLiPoP is interfaced with the Cobaya (ascl:1910.019) MCMC sampler.
The Herschel Space Observatory is the fourth cornerstone mission in the ESA science programme and performs photometry and spectroscopy in the 55 - 672 micron range. The development of the Herschel Data Processing System started in 2002 to support the data analysis for Instrument Level Tests. The Herschel Data Processing System was used for the pre-flight characterisation of the instruments, and during various ground segment test campaigns. Following the successful launch of Herschel 14th of May 2009 the Herschel Data Processing System demonstrated its maturity when the first PACS preview observation of M51 was processed within 30 minutes of reception of the first science data after launch. Also the first HIFI observations on DR21 were successfully reduced to high quality spectra, followed by SPIRE observations on M66 and M74. A fast turn-around cycle between data retrieval and the production of science-ready products was demonstrated during the Herschel Science Demonstration Phase Initial Results Workshop held 7 months after launch, which is a clear proof that the system has reached a good level of maturity.
The High-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy of Exoplanets (HiRISE) instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) combines the exoplanet imager SPHERE with the high-resolution spectrograph CRIRES using single-mode fibers. HiRISE has been designed to enable the characterization of known, directly-imaged planetary companions in the H band at a spectral resolution on the order of R = λ/∆λ = 140 000. The hipipe package is a custom python pipeline used to reduce the HiRISE data and produce high-level science products that can be used for astrophysical interpretation.
HIPP (HIgh-Performance Package for scientific computation) provides elegant interfaces for some well-known HPC libraries. Some libraries are wrapped with full-OOP interfaces, and many new extensions based on those raw-interfaces are also provided. This C++ toolkit for HPC can significantly reduce the length of your code, making programming more productive.
HIPSTER (HIgh-k Power Spectrum EstimatoR) computes small-scale power spectra and isotropic bispectra for cosmological simulations and galaxy surveys of arbitrary shape. The code computes the Legendre multipoles of the power spectrum, Pℓ(k), or bispectrum Bℓ(k1,k2), by computing weighted pair counts over the simulation box or survey, truncated at some maximum radius. The code can be run either in 'aperiodic' or 'periodic' mode for galaxy surveys or cosmological simulations respectively. HIPSTER also supports weighted spectra, for example when tracer particles are weighted by their mass in a multi-species simulation. Generalization to anisotropic bispectra is straightforward (and requires no additional computing time) and can be added on request.
HISS stacks HI (emission and absorption) spectra in a consistent and reliable manner to enable statistical analysis of average HI properties. It provides plots of the stacked spectrum and reference spectrum with any fitted function, of the stacked noise response, and of the distribution of the integrated fluxes when calculating the uncertainties. It also produces a table containing the integrated flux calculated from the fitted functions and the stacked spectrum, among other output files.
Hitomi provides a comprehensive set of codes for cosmological analysis of anisotropic galaxy distributions using two- and three-point statistics: two-point correlation function (2PCF), power spectrum, three-point correlation function (3PCF), and bispectrum. The code can measure the Legendre-expanded 2PCF and power spectrum from an observed sample of galaxies, and can measure the 3PCF and bispectrum expanded using the Tripolar spherical harmonic (TripoSH) function. Hitomi is basically a serial code, but can also implement MPI parallelization. Hitomi uses MPI to read multiple different input parameters simultaneously.
HLattice simulates scalar fields and gravity in the early universe. The code allows the user to select between symplectic integrators, descretization schemes, and metrics such as Minkowski or FRW backgrounds and adaptice schemes in an "all-in-one" configuration file.
HLINOP is a collection of codes for computing hydrogen line profiles and opacities in the conditions typical of stellar atmospheres. It includes HLINOP for approximate quick calculation of any line of neutral hydrogen (suitable for model atmosphere calculations), based on the Fortran code of Kurucz and Peterson found in ATLAS9. It also includes HLINPROF, for detailed, accurate calculation of lower Balmer line profiles (suitable for detailed analysis of Balmer lines) and HBOP, to implement the occupation probability formalism of Daeppen, Anderson and Milhalas (1987) and thus account for the merging of bound-bound and bound-free opacity (used often as a wrapper to HLINOP for model atmosphere calculations).
HMcode computes the halo-model matter power spectrum. It is written in Fortran90 and has been designed to quickly (~0.5s for 200 k-values across 16 redshifts on a single core) produce matter spectra for a wide range of cosmological models. In testing it was shown to match spectra produced by the 'Coyote Emulator' to an accuracy of 5 per cent for k less than 10h Mpc^-1. However, it can also produce spectra well outside of the parameter space of the emulator.
HMF calculates the Halo Mass Function (HMF) given any set of cosmological parameters and fitting function and serves as the backend for the web application HMFcalc. Written in Python, it allows for dynamic accurate calculation of the transfer function with CAMB (ascl:1102.026) and efficient and self-consistent parameter updates. HMF offers exploration of the effects of cosmological parameters, redshift and fitting function on the predicted HMF.
HNBody is a new set of software utilities geared to the integration of hierarchical (nearly-Keplerian) N-body systems. Our focus is on symplectic methods, and we have included explicit support for three classes of particles (heavy, light, and massless), second and fourth order methods, post-Newtonian corrections, and the use of a symplectic corrector (among other things). For testing purposes, we also provide support for more general integration schemes (Bulirsch-Stoer & Runge-Kutta). Configuration files employing an intuitive syntax allow for easy problem setup, and many simple simulations can be done without the user compiling any code. Low-level interfaces are also available, enabling extensive customization.
HO-CHUNK calculates radiative equilibrium temperature solution, thermal and PAH/vsg emission, scattering and polarization in protostellar geometries. It is useful for computing spectral energy distributions (SEDs), polarization spectra, and images.
HOCHUNK3D is an updated version of the HOCHUNK radiative equilibrium code (ascl:1711.013); the code has been converted to Fortran 95, which allows a specification of one-dimensional (1D), 2D, or 3D grids at runtime. The code is parallelized so it can be run on multiple processors on one machine, or on multiple machines in a network. It includes 3-D functionality and several other additional geometries and features. The code calculates radiative equilibrium temperature solution, thermal and PAH/vsg emission, scattering and polarization in protostellar geometries. HOCHUNK3D also computes spectral energy distributions (SEDs), polarization spectra, and images.
HoloSim-ML performs beam simulation and analysis of radio holography data from complex optical systems. The code uses machine learning to efficiently determine the position of hundreds of mirror adjusters on multiple mirrors with few micron accuracy.
HOMER (Helper Of My Eternal Retrievals) is a machine-learning-accelerated Bayesian inverse modeling code. Given some data and uncertainties, the code determines the posterior distribution of a model. HOMER uses MC3 (ascl:1610.013) for its MCMC; its forward model is a neural network surrogate model trained by MARGE (ascl:2003.010). The code produces plots of the 1D marginalized posteriors, 2D pairwise posteriors, and parameter history traces, and can also overplot the 1D and 2D posteriors for comparison with another posterior. HOMER computes the Bhattacharyya coefficient to compare the similarity of two 1D marginalized posteriors.
We describe a new method (HOP) for identifying groups of particles in N-body simulations. Having assigned to every particle an estimate of its local density, we associate each particle with the densest of the Nh particles nearest to it. Repeating this process allows us to trace a path, within the particle set itself, from each particle in the direction of increasing density. The path ends when it reaches a particle that is its own densest neighbor; all particles reaching the same such particle are identified as a group. Combined with an adaptive smoothing kernel for finding the densities, this method is spatially adaptive, coordinate-free, and numerically straight-forward. One can proceed to process the output by truncating groups at a particular density contour and combining groups that share a (possibly different) density contour. While the resulting algorithm has several user-chosen parameters, we show that the results are insensitive to most of these, the exception being the outer density cutoff of the groups.
HOPE is a specialized Python just-in-time (JIT) compiler designed for numerical astrophysical applications. HOPE focuses on a subset of the language and is able to translate Python code into C++ while performing numerical optimization on mathematical expressions at runtime. To enable the JIT compilation, the user only needs to add a decorator to the function definition. By using HOPE, the user benefits from being able to write common numerical code in Python while getting the performance of compiled implementation.
HOPS (Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System) analyzes the data generated by DiFX VLBI correlators. It is written in C for Linux computers, and emphasizes quality-control aspects of data processing. It sits between the correlator and an image-processing and/or geodetic-processing package, and performs basic fringe-fitting, data editing, problem diagnosis, and correlator support functions.
HorizonGRound forward models general relativistic effects from the tracer luminosity function. It also compares relativistic corrections with the local primordial non-Gaussianity signature in ultra-large-scale clustering statistics. The package includes several recipes along with the data required to run them.
HOTPANTS (High Order Transform of PSF ANd Template Subtraction) implements the Alard 1999 algorithm for image subtraction. It photometrically aligns one input image with another after they have been astrometrically aligned.
The Hellenic Open University Reconstruction & Simulation (HOURS) software package contains a realistic simulation package of the detector response of very large (km3-scale) underwater neutrino telescopes, including an accurate description of all the relevant physical processes, the production of signal and background as well as several analysis strategies for triggering and pattern recognition, event reconstruction, tracking and energy estimation. HOURS also provides tools for simulating calibration techniques and other studies for estimating the detector sensitivity to several neutrino sources.
Generate simulated radio recombination line observations of HII regions with various internal kinematic structure. Fit single Gaussians to each pixel of the simulated observations and generate images of the fitted Gaussian center and full-width half-maximum (FWHM) linewidth.
HII Region Models fits HII region models to observed radio recombination line and radio continuum data. The algorithm includes the calculations of departure coefficients to correct for non-LTE effects. HII Region Models has been used to model star formation in the nucleus of IC 342.
Hrothgar is a parallel minimizer and Markov Chain Monte Carlo generator. It has been used to solve optimization problems in astrophysics (galaxy cluster mass profiles) as well as in experimental particle physics (hadronic tau decays).
HSIM simulates observations with HARMONI on the Extremely Large Telescope. HSIM takes high spectral and spatial resolution input data cubes, encoding physical descriptions of astrophysical sources, and generates mock observed data cubes. The simulations incorporate detailed models of the sky, telescope, instrument, and detectors to produce realistic mock data. HSIM performs in-depth simulations for several key science cases as part of the design and development of the HARMONI integral field spectrograph, including the ELT AO performance, atmospheric effects and realistic detector statistics.
The Hough Stream Spotter (HSS) is a stream finding code which transforms individual positions of stars to search for linear structure in discrete data sets. The code requires only the two-dimensional plane of galactic longitude and latitude as input.
HSTCosmicrays finds and characterizes cosmic rays found in dark frames (exposures taken with the shutter closed) taken with instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Dark exposures are obtained routinely by all the Hubble Space Telescope instruments for calibration. The main processing pipeline runs locally or in the cloud on AWS utilizing the HST Public Dataset.
HTOF parses the intermediate data from Hipparcos and Gaia and fits astrometric solutions to those data. It computes likelihoods and parameter errors in line with the catalog and can reproduce five, seven, and nine (or higher) parameter fits to their astrometry.
HUAYNO implements integrators derived from second order Hamiltonian splitting for N-body dynamics. This integration scheme conserves energy and momentum with little or no systematic drift. The code uses an explicit but approximate formula for the time symmetrization that is compatible with the use of individual time steps, making an iterative scheme unnecessary. HUAYNO is available as part of the AMUSE package (ascl:1107.007).
HumVI creates a composite color image from sets of input FITS files, following the Lupton et al (2004, ascl:1511.013) composition algorithm. Written in Python, it takes three FITS files as input and returns a color composite, color-saturated png image with an arcsinh stretch. HumVI reads the zero points out of the FITS headers and uses them to put all the images on the same flux scale; photometrically calibrated images produce the best results.
We describe the first parallel implementation of an adaptive particle-particle, particle-mesh code with smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Parallelisation of the serial code, "Hydra," is achieved by using CRAFT, a Cray proprietary language which allows rapid implementation of a serial code on a parallel machine by allowing global addressing of distributed memory.
The collisionless variant of the code has already completed several 16.8 million particle cosmological simulations on a 128 processor Cray T3D whilst the full hydrodynamic code has completed several 4.2 million particle combined gas and dark matter runs. The efficiency of the code now allows parameter-space explorations to be performed routinely using $64^3$ particles of each species. A complete run including gas cooling, from high redshift to the present epoch requires approximately 10 hours on 64 processors.
HydraLens generates gravitational lens model files for Lenstool (ascl:1102.004), PixeLens (ascl:1102.007), glafic (ascl:1010.012) and Lensmodel and can also translate lens model files among these four lens model codes. Through a GUI, the user enters a new model by specifying the type of model and is then led through screens to collect the data. Written in MS Visual Basic, the code can also translate an existing model from any of the four supported codes to any of the other three.
HydroCode1D is a 1D finite volume code that can run any problem with 1D or 2D/3D spherical symmetry including external gravity or self-gravity. The program provides, depending on the configuration, output files that contain the midpoint position, density, velocity and pressure for each cell in the grid (in SI units). The program will by default use all available threads (as given by the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS). This can be overwritten by giving the desired number of threads as a command line argument to the program.
The R package Hyper-Fit fits hyperplanes (hyper.fit) and creates 2D/3D visualizations (hyper.plot2d / hyper.plot3d) to produce robust 1D linear fits for 2D x vs y type data, and robust 2D plane fits to 3D x vs y vs z type data. This hyperplane fitting works generically for any N-1 hyperplane model being fit to a N dimensional dataset. All fits include intrinsic scatter in the generative model orthogonal to the hyperplane. A web interface for online fitting is also available at https://hyperfit.icrar.org.
Hyperas is a convenience wrapper around hyperopt (ascl:2205.008) for fast prototyping with keras models (ascl:1806.022). Hyperas lets you use the power of hyperopt without having to learn the syntax of it. Instead, just define your keras model as you are used to, but use a simple template notation to define hyper-parameter ranges to tune.
Hyperion is a three-dimensional dust continuum Monte-Carlo radiative transfer code that is designed to be as generic as possible, allowing radiative transfer to be computed through a variety of three-dimensional grids. The main part of the code is problem-independent, and only requires an arbitrary three-dimensional density structure, dust properties, the position and properties of the illuminating sources, and parameters controlling the running and output of the code. Hyperion is parallelized, and is shown to scale well to thousands of processes. Two common benchmark models for protoplanetary disks were computed, and the results are found to be in excellent agreement with those from other codes. Finally, to demonstrate the capabilities of the code, dust temperatures, SEDs, and synthetic multi-wavelength images were computed for a dynamical simulation of a low-mass star formation region.
