Results 3601-3650 of 3677 (3581 ASCL, 96 submitted)
World Observatory visualizes S/N-versus-cost tradeoffs for large optical and near-infrared telescopes. Both mid-latitude and Arctic/Antarctic sites can be considered; the intent is a simple simulation to grow intuition for where major capital costs lie relative to key observatory design choices, and against expected scientific performance at various sites. User-defined unit costs for (a possibly "effective") roadway, enclosure, aperture, focal length, and adaptive optics can be scaled up for polar sites, and down for better seeing and lower sky brightness in K-band. Observatory models and results are immediately displayed side-by-side. Either point-source-detection S/N or recovery of bulge-to-total ratios in a simulated galaxy survey are divided by the total project cost, thus providing a universal metric.
Wōtan provides free and open source algorithms to remove trends from time-series data automatically as an aid to search efficiently for transits in stellar light curves from surveys. The toolkit helps determine empirically the best tool for a given job, serving as a one-stop solution for various smoothing tasks.
wpca, written in Python, offers several implementations of Weighted Principal Component Analysis and uses an interface similar to scikit-learn's sklearn.decomposition.PCA. Implementations include a direct decomposition of a weighted covariance matrix to compute principal vectors, and then a weighted least squares optimization to compute principal components, and an iterative expectation-maximization approach to solve simultaneously for the principal vectors and principal components of weighted data. It also includes a standard non-weighted PCA implemented using the singular value decomposition, primarily to be useful for testing.
Wqed (pronounced "Wicked") is a set of tools developed by the Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center (DARC) to simplify the process of reducing time-series CCD data on variable stars. It does not provide tools to measure the brightness of stars in individual frames, focusing instead on what comes next:
WSClean (w-stacking clean) is a fast generic widefield imager. It uses the w-stacking algorithm and can make use of the w-snapshot algorithm. It supports full-sky imaging and proper beam correction for homogeneous dipole arrays such as the MWA. WSClean allows Hogbom and Cotton-Schwab cleaning, and can clean polarizations joinedly. All operations are performed on the CPU; it is not specialized for GPUs.
Pairwise forces between particles in cosmological N-body simulations are generally softened to avoid hard collisions. Physically, this softening corresponds to treating the particles as diffuse clouds rather than point masses. For particles of unequal mass (and hence unequal softening length), computing the softened force involves a nontrivial double integral over the volumes of the two particles. We show that Plummer force softening is consistent with this interpretation of softening while spline softening is not. We provide closed-form expressions and numerical implementation for pairwise gravitational force laws for pairs of particles of general softening scales $epsilon_1$ and $epsilon_2$ assuming the commonly used cloud profiles: NGP, CIC, TSC, and PQS. Similarly, we generalize Plummer force law into pairs of particles of general softenings. We relate our expressions to the gaussian, Plummer and spline force softenings known from literature. Our expressions allow possible inclusions of pointlike particles such as stars or supermassive black holes.
wssa_utils contains utilities for accessing the full-sky, high-resolution maps of the WSSA 12 micron data release. Implementations in both Python and IDL are included. The code allows users to sample values at (longitude, latitude) coordinates of interest with ease, transparently mapping coordinates to WSSA tiles and performing interpolation. The wssa_utils software also serves to define a unique WSSA 12 micron flux at every location on the sky.
wsynphot provides a broad set of filters, including observation facility, instrument, and wavelength range, and functions for imaging stars to produce a filter curve showing the transmission of light for each wavelength value. It can create a filter curve object, plot the curve, and allows the user to do calculations on the filter curve object.
wvrgcal is a command line front end to LibAIR, the atmospheric inference library for phase correction of ALMA data using water vapour radiometers, and is the user-facing application for calculating atmospheric phase correction from WVR data. wvrgcal outputs a CASA gain calibration table which can then be applied to the observed data in the usual way.
Note: wvrgcal has been incorporated into the NRAO CASA suite.
WVT Binning is a spatially adaptive 2-dimensional binning algorithm designed to bin sparse X-ray data. It can handle background subtracted, exposure corrected data to produce intensity images, hardness ratio maps, or temperature maps. The algorithm is an extension of Cappellari & Copin's (2003) Voronoi binning code and uses Weighted Voronoi Tesselations (WVT) to produce a very compact binning structure with a constant S/N per bin. The bin size adjusts to the required resolution in single-pixel steps, which minimizes the scatter around the target S/N. The code is very versatile and can in principle be applied to any type of data. The user manual contains instructions on how to apply the WVT binning code to X-ray data and how to extend the algorithm to other problems.
