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[ascl:2301.016] FERRE: Match physical models to measurements

FERRE matches physical models to observed data, taking a set of observations and identifying the model parameters that best reproduce the data, in a chi-squared sense. It solves the common problem of having numerical parametric models that are costly to evaluate and need to be used to interpret large data sets. FERRE provides flexibility to search for all model parameters, or hold constant some of them while searching for others. The code is written to be truly N-dimensional and fast. Model predictions are to be given as an array whose values are a function of the model parameters, i.e., numerically. FERRE holds this array in memory, or in a direct-access binary file, and interpolates in it. The code returns, in addition to the optimal set of parameters, their error covariance, and the corresponding model prediction. The code is written in FORTRAN90.

[ascl:2005.014] FETCH: Fast Extragalactic Transient Candidate Hunter

FETCH (Fast Extragalactic Transient Candidate Hunter) provides real-time classification of candidates from single pulse search pipelines. The package takes in a candidate file of frequency-time and DM-time data and, for each candidate and choice of model, provides the probability that the candidate is an FRB. FETCH also provides a framework for fine-tuning the models to further improve its performance for particular backends.

[ascl:1208.011] Fewbody: Numerical toolkit for simulating small-N gravitational dynamics

Fewbody is a numerical toolkit for simulating small-N gravitational dynamics. It is a general N-body dynamics code, although it was written for the purpose of performing scattering experiments, and therefore has several features that make it well-suited for this purpose. Fewbody uses the 8th-order Runge-Kutta Prince-Dormand integration method with 9th-order error estimate and adaptive timestep to advance the N-body system forward in time. It integrates the usual formulation of the N-body equations in configuration space, but allows for the option of global pairwise Kustaanheimo-Stiefel (K-S) regularization (Heggie 1974; Mikkola 1985). The code uses a binary tree algorithm to classify the N-body system into a set of independently bound hierarchies, and performs collisions between stars in the “sticky star” approximation. Fewbody contains a collection of command line utilities that can be used to perform individual scattering and N-body interactions, but is more generally a library of functions that can be used from within other codes.

[ascl:2005.006] FFANCY: Fast Folding Algorithm for pulsar searching

FFANCY uses the Fast Folding Algorithm (FFA) on a distributed-computing framework to search for pulsars in time-domain series data. This enables the algorithm to be applied to all-sky blind pulsar surveys. The package runs an implementation of the FFA on real or simulated pulsar time series data in either SIGPROC (ascl:1107.016) or PRETSO (ascl:1107.017) format with a choice of additional algorithms to be used in the evaluation of each folded profile and outputs a periodogram along with other output threads used for testing. It also contains routines that convert the periodogram output into a list of pulsar candidates with options for candidate grouping and harmonic matching, generate simulated pulsar profiles for use in testing profile evaluation algorithms independent of the FFA, provide basic statistics for the folded profiles produced by progeny, test individual profiles using profiles produced by progeny, and other complementary functions.

[ascl:2208.010] FFD: Flare Frequency Distribution

FFD (Flare Frequency Distribution) fits power-laws to FFDs. FFDs relate the frequency (i.e., occurrence rate) of flares to their energy, peak flux, photometric equivalent width, or other parameters. This module was created to handle disparate datasets between which the flare detection limit varies; in essence, the number of flares detected is treated as following a Poisson distribution while the flare energies are treated as following a power law.

[ascl:1911.022] FFTLog-and-beyond: Generalized FFTLog algorithm

FFTLog-and-beyond takes the FFTLog algorithm for single-Bessel integrals and generalizes it for integrals containing a derivative of the Bessel function to solve the non-Limber integrals. The full non-Limber angular power spectrum integral is simplified by noting the small contribution from unequal-time nonlinear terms; this significantly reduces the computation and avoids the double-Bessel integral. The original FFTLog algorithm is also extended to compute integrals containing derivatives of Bessel functions, which can be used to efficiently compute angular power spectra including redshift-space distortions (RSD) and Doppler effects. C and Python versions of the code are available.

