Astrophysics Source Code Library

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Results 1-3644 of 3688 (3591 ASCL, 97 submitted)

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[ascl:2501.010] SpectralRadex: Spectral modeling and RADEX

SpectralRadex runs RADEX (ascl:1010.075) directly from Python and creates model spectra from RADEX outputs. The package uses F2PY (Fortran to Python interface generator) to compile a version of RADEX written in modern Fortran, most importantly dropping the use of common blocks. As a result, running a RADEX model creates no subprocesses and can be parallelized. SpectralRadex uses the RADEX calculated line opacities and excitation temperatures to calculate the brightness temperature as a function of frequency. This allows observed spectra to be modeled in Python in a non-LTE fashion.

[ascl:2501.009] breads: Broad Repository for Exoplanet Analysis, Discovery, and Spectroscopy

breads (Broad Repository for Exoplanet Analysis, Discovery, and Spectroscopy) provides a toolkit for data analyses in astronomical spectroscopy of exoplanets, in particular frameworks for rigorous forward modeling of observational data to achieve physical inferences with reduced systematic biases. Users choose a data class, a forward model function, and a fitting strategy. Data classes normalize the data format, simplifying reduction across different spectrographs while allowing for specific behaviors of each instrument to also be coded into their own specific class. breads provides specific functionality for modeling data from JWST NIRSpec, Keck OSIRIS, and Keck KPIC, but the underlying mathematical framework is more general.

[ascl:2501.008] ECCOplanets: Simulation and analysis of rocky planets

ECCOplanets simulates the formation of rocky planets in chemical equilibrium (based on a Gibbs free energy minimisation). The package includes tools for analyzing the simulated planet and two databases, one of thermochemical data and the other of stellar abundance patterns. ECCOplanets provides a simplified starting point for getting an approximate idea of the variety of planetary compositions based on the variety of stellar compositions.

[ascl:2501.007] NEXO: Nonsingular Estimator for EXoplanet Orbits

NEXO (Nonsingular Estimator for EXoplanet Orbits) fits exoplanet orbits to direct astrometric measurements using nonlinear batch estimation and nonsingular orbital elements. The estimation technique is based on the unscented transform, which approximates probability distributions using finite, deterministic sets of weighted sample points. Furthermore, NEXO uses Gaussian mixtures to account for the strong nonlinearities in the measurement model. As a fitting basis, it uses a set of orbital elements developed specifically for directly observed exoplanets, combining features of the Thiele–Innes constants and the Cohen–Hubbard nonsingular elements.

[ascl:2501.006] ExoTR: Bayesian inverse retrieval algorithm to interpret exoplanetary transmission spectra

ExoTR (Exoplanetary Transmission Retrieval) interprets exoplanetary transmission spectra using a Bayesian inverse retrieval algorithm. The code can be used in two ways; the first is by leveraging the physics forward model only to generate synthetic planetary atmospheric transmission spectra (including the addition of errorbars). The second way is by using a retrieval routine based on nested sampling (i.e., MultiNest (ascl:1109.006)) to extract physical and chemical information from the input transmission spectra.

[ascl:2501.005] CIANNA: Convolutional Interactive Artificial Neural Networks by/for Astrophysicists

The CIANNA framework creates and trains deep-learning models for astronomical data analysis. Functionalities and optimizations are added based on relevance to astrophysical problem-solving. CIANNA builds and trains a wide variety of neural network architectures for various tasks through a high-level Python interface. It supports both computing on CPU and GPU acceleration through low-level CUDA programming, taking advantage of AI-dedicated hardware substructures. CIANNA distinguishes itself by its low latency, allowing tight integration with other codes.

[ascl:2501.004] tshirt: Time Series Helper and Integration Reduction Tool

tshirt (Time Series Helper and Integration Reduction Tool) processes raw data on exoplanet systems for time series science. It reduces raw data to produce flat fields, subtracts bias, and corrects gain. tshirt also performs photometric and optimal spectral extraction of light curves.

[ascl:2501.003] Haystacks: High-fidelity planetary system models for simulating exoplanet imaging

Haystacks creates high-fidelity spatial and spectral models of complete planetary systems including star, planets, interplanetary dust, and astrophysical background sources. These models are intended for use in simulations of direct imaging and spectroscopy with high-contrast instruments on exoplanet missions to prepare future exoEarth observations.

[ascl:2501.002] pympc: Minor planet checking

pympc performs checks for the presence of minor and major Solar System bodies at specified coordinates. Orbital elements from the Minor Planet Center are used to propagate orbits to determine the position of asteroids, comets, NEOS, planets and major moons at the request epoch. Topocentric corrections are included to allow for observatory-specific positions. The requested position can also be checked for being within the Hill Sphere (in projection) of any Solar System planet.

[ascl:2501.001] CAFE: Continuum And Feature Extraction tool

CAFE (Continuum And Feature Extraction) fits JWST IFU data; the code is a Python version of the original CAFE IDL software for fitting Spitzer/IRS spectra. The code contains two main tools: (1) the CAFE Region Extraction Tool Automaton (CRETA) and (2) the CAFE spectral fitting tool, or fitter. CRETA performs single-position and full-grid extractions from JWST IFU datasets; that is, from pipeline-processed cubes obtained with the NIRSpec IFU and MIRI MRS instruments. The CAFE fitter uses the spectra extracted by CRETA (or spectra provided by the user) and performs a spectral decomposition of the continuum emission (stellar and/or dust), as well as of a variety of common spectral features (in emission and absorption) present in the near- and mid-IR spectra of galaxies, including prominent, broad emission from small grains and molecules such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). The full dust treatment (size and composition) performed by CAFE allows the dust continuum model components to fit not only spectra from typical star-forming galaxies, but also those from more extreme, heavily dust-obscured starburst galaxies, such as luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs), active galactic nuclei (AGN), or very luminous quasars.

[submitted] S3Fit: a Simultaneous Spectrum and photometric-SED Fitting code for observation of galaxies

S3Fit is a python code for the analysis of observational data of galaxies, which can fit spectrum and multi-band photometric Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) simultaneously. It is written to improve the moderate constraints on properties of continuum models in a pure spectral fitting due to the limited wavelength coverage. S3Fit support multiple models with multiple components, and can handle complex systems with a mixed contribution of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) and its host galaxy in both of continua and emission lines (e.g., narrow lines and broad outflow lines). The fitting strategy is optimized to enable an efficient solution of the best-fit results for several tens of parameters and model components. S3Fit is also extensible for adding new functions and components by users (e.g., new band filters, new star formation history functions, new emission lines, and also new types of models).

[submitted] A Library of Synthetic X-ray Spectra for Fitting Tidal Disruption Events

A tabulated version of the slim disk model for fitting tidal disruption events (TDEs) is presented. The synthetic X-ray spectral library is created by ray-tracing stationary, general relativistic slim disks and consistently incorporating gravitational redshift, Doppler, and lensing effects.

[submitted] easyspec

easyspec is a tool designed to streamline long-slit spectroscopy, offering an intuitive framework for reducing, extracting, and analyzing astrophysical spectra.

[ascl:2412.030] γ-Cascade V4: Gamma-ray propagation package

γ-Cascade (also called GCascade) uses a semi-analytic approach to model gamma-ray propagation through cosmological distances accounting for attenuation, the formation of electromagnetic cascades,and cosmological redshifting. V4 implements an assortment of the most widely used EBL models, significantly improves computational precision, and provides new core functionality. Additionally, GCascadeV4 uses a new method to estimate the uncertainty due to the EBL model.

[ascl:2412.029] lintsampler: Efficient random sampling via linear interpolation

lintsampler performs linear interpolant sampling to create a set of sample points from a density function. The code uses the evaluation of the density at the two endpoints of 1D interval, or the four corners of a 2D rectangle, or generally the 2k vertices of a dimensional hyperbox (or a series of such hyperboxes, e.g., the cells of a k-dimensional grid) to draw random samples within the hyperbox. lintsampler works by evaluating a given PDF on the nodes of a grid (or grid-like structure, such as a tree); the number of evaluations (and memory occupancy) grows exponentially with the number of dimensions.

[ascl:2412.028] POSEIDON: Multidimensional atmospheric retrieval of exoplanet spectra

POSEIDON models and retrieves 1D, 2D, and 3D exoplanet transmission spectra. Given a set of observed exoplanet spectra from space-based or ground-based telescopes, the code uses Bayesian techniques to infer the atmospheric properties of the planet. POSEIDON also includes disk-integrated thermal emission and reflection spectra modeling and retrievals for both secondary eclipses and directly-imaged substellar objects.

[ascl:2412.027] mr-plotter: Mass-radius diagrams plotter

Mister plotter (mr-plotter) creates paper-quality mass-radius diagrams based on a wide range of state-of-the-art models of planetary interiors and atmospheres. It can be used to contextualize planets and infer their possible internal structures. It can also be used to search for correlations at a population level with its color-coding option based on any property collected in the NASA Exoplanet Archive, PlanetS, and catalogs. mr-plotter can also produce article-ready two-column plots.

[ascl:2412.026] MARDIGRAS: MAss-Radius DIaGRAm with Sliders

The visualization tool MARDIGRAS (Mass-Radius DIaGRAm with Sliders) enables simple and intuitive manipulation of mass-radius relationships (also known as iso-composition curves) using interactive sliders. It infers composition based on mass and radius (and other parameters). As a result, it requires use of actual measurements of mass and radius; values that are upper/lower limits, derived from empirical mass-radius relations, or are somewhat controversial should not be used. MARDIGRAS screen captures can be used for general scientific communication but are not of suitable quality for article publication.

[submitted] euclidlib

The euclidlib python package is an unofficial tool designed to read products from the Euclid Consortium Science Ground Segment. Euclidlib offers user-friendly reading and writing routines, and effectively enables to work overall with Large-Scale Structure cosmological products.

[ascl:2412.025] squishyplanet: Non-spherical exoplanet transit modeling

squishyplanet produces realistic lightcurves and phase curves of non-spherical exoplanets. The code generates models of triaxial planets; fitting for the triaxial shape can provide additional constraints on the planet’s interior properties and evolution. squishyplanet also handles complex limb darkening profiles while also accounting for the planet’s non-circular, potentially time-varying, projected shape.

[ascl:2412.024] CLOWN: Cloud detection software for observatories with an all-sky camera

CLOWN (CLOud Watcher at Night) detects and monitors clouds in real time. The software can be used with any type of all-sky camera even without knowing its parameters; parameters are stored instead in a configuration file. CLOWN correctly traces cloud positions in the sky and provides accurate pointing information to the observation planning of the optical telescope to avoid cloudy areas.

[ascl:2412.023] cogsworth: Self-consistent population synthesis and galactic dynamics simulations

cogsworth merges rapid population synthesis and galactic dynamics together; the code can evolve a population of stars using population synthesis while self-consistently integrating their orbits with a chosen galactic potential. This enables exploration of the full evolutionary history (both stellar and orbital) of a population of stars and the ability to make predictions for present day kinematics and other distributions. cogsworth also provides tools for transforming the intrinsic populations into observables and for classifying the nature of each system.

[ascl:2412.022] ForestFlow: Lyman-alpha cosmology emulator

ForestFlow emulates the linear biases and small-scale deviation parameters of the 3D flux power spectrum of the Lyman-alpha forest. The parameters are modeled as a function of cosmology – the small-scale amplitude and slope of the linear power spectrum – and the physics of the intergalactic medium.

[ascl:2412.021] BlendingToolKit: Tools to create blend catalogs, produce training samples, and implement blending metrics

BlendingToolKit (BTK) generates images of blended objects and evaluate performance metrics on various detection, deblending and measurement algorithms. The toolkit is a convenient way to produce multi-band postage stamp images of blend scenes and evaluate the performance of deblending algorithms, as well as train samples for machine learning algorithms.

[ascl:2412.020] Combustion Toolbox: Gaseous combustion problem solver

Combustion Toolbox (CT) models thermodynamic properties of the gaseous species with the ideal gas equation of state (EoS). Written in MATLAB, this thermochemical code is modular and has three main modules: CT-EQUIL, CT-SD, and CT-ROCKET. CT-EQUIL computes the composition at the equilibrium of multi-component gas mixtures that undergo canonical thermochemical transformations from an initial state (reactants). CT-SD solves steady-state shock and detonation waves in either normal or oblique incidence, and CT-ROCKET computes the theoretical performance of rocket engines under highly idealized conditions. Modules can be accessed through user-friendly GUI or from MATLAB’s command line in plain code mode.

[ascl:2412.019] FitTeD: Fitting Transients with Discs

FitTeD solves time-dependent general relativistic disc equations to fit multi-band light curves and spectra. It includes relativistic optics effects such as Doppler and gravitational energy shifting, and gravitational lensing, and can include non-disc light curve and spectral components to, for example, model the early time rise and decay of tidal disruption event light curves in optical-to-UV bands. FitTeD also provides Monte Carlo Markov Chain fitting procedures that return posterior distributions of black hole and disc parameters.

[ascl:2412.018] gwforge: Mock gravitational wave detector data generator

gwforge generates mock gravitational wave detector data using user-defined population and arbitrary detector sensitivity. The code can, for example, simulate a wide range of binary source populations by specifying parameters such as the local merger rate, distribution functions, and additional keyword arguments, and simulate coloured Gaussian or zero noise using a provided or default power spectrum to represent the detector noise. gwforge can also inject gravitational wave signal(s) into the generated detector data using the previously generated population and a chosen waveform model.

[ascl:2412.017] Particle_spray: Modeling globular cluster streams

Particle_spray models the position and velocity distributions of newly-escaped stream particles that emerge from globular clusters (GCs). Rather than computing the detailed internal cluster dynamics, which is computationally expensive, the code directly draws tracer particles from these distributions. This algorithm is fast and accurate, and is implemented in a series of notebooks for several galactic dynamics codes, including AGAMA (ascl:1805.008) and galpy (ascl:1411.008).

[ascl:2412.016] WD_models: WD photometry to physical parameters transformer

WD_models transforms white dwarf (WD) photometry to physical parameters (i.e., mass, cooling age, and Teff) and vice versa, based on interpolation of existing WD atmosphere grid and cooling models. The code converts the coordinates of Gaia (and other passbands) H--R diagram into WD parameters and plots contours of WD parameters on the Gaia (and other passbands) H--R diagram. WD_models also provides tools to transform any desired WD parameters and compare the results of different WD models. In addition, the user may customize many parameters, such as the choice of cooling models and setting details of plotting.

[ascl:2412.015] The Payne: Interpolate spectral models with neural networks

The Payne precisely and simultaneously determines numerous stellar labels from observed spectra based on fitting physical spectral models. It fits all all labels (stellar parameters and element abundances) simultaneously, and uses spectral models where the atmosphere structure and the radiative transport are consistently calculated to reflect the stellar labels. The Payne leads to both precise and accurate estimates of stellar labels, based on physical models and without re-calibration.

[ascl:2412.014] Siril: Astronomical image processing tool

Siril reduces reduction and improves the signal/noise ratio of an image from multiple captures. It can can align automatically or manually, and stack and enhance pictures from various file formats, even image sequence files (films and SER files). Its Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows manual processing of images in addition to scripts or typing commands. Siril provides astrometry and photometry options and performs geometric transformations in addition to many other tools.

[ascl:2412.013] Spectuner: Automated line identification of interstellar molecules

Spectuner identifies spectral lines of interstellar molecules automatically. The code uses XCLASS (ascl:1810.016) for the spectral line model and SciPy for the peak finder. Spectral fitting is performed using article swarm optimization and the peak matching loss function. From frequency in a unit of MHz and temperature in a unit of K, Spectuner returns the combined spectrum, identification of the combined spectrum, and the identification of all candidates.

[ascl:2412.012] CosmoFlow: A systematic approach to primordial correlators

CosmoFlow automatically computes cosmological correlators. The Cosmological Flow approach is based on computing cosmological correlators by solving differential equations in time governing their time evolution through the entirety of the spacetime during inflation, from their origin as quantum fluctuations in the deep past to the end of inflation. This method takes into account all physical effects at tree-level without approximation. Specifically, CosmoFlow computes the two- and three-point correlators of fields and/or conjugate momenta X a in Fourier space that includes an arbitrary number of degrees of freedom with any propagation speeds, couplings, and time-dependencies.

[ascl:2412.011] DIES: Dust radiative transfer with the immediate reemission method

DIES calculates equilibrium dust temperatures and the resulting dust emission spectra. It handles spherical models (cells are spherical shells), computes dust temperatures (equilibrium temperatures only), and returns spectra for different impact parameters. The code uses the immediate re-emission method; it is not suitable for problems where the stochastic heating of the grains is important. DIES can assume constant dust properties throughout the model, and also offers an alternative script that allows dust properties to be set cell by cell. The program uses OpenCL libraries and is recommended to be run on GPUs.

[ascl:2412.010] exoTEDRF: Tools for end-to-end reduction of JWST exoplanet observations

exoTEDRF (Exoplanet Transit and Eclipse Data Reduction Framework) reduces and analyzes JWST exoplanet time series observations. The code is modular and tunable, which makes it easy to run multiple reductions of a given dataset, and therefore ascertain whether the spectral features driving atmosphere inferences are robust or are sensitive to the peculiarities of a given reduction. exoTEDRF has full support for TSOs with NIRISS/SOSS and can run the ATOCA extraction algorithm to explicitly model the SOSS order overlap.

[ascl:2412.009] Codex Africanus: Radio astronomy algorithms library

Codex Africanus presents radio astronomy algorithms to the user as modular functions accepting NumPy inputs and producing NumPy outputs. Internally, it uses Numba to accelerate these codes and Dask to parallelize and distribute them. The library contains functions for plotting convolution filters and tapers associated with convolution filters and can compute the discretised direct Fourier transform (DFT) for an ideal interferometer. Codex Africanus has routines for gridding or degridding complex visibilities onto or from an image, includes deconvolution algorithms and coordinate transforms, and many other functions.

