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[ascl:2208.007] VapoRock: Modeling magma ocean atmospheres and stellar nebula

VapoRock calculates the equilibrium partial pressures of metal-bearing gas species of specific elements above the magma ocean surface to determine the metal-bearing composition of the atmosphere as a function of temperature and the bulk composition of the magma ocean. It utilizes ENKI's ThermoEngine (ascl:2208.006) and combines estimates for element activities in silicate melts with thermodynamic data for metal and metal oxide vapor species.

[ascl:2109.026] Varstar Detect: Variable star detection in TESS data

Varstar Detect uses several numerical and statistical methods to filter and interpret the data obtained from TESS. It performs an amplitude test to determine whether a star is variable and if so, provides the characteristics of each star through phenomenological analysis of the lightcurve.

[ascl:1208.016] VARTOOLS: Light Curve Analysis Program

The VARTOOLS program is a command line utility that provides tools for analyzing time series astronomical data. It implements a number of routines for calculating variability/periodicity statistics of light curves, as well as tools for modifying and filtering light curves.

[ascl:1704.005] VaST: Variability Search Toolkit

VaST (Variability Search Toolkit) finds variable objects on a series of astronomical images in FITS format. The software performs object detection and aperture photometry using SExtractor (ascl:1010.064) on each image, cross-matches lists of detected stars, performs magnitude calibration with respect to the first (reference) image and constructs a lightcurve for each object. The sigma-magnitude, Stetson's L variability index, Robust Median Statistic (RoMS) and other plots may be used to visually identify variable star candidates. The two distinguishing features of VaST are its ability to perform accurate aperture photometry of images obtained with non-linear detectors and to handle complex image distortions. VaST can be used in cases of unstable PSF (e.g., bad guiding or with digitized wide-field photographic images), and has been successfully applied to images obtained with telescopes ranging from 0.08 to 2.5m in diameter equipped with a variety of detectors including CCD, CMOS, MIC and photographic plates.

[ascl:1809.004] VBBINARYLENSING: Microlensing light-curve computation

VBBinaryLensing forward models gravitational microlensing events using the advanced contour integration method; it supports single and binary lenses. The lens map is inverted on a collection of points on the source boundary to obtain a corresponding collection of points on the boundaries of the images from which the area of the images can be recovered by use of Green’s theorem. The code takes advantage of a number of techniques to make contour integration much more efficient, including using a parabolic correction to increase the accuracy of the summation, introducing an error estimate on each arc of the boundary to enable defining an optimal sampling, and allowing the inclusion of limb darkening. The code is written as a C++ library and wrapped as a Python package, and can be called from either C++ or Python.

[ascl:2311.002] VCAL-SPHERE: Hybrid pipeline for reduction of VLT/SPHERE data

VCAL-SPHERE, for VIP-based Calibration of VLT/SPHERE data, is a versatile pipeline for high-contrast imaging of exoplanets and circumstellar disks. The pipeline covers all steps of data reduction, including raw calibration, pre-processing and post-processing (i.e., modeling and subtraction of the stellar halo), for the IFS, IRDIS-DBI and IRDIS-CI modes (and combinations thereof) of the VLT instrument SPHERE. The three main steps of the reduction correspond to different modules, where the first follows the recommended EsoRex (ascl:1504.003) workflow and associated recipes with occasional inclusion of VIP (ascl:1603.003) routines (e.g., for PCA-based sky subtraction), while the other two stages fully rely on the VIP toolbox. Although the default parameters of the pipeline should yield a good reduction in most cases, these can be tuned using JSON parameter files for each stage of the pipeline for optimal reduction of specific datasets.

[ascl:2301.020] VDA: Void Dwarf Analyzer

void-dwarf-analysis analyzes Keck Cosmic Web Imager datacubes to produce maps of kinematic properties (velocity and velocity dispersion), emission line fluxes, and gas-phase metallicities of void dwarf galaxies.