WVTICs generates glass-like initial conditions for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Relaxation of the particle distribution is done using an algorithm based on Weighted Voronoi Tesselations; additional particle reshuffling can be enabled to improve over- and undersampled maxima/minima. The WBTICs package includes a full suite of analytical test problems.
wwz provides a python3 implementation of the Foster weighted wavelet z-transform, a wavelet-based method for periodicity analysis of unevenly sampled data.
WzBinned extracts binned and uncorrelated estimates of dark energy equation of state w(z) using Type Ia supernovae Hubble diagram and other cosmological probes and priors. It can handle an arbitrary number of input distance modulus data (entered as an input file SNdata.dat) and various existing cosmological information.
X-PSI simulates rotationally-modified (pulsed) surface X-ray emission from neutron stars, taking into account relativistic effects on the emitted radiation. This can then be used to perform Bayesian statistical inference on real or simulated astronomical data sets. Model parameters of interest may include neutron star mass and radius (useful to constrain the properties of ultradense nuclear matter) or the system geometry and properties of the hot emitting surface-regions. To achieve this, X-PSI couples code for likelihood functionality (simulation) with existing open-source software for posterior sampling (inference).
XAssist provides automation of X-ray astrophysics, specifically data reprocessing, source detection, and preliminary spatial, temporal and spectral analysis for each source with sufficient counts, with an emphasis on galaxies. It has been used for data from Chandra, ROSAT, XMM-Newton, and other various projects.
XCLASS (eXtended CASA Line Analysis Software Suite) extends CASA (ascl:1107.013) with new functions for modeling interferometric and single dish data. It provides a tool for calculating synthetic spectra by solving the radiative transfer equation for an isothermal object in one dimension, taking into account the finite source size and dust attenuation. It also includes an interface for MAGIX (ascl:1303.009) to find the parameter set that most closely reproduces the data.
XDF-GAN generates mock galaxy surveys with a Spatial Generative Adversarial Network (SGAN)-like architecture. Mock galaxy surveys are generated from data that is preprocessed as little as possible (preprocessing is only a 99.99th percentile clipping). The outputs can also be tessellated together to create a very large survey, limited in size only by the RAM of the generation machine.
XDGMM uses Gaussian mixtures to do density estimation of noisy, heterogenous, and incomplete data using extreme deconvolution (XD) algorithms which is compatible with the scikit-learn machine learning methods. It implements both the astroML and Bovy et al. (2011) algorithms, and extends the BaseEstimator class from scikit-learn so that cross-validation methods work. It allows the user to produce a conditioned model if values of some parameters are known.
XDQSO, written in IDL, calculates photometric quasar probabilities to mimick SDSS-III’s BOSS quasar target selection or photometric redshifts for quasars, whether in three redshift ranges (z < 2.2; 2.2 leq z leq 3.5; z > 3.5) or arbitrary redshift ranges.
The CL-based package XDSPRES is a complete reducing facility for cross-dispersed spectra taken with the Ohio State Infrared Imager/Spectrometer, as installed at the SOAR telescope. This instrument provides spectra in the range between 1.2um and 2.35um in a single exposure, with resolving power of R ~ 1200. XDSPRES consists of two tasks, namely xdflat and doosiris. The former is a completely automated code for preparing normalized flat field images from raw flat field exposures. Doosiris provides a complete reduction pipeline that requires a minimum of user interaction. The user guide explains the general steps towards a fully reduced spectrum.
XEphem is a scientific-grade interactive astronomical ephemeris package for UNIX-like systems. Written in C, X11 and Motif, it is easily ported to systems. XEphem computes heliocentric, geocentric and topocentric information for all objects and has built-in support for all planets, the moons of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Earth, central meridian longitude of Mars and Jupiter, Saturn's rings, and Jupiter's Great Red Spot. It allows user-defined objects including stars, deepsky objects, asteroids, comets and Earth satellites, provides special efficient handling of large catalogs including Tycho, Hipparcos, GSC, displays data in configurable tabular formats in conjunction with several interactive graphical views, and displays a night-at-a-glance 24 hour graphic showing when any selected objects are up. It also displays 3-D stereo Solar System views that are particularly well suited for visualizing comet trajectories, quickly finds all close pairs of objects in the sky, and sorts and prints all catalogs with very flexible criteria for creating custom observing lists.