The Python library Hyperopt performs serial and parallel optimization over awkward search spaces, which may include real-valued, discrete, and conditional dimensions. Three algorithms are implemented in hyperopt: Random Search, Tree of Parzen Estimators (TPE), and Adaptive TPE. Algorithms can be parallelized in two ways, using either Apache Spark or MongoDB. To use Hyperopt, the objective function to minimize and the space over which to search, and the database in which to store all the point evaluations of the search have to be described, and the search algorithm to use has to be specified.
From a photometric catalogue, hyperz finds the redshift of each object by means of a standard SED fitting procedure, i.e. comparing the observed magnitudes with the expected ones, computed from template Spectral Energy Distributions. The set of templates used in the minimization procedure (age, metallicity, reddening, absorption in the Lyman forest, ...) is studied in detail, through both real and simulated data. The expected accuracy of photometric redshifts, as well as the fraction of catastrophic identifications and wrong detections, is given as a function of the redshift range, the set of filters considered, and the photometric accuracy. Special attention is paid to the results expected from real data.
HyPhy maps from dark matter only simulations to full hydrodynamical physics models. It uses a fully convolutional variational auto-encoder (VAE) to synthesize hydrodynamic fields conditioned on dark matter fields from N-body simulations. After training, HyPhy can probabilistically map new dark matter only simulations to corresponding full hydrodynamical outputs and generate posterior samples for studying the variance of the mapping. This conditional deep generative model is implemented in TensorFlow.
We present a state-of-the-art primordial recombination code, HyRec, including all the physical effects that have been shown to significantly affect recombination. The computation of helium recombination includes simple analytic treatments of hydrogen continuum opacity in the He I 2 1P - 1 1S line, the He I] 2 3P - 1 1S line, and treats feedback between these lines within the on-the-spot approximation. Hydrogen recombination is computed using the effective multilevel atom method, virtually accounting for an infinite number of excited states. We account for two-photon transitions from 2s and higher levels as well as frequency diffusion in Lyman-alpha with a full radiative transfer calculation. We present a new method to evolve the radiation field simultaneously with the level populations and the free electron fraction. These computations are sped up by taking advantage of the particular sparseness pattern of the equations describing the radiative transfer. The computation time for a full recombination history is ~2 seconds. This makes our code well suited for inclusion in Monte Carlo Markov chains for cosmological parameter estimation from upcoming high-precision cosmic microwave background anisotropy measurements.
i-SPin simulates 3-component Schrodinger systems with and without gravity and with and without self-interactions while obeying SO(3) symmetry. The code allows the user to input desired parameters, along with initial conditions for the Schrodinger fields. Its three function modules then perform the main (drift-kick-drift) steps of the algorithm, track the fractional changes in total mass and spin in the system, and then plot results. The default plots are mass and spin density projections along with total mass and spin fractional changes.
This IDL library is designed to be used on astronomical images. Its main aim is to stack data to allow a statistical detection of faint signal, using a prior. For instance, you can stack 160um data using the positions of galaxies detected at 24um or 3.6um, or use WMAP sources to stack Planck data. It can estimate error bars using bootstrap, and it can perform photometry (aperture photometry, or PSF fitting, or other that you can plug). The IAS Stacking Library works with gnomonic projections (RA---TAN), and also with HEALPIX projection.
Icarus is a stellar binary light curve synthesis tool that generates a star, given some basic binary parameters, by solving the gravitational potential equation, creating a discretized stellar grid, and populating the stellar grid with physical parameters, including temperature and surface gravity. Icarus also evaluates the outcoming flux from the star given an observer's point of view (i.e., orbital phase and orbital orientation).
ICICLE (Initial Conditions for Isolated CoLlisionless systEms) generates stable initial conditions for isolated collisionless systems that can then be used in NBody simulations. It supports the Navarro-Frenk-White, Hernquist, King and Einasto density profiles.
ICORE is a command-line driven co-addition, mosaicking, and resolution enhancement (HiRes) tool for creating science quality products from image data in FITS format and with World Coordinate System information following the FITS-WCS standard. It includes preparatory steps such as image background matching, photometric gain-matching, and pixel-outlier rejection. Co-addition and/or HiRes'ing can be performed in either the inertial WCS or in the rest frame of a moving object. Three interpolation methods are supported: overlap-area weighting, drizzle, and weighting by the detector Point Response Function (PRF). The latter enables the creation of matched-filtered products for optimal point-source detection, but most importantly allows for resolution enhancement using a spatially-dependent deconvolution method. This is a variant of the classic Richardson-Lucy algorithm with the added benefit to simultaneously register and co-add multiple images to optimize signal-to-noise and sampling of the instrumental PSF. It can assume real (or otherwise "flat") image priors, mitigate "ringing" artifacts, and assess the quality of image solutions using statistically-motivated convergence criteria. Uncertainties are also estimated and internally validated for all products. The software supports multithreading that can be configured for different architectures. Numerous example scripts are included (with test data) to co-add and/or HiRes image data from Spitzer-IRAC/MIPS, WISE, and Herschel-SPIRE.
What is the best way to pixelize a sphere? This question occurs in many practical applications, for instance when making maps (of the earth or the celestial sphere) and when doing numerical integrals over the sphere. This package consists of source code and documentation for a method which involves inscribing the sphere in a regular icosahedron and then equalizing the pixel areas.
iCosmo is a software package to perform interactive cosmological calculations for the low redshift universe. The computation of distance measures, the matter power spectrum, and the growth factor is supported for any values of the cosmological parameters. It also performs the computation of observables for several cosmological probes such as weak gravitational lensing, baryon acoustic oscillations and supernovae. The associated errors for these observables can be derived for customised surveys, or for pre-set values corresponding to current or planned instruments. The code also allows for the calculation of cosmological forecasts with Fisher matrices which can be manipulated to combine different surveys and cosmological probes. The code is written in the IDL language and thus benefits from the convenient interactive features and scientific library available in this language. iCosmo can also be used as an engine to perform cosmological calculations in batch mode, and forms a convenient evolutive platform for the development of further cosmological modules. With its extensive documentation, it may also serve as a useful resource for teaching and for newcomers in the field of cosmology.
ICPertFLRW, a Cactus code (ascl:1102.013) thorn, provides as initial conditions an FLRW metric perturbed with the comoving curvature perturbation Rc in the synchronous comoving gauge. Rc is defined as a sum of sinusoidals (20 in each x, y, and z direction) whose amplitude, wavelength, and phase shift are all parameters in param.ccl. While the metric and extrinsic curvature only have first order scalar perturbations, the energy density is computed exactly in full from the Hamiltonian constraint, hence vector and tensor perturbations are initially present at higher order. These are then passed to the CT_Dust thorn to be evolved.
ICSF (Intensity Conserving Spectral Fitting) "corrects" (x,y) data in which the ordinate represents the average of a quantity over a finite interval in the abscissa. A typical example is spectral data, where the average intensity over a wavelength bin (the measured quantity) is assigned to the center of the bin. If the profile is curved, the average will be different from the discrete value at the bin center location. ICSF, written in IDL and available separately and as part of SolarSoft (ascl:1208.013), corrects the intensity using an iterative procedure and cubic spline. The corrected intensity equals the "true" intensity at bin center, rather than the average over the bin. Unlike other methods that are restricted to a single fitting function, typically a spline, ICSF can be used with any function, such as a cubic spline or a Gaussian, with slight changes to the code.
IcyDwarf calculates the coupled physical-chemical evolution of an icy dwarf planet or moon. The code calculates the thermal evolution of an icy planetary body (moon or dwarf planet), with no chemistry, but with rock hydration, dehydration, hydrothermal circulation, core cracking, tidal heating, and porosity; the depth of cracking and a bulk water:rock ratio by mass in the rocky core are also computed. It also calculates whether cryovolcanism is possible by the exsolution of volatiles from cryolavas. IcyDwarf also determines the equilibrium fluid and rock chemistries resulting from water-rock interaction in subsurface oceans in contact with a rocky core, up to 200ºC and 1000 bar.
iDealCam is an IDL GUI toolkit for processing multi-extension FITS file produced by CanariCam, the facility mid-IR instrument of Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC). iDealCam is optimized for CanariCam data, but is also compatible with data generated by other instruments using similar detectors and data format (e.g., Michelle and T-ReCS at Gemini). iDealCam provides essential capabilities to examine, reduce, and analyze data obtained in the standard imaging or polarimetric imaging mode of CanariCam.
Idefix solves non-relativistic HD and MHD equations on various grid geometries. Based on a Godunov finite-volume method, this astrophysical flows code includes a wide choice of solvers and several modules, including constrained transport, orbital advection, and non-ideal MHD, to address complex astrophysical and fluid dynamics applications. Written in C++, Idefix relies on the Kokkos meta-programming library to guarantee performance portability on a wide variety of architectures.
By combining test-particle and self-consistent techniques, we have developed a method to rapidly explore the parameter space of galactic encounters. Our method, implemented in an interactive graphics program, can be used to find the parameters required to reproduce the observed morphology and kinematics of interacting disk galaxies. We test this system on an artificial data-set of 36 equal-mass merging encounters, and show that it is usually possible to reproduce the morphology and kinematics of these encounters and that a good match strongly constrains the encounter parameters. An update to this software with additional capabilities, Identikit 2 (ascl:1102.011), is available.
Using a combination of self-consistent and test-particle techniques, Identikit 1 (ascl:1011.001) provided a way to vary the initial geometry of a galactic collision and instantly visualize the outcome. Identikit 2 uses the same techniques to define a mapping from the current morphology and kinematics of a tidal encounter back to the initial conditions. By requiring that various regions along a tidal feature all originate from a single disc with a unique orientation, this mapping can be used to derive the initial collision geometry. In addition, Identikit 2 offers a robust way to measure how well a particular model reproduces the morphology and kinematics of a pair of interacting galaxies. A set of eight self-consistent simulations is used to demonstrate the algorithm's ability to search a ten-dimensional parameter space and find near-optimal matches; all eight systems are successfully reconstructed.
IDG (Image Domain Gridding) is an imager that makes w-term corrections and a-term corrections computationally very cheap. It works with WSClean (ascl:1408.023) and supports the same cleaning and data selections options that WSClean offers in normal mode (such as cotton-schwab, multi-frequency multi-scale cleaning, and auto-masking). IDG also allows gridding with a time-variable beam including the LOFAR, AARTFAAC and MWA beam and can perform full beam or differential correction. The code requires measurement sets with four polarizations (e.g. XX/XY/YX/YY), can apply a spatially varying time-variable TEC term that can additionally be different for different antennas and output channels, and performs extremely well on GPUs.
Spectrum created by energy release in the early Universe, before recombination, creates distortions which are a superposition of μ-type, y-type and intermediate-type distortions. The final spectrum can thus be constructed from the templates, once energy injection rate as a function of redshift is known. This package contains the templates spaced at dy=0.001 for y<1 and dy=0.01 for y>1 covering a range 0.001 < y < 10. Also included is a Mathematica code which can combine these templates for user-defined rate of energy injection as a function of redshift. Silk damping, particle decay and annihilation examples are also included.
IEHI, written in Fortran, outputs a simple "coronal" ionization equilibrium (i.e., collisional ionization and auto-ionization balanced by radiative and dielectronic recombination) for a plasma at a given electron temperature.
iFIT determines the Sérsic law model for galaxies with imperfect Sérsic law profiles by searching for the best match between the observationally determined and theoretically expected radial variation of the mean surface brightness and light growth curve. The technique ensures quick convergence to a unique solution for both perfect and imperfect Sérsic profiles, even shallow and resolution-degraded SBPs. iFIT allows for correction of PSF convolution effects, offering the user the option of choosing between a Moffat, Gaussian, or user-supplied PSF, and is an efficient tool for the non-supervised structural characterization of large galaxy samples, such as those expected to become available with Euclid and LSST.
IFrIT (Ionization FRont Interactive Tool) is a powerful general purpose visualization tool that can be used to visualize 3-dimensional data sets. IFrIT is written in C++ and is based on the Visualization ToolKit (VTK) and, optionally, uses a GUI toolkit Qt. IFrIT can visualize scalar, vector field, tensor, and particle data. Several visualization windows can exist at the same time, each one having a full set of visualization objects. Some visualization windows can share the data between them, while other windows can be fully independent. Images from several visualization windows can be combined into one image file on the disk, tiling some windows together, and inserting reduced versions of some windows into larger other windows. A large array of features is also available, including highly advanced animation capabilities, a complex set of lights, markers to label various points in space, and a capability to "pick" a point in the scene and retrieve information about the data at this location.
IFSCube performs analysis tasks in data cubes of integral field spectroscopy. It contains routines for fitting spectral features in 1D spectra and data cubes and rotation models to velocity fields; it also contains a routine that inspects the fit results. Though originally intended to make user scripts more concise, analysis can also be performed on the fly by using an interactive interpreter such as ipython. By default, IFSCube assumes data are in the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) standard, but the package can be modified easily to allow use of other data formats.
IFSFIT is a general-purpose IDL library for fitting the continuum, emission lines, and absorption lines in integral field spectra. It uses PPXF (ascl:1210.002) to find the best fit stellar continuum (using a user-defined library of stellar templates and including additive polynomials), or optionally a user-defined method to find the best fit continuum. It uses MPFIT (ascl:1208.019) to simultaneously fit Gaussians to any number of emission lines and emission line velocity components. It will also fit the NaI D feature using analytic absorption and/or emission-line profiles.
IFSRED is a general-purpose library for reducing data from integral field spectrographs (IFSs). For a general IFS data cube, it contains IDL routines to: (1) find and apply a zero-point shift in a wavelength solution on a spaxel-by-spaxel basis, using sky lines; (2) find the spatial coordinates of a flux peak; (3) empirically correct for differential atmospheric refraction; (4) mosaic dithered exposures; (5) (integer) rebin; and (6) apply a telluric correction. A sky-subtraction routine for data from the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph and Imager (GMOS) that can be easily modified for any instrument is also included. IFSRED also contains additional software specific to reducing data from GMOS and the Gemini Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS).
