Results 901-950 of 3643 (3551 ASCL, 92 submitted)
Echelle diagrams are used mainly in asteroseismology, where they function as a diagnostic tool for estimating Δν, the separation between modes of the same degree ℓ; the amplitude spectrum of a star is stacked in equal slices of Δν, the large separation. The echelle Python code creates and manipulates echelle diagrams. The code provides the ability to dynamically change Δν for rapid identification of the correct value. echelle features performance optimized dynamic echelle diagrams and multiple backends for supporting Jupyter or terminal usage.
Echelle++ simulates realistic raw spectra based on the Zemax model of any spectrograph, with a particular emphasis on cross-dispersed Echelle spectrographs. The code generates realistic spectra of astronomical and calibration sources, with accurate representation of optical aberrations, the shape of the point spread function, detector characteristics, and photon noise. It produces high-fidelity spectra fast, an important feature when testing data reduction pipelines with a large set of different input spectra, when making critical choices about order spacing in the design phase of the instrument, or while aligning the spectrograph during construction. Echelle++ also works with low resolution, low signal to noise, multi-object, IFU, or long slit spectra, for simulating a wide array of spectrographs.
ECHOMOP extracts spectra from 2-D data frames. These data can be single-order spectra or multi-order echelle spectra. A substantial degree of automation is provided, particularly in the traditionally manual functions for cosmic-ray detection and wavelength calibration; manual overrides are available. Features include robust and flexible order tracing, optimal extraction, support for variance arrays, and 2-D distortion fitting and extraction. ECHOMOP is distributed as part of the Starlink software collection (ascl:1110.012).
Eclaire is a GPU-accelerated image-reduction pipeline; it uses CuPy, a Python package for general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU), to perform image processing, including bias subtraction, dark subtraction, flat fielding, bad pixel masking, alignment, and co-adding. It has been used for real-time image reduction of MITSuME observational data, and can be used with data from other observatories.
Eclairs calculates matter power spectrum based on standard perturbation theory and regularized pertubation theory. The codes are written in C++ with a python wrapper which is designed to be easily combined with MCMC samplers.
ECLIPS3D (Eigenvectors, Circulation, and Linear Instabilities for Planetary Science in 3 Dimensions) calculates a posteriori energy equations for the study of linear processes in planetary atmospheres with an arbitrary steady state, and provides both increased robustness and physical meaning to the obtained eigenmodes. It was developed originally for planetary atmospheres and includes python scripts for data analysis. ECLIPS3D can be used to study the initial spin up of superrotation of GCM simulations of hot Jupiters in addition to being applied to other problems.
ECLIPSE (Efficient Cmb poLarization and Intensity Power Spectra Estimator) implements an optimized version of the Quadratic Maximum Likelihood (QML) method for the estimation of the power spectra of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from masked skies. Written in Fortran, ECLIPSE can be used in a personal computer but also benefits from the capabilities of a supercomputer to tackle large scale problems; it is designed to run parallel on many MPI tasks. ECLIPSE analyzes masked CMB maps in which the signal can be affected by the beam and pixel window functions. The masks of intensity and polarization can be different and the noise can be isotropic or anisotropic. The program can estimate auto and cross-correlation power spectrum, that can be binned or unbinned.
Written in ANSI C, eclipse is a library offering numerous services related to astronomical image processing: FITS data access, various image and cube loading methods, binary image handling and filtering (including convolution and morphological filters), 2-D cross-correlation, connected components, cube and image arithmetic, dead pixel detection and correction, object detection, data extraction, flat-fielding with robust fit, image generation, statistics, photometry, image-space resampling, image combination, and cube stacking. It also contains support for mathematical tools like random number generation, FFT, curve fitting, matrices, fast median computation, and point-pattern matching. The main feature of this library is its ability to handle large amounts of input data (up to 2GB in the current version) regardless of the amount of memory and swap available on the local machine. Another feature is the very high speed allowed by optimized C, making it an ideal base tool for programming efficient number-crunching applications, e.g., on parallel (Beowulf) systems.
