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[ascl:2204.011] SimAb: Planet formation model

SimAb (Simulating Abundances) simulates planet formation, focusing on the atmosphere accretion of gas giant planets. The package can run the simulation in two different modes. The single simulation mode is run by specifying the initial conditions (the core mass, the initial orbital distance, the planetesimal ratio, and the dust grain fraction), and the mature planet mass and orbital distance. The multi run simulation mode requires specifying the mass and the final orbital distance of the mature planet; the simulation randomly assigns initial orbital distance, initial core mass, initial planetesimal ratio, and initial dust grain fraction. The package also provides Jupyter codes for plotting the results of the simulations.

[ascl:2308.003] SIMBI: 3D relativistic gas dynamics code

SIMBI simulates heterogeneous relativistic gas dynamics up to 3d for special relativistic hydrodynamics and up to 2D Newtonian hydrodynamics. It supports user-defined mesh expansion and contraction, density, momentum, and energy density terms outside of grid; the code also supports source terms in the Euler equations and source terms at the boundaries. Boundary conditions, which include periodic, reflecting, outflow, and inflow boundaries, are given as an array of strings. If an inflow boundary condition is set but no inflow boundary source terms are given, SIMBI switches to outflow boundary conditions to prevent crashes. The code can track a single passive scalar, insert an immersed boundary, and is impermeable by default. SIMBI USES the Cython framework to blend together C++, CUDA, HIP, and Python.

[ascl:2012.018] SimCADO: Observations simulator for infrared telescopes and instruments

SimCADO simulates observations with any NIR/Vis imaging system. Though the package was originally designed to simulate images for the European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) and MICADO, with the proper input, it is capable of simulating observations from many different telescope and instrument configurations.

[ascl:1010.025] SimFast21: Simulation of the Cosmological 21cm Signal

SimFast 21 generates a simulation of the cosmological 21cm signal. While limited to low spatial resolution, the next generation low-frequency radio interferometers that target 21 cm observations during the era of reionization and prior will have instantaneous fields-of-view that are many tens of square degrees on the sky. Predictions related to various statistical measurements of the 21 cm brightness temperature must then be pursued with numerical simulations of reionization with correspondingly large volume box sizes, of order 1000 Mpc on one side. The authors pursued a semi-numerical scheme to simulate the 21 cm signal during and prior to Reionization by extending a hybrid approach where simulations are performed by first laying down the linear dark matter density field, accounting for the non-linear evolution of the density field based on second-order linear perturbation theory as specified by the Zel'dovich approximation, and then specifying the location and mass of collapsed dark matter halos using the excursion-set formalism. The location of ionizing sources and the time evolving distribution of ionization field is also specified using an excursion-set algorithm. They account for the brightness temperature evolution through the coupling between spin and gas temperature due to collisions, radiative coupling in the presence of Lyman-alpha photons and heating of the intergalactic medium, such as due to a background of X-ray photons. The method is capable of producing the required large volume simulations with adequate resolution in a reasonable time so a large number of realizations can be obtained with variations in assumptions related to astrophysics and background cosmology that govern the 21 cm signal.

[ascl:2203.028] SimLine: Radiative transfer in molecular lines

SimLine computes the profiles of molecular rotational transitions and atomic fine structure lines in spherically symmetric clouds with arbitrary density, temperature and velocity structure. The code is designed towards a maximum flexibility and very high accuracy based on a completely adaptive discretization of all quantities. The code can treat arbitrary species in spherically symmetric configurations with arbitrary velocity structures and optical depths between about -5 and 5000. Moreover, SimLine includes the treatment of turbulence and clumping effects in a local statistical approximation combined with a radial dependence of the correlation parameters. The code consists of two parts: the self-consistent solution of the balance equations for all level populations and energy densities at all radial points and the computation of the emergent line profiles observed from a telescope with finite beam width and arbitrary offset.