[ascl:1512.017] FFTLog: Fast Fourier or Hankel transform

FFTLog is a set of Fortran subroutines that compute the fast Fourier or Hankel (= Fourier-Bessel) transform of a periodic sequence of logarithmically spaced points. FFTLog can be regarded as a natural analogue to the standard Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), in the sense that, just as the normal FFT gives the exact (to machine precision) Fourier transform of a linearly spaced periodic sequence, so also FFTLog gives the exact Fourier or Hankel transform, of arbitrary order m, of a logarithmically spaced periodic sequence.

[ascl:1201.015] FFTW: Fastest Fourier Transform in the West

FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data (as well as of even/odd data, i.e. the discrete cosine/sine transforms or DCT/DST).

Benchmarks performed on a variety of platforms show that FFTW's performance is typically superior to that of other publicly available FFT software, and is even competitive with vendor-tuned codes. In contrast to vendor-tuned codes, however, FFTW's performance is portable: the same program will perform well on most architectures without modification.

The FFTW library is required by other codes such as StarCrash (ascl:1010.074) and Hammurabi (ascl:1201.014).

[ascl:2307.021] FGBuster: Parametric component separation for Cosmic Microwave Background observations

FGBuster (ForeGroundBuster) separates frequency maps into component maps and forecasts component separation both when the model is correct and when it is incorrect. FGBuster can be used for SED evaluation, intermediate component separation, multi-resolution separation, and forecasting, among other tasks.

[ascl:2409.004] FGCluster: ForeGround Clustering

FGCluster runs spectral clustering onto Healpix maps for parametric foreground removal, using a map encoding the feature to cluster as inputs. Pixel similarity is given by the geometrical affinity of each pixel in the sphere. FGCluster can also take an uncertainty map as an input, in which case the adjacency is modified in such a way that the pixel similarity accounts also for the statistical significance given by the pixel values in a map and the uncertainties.

[ascl:1909.014] fgivenx: Functional posterior plotter

fgivenx plots a predictive posterior of a function, dependent on sampled parameters, for a Bayesian posterior Post(theta|D,M) described by a set of posterior samples {theta_i}~Post. If there is a function parameterized by theta y=f(x;theta), this script produces a contour plot of the conditional posterior P(y|x,D,M) in the (x,y) plane.

[ascl:2205.014] FHD: Fast Holographic Deconvolution

FHD is an open-source imaging algorithm for radio interferometers and is written in IDL. The three main use-cases for FHD are efficient image deconvolution for general radio astronomy, fast-mode Epoch of Reionization analysis, and simulation. FHD inputs beam models, calibration files, and sky model catalogs and requires input data to be in uvfits format.

[ascl:1603.014] fibmeasure: Python/Cython module to find the center of back-illuminated optical fibers in metrology images

fibmeasure finds the precise locations of the centers of back-illuminated optical fibers in images. It was developed for astronomical fiber positioning feedback via machine vision cameras and is optimized for high-magnification images where fibers appear as resolvable circles. It was originally written during the design of the WEAVE pick-and-place fiber positioner for the William Herschel Telescope.

[ascl:1111.013] FIBRE-pac: FMOS Image-based Reduction Package

The FIBRE-pac (FMOS image-based reduction package) is an IRAF-based reduction tool for the fiber multiple-object spectrograph (FMOS) of the Subaru telescope. To reduce FMOS images, a number of special techniques are necessary because each image contains about 200 separate spectra with airglow emission lines variable in spatial and time domains, and with complicated throughput patterns for the airglow masks. In spite of these features, almost all of the reduction processes except for a few steps are carried out automatically by scripts in text format making it easy to check the commands step by step. Wavelength- and flux-calibrated images together with their noise maps are obtained using this reduction package.