XFGL visualizes gravitational lenses. It has an XFORM GUI and is completely interactive with the mouse. It uses OpenGL for the simulations.
XGA (X-ray: Generate and Analyse) analyzes X-ray sources observed by the XMM-Newton Space telescope. It is based around declaring different types of source and sample objects which correspond to real X-ray sources, finding all available data, and then insulating the user from the tedious generation and basic analysis of X-ray data products. XGA generates photometric products and spectra for individual sources, or whole samples, with just a few lines of code. Though not a pipeline, pipelines for complex analysis can be built on top of it. XGA provides an easy to use (and parallelized) Python interface with XMM's Science Analysis System (ascl:1404.004), as well as with XSPEC (ascl:9910.005). All XMM products and fit results are read into an XGA source storage structure, thus avoiding the need to leave a Python environment at any point during the analysis. This module also supports more complex analyses for specific object types such as the easy generation of scaling relations, the measurement of gas masses for galaxy clusters, and the PSF correction of images.
xGDS (Exploration Ground Data Systems) synthesizes real world data (from sensors, robots, ROVs, mobile devices, etc) and human observations into rich, digital maps and displays for analysis, decision making, and collaboration. xGDS processes and maps data (including video) in real-time during operations and uses it to support live role-based geolocated note taking. Notes can be used to search for and display important data. The software enables real-time analysis of data, permitting one to make inferences and plan new data collection operations while still in the field.
Xgremlin is a hardware and operating system independent version of the data analysis program Gremlin used for Fourier transform spectrometry. Xgremlin runs on PCs and workstations that use the X11 window system, including cygwin in Windows. It is used to Fourier transform interferograms, plot spectra, perform phase corrections, perform intensity and wavenumber calibration, and find and fit spectral lines. It can also be used to construct synthetic spectra, subtract continua, compare several different spectra, and eliminate ringing around lines.
XID+ is a prior-based source extraction tool which carries out photometry in the Herschel SPIRE (Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver) maps at the positions of known sources. It uses a probabilistic Bayesian framework that provides a natural framework in which to include prior information, and uses the Bayesian inference tool Stan to obtain the full posterior probability distribution on flux estimates.
Xmatch is a cross-platform, multi-GPU tool which allows for extremely fast cross-matching between two Astronomic catalogs. It is capable of asyncronously managing multiple GPUs, ideal for workstation and cluster environments.
XNS solves for the axisymmetric equilibrium configuration of neutron stars in general relativity. It can model differentially rotating and magnetic fields that are either purely toroidal, purely poloidal or in the mixed twisted torus configuration. Einsten's equations are solved using the XCFC approximation for the metric in spherical coordinates.
XookSuut models circular and noncircular flows on resolved velocity maps. The code performs nonparametric fits to derive kinematic models without assuming analytical functions on the different velocity components of the models. It recovers the circular and radial motions in galaxies in dynamical equilibrium and can derive the noncircular motions induced by oval distortions, such as that produced by stellar bars. XookSuut explores the full space of parameters on a N-dimensional space to derive their mean values; this combined method efficiently recovers the constant parameters and the different kinematic components.
XPCell simulates convective plasma cells. The program is implemented in two versions, one using GNUPLOT and the second OpenGL. XPCell offers a GUI to introduce the parameter required by the program.
XPHOT is an IDL implementation of a non-parametric method for estimating the apparent and intrinsic broad-band fluxes and absorbing X-ray column densities of weak X-ray sources. XPHOT is intended for faint sources with greater than ∼5-7 counts but fewer than 100-300 counts where parametric spectral fitting methods will be superior. This method is similar to the long-standing use of color-magnitude diagrams in optical and infrared astronomy, with X-ray median energy replacing color index and X-ray source counts replacing magnitude. Though XPHOT was calibrated for thermal spectra characteristic of stars in young stellar clusters, recalibration should be possible for some other classes of faint X-ray sources such as extragalactic active galactic nuclei.
Xpol computes angular power spectra based on cross-correlation between maps and covariance matrices. The code is written in C and is fully MPI parallelized in CPU and memory using spherical transform by s2hat (ascl:1110.013). It has been used to derive CMB and dust power spectra for Archeops and CMB, dust, CIB, SZ, SZ-CIB for Planck, among others.
XSHPipelineManager provides a framework for reducing spectroscopic observations taken by the X-shooter spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. This Python code wraps recipes developed by the European Southern Observatory and runs the full X-shooter data reduction pipeline. The code offers full flexibility in terms of what data reduction recipes to include and which calibration files to use. During the data reduction chain restart-files are saved, making it possible to restart at any step in the chain.