[ascl:2212.015] SImMER: Stellar Image Maturation via Efficient Reduction

SImMER (Stellar Image Maturation via Efficient Reduction) reduces astronomical imaging data. It performs standard dark-subtraction and flat-fielding operations on data from, for example, the ShARCS camera on the Shane 3-m telescope at Lick Observatory and the PHARO camera on the Hale 5.1-m telescope at Palomar Observatory; its object-oriented design allows the software to be extended to other instruments. SImMER can also perform sky-subtraction, image registration, FWHM measurement, and contrast curve calculation, and can generate tables and plots. For widely separated stars which are of somewhat equal brightness, a “wide binary” mode allows the user to selects which star is the primary around which each image should be centered.

[ascl:1110.022] simple_cosfitter: Supernova-centric Cosmological Fitter

This is an implementation of a fairly simple-minded luminosity distance fitter, intended for use with supernova data. The calculational technique is based on evaluating the $chi^2$ of the model fit on a grid and marginalization over various nuisance parameters. Of course, the nature of these things is that this code has gotten steadily more complex, so perhaps the simple moniker is no longer justified.

[ascl:2106.020] simple_reg_dem: Differential Emission Measures in the solar corona

simple_reg_dem reconstructs differential emission measures (DEMs) in the solar corona. It overcomes issues, such as complexity, idiosyncratic output, convergence difficulty, and lack of speed, that exists in other methods. Initially written for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) data, the algorithm is notable for its simplicity, and is robust and extensible to any other wavelengths (e.g., X-rays) where the DEM treatment is valid. It is available in the SolarSoft (ascl:1208.013) package.

[ascl:2305.017] simple-m2m: Extensions to the standard M2M algorithm for full modeling of observational data

Made-to-measure (M2M) is a standard technique for modeling the dynamics of astrophysical systems in which the system is modeled with a set of N particles with weights that are slowly optimized to fit a set of constraints while integrating these particles forward in the gravitational potential. Simple-m2m extends this standard technique to allow parameters of the system other than the particle weights to be fit as well, including nuisance parameters that describe the observer's relation to the dynamical system (e.g., the inclination) or parameters describing an external potential.

[ascl:2307.029] SIMPLE: Intensity map generator

SIMPLE (Simple Intensity Map Producer for Line Emission) generates intensity maps that include observational effects such as noise, anisotropic smoothing, sky subtraction, and masking. Written in Python, it is based on a lognormal simulation of galaxies and random assignment of luminosities to these galaxies and generates mock intensity maps that can be used to study survey systematics and calculate covariance matrices of power spectra. The code is modular, allowing its components to be used independently.

[ascl:1606.010] SimpLens: Interactive gravitational lensing simulator

SimpLens illustrates some of the theoretical ideas important in gravitational lensing in an interactive way. After setting parameters for elliptical mass distribution and external mass, SimpLens displays the mass profile and source position, the lens potential and image locations, and indicate the image magnifications and contours of virtual light-travel time. A lens profile can be made shallower or steeper with little change in the image positions and with only total magnification affected.

[ascl:2106.008] simqso: Simulated quasar spectra generator

simqso generates mock quasar spectra and photometry. Simulated quasar spectra are built from a series of components. Common quasar models are built-in, such as a broken power-law continuum model and Gaussian emission line templates; however, the code allows user-defined features to be included. Mock spectra are generated at arbitrary resolution and can be used to produce broadband photometry representative of a number of surveys.

[ascl:1903.006] SimSpin: Kinematic analysis of galaxy simulations

The R-package SimSpin measures the kinematics of a galaxy simulation as if it had been observed using an IFU. The functions included in the package can produce a kinematic data cube and measure the "observables" from this data cube, specifically the observable spin parameter λr. This package, once installed, is fully documented and tested.

[ascl:2205.025] simulateSearch: High-time resolution data sets simulations for radio telescopes

simulateSearch simulates high time-resolution data in radio astronomy. The code is built around producing multiple binary data files that contain information on the radiometer noise and sources that are being simulated. These binary data files subsequently get combined and output PSRFITS
search mode files produced. The PSRFITS files can be processed using standard pulsar software packages such as PRESTO (ascl:1107.017).