[ascl:2412.008] nifty-ls: Fast Lomb-Scargle periodogram

nifty-ls evaluates the Lomb-Scargle periodogram very quickly and accurately. The Lomb-Scargle periodogram, used for identifying periodicity in irregularly-spaced observations, is useful but computationally expensive. However, when it is phrased mathematically as a pair of non-uniform FFTs (NUFFTs), FINUFFT (ascl:2412.007), which is really fast, can be leveraged to improve performance. It also enables GPU (CUDA) support and is several orders of magnitude more accurate than Astropy's (ascl:1304.002) Lomb Scargle with default settings.

[ascl:2412.007] FINUFFT: Flatiron Institute Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform

FINUFFT (Flatiron Institute Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform) computes the three standard types of nonuniform FFT to a specified precision, in one, two, or three dimensions. It can be run on a multi-core shared-memory machine or on a GPU. It is extremely fast and has very simple interfaces to most major numerical languages (such as C/C++, Fortran, MATLAB, octave, Python, and Julia). FINUFFT also provides more advanced (vectorized and “guru”) interfaces that allow multiple strength vectors and the reuse of FFT plans.

[ascl:2412.006] Coport: Covariant polarized radiative transfer

Coport computes covariant polarized radiation transfer in any spacetime. It is particularly useful for imaging black hole accretion systems. Written in Julia, it contains functions for handling the computation of all rays and a single ray, and deriving initial ray directions. Coport also has functions for interpolating GRMHD data, obtaining covariant emission, absorption, and Faraday rotation coefficients, and projecting the polarization tensor at the observer's screen, among other tasks.

[ascl:2412.005] pmwd: Particle Mesh With Derivatives

pmwd simulates and models cosmological evolutionary history. The code includes reverse time integration in addition to traditional forward simulation, enabling symmetrical dynamics analysis using the adjoint method. The pmwd particle-mesh model supports fully-differentiable analytic, semi-analytics, and deep learning components in parallel. Based on JAX (ascl:2111.002), pmwd is optimized for PU computation.

[ascl:2412.004] BADASS: Bayesian AGN Decomposition Analysis for SDSS Spectra

BADASS (Bayesian AGN Decomposition Analysis for SDSS Spectra) decomposes Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra and fits Type 1 ("broad line") Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in the optical. The fitting process uses the Bayesian affine-invariant Markov-Chain Monte Carlo sampler emcee (ascl:1303.002) for robust parameter and uncertainty estimation, as well as autocorrelation analysis to access parameter chain convergence. Out of the box, BADASS fits SDSS spectra, and MANGA IFU cube data; the code can be modified to fit user-input spectra of any instrument.

[ascl:2412.003] dask-ms: xarray datasets from CASA tables

dask-ms constructs xarray datasets from CASA tables, thus providing a data access layer for Measurement Set v2.0 data. It supports the CASA Data Table System, Zarr and Apache Arrow formats, but abstracts them away from the developer at the xarray dataset level. It therefore serves as a basis for writing distributed PyData Radio Astronomy applications and supports writing variables back to the respective column in the Table. The intention behind dask-ms is to support the Measurement Set as a data source and sink for the purposes of writing parallel, distributed radio astronomy algorithms.

[ascl:2412.002] Stimela2: Workflow management framework for data reduction workflows

Stimela2 develops data reduction workflows and is a significant update of Stimela (ascl:2305.007). Though designed for radio astronomy data, it can be adapted for other data processing applications. Stimela2 represents workflows by linear, concise and intuitive YAML-format "recipes". Atomic data reduction tasks (binary executables, Python functions and code, and CASA tasks) are described by YAML-format "cab definitions" detailing each task's "schema" (inputs and outputs). Stimela2 provides a rich syntax for chaining tasks together, and encourages a high degree of modularity: recipes may be nested into other recipes, and configuration is cleanly separated from recipe logic. Tasks can be executed natively or in isolated environments using containerization technologies such as Apptainer. Stimela2 facilitates the deployment of scalable, distributed workflows by interfacing with the Slurm scheduler and the Kubernetes API, the latter allowing workflows to be readily deployed in the cloud.

[ascl:2412.001] Twinkle: Calculate and plot spectral energy distribution of main-sequence stars

Twinkle calculates and plots the stellar spectral energy distribution (SED) using empirical photometric data and stellar model grids. The code was originally created to help calculate the excess infrared (IR) flux from a star; the presence of an IR excess indicates dust orbiting the star. This dust likely results from the grinding and collisions of asteroids, influenced by a larger planetary object—pointing to the potential for finding planets. Twinkle quickly calculates the temperature and location of the dust to first order by fitting the assumed blackbody or modified blackbody function to the broadband excess emission.

[submitted] Colume: Estimating volume densities clouds from their column density morphology

Colume (COLUMn to vOLUME) uses the statistical and spatial distribution of a column density map to infer a likely volume density distribution along each line of sight. This Python package incorporates all pre-processing (in particular re-sampling) functions needed to efficiently work on the column density maps. Colume's outputs are saved in Numpy format.

[submitted] Spectroscopic Analysis of O and B-Type Stars, Neutron Stars, and White Dwarfs Using SDSS Data and Astroquery

This project presents a comprehensive spectroscopic analysis of O and B-type stars, neutron stars, and white dwarfs, with a focus on the detection of helium (He) and oxygen (O) in stellar atmospheres. By leveraging data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and utilizing tools such as Astropy, Astroquery, and Specutils, the project aims to identify key spectral lines of helium and oxygen, as well as the formation of heliox (OHe) molecules. The methodology involves querying SDSS for relevant spectral data, filtering and analyzing it based on stellar classification, and visualizing the results using advanced techniques. The findings contribute to the understanding of stellar evolution, chemical processes, and the role of these elements in various stellar classes. Additionally, the project incorporates interactive data exploration with Aladin Lite and Simbad, offering a robust framework for future astrophysical research.

[submitted] Analysis and Super-Resolution of Astronomical Data from FITS Files of NGC 0628

This notebook provides a comprehensive approach for analyzing and visualizing astronomical data from FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) files, focusing on moment maps derived from molecular line emissions within the galaxy NGC 0628. The analysis involves applying various image processing techniques to handle corrupted pixels, reconstruct images, and enhance the quality of moment maps. The notebook also demonstrates how to simulate super-resolution to improve the spatial resolution of the data. By utilizing Gaussian filtering, median filtering, and contrast enhancement, the approach improves the clarity and precision of the data, making it suitable for detailed astrophysical studies. This tool serves as an efficient method for processing and visualizing large-scale astronomical datasets for further analysis and scientific interpretation.

[ascl:2411.030] NEMESISPY: Modeling exoplanet spectra

NEMESISPY infers the atmospheric properties of exoplanets, such as chemical composition, using spectroscopic data. The package calculates radiative transfer using the correlated-k approximation and for parametric atmospheric modelling. NEMESISPY is a Python implementation of the well-established Fortran NEMESIS library (ascl:2210.009), which has been applied to the atmospheric retrievals of both solar system planets and exoplanets employing numerous different observing geometries.

[ascl:2411.029] IcyDwarf: Coupled geophysical-geochemical-orbital evolution model of icy worlds

IcyDwarf calculates the coupled physical-chemical evolution of an icy dwarf planet or moon. The code calculates the thermal evolution of an icy planetary body (moon or dwarf planet), with no chemistry, but with rock hydration, dehydration, hydrothermal circulation, core cracking, tidal heating, and porosity; the depth of cracking and a bulk water:rock ratio by mass in the rocky core are also computed. It also calculates whether cryovolcanism is possible by the exsolution of volatiles from cryolavas. IcyDwarf also determines the equilibrium fluid and rock chemistries resulting from water-rock interaction in subsurface oceans in contact with a rocky core, up to 200ºC and 1000 bar.

[ascl:2411.028] SMINT: Structure Model INTerpolator

SMINT (Structure Model INTerpolator) obtains posterior distributions on the H/He or H2O mass fraction of a planet; its interface is user-friendly. The parameters of the planet of interest are input with specifications on the priors that should be used. SMINT returns publication-ready plots presenting the joint parameters constraints obtained from interpolating the interior models grid of interest as well as confidence intervals for each parameter.

[ascl:2411.027] DarkMatters: Multi-frequency emissions from Dark Matter annihilation and decay

DarkMatters calculates multi-frequency and multi-messenger emissions from WIMP annihilation and decay. This can be done both for standard channels and custom models, with the ability to produce surface brightnesses and integrated fluxes as well as maps in FITS format to compare to actual data. DarkMatters uses an accelerated ADI solver such as GALPROP (ascl:1010.028) for electron diffusion with an innovative sparse matrix approach. Additionally, there is the option to use a Green's function approximate solution (implemented in both C++ and Python).

[ascl:2411.026] DustPOL-py: Numerical modeling of dust polarization

The numerical modeling code DustPOL-py calculates the multi-wavelength polarization degree of absorption and thermal dust emission based on Radiative Torque alignment (RAT-A), Magnetically enhanced RAT (MRAT) and Radiative Torque Disruption (RAT-D). The code saves the output files (wavelength and degree of polarization) for further analysis and is idealization for diffuse ISM, molecular clouds and star-forming regions; it also predicts the polarization spectrum for one- or two-dust layers. A web-interface GUI for DustPOL-py is also available.

[ascl:2411.025] DAMSPI: DArk Matter SPIkes in EAGLE simulations

DArk Matter SPIkes (DAMSPI) analyzes dark matter spikes around Intermediate Mass Black Holes (IMBHs) in the Milky Way. It extracts an IMBH catalog with the corresponding dark matter spike parameters from EAGLE simulations to probe a potential gamma-ray signal from dark matter self-annihilation. The catalog includes, among others, the coordinates, mass, formation redshift, and spike parameters for each individual IMBH.

[ascl:2411.024] jaxspec: X-ray spectra Bayesian analysis

jaxspec performs statistical inference on X-ray spectra. It loads an X-ray spectrum (in the OGIP standard), defines a spectral model from the implemented components, and calculates the best parameters using state-of-the-art Bayesian approaches. The code is built on top of JAX (ascl:2111.002) to provide just-in-time compilation and automatic differentiation of the spectral models, enabling the use of sampling algorithms. jaxspec is written in pure Python and is not dependent on HEASoft (ascl:1408.004).

[ascl:2411.023] mochi_class: Modelling Optimization to Compute Horndeski in CLASS

mochi_class extends the hi_class code (ascl:1808.010), itself a patch to the Einstein-Boltzmann solver CLASS (ascl:1106.020). It replaces α-functions by stable basis to ensure stability and takes general functions of time as input, including the dark energy equation of state or its normalized background energy-density. mochi_class provides stability test checking for mathematical (classical) instabilities in the scalar field fluctuations, and also includes a GR approximation scheme, among other new capabilities.

[ascl:2411.022] HIILines: Analytical ionized ISM emission line model

HIILines analytically models lines emitted by the ionized interstellar medium (ISM). It covers [OIII], [OII], Hα, and Hβ lines. The strength of HIILines is its high computational efficiency. It can be used for galaxy spectroscopic survey measurement interpolations assuming a one-zone picture and galaxy line emission measurement design and forecasts. HIILines also performs post-processing of hydrodynamical galaxy formation simulations for ISM emission lines.

[ascl:2411.021] McFine: Muli-component hyperfine fitting tool

McFine performs complex, multi-component hyperfine spectra fitting in astronomical data. It turns line intensities into gas conditions using a fully automated Bayesian method. Written in Python, the code uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to characterize model denegeracies. It handles local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and radiative-transfer (RT) models and can fit individual spectra and data cubes; given a data cube, it can also use the neighboring information to attempt a better fit. McFine also fits the minimum number of distinct components to avoid overfitting.

[ascl:2411.020] Diagnose: Spectral classification code

The spectral classification code Diagnose assigns one of four classifications (star, galaxy, quasar, or unknown) to each source and returns a redshift estimate for the galaxies and quasars and a velocity estimate for the stars. The code uses a chi-squared minimization for linear combinations of principal component templates to determine a best-fit spectral classification and redshift estimate. It computes three best-fit chi-squared values: one for stellar type and velocity, one for galaxy type and redshift, and one for a quasar and redshift. Diagnose then compares the best fit of these three reduced chi-squared values to the second best fit and evaluates the difference against a statistical threshold.

[ascl:2411.019] unicorn: Full 3D-HST grism pipeline

The Unicorn pipeline produces data products from the 3D-HST grism survey of four CANDELS fields. It extracts interlaced 2D and 1D spectra for all objects in the Skelton et al. (2014) photometric catalogs. It then fits the 2D spectra and multi-band photometry to determine redshifts and emission line strengths. Unicorn is built on threedhst (ascl:2411.018) and has been superseded by grizli (ascl:1905.001).

[ascl:2411.018] threedhst: 3D-HST grism analysis software

threedhst reduces WFC3 grism exposures. It is essentially a wrapper around aXe (ascl:1109.016) and produces a catalog and other useful files; extracted 1D spectra are placed in a single file, and 2D spectra are in individual files. The code produces an HTML table with thumbnails of the direct images, 1D, and 2D spectra and supports the pipeline Unicorn (ascl:2411.019), which produces data products from the 3D-HST grism survey of four CANDELS fields. threedhst has been superceded by Grizli (ascl:1905.001).

[ascl:2411.017] CLASS LVDM: Cosmological model of Lorentz invariance violation in gravity and dark matter

CLASS LVDM modifies the CLASS code (ascl:1106.020) to incorporate the cosmological model of Lorentz invariance violation (LV) in gravity and dark matter. Compared to the usual CLASS code, it contains four new parameters: alpha, beta, and lambda characterize LV in the gravity sector
, and Y characterizes LV in the dark matter sector.

[ascl:2411.016] fits_warp: Warp catalogs and images to dedistort the effects of the ionosphere

fits_warp smoothly removes the distorting effect of the ionosphere and restores sources to their reference positions in both the catalog and image domain. Image warping uses pixel offsets derived from a catalog of cross-matched sources. Though initially written for low-frequency radio astronomy, fits_warp can be used to de-distort any image distorted by some vector field which is sampled by some sparse pierce-points.

[ascl:2411.015] atlas-fit: Python tool to fit solar spectra to a known atlas

atlas-fit amends the results of spectroflat (ascl:2411.014) with calibration against a solar atlas. Data for wavelength calibration and continuum-correction is generated from flat field information and selected solar atlantes. The atlas-fit package provides two tools: one to generate a list of lines from the atlas and data to use for finding a wavelength solution (dispersion), and another to amend the calibration results from the spectroflat library.

[ascl:2411.014] spectroflat: Generic Python calibration library for spectro-polarimetric data

Spectroflat flat fields spectro-polarimetric data. It can be plugged into existing Python-based data reduction pipelines or used as a standalone calibration and performance analysis tool. The code includes smile distortion correction and flat field extraction. The library expects the spatial domain on the vertical-axis and the spectral domain on the horizontal axis. Spectroflat does not include any file reading/writing routines and expects numpy arrays as input.

[ascl:2411.013] NE2001p: Python implementation of the NE2001 Galactic electron density model

NE2001p is a fully Python implementation of the NE2001 Galactic electron density model. The code forward models the dispersion and scattering of compact radio sources, including pulsars, fast radio bursts, AGNs, and masers, and the model predicts the distances of radio sources that lack independent distance measures.

[ascl:2411.012] BSAVI: Bayesian SAmple VIsualizer for cosmological likelihoods

BSAVI (Bayesian Sample Visualizer) aids likelihood analysis of model parameters where samples from a distribution in the parameter space are used as inputs to calculate a given observable. For example, selecting a range of samples will allow you to easily see how the observables change as you traverse the sample distribution. At the core of BSAVI is the Observable object, which contains the data for a given observable and instructions for plotting it. It is modular, so you can write your own function that takes the parameter values as inputs, and BSAVI will use it to compute observables on the fly. It also accepts tabular data, so if you have pre-computed observables, simply import them alongside the dataset containing the sample distribution to start visualizing. Though BSAVI was developed for use in theoretical cosmology, it can be customized to fit a wide range of visualization needs.

[ascl:2411.011] MMLPhoto-z: Cross-modal contrastive learning method for estimating photo-z of quasars

MMLPhoto-z estimates the photo-z of quasars using a cross-modal contrastive learning approach. This method employs adversarial training and contrastive loss functions to promote the mutual conversion between multi-band photometric data features (magnitude, color) and photometric image features, while extracting modality-invariant features. MMLPhoto-z can also be applied to tasks like photo-z estimation for galaxies with missing magnitudes. Overall, this method proves effective in enhancing the photo-z estimation across diverse datasets and conditions.

[ascl:2411.010] ReverseDiff: Reverse mode automatic Differentiation for Julia

ReverseDiff implements methods to take gradients, Jacobians, Hessians, and higher-order derivatives of native Julia functions (or any callable object) using reverse mode automatic differentiation (AD). While performance can vary depending on the functions you evaluate, the algorithms implemented by ReverseDiff generally outperform non-AD algorithms in both speed and accuracy.

[ascl:2411.009] pycosmicstar: PYthon cosmic STar formAtion Rate

Pycosmicstar studies the star formation history for different cosmological models. The package contains two abstract classes, cosmology and structureabstract. The class cosmology is passed as a parameter for the classes that implement structureabstract. This approach takes polymorphism into account. The modeling of structures and star formation are not strongly dependent on the cosmology. Pycosmicstar generates a new cosmological class that implements the methods of abstract class cosmology that is useful to study, for example, the role of dark energy in the cosmic star formation rate evolution.

[ascl:2411.008] Astrocats: Construct astronomical catalogs

Astrocats enables astronomers to construct their own curated catalogs of astronomical data with the intention of producing shareable catalogs of that data in human-readable formats. Astrocats is used by several existing open astronomy catalogs, including the Open Supernova Catalog, Open TDE Catalog, Open Nova Catalog, and the Open Black Hole Catalog.

[ascl:2411.007] EFTofPNG: Effective Field Theory of Post-Newtonian Gravity

EFTofPNG (Effective Field Theory of Post-Newtonian Gravity) performs high precision computations in the effective field theory of post-Newtonian (PN) Gravity, including spins. Written in Mathematica, it provides computer-algebra tools to derive analytical input for gravitational-wave source modelling relevant to current observatories. EFTofPNG has been used to derive of all currently known spin-dependent conservative interaction potentials in the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation to General Relativity (GR).