The iGalFit suite of IDL routines interactively runs GALFIT whereby the various surface brightness profiles (and their associated parameters) are represented by regions, which the user is expected to place. The regions may be saved and/or loaded from the ASCII format used by ds9 or in the Hierarchical Data Format (version 5). The software has been tested to run stably on Mac OS X and Linux with IDL 7.0.4. In addition to its primary purpose of modeling galaxy images with GALFIT, this package has several ancillary uses, including a flexible image display routines, several basic photometry functions, and qualitatively assessing Source Extractor.
This document describes the publically available numerical code "IGMtransfer", capable of performing intergalactic radiative transfer (RT) of light in the vicinity of the Lyman alpha (Lya) line. Calculating the RT in a (possibly adaptively refined) grid of cells resulting from a cosmological simulation, the code returns 1) a "transmission function", showing how the intergalactic medium (IGM) affects the Lya line at a given redshift, and 2) the "average transmission" of the IGM, making it useful for studying the results of reionization simulations.
IGMtransmission is a Java graphical user interface that implements Monte Carlo simulations to compute the corrections to colors of high-redshift galaxies due to intergalactic attenuation based on current models of the Intergalactic Medium. The effects of absorption due to neutral hydrogen are considered, with particular attention to the stochastic effects of Lyman Limit Systems. Attenuation curves are produced, as well as colors for a wide range of filter responses and model galaxy spectra. Photometric filters are included for the Hubble Space Telescope, the Keck telescope, the Mt. Palomar 200-inch, the SUBARU telescope and UKIRT; alternative filter response curves and spectra may be readily uploaded.
iharm3D implements the HARM algorithm (ascl:1209.005) with modifications and enables a second-order, conservative, shock-capturing scheme for general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD). Written in C, it simulates black hole accretion systems in arbitrary stationary spacetimes.
IIPImage is an advanced high-performance feature-rich image server system that enables online access to full resolution floating point (as well as other bit depth) images at terabyte scales. Paired with the VisiOmatic (ascl:1408.010) celestial image viewer, the system can comfortably handle gigapixel size images as well as advanced image features such as both 8, 16 and 32 bit depths, CIELAB colorimetric images and scientific imagery such as multispectral images. Streaming is tile-based, which enables viewing, navigating and zooming in real-time around gigapixel size images. Source images can be in either TIFF or JPEG2000 format. Whole images or regions within images can also be rapidly and dynamically resized and exported by the server from a single source image without the need to store multiple files in various sizes.
IllinoisGRMHD is an open-source, highly-extensible rewrite of the original closed-source general relativistic (ideal) magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) code of the Illinois Numerical Relativity (ILNR) Group. Reducing the learning curve was the primary focus of this rewrite, with the goal of facilitating community involvement in the code's use and development, as well as reducing the human effort necessary to generate new science. IllinoisGRMHD also saves computer time, generating roundoff-precision identical output to the original code on adaptive-mesh grids while being nearly twice as fast at scales of hundreds to thousands of cores.
im2shape is a Bayesian approach to the problem of accurate measurement of galaxy ellipticities for weak lensing studies, in particular cosmic shear. im2shape parameterizes galaxies as sums of Gaussians, convolved with a psf which is also a sum of Gaussians. The uncertainties in the output parameters are calculated using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach.
Im3shape forward-fits a galaxy model to each data image it is supplied with and reports the parameters of the best fitting model, including the ellipticity components. It uses the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to render images of convolved galaxy profiles, calculates the maximum likelihood parameter values, and corrects for noise bias. IM3SHAPE is a modular C code with a significant amount of Python glue code to enable setting up new models and their options automatically.
ImageHealth (IH) is a c program that makes use of standard CFITSIO routines to examine, in an automated fashion, .FITS images with any number of extensions, find objects within those images, and determine basic parameters of those images (stellar flux, background counts, FWHM, and ellipticity, along with sky background counts) in order to provide a snapshot of the quality of those images. A variety of python wrappers have also been written to test large numbers of such images and compare the results of ImageHealth to other image analysis programs, such as SourceExtractor. Additional IH-related tools will be made available in the future.
ImageJ is a public domain Java image processing program inspired by NIH Image. It can display, edit, analyze, process, save and print 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit images. It can read many image formats including TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS and "raw". It supports "stacks", a series of images that share a single window. It is multithreaded, so time-consuming operations such as image file reading can be performed in parallel with other operations.
IMAGINE (Interstellar MAGnetic field INference Engine) performs inference on generic parametric models of the Galaxy. The modular open source framework uses highly optimized tools and technology such as the MultiNest sampler (ascl:1109.006) and the information field theory framework NIFTy (ascl:1302.013) to create an instance of the Milky Way based on a set of parameters for physical observables, using Bayesian statistics to judge the mismatch between measured data and model prediction. The flexibility of the IMAGINE framework allows for simple refitting for newly available data sets and makes state-of-the-art Bayesian methods easily accessible particularly for random components of the Galactic magnetic field.
Imber simulates spectroscopic and photometric observations with both a gridded numerical simulation and analytical model. Written in Python, it is specifically designed to predict Extremely Large Telescope instrument (such as ELT/METIS and TMT/MODHIS) Doppler imaging performance, and has also been applied to existing, archival observations of spectroscopy and photometry.
The IMCAT software was developed initially to do faint galaxy photometry for weak lensing studies, and provides a fairly complete set of tools for this kind of work. Unlike most packages for doing data analysis, the tools are standalone unix commands which you can invoke from the shell, via shell scripts or from perl scripts. The tools are arranges in a tree of directories. One main branch is the ’imtools’. These deal only with fits files. The most important imtool is the ’image calculator’ ’ic’ which allows one to do rather general operations on fits images. A second branch is the ’catools’ which operate only on catalogues. The key cattool is ’lc’; this effectively defines the format of IMCAT catalogues, and allows one to do very general operations on and filtering of such catalogues. A third branch is the ’imcattools’. These tend to be much more specialised than the cattools and imcattools and are focussed on faint galaxy photometry.
IMCOM allows for careful treatment of aliasing in undersampled imaging data and can be used to test the feasibility of multi-exposure observing strategies for space-based survey missions. IMCOM can also been used to explore focal plane undersampling for an optical space mission such as Euclid.
imexam performs simple image examination and plotting, with similar functionality to IRAF's (ascl:9911.002) imexamine. It is a lightweight library that enables users to explore data from a command line interface, through a Jupyter notebook, or through a Jupyter console. imexam can be used with multiple viewers, such as DS9 (scl:0003.002) or Ginga (ascl:1303.020), or without a viewer as a simple library to make plots and grab quick photometry information. It has been designed so that other viewers may be easily attached in the future.
Imfit is an open-source astronomical image-fitting program specialized for galaxies but potentially useful for other sources, which is fast, flexible, and highly extensible. Its object-oriented design allows new types of image components (2D surface-brightness functions) to be easily written and added to the program. Image functions provided with Imfit include Sersic, exponential, and Gaussian galaxy decompositions along with Core-Sersic and broken-exponential profiles, elliptical rings, and three components that perform line-of-sight integration through 3D luminosity-density models of disks and rings seen at arbitrary inclinations.
Available minimization algorithms include Levenberg-Marquardt, Nelder-Mead simplex, and Differential Evolution, allowing trade-offs between speed and decreased sensitivity to local minima in the fit landscape. Minimization can be done using the standard chi^2 statistic (using either data or model values to estimate per-pixel Gaussian errors, or else user-supplied error images) or the Cash statistic; the latter is particularly appropriate for cases of Poisson data in the low-count regime.
The C++ source code for Imfit is available under the GNU Public License.
iminuit is a Jupyter-friendly Python interface for the Minuit2 C++ library maintained by CERN's ROOT team. It can be used as a general robust function minimization method, but is most commonly used for likelihood fits of models to data, and to get model parameter error estimates from likelihood profile analysis.
This software trains artificial neural networks to find non-linear functionals of data that maximize Fisher information: information maximizing neural networks (IMNNs). As compressing large data sets vastly simplifies both frequentist and Bayesian inference, important information may be inadvertently missed. Likelihood-free inference based on automatically derived IMNN summaries produces summaries that are good approximations to sufficient statistics. IMNNs are robustly capable of automatically finding optimal, non-linear summaries of the data even in cases where linear compression fails: inferring the variance of Gaussian signal in the presence of noise, inferring cosmological parameters from mock simulations of the Lyman-α forest in quasar spectra, and inferring frequency-domain parameters from LISA-like detections of gravitational waveforms. In this final case, the IMNN summary outperforms linear data compression by avoiding the introduction of spurious likelihood maxima.
ImpactModel, written in Cython, computes the accretion disc impact spectrum at given frequencies and can compute other model quantities as a function of time.
Aperture masking interferometric data analysis involves measuring phases and amplitudes of fringes formed by interference between holes in the pupil mask. These fringe observables can be measured by computing an analytic model of the point spread function and fitting the relevant set of spatial frequencies directly in the image plane, without recourse to numerical Fourier transforms. The ImPlaneIA pipeline converts aperture masking images to fringe observables by fitting fringes in the image plane, calibrates data from a target of interest with one or more point source calibrators, and contains some basic model-fitting routines. The pipeline can accept different mask geometries, instruments, and observing modes.
IMRIpy simulates an Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspiral (IMRI) by gravitational wave emission with a Dark Matter(DM) halo or a (baryonic) Accretion Disk around the central Intermediate Mass Black Hole(IMBH). It can use different density profiles (such as DM spikes), and different interactions, such as dynamical friction with and without HaloFeedback models or accretion, to produce the simulation.
The IMRPhenomD model generates gravitational wave signals for merging black hole binaries with non-precessing spins. The waveforms are produced in the frequency domain and include the inspiral, merger and ringdown parts for the dominant spherical harmonic mode of the signal. Part of LALSuite (ascl:2012.021) and also available as an independent code, IMRPhenomD is written in C and is calibrated against data from numerical relativity simulations. A re-implementation of IMRPhenomD in Python, PyIMRPhenomD (ascl:2307.023), is available.
This program measures line-strength indices in fully calibrated FITS spectra. By "fully calibrated" one should understand wavelength and relative flux-calibrated data. Note that the different types of line-strength indices that can be measured with indexf (see below) do not require absolute flux calibration. If even a relative flux-calibration is absent (or deficient), the derived indices should be transformed to an appropriate spectrophotometric system. The program can also compute index errors resulting from the propagation of random errors (e.g. photon statistics, read-out noise). This option is only available if the user provides the error spectrum as an additional input FITS file to indexf. The error spectrum must contain the unbiased standard deviation (and not the variance!) for each pixel of the data spectrum. In addition, indexf also estimates the effect of errors on radial velocity. For this purpose, the program performs Monte Carlo simulations by measuring each index using randomly drawn radial velocities (following a Gaussian distribution of a given standard deviation). If no error file is employed, the program can perform numerical simulations with synthetic error spectra, the latter generated from the original data spectra and assuming randomly generated S/N ratios.
Indri models the population of single (not in binary or hierarchical systems) neutron stars. Given a starting distribution of parameters (birth place, velocity, magnetic field, and period), the code moves a set of stars through the time (by evolving spin period and magnetic field) and the space (by propagating through the Galactic potential). Upon completion of the evolution, a set of observables is computed (radio flux, position, dispersion measure) and compared with a radio survey such as the Parkes Multibeam Survey. The models' parameters are optimised by using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique.
The efficiency of thin disk accretion onto black holes depends on the inner boundary condition, specifically the torque applied to the disk at the last stable orbit. This is usually assumed to vanish. This code estimates the torque on a magnetized disk using a steady magnetohydrodynamic inflow model originally developed by Takahashi et al. The efficiency e can depart significantly from the classical thin disk value. In some cases e > 1, i.e., energy is extracted from the black hole.
Infall is a code for calculating the mean initial and final density profiles around a virialized dark matter halo. The initial profile is derived from the statistics of the initial Gaussian random field, accounting for the problem of peaks within peaks using the extended Press-Schechter model. Spherical collapse then yields the typical density and velocity profiles of the gas and dark matter that surrounds the final, virialized halo. In additional to the mean profile, ±1-σ profiles are calculated and can be used as an estimate of the scatter.
Infinity sets an observer in a black hole - accretion disk system. The black hole can be either Schwarzschild (nonrotating) or Kerr (rotating) by choice of the user. This observer can be on the surface of the disk, in its exterior or its interior (if the disk is not opaque). Infinity then scans the entire sky around the observer and investigates whether photons emitted by the hot accretion disk material can reach them. After recording the incoming radiation, the program calculates the stress-energy tensor of the radiation. Afterwards, the program calculates the radiation flux and hence, the radiation force exerted on target particles of various velocity profiles.
Inflation is a numerical code to generate power spectra and other observables through numerical solutions to flow equations. The code generates tensor and scalar power spectra as a function of wavenumber and various other parameters at specific wavenumbers of interest (such as for CMB, scalar perturbations at smaller scales, gravitational wave detection at direct detection frequencies). The output can be easily ported to publicly available Markov Chain codes to constrain cosmological parameters with data.
The inhomog library provides Raychaudhuri integration of cosmological domain-wise average scale factor evolution using an analytical formula for kinematical backreaction Q_D evolution. The inhomog main program illustrates biscale examples. The library routine lib/Omega_D_precalc.c is callable by RAMSES (ascl:1011.007) using the RAMSES extension ramses-scalav.
InitialConditions finds the initial series solutions for perturbations in our Universe. This includes all scalar (1 adiabatic, 4 isocurvature and 2 magnetic modes), vector (1 vorticity mode, 1 magnetic mode), and tensor (1 gravitational wave mode and 1 magnetic mode) perturbations including terms up to second order in the neutrino mass. It can handle the standard species (cdm, baryons, photons), and two neutrino mass eigenstates (1 light, 1 heavy).
INSANE (INflationary potential Simulator and ANalysis Engine) takes either a numeric inflationary potential or a symbolic one, calculates the background evolution and then, using the Mukhanov-Sasaki equations, calculates the primordial power spectrum it yields. The package can analyze the results to extract the spectral index n_s, the index running alpha, the running of running and possibly higher moments. The package contains two main modules: BackgroundSolver solves the background equations, and the MsSolver module solves and analyses the MS equations.