[ascl:1610.009] velbin: radial velocity corrected for binary orbital motions

Velbin convolves the radial velocity offsets due to binary orbital motions with a Gaussian to model an observed velocity distribution. This can be used to measure the mean velocity and velocity dispersion from an observed radial velocity distribution, corrected for binary orbital motions. Velbin fits single- or multi-epoch data with any arbitrary binary orbital parameter distribution (as long as it can be sampled properly), however it always assumes that the intrinsic velocity distribution (i.e. corrected for binary orbital motions) is a Gaussian. Velbin samples (and edits) a binary orbital parameter distribution, fits an observed radial velocity distribution, and creates a mock radial velocity distribution that can be used to provide the fitted radial velocities in the single_epoch or multi_epoch methods.

[ascl:1010.021] velfit: A Code for Modeling Non-Circular Flows in Disk Galaxies

High-quality velocity maps of galaxies frequently exhibit signatures of non-circular streaming motions. velfit yields results that are more easily interpreted than the commonly used procedure. It can estimate the magnitudes of forced non-circular motions over a broad range of bar strengths from a strongly barred galaxy, through cases of mild bar-like distortions to placing bounds on the shapes of halos in galaxies having extended rotation curves.

This code is no longer maintained and has been superseded by DiskFit (ascl:1209.011).

[ascl:2308.014] velocileptors: Velocity-based Lagrangian and Eulerian PT expansions of redshift-space distortions

velocileptors computes the real- and redshift-space power spectra and correlation functions of biased tracers using 1-loop perturbation theory (with effective field theory counter terms and up to cubic biasing) as well as the real-space pairwise velocity moments. It provides simple computation of the power spectrum wedges or multipoles, and uses a reduced set of parameters for computing the most common case of the redshift-space power spectrum. In addition, velocileptors offers two "direct expansion" modules available in LPT and EPT.

[ascl:1911.020] VELOCIraptor-STF: Six-dimensional Friends-of-Friends phase space halo finder

VELOCIraptor-STF, formerly STructure Finder (ascl:1306.009), is a 6-Dimensional Friends-of-Friends (6D-FoF) phase space halo finder and constructs halo catalogs. The code uses using MPI and OpenMP APIs and can be compiled as a library for on-the-fly halo finding within an N-body/hydrodynamnical code. There is an associated halo merger tree code TreeFrog (ascl:1911.021).

[ascl:1802.002] venice: Mask utility

venice reads a mask file (DS9 or fits type) and a catalogue of objects (ascii or fits type) to create a pixelized mask, find objects inside/outside a mask, or generate a random catalogue of objects inside/outside a mask. The program reads the mask file and checks if a point, giving its coordinates, is inside or outside the mask, i.e. inside or outside at least one polygon of the mask.

[ascl:1802.005] Verne: Earth-stopping effect for heavy dark matter

Verne calculates the Earth-stopping effect for super-heavy Dark Matter (DM). The code allows you to calculate the speed distribution (and DM signal rate) at an arbitrary detector location on the Earth. The calculation takes into account the full anisotropic DM velocity distribution and the full velocity dependence of the DM-nucleus cross section. Results can be obtained for any DM mass and cross section, though the results are most reliable for very heavy DM particles.

[ascl:1503.011] VESPA: False positive probabilities calculator

Validation of Exoplanet Signals using a Probabilistic Algorithm (VESPA) calculates false positive probabilities and statistically validates transiting exoplanets. Written in Python, it uses isochrones [ascl:1503.010] and the package simpledist.

[ascl:2203.022] Vetting: Stand-alone tools for vetting transit signals in Kepler, K2 and TESS data

vetting contains simple, stand-alone Python tools for vetting transiting signals in NASA's Kepler, K2, and TESS data. The code performs a centroid test to look for significant changes in the centroid of a star during a transit or eclipse. vetting requires an installation of Python 3.8 or higher.

