Results 2501-2550 of 3572 (3481 ASCL, 91 submitted)
RadioFisher is a Fisher forecasting code for cosmology with intensity maps of the redshifted 21cm emission line of neutral hydrogen. It uses CAMB (ascl:1102.026) to produce a high-resolution P(k) for the fiducial cosmology when the code is first run and caches the results, making subsequent runs faster and more efficient. It includes specifications for a large number of experiments, as well as survey parameters and the fiducial cosmological parameters, and can run a forecast for a galaxy redshift survey rather than an IM survey. RadioFisher also contains a number of options for plotting results.
PyBird evaluates the multipoles of the power spectrum of biased tracers in redshift space. In general, PyBird can evaluate the power spectrum of matter or biased tracers in real or redshift space. The code uses FFTLog (ascl:1512.017) to evaluate the one-loop power spectrum and the IR resummation. PyBird is designed for a fast evaluation of the power spectra, and can be easily inserted in a data analysis pipeline. It is a standalone tool whose input is the linear matter power spectrum which can be obtained from any Boltzmann code, such as CAMB (ascl:1102.026) or CLASS (ascl:1106.020). The Pybird output can be used in a likelihood code which can be part of the routine of a standard MCMC sampler. The design is modular and concise, such that parts of the code can be easily adapted to other case uses (e.g., power spectrum at two loops or bispectrum). PyBird can evaluate the power spectrum either given one set of EFT parameters, or independently of the EFT parameters. If the former option is faster, the latter is useful for subsampling or partial marginalization over the EFT parameters, or to Taylor expand around a fiducial cosmology for efficient parameter exploration.
GAMMA models relativistic hydrodynamics and non-thermal emission on a moving mesh. It uses an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach only in the dominant direction of fluid motion to avoid mesh entanglement and associated computational costs. Shock detection, particle injection and local calculation of their evolution including radiative cooling are done at runtime. The package is modular; though it was designed with GRB physics applications in mind, new solvers and geometries can be implemented easily, making GAMMA suitable for a wide range of applications.
SpaceHub uses unique algorithms for fast precise and accurate computations for few-body problems ranging from interacting black holes to planetary dynamics. This few-body gravity integration toolkit can treat black hole dynamics with extreme mass ratios, extreme eccentricities and very close encounters. SpaceHub offers a regularized Radau integrator with round off error control down to 64 bits floating point machine precision and can handle extremely eccentric orbits and close approaches in long-term integrations.
The Skye framework develops and prototypes new EOS physics; it is not tied to a specific set of physics choices and can be extended for new effects by writing new terms in the free energy. It takes into account the effects of positrons, relativity, electron degeneracy, and non-linear mixing effects and more, and determines the point of Coulomb crystallization in a self-consistent manner. It is available in the MESA (ascl:1010.083) EOS module and as a standalone package.
linemake generates formatted and curated atomic and molecular line lists suitable for spectral synthesis work. It is lightweight and easy-to-use. The code requires that the requested beginning and ending wavelengths not bridge the divide between two files of atomic line data; in such cases, run the code twice, once on either side of the divide, to generate the desired lists.
globalemu emulates the Global or sky averaged 21-cm signal and the associated neutral fraction history. The code can train a network on your own Global 21-cm signal or neutral fraction simulations using the built-in globalemu pre-processing techniques. It also features a GUI that can be invoked from the command line and used to explore how the structure of the Global 21-cm signal varies with the values of the astrophysical inputs.
TES models the evolution of exoplanet systems. This n-body integration package comes in two parts, the C++ TES source code, and the Python-based experiment manager for running experiments and plotting the results. The experiment manager, used as the interface to TES, handles temporary data storage and allows for experiment results to be saved and then loaded later on for plotting. The experiment manager can automatically use multiple threads to run independent experiments in parallel using the mpi4py package. The experiment manager is specifically designed to enable HPC to be performed as easily as possible.
Lofti_gaia fits orbital parameters for one wide stellar binary relative to the other, when both objects are resolved in Gaia DR2. It takes as input only the Gaia DR2 source id of the two components, and their masses. It retrieves the relevant parameters from the Gaia archive, computes observational constraints for them, and fits orbital parameters to those measurements. It assumes the two components are bound in an elliptical orbit.