INSPECTA (formerly sdhdfProc) is a software package to read, manipulate and process radio astronomy data in Spectral-Domain Hierarchical Data Format (SDHDF). It is available as part of the 'sdhdf_tools' repository.
intensitypower measures and models the auto- and cross-power spectrum multipoles of galaxy catalogs and radio intensity maps presented in spherical coordinates. It can also convert the multipoles to power spectrum wedges P(k,mu) and 2D power spectra P(k_perp,k_par). The code assumes the galaxy catalog is a set of discrete points and the radio intensity map is a pixelized continuous field which includes angular pixelization using healpix, binning in redshift channels, smoothing by a Gaussian telescope beam, and the addition of a Gaussian noise in each cell. The galaxy catalog and radio intensity map are transferred onto an FFT grid, and power spectrum multipoles are measured including curved-sky effects. Both maps include redshift-space distortions.
Interferopy analyzes datacubes from radio-to-submm observations. It provides a homogenous interface to common tasks, making it easy to go from reduced datacubes to essential measurements and publication-quality plots. Its core functionalities are widely applicable and have been successfully tested on (but are not limited to) ALMA, NOEMA, VLA and JCMT data.
We describe a novel approach to accelerating Monte Carlo Markov Chains. Our focus is cosmological parameter estimation, but the algorithm is applicable to any problem for which the likelihood surface is a smooth function of the free parameters and computationally expensive to evaluate. We generate a high-order interpolating polynomial for the log-likelihood using the first points gathered by the Markov chains as a training set. This polynomial then accurately computes the majority of the likelihoods needed in the latter parts of the chains. We implement a simple version of this algorithm as a patch (InterpMC) to CosmoMC and show that it accelerates parameter estimatation by a factor of between two and four for well-converged chains. The current code is primarily intended as a "proof of concept", and we argue that there is considerable room for further performance gains. Unlike other approaches to accelerating parameter fits, we make no use of precomputed training sets or special choices of variables, and InterpMC is almost entirely transparent to the user.
The Beta Inverse code solves the inverse cumulative density function (CDF) of a Beta distribution, allowing one to sample from the Beta prior directly. The Beta distribution is well suited as a prior for the distribution of the orbital eccentricities of extrasolar planets; imposing a Beta prior on orbital eccentricity is valuable for any type of observation of an exoplanet where eccentricity can affect the model parameters (e.g. transits, radial velocities, microlensing, direct imaging). The Beta prior is an excellent description of the current, empirically determined distribution of orbital eccentricities and thus employing it naturally incorporates an observer’s prior experience of what types of orbits are probable or improbable. The default parameters in the code are currently set to the Beta distribution which best describes the entire population of exoplanets with well-constrained orbits.
InversionKit is an interactive Java program that performs rotational and structural linear inversions from frequency data.
ionFR calculates the amount of ionospheric Faraday rotation for a specific epoch, geographic location, and line-of-sight. The code uses a number of publicly available, GPS-derived total electron content maps and the most recent release of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field. ionFR can be used for the calibration of radio polarimetric observations; its accuracy had been demonstrated using LOFAR pulsar observations.
iPIC3D performs kinetic plasma simulations at magnetohydrodynamics time scales. This three-dimensional parallel code uses the implicit Particle-in-Cell method; implicit integration in time of the Vlasov–Maxwell system removes the numerical stability constraints. Written in C++, iPIC3D can be run with CUDA acceleration and supports MPI, OpenMP, and multi-node multi-GPU simulations.
ipole is a ray-tracing code for covariant, polarized radiative transport particularly useful for modeling Event Horizon Telescope sources, though may also be used for other relativistic transport problems. The code extends the ibothros scheme for covariant, unpolarized transport using two representations of the polarized radiation field: in the coordinate frame, it parallel transports the coherency tensor, and in the frame of the plasma, it evolves the Stokes parameters under emission, absorption, and Faraday conversion. The transport step is as spacetime- and coordinate- independent as possible; the emission, absorption, and Faraday conversion step is implemented using an analytic solution to the polarized transport equation with constant coefficients. As a result, ipole is stable, efficient, and produces a physically reasonable solution even for a step with high optical depth and Faraday depth.
IQRM-APOLLO cleans narrow-band radio frequency interference (RFI) using the Inter-Quartile Range Mitigation (IQRM) algorithm. By masking this interference, the code reduces the number of false positive pulsar candidates and increases sensitivity for pulsar detection. The IQRM algorithm is an outlier detection algorithm that is both non-parametric and robust to the presences of trends in time series data. Using short-duration data blocks, IQRM-APOLLO computes a spectral statistic that correlates with the presence of RFI, removing high outliers from the input signal.
IQRM implements the Inter-Quartile Range Mitigation (IQRM) interference flagging algorithm for radio pulsar and transient searches. This module provides only the algorithm that infers a channel mask from some spectral statistic that measures the level of RFI contamination in a time-frequency data block. It should be useful as a reference implementation to developers who wish to integrate IQRM into an existing pipeline or search code.
The IRACpm R package applies a 7-8 order distortion correction to IRAC astrometric data from the Spitzer Space Telescope and includes a function for measuring apparent proper motions between different Epochs. These corrections are applicable only to positions measured by APEX; cryogenic images benefit from a correction for varying intra-pixel sensitivity prior to the application of the distortion.
IRACproc is a software suite that facilitates the co-addition of dithered or mapped Spitzer/IRAC data to make them ready for further analysis with application to a wide variety of IRAC observing programs. The software runs within PDL, a numeric extension for Perl available from pdl.perl.org, and as stand alone perl scripts. In acting as a wrapper for the Spitzer Science Center's MOPEX software, IRACproc improves the rejection of cosmic rays and other transients in the co-added data. In addition, IRACproc performs (optional) Point Spread Function (PSF) fitting, subtraction, and masking of saturated stars.
IRAF includes a broad selection of programs for general image processing and graphics, plus a large number of programs for the reduction and analysis of optical and IR astronomy data. Other external or layered packages are available for applications such as data acquisition or handling data from other observatories and wavelength regimes such as the Hubble Space Telescope (optical), EUVE (extreme ultra-violet), or ROSAT and AXAF (X-ray). These external packages are distributed separately from the main IRAF distribution but can be easily installed. The IRAF system also includes a complete programming environment for scientific applications, which includes a programmable Command Language scripting facility, the IMFORT Fortran/C programming interface, and the full SPP/VOS programming environment in which the portable IRAF system and all applications are written.
iragnsep performs IR SED fits separated into AGN and galaxy contributions, and measures host galaxy properties free of AGN contamination. The advantage of iragnsep is that, in addition to fitting observed broadband photometric fluxes, it also incorporates IR spectra in the fits which, if available, improves the robustness of the galaxy-AGN separation. For the galaxy component, iragnsep uses a library of galaxy templates. In terms of the AGN contribution, if the input dataset is a mixture of spectral and photometric data, iragnsep uses a combination of power-laws for the AGN continuum, and some broad features for the silicate emission. If instead the dataset contains photometric data alone, the AGN contribution is accounted for by using a library of AGN templates. The advanced fitting techniques used by iragnsep combined with the powerful model comparison tests allows iragnsep to provide a statistically robust interpretation of IR SEDs in terms of AGN-galaxy contributions, even when the AGN contribution is highly diluted by the host galaxy emission.
IRAS90 is a suite of programs for processing IRAS data. It takes advantage of Starlink's (ascl:1110.012) ADAM environment, which provides multi-platform availability of both data and the programs to process it, and the user friendly interface of the parameter entry system. The suite can determine positions in astrometric coordinates, draw grids, and offers other functions for standard astronomical measurement and standard projections.
The UKIRT IRCAM3 data reduction and analysis software package, IRCAMDR (formerly ircam_clred) analyzes and displays any 2D data image stored in the standard Starlink (ascl:1110.012) NDF data format. It reduces and analyzes IRCAM1/2 data images of 62x58 pixels and IRCAM3 images of 256x256 size. Most of the applications will work on NDF images of any physical (pixel) dimensions, for example, 1024x1024 CCD images can be processed.
IRDAP (IRDIS Data reduction for Accurate Polarimetry) accurately reduces SPHERE-IRDIS polarimetric data. It is a highly-automated end-to-end pipeline; its core feature is model-based correction of the instrumental polarization effects. IRDAP handles data taken both in field- and pupil-tracking mode and using the broadband filters Y, J, H and Ks. Data taken with the narrowband filters can be reduced as well, although with a somewhat worse accuracy. For pupil-tracking observations IRDAP can additionally apply angular differential imaging.
We describe the InfraRed Data Reduction (IRDR) software package, a small ANSI C library of fast image processing routines for automated pipeline reduction of infrared (dithered) observations. We developed the software to satisfy certain design requirements not met in existing packages (e.g., full weight map handling) and to optimize the software for large data sets (non-interactive tasks that are CPU and disk efficient). The software includes stand-alone C programs for tasks such as running sky frame subtraction with object masking, image registration and coaddition with weight maps, dither offset measurement using cross-correlation, and object mask dilation. Although we currently use the software to process data taken with CIRSI (a near-IR mosaic imager), the software is modular and concise and should be easy to adapt/reuse for other work.
Iris is a downloadable Graphical User Interface (GUI) application which allows the astronomer to build and analyze wide-band Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs). The components of Iris have been contributed by members of the VAO. Specview, contributed by STScI, provides a GUI for reading, editing, and displaying SEDs, as well as defining models and parameter values. Sherpa, contributed by the Chandra project at SAO, provides a library of models, fit statistics, and optimization methods; the underlying I/O library, SEDLib, is a VAO product written by SAO to current IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Alliance) data model standards. NED is a service provided by IPAC for easy location of data for a given extragalactic source, including SEDs. SedImporter converts non-standard SED data files into a format supported by Iris.
IRSFRINGE is an IDL-based GUI package that allows observers to interactively remove fringes from IRS spectra. Fringes that originate from the detector subtrates are observed in the IRS Short-High (SH) and Long-High (LH) modules. In the Long-Low (LL) module, another fringe component is seen as a result of the pre-launch change in one of the LL filters. The fringes in the Short-Low (SL) module are not spectrally resolved. the fringes are already largely removed in the pipeline processing when the flat field is applied. However, this correction is not perfect and remaining fringes can be removed with IRSFRINGE from data in each module. IRSFRINGE is available as a stand-alone package and is also part of the Spectroscopic Modeling, Analysis and Reduction Tool (SMART, ascl:1210.021).
iSAP consists of three programs, written in IDL, which together are useful for spherical data analysis. MR/S (MultiResolution on the Sphere) contains routines for wavelet, ridgelet and curvelet transform on the sphere, and applications such denoising on the sphere using wavelets and/or curvelets, Gaussianity tests and Independent Component Analysis on the Sphere. MR/S has been designed for the PLANCK project, but can be used for many other applications. SparsePol (Polarized Spherical Wavelets and Curvelets) has routines for polarized wavelet, polarized ridgelet and polarized curvelet transform on the sphere, and applications such denoising on the sphere using wavelets and/or curvelets, Gaussianity tests and blind source separation on the Sphere. SparsePol has been designed for the PLANCK project. MS-VSTS (Multi-Scale Variance Stabilizing Transform on the Sphere), designed initially for the FERMI project, is useful for spherical mono-channel and multi-channel data analysis when the data are contaminated by a Poisson noise. It contains routines for wavelet/curvelet denoising, wavelet deconvolution, multichannel wavelet denoising and deconvolution.
ISAP, written in IDL, simplifies the process of visualizing, subsetting, shifting, rebinning, masking, combining scans with weighted means or medians, filtering, and smoothing Auto Analysis Results (AARs) from post-pipeline processing of the Infrared Space Observatory's (ISO) Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) and Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) data. It can also be applied to PHOT-S and CAM-CVF data, and data from practically any spectrometer. The result of a typical ISAP session is expected to be a "simple spectrum" (single-valued spectrum which may be resampled to a uniform wavelength separation if desired) that can be further analyzed and measured either with other ISAP functions, native IDL functions, or exported to other analysis package (e.g., IRAF (ascl:9911.002), MIDAS (ascl:1302.017) if desired. ISAP provides many tools for further analysis, line-fitting, and continuum measurements, such as routines for unit conversions, conversions from wavelength space to frequency space, line and continuum fitting, flux measurement, synthetic photometry and models such as a zodiacal light model to predict and subtract the dominant foreground at some wavelengths.
Isca provides a framework for the idealized modeling of the global circulation of planetary atmospheres at varying levels of complexity and realism. Though Isca is an outgrowth of models designed for Earth's atmosphere, it may readily be extended into other planetary regimes. Various forcing and radiation options are available. At the simple end of the spectrum a Held-Suarez case is available. An idealized grey radiation scheme, a grey scheme with moisture feedback, a two-band scheme and a multi-band scheme are also available, all with simple moist effects and astronomically-based solar forcing. At the complex end of the spectrum the framework provides a direct connection to comprehensive atmospheric general circulation models.
iSEDfit uses Bayesian inference to extract the physical properties of galaxies from their observed broadband photometric spectral energy distribution (SED). In its default mode, the inputs to iSEDfit are the measured photometry (fluxes and corresponding inverse variances) and a measurement of the galaxy redshift. Alternatively, iSEDfit can be used to estimate photometric redshifts from the input photometry alone.
After the priors have been specified, iSEDfit calculates the marginalized posterior probability distributions for the physical parameters of interest, including the stellar mass, star-formation rate, dust content, star formation history, and stellar metallicity. iSEDfit also optionally computes K-corrections and produces multiple "quality assurance" (QA) plots at each stage of the modeling procedure to aid in the interpretation of the prior parameter choices and subsequent fitting results. The software is distributed as part of the impro IDL suite.
ISIS is a complete package to process CCD images using the image Optimal subtraction method (Alard & Lupton 1998, Alard 1999). The ISIS package can find the best kernel solution even in case of kernel variations as a function of position in the image. The relevant computing time is minimal in this case and is only slightly different from finding constant kernel solutions. ISIS includes as well a number of facilities to compute the light curves of variables objects from the subtracted images. The basic routines required to build the reference frame and make the image registration are also provided in the package.
ISIS, the Interactive Spectral Interpretation System, is designed to facilitate the interpretation and analysis of high resolution X-ray spectra. It is being developed as a programmable, interactive tool for studying the physics of X-ray spectrum formation, supporting measurement and identification of spectral features, and interaction with a database of atomic structure parameters and plasma emission models.
ISO transforms MESA history files into a uniform basis for interpolation and then constructs new stellar evolution tracks and isochrones from that basis. It is written in Fortran and requires MESA (ascl:1010.083), primarily for interpolation. Though designed to ingest MESA star history files, tracks from other stellar evolution codes can be incorporated by loading the tracks into the data structures used in the codes.