[ascl:2411.006] HBSGSep: Hierarchical Bayesian Star-Galaxy Separations

HBSGSep (Hierarchical Bayesian Star-Galaxy Separations) classifies stars and galaxies photometrically by fitting templates and hierarchically learning their prior weights. The hierarchical Bayesian algorithms are unsupervised and do not use a training set nor are priors set in advance of running the algorithms; the priors for the templates are inferred from the data themselves.

[ascl:2411.005] GAz: Genetic Algorithm for photometric redshift estimation

GAz calculates photometric redshifts for low redshift galaxies. It finds optimal polynomial forms to fit to data. It explores the very large space of high order polynomials while only requiring optimization of a small number of terms. Tested with the 2SLAQ LRG data set, GAz generalizes well to various data sets and redshift ranges.

[ascl:2411.004] DarkRayNet: Simulation tool for indirect Dark Matter searches

DarkRayNet uses recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to quickly simulate antiprotons, antideuterons, protons and Helium cosmic ray (CR) spectra at Earth for an extensive range of parameters. The corresponding neural networks are trained on GALPROP (ascl:1010.028) simulations. DarkRayNet can also simulate the cosmic ray fluxes for antideuterons; the spectra can be predicted for a signal from dark matter annihilation DM Antideuterons and for secondary emission Secondary Antideuterons.

[ascl:2411.003] PyMerger: Einstein Telescope binary black hole merger detector

PyMerger detects binary black hole mergers from the Einstein Telescope based on a Deep Residual Neural Network (ResNet) model; the model was trained on combined data from all three proposed sub-detectors of ET (TSDCD). The model achieved high BBH detection rates. Though not trained on BNS and BHNS mergers, PyMerger successfully detected 11,477 BNS and 323 BHNS mergers in ET-MDC, indicating its potential for broader applicability.

[ascl:2411.002] flashcurve: Fast generation of adaptive-binning light curves with Fermi-LAT data

flashcurve estimates the necessary time windows for adaptive binning light curves in Fermi-LAT data using raw photon data. Fluxes coming from Gamma rays measured by the Fermi-LAT satellite are extremely variable. Gamma-ray light curves produced by flashcurve, which uses deep learning, optimally use adaptive bin sizes to retrieve information about the source dynamics and to combine gamma-ray observations in a multi-messenger perspective.

[ascl:2411.001] Mosaic: Multibeamformed Observation Simulation And Interferometry Characterization

Mosaic characterizes the beam shape and generate efficient tilings for efficient multi-beam observations. It consists of an interferometric pattern simulator and characterizer, an optimized tiling generator, and a beamforming weights calculator. It is being used in the filter-banking beamformer in the MeerKAT telescope; more than 200 pulsars have been discovered from the multiple beam observations supported by Mosaic.

[submitted] Finalflash

**Finalflash** is a Python package designed for primary beam corrections of uGMRT radio interferometric images. The software uses frequency-dependent beam models and FITS file handling to improve the accuracy of radio astronomical data. It is open source and available under the MIT License. The code is hosted at

[submitted] Gradus.jl

Extensible spacetime agnostic general relativistic ray-tracing (GRRT): Gradus.jl is a suite of tools related to tracing geodesics and calculating observational signatures of accreting compact objects. Gradus.jl requires only a specification of the non-zero metric components of a chosen spacetime in order to solve the geodesic equation and compute a wide variety of trajectories and orbits. Various algorithms for calculating physical quantities are implemented generically, so they may be used with different classes of spacetime with minimal effort.

[ascl:2410.020] Falcon-DM: N-body code for inspirals in DM spikes

Falcon-DM simulates intermediate mass ratio inspirals in DM spikes. This lightweight N-body code is written in C++ and is specifically tuned for simulating IMRIs embedded in dark matter (DM) spikes. It features a 2nd order Drift-Kick-Drift integrator using the symplectic HOLD scheme and symmetrized, individual, time-steps for accurate time-integration. Falcon-DM also offers post-Newtonian (PN) effects up to PN2.5 using the auxiliary velocity algorithm.

[ascl:2410.019] Heracles: Harmonic-space statistics on the sphere

Heracles manages harmonic-space statistics on the sphere. It takes catalogs of positions and function values on the sphere and turns them into angular power spectra and mixing matrices. Heracles is both a Python library, to be used in notebooks or data processing pipelines, and a tool for running measurements from the command line using a configuration file.

[ascl:2410.018] fastPTA: Constraining power of PTA configurations forecaster

fastPTA forecasts the sensitivity of future Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) configurations and assesses constraints on Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) parameters. The code can generate mock PTA catalogs with noise levels compatible with current and future PTA experiments. These catalogs can then be used to perform Fisher forecasts of MCMC simulations.

[ascl:2410.017] SSOF: Data-driven models for extremely precise radial velocity (EPRV) spectra

StellarSpectraObservationFitting (SSOF) measures radial velocities and creates data-driven models (with fast, physically-motivated Gaussian Process regularization) for the time-variable spectral features for both the telluric transmission and stellar spectrum measured by Extremely Precise Radial Velocity (EPRV) spectrographs (while accounting for the wavelength-dependent instrumental line-spread function). Written in Julia, SSOF provides two methods for estimating the uncertainties on the RVs and model scores based on the photon uncertainties in the original data. For quick estimates of the uncertainties, the code looks at the local curvature of the likelihood space; the second method for estimating errors is via bootstrap resampling.

[ascl:2410.016] Gaspery: Radial velocity (RV) observing strategies

Gaspery uses the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) to evaluate different radial velocity (RV) observing strategies; this assists observational exoplanet astronomers in constructing the observing strategy that maximizes information (or minimizes uncertainty) on the RV semi-amplitude K. The code is flexible and generalizable, however, and can maximize information on any free parameter from any model, given a time series support (x-axis).

[ascl:2410.015] Kamodo: Space weather data access, interpolation, and visualization

Kamodo provides access to, interpolation of, and visualization of space weather models and data. The code allows model developers to represent simulation results as mathematical functions which may be manipulated directly. As the software does not generate model outputs, users must acquire the desired model outputs before these outputs can be functionalized by the software. Kamodo handles unit conversion transparently and supports interactive science discovery through Jupyter notebooks with minimal coding.

[ascl:2410.014] CloudCovErr.jl: Debias fluxes and improve error bar estimates for photometry on structured backgrounds

CloudCovErr.jl debiases fluxes and improves error bar estimates for photometry on top of structured filamentary backgrounds. It first estimates the covariance matrix of the residuals from a previous photometric model and then computes corrections to the estimated flux and flux uncertainties. Using an infilling technique to estimate the background and its uncertainty dramatically improves flux and flux uncertainty estimates for stars in images of fields with significant nebulosity.

[ascl:2410.013] ARK: 3D hydrodynamics code for the study of convective problems

ARK implements Computational Fluid Dynamics applications, such as Euler and all-Mach regime, on a Cartesian grid with MPI+Kokkos. It provides a performance-portable Kokkos implementation for compressible hydrodynamics and performs simulations of convection without any approximation of Boussinesq nor anelastic type. It adapts an all-Mach number scheme into a well-balanced scheme for gravity, which preserves arbitrary discrete equilibrium states up to the machine precision. The low-Mach correction in the numerical flux allows ARK to be more precise in the low-Mach regime; the code is well suited for studying highly stratified and high-Mach convective flows.

[ascl:2410.012] Exo-REM: 1D self-consistent radiative-equilibrium model for exoplanetary atmospheres

The 1D radiative-equilibrium model Exo-REM simulates young gas giants far from their star and brown dwarfs. Fluxes are calculated using the two-stream approximation assuming hemispheric closure. The radiative-convective equilibrium is solved assuming that the net flux (radiative + convective) is conservative. The conservation of flux over the pressure grid is solved iteratively using a constrained linear inversion method. Rayleigh scattering from H2, He, and H2O, as well as absorption and scattering by clouds (calculated from extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry factor interpolated from precomputed tables for a set of wavelengths and particle radii), are also taken into account.

[ascl:2410.011] DGEM: 3D dust continuum radiative transfer code for method comparison

DGEM compares different computation methods for three-dimensional dust continuum radiative transfer. This simple code is based on mcpolar, translated to C++, and refactored to realize and compare radiative transfer techniques, namely Monte Carlo, Quasi-Monte-Carlo, and the Directions Grid Enumeration Method (DGEM). DGEM uses precalculated directions of the photons propagation instead of the random ones to speed up the calculations process. The code also offers a gnuplot script for plotting the resulting images.

[ascl:2410.010] lensitbiases: rFFT-based flat-sky CMB lensing tools

lensitbiases is an rFFT-based N1 lensing bias calculation and tests. It is tuned for TT, P-only or MV (GMV) like quadratic estimators. It performs rFFT-based N1 and N1 matrix calculations in ~ O(ms) time per lensing multipole for Planck-like config, which allows on-the-fly evaluation of the bias. It also calculates 5 rFFT's of moderate size per L for N1 TT, 20 for PP, and 45 for MV or GMV. lensitbiases is not particularly efficient for low lensing L's, since in this case one must use large boxes.

[ascl:2410.009] DIRTY: 3D dust radiative transfer for dusty astrophysical sources

DIRTY (DustI Radiative Transfer, Yeah!) computes the radiative transfer and dust emission from arbitrary distributions of dust illuminated by arbitrary distributions of sources (usually stars). It uses Monte Carlo methods to solve the radiative transfer problem in full 3D including non-equilibrium and equilibrium thermal dust emission. As are other similar models, DUSTY is computationally intensive; as a result, it is written in C++.

[ascl:2410.008] solar-vSI: Calculate solar antineutrino spectra

solar-vSI performs Monte Carlo integration of multi-body phase space efficiently. The calculation of solar antineutrino spectra from 8B decay requires the integration of five-body phase space. Though there is no simple analytical approach to this problem, recursive relations can be used to facilitate numerical evaluations.

[ascl:2410.007] measure_extinction: Measure interstellar dust extinction using pair method

measure_extinction measures extinction due to dust absorbing photons or scattering photons out of the line-of-sight. Extinction applies to the case for a star seen behind a foreground screen of dust. This package provides the tools to measure dust extinction curves using observations of two effectively identical stars, differing only in that one is seen through more dust than the other.

[ascl:2410.006] forcepho: Generative modeling galaxy photometry for JWST

Forcepho infers the fluxes and shapes of galaxies from astronomical images. It models the appearance of multiple sources in multiple bands simultaneously and compares to observed data via a likelihood function. Gradients of this likelihood allow for efficient maximization of the posterior probability or sampling of the posterior probability distribution via Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. The model intrinsic galaxy shapes and positions are shared across the different bands, but the fluxes are fit separately for each band. Forcepho does not perform detection; initial locations and (very rough) parameter estimates must be supplied by the user.

[ascl:2410.005] BayeSED: Bayesian SED synthesis and analysis of galaxies and AGNs

BayeSED implements full Bayesian interpretation of spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies and AGNs. It performs Bayesian parameter estimation using posteriori probability distributions (PDFs) and Bayesian SED model comparison using Bayesian evidence. Its latest version BayeSED3 supports various built-in SED models and can emulate other SED models using machine learning techniques.

[ascl:2410.004] iPIC3D: Multi-scale plasma simulations of plasma

iPIC3D performs kinetic plasma simulations at magnetohydrodynamics time scales. This three-dimensional parallel code uses the implicit Particle-in-Cell method; implicit integration in time of the Vlasov–Maxwell system removes the numerical stability constraints. Written in C++, iPIC3D can be run with CUDA acceleration and supports MPI, OpenMP, and multi-node multi-GPU simulations.

[ascl:2410.003] vortex-p: Helmholtz-Hodge and Reynolds decomposition algorithm for particle-based simulations

vortex-p analyzes the velocity fields of astrophysical simulations of different natures (for example, SPH, moving-mesh, and meshless) usually spanning many orders of magnitude in scales involved. The code performs Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition (HHD); that is, it can decompose the velocity field into a solenoidal and an irrotational/compressive part Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition. vortex-p internally uses an AMR representation of the velocity field and can, in principle, capture the full dynamical range of the simulation. The package can also perform Reynolds decomposition (i.e., the decomposition of the velocity field into a bulk and a turbulent part). This is achieved by means of a multi-scale filtering of the velocity field, where the filtering scale around each point is determined by the local flow properties. vortex-p expands the vortex (ascl:2206.001) code, which had been coupled to the outputs of the MASCLET code, to a fully stand-alone tool capable of working with the outcomes of a broad range of simulation methods.

[ascl:2410.002] pysymlog: Symmetric (signed) logarithm scale for Python plots

pysymlog provides utilities for binning, normalizing colors, wrangling tick marks, and other tasks, in symmetric logarithm space. For numbers spanning positive and negative values, the code works in log scale with a transition through zero, down to some threshold. This is useful for representing data that span many scales such as standard log-space that include values of zero or even negative values. pysymlog provides convenient functions for creating 1D and 2D histograms and symmetric log bins, generating logspace-like arrays through zero and managing matplotlib major and minor ticks in symlog space, as well as bringing symmetric log scaling functionality to plotly.

[submitted] RadioSunPy: A Robust Preprocessing Pipeline for RATAN-600 Solar Radio Observations Data

This paper introduces RadioSunPy, an open-source Python package developed for accessing, visualizing, and analyzing multi-band radio observations of the Sun from the RATAN-600 solar complex. The advancement of observational technologies and software for processing and visualizing spectro-polarimetric microwave data obtained with the RATAN-600 radio telescope opens new opportunities for studying the physical characteristics of solar plasma at the levels of the chromosphere and corona. These levels remain some difficult to detect in the ultraviolet and X-ray ranges. The development of these methods allows for more precise investigation of the fine structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere, thereby deepening our understanding of the processes occurring in these layers. The obtained data also can be utilized for diagnosing solar plasma and forecasting solar activity. However, using RATAN-600 data requires extensive data processing and familiarity with the RATAN-600. The package offers comprehensive data processing functionalities, including direct access to raw data, essential processing steps such as calibration and quiet Sun normalization, and tools for analyzing solar activity. This includes automatic detection of local sources, identifying them with NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) active regions, and further determining parameters for local sources and active regions. By streamlining data processing workflows, RadioSunPy enables researchers to investigate the fine structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere more efficiently, contributing to advancements in solar physics and space weather forecasting.

[submitted] ysoisochrone: A Python package to estimate masses and ages for YSOs

ysoisochrone is a Python3 package that handles the isochrones for young stellar objects (YSOs), and utilize isochrones to derive the stellar mass and ages. Our primary method is a Bayesian inference approach, and the Python code builds on the IDL version developed in Pascucci et al. (2016). The code estimates the stellar masses, ages, and associated uncertainties by comparing their stellar effective temperature, bolometric luminosity, and their uncertainties with different stellar evolutionary models, including those specifically developed for YSOs. User-developed evolutionary tracks can also be utilized when provided in the specific format described in the code documentation.

[submitted] Kete: Solar System survey tools

The kete tools are intended to enable the simulation of all-sky surveys of solar system objects. This includes multi-body physics orbital dynamics, thermal and optical modeling of the objects, as well as field of view and light delay corrections. These tools in conjunction with the Minor Planet Centers (MPC) database of known asteroids can be used to not only plan surveys but can also be used to predict what objects are visible for existing or past surveys.

The primary goal for kete is to enable a set of tools that can operate on the entire MPC catalog at once, without having to do queries on specific objects. It has been used to simulate over 10 years of survey time for the NEO Surveyor mission using 10 million main-belt and near-Earth asteroids.

[ascl:2410.001] GalCraft: Building integral-field spectrograph data cubes of the Milky Way

GalCraft creates mock integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) observations of the Milky Way and other hydrodynamical/N-body simulations. It conducts all the procedures from inputting data and spectral templates to the output of IFS data cubes in FITS format. The produced mock data cubes can be analyzed in the same way as real IFS observations by many methods, particularly codes like Voronoi binning (ascl:1211.006), pPXF (ascl:1210.002), line-strength indices, or a combination of them (e.g., the GIST pipeline, ascl:1907.025). The code is implemented using Python-native parallelization. GalCraft will be particularly useful for directly comparing the Milky Way with other MW-like galaxies in terms of kinematics and stellar population parameters and ultimately linking the Galactic and extragalactic to study galaxy evolution.

[ascl:2409.020] pyRRG: Weak lensing shape measurement code

pyRRG measures the 2nd and 4th order moments using a TinyTim model to correct for PSF distortions. The code is invariant to the number exposures and orientation of the drizzle images. pyRRG uses a machine learning algorithm to automatically classify stars and galaxies; this can also be done manually if greater accuracy is needed.

[ascl:2409.019] Padé: Protoplanetary disk turbulence simulator

Padé simulates protoplanetary disk hydrodynamics in cylindrical coordinates. Written in Fortran90, it is a finite-difference code and the compact 4th-order standard Padé scheme is used for spatial differencing. Padé differentiation is known to have spectral-like resolving power. The z direction can be periodic or non-periodic. The 4th order Runge-Kutta is used for time advancement. Padé implements a version of the FARGO technique to eliminate the time-step restriction imposed by Keplerian advection, and capturing of shocks that are not too strong can be done by using artificial bulk viscosity.

[ascl:2409.018] PySR: High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia

PySR performs Symbolic Regression; it uses machine learning to find an interpretable symbolic expression that optimizes some objective. Over a period of several years, PySR has been engineered from the ground up to be (1) as high-performance as possible, (2) as configurable as possible, and (3) easy to use. PySR is developed alongside the Julia library SymbolicRegression.jl, which forms the powerful search engine of PySR. Symbolic regression works best on low-dimensional datasets, but one can also extend these approaches to higher-dimensional spaces by using "Symbolic Distillation" of Neural Networks. Here, one essentially uses symbolic regression to convert a neural net to an analytic equation. Thus, these tools simultaneously present an explicit and powerful way to interpret deep neural networks.