Posidonius is a N-body code based on the tidal model used in Mercury-T (ascl:1511.020). It uses the REBOUND (ascl:1110.016) symplectic integrator WHFast to compute the evolution of positions and velocities, which is also combined with a midpoint integrator to calculate the spin evolution in a consistent way. As Mercury-T, Posidonius takes into account tidal forces, rotational-flattening effects and general relativity corrections. It also includes different evolution models for FGKML stars and gaseous planets. The N-Body code is written in Rust; a Python package is provided to easily define simulation cases in JSON format, which is readable by the Posidonius integrator.
Phase Dispersion Minimization (PDM) is a periodical signal detection method, and it is originally implemented by Stellingwerf with C ( With the help of Cython, Py-PDM is much faster than other Python implementations.
The Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit models gravitational radiation from small mass-ratio binaries as well as from the ringdown of black holes. The former are key sources for the future space-based gravitational wave detector LISA. BHPToolkit brings together core elements of multiple scattered black hole perturbation theory codes into a Toolkit that can be used by all; different tools can be installed individually by users depending on need and interest.
PDM2 (Phase Dispersion Minimization) ddetermines periodic components of data sets with erratic time intervals, poor coverage, non-sine-wave curve shape, and/or large noise components. Essentially a least-squares fitting technique, the fit is relative to the mean curve as defined by the means of each bin; the code simultaneously obtains the best least-squares light curve and the best period. PDM2 allows an arbitrary degree of smoothing and provides improved curve fits, suppressed subharmonics, and beta function statistics.
ATARRI is a graphical user interface for downloading TESS Full Frame Images (FFIs) and displaying properties of the lightcurves of selected objects. Preliminary analysis is performed assuming the object is an RR Lyrae variable. The raw lightcurve, a Lomb-Scargle analysis (both full and pre-whitened), and a folded lightcurve are presented to the user along with options to select the type of RR Lyrae and data quality flags for output.
TesseRACt computes concentrations of simulated dark matter halos from volume information for particles generated using Voronoi tesselation. This technique is advantageous as it is non-parametric, does not assume spherical symmetry, and allows for the presence of substructure. TesseRACt accepts data in a number of formats, including Gadget-2 (ascl:0003.001), Gasoline (ascl:1710.019), and ASCII, and computes concentrations using particles volumes, traditional fitting to an NFW profile, and non-parametric techniques that assume spherical symmetry.
COMPAS (Compact Object Mergers: Population Astrophysics & Statistics) draws properties for a binary star system from a set of initial distributions and evolves it from zero-age main sequence to the end of its life as two compact remnants. Evolution prescriptions and model parameters are easily adjustable in the software. COMPAS has been used for inference from observations of gravitational-wave mergers, Galactic neutron stars, X-ray binaries, and luminous red novae.
The Sequencer reveals the main sequence in a dataset if one exists. To do so, it reorders objects within a set to produce the most elongated manifold describing their similarities which are measured in a multi-scale manner and using a collection of metrics. To be generic, it combines information from four different metrics: the Euclidean Distance, the Kullback-Leibler Divergence, the Monge-Wasserstein or Earth Mover Distance, and the Energy Distance. It considers different scales of the data by dividing each object in the input data into separate parts (chunks), and estimating pair-wise similarities between the chunks. It then aggregates the information in each of the chunks into a single estimator for each metric+scale.
SpheCow explores the structure and dynamics of any spherical model for galaxies and dark matter haloes. The lightweight and flexible code automatically calculates the dynamical properties, assuming an isotropic or Osipkov-Merritt anisotropic orbital structure, of any model with either an analytical density profile or an analytical surface density profile as a starting point. SpheCow contains readily usable implementations for many standard models, including the Plummer, Hernquist, NFW, Einasto, Sérsic and Nuker models. The code is easily extendable, allowing new models to be added in a straightforward way. The code is publicly available as a set of C++ routines and as a Python module.