[ascl:2202.012] fiducial_flare: Spectra and lightcurves of a standardized far ultraviolet flare

fiducial_flare generates a reasonable approximation of the UV emission of M dwarf stars over a single flare or a series of them. The simulated radiation is resolved in both wavelength and time. The intent is to provide consistent input for applications requiring time-dependent stellar UV radiation fields that balances simplicity with realism, namely for simulations of exoplanet atmospheres.

[ascl:1307.004] FieldInf: Field Inflation exact integration routines

FieldInf is a collection of fast modern Fortran routines for computing exactly the background evolution and primordial power spectra of any single field inflationary models. It implements reheating without any assumptions through the "reheating parameter" R allowing robust inflationary parameter estimations and inference on the reheating energy scale. The underlying perturbation code actually deals with N fields minimally-coupled and/or non-minimally coupled to gravity and works for flat FLRW only.

[ascl:1708.009] FIEStool: Automated data reduction for FIber-fed Echelle Spectrograph (FIES)

FIEStool automatically reduces data obtained with the FIber-fed Echelle Spectrograph (FIES) at the Nordic Optical Telescope, a high-resolution spectrograph available on a stand-by basis, while also allowing the basic properties of the reduction to be controlled in real time by the user. It provides a Graphical User Interface and offers bias subtraction, flat-fielding, scattered-light subtraction, and specialized reduction tasks from the external packages IRAF (ascl:9911.002) and NumArray. The core of FIEStool is instrument-independent; the software, written in Python, could with minor modifications also be used for automatic reduction of data from other instruments.

[ascl:1203.013] Figaro: Data Reduction Software

Figaro (sometimes referred to as "standalone Figaro") is a data reduction system that originated at Caltech and whose development continued at the Anglo-Australian Observatory. Although it is intended to be able to deal with any sort of data, almost all its applications to date are geared towards processing optical and infrared data. Figaro uses hierarchical data structures to provide flexibility in its data file formats. Figaro was originally written to run under DEC's VMS operating system, but is now available both for VAX/VMS (by special request) and for various flavors of UNIX including Linux and MacOS.

A variant of Figaro (ascl:1411.022) is incorporated into the Starlink package (ascl:1110.012).

[ascl:1608.009] FilFinder: Filamentary structure in molecular clouds

FilFinder extracts and analyzes filamentary structure in molecular clouds. In particular, it is capable of uniformly extracting structure over a large dynamical range in intensity. It returns the main filament properties: local amplitude and background, width, length, orientation and curvature. FilFinder offers additional tools to, for example, create a filament-only image based on the properties of the radial fits. The resulting mask and skeletons may be saved in FITS format, and property tables may be saved as a CSV, FITS or LaTeX table.

[ascl:1602.007] FilTER: Filament Trait-Evaluated Reconstruction

FilTER (Filament Trait-Evaluated Reconstruction) post-processes output from DisPerSE (ascl:1302.015 ) to produce a set of filaments that are well-defined and have measured properties (e.g. width), then cuts the profiles, fits and assesses them to reconstruct new filaments according to defined criteria.

[submitted] Finalflash

**Finalflash** is a Python package designed for primary beam corrections of uGMRT radio interferometric images. The software uses frequency-dependent beam models and FITS file handling to improve the accuracy of radio astronomical data. It is open source and available under the MIT License. The code is hosted at

[ascl:2202.016] Find_Orb: Orbit determination from observations

Find_Orb takes a set of observations of an asteroid, comet, or natural or artificial satellite given in the MPC (Minor Planet Center) format, the ADES astrometric format, and/or the NEODyS or AstDyS formats, and finds the corresponding orbit.

[ascl:2210.004] Finder_charts: Create finder charts from image data of various sky surveys

Finder_charts creates multi-band finder charts from image data of various partial- and all-sky surveys such as DSS, 2MASS, WISE, UKIDSS, VHS, Pan-STARRS, and DES. It also creates a WISE time series of image data acquired between 2010 and 2021. All images are reprojected so that north is up and east is to the left. The resulting finder charts can be overplotted with corresponding catalog positions. All catalog entries within the specified field of view can be saved in a variety of formats, including ipac, csv, and tex, as can the finder charts in png, pdf, eps, and other common graphics formats. Finder_charts consists of a single Python module, which depends only on well-known packages, making it easy to install.