[ascl:2307.017] Veusz: Scientific plotting package

Veusz produces a wide variety of publication-ready 2D and 3D plots. Plots are created by building up plotting widgets with a consistent object-based interface, and the package provides many options for customizing plots. Veusz can import data from text, CSV, HDF5 and FITS files; datasets can also be entered within the program and new datasets created via the manipulation of existing datasets using mathematical expressions and more. The program can also be extended, by adding plugins supporting importing new data formats, different types of data manipulation or for automating tasks, and it supports vector and bitmap output, including PDF, Postscript, SVG and EMF.

[ascl:1904.019] Vevacious: Global minima of one-loop effective potentials generator

Vevacious takes a generic expression for a one-loop effective potential energy function and finds all the tree-level extrema, which are then used as the starting points for gradient-based minimization of the one-loop effective potential. The tunneling time from a given input vacuum to the deepest minimum, if different from the input vacuum, can be calculated. The parameter points are given as files in the SLHA format (though is not restricted to supersymmetric models), and new model files can be easily generated automatically by the Mathematica package SARAH (ascl:1904.020).

[ascl:1204.007] VH-1: Multidimensional ideal compressible hydrodynamics code

VH-1 is a multidimensional ideal compressible hydrodynamics code written in FORTRAN for use on any computing platform, from desktop workstations to supercomputers. It uses a Lagrangian remap version of the Piecewise Parabolic Method developed by Paul Woodward and Phil Colella in their 1984 paper. VH-1 comes in a variety of versions, from a simple one-dimensional serial variant to a multi-dimensional version scalable to thousands of processors.

[ascl:1306.015] VHD: Viscous pseudo-Newtonian accretion

VHD is a numerical study of viscous fluid accretion onto a black hole. The flow is axisymmetric and uses a pseudo-Newtonian potential to model relativistic effects near the event horizon. VHD is based on ZEUS-2D (Stone & Norman 1992) with the addition of an explicit scheme for the viscosity.

[ascl:1404.010] VictoriaReginaModels: Stellar evolutionary tracks

The Victoria–Regina stellar models are comprised of seventy-two grids of stellar evolutionary tracks accompanied by complementary zero-age horizontal branches and are presented in “equivalent evolutionary phase” (.eep) files. This Fortran 77 software interpolates isochrones, isochrone population functions, luminosity functions, and color functions of stellar evolutionary tracks.

[ascl:1407.014] VIDE: The Void IDentification and Examination toolkit

The Void IDentification and Examination toolkit (VIDE) identifies voids using a modified version of the parameter-free void finder ZOBOV (ascl:1304.005); a Voronoi tessellation of the tracer particles is used to estimate the density field followed by a watershed algorithm to group Voronoi cells into zones and subsequently voids. Output is a summary of void properties in plain ASCII; a Python API is provided for analysis tasks, including loading and manipulating void catalogs and particle members, filtering, plotting, computing clustering statistics, stacking, comparing catalogs, and fitting density profiles.

[ascl:1403.016] Viewpoints: Fast interactive linked plotting of large multivariate data sets

Viewpoints is an interactive tool for exploratory visual analysis of large high-dimensional (multivariate) data. It uses linked scatterplots to find relations in a few seconds that can take much longer with other plotting tools. Its features include linked scatter plots with brushing, dynamic histograms, normalization, and outlier detection/removal.

[ascl:1201.006] VIM: Visual Integration and Mining

VIM (Virtual Observatory Integration and Mining) is a data retrieval and exploration application that assumes an astronomer has a list of 'sources' (positions in the sky), and wants to explore archival catalogs, images, and spectra of the sources, in order to identify, select, and mine the list. VIM does this either through web forms, building a custom 'data matrix,' or locally through downloadable Python code. Any VO-registered catalog service can be used by VIM, as well as co-registered image cutouts from VO-image services, and spectra from VO-spectrum services. The user could, for example, show together: proper motions from GSC2, name and spectral type from NED, magnitudes and colors from 2MASS, and cutouts and spectra from SDSS. VIM can compute columns across surveys and sort on these (eg. 2MASS J magnitude minus SDSS g). For larger sets of sources, VIM utilizes the asynchronous Nesssi services from NVO, that can run thousands of cone and image services overnight.