Xsmurf is a software package written in C/Tcl/Tk that implements the continuous wavelet transform modulus maxima method, an image processing tool for measuring fractal and multifractal properties in experimental and simulation data.
Multifractal analysis is described in the following page:
Xsmurf has been used in multiple applications in astrophysics, e.g. :
- analysis of solar magnetograms for characterizing complexity of evolving regions
- fractal/multifractal nature and anisotropic structure of Galactic atomic hydrogen (H I)
- analysis of simulation data (velocity field, ...) of turbulent flow
xSonify maps scientific data to acoustic sequences. Listening to data can help discover patterns in huge amounts of data. Written in Java, xSonify allows visually impaired people to examine numerical data for patterns. The data can be imported from local files or from remote databases via the Internet. Single results of measurements from spacecraft instruments can be selected by their corresponding variables in a specific time frame. The results are transformed into MIDI sequences which can be played with a selection of different instruments from a soundbank. Another software module enables xSonify to convert the sonified data into other sound formats to make it easier to archive and exchange the Sonification results with other scientists.
XSPEC_EMCEE is an XSPEC-friendly interface for emcee (ascl:1303.002). It carries out MCMC analyses of X-ray spectra in the X-ray spectral fitting program XSPEC (ascl:9910.005). It can run multiple xspec processes simultaneously, speeding up the analysis, and can switch to parameterizing norm
parameters in log space.
It has been over a decade since the first paper was published containing results determined using the general X-ray spectral-fitting program XSPEC. Since then XSPEC has become the most widely used program for this purpose, being the de facto standard for the ROSAT and the de jure standard for the ASCA and XTE satellites. Probably the most important features of XSPEC are the large number of theoretical models available and the facilities for adding new models.
XSTAR is a command-driven, interactive, computer program for calculating the physical conditions and emission spectra of photoionized gases. It may be applied in a wide variety of astrophysical contexts. Stripped to essentials, its job may be described simply: A spherical gas shell surrounding a central source of ionizing radiation absorbs some of this radiation and reradiates it in other portions of the spectrum; XSTAR computes the effects on the gas of absorbing this energy, and the spectrum of reradiated light. The user supplies the shape and strength of the incident continuum, the elemental abundances in the gas, its density or pressure, and its thickness; the code can be directed to return any of a large number of derived quantities, including (but not limited to) the ionization balance and temperature, opacity tables, and emitted line and continuum fluxes.
The xwavecal library automatically wavelength calibrates echelle spectrographs for high precision radial velocity work. The routines are designed to operate on data with extracted 1D spectra. The library provides a convienience function which returns a list of wavelengths from just a list of spectral feature coordinates (pixel and order) and a reference line list. The returned wavelengths are the wavelengths of the measured spectral features under the best fit wavelength model. xwavecal also provides line identification and spectral reduction utilities. The library is modular; each step of the wavelength calibration is a stage which can be disabled by removing the associated line in the config.ini file. Wavelength calibrating data which already have spectra means only using the wavelength calibration stages. Using the full experimental pipeline means enabling the other data reduction stages, such as overscan subtraction.
Yaxx is a Perl script that facilitates batch data processing using Perl open source software and commonly available software such as CIAO/Sherpa, S-lang, SAS, and FTOOLS. For Chandra and XMM analysis it includes automated spectral extraction, fitting, and report generation. Yaxx can be run without climbing an extensive learning curve; even so, yaxx is highly configurable and can be customized to support complex analysis. yaxx uses template files and takes full advantage of the unique Sherpa / S-lang environment to make much of the processing user configurable. Although originally developed with an emphasis on X-ray data analysis, yaxx evolved to be a general-purpose pipeline scripting package.
YMW16 models the distribution of free electrons in the Galaxy, the Magellanic Clouds and the inter-galactic medium and can be used to estimate distances for real or simulated pulsars and fast radio bursts (FRBs) based on their position and dispersion measure. The Galactic model is based on 189 pulsars that have independently determined distances as well as dispersion measures, whereas simpler models are used for the electron density in the MC and the IGM.
YNOGK, written in Fortran, calculates the null geodesics in the Kerr spacetime. It uses Weierstrass' and Jacobi's elliptic functions to express all coordinates and affine parameters as analytical and numerical functions of a parameter $p$, which is an integral value along the geodesic. The information about the turning points do not need to be specified in advance by the user, allowing applications such as imaging, the calculation of line profiles or the observer-emitter problem to become root finding problems. Elliptic integrations are computed by Carlson's elliptic integral method, which allows fast computation.