[ascl:2004.013] Finesse: Frequency domain INterfErometer Simulation SoftwarE

Finesse is a numeric simulation for laser interferometers and models parametric instabilities, easily providing the required mechanical-to-optical transfer functions in imperfect and arbitrary interferometer configurations using Hermite-Gaussian beams. The code has been used to apply limits to the number and type of higher order modes used in simulation and investigate the potential use of higher order Laguerre-Gauss modes to reduce thermal noise in future gravitational wave detector designs. The PyKat wrapper (ascl:2004.014) helps automate complex Finesse tasks.

[ascl:2412.007] FINUFFT: Flatiron Institute Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform

FINUFFT (Flatiron Institute Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform) computes the three standard types of nonuniform FFT to a specified precision, in one, two, or three dimensions. It can be run on a multi-core shared-memory machine or on a GPU. It is extremely fast and has very simple interfaces to most major numerical languages (such as C/C++, Fortran, MATLAB, octave, Python, and Julia). FINUFFT also provides more advanced (vectorized and “guru”) interfaces that allow multiple strength vectors and the reuse of FFT plans.

[ascl:1808.006] Fips: An OpenGL based FITS viewer

FIPS is a cross-platform FITS viewer with a responsive user interface. Unlike other FITS viewers, FIPS uses GPU hardware via OpenGL to provide functionality such as zooming, panning and level adjustments. OpenGL 2.1 and later is supported. FIPS supports all 2D image formats except floating point formats on OpenGL 2.1. FITS image extension has basic limited support.

[ascl:2202.006] FIRE Studio: Movie making utilities for the FIRE simulations

FIRE Studio is a Python interface for C libraries that project Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) datasets. These C libraries can, in principle, be applied to any SPH dataset; the Python interface is specialized to conveniently load and format Gadget-derivative datasets such as GIZMO (ascl:1410.003). FIRE Studio is fast, memory efficient, and parallelizable. In addition to producing "1-color" projection maps for SPH datasets, the interface can produce "2-color" maps, where the pixel saturation is set by one projected quantity and the hue is set by another, and "3-color" maps, where three quantities are projected simultaneously and remapped into an RGB colorspace. FIRE Studio can model stellar emission and dust extinction to produce mock Hubble images (by default) or to model surface brightness maps for thirteen of the most common bands (plus the bolometric luminosity). It produces publication quality static images of simulation datasets and provides interpolation scripts to create movies that smoothly evolve in time (provided multiple snapshots in time of the data exist), view the dataset from different perspectives (taking advantage of shared memory buffers to allow massive parallelization), or both.

[ascl:2108.010] FIREFLY: Chi-squared minimization full spectral fitting code

FIREFLY (Fitting IteRativEly For Likelihood analYsis) derives stellar population properties of stellar systems, whether observed galaxy or star cluster spectra or model spectra from simulations. The code fits combinations of single-burst stellar population models to spectroscopic data following an iterative best-fitting process controlled by the Bayesian Information Criterion without applying priors. Solutions within a statistical cut are retained with their weight, which is arbitrary. No additive or multiplicative polynomia are used to adjust the spectral shape and no regularization is imposed. This fitting freedom allows mapping of the effect of intrinsic spectral energy distribution (SED) degeneracies, such as age, metallicity, dust reddening on stellar population properties, and quantifying the effect of varying input model components on such properties.

[ascl:1810.021] Firefly: Interactive exploration of particle-based data

Firefly provides interactive exploration of particle-based data in the browser. The user can filter, display vector fields, and toggle the visibility of their customizable datasets all on-the-fly. Different Firefly visualizations, complete with preconfigured data and camera view-settings, can be shared by URL. As Firefly is written in WebGL, it can be hosted online, though Firefly can also be used locally, without an internet connection. Firefly was developed with simulations of galaxy formation in mind but is flexible enough to display any particle-based data. Other features include a stereoscopic 3D picture mode and mobile compatibility.