[ascl:1010.058] VINE: A numerical code for simulating astrophysical systems using particles

VINE is a particle based astrophysical simulation code. It uses a tree structure to efficiently solve the gravitational N-body problem and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) to simulate gas dynamical effects. The code has been successfully used for a number of studies on galaxy interactions, galactic dynamics, star formation and planet formation and given the implemented physics, other applications are possible as well.

[ascl:1603.003] VIP: Vortex Image Processing pipeline for high-contrast direct imaging of exoplanets

VIP (Vortex Image Processing pipeline) provides pre- and post-processing algorithms for high-contrast direct imaging of exoplanets. Written in Python, VIP provides a very flexible framework for data exploration and image processing and supports high-contrast imaging observational techniques, including angular, reference-star and multi-spectral differential imaging. Several post-processing algorithms for PSF subtraction based on principal component analysis are available as well as the LLSG (Local Low-rank plus Sparse plus Gaussian-noise decomposition) algorithm for angular differential imaging. VIP also implements the negative fake companion technique coupled with MCMC sampling for rigorous estimation of the flux and position of potential companions.

[ascl:2108.006] viper: Velocity and IP EstimatoR

viper (Velocity and IP EstimatoR) measures differential radial velocities from stellar spectra taken through iodine or other gas cells. It convolves the product of a stellar template and a gas cell spectrum with an instrumental profile. Via least square fitting, it optimizes the parameters of the instrumental profile, the wavelength solution, flux normalization, and the stellar Doppler shift. viper offers various functions to describe the instrumental profile such as Gaussian, super-Gaussian, skewed Gaussian or mixtures of Gaussians. The code is developed for echelle spectra; it can handle data from CES, CRIRES+, KECK, OES, TCES, and UVES, and additional instruments can easily be added. A graphical interface facilitates the work with numerous flexible options.

[ascl:1204.012] VirGO: A Visual Browser for the ESO Science Archive Facility

VirGO is the next generation Visual Browser for the ESO Science Archive Facility developed by the Virtual Observatory (VO) Systems Department. It is a plug-in for the popular open source software Stellarium adding capabilities for browsing professional astronomical data. VirGO gives astronomers the possibility to easily discover and select data from millions of observations in a new visual and intuitive way. Its main feature is to perform real-time access and graphical display of a large number of observations by showing instrumental footprints and image previews, and to allow their selection and filtering for subsequent download from the ESO SAF web interface. It also allows the loading of external FITS files or VOTables, the superimposition of Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) background images, and the visualization of the sky in a `real life' mode as seen from the main ESO sites. All data interfaces are based on Virtual Observatory standards which allow access to images and spectra from external data centers, and interaction with the ESO SAF web interface or any other VO applications supporting the PLASTIC messaging system.

[ascl:2305.002] Virtual Telescope: Next-Generation Space Telescope Simulator

Virtual Telescope predicts the signal-to-noise and other parameters of imaging and/or spectroscopic observations as a function of telescope size, detector noise, and other factors for the Next-Generation Space Telescope.

[ascl:1804.019] ViSBARD: Visual System for Browsing, Analysis and Retrieval of Data

ViSBARD interactively visualizes and analyzes space physics data. It provides an interactive integrated 3-D and 2-D environment to determine correlations between measurements across many spacecraft. It supports a variety of spacecraft data products and MHD models and is easily extensible to others. ViSBARD provides a way of visualizing multiple vector and scalar quantities as measured by many spacecraft at once. The data are displayed three-dimesionally along the orbits which may be displayed either as connected lines or as points. The data display allows the rapid determination of vector configurations, correlations between many measurements at multiple points, and global relationships. With the addition of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model data, this environment can also be used to validate simulation results with observed data, use simulated data to provide a global context for sparse observed data, and apply feature detection techniques to the simulated data.