[ascl:1904.016] simuTrans: Gravity-darkened exoplanet transit simulator

simuTrans models transit light curves affected by gravity-darkened stars. The code defines a star on a grid by modeling the brightness of each point as blackbody emission, then sets a series of parameters and uses emcee (ascl:1303.002) to explore the posterior probability distribution for the remaining fitted parameters and determine their best-fit values.

[ascl:1307.013] SIMX: Event simulator

SIMX simulates a photon-counting detector's response to an input source, including a simplified model of any telescope. The code is not a full ray-trace, but a convolution tool that uses standard descriptions of telescope PSF (via either a simple Gaussian parameter, an energy-dependent encircled-energy function, or an image of the PSF) and the detector response (using the OGIP response function) to model how sources will appear. simx uses a predefined set of PSFs, vignetting information, and instrumental responses and outputs to make the simulation. It is designed to be a 'approximation' tool to estimate issues such as source confusion, background effects, pileup, and other similar issues.

[ascl:1708.019] SINFONI Pipeline: Data reduction pipeline for the Very Large Telescope SINFONI spectrograph

The SINFONI pipeline reduces data from the Very Large Telescope's SINFONI (Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations in the Near Infrared) instrument. It can evaluate the detector linearity and generate a corresponding non linear pixel map, create a master dark and a hot-pixel map, a master flat and a map of pixels which have intensities greater than a given threshold. It can also compute the optical distortions and slitlets distances, and perform wavelength calibration, PSF, telluric standard and other science data reduction, and can coadd bad pixel maps, collapse a cube to an image over a given wavelength range, perform cube arithmetics, among other useful tasks.

[ascl:1010.026] SingLe: A F90-package devoted to Softened Gravity in gaseous discs

SofteningLength: Because Newton's law of Gravitation diverges as the relative separations |r'-r| tends to zero, it is common to add a positive constant λ also known as the "softening length", i.e. :

|r'-r|² ← |r'-r|² + λ².

SingLe determines the appropriate value of this Softening Length λ for a given disc local structure (thickness 2h and vertical stratification ρ), in the axially symmetric, flat disc limit, preserving at best the Newtonian character of the gravitational potential and associated forces. Mass density ρ(z) is assumed to be locally expandable in the z-direction according to:

ρ(z)= ρ0[1 + a1(z/h)2+...+aq (z/h)2q+...+aN (z/h)2 N].

[ascl:1609.018] SIP: Systematics-Insensitive Periodograms

SIP (Systematics-Insensitive Periodograms) extends the generative model used to create traditional sine-fitting periodograms for finding the frequency of a sinusoid by including systematic trends based on a set of eigen light curves in the generative model in addition to using a sum of sine and cosine functions over a grid of frequencies, producing periodograms with vastly reduced systematic features. Acoustic oscillations in giant stars and measurement of stellar rotation periods can be recovered from the SIP periodograms without detrending. The code can also be applied to detection other periodic phenomena, including eclipsing binaries and short-period exoplanet candidates.

[ascl:1212.008] SIR: Stokes Inversion based on Response functions

SIR is a general-purpose code capable of dealing with gradients of the physical quantities with height. It admits one and two-component model atmospheres. It allows the recovery of the stratification of the temperature, the magnetic field vector, and the line of sight velocity through the atmosphere, and the micro- and macroturbulence velocities - which are assumed to be constant with depth. It is based on the response functions, which enter a Marquardt nonlinear least-squares algorithm in a natural way. Response functions are calculated at the same time as the full radiative transfer equation for polarized light is integrated, which determines values of many free parameters in a reasonable computation time. SIR demonstrates high stability, accuracy, and uniqueness of results, even when simulated observations present signal-to-noise ratios of the order of the lowest acceptable values in real observations.

[ascl:2307.013] SIRENA: Energy reconstruction of X-ray photons for Athena X-IFU

SIRENA (Software Ifca for Reconstruction of EveNts for Athena X-IFU) reconstructs the energy of incoming X-ray photons after their detection in the X-IFU TES detector. It is integrated in the SIXTE (ascl:1903.002) end-to-end simulations environment where it currently runs over SIXTE simulated data. This is done by means of a tool called tesreconstruction, which is mainly a wrapper to pass a data file to the SIRENA tasks.