YNOGKM (Yun-Nan observatories geodesic in a Kerr-Newman spacetime for massive particles) performs fast calculation of time-like geodesics in the Kerr-Newman (K-N) spacetime; it is a direct extension of YNOGK (Yun-Nan observatories geodesic Kerr) calculating null geodesics in a Kerr spacetime. The four Boyer-Lindquis coordinates and proper time are expressed as functions of a parameter p semi-analytically by using the Weierstrass' and Jacobi's elliptic functions and integrals. The elliptic integrals are computed by Carlson's elliptic integral method, which guarantees the fast speed of the code. The source Fortran file ynogkm.f90 contains three modules: constants, rootfind, ellfunction, and blcoordinates.
YODA, implemented in C++, performs object detection, photometry and star-galaxy classification on astronomical images. Developed specifically to cope with the multi-band imaging data common in modern extragalactic imaging surveys, it is modular and therefore easily adaptable to specific needs. YODA works under conditions of inhomogeneous background noise across the detection frame, and performs accurate aperture photometry in image sets not sharing a common coordinate system or pixel scale as is often the case in present-day extragalactic survey work.
YONDER uses singular value decomposition to perform low-rank data denoising and reconstruction. It takes a tabular data matrix and an error matrix as input and returns a denoised version of the original dataset as output. The approach enables a more accurate data analysis in the presence of uncertainties. Consequently, this package can be used as a simple toolbox to perform astronomical data cleaning.
Youpi is a portable, easy to use web application providing high level functionalities to perform data reduction on scientific FITS images. Built on top of various open source reduction tools released to the community by TERAPIX (, Youpi can help organize data, manage processing jobs on a computer cluster in real time (using Condor) and facilitate teamwork by allowing fine-grain sharing of results and data. Youpi is modular and comes with plugins which perform, from within a browser, various processing tasks such as evaluating the quality of incoming images (using the QualityFITS software package), computing astrometric and photometric solutions (using SCAMP), resampling and co-adding FITS images (using SWarp) and extracting sources and building source catalogues from astronomical images (using SExtractor). Youpi is useful for small to medium-sized data reduction projects; it is free and is published under the GNU General Public License.
ysoisochrone is a Python3 package that handles the isochrones for young stellar objects (YSOs), and utilize isochrones to derive the stellar mass and ages. Our primary method is a Bayesian inference approach, and the Python code builds on the IDL version developed in Pascucci et al. (2016). The code estimates the stellar masses, ages, and associated uncertainties by comparing their stellar effective temperature, bolometric luminosity, and their uncertainties with different stellar evolutionary models, including those specifically developed for YSOs. User-developed evolutionary tracks can also be utilized when provided in the specific format described in the code documentation.
yt is an open source, community-developed volumetric analysis and visualization toolkit. Originally designed for handling Enzo's (ascl:1010.072) structure adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) data, yt has been extended to work with numerous simulation methods and simulation codes including Orion, RAMSES (ascl:1011.007), and FLASH (ascl:1010.082). Analysis and visualization with yt are oriented around physically relevant quantities rather than quantities native to data representation on-disk or in-memory. yt can be used for projections, multivariate volume rendering, multi-dimensional histograms, halo finding, light cone generation and topologically-connected isocontour identification.
yt benefits from the contributions of a broad range of community members, and a full list of credits for the code can be found on the yt website or in the source repository.
ytree reads and works with merger tree data from multiple formats. An extension of yt (ascl:1011.022), which can analyze snapshots from cosmological simulations, ytree can be thought of as the yt of merger trees. ytree's online documentation lists supported formats; support for additional formats can be added, as in principle, any type of tree-like data where an object has one or more ancestors and a single descendant can be supported.
ZAP (Zurich Atmosphere Purge) provides sky subtraction for integral field spectroscopy; its approach is based on principal component analysis (PCA) developed for the Multi Unit Spectrographic Explorer (MUSE) integral field spectrograph. ZAP employs filtering and data segmentation to enhance the inherent capabilities of PCA for sky subtraction. ZAP reduces sky emission residuals while robustly preserving the flux and line shapes of astronomical sources; this method works in a variety of observational situations from sparse fields with a low density of sources to filled fields in which the target source fills the field of view. With the inclusion of both of these situations the method is generally applicable to many different science cases and should also be useful for other instrumentation.
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