[ascl:1908.023] FIRST Classifier: Automated compact and extended radio sources classifier

FIRST Classifier is an on-line system for automated classification of compact and extended radio sources. It is developed based on a trained Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model to automate the morphological classification of compact and extended radio sources observed in the FIRST radio survey. FIRST Classifier is able to predict the morphological class for a single source or for a list of sources as Compact or Extended (FRI, FRII and BENT).

[ascl:1202.014] FISA: Fast Integrated Spectra Analyzer

FISA (Fast Integrated Spectra Analyzer) permits fast and reasonably accurate age and reddening determinations for small angular diameter open clusters by using their integrated spectra in the (3600-7400) AA range and currently available template spectrum libraries. This algorithm and its implementation help to achieve astrophysical results in shorter times than from other methods. FISA has successfully been applied to integrated spectroscopy of open clusters, both in the Galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds, to determine ages and reddenings.

[ascl:1010.070] Fisher Matrix Manipulation and Confidence Contour Plotting allows you to combine constraints from multiple experiments (e.g., weak lensing + supernovae) and add priors (e.g., a flat universe) simply and easily. Calculate parameter uncertainties and plot confidence ellipses. Fisher matrix expectations for several experiments are included as calculated by myself (time delays) and the Dark Energy Task Force (WL/SN/BAO/CL/CMB), or provide your own.

[ascl:1201.007] Fisher4Cast: Fisher Matrix Toolbox

The Fisher4Cast suite, which requires MatLab, provides a standard, tested tool set for general Fisher Information matrix prediction and forecasting for use in both research and education. The toolbox design is robust and modular, allowing for easy additions and adaptation while keeping the user interface intuitive and easy to use. Fisher4Cast is completely general but the default is coded for cosmology. It provides parameter error forecasts for cosmological surveys providing distance, Hubble expansion and growth measurements in a general, curved FLRW background.

[ascl:2308.015] FishLSS: Fisher forecasting for Large Scale Structure surveys

FishLSS computes the Fisher information matrix for a set of observables and model parameters. It can model the redshift-space power spectrum of any biased tracer of the CDM+baryon field and the post-reconstruction galaxy power spectrum. The code also models the projected cross-correlation of galaxies with the CMB lensing convergence, the projected galaxy power spectrum, and the CMB lensing convergence power spectrum. FishLSS requires pyFFTW (ascl:2109.009), velocileptors (ascl:2308.014), and CLASS (ascl:1106.020).

[ascl:1609.004] FISHPACK: Efficient FORTRAN Subprograms for the Solution of Separable Elliptic Partial Differential Equations

The FISHPACK collection of Fortran77 subroutines solves second- and fourth-order finite difference approximations to separable elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). These include Helmholtz equations in cartesian, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates, as well as more general separable elliptic equations. The solvers use the cyclic reduction algorithm. When the problem is singular, a least-squares solution is computed. Singularities induced by the coordinate system are handled, including at the origin r=0 in cylindrical coordinates, and at the poles in spherical coordinates. A modernization of FISHPACK is available as FISHPACK90 (ascl:1609.005).

[ascl:1609.005] FISHPACK90: Efficient FORTRAN Subprograms for the Solution of Separable Elliptic Partial Differential Equations

FISHPACK90 is a modernization of the original FISHPACK (ascl:1609.004), employing Fortran90 to slightly simplify and standardize the interface to some of the routines. This collection of Fortran programs and subroutines solves second- and fourth-order finite difference approximations to separable elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). These include Helmholtz equations in cartesian, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates, as well as more general separable elliptic equations. The solvers use the cyclic reduction algorithm. When the problem is singular, a least-squares solution is computed. Singularities induced by the coordinate system are handled, including at the origin r=0 in cylindrical coordinates, and at the poles in spherical coordinates. Test programs are provided for the 19 solvers. Each serves two purposes: as a template to guide you in writing your own codes utilizing the FISHPACK90 solvers, and as a demonstration on your computer that you can correctly produce FISHPACK90 executables.