[ascl:2412.014] Siril: Astronomical image processing tool

Siril reduces reduction and improves the signal/noise ratio of an image from multiple captures. It can can align automatically or manually, and stack and enhance pictures from various file formats, even image sequence files (films and SER files). Its Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows manual processing of images in addition to scripts or typing commands. Siril provides astrometry and photometry options and performs geometric transformations in addition to many other tools.

[ascl:2105.013] SISPO: Imaging simulator for small solar system body missions

SISPO (Space Imaging Simulator for Proximity Operations) simulates trajectories, light parameters, and camera intrinsic parameters for small solar system body fly-by and terrestrial planet surface missions. The software provides realistic surface rendering and realistic dust- and gas-environment optical models for comets and active asteroids and also simulates common image aberrations such as simple geometric distortions and tangential astigmatism. SISPO uses Blender and its Cycles rendering engine, which provides physically based rendering capabilities and procedural micropolygon displacement texture generation.

[ascl:2203.001] SISTER: Starshade Imaging Simulation Toolkit for Exoplanet Reconnaissance

SISTER (Starshade Imaging Simulations Toolkit for Exoplanet Reconnaissance) predicts how an exoplanet system would look in an instrument that utilizes an Starshade to block the light from the host star. The tool allows for controlling a set of parameters of the whole instrument for: (1) the Starshade design, (2) the exoplanetary system, (3) the telescope and (4) the camera. SISTER includes plotting software, and can also store simulations on disk for plotting with other software.

[ascl:1111.008] SITools2: A Framework for Archival Systems

SITools2 is a CNES generic tool performed by a joint effort between CNES and scientific laboratories. SITools provides a self-manageable data access layer deployed on already existing scientific laboratory databases. This new version of SITools is a JAVA-based framework, under open source license, that provides a portable archive system, highly configurable, easy to use by laboratories, with a plugin mechanism so developers can add their own applications.

[ascl:1903.002] SIXTE: Simulation of X-ray Telescopes

SIXTE simulates X-Ray telescope observation; the software performs instrument performance analyses and produces simulated event files for mission and analysis studies. SIXTE strives to find a compromise between exactness of the simulation and speed. Using calibration files such as the PSF, RMF and ARF makes efficient simulations possible at comparably high speed, even though they include nonlinear effects such as pileup. Setups for some current and future missions, such as XMM-Newton and Athena, are included in the package; others can be added by the user with relatively little effort through specifying the main instrument characteristics in a flexible, human-readable XML-based format. Properties of X-ray sources to be simulated are described in a detector-independent format, i.e., the same input can be used for simulating observations with all available instruments, and the same input can also be used for simulations with the SIMX simulator. The input files are easily generated from standard data such as XSPEC (ascl:9910.005) spectral models or FITS images with tools provided with the SIXTE distribution. The input data scale well from single point sources up to very complicated setups.

[ascl:1102.020] SKID: Finding Gravitationally Bound Groups in N-body Simulations

SKID finds gravitationally bound groups in N-body simulations. The SKID program will group different types of particles depending on the type of input binary file. This could be either dark matter particles, gas particles, star particles or gas and star particles depending on what is in the input tipsy binary file. Once groups with at least a certain minimum number of members have been determined, SKID will remove particles which are not bound to the group. SKID must use the original positions of all the particles to determine whether or not particles are bound. This procedure which we call unbinding, is again dependent on the type of grouping we are dealing with. There are two cases, one for dark matter only or star particles only (case 1 unbinding), the other for inputs including gas (also stars in a dark matter environment this is case 2 unbinding).

Skid version 1.3 is a much improved version of the old denmax-1.1 version. The new name was given to avoid confusion with the DENMAX program of Gelb & Bertschinger, and although it is based on the same idea it represents a substantial evolution in the method.