ECLIPSR fully and automatically analyzes space based light curves to find eclipsing binaries and provide some first order measurements, such as the binary star period and eclipse depths. It provides a recipe to find individual eclipses using the time derivatives of the light curves, including eclipses in light curves of stars where the dominating variability is, for example, pulsations. Since the algorithm detects each eclipse individually, even light curves containing only one eclipse can (in principle) be successfully analyzed and classified. ECLIPSR can find eclipsing binaries among both pulsating and non-pulsating stars in a homogeneous and quick manner and process large amounts of light curves in reasonable amounts of time. The output includes, among other things, the individual eclipse markers, the period and time of first (primary) eclipse, and a score between 0 and 1 indicating the likelihood that the analyzed light curve is that of an eclipsing binary.
The Python suite eddy recovers precise rotation profiles of protoplanetary disks from Doppler shifted line emission, providing an easy way to fit first moment maps and the inference of a rotation velocity from an annulus of spectra.
EDI (Exoplanet Detection Identifier) Vetter identifies false positive transit signal in the K2 data set. It combines the functionalities of Terra (ascl:2202.008) and RoboVetter (ascl:2012.006) and is optimized to test single transiting planet signals. An easily implemented suite of vetting metrics built to run alongside TLS of EDI Vetter, EDI-Vetter Unplugged (ascl:2202.010), is also available.
The EDI (Exoplanet Detection Identifier) Vetter Unplugged software identifies false positive transit signals using Transit Least Squares (TLS) information and has been simplified from the full EDI-Vetter algorithm (ascl:2202.009) for easy implementation with the TLS output.
The Electronography Data Reduction System (EDRS) reduces and analyzes large format astronomical images and was written to be used from within ASPIC (ascl:1510.006). In its original form it specialized in the reduction of electronographic data but was built around a set of utility programs which were widely applicable to astronomical images from other sources. The programs align and calibrate images, handle lists of (X,Y) positions, apply linear geometrical transformations and do some stellar photometry. This package is now obsolete.
EDRSX extends the Electronography Data Reduction System (EDRS, ascl:1512.0030). It makes more versatile analysis of IRAS images than was otherwise available possible. EDRSX provides facilities for converting images into and out of EDRS format, accesses RA and DEC information stored with IRAS images, and performs several standard image processing operations such as displaying image histograms and statistics, and Fourier transforms. This enables such operations to be performed as estimation and subtraction of non-linear backgrounds, de-striping of IRAS images, modelling of image features, and easy aligning of separate images, among others.
EF-TIGRE (Effective Field Theory of Interacting dark energy with Gravitational REdshift) constrains interacting Dark Energy/Dark Matter models in the Effective Field Theory framework through Large Scale Structures observables. In particular, the observables include the effect of gravitational redshift, a distortion of time from galaxy clustering. This generates a dipole in the correlation function which is detectable with two distinct populations of galaxies, thus making it possible to break degeneracies among parameters of the EFT description.
EffectiveHalos provides models of the real-space matter power spectrum, based on a combination of the Halo Model and Effective Field Theory, which are 1% accurate up to k = 1 h/Mpc, across a range of cosmologies, including those with massive neutrinos. It can additionally compute accurate halo count covariances (including a model of halo exclusion), both alone and in combination with the matter power spectrum.
EFTCAMB patches the public Einstein-Boltzmann solver CAMB (ascl:1102.026) to implement the Effective Field Theory approach to cosmic acceleration. It can be used to investigate the effect of different EFT operators on linear perturbations and to study perturbations in any specific DE/MG model that can be cast into EFT framework. To interface EFTCAMB with cosmological data sets, it is equipped with a modified version of CosmoMC (ascl:1106.025), EFTCosmoMC, to create a bridge between the EFT parametrization of the dynamics of perturbations and observations.
EFTofPNG (Effective Field Theory of Post-Newtonian Gravity) performs high precision computations in the effective field theory of post-Newtonian (PN) Gravity, including spins. Written in Mathematica, it provides computer-algebra tools to derive analytical input for gravitational-wave source modelling relevant to current observatories. EFTofPNG has been used to derive of all currently known spin-dependent conservative interaction potentials in the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation to General Relativity (GR).