Isochrones, written in Python, simplifies common tasks often done with stellar model grids, such as simulating synthetic stellar populations, plotting evolution tracks or isochrones, or estimating the physical properties of a star given photometric and/or spectroscopic observations.
iSpec is an integrated software framework written in Python for the treatment and analysis of stellar spectra and abundances. Spectra treatment functions include cosmic rays removal, continuum normalization, resolution degradation, and telluric lines identification. It can also perform radial velocity determination and correction and resampling. iSpec can also determine atmospheric parameters (i.e effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, micro/macroturbulence, rotation) and individual chemical abundances by using either the synthetic spectra fitting technique or equivalent widths method. The synthesis is performed with SPECTRUM (ascl:9910.002).
The ISPy3 suite of Python routines models and analyzes integrated-light spectra of stars and stellar populations. The actual spectral modeling and related tasks such as setting up model atmospheres is done via external codes. Currently, the Kurucz codes (ATLAS/SYNTHE) and MARCS/TurboSpectrum are supported, though implementing other similar codes should be relatively straight forward.
ISW and Weak Lensing Likelihood code is the likelihood code that calculates the likelihood of Integrated Sachs Wolfe and Weak Lensing of Cosmic Microwave Background using the WMAP 3year CMB maps with mass tracers such as 2MASS (2-Micron All Sky Survey), SDSS LRG (Sloan Digital Sky Survey Luminous Red Galaxies), SDSS QSOs (Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars) and NVSS (NRAO VLA All Sky Survey) radio sources. The details of the analysis (*thus the likelihood code) can be understood by reading the papers ISW paper and Weak lensing paper. The code does brute force theoretical matter power spectrum and calculations with CAMB. See the paper for an introduction, descriptions, and typical results from some pre-WMAP data. The code is designed to be integrated into CosmoMC. For further information concerning the integration, see Code Modification for integration into COSMOMC.
ITERA, the IDL Tool for Emission-line Ratio Analysis, is an IDL widget tool that allows you to plot ratios of any strong atomic and ionized emission lines as determined by standard photoionization and shock models. These "line ratio diagrams" can then be used to determine diagnostics for nebulae excitation mechanisms or nebulae parameters such as density, temperature, metallicity, etc. ITERA can also be used to determine line sensitivities to such parameters, compare observations with the models, or even estimate unobserved line fluxes.
IUEDR reduces IUE data. It addresses the problem of working from the IUE Guest Observer tape or disk file through to a calibrated spectrum that can be used in scientific analysis and is a complete system for IUE data reduction. IUEDR was distributed as part of the Starlink software collection (ascl:1110.012).
iWander assesses the origin of interstellar small bodies such as asteroids and comets. It includes a series of databases and tools that can be used in general for studying the dynamics of an interstellar vagabond object (small−body, interstellar spaceship and even stars).
The simulation and analysis framework ixpeobssim was specifically developed for the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). It produces realistic simulated observations, in the form of event lists in FITS format, that also contain a strict superset of the information included in the publicly released IXPE data products. The framework's core simulation capabilities are complemented by post-processing applications that support the spatial, spectral, and temporal models needed for analysis of typical polarized X-ray sources, allowing implementation of complex, polarization-aware analysis pipelines. Where applicable, the data formats are consistent with the common display and analysis tools used by the community, e.g., the binned count spectra can be fed into XSPEC (ascl:9910.005), along with the corresponding response functions, for doing standard spectral analysis. All ixpeobssim simulation and analysis tools are fully configurable via the command line.
J plots classifies and quantifies a pixelated structure, based on its principal moments of inertia, thus enabling automatic detection and objective comparisons of centrally concentrated structures (cores), elongated structures (filaments) and hollow circular structures (bubbles) from the main population of slightly irregular blobs that make up most astronomical images. Examples of how to analyze 2D or 3D datasets, enabling an unbiased analysis and comparison of simulated and observed structures are provided along with the Python code.
J-comb combines high-resolution data with large-scale missing information with low-resolution data containing the short spacing. Based on uvcombine (ascl:2208.014), it takes as input FITS files of low- and high-resolution images, the angular resolution of the input images, and the pixel size of the input images, and outputs a FITS file of the combined image.
JAGS analyzes Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation not wholly unlike BUGS. JAGS has three aims:
The Jeans Anisotropic MGE (JAM) modeling method uses the Multi-Gaussian Expansion parameterization for the galaxy surface brightness. The code allows for orbital anisotropy (three-integrals distribution function) and also provides the full second moment tensor, including proper motions and radial velocities.
JAVELIN (formerly known as SPEAR) is an approach to reverberation mapping that computes the lags between the AGN continuum and emission line light curves and their statistical confidence limits. It uses a damped random walk model to describe the quasar continuum variability and the ansatz that emission line variability is a scaled, smoothed and displaced version of the continuum. While currently configured only to simultaneously fit light curve means, it includes a general linear parameters formalism to fit more complex trends or calibration offsets. The noise matrix can be modified to allow for correlated errors, and the correlation matrix can be modified to use a different stochastic process. The transfer function model is presently a tophat, but this can be altered by changing the line-continuum covariance matrices. It is also able to cope with some problems in traditional reverberation mapping, such as irregular sampling, correlated errors and seasonal gaps.
JAX brings Autograd and XLA together for high-performance machine learning research. It can automatically differentiate native Python and NumPy functions. The code can differentiate through loops, branches, recursion, and closures, and it can take derivatives of derivatives of derivatives. JAX supports reverse-mode differentiation (a.k.a. backpropagation) via grad as well as forward-mode differentiation, and the two can be composed arbitrarily to any order.
jaxspec performs statistical inference on X-ray spectra. It loads an X-ray spectrum (in the OGIP standard), defines a spectral model from the implemented components, and calculates the best parameters using state-of-the-art Bayesian approaches. The code is built on top of JAX (ascl:2111.002) to provide just-in-time compilation and automatic differentiation of the spectral models, enabling the use of sampling algorithms. jaxspec is written in pure Python and is not dependent on HEASoft (ascl:1408.004).
JB2008 (Jacchia-Bowman 2008) is an empirical thermospheric density model developed as an improved revision to the Jacchia-Bowman 2006 model, based on Jacchia’s diffusion equations. Driving solar indices are computed from on-orbit sensor data, which are used for the solar irradiances in the extreme through far ultraviolet, including x-ray and Lyman-α wavelengths. Exospheric temperature equations are developed to represent the thermospheric EUV and FUV heating. Semiannual density equations based on multiple 81-day average solar indices are used to represent the variations in the semiannual density cycle that result from EUV heating, and geomagnetic storm effects are modeled using the Dst index as the driver of global density changes.
COADD was used to reduce photometry and continuum data from the UKT14 instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in the 1990s. The software can co-add multiple observations and perform sigma clipping and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical analysis. Additional information on the software is available in the JCMT Spring 1993 newsletter (large PDF).
JCMTDR reduces continuum on-the-fly mapping data obtained with UKT14 or the heterodyne instruments using the IFD on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. This program reduces archive data and heterodyne beam maps and was distributed as part of the Starlink software collection (ascl:1110.012).
Jdaviz provides data viewers and analysis plugins that can be flexibly combined as desired to create interactive applications. It offers Specviz (ascl:1902.011) for visualization and quick-look analysis of 1D astronomical spectra; Mosviz for visualization of astronomical spectra, including 1D and 2D spectra as well as contextual information, and Cubeviz for visualization of spectroscopic data cubes (such as those produced by JWST MIRI). Imviz, which provides visualization and quick-look analysis for 2D astronomical images, is also included. Jdaviz is designed with instrument modes from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in mind, but the tool is flexible enough to read in data from many astronomical telescopes, and the documentation provides a complete table of all supported modes.
JEDI searches for and characterizes coronal dimming in light curves produced from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Variability Experiment (EVE). The suite has a wrapper script that calls other functions, which can also be run independently assuming needed inputs from prior functions are provided. JEDI's functions fit light curves and return the best fit, compute precision for iron light curves, and find the biggest dimming depth and its time in a given light curve. JEDI also includes functions for finding the duration of the dimming, minimum, maximum, and mean slope of dimming of a light curve, and for identifying the biggest peak in two light curves, time shifting them so the peaks are concurrent, scaling them so the peaks are the same magnitude, and then subtracting them, among other useful functions.
JET (JWST Exoplanet Targeting) optimizes lists of exoplanet targets for atmospheric characterization by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The software uses catalogs of planet detections, either simulated, or actual and categorizes targets by radius and equilibrium temperature; it also estimates planet masses and generates model spectra and simulated instrument spectra. JET then performs a statistical analysis to determine if the instrument spectra can confirm an atmospheric detection and finally ranks the targets within each category by observation time required for detection.
Written in Python, JetCurry models the 3D geometry of jets from 2-D images. JetCurry requires NumPy and SciPy and incorporates emcee (ascl:1303.002) and AstroPy (ascl:1304.002), and optionally uses VPython. From a defined initial part of the jet that serves as a reference point, JetCurry finds the position of highest flux within a bin of data in the image matrix and fits along the x axis for the general location of the bends in the jet. A spline fitting is used to smooth out the resulted jet stream.
JETGET accesses, visualizes, and analyses (magnetized-)fluid dynamics data stored in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) and ASCII files. Although JETGET has been optimized to handle data output from jet simulations using the Zeus code (ascl:1306.014) from NCSA, it is also capable of analyzing other data output from simulations using other codes. JETGET can select variables from the data files, render both two- and three-dimensional graphics and analyze and plot important physical quantities. Graphics can be saved in encapsulated Postscript, JPEG, VRML, or saved into an MPEG for later visualization and/or presentations. The strength of JETGET in extracting the physics underlying such phenomena is demonstrated as well as its capabilities in visualizing the 3-dimensional features of the simulated magneto-hydrodynamic jets. The JETGET tool is written in Interactive Data Language (IDL) and uses a graphical user interface to manipulate the data. The tool was developed on a LINUX platform and can be run on any platform that supports IDL.
JetSeT reproduces radiative and accelerative processes acting in relativistic jets and fits the numerical models to observed data. This C/Python framework re-bins observed data, can define data sets, and binds to astropy tables and quantities. It can use Synchrotron Self-Compton (SSC), external Compton (EC) and EC against the CMB when defining complex numerical radiative scenarios. JetSeT can constrain the model in the pre-fitting stage based on accurate and already published phenomenological trends starting from parameters such as spectral indices, peak fluxes and frequencies, and spectral curvatures. The package fits multiwavelength SEDs using both frequentist approach and Bayesian MCMC sampling, and also provides self-consistent temporal evolution of the plasma under the effect of radiative and accelerative processes for both first order and second order (stochastic acceleration) processes.
jetsimpy creates hydrodynamic simulations of relativistic blastwaves with tabulated angular energy and Lorentz factor profiles and efficiently models Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows. It supports tabulated angular energy and tabulated angular Lorentz factor profiles. jetsimpy also supports ISM, wind, and mixed external density profile, including synthetic afterglow light curves, apparent superluminal motion, and sky map and Gaussian equivalent image sizes. Additionally, you can add your own emissivity model by defining a lambda function in a c++ source file, allowing the package to be used for more complicated models such as Synchrotron self-absorption.
JexoSim 2.0 (JWST Exoplanet Observation Simulator) simulates exoplanet transit observations using all four instruments of the James Webb Space Telescope, and is designed for the planning and validation of science cases for JWST. The code generates synthetic spectra that capture the full impact of complex noise sources and systematic trends, allowing for assessment of both accuracy and precision in the final spectrum. JexoSim does not contain all known systematics for the various instruments, but is a good starting point to investigate the effects of systematics, and has the framework to incorporate more systematics in the future.
JHelioview is open source visualization software for solar physics data. The JHelioviewer client application enables users to browse petabyte-scale image archives; the JHelioviewer server integrates a JPIP server, metadata catalog, and an event server. JHelioview uses the JPEG 2000 image compression standard, which provides efficient access to petabyte-scale image archives; JHelioviewer also allows users to locate and manipulate specific data sets.
The JKTEBOP code is used to fit a model to the light curves of detached eclipsing binary stars in order to derive the radii of the stars as well as various other quantities. It is very stable and includes extensive Monte Carlo or bootstrapping error analysis algorithms. It is also excellent for transiting extrasolar planetary systems. All input and output is done by text files; JKTEBOP is written in almost-standard FORTRAN 77 using first the g77 compiler and now the ifort compiler.
JKTLD outputs theoretically-calculated limb darkening (LD) strengths for equations (LD laws) which predict the amount of LD as a function of the part of the star being observed. The coefficients of these laws are obtained by bilinear interpolation (in effective temperature and surface gravity) in published tables of coefficients calculated from stellar model atmospheres by several researchers. Many observations of stars require the strength of limb darkening (LD) to be estimated, which can be done using theoretical models of stellar atmospheres; JKTLD can help in these circumstances.
JoXSZ jointly fits the thermodynamic profiles of galaxy clusters from both SZ and X-ray data using a Markov chain Monte Carlo fitting algorithm. It is an enhanced version of preprofit (ascl:1910.002), which fits only SZ data. JoXSZ parameterizes the pressure and electron density profile of a galaxy cluster with a given center and derives the temperature profile as the ratio of these quantities through the ideal gas law. The X-ray and SZ-based temperatures can be similar or different, which allows study of the cluster elongation along line of sight, gas clumping, or calibration uncertainties.
FITS File interaction written in Visual Studio C# .Net.
JPFITS is not based upon any other implementation and is written from the ground-up, consistent with the FITS standard, designed to interact with FITS files as object-oriented structures.
JPFITS provides functionality to interact with FITS images and binary table extensions, as well as providing common mathematical methods for the manipulation of data, data reductions, profile fitting, photometry, etc.
JPFITS also implements object-oriented classes for Point Source Extraction, World Coordinate Solutions (WCS), WCS automated field solving, FITS Headers and Header Keys, etc.
The automatic world coordinate solver is based on the trigonometric algorithm as described here:
All function parameters, methods, properties, etc., are coded with XML descriptions which will function with Visual Studio. Other code editors may or may not read the XML files.
Everything which is reasonable to parallelize in order to benefit from the computation speed increase for multi-threaded systems has been done so. In all such cases function options are given in order to specify the use of parallelism or not. Generally, most image manipulation functions are highly amenable to parallelism. No parallelism is forced, i.e., any code which may execute parallelized is given a user option to do so or not.