[ascl:2102.007] viscm: Colormaps analyzer and creator

viscm is a Python tool for visualizing and designing colormaps using colorspacious and matplotlib.

[ascl:1802.006] VISIBLE: VISIbility Based Line Extraction

VISIBLE applies approximated matched filters to interferometric data, allowing line detection directly in visibility space. The filter can be created from a FITS image or RADMC3D output image, and the weak line data can be a CASA MS or uvfits file. The filter response spectrum can be output either to a .npy file or returned back to the user for scripting.

[ascl:1408.010] VisiOmatic: Celestial image viewer

VisiOmatic is a web client for IIPImage (ascl:1408.009) and is used to visualize and navigate through large science images from remote locations. It requires STIFF (ascl:1110.006), is based on the Leaflet Javascript library, and works on both touch-based and mouse-based devices.

[ascl:1103.007] VisIt: Interactive Parallel Visualization and Graphical Analysis Tool

VisIt is a free interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool for viewing scientific data on Unix and PC platforms. Users can quickly generate visualizations from their data, animate them through time, manipulate them, and save the resulting images for presentations. VisIt contains a rich set of visualization features so that you can view your data in a variety of ways. It can be used to visualize scalar and vector fields defined on two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) structured and unstructured meshes. VisIt was designed to handle very large data set sizes in the terascale range and yet can also handle small data sets in the kilobyte range. See the table below for more details about the tool’s features.

VisIt was developed by the Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Simulation and Computing Initiative (ASCI) to visualize and analyze the results of terascale simulations. It was developed as a framework for adding custom capabilities and rapidly deploying new visualization technologies. Although the primary driving force behind the development of VisIt was for visualizing terascale data, it is also well suited for visualizing data from typical simulations on desktop systems.

[ascl:1011.020] VisIVO: Integrated Tools and Services for Large-Scale Astrophysical Visualization

VisIVO is an integrated suite of tools and services specifically designed for the Virtual Observatory. This suite constitutes a software framework for effective visual discovery in currently available (and next-generation) very large-scale astrophysical datasets. VisIVO consists of VisiVO Desktop - a stand alone application for interactive visualization on standard PCs, VisIVO Server - a grid-enabled platform for high performance visualization and VisIVO Web - a custom designed web portal supporting services based on the VisIVO Server functionality. The main characteristic of VisIVO is support for high-performance, multidimensional visualization of very large-scale astrophysical datasets. Users can obtain meaningful visualizations rapidly while preserving full and intuitive control of the relevant visualization parameters. This paper focuses on newly developed integrated tools in VisIVO Server allowing intuitive visual discovery with 3D views being created from data tables. VisIVO Server can be installed easily on any web server with a database repository. We discuss briefly aspects of our implementation of VisiVO Server on a computational grid and also outline the functionality of the services offered by VisIVO Web. Finally we conclude with a summary of our work and pointers to future developments.

[ascl:1402.001] Vissage: ALMA VO Desktop Viewer

Vissage (VISualisation Software for Astronomical Gigantic data cubEs) is a FITS browser primarily targeting FITS data cubes obtained from ALMA. Vissage offers basic functionality for viewing three-dimensional data cubes, integrated intensity map, flipbook, channel map, and P-V diagram. It has several color sets and color scales available, offers panning and zooming, and can connect with the ALMA WebQL system and the JVO Subaru Image Cutout Service.

[ascl:1701.002] Vizic: Jupyter-based interactive visualization tool for astronomical catalogs

Vizic is a Python visualization library that builds the connection between images and catalogs through an interactive map of the sky region. The software visualizes catalog data over a custom background canvas using the shape, size and orientation of each object in the catalog and displays interactive and customizable objects in the map. Property values such as redshift and magnitude can be used to filter or apply colormaps, and objects can be selected for further analysis through standard Python functions from inside a Jupyter notebook.