[ascl:2409.017] WISE2MBH: Mass of supermassive black holes estimator

WISE2MBH uses infrared cataloged data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) to estimate the mass of supermassive black holes (SMBH). It implements a Monte Carlo approach for error propagation, considering mean photometric errors from WISE magnitudes, errors in fits of scaling relations used and scatter of those relations, if available.

[ascl:2409.016] PyExoCross: Molecular line lists post-processor

PyExoCross, a Python adaptation of ExoCross (ascl:1803.014), post-processes molecular line lists generated by ExoMol, HITRAN, and HITEMP and other similar initiatives. It generates absorption and emission spectra and other properties, including partition functions, specific heats, and cooling functions, based on molecular line lists. The code also calculates cross sections with four line profiles: Doppler, Gaussian, Lorentzian, and Voigt. PyExoCross can convert data format between ExoMol and HITRAN, and supports importing and exporting line lists in the ExoMol and HITRAN/HITEMP formats.

[ascl:2409.015] GASTLI: GAS gianT modeL for Interiors

GASTLI (GAS gianT modeL for Interiors) calculates the interior structure models for gas giants exoplanets. The code computes mass-radius curves, thermal evolution curves, and interior composition retrievals to fit a interior structure model to your mass, radius, age, and if available, atmospheric metallicity data. GASTLI can also plot the results, including internal and atmospheric profiles, a pressure-temperature diagram, mass-radius relations, and thermal evolution curves.

[ascl:2409.014] symbolic_pofk: Precise symbolic emulators of the linear and nonlinear matter power spectrum

symbolic_pofk provides simple Python functions and a Fortran90 routine for precise symbolic emulations of the linear and non-linear matter power spectra and for the conversion σ 8 ↔ A s as a function of cosmology. These can be easily copied, pasted, and modified to other languages. Outside of a tested k range, the fit includes baryons by default; however, this can be switched off.

[ascl:2409.013] planetMagFields: Routines to plot magnetic fields of planets in our solar system

planetMagFields accesses and analyzes information about magnetic fields of planets in our solar system and visualizes them in both 2D and 3D. The code provides access to properties of a planet, such as dipole tilt, Gauss coefficients, and computed radial magnetic field at surface, and has methods to plot the field and write a vts file for 3D visualization. planetMagFields can be used to produce both 2D and 3D visualizations of a planetary field; it also provides the option of potential extrapolation.

[ascl:2409.012] AMReX: Software framework for block structured AMR

The software framework AMReX is designed for building massively parallel block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) applications. Key features of AMReX include C++ and Fortran interfaces; 1-, 2- and 3-D support; and support for cell-centered, face-centered, edge-centered, and nodal data. The framework also supports hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic solves on hierarchical adaptive grid structure, optional subcycling in time for time-dependent PDEs, and parallelization via flat MPI, OpenMP, hybrid MPI/OpenMP, or MPI/MPI, and parallel I/O. AMReX supports the plotfile format with AmrVis, VisIt (ascl:1103.007), ParaView (ascl:1103.014), and yt (ascl:1011.022).

[ascl:2409.011] ClassiPyGRB: Swift/BAT GRB visualizer and classifier

ClassiPyGRB downloads, processes, visualizes, and classifies GRBs in the Swift/BAT database. Users can query light curves for any GRB and use tools to preprocess the data, including noise/duration reduction and interpolation. The package provides a set of facilities and tutorials for classifying GRBs based on their light curves using a method based on a dimensionality reduction of the data using t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (TSNE); results are visualized using a Graphical User Interface (GUI). ClassiPyGRB also plots and animates the results of the TSNE analysis for a deeper hyperparameter grid search.

[ascl:2409.010] BeyonCE: Beyond Common Eclipsers

BeyonCE (Beyond Common Eclipsers) explores the large parameter space of eclipsing disc systems. The fitting code reduces the parameter space encompassed by the transit of circumsecondary disc (CSD) systems with azimuthally symmetric, non-uniform optical-depth profiles to constrain the size and orientation of discs with a complex sub-structure. BeyonCE does this by rejecting disc geometries that do not reproduce the measured gradients within their light curves.

[ascl:2409.009] resonances: Mean-motion resonances in Solar system and other planetary systems identifier

resonances identifies mean-motion resonances of small bodies. It uses the REBOUND integrator (ascl:1110.016) and automatically identifies two-body and three-body mean-motion resonance in the Solar system. The package can be used for other possible planetary systems, including exoplanets. resonances accurately differentiates different types of resonances (pure, transient, uncertain) and provides an interface for mass tasks, such as finding resonant areas in a planetary system. The software can also plot time series and periodograms.

[ascl:2409.008] cloudyfsps: Python interface between FSPS and Cloudy

cloudyfsps is a Python interface between FSPS (ascl:1010.043) and Cloudy (ascl:9910.001). It compiles FSPS models for use as ionizing sources (Stellar SED grids) within Cloudy and generates Cloudy input files, single-parameter or grids of parameters. It runs Cloudy models in parallel and formats the output, which is nebular continuum and nebular line emission, for FSPS input and for explorative manipulation and plotting within Python. cloudyfsps includes pre-packaged plots for BPT diagrams (NII, SII, OI, OII) with observed data from HII regions and SDSS galaxies, and also provides comparisons with MAPPINGS III (ascl:1306.008) models.

[ascl:2409.007] Stardust: Composite template fitting software

Stardust extracts galaxy properties by fitting their multiwavelength data to a set of linearly combined templates. This Python package brings three different families of templates together: 1.) UV+Optical emission from dust unobscured stellar light; 2.) AGN heated dust in the MIR; and 3.) IR dust reprocessed stellar light in the NIR-FIR. Stardust's template fitting does not rely on energy balance. As a result, the total luminosity of dust obscured and dust unobscured stellar light do not rely on each other, and it is possible to fit objects such as SMGs where the energy balance approach might not be applicable.

[ascl:2409.006] PICASSO: Inpainter for point-sources for synchrotron and dust polarization

PICASSO (Python Inpainter for Cosmological and AStrophysical SOurces) provides a suite of inpainting methodologies to reconstruct holes on images (128x128 pixels) extracted from a HEALPIX map. Three inpainting techniques are included; these are divided into two main groups: diffusive-based methods (Nearest-Neighbors), and learning-based methods that rely on training DCNNs to fill the missing pixels with the predictions learned from a training data-set (Deep-Prior and Generative Adversarial Networks). PICASSO also provides scripts for projecting from full sky HEALPIX maps to flat thumbnails images, performing inpainting on GPUs and parallel inpainting on multiple processes, and for projecting from flat images to HEALPIX. Pretrained models are also included.

[ascl:2409.005] MCMole3D: Statistical model for galactic molecular clouds

MCMole3D (Monte-Carlo MOlecular Line Emission) simulates the 3D molecular cloud emission in the Milky Way. In particular, it can simulate both the unpolarized and polarized emission coming from the first rotational line of Carbon Monoxide (CO, J=1-0). MCMole3D seeks to compare the simulated emission with that observed by full sky surveys from the Planck satellite.

[ascl:2409.004] FGCluster: ForeGround Clustering

FGCluster runs spectral clustering onto Healpix maps for parametric foreground removal, using a map encoding the feature to cluster as inputs. Pixel similarity is given by the geometrical affinity of each pixel in the sphere. FGCluster can also take an uncertainty map as an input, in which case the adjacency is modified in such a way that the pixel similarity accounts also for the statistical significance given by the pixel values in a map and the uncertainties.

[ascl:2409.003] SUSHI: Semi-blind Unmixing with Sparsity for Hyperspectral Images

SUSHI (Semi-blind Unmixing with Sparsity for hyperspectral images) performs non-stationary unmixing of hyperspectral images. The typical use case is to map the physical parameters such as temperature and redshift from a model with multiple components using data from hyperspectral images. Applying a spatial regularization provides more robust results on voxels with low signal to noise ratio. The code has been used on X-ray astronomy but the method can be applied to any integral field unit (IFU) data cubes.

[ascl:2409.002] UltraDark: Cosmological scalar fields simulator

UltraDark.jl simulates cosmological scalar fields. Written in Julia, it is inspired by PyUltraLight (ascl:1810.009) and designed to be simple to use and extend. It solves a non-interacting scalar field Gross-Pitaevskii equation coupled to Poisson's equation for gravitational potential. The scalar field describes scalar dark matter in models including ultralight dark matter, fuzzy dark matter, axion-like particles and the like. It also describes an inflaton field in the reheating epoch of the early universe.

[ascl:2409.001] DarsakX: X-ray telescope design and imaging performance analyzer

Written in Python, DarsakX is used to design and analyze the imaging performance of a multi-shell X-ray telescope with an optical configuration similar to Wolter-1 optics for astronomical purposes. It can also assess the impact of figure error on the telescope's imaging performance and optimize the optical design to improve angular resolution for wide-field telescopes. By default, DarsakX uses DarpanX (ascl:2101.015) to calculate the mirror's reflectivity.

[ascl:2408.015] SAQQARA: Stochastic gravitational wave background analysis

SAQQARA analyzes stochastic gravitational wave background signals. This Simulation-based Inference (SBI) library is built on top of the swyft code (ascl:2302.016), which implements neural ratio estimation to efficiently access marginal posteriors for all parameters of interest. Simulation-based inference combined with implicit marginalization (over nuisance parameters) has been shown to be well suited for SGWB data analysis.

[ascl:2408.014] 21cmFirstCLASS: Generate initial conditions at recombination

21cmFirstCLASS extends 21cmFAST (ascl:1102.023) and interfaces with CLASS (ascl:1106.020) to generate initial conditions at recombination that are consistent with the input cosmological model. These initial conditions can be set during the time of recombination, allowing one to compute the 21cm signal (and its spatial fluctuations) throughout the dark ages, as well as in the proceeding cosmic dawn and reionization epochs, just as in the standard 21cmFAST. 21cmFirstCLASS tracks both the CDM density field δc as well as the baryons density field δb. In addition, the user interface in 21cmFirstCLASS has been improved and allows one to easily plot the 21cm power spectrum while including noise from the output of 21cmSense (ascl:1609.013).

[ascl:2408.013] GRBoondi: AMR-based code to evolve generalized Proca fields on arbitrary fixed backgrounds

GRBoondi simulates generalized Proca fields on arbitrary analytic fixed backgrounds; it is based on the publicly available 3+1D numerical relativity code GRChombo (ascl:2306.039). GRBoondi reduces the prerequisite knowledge of numerical relativity and GRChombo in the numerical studies of generalized Proca theories. The main steps to perform a study are inputting the additions to the equations of motion beyond the base Proca theory; GRBoondi can then automatically incorporate the higher-order terms in the simulation. The code is written entirely in C++14 and uses hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelism. GRBoondi inherits all of the capabilities of the main GRChombo code, which makes use of the Chombo library (ascl:1202.008) for adaptive mesh refinement.

[ascl:2408.012] RadioSED: Radio SED fitting for AGN

RadioSED uses nested sampling to perform a Bayesian analysis of radio SEDs constructed from radio flux density measurements obtained as part of large area surveys (or in some limited cases, as part of targeted followup campaigns). It is a pure Python implementation, and is essentially a wrapper around Bilby (ascl:1901.011), the Bayesian inference library. RadioSED uses dynesty (ascl:1809.013) to perform the sampling steps, though other samplers could also be used. Users can make use of a pre-defined set of models and surveys from which to draw flux density measurements, or they can define their own models and provide their own input flux density measurements. All flux density measurements are referenced against the RACS-LOW survey, and source names and IDs from the survey catalogue are used as identifiers.

[ascl:2408.011] M_SMiLe: Magnification Statistics of Micro-Lensing

M_SMiLe computes an approximation of the probability of magnification for a lens system consisting of microlensing by compact objects within a galaxy cluster. It specifically focuses on the scenario where the galaxy cluster is strongly lensing a background galaxy and the compact objects, such as stars, are sensitive to this microlensing effect. The microlenses responsible for this effect are stars and stellar remnants, though exotic objects such as compact dark matter candidates (including PBHs and axion mini-halos) can contribute to this effect.

[ascl:2408.010] BELTCROSS2: Calculate the closest approaches of asteroids to meteoroid streams

BELTCROSS2 calculates the closest approaches of asteroid to the mean orbits of meteoroid streams. It is especially useful to check if an asteroid, which was observed to become active, passed through a meteoroid stream, and through which stream, a short time before the beginning of the activity. The basic characteristics of the closest encounter of the asteroid with the stream are provided by BELTCROSS2.

[ascl:2408.009] Cue: Nebular emission modeling

Cue interprets nebular emission across a wide range of ionizing conditions of galaxies. The software, based on Cloudy (ascl:9910.001), emulates a neural net. It does not require a specific ionizing spectrum as a source, instead approximating the ionizing spectrum with a 4-part piece-wise power-law. Along with the flexible ionizing spectra, Cue allows freedom in [O/H], [N/O], [C/O], gas density, and total ionizing photon budget.

[ascl:2408.008] HaloFlow: Simulation-Based Inference (SBI) using forward modeled galaxy photometry

HaloFlow uses a machine learning approach to infer Mh and stellar mass, M∗, using grizy band magnitudes, morphological properties quantifying characteristic size, concentration, and asymmetry, total measured satellite luminosity, and number of satellites.

[ascl:2408.007] LADDER: Learning Algorithm for Deep Distance Estimation and Reconstruction

LADDER (Learning Algorithm for Deep Distance Estimation and Reconstruction) reconstructs the “cosmic distance ladder” by analyzing sequential cosmological data; it can also be applied to other sequential datasets with associated covariance information. It uses the apparent magnitude data from the Pantheon Type Ia supernovae compilation, fully incorporating covariance information to accurately predict mean values and uncertainties. It offers model-independent consistency checks for datasets such as Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and can calibrate high-redshift datasets such as Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) without assuming any underlying cosmological model. Additionally, LADDER serves as a model-independent mock catalog generator for forecast-based cosmological studies.

[ascl:2408.006] SonAD: Sonification of astronomical data

Sonification extends the Astronify software (ascl:2408.005) to sonify a spatially distributed dataset. The package contains scripts to convert images into scatterplots and sonifications. The script takes an image file and reproduces it as a scatterplot by converting the input image to grayscale, extracting pixel values and generating scatter data based on these values, and then plotting the scatter data to create a visual representation of the image. The sonifications script converts the scatterplot data into an audio series and adjusts the note spacing and sonification range to customize an auditory representation. Sonification accepts images in PNG and JPG formats.

[ascl:2408.005] Astronify: Astronomical data sonification

Astronify contains tools for sonifying astronomical data, specifically data series. Data series sonification takes a data table and maps one column to time, and one column to pitch. This technique is commonly used to sonify light curves, where observation time is scaled to listening time and flux is mapped to pitch. While Astronify’s sonification uses the columns “time” and “flux” by default, any two columns can be supplied and a sonification created.

[ascl:2408.004] Sailfish: GPU-accelerated grid-based astrophysics gas dynamics code

Sailfish simulates accreting binary systems, including binary protostars, post-AGN stellar binaries, mass-transferring X-ray binaries, and double black hole systems. The binary components are "on the grid" rather than excised, and are evolved according to the Kepler two-body problem, modified to account for gravitational wave losses or self-consistent forcing from the orbiting gas. The solvers are shock-capturing and are second order accurate in space and time. Gravity is fully Newtonian. Thermodynamics can be treated using a gamma-law equation of state with a blackbody cooling term, or in the locally isothermal approximation, in which the gas temperature is set to a constant times the local free-fall speed. Sailfish is fully Cartesian and has extensive diagnostic capabilities to facilitate accurate calculations of gas-driven orbital evolution or the extraction of electromagnetic disk signatures. The code is extremely efficient, reaching more than one billion zone updates per second on an NVIDIA A100 GPU, enabling extremely high resolution of complex flows around the binary components.

[submitted] AntabGMVA: A Python tool for managing GMVA metadata

Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA) observations are accompanied by a lot of metadata (i.e., the so-called 'ANTAB' files) that contain the system temperature (Tsys) and the gain values of the individual GMVA antennas. These data are required for the amplitude calibration of GMVA data which is an essential part in the data reduction. Unfortunately, Tsys measurements in the ANTAB files are not perfect and there are almost always erroneous values in some of the ANTAB files (particularly in the VLBA data). This could lead to incorrect results in the amplitude calibration and thus need to be corrected with proper data inspection/treatment. However, every GMVA station provides the ANTAB file in their own data format which makes the examination tricky. AntabGMVA was designed to resolve these issues and allows GMVA users to manage the GMVA ANTAB files easily and efficiently. Using AntabGMVA, one can perform extraction/inspection/visualization/correction of the Tsys data from the ANTAB files and finally generate one single ANTAB file which includes all the final products.

[ascl:2408.003] SHARC: SHArpened Dimensionality Reduction and Classification

SHARC (SHArpened Dimensionality Reduction and Classification) performs local gradient clustering-based sharpened dimensionality reduction (SDR) using neural network projections and uses these projections to make classifications. The library also contains functions for finding the optimal SDR parameters and for consolidating classification results obtained through multiple classifiers. It requires pySDR (ascl:2408.002). SHARC provides accurate and physically insightful classification of astronomical objects based on their broadband colors.

[ascl:2408.002] pySDR: Wrapper for sharpened dimensionality reduction code

pySDR performs local gradient clustering-based sharpened dimensionality reduction (SDR). The library uses the C++ LGCDR_v1 code as its backend.

[ascl:2408.001] SDR: Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction

Sharpened dimensionality reduction (SDR) sharpens original data before dimensionality reduction to create visually segregrated sample clusters. user-guided labeling. Each distinct cluster can then be labeled and used to further analyze an otherwise unlabeled data set. Written in C++, SDR scales well with large high-dimensional data.

[ascl:2407.020] Package-X: Calculate Feynman loop integrals

Package‑X instantly solves one loop Feynman integrals in full generality. Written in Mathematica and extensively tested and adopted, the package computes dimensionally regulated one-loop integrals with up to four distinct propagators of arbitrarily high rank, calculates traces of Dirac matrices in d dimensions for closed fermion loops, or carries out Dirac algebra for open fermion lines. Package‑X also generates analytic results for any kinematic configuration (e.g., at zero external momentum or physical threshold) for real masses and external invariants, provides analytic expressions for UV-divergent, IR-divergent and finite parts either separately or all together, and computes discontinuities across cuts of one-loop integrals, among other tasks.