MCALF (Multi-Component Atmospheric Line Fitting) accurately constrains velocity information from spectral imaging observations using machine learning techniques. It is useful for solar physicists trying to extract line-of-sight (LOS) Doppler velocity information from spectral imaging observations (Stokes I measurements) of the Sun. A toolkit is provided that can be used to define a spectral model optimized for a particular dataset. MCALF is particularly suited for extracting velocity information from spectral imaging observations where the individual spectra can contain multiple spectral components. Such multiple components are typically present when active solar phenomenon occur within an isolated region of the solar disk. Spectra within such a region will often have a large emission component superimposed on top of the underlying absorption spectral profile from the quiescent solar atmosphere.
MeerCRAB (MeerLICHT Classification of Real and Bogus Transients using Deep Learning) filters out false detections of transients from true astrophysical sources in the transient detection pipeline of the MeerLICHT telescope. It uses a deep learning model based on Convolutional Neural Network.
ZOGY performs optimal image subtraction; the code is designed specifically for the MeerLICHT and BlackGEM pipelines, but should also be useful to apply to images of other telescopes. The module accepts a new and a reference FITS image, runs SExtractor (ascl:1010.064) on them, and finds their WCS solution using (ascl:1208.001). ZOGY then uses PSFex (ascl:1301.001) to infer the position-dependent PSFs of the images and SWarp (ascl:1010.068) to map the reference image to the new image and performs optimal image subtraction. This produces the subtracted image, the significance image, the corrected significance image, and the PSF photometry image and associated error image. The inferred PSFs are also used to extract optimal photometry of all sources detected by SExtractor.
BlackBOX performs standard CCD image reduction tasks on multiple images from the BlackGEM and MeerLICHT telescopes. It uses the satdet module of ASCtools (ascl:2011.024) and Astro-SCRAPPY (ascl:1907.032). BlackBOX simultaneously uses multi-processing and multi-threading and feeds the reduced images to ZOGY (ascl:2105.010) to ultimately perform optimal image subtraction and detect transient sources.
orvara (Orbits from Radial Velocity, Absolute, and/or Relative Astrometry) fits orbits of bright stars and their faint companions (exoplanets, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, and low-mass stars). It can use any combination of radial velocity, relative astrometry, and absolute astrometry data and offers a variety of plots from the orbital fit, such as the radial velocity orbit over an extended time baseline, position angle between two companions, and a density plot of the predicted position at a chosen epoch. orvara can also check convergence of fitted parameters in the HDU1 extension, save the results from the fitted and inferred parameters from the HDU1 extension, and plot the results of a three-body or multiple-body fit.
SISPO (Space Imaging Simulator for Proximity Operations) simulates trajectories, light parameters, and camera intrinsic parameters for small solar system body fly-by and terrestrial planet surface missions. The software provides realistic surface rendering and realistic dust- and gas-environment optical models for comets and active asteroids and also simulates common image aberrations such as simple geometric distortions and tangential astigmatism. SISPO uses Blender and its Cycles rendering engine, which provides physically based rendering capabilities and procedural micropolygon displacement texture generation.
encore (Efficient N-point Correlator Estimation) estimates the isotropic NPCF multipoles for an arbitrary survey geometry in O(N2) time, with optional GPU support. The code features support for the isotropic 2PCF, 3PCF, 4PCF, 5PCF and 6PCF, with the option to subtract the Gaussian 4PCF contributions at the estimator level. For the 4PCF, 5PCF and 6PCF algorithms, the runtime is dominated by sorting the spherical harmonics into bins, which has complexity O(N_galaxy x N_bins3 x N_ell5) [4PCF], O(N_galaxy x N_bins4 x N_ell8) [5PCF] or O(N_galaxy x N_bins5 x N_ell11) [6PCF]. The higher-point functions are slow to compute unless N_bins and N_ell are small.
PyTorchDIA is a Difference Image Analysis tool. It is built around the PyTorch machine learning framework and uses automatic differentiation and (optional) GPU support to perform fast optimizations of image models. The code offers quick results and is scalable and flexible.