[ascl:1601.016] Fit Kinematic PA: Fit the global kinematic position-angle of galaxies

Fit kinematic PA measures the global kinematic position-angle (PA) from integral field observations of a galaxy stellar or gas kinematics; the code is available in IDL and Python.

[ascl:1609.015] FIT3D: Fitting optical spectra

FIT3D fits optical spectra to deblend the underlying stellar population and the ionized gas, and extract physical information from each component. FIT3D is focused on the analysis of Integral Field Spectroscopy data, but is not restricted to it, and is the basis of Pipe3D, a pipeline used in the analysis of datasets like CALIFA, MaNGA, and SAMI. It can run iteratively or in an automatic way to derive the parameters of a large set of spectra.

[ascl:2403.010] FitCov: Fitted Covariance generation

FitCov estimates the covariance of two-point correlation functions in a way that requires fewer mocks than the standard mock-based covariance. Rather than using an analytically fixed correction to some terms that enter the jackknife covariance matrix, the code fits the correction to a mock-based covariance obtained from a small number of mocks. The fitted jackknife covariance remains unbiased, an improvement over other methods, performs well both in terms of precision (unbiased constraints) and accuracy (similar uncertainties), and requires significant less computational power. In addition, FitCov can be easily implemented on top of the standard jackknife covariance computation.

[ascl:1305.011] FITDisk: Cataclysmic Variable Accretion Disk Demonstration Tool

FITDisk models accretion disk phenomena using a fully three-dimensional hydrodynamics calculation, and data can either be visualized as they are computed or stored to hard drive for later playback at a fast frame rate. Simulations are visualized using OpenGL graphics and the viewing angle can be changed interactively. Pseudo light curves of simulated systems can be plotted along with the associated Fourier amplitude spectrum. It provides an easy to use graphical user interface as well as 3-D interactive graphics. The code computes the evolution of a CV accretion disk, visualizes results in real time, records and plays back simulations, and generates and plots pseudo light curves and associated power spectra. FITDisk is the Windows executable form of this software; its Fortran source code is also available as DiskSim (ascl:1811.013).

[ascl:2301.005] fitOmatic: Interferometric data modeling

The fitOmatic model-fitting prototyping tool tests multi-wavelength model-fitting and exploits VLTI data. It provides tools to define simple geometrical models and conveniently adjust the model's parameters. Written in Yorick, it takes optical interferometry FITS (oifits) files as input and allows the user to define a model of the source from a set of pre-defined models, which can be combined to make more complicated models. fitOmatic then computes the Fourier Transform of the modeled brightness distribution and synthetic observables are computed at the wavelengths and projected baselines of the observations. fitomatic's strength is its ability to define vector-parameters, i.e., parameters that may depend on wavelength and/or time. The self-cal (ascl:2301.006) component of fitOmatic is also available as a separate code.

[ascl:2405.012] fitramp: Likelihood-based jump detection

fitramp fits a ramp to a series of nondestructive reads and detects and rejects jumps. The software performs likelihood-based jump detection for detectors read out up-the-ramp; it uses the entire set of reads to compute likelihoods. The code compares the χ2 value of a fit with and without a jump for every possible jump location. fitramp can fit ramps with and without fitting the reset value (the pedestal), and fit and mask jumps within or between groups of reads. It can also compute the bias of ramp fitting.