[ascl:2407.019] hipipe: VLT/HiRISE reduction pipeline

The High-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy of Exoplanets (HiRISE) instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) combines the exoplanet imager SPHERE with the high-resolution spectrograph CRIRES using single-mode fibers. HiRISE has been designed to enable the characterization of known, directly-imaged planetary companions in the H band at a spectral resolution on the order of R = λ/∆λ = 140 000. The hipipe package is a custom python pipeline used to reduce the HiRISE data and produce high-level science products that can be used for astrophysical interpretation.

[ascl:2407.018] pony3d: Efficient island-finding tool for radio spectral line imaging

pony3d statistically identifies islands of contiguous emission inside a three-dimensional volume. The primary functionality is the rapid and reliable creation of masks for the deconvolution of radio interferometric radio spectral line emission. It has been designed to run on the output of the wsclean imager (ascl:1408.023) whereby the individual FITS image per frequency plane enables a high degree of parallelism, but can work on any image set providing this criterion is met. Single channel island rejection is offered, along with 3D mask dilation and boxcar averaging. pony3d is also a prototype source-finding and extraction tool.

[ascl:2407.017] photGalIMF: Stellar mass and luminosity evolution calculator

The photGalIMF code calculates the evolution of stellar mass and luminosity for a galaxy model, based on the PARSEC stellar evolution model (ascl:1502.005). It requires input lists specifying the age, mass, metallicity, and initial mass function (IMF) of single stellar populations. These input parameters can be provided by the companion galaxy chemical simulation code GalIMF (ascl:1903.010), which generates realistic sets of inputs.

[submitted] ELISA: Efficient Library for Spectral Analysis in High-Energy Astrophysics

ELISA is a Python library designed for efficient spectral modeling and robust statistical inference. With user-friendly interface, ELISA streamlines the spectral analysis workflow.

The modeling framework of ELISA is flexible, allowing users to construct complex models by combining models of ELISA and XSPEC, as well as custom models. Parameters across different model components can also be linked. The models can be fitted to the spectral datasets using either Bayesian or maximum likelihood approaches. For Bayesian fitting, ELISA incorporates advanced Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, including the No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS), nested sampling, and affine-invariant ensemble sampling, to tackle the posterior sampling problem. For maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), ELISA includes two robust algorithms: the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and the Migrad algorithm from Minuit. The computation backend is based on Google's JAX, a high-performance numerical computing library, which can reduce the runtime for fitting procedures like MCMC, thereby enhancing the efficiency of analysis.

After fitting, goodness-of-fit assessment can be done with a single function call, which automatically conducts posterior predictive checks and leave-one-out cross-validation for Bayesian models, or parametric bootstrap for MLE. These methods offer greater accuracy and reliability than traditional fit-statistic/dof measures, and thus better model discovery capability. For comparing multiple candidate models, ELISA provides robust Bayesian tools such as the Widely Applicable Information Criterion (WAIC) and the Leave-One-Out Information Criterion (LOOIC), which are more reliable than AIC or BIC. Thanks to the object-oriented design, collecting the analysis results should be simple. ELISA also provide visualization tools to generate ready-for-publication figures.

ELISA is an open-source project and community contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated.

[ascl:2407.016] Heimdall: GPU accelerated transient detection pipeline for radio astronomy

Heimdall uses direct, tree, and sub-band dedispersion algorithms on massively parallel computing architectures (GPUs) to speed up real-time detection of radio pulsar and other transient events.

[submitted] Flash-X: A Performance Portable, Multiphysics Simulation Software Instrument

Flash-X simulates physical phenomena in several scientific domains, primarily those involving compressible or incompressible reactive flows, using Eulerian adaptive mesh and particle techniques. It derives some of its solvers from and is a descendant of FLASH (ascl:1010.082). Flash-X has a new framework that relies on abstractions and asynchronous communications for performance portability across a range of heterogeneous hardware platforms, including exascale machines. It also includes new physics capabilities, such as the Spark general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) solver, and supports interoperation with the AMReX mesh framework, the HYPRE linear solver package, and the Thornado neutrino radiation hydrodynamics package, among others.

[ascl:2407.015] AstroCLIP: Multimodal contrastive pretraining for astronomical data

AstroCLIP performs contrastive pre-training between two different kinds of astronomical data modalities (multi-band imaging and optical spectra) to yield a meaningful embedding space which captures physical information about galaxies and is shared between both modalities. The embeddings can be used as the basis for competitive zero- and few-shot learning on a variety of downstream tasks, including similarity search, redshift estimation, galaxy property prediction, and morphology classification.

[ascl:2407.014] PFFT: Parallel fast Fourier transforms

PFFT computes massively parallel, fast Fourier transformations on distributed memory architectures. PFFT can be understood as a generalization of FFTW-MPI (ascl:1201.015) to multidimensional data decomposition; in fact, using PFFT is very similar to FFTW. The library is written in C and MPI; a Fortran interface is also available.

[ascl:2407.013] cola_halo: Parallel cosmological N-body simulator

cola_halo generates hundreds of realizations on the fly. This parallel cosmological N-body simulation code generates random Gaussian initial condition using 2LPTIC (ascl:1201.005), time evolves N-body particles with colacode (ascl:1602.021), and finds dark-matter halos with the Friends-of-Friends code (ascl:2407.012).

[ascl:2407.012] Fof: Friends-of-friends code to find groups

Fof uses the friends-of-friends method to find groups. A particle belongs to a friends-of-friends group if it is within some linking length of any other particle in the group. After all such groups are found, those with less than a specified minimum number of group members are rejected. The program takes input files in the TIPSY (ascl:1111.015) binary format and produces a single ASCII output file called fof.grp. This output file is in the TIPSY array format and contains the group number to which each particle belongs. A group number of zero means that the particle does not belong to a group. The fof.grp file can be read in by TIPSY and used to color each particle by group number to visualize the groups. Simulations with periodic boundary conditions can also be handled by fof by specifying the period in each dimension on the command line.

[ascl:2407.011] bigfile: A reproducible massively parallel IO library for hierarchical data

bigfile stores data from cosmology simulations from HPC systems and beyond. It provides a hierarchical structure of data columns via File, Dataset and Column. A Column stores a two dimensional table. Numerical typed columns are supported; attributes can be attached to a Column and both numerical attributes and string attributes are supported. Type casting is performed on-the-fly if read/write operations request a different data type than the file has stored.

[ascl:2407.010] UFalcon: Ultra Fast Lightcone

UFalcon rapidly post-processes N-body code output into signal maps for many different cosmological probes. The package is able to produce maps of weak-lensing convergence, linear-bias galaxy over-density, cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing convergence and the integrated Sachs-Wolfe temperature perturbation given a set of N-body lightcones. It offers high flexibility for lightcone construction, such as user-specific survey-redshift ranges, redshift distributions and single-source redshifts. UFalcon also computes the galaxy intrinsic alignment signal, which can be treated as an additive component to the cosmological signal.

[ascl:2407.009] ATM: Asteroid Thermal Modeling

ATM (Asteroid Thermal Modeling) models asteroid flux measurements to estimate an asteroid's size, surface temperature distribution, and emissivity, and creates model spectral energy distributions for the different thermal models. After downloading lookup tables for relevant models, it can also fit observations of asteroids.

[ascl:2407.008] RealSim: Statistical observational realism for synthetic images from galaxy simulations

RealSim generates survey-realistic synthetic images of galaxies from hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution. The main functionality of this code inserts "idealized" simulated galaxies into Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images in such a way that the statistics of sky brightness, resolution, and crowding are matched between simulated galaxies and observed galaxies in the SDSS. The suite accepts idealized synthetic images in calibrated AB surface brightnesses and rebins them to the desired redshift and CCD angular scale; RealSim can add Poisson noise, if desired, by adopting generic values of photometric calibrations in survey fields. Images produced by the suite can be inserted into real image fields to incorporate real skies, PSF degradation, and contamination by neighboring sources in the field of view. The RealSim methodology can be applied to any existing galaxy imaging survey.

[ascl:2407.007] GRDzhadzha: Evolve matter on curved spacetimes

GRDzhadzha evolves matter on curved spacetimes with an analytic time and space dependence. Written in C++14, it uses hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelism to achieve good performance. The code is based on publicly available 3+1D numerical relativity code GRChombo (ascl:2306.039) and inherits all of the capabilities of the main GRChombo code, which uses the Chombo library for adaptive mesh refinement.

[ascl:2407.006] provabgs: SED modeling tools for PROVABGS

provabgs infers full posterior distributions of galaxy properties for galaxies in the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey using state-of-the-art Bayesian spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling of DESI spectroscopy and photometry. provabgs includes a state-of-the-art stellar population synthesis (SPS) model based on non-parametric prescription for star formation history, a metallicity history that varies over the age of the galaxy, and a flexible dust prescription. It has a neural network emulator for the SPS model that enables accelerated inference. Full posteriors of the 12 SPS parameters can be derived in ~10 minutes. The emulator is currently designed for galaxies from 0 < z < 0.6. provabgs also includes a Bayesian inference pipeline that is based on zeus (ascl:2008.010).

[ascl:2407.005] BaCoN: BAyesian COsmological Network

BaCoN (BAyesian COsmological Network) trains and tests Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks in order to classify dark matter power spectra as being representative of different cosmologies, as well as to compute the classification confidence. It supports the following theories: LCDM, wCDM, f(R), DGP, and a randomly generated class. Additional cosmologies can be easily added.

[ascl:2407.004] Forklens: Deep learning weak lensing shear

Forklens measures weak gravitational lensing signal using a deep-learning methoe. It measures galaxy shapes (shear) and corrects the smearing of the point spread function (PSF, an effect from either/both the atmosphere and optical instrument). It contains a custom CNN architecture with two input branches, fed with the observed galaxy image and PSF image, and predicts several features of the galaxy, including shape, magnitude, and size. Simulation in the code is built directly upon GalSim (ascl:1402.009).

[ascl:2407.003] pycosie: Python analysis code used on Technicolor Dawn

pycosie is analysis code used for Technicolor Dawn (TD), a Gadget-3 derived cosmological radiative SPH simulation suite. The target analyses are to complement what is done with TD and other analysis software in its suite. pycosie creates power spectrum from generated Lyman-alpha forests spectra, links absorbers to potential host galaxies, grids gas information for each galaxy, and reads specific output files from software such as Rockstar (ascl:1210.008) and SKID (ascl:1102.020).

[ascl:2407.002] pyFAT: Python Fully Automated TiRiFiC

Python Fully Automated TiRiFiC (pyFAT) wraps around the tilted ring fitting code (TiRiFiC, ascl:1208.008) to fully automate the process of fitting simple tilted ring models to line emission cubes. pyFAT is the successor to the IDL/GDL FAT (ascl:1507.011) code and offers improved handling and fitting as well as several new features. PyFAT fits simple rotationally symmetric discs with asymmetric warps and surface brightness distributions, providing a base model that can can be used in TiRiFiC to explore large scale motions. pyFAT delivers much more control over the fitting procedure, which is made possible by the new modular setup and the use of omegaconf for the input and default settings.

[ascl:2407.001] MAKEE: MAuna Kea Echelle Extraction

MAKEE (MAuna Kea Echelle Extraction) reduces data from the HIRES and ESI instruments at Keck Observatory. It is optimized for the spectral extraction of single, unresolved point sources and is designed to run non-interactively using a set of default parameters. Taking the raw HIRES FITS files as input, the code determines the position (or trace) of each echelle order, defines the object and background extraction boundaries, optimally extracts a spectrum for each order, and computes wavelength calibrations. MAKEE produces FITS format "spectral images" (each row is a separate echelle order spectrum) and the data values are in arbitrary (relative) flux units. MAKEE will reduce data from all HIRES formats, including the single CCD format, the single CCD with Red and UV cross dispersers, and the current 3 CCD system. It can handle a variety of pixel binnings, including 1x1, 1x2, 1x4 (column x row).

[ascl:2406.029] WinNet: Flexible, multi-purpose, single-zone nuclear reaction network

WinNet, a single zone nuclear reaction network, calculates many different nucleosynthesis processes, including r-process, nup-process, and explosive nucleosynthesis, and many more). It reads in a user-defined file with runtime parameters, then chooses the evolution mode, which is dependent on temperature. The temperature, density, and neutrino quantities are updated, after which the reaction network equations are solved numerically. If convergence is not achieved, the step size is halved and the iteration is repeated. Once convergence is reached, the output is generated and the time is evolved; the final output such as the final abundances and mass fractions are written.

[submitted] Exovetter

Exovetter is an open-source, pip-installable python package which calculates metrics on high cadence time series photometry to distinguish between exoplanet transit signals and false positives. The package standardizes the implementation of metrics developed for the TESS, Kepler, and K2 missions such as Odd-Even, Multiple Event Statistic, and Centroid Offset (see “Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler. VIII.”, Thompson et al. 2018.). Metrics can be run individually or together as part of a pipeline. Exovetter also includes several visualizations to further evaluate the transits and metrics.

[ascl:2406.030] AutoPhOT: Rapid publication-quality photometry of transients

AutoPhOT (AUTOmated Photometry Of Transients) produces publication-quality photometry of transients quickly. Written in Python 3, this automated pipeline's capabilities include aperture and PSF-fitting photometry, template subtraction, and calculation of limiting magnitudes through artificial source injection. AutoPhOT is also capable of calibrating photometry against either survey catalogs (e.g., SDSS, PanSTARRS) or using a custom set of local photometric standards.

[ascl:2406.028] Redback: Bayesian inference package for fitting electromagnetic transients

Redback provides end-to-end interpretation and parameter estimation of electromagnetic transients. Using data downloaded by the code or provided by the user, the code processes the data into a homogeneous transient object. Redback implements several different types of electromagnetic transients models, ranging from simple analytical models to numerical surrogates, fits models implemented in the package or provided by the user, and plots lightcurves. The code can also be used as a tool to simulate realistic populations without having to fit anything, as models are implemented as functions and can be used to simulate populations. Redback uses Bilby (ascl:1901.011) for sampling and can easily switch samplers and likelihoods.

[ascl:2406.027] phi-GPU: Parallel Hermite Integration on GPU

The phi-GPU (Parallel Hermite Integration on GPU) high-order N-body parallel dynamic code uses the fourth-order Hermite integration scheme with hierarchical individual block time-steps and incorporates external gravity. The software works directly with GPU, using only NVIDIA GPU and CUDA code. It creates numerical simulations and can be used to study galaxy and star cluster evolution.

[ascl:2406.026] Faceted-HyperSARA: Parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry

Faceted-HyperSARA images radio-interferometric wideband intensity data. Written in MATLAB, the library offers a collection of utility functions and scripts from data extraction from an RI measurement set MS Table to the reconstruction of a wideband intensity image over the field of view and frequency range of interest. The code achieves high precision imaging from large data volumes and supports data dimensionality reduction via visibility gridding and estimation of the effective noise level when reliable noise estimates are not available. Faceted-HyperSASA also corrects the w-term via w-projection and incorporates available compact Fourier models of the direction dependent effects (DDEs) in the measurement operator.

[ascl:2406.025] PowerSpecCovFFT: FFTLog-based computation of non-Gaussian analytic covariance of galaxy power spectrum multipoles

PowerSpecCovFFT computes the non-Gaussian (regular trispectrum and its shot noise) part of the analytic covariance matrix of the redshift-space galaxy power spectrum multipoles using an FFTLog-based method. The galaxy trispectrum is based on a tree-level standard perturbation theory but with a slightly different galaxy bias expansion. The code computes the non-Gaussian covariance of the power spectrum monopole, quadrupole, hexadecapole, and their cross-covariance up to kmax ~ 0.4 h/Mpc.

[ascl:2406.024] GRINN: Gravity Informed Neural Network for studying hydrodynamical systems

GRINN (Gravity Informed Neural Network) solves the coupled set of time-dependent partial differential equations describing the evolution of self-gravitating flows in one, two, and three spatial dimensions. It is based on physics informed neural networks (PINNs), which are mesh-free and offer a fundamentally different approach to solving such partial differential equations. GRINN has solved for the evolution of self-gravitating, small-amplitude perturbations and long-wavelength perturbations and, when modeling 3D astrophysical flows, provides accuracy on par with finite difference (FD) codes with an improvement in computational speed.

[ascl:2406.023] AARD: Automatic detection of solar active regions

This python code automatically detects solar active regions (AR). Based on morphological operation and region growing, it uses synoptic magnetograms from SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI and calculates the parameters that characterize each AR, including the latitude and longitude of the flux-weighted centroid of two polarities and the whole AR, the area, and the flux of each polarity, and the initial and final dipole moments.

[ascl:2406.022] phazap: Low-latency identification of strongly lensed signals

Phazap post-processes gravitational-wave (GW) parameter estimation data to obtain the phases and polarization state of the signal at a given detector and frequency. It is used for low-latency identification of strongly lensed gravitational waves via their phase consistency by measuring their distance in the detector phase space. Phazap builds on top of the IGWN conda enviroment which includes the standard GW packages LALSuite (ascl:2012.021) and bilby (ascl:1901.011), and can be applied beyond lensing to test possible deviations in the phase evolution from modified theories of gravity and constrain GW birefringence.

[ascl:2406.021] photochem: Chemical model of planetary atmospheres

Photochem models the photochemical and climate composition of a planet's atmosphere. It takes inputs such as the stellar UV flux and atmospheric temperature structure to find the steady-state chemical composition of an atmosphere, or evolve atmospheres through time. Photochem also contains 1-D climate models and a chemical equilibrium solver.

[ascl:2406.020] LeHaMoC: Leptonic-Hadronic Modeling Code for high-energy astrophysical sources

LeHaMoC simulates high-energy astrophysical sources. It simulates the behavior of relativistic pairs, protons interacting with magnetic fields, and photons in a spherical region. The package contains numerous physical processes, including synchrotron emission and self-absorption, inverse Compton scattering, photon-photon pair production, and adiabatic losses. It also includes proton-photon pion production, proton-photon (Bethe-Heitler) pair production, and proton-proton collisions. LeHaMoC can model expanding spherical sources with a variable magnetic field strength. In addition, three types of external radiation fields can be defined: grey body or black body, power-law, and tabulated.