CUDAHM accelerates Bayesian inference of Hierarchical Models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo by constructing a Metropolis-within-Gibbs MCMC sampler for a three-level hierarchical model, requiring the user to supply only a minimimal amount of CUDA code. CUDAHM assumes that a set of measurements are available for a sample of objects, and that these measurements are related to an unobserved set of characteristics for each object. For example, the measurements could be the spectral energy distributions of a sample of galaxies, and the unknown characteristics could be the physical quantities of the galaxies, such as mass, distance, or age. The measured spectral energy distributions depend on the unknown physical quantities, which enables one to derive their values from the measurements. The characteristics are also assumed to be independently and identically sampled from a parent population with unknown parameters (e.g., a Normal distribution with unknown mean and variance). CUDAHM enables one to simultaneously sample the values of the characteristics and the parameters of their parent population from their joint posterior probability distribution.
Pyrat Bay computes radiative-transfer spectra and fits exoplanet atmospheric properties, and is an efficient, user-friendly Python tool. The package offers transmission or emission spectra of exoplanet transit or eclipses respectively and forward-model or retrieval calculations. The radiative-transfer includes opacity sources from line-by-line molecular absorption, collision-induced absorption, Rayleigh scattering absorption, and more, including Gray aerosol opacities. Pyrat Bay's Bayesian (MCMC) posterior sampling of atmospheric parameters includes molecular abundances, temperature profile, pressure-radius, and Rayleigh and cloud properties.
ClaRAN (Classifying Radio sources Automatically with Neural networks) classifies radio source morphology based upon the Faster Region-based Convolutional Neutral Network (Faster R-CNN). It is capable of associating discrete and extended components of radio sources in an automated fashion. ClaRAN demonstrates the feasibility of applying deep learning methods for cross-matching complex radio sources of multiple components with infrared maps. The promising results from ClaRAN have implications for the further development of efficient cross-wavelength source identification, matching, and morphology classifications for future radio surveys.
RandomQuintessence integrates the Klein-Gordon and Friedmann equations for quintessence models with random initial conditions and functional forms for the potential. Quintessence models generically impose non-trivial structure on observables like the equation of state of dark energy. There are three main modules; sets initial conditions, loops over a bunch of randomly-initialised models, integrates the equations, and then analyses and saves the resulting solutions for each model. Models are defined in; each model corresponds to an object that defines the functional form of the potential, various model parameters, and functions to randomly draw those parameters. All of the equation-solving code and methods to analyze the solution are kept in under the base class DEModel(). Other files available analyze and plot the data in a variety of ways.
The PHANGS-ALMA pipeline process data from radio interferometer observations. It uses CASA (ascl:1107.013), AstroPy (ascl:1304.002), and other affiliated packages to process data from calibrated visibilities to science-ready spectral cubes and maps. The PHANGS-ALMA pipeline offers a flexible alternative to the scriptForImaging script distributed by ALMA. The pipeline runs in two separate software environments: CASA 5.6 or 5.7 (staging, imaging and post-processing) and Python 3.6 or later (derived products) with modern versions of several packages.
Kepler's Goat Herd solves Kepler's equation using contour integration to solve the "geometric goat problem". The C++ code implements a variety of solution: 1.) Newton-Raphson: The quadratic Newton-Raphson root finder; 2.) Danby: The quartic root; 3.) Series: An elliptical series method; and 4.) Contour: A new method based on contour integration. Given an array of mean anomalies, an eccentricity and a desired precision, the code estimates the eccentric anomaly using each method. The accuracy of each approach is increased until the desired precision is reached, and timing is performed using the C++ chrono package.
PFITS performs data reduction of spectra, including dark removal and flat fielding; this software was a standard 1983 Reticon reduction package available at the University of Texas. It was based on the plotting program PCOSY by Gary Ferland, and in 1985 was updated by Andrew McWilliam.
KOBE (Kepler Observes Bern Exoplanets) adds the geometrical limitations and the physical detection biases of the transit method to a given population of theoretical planets. In addition, it also adds the completeness and reliability of a transit survey.
dopmap constructs Doppler maps from the orbital variation of line profiles of (mass transferring) binaries. It uses an algorithm related to Richardson-Lucy iteration and includes an IDL-based set of routines for manipulating and plotting the input and output data.