[ascl:1109.003] SKIRT: Stellar Kinematics Including Radiative Transfer

SKIRT is a radiative transfer code based on the Monte Carlo technique. The name SKIRT, acronym for Stellar Kinematics Including Radiative Transfer, reflects the original motivation for its creation: it has been developed to study the effects of dust absorption and scattering on the observed kinematics of dusty galaxies. In a second stage, the SKIRT code was extended with a module to self-consistently calculate the dust emission spectrum under the assumption of local thermal equilibrium. This LTE version of SKIRT has been used to model the dust extinction and emission of various types of galaxies, as well as circumstellar discs and clumpy tori around active galactic nuclei. A new, extended version of SKIRT code can perform efficient 3D radiative transfer calculations including a self-consistent calculation of the dust temperature distribution and the associated FIR/submm emission with a full incorporation of the emission of transiently heated grains and PAH molecules.

[ascl:1609.014] Sky3D: Time-dependent Hartree-Fock equation solver

Written in Fortran 90, Sky3D solves the static or dynamic equations on a three-dimensional Cartesian mesh with isolated or periodic boundary conditions and no further symmetry assumptions. Pairing can be included in the BCS approximation for the static case. The code can be easily modified to include additional physics or special analysis of the results and requires LAPACK and FFTW3.

[ascl:2109.007] SkyCalc_ipy: SkyCalc wrapper for interactive Python

SkyCalc-iPy (SkyCalc for interactive Python) accesses atmospheric emission and transmission data generated by ESO’s SkyCalc tool interactively with Python. This package is based on the command line tool by ESO for accessing spectra on the ESO SkyCalc server.

[ascl:1109.019] SkyCat: Visualization and Catalog and Data Access Tool

SkyCat is a tool that combines visualization of images and access to catalogs and archive data for astronomy. The tool, developed in Tcl/Tk, was originally conceived as a demo of the capabilities of the class library that was developed for the VLT. The Skycat sources currently consist of five packages:

• Tclutil - Generic Tcl and C++ utilities
• Astrotcl - Astronomical Tcl and C++ utilities
• RTD - Real-time Display classes and widgets
• Catlib - Catalog library and widgets
• Skycat - Skycat application and library package

All of the required packages are always included in the tarfile.

[ascl:1408.007] Skycorr: Sky emission subtraction for observations without plain sky information

Skycorr is an instrument-independent sky subtraction code that uses physically motivated line group scaling in the reference sky spectrum by a fitting approach for an improved sky line removal in the object spectrum. Possible wavelength shifts between both spectra are corrected by fitting Chebyshev polynomials and advanced rebinning without resolution decrease. For the correction, the optimized sky line spectrum and the automatically separated sky continuum (without scaling) is subtracted from the input object spectrum. Tests show that Skycorr performs well (per cent level residuals) for data in different wavelength regimes and of different resolution, even in the cases of relatively long time lags between the object and the reference sky spectrum. Lower quality results are mainly restricted to wavelengths not dominated by airglow lines or pseudo continua by unresolved strong emission bands.

[ascl:2104.026] Skye: Equation of state for fully ionized matter

The Skye framework develops and prototypes new EOS physics; it is not tied to a specific set of physics choices and can be extended for new effects by writing new terms in the free energy. It takes into account the effects of positrons, relativity, electron degeneracy, and non-linear mixing effects and more, and determines the point of Coulomb crystallization in a self-consistent manner. It is available in the MESA (ascl:1010.083) EOS module and as a standalone package.

[ascl:2012.011] Skye: Excess clustering of transit times detection

Skye detects a statistically significant excess clustering of transit times, indicating that there are likely systematics at specific times that cause many false positive detections, for the Kepler DR25 planet candidate catalog. The technique could be used for any survey looking to statistically cull false alarms.

[ascl:1907.024] Skyfield: High precision research-grade positions for planets and Earth satellites generator

Skyfield computes positions for the stars, planets, and satellites in orbit around the Earth. Its results should agree with the positions generated by the United States Naval Observatory and their Astronomical Almanac to within 0.0005 arcseconds (which equals half a “mas” or milliarcsecond). It computes geocentric coordinates or topocentric coordinates specific to your location on the Earth’s surface. Skyfield accepts AstroPy (ascl:1304.002) time objects as input and can return results in native AstroPy units but is not dependend on AstroPy nor its compiled libraries.