Vizic allows custom overlays to be appended dynamically on top of the sky map; included are Voronoi, Delaunay, Minimum Spanning Tree and HEALPix layers, which are helpful for visualizing large-scale structure. Overlays can be generated, added or removed dynamically with one line of code. Catalog data is kept in a non-relational database. The Jupyter Notebook allows the user to create scripts to analyze and plot the data selected/displayed in the interactive map, making Vizic a powerful and flexible interactive analysis tool. Vizic be used for data inspection, clustering analysis, galaxy alignment studies, outlier identification or simply large-scale visualizations.

[ascl:2207.020] vKompth: Time-dependent Comptonization model for black-hole X-ray binaries

vKompth fits the energy-dependent rms-amplitude and phase-lag spectra of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in low mass black-hole X-ray binaries using a variable Comptonization model. The accretion disc is modeled as a multi-temperature blackbody source emitting soft photons which are then Compton up-scattered in a spherical corona, including feedback of Comptonized photons that return to the disc.

[ascl:1908.014] Vlasiator: Hybrid-Vlasov simulation code

Vlasiator is a 6-dimensional Vlasov theory-based simulation. It simulates the entire near-Earth space at a global scale using the kinetic hybrid-Vlasov approach, to study fundamental plasma processes (reconnection, particle acceleration, shocks), and to gain a deeper understanding of space weather.

[ascl:2009.002] vlt-sphere: Automatic VLT/SPHERE data reduction and analysis

The high-contrast imager SPHERE at the Very Large Telescope combines extreme adaptive optics and coronagraphy to directly image exoplanets in the near-infrared. The vlt-sphere package enables easy reduction of the data coming from IRDIS and IFS, the two near-infrared subsystems of SPHERE. The package relies on the official ESO pipeline (ascl:1402.010), which must be installed separately.

[ascl:1304.005] VOBOZ/ZOBOV: Halo-finding and Void-finding algorithms

VOBOZ (VOronoi BOund Zones) is an algorithm to find haloes in an N-body dark matter simulation which has little dependence on free parameters.

ZOBOV (ZOnes Bordering On Voidness) is an algorithm that finds density depressions in a set of points without any free parameters or assumptions about shape. It uses the Voronoi tessellation to estimate densities to find both voids and subvoids. It also measures probabilities that each void or subvoid arises from Poisson fluctuations.

[ascl:1411.003] voevent-parse: Parse, manipulate, and generate VOEvent XML packets

voevent-parse, written in Python, parses, manipulates, and generates VOEvent XML packets; it is built atop lxml.objectify. Details of transients detected by many projects, including Fermi, Swift, and the Catalina Sky Survey, are currently made available as VOEvents, which is also the standard alert format by future facilities such as LSST and SKA. However, working with XML and adhering to the sometimes lengthy VOEvent schema can be a tricky process. voevent-parse provides convenience routines for common tasks, while allowing the user to utilise the full power of the lxml library when required. An earlier version of voevent-parse was part of the pysovo (ascl:1411.002) library.

[ascl:1811.016] VoigtFit: Absorption line fitting for Voigt profiles

VoigtFit fits Voigt profiles to absorption lines. It fits multiple components for various atomic lines simultaneously, allowing parameters to be tied and fixed, and can automatically fit a polynomial continuum model together with the line profiles. A physical model can be used to constrain thermal and turbulent broadening of absorption lines as well as implementing molecular excitation models. The code uses a χ2 minimization approach to find the best solution and offers interactive features such as manual continuum placement locally around each line, manual masking of undesired fitting regions, and interactive definition of velocity components for various elements, improving the ease of estimating initial guesses.