JPLephem loads and uses standard Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) ephemerides for predicting the position and velocity of a planet or other Solar System body. It is one of the foundations of the Skyfield (ascl:1907.024) astronomy library for Python, and can also be used as a standalone package to generate raw vectors.
JSPAM models galaxy collisions using a restricted n-body approach to speed up computation. Instead of using a softened point-mass potential, the software supports a modified version of the three component potential created by Hernquist (1994, ApJS 86, 389). Although spherically symmetric gravitationally potentials and a Gaussian model for the bulge are used to increase computational efficiency, the potential mimics that of a fully consistent n-body model of a galaxy. Dynamical friction has been implemented in the code to improve the accuracy of close approaches between galaxies. Simulations using this code using thousands of particles over the typical interaction times of a galaxy interaction take a few seconds on modern desktop workstations, making it ideal for rapidly prototyping the dynamics of colliding galaxies. Extensive testing of the code has shown that it produces nearly identical tidal features to those from hierarchical tree codes such as Gadget but using a fraction of the computational resources. This code was used in the Galaxy Zoo: Mergers project and is very well suited for automated fitting of galaxy mergers with automated pattern fitting approaches such as genetic algorithms. Java and Fortran versions of the code are available.
JUDE (Jayant's UVIT Data Explorer) converts the Level 1 data (FITS binary table) from the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on ASTROSAT into three output files: a photon event list as a function of frame number (FITS binary table); a FITS image file with two extensions; and a PNG file created from the FITS image file with an automated scaling.
Juliet essentially serves as a wrapper of other tools, including Batman (ascl:1510.002), George (ascl:1511.015), Dynesty (ascl:1809.013) and AstroPy (ascl:1304.002), to analyze and model transits, radial-velocities, or both from multiple instruments at the same time. Using nested sampling algorithms, it performs a thorough sampling of the parameter space and a model comparison via Bayesian evidences. Juliet also fits transiting and non-transiting multi-planetary systems, and Gaussian Processes (GPs) which might share hyperparameters between the photometry and radial-velocities simultaneously (e.g., stellar rotation periods).
Jupiter is a multidimensional astrophysical hydrocode. It is based on a Godunov method, and it is parallelized with MPI. The mesh geometry can either be cartesian, cylindrical or spherical. It allows mesh refinement and includes special features adapted to the description of planets embedded in disks and nearly steady states.
Juwvid performs time-frequency analysis. Written in Julia, it uses a modified version of the Wigner distribution, the pseudo Wigner distribution, and the short-time Fourier transform from MATLAB GPL programs, tftb-0.2. The modification includes the zero-padding FFT, the non-uniform FFT, the adaptive algorithm by Stankovic, Dakovic, Thayaparan 2013, the S-method, the L-Wigner distribution, and the polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution.
JVarStar (Java Variable Star Analysis) performs pattern classification by analyzing variable star data. This all-in-one library package includes machine learning techniques, fundamental mathematical methods, and digital signal processing functions that can be externally referenced (i.e., from Python), or can be used for further Java development. This library has dependencies on several open source packages that, along with the developed functionality, provides a developer with an easily accessible library from which to construct stable variable star analysis and classification code.
JWFront visualizes wavefronts and light cones in general relativity. The interactive front-end allows users to enter the initial position values and choose the values for mass and angular momentum per unit mass. The wavefront animations are available in 2D and 3D; the light cones are visualized using the coordinate systems (t, x, y) or (t, z, x). JWFront can be easily modified to simulate wavefronts and light cones for other spacetime by providing the Christoffel symbols in the program.
JWST_Simulation generates a novel geometric-focused deep field simulation of the expected JWST future deep field image. Galaxies are represented by ellipses with randomly-generated positions and orientations. Three scripts are included: a deterministic simulation, an ensemble simulation, and a more-realistic monochrome image simulation. The following initial conditions can be perturbed in these codes: H0, Ωm, ΩΛ, the dark energy equation of state parameter, the number of unseen galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Image (HUDF), the increase in effective radius due to the JWST’s higher sensitivity, the anisotropy of dark energy, and the maximum redshift reached by the JWST. Galaxy number densities are estimated using integration over comoving volume with an integration constant calibrated with the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. A galaxy coverage percentage is calculated for each image to determine the percentage of the background occupied by galaxies.
Inpainting is a technique for dealing with gaps in time series data, as frequently occurs in asteroseismology data, that may generate spurious peaks in the power spectrum, thus limiting the analysis of the data. The inpainting method, based on a sparsity prior, judiciously fills in gaps in the data, preserving the asteroseismic signal as far as possible. This method can be applied both on ground and space-based data. The inpainting technique improves the oscillation modes detection and estimation, the impact of the observational window function is reduced, and the interpretation of the power spectrum is simplified. K-Inpainting can be used to study very long time series of many stars because its computation is very fast.
K2-CPM captures variability while preserving transit signals in Kepler data. Working at the pixel level, the model captures very fine-grained information about the variation of the spacecraft. The CPM models the systematic effects in the time series of a pixel using the pixels of many other stars and the assumption that any shared signal in these causally disconnected light curves is caused by instrumental effects. The target star's future and past are used and the data points are separated into training and test sets to ensure that information about any transit is perfectly isolated from the model. The method has four tuning parameters, the number of predictor stars or pixels, the autoregressive window size, and two L2-regularization amplitudes for model components, and consistently produces low-noise light curves.
Since early 2018, the Kepler/K2 project has been performing a uniform global reprocessing of data from K2 Campaigns 0 through 14. Subsequent K2 campaigns (C15-C19) are being processed using the same processing pipeline. One of the major benefits of the reprocessing effort is that, for the first time, short-cadence (1-min) light curves are produced in addition to the standard long-cadence (30-min) light curves. Users have been cautioned that the Kepler pipeline detrending module (PDC), developed for use on original Kepler data, has not been tailored for use on short-cadence K2 observations. Systematics due to events on fast timescales, such as thruster firings, are sometimes poorly corrected for many short-cadence targets. A Python data visualization and manipulation tool, called Kepler-K2 Cadence Events, has been developed that identifies and removes cadences associated with problematic thruster events, thus producing better light curves. Kepler-K2 Cadence Events can be used to visualize and manipulate light curve files and target pixel files from the Kepler, K2, and TESS missions. This software is available at the following NASA GitHub repository https://github.com/nasa/K2CE .
K2flix makes it easy to inspect the CCD pixel data obtained by NASA's Kepler space telescope. The two-wheeled extended Kepler mission, K2, is affected by new sources of systematics, including pointing jitter and foreground asteroids, that are easier to spot by eye than by algorithm. The code takes Kepler's Target Pixel Files (TPF) as input and turns them into contrast-stretched animated gifs or MPEG-4 movies. K2flix can be used both as a command-line tool or using its Python API.
K2fov allows users to transform celestial coordinates into K2's pixel coordinate system for the purpose of preparing target proposals and field of view visualizations. In particular, the package, written in Python, adds the "K2onSilicon" and "K2findCampaigns" tools to the command line, allowing the visibility of targets to be checked in a user-friendly way.
K2mosaic stitches the postage stamp-sized pixel masks obtained by NASA's Kepler and K2 missions together into CCD-sized mosaics and movies. The command-line tool's principal use is to take a set of Target Pixel Files (TPF) and turn them into more traditional FITS image files -- one per CCD channel and per cadence. K2mosaic can also be used to create animations from these mosaics. The mosaics produced by K2mosaic also makes the analysis of certain Kepler/K2 targets, such as clusters and asteroids, easier. Moreover such mosaics are useful to reveal the context of single-star observations, e.g., they enable users to check for the presence of instrumental noise or nearby bright objects.
k2photometry reads, reduces and detrends K2 photometry and searches for transiting planets. MAST database pixel files are used as input; the output includes raw lightcurves, detrended lightcurves and a transit search can be performed as well. Stellar variability is not typically well-preserved but parameters can be tweaked to change that. The BLS algorithm used to detect periodic events is a Python implementation by Ruth Angus and Dan Foreman-Mackey (https://github.com/dfm/python-bls).
K2PS is an Oxford K2 planet search pipeline. Written in Python, it searches for transit-like signals from the k2sc-detrended light curves.
K2SC (K2 Systematics Correction) models instrumental systematics and astrophysical variability in light curves from the K2 mission. It enables the user to remove both position-dependent systematics and time-dependent variability (e.g., for transit searches) or to remove systematics while preserving variability (for variability studies). K2SC automatically computes estimates of the period, amplitude and evolution timescale of the variability for periodic variables and can be run on ASCII and FITS light curve files. Written in Python, this pipeline requires NumPy, SciPy, MPI4Py, Astropy (ascl:1304.002), and George (ascl:1511.015).
K3Match is a C library with Python bindings for fast matching of points in 3D space. It uses an implementation of three dimensional binary trees to efficiently find matches between points in 3D space. Two lists of points are compared and match indices as well as distances are given. K3Match can find either the nearest neighbour or all matches within a given search distance in 3D Cartesian space or on the surface of the 2D unit sphere in standard spherical or celestial coordinates.
The Kadath library implements spectral methods in the context of theoretical physics. It is fully parallel; a sequential version can be installed. The library is written in C++, and solves a wide variety of problems. Several coordinates systems are implemented and additional geometries can be easily encoded. Partial differential equations of various types are discretized by means of spectral methods. The resulting system is solved using a Newton-Raphson iteration, allowing KADATH to deal with strongly non-linear situations. An optimized version of Kadath is available that improves memory management (reducing the number of uses of new and delete), inlines several member functions, and provides better management of the accessors for the arrays.
Kadenza enables time-critical data analyses to be carried out using NASA's Kepler Space Telescope. It enables users to convert Kepler's raw data files into user-friendly Target Pixel Files upon downlink from the spacecraft. The primary motivation for this tool is to enable the microlensing, supernova, and exoplanet communities to create quicklook lightcurves for transient events which require rapid follow-up.
The fully parallelized and vectorized software package Kālī models time series data using various stochastic processes such as continuous-time ARMA (C-ARMA) processes and uses Bayesian Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) for inferencing a stochastic light curve. Kālī is written in c++ with Python language bindings for ease of use. Kālī is named jointly after the Hindu goddess of time, change, and power and also as an acronym for KArma LIbrary.
Kalkayotl obtains samples of the joint posterior distribution of cluster parameters and distances to the cluster stars from Gaia parallaxes using Bayesian inference. The code is designed to deal with the parallax spatial correlations of Gaia data, and can accommodate different values of parallax zero point and spatial correlation functions.
Kalman models an inhomogeneous time series of measurements at different frequencies as noisy sampling from a finite mixture of Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes to try to reproduce the variability of the fluxes and of the spectral indices of the quasars used as calibrators in the Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), assuming sensible parameters are provided to the model (obtained, for example, from maximum likelihood estimation). One routine in the Kalman Perl module calculates best forecast estimations based on a state space representation of the stochastic model using Kalman recursions, and another routine calculates the smoothed estimation (or interpolations) of the measurements and of the state space also using Kalman recursions. The code does not include optimization routines to calculate best fit parameters for the stochastic processes.
Kamodo provides access to, interpolation of, and visualization of space weather models and data. The code allows model developers to represent simulation results as mathematical functions which may be manipulated directly. As the software does not generate model outputs, users must acquire the desired model outputs before these outputs can be functionalized by the software. Kamodo handles unit conversion transparently and supports interactive science discovery through Jupyter notebooks with minimal coding.
KAPPA comprising about 180 general-purpose commands for image processing, data visualization, and manipulation of the standard Starlink data format--the NDF. It works with Starlink's various specialized packages; in addition to the NDF, KAPPA can also process data in other formats by using the "on-the-fly" conversion scheme. Many commands can process data arrays of arbitrary dimension, and others work on both spectra and images. KAPPA operates from both the UNIX C-shell and the ICL command language. KAPPA uses the Starlink environment (ascl:1110.012).
Based on the freely available CHIANTI (ascl:9911.004) database and software, KAPPA synthesizes line and continuum spectra from the optically thin spectra that arise from collisionally dominated astrophysical plasmas that are the result of non-Maxwellian κ-distributions detected in the solar transition region and flares. Ionization and recombination rates together with the ionization equilibria are provided for a range of κ values. Distribution-averaged collision strengths for excitation are obtained by an approximate method for all transitions in all ions available within CHIANTI; KAPPA also offers tools for calculating synthetic line and continuum intensities.
The Kapteyn Package provides tools for the development of astronomical applications with Python. It handles spatial and spectral coordinates, WCS projections and transformations between different sky systems; spectral translations (e.g., between frequencies and velocities) and mixed coordinates are also supported. Kapteyn offers versatile tools for writing small and dedicated applications for the inspection of FITS headers, the extraction and display of (FITS) data, interactive inspection of this data (color editing) and for the creation of plots with world coordinate information. It includes utilities for use with matplotlib such as obtaining coordinate information from plots, interactively modifiable colormaps and timer events (module mplutil); tools for parsing and interpreting coordinate information entered by the user (module positions); a function to search for gaussian components in a profile (module profiles); and a class for non-linear least squares fitting (module kmpfit).
Karma is a toolkit for interprocess communications, authentication, encryption, graphics display, user interface and manipulating the Karma network data structure. It contains KarmaLib (the structured libraries and API) and a large number of modules (applications) to perform many standard tasks. A suite of visualisation tools are distributed with the library.
KaRMMa (Kappa Reconstruction for Mass MApping) performs curved-sky mass map reconstruction using a lognormal prior from weak-lensing surveys. It uses a fully Bayesian approach with a physically motivated lognormal prior to sample from the posterior distribution of convergence maps. The posterior distribution of KaRMMa maps are nearly unbiased in one-point and two-point functions and peak/void counts. KaRMMa successfully captures the non-Gaussian nature of the distribution of κ values in the simulated maps, and KaRMMa posteriors correctly characterize the uncertainty in summary statistics.
katdal interacts with the chunk stores and HDF5 files produced by the MeerKAT radio telescope and its predecessors (KAT-7 and Fringe Finder), which are collectively known as MeerKAT Visibility Format (MVF) data sets. The library uses memory carefully, allowing data sets to be inspected and partially loaded into memory. Data sets may be concatenated and split via a flexible selection mechanism. In addition, katdal provides a script to convert these data sets to CASA MeasurementSets.