[ascl:2107.014] Skylens++: Simulation package for optical astronomical observations

Skylens++ implements a Layer-based raytracing framework particularly well-suited for realistic simulations of weak and strong gravitational lensing. Source galaxies can be drawn from analytic models or deep space-based imaging. Lens planes can be populated with arbitrary deflectors, typically either from N-body simulations or analytic lens models. Both sources and lenses can be placed at freely configurable positions into the light cone, in effect allowing for multiple source and lens planes.

[ascl:2402.009] SkyLine: Generate mock line-intensity maps

SkyLine generates mock line-intensity maps (both in 3D and 2D) in a lightcone from a halo catalog, accounting for the evolution of clustering and astrophysical properties, and observational effects such as spectral and angular resolutions, line-interlopers, and galactic foregrounds. Using a given astrophysical model for the luminosity of each line, the code paints the signal for each emitter and generates the map, adding coherently all contributions of interest. In addition, SkyLine can generate maps with the distribution of Luminous Red Galaxies and Emitting Line Galaxies.

[ascl:1010.066] SkyMaker: Astronomical Image Simulations Made Easy

SkyMaker simulates astronomical images. It accepts object lists in ASCII generated by the Stuff program (ascl:1010.067) to produce realistic astronomical fields. SkyMaker is part of the EFIGI development project.

[ascl:2107.007] Skymapper: Mapping astronomical survey data on the sky

Skymapper maps astronomical survey data from the celestial sphere onto 2D using a collection of matplotlib instructions. It facilitates interactive work as well as the creation of publication-quality plots with a python-based workflow many astronomers are accustomed to. The primary motivation is a truthful representation of samples and fields from the curved sky in planar figures, which becomes relevant when sizable portions of the sky are observed.

[ascl:1710.005] SkyNet: Modular nuclear reaction network library

The general-purpose nuclear reaction network SkyNet evolves the abundances of nuclear species under the influence of nuclear reactions. SkyNet can be used to compute the nucleosynthesis evolution in all astrophysical scenarios where nucleosynthesis occurs. Any list of isotopes can be evolved and SkyNet supports various different types of nuclear reactions. SkyNet is modular, permitting new or existing physics, such as nuclear reactions or equations of state, to be easily added or modified.

[ascl:1312.007] SkyNet: Neural network training tool for machine learning in astronomy

SkyNet is an efficient and robust neural network training code for machine learning. It is able to train large and deep feed-forward neural networks, including autoencoders, for use in a wide range of supervised and unsupervised learning applications, such as regression, classification, density estimation, clustering and dimensionality reduction. SkyNet is implemented in C/C++ and fully parallelized using MPI.

[ascl:2104.016] Skyoffset: Sky offset optimization and mosaicing toolkit

Skyoffset makes wide-field mosaics of FITS images. Principal features of Skyoffset are the ability to produce a mosaic with a continuous background level by solving for sky offsets that minimize the intensity differences between overlapping images, and its handling of hierarchies, making it ideal for optimizing backgrounds in large mosaics made with array cameras (such as CFHT’s MegaCam and WIRCam). Skyoffset uses MongoDB in conjunction with Mo’Astro (ascl:2104.012) to store metadata about each mosaic and SWarp (ascl:1010.068) to handle image combination and propagate uncertainty maps. Skyoffset can be integrated into Python pipelines and offers a convenient API and metadata storage in MongoDB. It was developed originally for the Andromeda Optical and Infrared Disk Survey (ANDROIDS).

[ascl:2109.016] SkyPy: Simulating the astrophysical sky

SkyPy simulates the astrophysical sky. It provides functions that sample realizations of sources and their associated properties from probability distributions. Simulation pipelines are constructed from these models, while task scheduling and data dependencies are handled internally. The package's modular design, containing a library of physical and empirical models across a range of observables and a command line script to run end-to-end simulations, allows users to interface with external software.