The Empirical Galaxy Generator (EGG) generates fake galaxy catalogs and images with realistic positions, morphologies and fluxes from the far-ultraviolet to the far-infrared. The catalogs are generated by egg-gencat and stored in binary FITS tables (column oriented). Another program, egg-2skymaker, is used to convert the generated catalog into ASCII tables suitable for ingestion by SkyMaker (ascl:1010.066) to produce realistic high resolution images (e.g., Hubble-like), while egg-gennoise and egg-genmap can be used to generate the low resolution images (e.g., Herschel-like). These tools can be used to test source extraction codes, or to evaluate the reliability of any map-based science (stacking, dropout identification, etc.).
ehtim (eht-imaging) simulates and manipulates VLBI data and produces images with regularized maximum likelihood methods. The package contains several primary classes for loading, simulating, and manipulating VLBI data. The main classes are the Image, Array, Obsdata, Imager, and Caltable classes, which provide tools for loading images and data, producing simulated data from realistic u-v tracks, calibrating, inspecting, and plotting data, and producing images from data sets in various polarizations using various data terms and regularizers.
ehtplot creates publication quality, elegant, and consistent plots. Written for the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, it provides a set of easy-to-use plotting functions for EHT and Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) specific figures. This includes plotting visibility and images for both synthetic and real data, adding uv-tracks to the plots, and adding the expected event horizon size to the plots, among other functions.
Eidein interactively visualizes a data sample for the selection of an informative (contains data with high predictive uncertainty, is diverse, but not redundant) data subsample for deep active learning. The data sample is projected to 2-D with a dimensionality reduction technique. It is visualized in an interactive scatter plot that allows a human expert to select and annotate the data subsample.
EIDOS models the primary beam of radio astronomy antennas. The code can be used to create MeerKAT L-band beams from both holographic (AH) observations and EM simulations within a maximum diameter of 10 degrees. The beam model is less accurate at higher frequencies, and performs much better below 1400 MHz. The diagonal terms of the model beam Jones matrix are much better known than the off-diagonal terms. The performance of EIDOS is dependent on the quality of the given AH and EM datasets; as more accurate AH models and EM simulations become available, this pipeline can be used to create more accurate sparse representation of primary beams using Zernike polynomials.
Eigentools is a set of tools for studying linear eigenvalue problems. The underlying eigenproblems are solved using Dedalus (ascl:1603.015), which provides a domain-specific language for partial differential equations. Eigentools extends Dedalus's EigenvalueProblem object and provides automatic rejection of unresolved eigenvalues, simple plotting of specified eigenmodes and of spectra, and computation of $\epsilon$-pseudospectra for any Differential-Algebraic Equations with user-specifiable norms. It includes tools to find critical parameters for linear stability analysis and is able to project eigenmode onto 2- or 3-D domain for visualization. It can also output projected eigenmodes as Dedalus-formatted HDF5 file to be used as initial conditions for Initial Value Problems, and provides simple plotting of drift ratios (both ordinal and nearest) to evaluate tolerance for eigenvalue rejection.
EightBitTransit calculates the light curve of any pixelated image transiting a star and inverts a light curve to recover the "shadow image" that produced it.
The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems. Such systems include gravitational wave space-times, collisions of compact objects such as black holes or neutron stars, accretion onto compact objects, core collapse supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts.
The Einstein Toolkit builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including CactusEinstein, Whisky, and Carpet. The Einstein Toolkit currently uses the Cactus Framework as the underlying computational infrastructure that provides large-scale parallelization, general computational components, and a model for collaborative, portable code development.
EinsteinPy performs General Relativity and gravitational physics tasks, including geodesics plotting for Schwarzschild, Kerr and Kerr Newman space-time models, calculation of Schwarzschild radius, and calculation of event horizon and ergosphere for Kerr space-time. It can perform symbolic manipulations of various tensors such as Metric, Riemann, Ricci and Christoffel symbols. EinsteinPy also features hypersurface embedding of Schwarzschild space-time, and includes other utilities and functions. It is a community-developed package and is written in Python.
eleanor extracts target pixel files from TESS Full Frame Images and produces systematics-corrected light curves for any star observed by the TESS mission. eleanor takes a TIC ID, a Gaia source ID, or (RA, Dec) coordinates of a star observed by TESS and returns, as a single object, a light curve and accompanying target pixel data. The process can be customized, allowing, for example, examination of intermediate data products and changing the aperture used for light curve extraction. eleanor also offers tools that make it easier to work with stars observed in multiple TESS sectors.