PyDoppler is a python-based wrapper for the Spruit Doppler tomography software dopmap (ascl:2106.002). PyDoppler is designed to study time-resolved spectroscopic datasets of accreting compact binaries. This code can produce a trail spectra of a dataset and create Doppler tomography maps. It is intended to be a light-weight code for single emission line datasets.
crowdsource removes a rough sky (the median), find the brighter peaks and fits these sources, computes centroids, and then computes an improved PSF. With this model of the image, the code then iteratively subtracts it and recomputes the median to get a better sky estimate, finds fainter peaks, and calculates a better PSF. crowdsource performs at least four iterations, evaluates the results, and continues until certain thresholds are met. Once the iterative passes are complete, it makes one last pass. If no sources are detected and positions do not vary, it performs photometry for the existing list of stellar positions.
Marvin searches, accesses, and visualizes data from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey. Written in Python, it provides tools for easy efficient interaction with the MaNGA data via local files, files retrieved from the Science Archive Server, or data directly grabbed from the database. The tools come mainly in the form of convenience functions and classes for interacting with the data. Also available is a web app, Marvin-web, offers an easily accessible interface for searching the MaNGA data and visual exploration of individual MaNGA galaxies or of the entire sample, and a powerful query functionality that uses the API to query the MaNGA databases and return the search results to your python session. Marvin-API is the critical link that allows Marvin-tools and Marvin-web to interact with the databases, which enables users to harness the statistical power of the MaNGA data set.
Pyshellspec models binary systems with circumstellar matter (e.g. accretion disk, jet, shell), computes the interferometric observables |V2|, arg T3, |T3|, |dV|, and arg dV, and performs comparisons of light curves, spectro-interferometry, spectra, and SED with observations, and both global and local optimization of system parameters. The code solves the inverse problem of finding the stellar and orbital parameters of the stars and circumstellar medium. Pyshellspec is based on the long-characteristic LTE radiation transfer code Shellspec (ascl:1108.017).
CoMover determines the probability that two stars are co-moving and thus gravitationally bound. It uses the sky position, proper motion, parallax and optionally the heliocentric radial velocity of a host star (with their respective measurement errors), and compares it to the observables of a potential companion (with their respective measurement errors). The sky position and proper motion of the potential companion star are required, and its heliocentric radial velocity and parallax are facultative inputs to refine its co-moving probability.
If all kinematic observables of the host star are provided, a single spatial-kinematic model is built, consisting of a single 6-dimensional multivariate Gaussian in Galactic coordinates (XYZ) and space velocities (UVW). The observables of the potential companion are then compared to this model and a given field-stars model with Bayes' theorem by marginalizing over any missing kinematic observables of the companion star with analytical integral solutions. The field stars are modeled using a 10-component multivariate Gaussian, accurate for stars within a few hundred parsecs of the Sun. In the case where a heliocentric radial velocity is missing for the host star, the single host-star multivariate Gaussian model is replaced with a series of host star models and numerically marginalized over by taking the numerical sum of the host-star model probabilities.
simqso generates mock quasar spectra and photometry. Simulated quasar spectra are built from a series of components. Common quasar models are built-in, such as a broken power-law continuum model and Gaussian emission line templates; however, the code allows user-defined features to be included. Mock spectra are generated at arbitrary resolution and can be used to produce broadband photometry representative of a number of surveys.
baofit analyzes cosmological correlation functions to estimate parameters related to baryon acoustic oscillations and redshift-space distortions. It has primarily been used to analyze Lyman-alpha forest autocorrelations and cross correlations with the quasar number density in BOSS data. Fit models are fully three-dimensional and include flexible treatments of redshift-space distortions, anisotropic non-linear broadening, and broadband distortions.