[ascl:1206.002] FITS Liberator: Image processing software

The ESA/ESO/NASA FITS Liberator makes it possible to process and edit astronomical science data in the FITS format to produce stunning images of the universe. Formerly a plugin for Adobe Photoshop, the current version of FITS Liberator is a stand-alone application and no longer requires Photoshop. This image processing software makes it possible to create color images using raw observations from a range of telescopes; the FITS Liberator continues to support the FITS and PDS formats, preferred by astronomers and planetary scientists respectively, which enables data to be processed from a wide range of telescopes and planetary probes, including ESO’s Very Large Telescope, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, ESA’s XMM–Newton Telescope and Cassini–Huygens or Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

[ascl:2411.016] fits_warp: Warp catalogs and images to dedistort the effects of the ionosphere

fits_warp smoothly removes the distorting effect of the ionosphere and restores sources to their reference positions in both the catalog and image domain. Image warping uses pixel offsets derived from a catalog of cross-matched sources. Though initially written for low-frequency radio astronomy, fits_warp can be used to de-distort any image distorted by some vector field which is sampled by some sparse pierce-points.

[ascl:1505.029] fits2hdf: FITS to HDFITS conversion

fits2hdf ports FITS files to Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) files in the HDFITS format. HDFITS allows faster reading of data, higher compression ratios, and higher throughput. HDFITS formatted data can be presented transparently as an in-memory FITS equivalent by changing the import lines in Python-based FITS utilities. fits2hdf includes a utility to port MeasurementSets (MS) to HDF5 files.

[ascl:2309.014] fitScalingRelation: Fit galaxy cluster scaling relations using MCMC

fitScalingRelation fits galaxy cluster scaling relations using orthogonal or bisector regression and MCMC. It takes into account errors on both variables and intrinsic scatter. Although it geared for fitting galaxy cluster scaling relations of all kinds, it can be used for any kind of regression problem with errors on both variables and intrinsic scatter.

[ascl:1710.018] FITSFH: Star Formation Histories

FITSFH derives star formation histories from photometry of resolved stellar populations by populating theoretical isochrones according to a chosen stellar initial mass function (IMF) and searching for the linear combination of isochrones with different ages and metallicities that best matches the data. In comparing the synthetic and real data, observational errors and incompleteness are taken into account, and a rudimentary treatment of the effect of unresolved binaries is also implemented. The code also allows for an age-dependent range of extinction values to be included in the modelling.

[ascl:1111.014] FITSH: Software Package for Image Processing

FITSH provides a standalone environment for analysis of data acquired by imaging astronomical detectors. The package provides utilities both for the full pipeline of subsequent related data processing steps (including image calibration, astrometry, source identification, photometry, differential analysis, low-level arithmetic operations, multiple image combinations, spatial transformations and interpolations, etc.) and for aiding the interpretation of the (mainly photometric and/or astrometric) results. The package also features a consistent implementation of photometry based on image subtraction, point spread function fitting and aperture photometry and provides easy-to-use interfaces for comparisons and for picking the most suitable method for a particular problem. The utilities in the package are built on the top of the commonly used UNIX/POSIX shells (hence the name of the package), therefore both frequently used and well-documented tools for such environments can be exploited and managing massive amount of data is rather convenient.

[ascl:1107.003] FITSManager: Management of Personal Astronomical Data

With the increase of personal storage capacity, it is easy to find hundreds to thousands of FITS files in the personal computer of an astrophysicist. Because Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) is a professional data format initiated by astronomers and used mainly in the small community, data management toolkits for FITS files are very few. Astronomers need a powerful tool to help them manage their local astronomical data. Although Virtual Observatory (VO) is a network oriented astronomical research environment, its applications and related technologies provide useful solutions to enhance the management and utilization of astronomical data hosted in an astronomer's personal computer. FITSManager is such a tool to provide astronomers an efficient management and utilization of their local data, bringing VO to astronomers in a seamless and transparent way. FITSManager provides fruitful functions for FITS file management, like thumbnail, preview, type dependent icons, header keyword indexing and search, collaborated working with other tools and online services, and so on. The development of the FITSManager is an effort to fill the gap between management and analysis of astronomical data.

[ascl:2201.004] FitsMap: Interactive astronomical image and catalog data visualizer

FitsMap visualizes astronomical image and catalog data. Implemented in Python, the software is a simple, lightweight tool, requires only a simple web server, and can scale to over gigapixel images with tens of millions of sources. Further, the web-based visualizations can be viewed performantly on mobile devices.

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