EleFits is a modern C++ package to read and write FITS files which focuses on safety, user-friendliness, and performance.
ELISa models light curves of close eclipsing binaries. It models surfaces of detached, semi-detached, and over-contact binaries, generates light curves, and generates stellar spots with given longitude, latitude, radius, and temperature. It can also fit radial velocity curves and light curves via the implementation of the non-linear least squares method and also via Markov Chain Monte Carlo method.
ELISA is a Python library designed for efficient spectral modeling and robust statistical inference. With user-friendly interface, ELISA streamlines the spectral analysis workflow.
The modeling framework of ELISA is flexible, allowing users to construct complex models by combining models of ELISA and XSPEC, as well as custom models. Parameters across different model components can also be linked. The models can be fitted to the spectral datasets using either Bayesian or maximum likelihood approaches. For Bayesian fitting, ELISA incorporates advanced Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, including the No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS), nested sampling, and affine-invariant ensemble sampling, to tackle the posterior sampling problem. For maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), ELISA includes two robust algorithms: the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and the Migrad algorithm from Minuit. The computation backend is based on Google's JAX, a high-performance numerical computing library, which can reduce the runtime for fitting procedures like MCMC, thereby enhancing the efficiency of analysis.
After fitting, goodness-of-fit assessment can be done with a single function call, which automatically conducts posterior predictive checks and leave-one-out cross-validation for Bayesian models, or parametric bootstrap for MLE. These methods offer greater accuracy and reliability than traditional fit-statistic/dof measures, and thus better model discovery capability. For comparing multiple candidate models, ELISA provides robust Bayesian tools such as the Widely Applicable Information Criterion (WAIC) and the Leave-One-Out Information Criterion (LOOIC), which are more reliable than AIC or BIC. Thanks to the object-oriented design, collecting the analysis results should be simple. ELISA also provide visualization tools to generate ready-for-publication figures.
ELISA is an open-source project and community contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated.
ellc analyzes the light curves of detached eclipsing binary stars and transiting exoplanet systems. The model represents stars as triaxial ellipsoids, and the apparent flux from the binary is calculated using Gauss-Legendre integration over the ellipses that are the projection of these ellipsoids on the sky. The code can also calculate the fluxweighted radial velocity of the stars during an eclipse (Rossiter-McLaghlin effect). ellc can model a wide range of eclipsing binary stars and extrasolar planetary systems, and can enable the use of modern Monte Carlo methods for data analysis and model testing.
A Monte Carlo program for the simulation of electromagnetic cascades initiated by high-energy photons and electrons interacting with extragalactic background light (EBL) is presented. Pair production and inverse Compton scattering on EBL photons as well as synchrotron losses and deflections of the charged component in extragalactic magnetic fields (EGMF) are included in the simulation. Weighted sampling of the cascade development is applied to reduce the number of secondary particles and to speed up computations. As final result, the simulation procedure provides the energy, the observation angle, and the time delay of secondary cascade particles at the present epoch. Possible applications are the study of TeV blazars and the influence of the EGMF on their spectra or the calculation of the contribution from ultrahigh energy cosmic rays or dark matter to the diffuse extragalactic gamma-ray background. As an illustration, we present results for deflections and time-delays relevant for the derivation of limits on the EGMF.
Elysium creates an observing screen at the desirable distance away from a black hole system. Observers set on every pixel of this screen then photograph the area toward the black hole - accretion disk system and report back what they record. This can be the accretion disk (incoming photons bring in radiation and thus energy), the black hole event horizon, or the empty space outside and beyond the system (there are no incoming photons or energy). The central black hole can be either Schwarzschild (nonrotating) or Kerr (rotating) by choice of the user.