[ascl:2406.019] MBE: Magnification bias estimation

Magnification bias estimation estimates magnification bias for a galaxy sample with a complex photometric selection for the example of SDSS BOSS. The code works for CMASS and the LOWZ, z1 and z3 samples. A template for applying the approach to other surveys is included; requirements include a galaxy catalog that provides magnitudes (used for photometric selection) and the exact conditions used for the photometric selection.

[ascl:2406.018] SuperLite: Spectral synthesis code for interacting transients

SuperLite produces synthetic spectra for astrophysical transient phenomena affected by circumstellar interaction. It uses Monte Carlo methods and multigroup structured opacity calculations for semi-implicit, semirelativistic radiation transport in high-velocity shocked outflows, and can reproduce spectra of typical Type Ia, Type IIP, and Type IIn supernovae. SuperLite also generates high-quality spectra that can be compared with observations of transient events, including superluminous supernovae, pulsational pair-instability supernovae, and other peculiar transients.

[ascl:2406.017] ytree: yt-based merger-tree code

ytree reads and works with merger tree data from multiple formats. An extension of yt (ascl:1011.022), which can analyze snapshots from cosmological simulations, ytree can be thought of as the yt of merger trees. ytree's online documentation lists supported formats; support for additional formats can be added, as in principle, any type of tree-like data where an object has one or more ancestors and a single descendant can be supported.

[ascl:2406.016] BiaPy: Bioimage analysis pipeline builder

BiaPy provides deep-learning workflows for a large variety of image analysis tasks, including 2D and 3D semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, object detection, image denoising, single image super-resolution, self-supervised learning and image classification. Though developed specifically for bioimages, it can be used for watershed-based instance segmentation for friends-of-friends proto-haloes.

[ascl:2406.015] FLORAH: Galaxy merger tree generator with machine learning

FLORAH generates the assembly history of halos using a recurrent neural network and normalizing flow model. The machine-learning framework can be used to combine multiple generated networks that are trained on a suite of simulations with different redshift ranges and mass resolutions. Depending on the training, the code recovers key properties, including the time evolution of mass and concentration, and galaxy stellar mass versus halo mass relation and its residuals. FLORAH also reproduces the dependence of clustering on properties other than mass, and is a step towards a machine learning-based framework for planting full merger trees.

[ascl:2406.014] EVA: Excess Variability-based Age

EVA (Excess Variability-based Age) computes the VarX values and VarX90 ages for a given list of stars. The package retrieves information from Gaia, performs basic var90 calculations, then calculates the age of the group in a given band or overall (by combining all three bands). EVA then analyzes and plots the results.

[ascl:2406.013] AAD: ALeRCE Anomaly Detector

The ALeRCE anomaly detector cross-validates six anomaly detection algorithms for three classes (transient, periodic, and stochastic) of anomalous sources within the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) data stream using the ALeRCE light curve features. A machine and deep learning-based framework is used for anomaly detection. For each class, a distinct anomaly detection model is constructed using only information about the known objects (i.e., inliers) for training. An anomaly score is computed using the probabilities to determine whether the light curve corresponds to a transient, stochastic, or periodic nature.

[ascl:2406.012] QMC: Quadratic Monte Carlo

Quadratic Monte Carlo generates ensembles of models and confines fitness landscapes without relying on linear stretch moves; it works very efficiently for ring potential and Rosenbrock density. The method is general and can be implemented into any existing MC software, requiring only a few lines of code.

[ascl:2406.011] CTC: Color transformations calculator

Color transformations calculator determines the magnitude of a galaxy in a needed photometric band, given its color and magnitude in the original band. It supports various optical and near intrared surveys, including SDSS, DECaLS, DELVE, UKIDSS, VHS, and VIKING, and provides conversions for both total and aperture magnitudes with apertures of 1.5", 2" or 3" diameters. The source code, useful for performing bulk calculations, is available in Python and IDL; the calculator is also offered as a web service.

[ascl:2406.010] PRyMordial: Precise computations of BBN within and beyond the Standard Model

PRyMordial offers fast and precise evaluation of both the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) light-element abundances and the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom. It can be used within and beyond the Standard Model. The package calculates Neff and helium-4, deuterium, helium-3 and lithium-7 abundances. PRyMordial corrects for QED plasma effects, neutron lifetime, and incomplete neutrino decoupling, and includes an optional module that re-elaborates all the ODE systems of the code in Julia.

[ascl:2406.009] CBiRd: Bias tracers In Redshift space

CBiRd (Code for Bias tracers In Redshift space) provides correlators in the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure (EFTofLSS) in a ready-to-use pipeline for cosmological analysis of galaxy-redshift surveys data. It provides a core calculation package (C++BiRd), a Python implementation of a Taylor expansion of the power spectrum around a reference cosmology for efficient evaluation (TBiRd), and libraries to correct for observational systematics. CBiRd also provides MCMC samplers (MCBiRd) for a power spectrum and bispectrum analysis of galaxy-redshift surveys data based on emcee (ascl:1303.002), and can provide an earlybird pass to explore the cosmos with LSS surveys.

[ascl:2406.008] sphereint: Integrate data on a grid within a sphere

sphereint calculates the numerical volume in a sphere. It provides a weight for each grid position based on whether or not it is in (weight = 1), out (weight = 0), or partially in (weight in between 0 and 1) a sphere of a given radius. A cubic cell is placed around each grid position and the volume of the cell in the sphere (assuming a flat surface in the cell) is calculated and normalized by the cell volume to obtain the weight.

[ascl:2406.007] CARDiAC: Anisotropic Redshift Distributions in Angular Clustering

CARDiAC (Code for Anisotropic Redshift Distributions in Angular Clustering) computes the impact of anisotropic redshift distributions on a wide class of angular clustering observables. It supports auto- and cross-correlations of galaxy samples and cosmic shear maps, including galaxy-galaxy lensing. The anisotropy can be present in the mean redshift and/or width of Gaussian distributions, as well as in the fraction of galaxies in each component of multi-modal distributions. Templates of these variations can be provided by the user or simulated internally within the code.

[ascl:2406.006] anzu: Measurements and emulation of Lagrangian bias models for clustering and lensing cross-correlations

The anzu package offers two independent codes for hybrid Lagrangian bias models in large-scale structure. The first code measures the hybrid "basis functions"; the second takes measurements of these basis functions and constructs an emulator to obtain predictions from them at any cosmology (within the bounds of the training set). anzu is self-contained; given a set of N-body simulations used to build emulators, it measures the basis functions. Alternatively, given measurements of the basis functions, anzu should in principle be useful for constructing a custom emulator.

[ascl:2406.005] Lenser: Measure weak gravitational flexion

Lenser estimates weak gravitational lensing signals, particularly flexion, from real survey data or realistically simulated images. Lenser employs a hybrid of image moment analysis and an Analytic Image Modeling (AIM) analysis. In addition to extracting flexion measurements by fitting a (modified Sérsic) model to a single image of a galaxy, Lenser can do multi-band, multi-epoch fitting. In multi-band mode, Lenser fits a single model to multiple postage stamps, each representing an exposure of a single galaxy in a particular band.

[ascl:2406.004] candl: Differentiable likelihood framework for analyzing CMB power spectrum measurements

candl (CMB Analysis With A Differentiable Likelihood) analyzes CMB power spectrum measurements using a differentiable likelihood framework. It is compatible with JAX (ascl:2111.002), though JAX is optional, allowing for fast and easy computation of gradients and Hessians of the likelihoods, and candl provides interface tools for working with other cosmology software packages, including Cobaya (ascl:1910.019) and MontePython (ascl:1805.027). The package also provides auxiliary tools for common analysis tasks, such as generating mock data, and supports the analysis of primary CMB and lensing power spectrum data.

[ascl:2406.003] SMART: Spectral energy distribution (SED) fitter

SMART (Spectral energy distributions Markov chain Analysis with Radiative Transfer models) implements a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to fit the ultraviolet to millimeter spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies exclusively with radiative transfer models. The models constitute four types of pre-computed libraries, which describe the starburst, active galactic nucleus (AGN) torus, host galaxy and polar dust components.

[ascl:2406.002] SRF: Scaling Relations Finder

Scaling Relations Finder finds the scaling relations between magnetic field properties and observables for a model of galactic magnetic fields. It uses observable quantities as input: the galaxy rotation curve, the surface densities of the gas, stars and star formation rate, and the gas temperature to create galactic dynamo models. These models can be used to estimate parameters of the random and mean components of the magnetic field, as well as the gas scale height, root-mean-square velocity and the correlation length and time of the interstellar turbulence, in terms of the observables.

[ascl:2406.001] GAStimator: Python MCMC gibbs-sampler with adaptive stepping

GAStimator implements a Python MCMC Gibbs-sampler with adaptive stepping. The code is simple, robust, and stable and well suited to high dimensional problems with many degrees of freedom and very sharp likelihood features. It has been used extensively for kinematic modeling of molecular gas in galaxies, but is fully general and may be used for any problem MCMC methods can tackle.

[ascl:2405.025] CosmoPower: Machine learning-accelerated Bayesian inference

CosmoPower develops Bayesian inference pipelines that leverage machine learning to solve inverse problems in science. While the emphasis is on building algorithms to accelerate Bayesian inference in cosmology, the implemented methods allow for their application across a wide range of scientific fields. CosmoPower provides neural network emulators of matter and Cosmic Microwave Background power spectra, which can replace Boltzmann codes such as CAMB (ascl:1102.026) or CLASS (ascl:1106.020) in cosmological inference pipelines, to source the power spectra needed for two-point statistics analyses. This provides orders-of-magnitude acceleration to the inference pipeline and integrates naturally with efficient techniques for sampling very high-dimensional parameter spaces.

[ascl:2405.024] ndcube: Multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate-aware arrays

ndcube manipulates, inspects, and visualizes multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate-aware data arrays. A sunpy (ascl:1401.010) affiliated package, it combines data, uncertainties, units, metadata, masking, and coordinate transformations into classes with unified slicing and generic coordinate transformations and plotting and animation capabilities. ndcube handles data of any number of dimensions and axis types (e.g., spatial, temporal, and spectral) whose relationship between the array elements and the real world can be described by World Coordinate System (WCS) translations.

[ascl:2405.023] raccoon: Radial velocities and Activity indicators from Cross-COrrelatiON with masks

raccoon implements the cross-correlation function (CCF) method. It builds weighted binary masks from a stellar spectrum template, computes the CCF of stellar spectra with a mask, and derives radial velocities (RVs) and activity indicators from the CCF. raccoon is mainly implemented in Python 3; it also uses some Fortran subroutines that are called from Python.

[ascl:2405.022] blackthorn: Spectra from right-handed neutrino decays

blackthorn generates spectra of dark matter annihilations into right-handed (RH) neutrinos or into particles that result from their decay. These spectra include photons, positrons, and neutrinos. The code provides support for varied RH-neutrino masses ranging from MeV to TeV by incorporating hazma, PPPC4DMID, and HDMSpectra models to compute dark matter annihilation cross sections and mediator decay widths. blackthorn also computes decay branching fractions and partial decay widths.

[ascl:2405.021] PALpy: Python positional astronomy library interface

PALpy provides a Python interface to PAL, the positional Astronomy Library (ascl:1606.002), which is written in C. All arguments modified by the C API are returned and none are modified. The one routine that is different is palObs, which returns a simple dict that can be searched using standard Python. The keys to the dict are the short names and the values are another dict with keys name, long, lat and height.

[ascl:2405.020] tapify: Multitaper spectrum for time-series analysis

tapify implements a suite of multitaper spectral estimation techniques for analyzing time series data. It supports analysis of both evenly and unevenly sampled time series data. The multitaper statistic tackles the problems of bias and consistency, which makes it an improvement over the classical periodogram for evenly sampled data and the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for uneven sampling. In basic statistical terms, this estimator provides a confident look at the properties of a time series in the frequency or Fourier domain.

[ascl:2405.019] coronagraph: Python noise model for directly imaging exoplanets

coronagraph provides a Python noise model for directly imaging exoplanets with a coronagraph-equipped telescope. Based on the original IDL code for this coronagraph model, coronograph_noise (ascl:2405.018), the Python version has been expanded in a few key ways. Most notably, the Telescope, Planet, and Star objects used for reflected light coronagraph noise modeling can now be used for transmission and emission spectroscopy noise modeling, making this model a general purpose exoplanet noise model for many different types of observations.

[ascl:2405.018] coronagraph_noise: Coronagraph noise modeling routines

coronagraph_noise simulates coronagraph noise. Written in IDL, the code includes a generalized coronagraph routine and simulators for the WFIRST Shaped Pupil Coronagraph in both spectroscopy and imaging modes. Functions available include stellar and planetary flux functions, planet photon and zodiacal light count rates, planet-star flux ratio, and clock induced charge count rate, among others. coronagraph_noise also includes routines to smooth a plot by convolving with a Gaussian profile to convolve a spectrum with a given instrument resolution and to take a spectrum that is specified at high spectral resolution and degrade it to a lower resolution. A Python implementation of coronagraph_noise, coronagraph (ascl:2405.019), is also available.

[ascl:2405.017] AFINO: Automated Flare Inference of Oscillations

AFINO (Automated Flare Inference of Oscillations) finds oscillations in time series data using a Fourier-based model comparison approach. The code analyzes the date and generates a results file in either JSON or Pickle format, which contains numerous properties of the data and analysis, and a summary plot.

[ascl:2405.016] ABBHI: Autoregressive binary black hole inference

autoregressive-bbh-inference, written in Python, models the distributions of binary black hole masses, spins, and redshifts to identify physical features appearing in these distributions without the need for strongly-parametrized population models. This allows not only agnostic study of the “known unknowns” of the black hole population but also reveals the “unknown unknowns," the unexpected and impactful features that may otherwise be missed by the standard building-block method.

[ascl:2405.015] sunbather: Escaping exoplanet atmospheres and transit spectra simulator

sunbather simulates the upper atmospheres of exoplanets and their observational signatures. The code constructs 1D Parker wind profiles using p-winds (ascl:2111.011) to simulate these with Cloudy (ascl:9910.001), and postprocesses the output with a custom radiative transfer module to predict the transmission spectra of exoplanets.

[ascl:2405.014] EF-TIGRE: Effective Field Theory of Interacting dark energy with Gravitational REdshift

EF-TIGRE (Effective Field Theory of Interacting dark energy with Gravitational REdshift) constrains interacting Dark Energy/Dark Matter models in the Effective Field Theory framework through Large Scale Structures observables. In particular, the observables include the effect of gravitational redshift, a distortion of time from galaxy clustering. This generates a dipole in the correlation function which is detectable with two distinct populations of galaxies, thus making it possible to break degeneracies among parameters of the EFT description.

[ascl:2405.013] LTdwarfIndices: Variable brown dwarf identifier

LTdwarfIndices studies spectral indices to determine whether one or more brown dwarfs are photometric variable candidates. For a single brown dwarf, it analyzes a given set of indices and outputs the number of graphs the object appears in in the variable area, whether it is a variable or non-variable candidate, and, optionally, an index-index or histogram plot. Using another code module, LTdwarftIndices can also analyze a set of sample indices for many brown dwarfs.

[ascl:2405.012] fitramp: Likelihood-based jump detection

fitramp fits a ramp to a series of nondestructive reads and detects and rejects jumps. The software performs likelihood-based jump detection for detectors read out up-the-ramp; it uses the entire set of reads to compute likelihoods. The code compares the χ2 value of a fit with and without a jump for every possible jump location. fitramp can fit ramps with and without fitting the reset value (the pedestal), and fit and mask jumps within or between groups of reads. It can also compute the bias of ramp fitting.

[ascl:2405.011] DirectSHT: Direct spherical harmonic transform

DirectSHT performs direct spherical harmonic transforms for point sets on the sphere. Given a set of points, defined by arrays of theta and phi (in radians) and weights, it provides the spherical harmonic transform coefficients alm. JAX (ascl:2111.002) can be used to speed up the computation; the code will automatically fall back to numpy if JAX is not present. The code is much faster when run on GPUs. When they are available and JAX is installed, the code automatically distributes computation and memory across them.

[ascl:2405.010] riddler: Type Ia supernovae spectral time series fitter

riddler automates fitting of type Ia supernovae spectral time series. The code is comprised of a series of neural networks trained to emulate radiative transfer simulations from TARDIS (ascl:1402.018). Emulated spectra are then fit to observations using nested sampling implemented in UltraNest (ascl:1611.001) to estimate the posterior distributions of model parameters and evidences.

[ascl:2405.009] morphen: Astronomical image analysis and processing functions

morphen performs image analysis, multi-Sersic image fitting decomposition, and radio interferometric self-calibration, thus measuring basic image morphology and photometry. The code provides a state-of-the-art Python-based image fitting implementation based on the Sersic function. Geared, though not exclusively, toward radio astronomy, morphen's tools involve pure python, but also are integrated with CASA (ascl:1107.013) in order to work with common casatasks as well as WSClean (ascl:1408.023).

[ascl:2405.008] i-SPin: Multicomponent Schrodinger-Poisson systems with self-interactions

i-SPin simulates 3-component Schrodinger systems with and without gravity and with and without self-interactions while obeying SO(3) symmetry. The code allows the user to input desired parameters, along with initial conditions for the Schrodinger fields. Its three function modules then perform the main (drift-kick-drift) steps of the algorithm, track the fractional changes in total mass and spin in the system, and then plot results. The default plots are mass and spin density projections along with total mass and spin fractional changes.

[ascl:2405.007] GauPro: R package for Gaussian process modeling

GauPro fits a Gaussian process regression model to a dataset. A Gaussian process (GP) is a commonly used model in computer simulation. It assumes that the distribution of any set of points is multivariate normal. A major benefit of GP models is that they provide uncertainty estimates along with their predictions.