The Maneage (Managing data lineage; ending pronounced like "lineage") framework produces fully reproducible computational research. It provides full control on building the necessary software environment from a low-level C compiler, the shell and LaTeX, all the way up to the high-level science software in languages such as Python without a third-party package manager. Once the software environment is built, adding analysis steps is as easy as defining "Make" rules to allow parallelized operations, and not repeating operations that do not need to be recreated. Make provides control over data provenance. A Maneage'd project also contains the narrative description of the project in LaTeX, which helps prepare the research for publication. All results from the analysis are passed into the report through LaTeX macros, allowing immediate dynamic updates to the PDF paper when any part of the analysis has changed. All information is stored in plain text and is version-controlled in Git. Maneage itself is actually a Git branch; new projects start by defining a new Git branch over it and customizing it for a new project. Through Git merging of branches, it is possible to import infrastructure updates to projects.
MakeCloud makes turbulent giant molecular cloud (GMC) initial conditions for GIZMO (ascl:1410.003). It generates turbulent velocity fields on the fly and stores that data in a user-specified path for efficiency. The code is flexible, allowing the user control through various parameters, including the radius of the cloud, number of gas particles, type of initial turbulent velocity (Gaussian or full), and magnetic energy as a fraction of the binding energy, among other options. With an additional file, it can also create glassy initial conditions.
StarcNet (STAR Cluster classification NETwork) classifies star clusters from galaxy images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST); it uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) trained to classify five-band galaxy images into four morphological classes. Written in PyTorch, StarcNet runs using mosaics (.fits files with the galaxy photometric information) and catalogs (.tab files with object coordinates), and includes the option to also download the galaxy mosaics from a single .tar.gz file per galaxy (as from the Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey).
The Kadath library implements spectral methods in the context of theoretical physics. It is fully parallel; a sequential version can be installed. The library is written in C++, and solves a wide variety of problems. Several coordinates systems are implemented and additional geometries can be easily encoded. Partial differential equations of various types are discretized by means of spectral methods. The resulting system is solved using a Newton-Raphson iteration, allowing KADATH to deal with strongly non-linear situations. An optimized version of Kadath is available that improves memory management (reducing the number of uses of new and delete), inlines several member functions, and provides better management of the accessors for the arrays.
Lemon solves the radiative transfer (RT) processes that contain scattering. These processes are described by differentio-integral equations with given initial or boundary conditions; Lemon solves these differentio-integral equations, which can be converted into the second kind integral equations of Fredholm. The code then obtains the Neumman solution (a series that consists of infinite terms of multiple integrals) from the Fredholm integral equation, and uses the Monte Carlo (MC) method to evaluate these integrals. Lemon is written in Fortran; IDL programs are included for plotting the results.
The ATES hydrodynamics code computes the temperature, density, velocity and ionization fraction profiles of highly irradiated planetary atmospheres, along with the current, steady-state mass loss rate. ATES solves the one-dimensional Euler, mass and energy conservation equations in
radial coordinates through a finite-volume scheme. The hydrodynamics module is paired with a photoionization equilibrium solver that includes cooling via bremsstrahlung, recombination and collisional excitation/ionization for the case of an atmosphere of primordial composition (i.e., pure atomic hydrogen-helium), while also accounting for advection of the different ion species.
QuasarNET is a deep convolutional neural network that performs classification and redshift estimation of astrophysical spectra with human-expert accuracy. It is trained on data of low signal-to-noise and medium resolution, typical of current and future astrophysical surveys, and could be easily applied to classify spectra from current and upcoming surveys such as eBOSS, DESI and 4MOST.
redvsblue measures a precise redshift given a broad redshift prior. For each emission line or the full spectrum, the software runs a coarse chi2 scan as a function of redshift, using the input PCA+broadband Legendre polynomials, and finds three local minima, and does a finer chi2 scan in each minima. It then defines the global PCA redshift (ZPCA) from the best minimum of the three; ZPCA is a redshift estimator biased toward the computation of the PCA. The redshift of the line (ZLINE) is defined from the maximum of the best-fit model of the line. ZLINE is a redshift estimator un-biased toward the velocity of the line, but can be biased with respect to the cosmological redshift. The output is a FITS file, with one HDU per redshift type.
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