The star cluster evolution code Evolve Me A Cluster of StarS (EMACSS) is a simple yet physically motivated computational model that describes the evolution of some fundamental properties of star clusters in static tidal fields. The prescription is based upon the flow of energy within the cluster, which is a constant fraction of the total energy per half-mass relaxation time. According to Henon's predictions, this flow is independent of the precise mechanisms for energy production within the core, and therefore does not require a complete description of the many-body interactions therein. Dynamical theory and analytic descriptions of escape mechanisms is used to construct a series of coupled differential equations expressing the time evolution of cluster mass and radius for a cluster of equal-mass stars. These equations are numerically solved using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration kernel; the results were benchmarked against a data base of direct N-body simulations. EMACSS is publicly available and reproduces the N-body results to within ~10 per cent accuracy for the entire post-collapse evolution of star clusters.
EMBERS provides a modular framework for radio telescopes and interferometric arrays such as the MWA, HERA, and the upcoming SKA-Low to accurately measure the all sky polarized beam responses of their antennas using weather and communication satellites. This tool enables astronomers and system engineers, all over the world, to characterize the in-situ antenna beam patterns of large arrays with ease.
emcee is an extensible, pure-Python implementation of Goodman & Weare's Affine Invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Ensemble sampler. It's designed for Bayesian parameter estimation. The algorithm behind emcee has several advantages over traditional MCMC sampling methods and has excellent performance as measured by the autocorrelation time (or function calls per independent sample). One advantage of the algorithm is that it requires hand-tuning of only 1 or 2 parameters compared to $sim N^2$ for a traditional algorithm in an N-dimensional parameter space. Exploiting the parallelism of the ensemble method, emcee permits any user to take advantage of multiple CPU cores without extra effort.
The e-MERLIN CASA Pipeline calibrates and processes data from the e-MERLIN radio interferometer. It works on top of CASA (ascl:1107.013) and can convert, concatenate, prepare, flag and calibrate raw to produce advanced calibrated products for both continuum and spectral line data. The main outputs of the data are calibration tables, calibrated data, assessment plots, preliminary images of target and calibrator sources and a summary weblog. The pipeline provides an easy, ready-to-use toolkit that delivers calibrated data in a consistent, clear, and repeatable way. A parameters file is used to control the pipeline execution, so optimization of the algorithms is straightforward and reproducible. Good quality images are usually obtained with minimum human intervention.
Emerge (Empirical ModEl for the foRmation of GalaxiEs) populates dark matter halo merger trees with galaxies using simple empirical relations between galaxy and halo properties. For each model represented by a set of parameters, it computes a mock universe, which it then compares to observed statistical data to obtain a likelihood. Parameter space can be explored with several advanced stochastic algorithms such as MCMC to find the models that are in agreement with the observations.
The determination of the EM gain of the CCD is best done by fitting the histogram of many low-light frames. Typically, the dark+CIC noise of a 30ms frame itself is a sufficient amount of signal to determine accurately the EM gain with about 200 512x512 frames. The IDL code emGain takes as an input a cube of frames and fit the histogram of all the pixels with the EM stage output probability function. The function returns the EM gain of the frames as well as the read-out noise and the mean signal level of the frames.
empiriciSN generates realistic supernova parameters given photometric observations of a potential host galaxy, based entirely on empirical correlations measured from supernova datasets. It is intended to be used to improve supernova simulation for DES and LSST. It is extendable such that additional datasets may be added in the future to improve the fitting algorithm or so that additional light curve parameters or supernova types may be fit.
Emu CMB is a fast emulator the CMB temperature power spectrum based on CAMB (ascl:1102.026, Jan 2010 version). Emu CMB is based on a "space-filling" Orthogonal Array Latin Hypercube design in a de-correlated parameter space obtained by using a fiducial WMAP5 CMB Fisher matrix as a rotation matrix. This design strategy allows for accurate interpolation with small numbers of simulation design points. The emulator presented here is calibrated with 100 CAMB runs that are interpolated over the design space using a global quadratic polynomial fit.