[ascl:2405.006] ICPertFLRW: Cactus Code thorn for initial conditions

ICPertFLRW, a Cactus code (ascl:1102.013) thorn, provides as initial conditions an FLRW metric perturbed with the comoving curvature perturbation Rc in the synchronous comoving gauge. Rc is defined as a sum of sinusoidals (20 in each x, y, and z direction) whose amplitude, wavelength, and phase shift are all parameters in param.ccl. While the metric and extrinsic curvature only have first order scalar perturbations, the energy density is computed exactly in full from the Hamiltonian constraint, hence vector and tensor perturbations are initially present at higher order. These are then passed to the CT_Dust thorn to be evolved.

[ascl:2405.005] pySPEDAS: Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software

pySPEDAS (Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software) supports multi-mission, multi-instrument retrieval, analysis, and visualization of heliophysics time series data. A Python implementation of SPEDAS (ascl:2405.001), it supports most of the capabilities of SPEDAS; it can load heliophysics data sets from more than 30 space-based and ground-based missions, coordinate transforms, interpolation routines, and unit conversions, and provide interactive access to numerous data sets. pySPEDAS also creates multi-mission, multi-instrument figures, includes field and wave analysis tools, and performs magnetic field modeling, among other functions.

[ascl:2405.004] pyADfit: Nested sampling approach to quasi-stellar object (QSO) accretion disc fitting

pyADfit models accretion discs around astrophysical objects. The code provides functions to calculate physical quantities related to accretion disks and perform parameter estimation using observational data. The accretion disc model is the alpha-disc model while the parameter estimation can be performed with Nessai (ascl:2405.002), Raynest (ascl:2405.003), or CPnest (ascl:2205.021).

[ascl:2405.003] raynest: Parallel nested sampling based on ray

raynest, written in Python, computes Bayesian evidences and probability distributions using parallel chains.

[ascl:2405.002] nessai: Nested sampling with artificial intelligence

nessai performs nested sampling for Bayesian Inference and incorporates normalizing flows. It is designed for applications where the Bayesian likelihood is computationally expensive. nessai uses PyTorch and also supports the use of bilby (ascl:1901.011).

[ascl:2405.001] SPEDAS: Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System

The SPEDAS (Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software) framework supports multi-mission data ingestion, analysis and visualization for the Space Physics community. It standardizes the retrieval of data from distributed repositories, the scientific processing with a powerful set of legacy routines, the quick visualization with full output control and the graph creation for use in papers and presentations. SPEDAS includes a GUI for ease of use by novice users, works on multiple platforms, and though based on IDL, can be used with or without an IDL license. The framework supports plugin modules for multiple projects such as THEMIS, MMS, and WIND, and provides interfaces for software modules developed by the individual teams of those missions. A Python implementation of the framework, PySPEDAS (ascl:2405.005), is also available.

[submitted] Swiftest

Swiftest is a software package designed to model the long-term dynamics of system of bodies in orbit around a dominant central body, such a planetary system around a star, or a satellite system around a planet. The main body of the program is written in Modern Fortran, taking advantage of the object-oriented capabilities included with Fortran 2003 and the parallel capabilities included with Fortran 2008 and Fortran 2018. Swiftest also includes a Python package that allows the user to quickly generate input, run simulations, and process output from the simulations. Swiftest uses a NetCDF output file format which makes data analysis with the Swiftest Python package a streamlined and flexible process for the user. Building off a strong legacy, including its predecessors Swifter and Swift, Swiftest takes the next step in modeling the dynamics of planetary systems by improving the performance and ease of use of software, and by introducing a new collisional fragmentation model. Currently, Swiftest includes the four main symplectic integrators included in its predecessors: WHM, RMVS, HELIO, and SyMBA. In addition, Swiftest also contains the Fraggle model for generating products of collisional fragmentation.

[submitted] PypeIt-NIRSPEC: A PypeIt Module for Reducing Keck/NIRSPEC High Resolution Spectra

We present a module built into the PypeIt Python package to reduce high resolution Y, J, H, K, and L band spectra from the W. M. Keck Observatory NIRSPEC spectrograph. This data reduction pipeline is capable of spectral extraction, wavelength calibration, and telluric correction of data taken before and after the 2018 detector upgrade, all in a single package. The procedure for reducing data is thoroughly documented in an expansive tutorial.

[submitted] BFast

A fast GPU-based bispectrum estimator implemented using JAX.

[ascl:2404.030] RhoPop: Small-planet populations identifier

RhoPop identifies compositionally distinct populations of small planets (R≲2R). It employs mixture models in a hierarchical framework and the dynesty (ascl:1809.013) nested sampler for parameter and evidence estimates. RhoPop includes a density-mass grid of water-rich compositions from water mass fraction (WMF) 0-1.0 and a grid of volatile-free rocky compositions over a core mass fraction (CMF) range of 0.006-0.95. Both grids were calculated using the ExoPlex mass-radius-composition calculator (ascl:2404.029).

[ascl:2404.029] ExoPlex: Thermodynamically self-consistent mass-radius-composition calculator

ExoPlex is a thermodynamically self-consistent mass-radius-composition calculator. Users input a bulk molar composition and a mass or radius, and ExoPlex will calculate the resulting radius or mass. Additionally, it will produce the planet's core mass fraction, interior mineralogy and the pressure, adiabatic temperature, gravity and density profiles as a function of depth.

[ascl:2404.028] binary_precursor: Light curve model of supernova precursors powered by compact object companions

binary_precursor models light curves of supernova (SN) precursors powered by a pre-SN outburst accompanying accretion onto a compact object companion. Though it is only one of the possible models, it is useful for interpretations of (bright) SN precursors highly exceeding the Eddington limit of massive stars, which are observed in a fraction of SNe with dense circumstellar matter (CSM) around the progenitor. It offers a number of editable parameters, including compact object mass, progenitor mass, progenitor radii, and opacity. Initial CSM velocity can be normalized by the progenitor escape velocity (xi parameter), and the CSM mass, ionization temperature, and binary separation can also be specified.

[ascl:2404.027] s2fft: Differentiable and accelerated spherical transforms

S2FFT computes Fourier transforms on the sphere and rotation group using JAX (ascl:2111.002) or PyTorch. It leverages autodiff to provide differentiable transforms, which are also deployable on hardware accelerators (e.g., GPUs and TPUs). More specifically, S2FFT provides support for spin spherical harmonic and Wigner transforms (for both real and complex signals), with support for adjoint transformations where needed, and comes with different optimisations (precompute or not) that one may select depending on available resources and desired angular resolution L.

[ascl:2404.026] LEO-vetter: Automated vetting for TESS planet candidates

LEO-vetter automatically vets transit signals found in light curve data. Inspired by the Kepler Robovetter (ascl:2012.006), LEO-vetter computes vetting metrics to be compared to a series of pass-fail thresholds. If a signal passes all tests, it is considered a planet candidate (PC). If a signal fails at least one test, it may be either an astrophysical false positive (FP; e.g., eclipsing binary, nearby eclipsing signal) or false alarm (FA; e.g., systematic, stellar variability). Pass-fail thresholds can be changed to suit individual research purposes, and LEO-vetter produces vetting reports for manual inspection of signals. Flux-level vetting can be applied to any light curve dataset (such as Kepler, K2, and TESS), including light curves with mixes of cadences, while pixel-level vetting has been implemented for TESS.

[ascl:2404.025] stringgen: Scattering based cosmic string emulation

stringgen creates emulations of cosmic string maps with statistics similar to those of a single (or small ensemble) of reference simulations. It uses wavelet phase harmonics to calculate a compressed representation of these reference simulations, which may then be used to synthesize new realizations with accurate statistical properties, e.g., 2 and 3 point correlations, skewness, kurtosis, and Minkowski functionals.

[ascl:2404.024] pAGN: AGN disk model equations solver

Written in Python, pAGN solves AGN disk model equations. The code is highly customizable and, with the correct inputs, provides a fully evolved AGN disk model through parametric 1D curves for key disk parameters such as temperature and density. pAGN can be used to study migration torques in AGN disks, simulations of compact object formation inside gas disks, and comparisons with new, more complex models of AGN disks.

[ascl:2404.023] mhealpy: Object-oriented healpy wrapper with support for multi-resolution maps

mhealpy extends the functionalities of the HEALPix (ascl:1107.018) wrapper healpy (ascl:2008.022) to handle single and multi-resolution maps (a.k.a. multi-order coverage maps or MOC maps). In addition to creating and analyzes MOC maps, it supports arithmetic operations, adaptive grids, resampling of existing multi-resolution maps, and plotting, among other functions, and reads and writes to FITS, which enables sharing spatial information for multiwavelength and multimessenger analyses.

[ascl:2404.022] jetsimpy: Hydrodynamic model of gamma-ray burst jet and afterglow

jetsimpy creates hydrodynamic simulations of relativistic blastwaves with tabulated angular energy and Lorentz factor profiles and efficiently models Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows. It supports tabulated angular energy and tabulated angular Lorentz factor profiles. jetsimpy also supports ISM, wind, and mixed external density profile, including synthetic afterglow light curves, apparent superluminal motion, and sky map and Gaussian equivalent image sizes. Additionally, you can add your own emissivity model by defining a lambda function in a c++ source file, allowing the package to be used for more complicated models such as Synchrotron self-absorption.

[ascl:2404.021] cudisc: CUDA-accelerated 2D code for protoplanetary disc evolution simulations

cuDisc simulates the evolution of protoplanetary discs in both the radial and vertical dimensions, assuming axisymmetry. The code performs 2D dust advection-diffusion, dust coagulation/fragmentation, and radiative transfer. A 1D evolution model is also included, with the 2D gas structure calculated via vertical hydrostatic equilibrium. cuDisc requires a NVIDIA GPU.

[ascl:2404.020] NbodyIMRI: N-body solver for intermediate-mass ratio inspirals of black holes and dark matter spikes

NbodyIMRI uses N-body simulations to study Dark Matter-dressed intermediate-mass ratio inspirals (IMRI) and extreme mass ratio inspiral (EMRI) systems. The code calculates all BH-BH forces and BH-DM forces directly while neglecting DM-DM pairwise interactions. This allows the code to scale up to very large numbers of DM particles in order to study stochastic processes like dynamical friction.

[ascl:2404.019] PySSED: Python Stellar Spectral Energy Distributions

PySSED (Python Stellar Spectral Energy Distributions) downloads and extracts data on multi-wavelength catalogs of astronomical objects and regions of interest and automatically proceses photometry into one or more stellar SEDs. It then fits those SEDs with stellar parameters. PySSED can be run directly from the command line or as a module within a Python environment. The package offers a wide variety plots, including Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams of analyzed objects, angular separation between sources in specific catalogs, and two-dimensional offset between cross-matches.

[ascl:2404.018] GPUniverse: Quantum fields in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces modeler

GPUniverse models quantum fields in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces with Generalised Pauli Operators (GPOs) and overlapping degrees of freedom. In addition, the package can simulate sets of qubits that are only quasi independent (i.e., the Pauli algebras of different qubits have small, but non-zero anti-commutator), which is useful for validating analytical results for holographic versions of the Weyl field.

[ascl:2404.017] pyilc: Needlet ILC in Python

pyilc implements the needlet internal linear combination (NILC) algorithm for CMB component separation in pure Python; it also implements harmonic-space ILC. The code can also perform Cross-ILC, where the covariance matrices are computed only from independent splits of the maps. In addition, pyilc includes an inpainting code, diffusive_inpaint, that diffusively inpaints a masked region with the mean of the unmasked neighboring pixels.

[ascl:2404.016] MLTPC: Machine Learning Telescope Pointing Correction

The Machine Learning Telescope Pointing Correction code trains and tests machine learning models for correcting telescope pointing. Using historical APEX data from 2022, including pointing corrections, and other data such as weather conditions, position and rotation of the secondary mirror, pointing offsets observed during pointing scans, and the position of the sun, among other data, the code treats the data in two different ways to test which factors are the most likely to account for pointing errors.

[ascl:2404.015] EBWeyl: Compute the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor

EBWeyl computes the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor, Eαβ and Bαβ, using a 3+1 slicing formulation. The module provides a Finite Differencing class with 4th (default) and 6th order backward, centered, and forward schemes. Periodic boundary conditions are used by default; otherwise, a combination of the 3 schemes is available. It also includes a Weyl class that computes for a given metric the variables of the 3+1 formalism, the spatial Christoffel symbols, spatial Ricci tensor, electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor projected along the normal to the hypersurface and fluid flow, the Weyl scalars and invariant scalars. EBWeyl can also compute the determinant and inverse of a 3x3 or 4x4 matrice in every position of a data box.

[ascl:2404.014] astroNN: Deep learning for astronomers with Tensorflow

astroNN creates neural networks for deep learning using Keras for model and training prototyping while taking advantage of Tensorflow's flexibility. It contains tools for use with APOGEE, Gaia and LAMOST data, though is primarily designed to apply neural nets on APOGEE spectra analysis and predict luminosity from spectra using data from Gaia parallax with reasonable uncertainty from Bayesian Neural Net. astroNN can handle 2D and 2D colored images, and the package contains custom loss functions and layers compatible with Tensorflow or Keras with Tensorflow backend to deal with incomplete labels. The code contains demo for implementing Bayesian Neural Net with Dropout Variational Inference for reasonable uncertainty estimation and other neural nets.

[ascl:2404.013] Meanoffset: Photometric image alignment with row and column means

Meanoffset performs astronomical image alignment. The code uses the means of the rows and columns of an original image for alignment and finds the optimal offset corresponding to the maximum similarity by comparing different offsets between images. The similarity is evaluated by the standard deviation of the quotient divided by the means. The code is fast and robust.

[ascl:2404.012] EffectiveHalos: Matter power spectrum and cluster counts covariance modeler

EffectiveHalos provides models of the real-space matter power spectrum, based on a combination of the Halo Model and Effective Field Theory, which are 1% accurate up to k = 1 h/Mpc, across a range of cosmologies, including those with massive neutrinos. It can additionally compute accurate halo count covariances (including a model of halo exclusion), both alone and in combination with the matter power spectrum.

[ascl:2404.011] BayeSN: NumPyro implementation of BayeSN

BayeSN performs hierarchical Bayesian SED modeling of type Ia supernova light curves. This probabilistic optical-NIR SED model analyzes the population distribution of physical properties as well as cosmology-independent distance estimation for individual SNe. BayeSN is built with NumPyro and Jax (ascl:2111.002) and provides support for GPU acceleration.

[ascl:2404.010] Panphasia: Create cosmological and resimulation initial conditions

Panphasia computes a very large realization of a Gaussian white noise field. The field has a hierarchical structure based on an octree geometry with 50 octree levels fully populated. The code sets up Gaussian initial conditions for cosmological simulations and resimulations of structure formation. Panphasia provides an easy way to publish the linear phases used to set up cosmological simulation initial conditions; publishing phases enriches the literature and makes it easier to reproduce and extend published simulation work.

[ascl:2404.009] superABC: Cosmological constraints from SN light curves using Approximate Bayesian Computation

The superABC sampling method obtains cosmological constraints from supernova light curves using Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) without any likelihood assumptions. It provides an interface to two forward model simulations, SNCosmo (ascl:1611.017) and SNANA (ascl:1010.027), for supernova cosmology.

[ascl:2404.008] LensIt: CMB lensing delensing tools

LensIt enables CMB lensing and CMB delensing using the flat-sky approximation. The package can find the maximum posterior estimation of CMB lensing deflection maps from temperature and/or polarization maps and perform Wiener filtering of masked CMB data and allow for inhomogenous noise, including lensing deflections, using a multigrid preconditioner. It contains fast and accurate simulation libraries for lensed CMB skies, and standard quadratic estimator lensing reconstruction tools. LensIt also includes CMB internal delensing tools, including internal delensing biases calculation for temperature and/or polarization maps.

[ascl:2404.007] WignerFamilies: Compute families of wigner symbols with recurrence relations

WignerFamilies generates families of Wigner 3j and 6j symbols by recurrence relation. These exact methods are orders of magnitude more efficient than strategies such as prime factorization for problems which require every non-trivial symbol in a family, and are very useful for large quantum numbers. WignerFamilies is thread-safe and very fast, beating the standard Fortran routine DRC3JJ from SLATEC by a factor of 2-4.

[ascl:2404.006] PolyBin3D: Binned polyspectrum estimation for 3D large-scale structure

PolyBin3D estimates the binned power spectrum and bispectrum for 3D fields such as the distributions of matter and galaxies. For each statistic, two estimators are available: the standard (ideal) estimators, which do not take into account the mask, and window-deconvolved estimators. In the second case, the computation of a Fisher matrix is required; this depends on binning and the mask, but does not need to be recomputed for each new simulation. PolyBin3D supports GPU acceleration using JAX. It is a sister code to PolyBin (ascl:2307.020), which computes the polyspectra of data on the two-sphere, and is a modern reimplementation of the former Spectra-Without-Windows (ascl:2108.011) code.

[ascl:2404.005] GalMOSS: GPU-accelerated galaxy surface brightness fitting via gradient descent

GalMOSS performs two-dimensional fitting of galaxy profiles. This Python-based, Torch-powered tool seamlessly enables GPU parallelization and meets the high computational demands of large-scale galaxy surveys. It incorporates widely used profiles such as the Sérsic, Exponential disk, Ferrer, King, Gaussian, and Moffat profiles, and allows for the easy integration of more complex models. Tested on over 8,000 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) g-band with a single NVIDIA A100 GPU, GalMOSS completed classical Sérsic profile fitting in about 10 minutes. Benchmark tests show that GalMOSS achieves computational speeds that are significantly faster than those of default implementations.

[ascl:2404.004] TAT: Timing Analysis Toolkit for high-energy pulsar astrophysics

TAT-pulsar (Timing Analysis Toolkit for Pulsars) analyzes, processes, and visualizes pulsar data, thus handling the scientific intricacies of pulsar timing. By leveraging observational data from pulsars, along with the associated physical processes and statistical characteristics, the package integrates a suite of Python-based tools and data analysis scripts specifically developed for both isolated pulsars and binary systems. This enables swift analysis and the detailed presentation of timing properties in the high-energy pulsar field. Developed and implemented completely independently from other pulsar timing software such as Stingray (ascl:1608.001) and PINT (ascl:1902.007), TAT-pulsar serves as a valuable cross-checking and supplementary tool for data analysis.