[ascl:2109.003] VOLKS2: VLBI Observation for transient Localization Keen Searcher

The VOLK2 (VLBI Observation for transient Localization Keen Searcher) pipeline conducts single pulse searches and localization in regular VLBI observations as well as single pulse detections from known sources in dedicated observations. In VOLKS2, the search and localization are two independent steps. The search step takes the idea of geodetic VLBI post processing, which fully utilizes the cross spectrum fringe phase information to maximize the signal power. Compared with auto spectrum based method, it is able to extract single pulses from highly RFI contaminated data. The localization uses the geodetic VLBI solving methods, which derives the single pulse location by solving a set of linear equations given the relation between the residual delay and the offset to a priori position.

[ascl:1309.007] VOMegaPlot: Plotting millions of points

VOMegaPlot, a Java based tool, has been developed for visualizing astronomical data that is available in VOTable format. It has been specifically optimized for handling large number of points (in the range of millions). It has the same look and feel as VOPlot (ascl:1309.006) and both these tools have certain common functionality.

[ascl:1309.006] VOPlot: Toolkit for Scientific Discovery using VOTables

VOPlot is a tool for visualizing astronomical data. It was developed in Java and acts on data available in VOTABLE, ASCII and FITS formats. VOPlot is available as a stand alone version, which is to be installed on the user's machine, or as a web-based version fully integrated with the VizieR database.

[ascl:1211.006] VorBin: Voronoi binning method

VorBin (Voronoi binning method) bins two-dimensional data to a constant signal-to-noise ratio per bin. It optimally solves the problem of preserving the maximum spatial resolution of general two-dimensional data, given a constraint on the minimum signal-to-noise ratio. The method is available in both IDL and Python.

[ascl:2410.003] vortex-p: Helmholtz-Hodge and Reynolds decomposition algorithm for particle-based simulations

vortex-p analyzes the velocity fields of astrophysical simulations of different natures (for example, SPH, moving-mesh, and meshless) usually spanning many orders of magnitude in scales involved. The code performs Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition (HHD); that is, it can decompose the velocity field into a solenoidal and an irrotational/compressive part Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition. vortex-p internally uses an AMR representation of the velocity field and can, in principle, capture the full dynamical range of the simulation. The package can also perform Reynolds decomposition (i.e., the decomposition of the velocity field into a bulk and a turbulent part). This is achieved by means of a multi-scale filtering of the velocity field, where the filtering scale around each point is determined by the local flow properties. vortex-p expands the vortex (ascl:2206.001) code, which had been coupled to the outputs of the MASCLET code, to a fully stand-alone tool capable of working with the outcomes of a broad range of simulation methods.

[ascl:2206.001] vortex: Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition for an AMR velocity field

vortex performs a Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition on vector fields defined on AMR grids, decomposing a vector field in its solenoidal (divergence-less) and compressive (curl-less) parts. It works natively on vector fields defined on Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) grids, so that it can perform the decomposition over large dynamical ranges; it is also applicable to particle-based simulations. As vortex is devised primarily to investigate the properties of the turbulent velocity field in the Intracluster Medium (ICM), it also includes routines for multi-scale filtering the velocity field.

[ascl:1205.011] VOSpec: VO Spectral Analysis Tool

VOSpec is a multi-wavelength spectral analysis tool with access to spectra, theoretical models and atomic and molecular line databases registered in the VO. The standard tools of VOSpec include line and continuum fitting, redshift and reddening correction, spectral arithmetic and convolution between spectra, equivalent width and flux calculations, and a best fitting algorithm for fitting selected SEDs to a TSAP service. VOSpec offers several display modes (tree vs table) and organising functionalities according to the available metadata for each service, including distance from the observation position.

[ascl:1309.008] VOStat: Statistical analysis of astronomical data

VOStat allows astronomers to use both simple and sophisticated statistical routines on large datasets. This tool uses the large public-domain statistical computing package R. Datasets can be uploaded in either ASCII or VOTABLE (preferred) format. The statistical computations are performed by the VOStat and results are returned to the user.

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