We present a method to numerically estimate the densities of a discretely sampled data based on a binary space partitioning tree. We start with a root node containing all the particles and then recursively divide each node into two nodes each containing roughly equal number of particles, until each of the nodes contains only one particle. The volume of such a leaf node provides an estimate of the local density and its shape provides an estimate of the variance. We implement an entropy-based node splitting criterion that results in a significant improvement in the estimation of densities compared to earlier work. The method is completely metric free and can be applied to arbitrary number of dimensions. We use this method to determine the appropriate metric at each point in space and then use kernel-based methods for calculating the density. The kernel-smoothed estimates were found to be more accurate and have lower dispersion. We apply this method to determine the phase-space densities of dark matter haloes obtained from cosmological N-body simulations. We find that contrary to earlier studies, the volume distribution function v(f) of phase-space density f does not have a constant slope but rather a small hump at high phase-space densities. We demonstrate that a model in which a halo is made up by a superposition of Hernquist spheres is not capable in explaining the shape of v(f) versus f relation, whereas a model which takes into account the contribution of the main halo separately roughly reproduces the behaviour as seen in simulations. The use of the presented method is not limited to calculation of phase-space densities, but can be used as a general purpose data-mining tool and due to its speed and accuracy it is ideally suited for analysis of large multidimensional data sets.
encore (Efficient N-point Correlator Estimation) estimates the isotropic NPCF multipoles for an arbitrary survey geometry in O(N2) time, with optional GPU support. The code features support for the isotropic 2PCF, 3PCF, 4PCF, 5PCF and 6PCF, with the option to subtract the Gaussian 4PCF contributions at the estimator level. For the 4PCF, 5PCF and 6PCF algorithms, the runtime is dominated by sorting the spherical harmonics into bins, which has complexity O(N_galaxy x N_bins3 x N_ell5) [4PCF], O(N_galaxy x N_bins4 x N_ell8) [5PCF] or O(N_galaxy x N_bins5 x N_ell11) [6PCF]. The higher-point functions are slow to compute unless N_bins and N_ell are small.
Encube is a qualitative, quantitative and comparative visualization and analysis framework, with application to high-resolution, immersive three-dimensional environments and desktop displays, providing a capable visual analytics experience across the display ecology. Encube includes mechanisms for the support of: 1) interactive visual analytics of sufficiently large subsets of data; 2) synchronous and asynchronous collaboration; and 3) documentation of the discovery workflow. The framework is modular, allowing additional functionalities to be included as required.
Enrico analyzes Fermi data. It produces spectra (model fit and flux points), maps and lightcurves for a target by editing a config file and running a python script which executes the Fermi science tool chain.
ENTERPRISE (Enhanced Numerical Toolbox Enabling a Robust PulsaR Inference SuitE) is a pulsar-timing analysis code which performs noise analysis, gravitational-wave searches, and timing model analysis. It uses Tempo2 (ascl:1210.015) to find the maximum-likelihood fit for the timing parameters and the basis of the fit for the red noise parameters if they are significant.
Enzo is an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), grid-based hybrid code (hydro + N-Body) which is designed to do simulations of cosmological structure formation. It uses the algorithms of Berger & Collela to improve spatial and temporal resolution in regions of large gradients, such as gravitationally collapsing objects. The Enzo simulation software is incredibly flexible, and can be used to simulate a wide range of cosmological situations with the available physics packages.
Enzo has been parallelized using the MPI message-passing library and can run on any shared or distributed memory parallel supercomputer or PC cluster. Simulations using as many as 1024 processors have been successfully carried out on the San Diego Supercomputing Center's Blue Horizon, an IBM SP.
EOS is an analytical equation of state which models high pressure theory and fits well to the experimental data of ∊-Fe, SiO2, Mg2SiO4, and the Earth. The cold part of the EOS is modeled after the Varpoly EOS. The thermal part is based on a new formalism of the Gruneisen parameter, which improves behavior from earlier models and bridges the gap between elasticity and thermoelasticity. The EOS includes an expanded state model, which allows for the accurate modeling of material vapor curves.
EphemMatch reads in the period, epoch, positional, and other information of all the Kepler DR25 TCEs, as well as the cumulative KOI list, and lists of EBs from the Kepler Eclipsing Binary Working Group ( as well as several catalogs of EBs known from ground-based surveys. The code then performs matching to identify two different objects that have a statistically identical period and epoch (within some tolerance) and perform logic to identify which is the real source (the parent) and which is a false positive due to contamination from the parent (a child).
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