Katu evolves the interaction of particles (photons, protons, neutrons, leptons, pions and neutrinos) in plasma. The package comes with wrappers for emcee (ascl:1303.002) and pymultinest (ascl:1606.005) for Bayesian analysis, making the software applicable to blazars and able to extract relevant statistical information from their electromagnetic (and neutrino, if applicable) flux. The code is optimized for fast performance, and can be easily modified and extended.
KAULAKYS calculates cross sections and rate coefficients for inelastic collisions between Rydberg atoms and hydrogen atoms according to the free electron model of Kaulakys (1986, 1991). It is written in IDL and requires the code MSWAVEF (ascl:1701.006) to calculate momentum-space wavefunctions. KAULAKYS can be easily adapted to collisions with perturbers other than hydrogen atoms by providing the appropriate scattering amplitudes.
The analytic propagator Kepler-Collisions calculates collisions for Keplerian systems. The algorithm maintains a list of collision possibilities and jumps from one collision to the next; since collisions are rare in astronomical scales, jumping from collision to collision and calculating each one is more efficient than calculating all the time steps that are between collisions.
kcorrect fits very restricted spectral energy distribution models to galaxy photometry or spectra in the restframe UV, optical and near-infrared. The main purpose of the fits are for calculating K-corrections. The templates used for the fits may also be interpreted physically, since they are based on the Bruzual-Charlot stellar evolution synthesis codes. Thus, for each fit galaxy kcorrect can provide an estimate of the stellar mass-to-light ratio.
KCWI_DRP, written in Python and based on kderp (ascl:2301.018), is the official DRP for the Keck Cosmic Web Imager at the W. M. Keck Observatory. It provides all of the functionality of the older pipeline and has three execution modes: multi-threading for CPU intensive tasks such as wavelength calibration, and multi-processing for large datasets. It offers vacuum to air and heliocentric or barycentric correction and the ability to use KOA file names or original file names. KCWI_DRP also improves the provenance and traceability of DRP versions and execution steps in the headers over kderp, and has versatile sky subtraction modes including using external sky frames and ability of masking regions.
KCWIKit extends the official KCWI DRP (ascl:2301.019) with a variety of stacking tools and DRP improvements. The software offers masking and median filtering scripts to be used while running the KCWI DRP, and a step-by-step KCWI_DRP implementation for finer control over the reduction process. Once the DRP has finished, KCWIKit can be used to stack the output cubes via the Montage package. Various functions cross-correlate and mosaic the constituent cubes and the final stacked cubes are WCS corrected. Helper functions can then be used to deproject the stacked cube into lower-dimensional representations should the user desire.
Kd-match matches stellar catalogs for which the transformation between the coordinate systems of the two catalogs is unknown and might include shearing. The code uses the ratio of sides as the invariant under a coordinate transformation and searches for several triangles with similar transformations by building quadrilaterals from sets of four objects in each catalog and calculating the ratio of areas of the triangles that comprise the quadrilaterals. The k-d tree accelerates this quadrilateral search dramatically and is significantly faster than the customary direct search over triangles.
kderp (KCWI Data Extraction and Reduction Pipeline) reduces data for the Keck Cosmic Web Imager. Written in IDL, it performs basic CCD reduction on raw images to produce bias and overscan subtracted, gain-corrected, trimmed and cosmic ray removed images; it can also subtract the sky. It defines the geometric transformations required to map each pixel in the 2d image into slice, postion, and wavelength, and performs flat field and illumination corrections. It generates cubes, applying the transformations previously solved to the object intensity, variance and mask images output from any of the previous stages, and uses a standard star observation to generate an inverse sensitivity curve which is applied to the corresponding observations to flux calibrate them.
This pipeline has been superseded by KCWI_DRP (ascl:2301.019).
The Kinematic Distance utilities (KDUtils) calculate kinematic distances and kinematic distance uncertainties. The package includes methods to calculate "traditional" kinematic distances as well as a Monte Carlo method to calculate kinematic distances and uncertainties.
KEPLER is a general purpose stellar evolution/explosion code that incorporates implicit hydrodynamics and a detailed treatment of nuclear burning processes. It has been used to study the complete evolution of massive and supermassive stars, all major classes of supernovae, hydrostatic and explosive nucleosynthesis, and x- and gamma-ray bursts on neutron stars and white dwarfs.
Kepler's Goat Herd solves Kepler's equation using contour integration to solve the "geometric goat problem". The C++ code implements a variety of solution: 1.) Newton-Raphson: The quadratic Newton-Raphson root finder; 2.) Danby: The quartic root; 3.) Series: An elliptical series method; and 4.) Contour: A new method based on contour integration. Given an array of mean anomalies, an eccentricity and a desired precision, the code estimates the eccentric anomaly using each method. The accuracy of each approach is increased until the desired precision is reached, and timing is performed using the C++ chrono package.
KeplerFit fits a Keplerian velocity distribution model to position-velocity (PV) data to obtain an estimate of the enclosed mass. The code extracts the scales of the pixels in both directions, spatial and spectral, then extracts the most extreme velocity at each position; this returns two arrays of positions and velocities. KeplerFit then models the extracted PV data and returns a set of the best-fit parameters, the standard deviations in each of the parameters, and the total residual of the fit.
KeplerPORTS calculates the detection efficiency of the DR25 Kepler Pipeline. It uses a detection contour model to quantify the recoverability of transiting planet signals due to the Kepler pipeline, and accurately portrays the ability of the Kepler pipeline to generate a Threshold Crossing Event (TCE) for a given hypothetical planet.
KeplerSolver solves Kepler's equation for arbitrary epoch and eccentricity, using continued fractions. It is written in C and its speed is nearly the same as the SWIFT routines, while achieving machine precision. It comes with a test program to demonstrate usage.
Keras is a high-level neural networks API written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. It focuses on enabling fast experimentation.
KERN contains most of the standard tools needed to work with radio telescope data. The suite saves time and reduces frustration in setting up of scientific pipelines, and also improves scientific reproducibility. It includes a wide variety of packages, including 21cmfast (ascl:1102.023), BRATS (ascl:1806.025), CARTA (ascl:2103.031), casacore (ascl:1912.002), CubiCal (ascl:1805.031), DDFacet (ascl:2305.008), PyBDSF (ascl:1502.007),TiRiFiC (ascl:1208.008), WSClean (ascl:1408.023), and many others. KERN can be run on a supported platform such as Ubuntu, with Docker and Singularity, or in a virtual machine.
KERTAP computes the strong lensing effects of Kerr black holes, including the effects on polarization. The key ingredients of KERTAP are a graphic user interface, a backward ray-tracing algorithm, a polarization propagator dealing with gravitational Faraday rotation, and algorithms computing observables such as flux magnification and polarization angles.
The kete tools are intended to enable the simulation of all-sky surveys of solar system objects. This includes multi-body physics orbital dynamics, thermal and optical modeling of the objects, as well as field of view and light delay corrections. These tools in conjunction with the Minor Planet Centers (MPC) database of known asteroids can be used to not only plan surveys but can also be used to predict what objects are visible for existing or past surveys.
The primary goal for kete is to enable a set of tools that can operate on the entire MPC catalog at once, without having to do queries on specific objects. It has been used to simulate over 10 years of survey time for the NEO Surveyor mission using 10 million main-belt and near-Earth asteroids.
ketu, written in Python, searches K2 light curves for evidence of exoplanets; the code simultaneously fits for systematic effects caused by small (few-pixel) drifts in the telescope pointing and other spacecraft issues and the transit signals of interest. Though more computationally expensive than standard search algorithms, it can be efficiently implemented and used to discover transit signals.
Kiauhoku interacts with, manipulates, and interpolates between stellar evolutionary tracks in a model grid. It was built for interacting with YREC models, but other stellar evolution model grids, including MIST, Dartmouth, and GARSTEC, are also available.
killMS implements two very efficient algorithms for solving the Direction-Dependent calibration problem (also known as third generation calibration). This problem naturally arises in the Radio Interferometry Measurement Equation (RIME), but only became overwhelmingly problematic with the construction of the SKA precursors and pathfinders. Solving for the DDE calibration problem basically consists in inverting a number of non-linear equations, while the system is very large and often subject to ill conditioning. The two algorithms killMS uses are based on complex optimization techniques and exploit algorithmic shortcuts; killMS also runs an extended Kalman filter.
kilopop produces binary neutron star kilonovae in the grey-body approximation. It can also create populations of these objects useful for forecasting detection and testing observing scenarios. Additionally, it uses an emulator for the grey-opacity of the material calibrated against a suite of numerical radiation transport simulations with the code SuperNu (ascl:2103.019).
kima fits Keplerian curves to a set of RV measurements, using the Diffusive Nested Sampling (ascl:1010.029) algorithm to sample the posterior distribution for the model parameters. Additionally, the code can calculate the fully marginalized likelihood of a model with a given number of Keplerians and also infer the number of Keplerian signals detected in a given dataset. kima implements dedicated models for different analyses of a given dataset. The models share a common organization, but each has its own parameters (and thus priors) and settings.
kinematic_scaleheight uses MCMC methods to kinematically estimate the vertical distribution of clouds in the Galactic plane, including the least squares analysis of Crovisier (1978), an updated least squares analysis using a modern Galactic rotation model, and a Bayesian model sampled via MCMC as described in Wenger et al. (2024).
KINEMETRY, written in IDL, analyzes 2D maps of the moments of the line-of-sight velocity distribution (LOSVD). It generalizes the surface photometry to all moments of the LOSVD. It performs harmonic expansion of 2D maps of observed moments (surface brightness, velocity, velocity dispersion, h3, h4, etc.) along the best fitting ellipses (either fixed or free to change along the radii) to robustly quantify maps of the LOSVD moments, describe trends in structures, and detect morphological and kinematic sub-components.
Kinesis fits the internal kinematics of a star cluster with astrometry and (incomplete) radial velocity data of its members. In the most general model, the stars can be a mixture of background (contamination) and the cluster, for which the (3,3) velocity dispersion matrix and velocity gradient (i.e., dv_x/dx and dv_y/dx) are included. There are also simpler versions of the most general model and utilities to generate mock clusters and mock observations.
The KinMS (KINematic Molecular Simulation) package simulates observations of arbitrary molecular/atomic cold gas distributions from interferometers and line observations from integral field units. This modeling tool is optimized for situations where one has analytic forms for e.g. the rotation curve and/or surface brightness profiles (and may want to fit the parameters of these parametric models). It can, however, also be used as a tilted-ring modelling code. The routines are flexible and have been used in various different applications, including investigating the kinematics of molecular gas in early-type galaxies and determining supermassive black-hole masses from CO interferometric observations. They are also useful for creating mock observations from hydrodynamic simulations, and input data-cubes for further simulation in, for example, CASA's (ascl:1107.013) sim_observe tool. Interactive Data Language (IDL) and Python versions of the code are available.
The use of graphics processing units offers an attractive alternative to specialized hardware, like GRAPE. The Kirin library mimics the behavior of the GRAPE hardware and uses the GPU to execute the force calculations. It is compatible with the GRAPE6 library; existing code that uses the GRAPE6 library can be recompiled and relinked to use the GPU equivalents of the GRAPE6 functions. All functions in the GRAPE6 library have an equivalent GPU implementation. Kirin can be used for direct N-body simulations as well as for treecodes; it can be run with shared-time steps or with block time-steps and allows non-softened potentials. As Kirin makes use of CUDA, it works only on NVIDIA GPUs.
We present Kliko, a Docker based container specification for running one or multiple related compute jobs. The key concepts of Kliko is the encapsulation of data processing software into a container and the formalisation of the input, output and task parameters. Formalisation is realised by bundling a container with a Kliko file, which describes the IO and task parameters. This Kliko container can then be opened and run by a Kliko runner. The Kliko runner will parse the Kliko definition and gather the values for these parameters, for example by requesting user input or pre defined values in a script. Parameters can be various primitive types, for example float, int or the path to a file. This paper will also discuss the implementation of a support library named Kliko which can be used to create Kliko containers, parse Kliko definitions, chain Kliko containers in workflows using, for example, Luigi a workflow manager. The Kliko library can be used inside the container interact with the Kliko runner. Finally this paper will discuss two reference implementations based on Kliko: RODRIGUES, a web based Kliko container schedular and output visualiser specifically for astronomical data, and VerMeerKAT, a multi container workflow data reduction pipeline which is being used as a prototype pipeline for the commisioning of the MeerKAT radio telescope.
KLLR (Kernel Localized Linear Regression) generates estimates of conditional statistics in terms of the local slope, normalization, and covariance. This method provides a more nuanced description of population statistics appropriate for very large samples with non-linear trends. The code uses a bootstrap re-sampling technique to estimate the uncertainties and also provides tools to seamlessly generate visualizations of the model parameters.
KMDWARFPARAM estimates the physical parameters of a star with mass M < 0.8 M_sun given one or more observational constraints. The code runs a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo procedure to estimate the parameter values and their uncertainties.
KOBE (Kepler Observes Bern Exoplanets) adds the geometrical limitations and the physical detection biases of the transit method to a given population of theoretical planets. In addition, it also adds the completeness and reliability of a transit survey.
kombine is an ensemble sampler built for efficiently exploring multimodal distributions. By using estimates of ensemble’s instantaneous distribution as a proposal, it achieves very fast burnin, followed by sampling with very short autocorrelation times.
Korg computes stellar spectra from 1D model atmospheres and linelists assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium and implements both plane-parallel and spherical radiative transfer. The code is generally faster than other codes, and is compatible with automatic differentiation libraries and easily extensible, making it ideal for statistical inference and parameter estimation applied to large data sets.
The kozai Python package evolves hierarchical triple systems in the secular approximation. As its name implies, the kozai package is useful for studying Kozai-Lidov oscillations. The kozai package can represent and evolve hierarchical triples using either the Delaunay orbital elements or the angular momentum and eccentricity vectors. kozai contains functions to calculate the period of Kozai-Lidov oscillations and the maximum eccentricity reached; it also contains a module to study octupole order effects by averaging over individual Kozai-Lidov oscillations.
kplr provides a lightweight Pythonic interface to the catalog of planet candidates (Kepler Objects of Interest [KOIs]) in the NASA Exoplanet Archive and the data stored in the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). kplr automatically supports loading Kepler data using pyfits (ascl:1207.009) and supports two types of data: light curves and target pixel files.