[ascl:1511.003] SkyView Virtual Telescope

The SkyView Virtual telescope provides access to survey datasets ranging from radio through the gamma-ray regimes. Over 100 survey datasets are currently available. The SkyView library referenced here is used as the basis for the SkyView web site (at but is designed for individual use by researchers as well.

SkyView's approach to access surveys is distinct from most other toolkits. Rather than providing links to the original data, SkyView attempts to immediately re-render the source data in the user-requested reference frame, projection, scaling, orientation, etc. The library includes a set of geometry transformation and mosaicking tools that may be integrated into other applications independent of SkyView.

[ascl:1312.014] SL1M: Synthesis through L1 Minimization

SL1M deconvolves radio synthesis images based on direct inversion of the measured visibilities that can deal with the non-coplanar base line effect and can be applied to telescopes with direction dependent gains. The code is more computationally demanding than some existing methods, but is highly parallelizable and scale well to clusters of CPUs and GPUs. The algorithm is also extremely flexible, allowing the solution of the deconvolution problem on arbitrarily placed pixels.

[ascl:1403.025] SLALIB: A Positional Astronomy Library

SLALIB is a library of routines that make accurate and reliable positional-astronomy applications easier to write. Most SLALIB routines are concerned with astronomical position and time, but a number have wider trigonometrical, numerical or general applications. A Fortran implementation of SLALIB under GPL licensing is available as part of Starlink (ascl:1110.012).

[submitted] SLEPLET

Many fields in science and engineering measure data that inherently live on non-Euclidean geometries, such as the sphere. Techniques developed in the Euclidean setting must be extended to other geometries. Due to recent interest in geometric deep learning, analogues of Euclidean techniques must also handle general manifolds or graphs. Often, data are only observed over partial regions of manifolds, and thus standard whole-manifold techniques may not yield accurate predictions. In this thesis, a new wavelet basis is designed for datasets like these.

Although many definitions of spherical convolutions exist, none fully emulate the Euclidean definition. A novel spherical convolution is developed, designed to tackle the shortcomings of existing methods. The so-called sifting convolution exploits the sifting property of the Dirac delta and follows by the inner product of a function with the translated version of another. This translation operator is analogous to the Euclidean translation in harmonic space and exhibits some useful properties. In particular, the sifting convolution supports directional kernels; has an output that remains on the sphere; and is efficient to compute. The convolution is entirely generic and thus may be used with any set of basis functions. An application of the sifting convolution with a topographic map of the Earth demonstrates that it supports directional kernels to perform anisotropic filtering.

Slepian wavelets are built upon the eigenfunctions of the Slepian concentration problem of the manifold - a set of bandlimited functions which are maximally concentrated within a given region. Wavelets are constructed through a tiling of the Slepian harmonic line by leveraging the existing scale-discretised framework. A straightforward denoising formalism demonstrates a boost in signal-to-noise for both a spherical and general manifold example. Whilst these wavelets were inspired by spherical datasets, like in cosmology, the wavelet construction may be utilised for manifold or graph data.

[ascl:1611.021] SlicerAstro: Astronomy (HI) extension for 3D Slicer

SlicerAstro extends 3D Slicer, a multi-platform package for visualization and medical image processing, to provide a 3-D interactive viewer with 3-D human-machine interaction features, based on traditional 2-D input/output hardware, and analysis capabilities.

[ascl:1105.004] SLiM: A Code for the Simulation of Wave Propagation through an Inhomogeneous, Magnetised Solar Atmosphere

The semi-spectral linear MHD (SLiM) code follows the interaction of linear waves through an inhomogeneous three-dimensional solar atmosphere. The background model allows almost arbitrary perturbations of density, temperature, sound speed as well as magnetic and velocity fields. The code is useful in understanding the helioseismic signatures of various solar features, including sunspots.

[ascl:1409.010] Slim: Numerical data compression for scientific data sets

Slim performs lossless compression on binary data files. Written in C++, it operates very rapidly and achieves better compression on noisy physics data than general-purpose tools designed primarily for text.

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