Kranc turns a tensorial description of a time dependent partial differential equation into a module for the Cactus Computational Toolkit (ascl:1102.013). This Mathematica application takes a simple continuum description of a problem and generates highly efficient and portable code, and can be used both for rapid prototyping of evolution systems and for high performance supercomputing.
KROME, given a chemical network (in CSV format), automatically generates all the routines needed to solve the kinetics of the system modeled as a system of coupled Ordinary Differential Equations. It provides a large set of physical processes connected to chemistry, including photochemistry, cooling, heating, dust treatment, and reverse kinetics. KROME is flexible and can be used for a wide range of astrophysical simulations. The package contains a network for primordial chemistry, a small metal network appropriate for the modeling of low metallicities environments, a detailed network for the modeling of molecular clouds, and a network for planetary atmospheres as well as a framework for the modelling of the dust grain population.
KS Intergration solves for mutual photometric effects produced by planets and spots allowing for analysis of planetary occultations of spots and spots regions. It proceeds by identifying integrable and non integrable arcs on the objects profiles and analytically calculates the solution exploiting the power of Kelvin-Stokes theorem. It provides the solution up to the second degree of the limb darkening law.
KSTAT calculates the 2 and 3-point correlation functions in discreet point data. These include the two-point correlation function in 2 and 3-dimensions, the anisotripic 2PCF decomposed in either sigma-pi or Kazin's dist. mu projection. The 3-point correlation function can also work in anisotropic coordinates. The code is based on kd-tree structures and is parallelized using a mixture of MPI and OpenMP.
The routines in ktransit create and fit a transiting planet model. The underlying model is a Fortran implementation of the Mandel & Agol (2002) limb darkened transit model. The code calculates a full orbital model and eccentricity can be allowed to vary; radial velocity data can also be calculated via the model and included in the fit.
kungifu is a set of IDL software routines designed for the calibration and reduction of fiber-fed integral-field unit (IFU) astronomical spectroscopy. These routines can perform optimal extraction of IFU data and allow relative and absolute wavelength calibration to within a few hundredths of a pixel (for unbinned data) across 1200-2000 fibers. kungifu does nearly Poisson-limited sky subtraction, even in the I band, and can rebin in wavelength. The Princeton IDLUTILS and IDLSPEC2D packages must be installed for kungifu to run.
The KvW code applies the Kwee Van Woerden (KvW) method for eclipse or transit minimum timing, with an improved error calculation that avoids underestimated errors in minimum times that may appear in the original method. This is particularly the case for low-noise eclipse or transit lightcurves from space or from modern ground instrumentation. The code requires an input light curve of near-equidistant points that contains only the eclipse, without any off-eclipse points, and is available in python and IDL. Both implementaitons return an eclipse minimum time with its error and provide optional text output and plots, as well as several levels of debug information.
L-PICOLA generates and evolves a set of initial conditions into a dark matter field and can include primordial non-Gaussianity in the simulation and simulate the past lightcone at run-time, with optional replication of the simulation volume. It is a fast, distributed-memory, planar-parallel code. L-PICOLA is extremely useful for both current and next generation large-scale structure surveys.
Conventional algorithms for rejecting cosmic rays in single CCD exposures rely on the contrast between cosmic rays and their surroundings and may produce erroneous results if the point-spread function is smaller than the largest cosmic rays. This code uses a robust algorithm for cosmic-ray rejection, based on a variation of Laplacian edge detection. The algorithm identifies cosmic rays of arbitrary shapes and sizes by the sharpness of their edges and reliably discriminates between poorly sampled point sources and cosmic rays. Examples of its performance are given for spectroscopic and imaging data, including Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 images, in the code paper.
The l1 periodogram searches for periodicities in unevenly sampled time series. It can be used similarly as a Lomb-Scargle periodogram, and retrieves a figure which has a similar aspect but has fewer peaks due to aliasing. It is primarily designed for the search of exoplanets in radial velocity data, but can be also used for other purposes. The principle of the algorithm is to search for a representation of the input signal as a sum of a small number of sinusoidal components, that is a representation which is sparse in the frequency domain. Here, "small number" means small compared to the number of observations.
LACEwING (LocAting Constituent mEmbers In Nearby Groups) uses the kinematics (positions and motions) of stars to determine if they are members of one of 10 nearby young moving groups or 4 nearby open clusters within 100 parsecs. It is written for Python 2.7 and depends upon Numpy, Scipy, and Astropy (ascl:1304.002) modules. LACEwING can be used as a stand-alone code or as a module in other code. Additional python programs are present in the repository for the purpose of recalibrating the code and producing other analyses, including a traceback analysis.
LADDER (Learning Algorithm for Deep Distance Estimation and Reconstruction) reconstructs the “cosmic distance ladder” by analyzing sequential cosmological data; it can also be applied to other sequential datasets with associated covariance information. It uses the apparent magnitude data from the Pantheon Type Ia supernovae compilation, fully incorporating covariance information to accurately predict mean values and uncertainties. It offers model-independent consistency checks for datasets such as Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and can calibrate high-redshift datasets such as Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) without assuming any underlying cosmological model. Additionally, LADDER serves as a model-independent mock catalog generator for forecast-based cosmological studies.
The NASA Langley Fu-Liou radiative transfer code (also known as Ed4 LaRC Fu-Liou) computes broadband solar shortwave and thermal long wave profiles of down-welling and up-welling flux accounting for gas absorption by H2O, CO2, O3, O2, CH4, N2O and CFCs and absorption and scattering by clouds and aerosols. Longwave has options of a four-stream or 2/4 stream solver, while shortwave has options for two-stream, four-stream or Gamma weighted two-stream (GWTSA) which treats the inhomogeniety of cloud optical depth. A delta-Eddington approximation is used to treat the forward scattering peak. Water cloud properties are based on Mie calculations and ice cloud properties or the ice particle aspect ratio. Aerosol properties are given for 25 types.
LALSuite contains numerous gravitational wave analysis libraries. Written primarily in C, the libraries include math and signal analysis packages such as for vector manipulation, FFT, statistics, time-domain filtering, and numerical and signal injection routines. The libraries also include date and time and datatype factory routines, in addition to general and support tools and a variety of Python packages. Also included are packages for gravitational waveform and noise generation, burst gravitational wave data analysis, inspiral and ringdown CBC gravitational wave data analysis, pulsar and continuous wave gravitational wave data analysis, and Bayesian inference data analysis. Various wrappers and other tools are also included.
LAMBDAR measures galaxy fluxes from an arbitrary FITS image, covering an arbitrary photometric wave-band, when provided all parameters needed to construct galactic apertures at the required locations for multi-band matched aperture galactic photometry. Through sophisticated matched aperture photometry, the package develops robust Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) and accurately establishes the physical properties of galactic objects. LAMBDAR was based on a package detailed in Bourne et al. (2012) that determined galactic fluxes in low resolution Herschel images.
LAMDA provides users of radiative transfer codes with the basic atomic and molecular data needed for the excitation calculation. Line data of a number of astrophysically interesting species are summarized, including energy levels, statistical weights, Einstein A-coefficients and collisional rate coefficients. Available collisional data from quantum chemical calculations and experiments are in some cases extrapolated to higher energies. Currently the database contains atomic data for 3 species and molecular data for 28 different species. In addition, several isotopomers and deuterated versions are available. This database should form an important tool in analyzing observations from current and future infrared and (sub)millimetre telescopes. Databases such as these rely heavily on the efforts by the chemical physics community to provide the relevant atomic and molecular data. Further efforts in this direction are strongly encouraged so that the current extrapolations of collisional rate coefficients can be replaced by actual calculations in future releases.
RADEX (ascl:1010.075), a computer program for performing statistical equilibrium calculations, is made publicly available as part of the data base.
LANL* calculates the magnetic drift invariant L*, used for modeling radiation belt dynamics and other space weather applications, six orders of magnitude (~ one million times) faster than convectional approaches that require global numerical field lines tracing and integration. It is based on a modern machine learning technique (feed-forward artificial neural network) by supervising a large data pool obtained from the IRBEM library, which is the traditional source for numerically calculating the L* values. The pool consists of about 100,000 samples randomly distributed within the magnetosphere (r: [1.03, 11.5] Re) and within a whole solar cycle from 1/1/1994 to 1/1/2005. There are seven LANL* models, each corresponding to its underlying magnetic field configuration that is used to create the data sample pool. This model has applications to real-time radiation belt forecasting, analysis of data sets involving tens of satellite-years of observations, and other problems in space weather.
LAPACK provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems. The associated matrix factorizations (LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD, Schur, generalized Schur) are also provided, as are related computations such as reordering of the Schur factorizations and estimating condition numbers. Dense and banded matrices are handled, but not general sparse matrices. In all areas, similar functionality is provided for real and complex matrices, in both single and double precision. The list of LAPACK Contributors is available online.
Larch is an open-source library and toolkit written in Python for processing and analyzing X-ray spectroscopic data. The primary emphasis is on X-ray spectroscopic and scattering data collected at modern synchrotron sources. Larch provides a wide selection of general-purpose processing, analysis, and visualization tools for processing X-ray data; its related target application areas include X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), micro-X-ray fluorescence (XRF) maps, quantitative X-ray fluorescence, X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES), and X-ray standing waves and surface scattering. Larch provides a complete set of XAFS Analysis tools and has support for visualizing and analyzing XRF maps and spectra, and additional tools for X-ray spectral analysis, data handling, and general-purpose data modeling.
Lare3d is a Lagrangian-remap code for solving the non-linear MHD equations in three spatial dimensions.
LASR removes stellar variability in the light curves of δ-Scuti and similar stars. It subtracts oscillations from a time series by minimizing their statistical significance in frequency space.
LaSSI produces forecasts for the LSST 3x2 point functions analysis, or the LSSTxCMB S4 and LSSTxSO 6x2 point functions analyses using a Fisher matrix. It computes the auto and cross correlations of galaxy number density, galaxy shear and CMB lensing convergence. The software includes the effect of Gaussian and outlier photo-z errors, shear multiplicative bias, linear galaxy bias, and extensions to ΛCDM.
lasso_spectra fits Lasso regression models to data, specifically galaxy spectra. It contains two classes for performing the actual model fitting. GeneralizedLasso is a tensorflow implementation of Lasso regression, which includes the ability to use link functions. SKLasso is a wrapper around the scikit-learn Lasso implementation intended to give the same syntax as GeneralizedLasso. It is much faster and more reliable, but does not support generalized linear models.
LATTE identifies, vets and characterizes signals in TESS lightcurves to weed out instrumental and astrophysical false positives. The program performs a fast in-depth analysis of targets that have already been identified as promising candidates by the main TESS pipelines or via alternative methods such as citizen science. The code automatically downloads the data products for any chosen TIC ID (short or long cadence TESS data) and produces a number of diagnostic plots that are compiled in a concise report.
LATTICEEASY creates lattice simulations of the evolution of interacting scalar fields in an expanding universe. The program can do runs with different parameters and new models can be easily introduced for evaluation. Simulations can be done in one, two, or three dimensions by resetting a single variable. Mathematica notebooks for plotting the output and a range of models are also available for download; a parallel processing version of LATTICEEASY called CLUSTEREASY (ascl:1911.016) is also available.
The Lattimer-Swesty Equation of State code is rapid enough to use directly in hydrodynamical simulations such as stellar collapse calculations. It contains an adjustable nuclear force that accurately models both potential and mean-field interactions and allows for the input of various nuclear parameters, including the bulk incompressibility parameter, the bulk and surface symmetry energies, the symmetric matter surface tension, and the nucleon effective masses. This permits parametric studies of the equation of state in astrophysical situations. The equation of state is modeled after the Lattimer, Lamb, Pethick, and Ravenhall (LLPR) compressible liquid drop model for nuclei, and includes the effects of interactions and degeneracy of the nucleon outside nuclei.
LavAtmos performs gas-melt equilibrium calculations for a given temperature and melt composition. The thermodynamics of the melt are modeled by the MELTS code as presented in the Thermoengine package (ascl:2208.006). In combination with atmospheric chemistry codes, LavAtmos enables the characterization of interior compositions through atmospheric signatures.
LBL derives velocity measurements from high-resolution (R>50 000) datasets by accounting for outliers in the spectra data. It is tailored for fiber-fed multi-order spectrographs, both in optical and near-infrared (up to 2.5µm) domains. The domain is split into individual units (lines) and the velocity and its associated uncertainty are measured within each line and combined through a mixture model to allow for the presence of spurious values. In addition to the velocity, other quantities are also derived, the most important being a value (dW) that can be understood (for a Gaussian line) as a change in the line FWHM. These values provide useful stellar activity indicators. LBL works on data from a variety of instruments, including SPIRou, NIRPS, HARPS, and ESPRESSO. The code's output is an rdb table that can be uploaded to the online DACE pRV analysis tool.
LBLRTM (Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model) is an accurate line-by-line model that is efficient and highly flexible. LBLRTM attributes provide spectral radiance calculations with accuracies consistent with the measurements against which they are validated and with computational times that greatly facilitate the application of the line-by-line approach to current radiative transfer applications. LBLRTM has been extensively validated against atmospheric radiance spectra from the ultra-violet to the sub-millimeter.
LBLRTM's heritage is in FASCODE [Clough et al., 1981, 1992].
Light Curves Classifier uses data mining and machine learning to obtain and classify desired objects. This task can be accomplished by attributes of light curves or any time series, including shapes, histograms, or variograms, or by other available information about the inspected objects, such as color indices, temperatures, and abundances. After specifying features which describe the objects to be searched, the software trains on a given training sample, and can then be used for unsupervised clustering for visualizing the natural separation of the sample. The package can be also used for automatic tuning parameters of used methods (for example, number of hidden neurons or binning ratio).
Trained classifiers can be used for filtering outputs from astronomical databases or data stored locally. The Light Curve Classifier can also be used for simple downloading of light curves and all available information of queried stars. It natively can connect to OgleII, OgleIII, ASAS, CoRoT, Kepler, Catalina and MACHO, and new connectors or descriptors can be implemented. In addition to direct usage of the package and command line UI, the program can be used through a web interface. Users can create jobs for ”training” methods on given objects, querying databases and filtering outputs by trained filters. Preimplemented descriptors, classifier and connectors can be picked by simple clicks and their parameters can be tuned by giving ranges of these values. All combinations are then calculated and the best one is used for creating the filter. Natural separation of the data can be visualized by unsupervised clustering.
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