[ascl:2404.003] KCWIKit: KCWI Post-Processing and Improvements

KCWIKit extends the official KCWI DRP (ascl:2301.019) with a variety of stacking tools and DRP improvements. The software offers masking and median filtering scripts to be used while running the KCWI DRP, and a step-by-step KCWI_DRP implementation for finer control over the reduction process. Once the DRP has finished, KCWIKit can be used to stack the output cubes via the Montage package. Various functions cross-correlate and mosaic the constituent cubes and the final stacked cubes are WCS corrected. Helper functions can then be used to deproject the stacked cube into lower-dimensional representations should the user desire.

[ascl:2404.002] PIPE: Extracting PSF photometry from CHEOPS data

PIPE (PSF Imagette Photometric Extraction) extracts PSF (point-spread function) photometry from data acquired by the space telescope CHEOPS (CHaracterisation of ExOPlanetS). Advantages of PSF photometry over standard aperture photometry include reduced sensitivity to contaminants such as background stars, cosmic ray hits, and hot/bad pixels. For CHEOPS, an additional advantage is that photometry can be extracted from an imagette, a small window around the target that is downlinked at a shorter cadence than the larger-sized subarray used for aperture photometry. These advantages make PIPE particularly well suited for targets brighter or fainter than the nominal G = 7-11 mag range of CHEOPS, i.e., where short-cadence imagettes are available (bright end) or when contamination becomes a problem (faint end). Within the nominal range, PIPE usually offers no advantage over the standard aperture photometry.

[ascl:2404.001] cbeam: Coupled-mode propagator for slowly-varying waveguides

cbeam models the propagation of guided light through slowly-varying few-mode waveguides using the coupled-mode theory (CMT). When compared with more general numerical methods for waveguide simulation, such as the finite-differences beam propagation method (FD-BPM), numerical implementations of the CMT can be much more computationally efficient. Written in Python and Julia, the package provides a Pythonic class structure to define waveguides, with simple classes for directional couplers and photonic lanterns already provided. cbeam also doubles as a finite-element eigenmode solver.

[submitted] obsplanning - a set of python utilities to aid in planning astronomical observations

Obsplanning is a suite of tools to help plan astronomical observations from ground-based observatories, for traditional single-site as well as multi-station (VLBI) observing. Conveniently determine observability of objects in the sky from your observatory, and produce plots to help you prepare for your observations over the course of a session. Celestial source coordinates (including solar system objects) can be queried or created, and transformed. Calibrator or reference sources can be selected by proximity, and slew order can be optimized to save valuable telescope time. Plots and visualizations can be easily made to chart source elevation and transits, source proximity to the Sun and Moon, concurrent 'up time' of sources at multiple sites (for VLBI or tandem observations), 'dark time' at a telescope site for a given year, finder plots made from real images (with options to query online databases), and more.

[ascl:2403.016] DensityFieldTools: Manipulating density fields and measuring power spectra and bispectra

The DensityFieldTools toolset manipulates density fields and measures power spectra and bispectra using a very simple interface. After loading a density field, it computes the power spectrum and the bispectrum for a desired binning. The bispectrum estimator also automatically computes the power spectrum for the chosen binning, to facilitate, for example, shot-noise subtraction. DensityFieldTools also provides a quick way to measure (cross-)power spectra directly from density fields.

[ascl:2403.015] CLASS-PT: Nonlinear perturbation theory extension of the Boltzmann code CLASS

CLASS-PT modifies the CLASS (ascl:1106.020) code to compute the non-linear power spectra of dark matter and biased tracers in one-loop cosmological perturbation theory, for both Gaussian and non-Gaussian initial conditions. CLASS-PT can be interfaced with the MCMC sampler MontePython (ascl:1805.027) using the (new and improved) custom-built likelihoods found here.

[ascl:2403.014] OneLoopBispectrum: Computation of the one-loop bispectrum of galaxies in redshift space

OneLoopBispectrum computes the one-loop bispectrum of galaxies in redshift space. It computes and simplifies the bispectrum kernels using Mathematica; this is cosmology-independent. The code also computes the full and flattened bispectrum templates, given the pre-computed integration kernels. OneLoopBispectrum uses Mathematica to read in and combine the bispectrum templates, and Python to interpolate and extract the one-loop bispectrum.

[ascl:2403.013] URecon: Reconstruct initial conditions of N-Body simulations

URecon reconstructs the initial conditions of N-body simulations from late time (e.g., z=0) density fields. This simple UNET architecture is implemented in TensorFlow and requires Pylians3 (ascl:2403.012) for measuring power spectrum of density fields. The package includes weights trained on Quijote fiducial cosmology simulations.

[ascl:2403.012] Pylians3: Libraries to analyze numerical simulations in Python 3

Pylians3 (Python3 libraries for the analysis of numerical simulations) provides a Python 3 version of Pylians (ascl:1811.008), which analyzes numerical simulations (both N-body and hydrodynamic); parts of the codebase are also written in cython and C. It computes density fields, power spectra, bispectra, and correlation functions, identifies voids, and populates halos with galaxies using an HOD. Pylians3 also applies HI+H2 corrections to the output of hydrodynamic simulations, make 21cm maps, computes DLAs column density distribution functions, and can plot density fields and make movies.

[ascl:2403.011] LtU-ILI: Robust machine learning in astro

LtU-ILI (Learning the Universe Implicit Likelihood Inference) performs machine learning parameter inference. Given labeled training data or a stochastic simulator, the LtU-ILI piepline automatically trains state-of-the-art neural networks to learn the data-parameter relationship and produces robust, well-calibrated posterior inference. The package comes with a wide range of customizable complexity, including posterior-, likelihood-, and ratio-estimation methods for ILI, including sequential learning analogs, and various neural density estimators, including mixture density networks, conditional normalizing flows, and ResNet-like ratio classifiers. It offers fully-customizable, exotic embedding networks, including CNNs and Graph Neural Networks, and a unified interface for multiple ILI backends such as sbi, pydelfi, and lampe. LtU-ILI also handles multiple marginal and multivariate posterior coverage metrics, and offers Jupyter and command-line interfaces and a parallelizable configuration framework for efficient hyperparameter tuning and production runs.

[ascl:2403.010] FitCov: Fitted Covariance generation

FitCov estimates the covariance of two-point correlation functions in a way that requires fewer mocks than the standard mock-based covariance. Rather than using an analytically fixed correction to some terms that enter the jackknife covariance matrix, the code fits the correction to a mock-based covariance obtained from a small number of mocks. The fitted jackknife covariance remains unbiased, an improvement over other methods, performs well both in terms of precision (unbiased constraints) and accuracy (similar uncertainties), and requires significant less computational power. In addition, FitCov can be easily implemented on top of the standard jackknife covariance computation.

[ascl:2403.009] pycorr: Two-point correlation function estimation

pycorr wraps two-point counter engines such as Corrfunc (ascl:1703.003) to estimate the correlation function. It supports theta (angular), s, s-mu, rp-pi binning schemes, analytical two-point counts with periodic boundary conditions, and inverse bitwise weights (in any integer format) and (angular) upweighting. It also provides MPI parallelization and jackknife estimate of the correlation function covariance matrix.

[ascl:2403.008] s4cmb: Systematics For Cosmic Microwave Background

s4cmb (Systematics For Cosmic Microwave Background) studies the impact of instrumental systematic effects on measurements of CMB experiments based on bolometric detector technology. s4cmb provides a unified framework to simulate raw data streams in the time domain (TODs) acquired by CMB experiments scanning the sky, and to inject in these realistic instrumental systematics effect.

[ascl:2403.007] MINDS: Hybrid pipeline for the reduction of JWST/MIRI-MRS data

The MINDS hybrid pipeline is based on the JWST pipeline and routines from the VIP package (ascl:1603.003) for the reduction of JWST MIRI-MRS data. The pipeline compensates for some of the known weaknesses of the official JWST pipeline to improve the quality of spectrum extracted from MIRI-MRS data. This is done by leveraging the capabilities of VIP, another large data reduction package used in the field of high-contrast imaging.

The front end of the pipeline is a highly automated Jupyter notebook. Parameters are typically set in one cell at the beginning of the notebook, and the rest of the notebook can be run without any further modification. The Jupyter notebook format provides flexibility, enhanced visibility of intermediate and final results, more straightforward troubleshooting, and the possibility to easily incorporate additional codes by the user to further analyze or exploit their results.

[ascl:2403.006] fkpt: Compute LCDM and modified gravity perturbation theory using fk-kernels

fkpt computes the 1-loop redshift space power spectrum for tracers using perturbation theory for LCDM and Modified Gravity theories using "fk"-Kernels. Though implemented for the Hu-Sawicky f(R) modified gravity model, it is straightforward to use it for other models.

[ascl:2403.005] Poke: Polarization ray tracing and Gaussian beamlet module for Python

Poke (pronounced /poʊˈkeɪ/ or po-kay) uses commercial ray tracing APIs and open-source physical optics engines to simultaneously model scalar wavefront error, diffraction, and polarization to bridge the gap between ray trace models and diffraction models. It operates by storing ray data from a commercial ray tracing engine into a Python object, from which physical optics calculations can be made. Poke provides two propagation physics modules, Gaussian Beamlet Decomposition and Polarization Ray Tracing, that add to the utility of existing scalar diffraction models. Gaussian Beamlet Decomposition is a ray-based approach to diffraction modeling that integrates physical optics models with ray trace models to directly capture the influence of ray aberrations in diffraction simulations. Polarization Ray Tracing is a ray-based method of vector field propagation that can diagnose the polarization aberrations in optical systems.

[ascl:2403.004] BTSbot: Automated identification of supernovae with multi-modal deep learning

BTSbot automates real-time identification of bright extragalactic transients in Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) data. A multi-modal convolutional neural network, BTSbot provides a bright transient score to individual ZTF detections using their image data and 25 extracted features. The package eliminates the need for daily visual inspection of new transients by automatically identifying and requesting spectroscopic follow-up observations of new bright transient candidates. BTSbot recovers all bright transients in our test split and performs on par with human experts in terms of identification speed (on average, ∼1 hour quicker than scanners).

[ascl:2403.003] kinematic_scaleheight: Infer the vertical distribution of clouds in the solar neighborhood

kinematic_scaleheight uses MCMC methods to kinematically estimate the vertical distribution of clouds in the Galactic plane, including the least squares analysis of Crovisier (1978), an updated least squares analysis using a modern Galactic rotation model, and a Bayesian model sampled via MCMC as described in Wenger et al. (2024).

[ascl:2403.002] DistClassiPy: Distance-based light curve classification

DistClassiPy uses different distance metrics to classify objects such as light curves. It provides state-of-the-art performance for time-domain astronomy, and offers lower computational requirements and improved interpretability over traditional methods such as Random Forests, making it suitable for large datasets. DistClassiPy allows fine-tuning based on scientific objectives by selecting appropriate distance metrics and features, which enhances its performance and improves classification interpretability.

[ascl:2403.001] Pynkowski: Minkowski functionals and other higher order statistics

Pynkowski computes Minkowski Functionals and other higher order statistics of input fields, as well as their expected values for different kinds of fields. This package supports Minkowski functionals, and maxima and minima distributions. Supported input formats include scalar HEALPix maps such as those used by healpy (ascl:2008.022) and polarization HEALPix maps in the SO(3) formalism. Pynkowski also supports various theoretical fields, including Gaussian (e.g., CMB Temperature or the initial density field), Chi squared (e.g., CMB polarization intensity), and spin 2 maps in the SO(3) formalism.

[ascl:2402.010] 2cosmos: Monte Python modification for two independent instances of CLASS

2cosmos is a modification of Monte Python (ascl:1307.002) and allows the user to write likelihood modules that can request two independent instances of CLASS (ascl:1106.020) and separate dictionaries and structures for all cosmological and nuisance parameters. The intention is to be able to evaluate two independent cosmological calculations and their respective parameters within the same likelihood. This is useful for evaluating a likelihood using correlated datasets (e.g. mutually exclusive subsets of the same dataset for which one wants to take into account all correlations between the subsets).

[ascl:2402.009] SkyLine: Generate mock line-intensity maps

SkyLine generates mock line-intensity maps (both in 3D and 2D) in a lightcone from a halo catalog, accounting for the evolution of clustering and astrophysical properties, and observational effects such as spectral and angular resolutions, line-interlopers, and galactic foregrounds. Using a given astrophysical model for the luminosity of each line, the code paints the signal for each emitter and generates the map, adding coherently all contributions of interest. In addition, SkyLine can generate maps with the distribution of Luminous Red Galaxies and Emitting Line Galaxies.

[ascl:2402.008] star_shadow: Analyze eclipsing binary light curves, find eccentricity, and more

star_shadow automatically analyzes space based light curves of eclipsing binaries and provide a measurement of eccentricity, among other parameters. It measures the timings of eclipses using the time derivatives of the light curves, using a model of orbital harmonics obtained from an initial iterative prewhitening of sinusoids. Since the algorithm extracts the harmonics from the rest of the sinusoidal variability eclipse timings can be measured even in the presence of other (astrophysical) signals, thus determining the orbital eccentricity automatically from the light curve along with information about the other variability present in the light curve. The output includes, but is not limited to, a sinusoid plus linear model of the light curve, the orbital period, the eccentricity, argument of periastron, and inclination.

[ascl:2402.007] ECLIPSR: Automatically find individual eclipses in light curves, determine ephemerides, and more

ECLIPSR fully and automatically analyzes space based light curves to find eclipsing binaries and provide some first order measurements, such as the binary star period and eclipse depths. It provides a recipe to find individual eclipses using the time derivatives of the light curves, including eclipses in light curves of stars where the dominating variability is, for example, pulsations. Since the algorithm detects each eclipse individually, even light curves containing only one eclipse can (in principle) be successfully analyzed and classified. ECLIPSR can find eclipsing binaries among both pulsating and non-pulsating stars in a homogeneous and quick manner and process large amounts of light curves in reasonable amounts of time. The output includes, among other things, the individual eclipse markers, the period and time of first (primary) eclipse, and a score between 0 and 1 indicating the likelihood that the analyzed light curve is that of an eclipsing binary.

[ascl:2402.006] polarizationtools: Polarization analysis and simulation tools in python

polarizationtools converts, analyzes, and simulates polarization data. The different python scripts (1) convert Stokes parameters into linear polarization parameters with proper treatment of the uncertainties and vice versa; (2) shift electric vector position angle (EVPA) data points in time series to account for the 180 degrees ambiguity; (3) identify rotations of the EVPA e.g. in blazar polarization monitoring data according to various rotation definitions; and (4) simulate polarization time series as a random walk in the Stokes Q-U plane.

[ascl:2402.005] MGPT: Modified Gravity Perturbation Theory code

MGPT (Modified Gravity Perturbation Theory) computes 2-point statistics for LCDM model, DGP and Hu-Sawicky f(R) gravity. Written in C, the code can be easily modified to include other models. Specifically, it computes the SPT matter power spectrum, SPT Lagrangian-biased tracers power spectrum, and the CLPT matter correlation function. MGPT also computes the CLPT Lagrangian-biased tracers correlation function and a set of Q and R functionsfrom which other statistics, as leading order bispectrum, can be constructed.

[ascl:2402.004] CCBH-Numerics: Cosmologically-coupled-black-holes formation mass numerics

CCBH-Numerics (previously called CCBH-PLPP) computes the probability of the existence of a single cosmologically coupled black hole (BH) with a formation mass below a specified threshold for given observational data of binary black holes (BBHs) from gravitational waves. The code uses the unbiased population of BBHs, as given by the power-law-plus-peak (PLPP) profile, as the observational input, and assumes that the detected BBHs are formed from stellar evolution, not primordial BHs. CCBH-Numerics also works with individual data from BBHs and for NSBH pairs as well.

[ascl:2402.003] Rwcs: World coordinate system transforms in R

Rwcs offers access to all the projection and distortion systems of WCSLIB (ascl:1108.003) in R. This can be used directly for, for example, pixel lookups, or for higher level general distortion and projection.

[ascl:2402.002] Rfits: FITS file manipulation in R

Rfits reads and writes FITS images, tables, and headers. Written in R, Rfits works with all types of compressed images, and both ASCII and binary tables. It uses CFITSIO (ascl:1010.001) for all low level FITS IO, so in general should be as fast as other CFITSIO-based software. For images, Rfits offers fully featured memory mapping and on-the-fly subsetting (by pixel and coordinate) and sparse pixel sampling, allowing for efficient inspection of very large (larger than memory) images.

[ascl:2402.001] NMMA: Nuclear Multi Messenger Astronomy framework

NMMA probes nuclear physics and cosmology with multimessenger analysis. This fully featured, Bayesian multi-messenger pipeline targets joint analyses of gravitational-wave and electromagnetic data (focusing on the optical). Using bilby (ascl:1901.011) as the back-end, the software uses a variety of samplers to sampling these data sets. NMMA uses chiral effective field theory based neutron star equation of states when performing inference, and is also capable of estimating the Hubble Constant.

[ascl:2401.020] escatter: Electron scattering in Python performs Monte Carlo simulations of electron scattering events. The code was developed to better understand the emission lines from the interacting supernova SN 2021adxl, specifically the blue excess seen in the Hα 6563A emission line. escatter follows a photon that was formed in a thin interface between the supernova ejecta and surrounding material as it travels radially outwards through the dense material, scattering electrons outwards until it reaches an optically thin region, and plots a histogram of the emergent photons.

[ascl:2401.019] StructureFunction: Bayesian estimation of the AGN structure function for Poisson data

StructureFunction determines the X-ray Structure Function of a population of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) for which two epoch X-ray observations are available and are separated by rest frame time interval. The calculation of the X-ray structure function is Bayesian. The sampling of the likelihood uses Stan (ascl:1801.003) for statistical modeling and high-performance statistical computation.

[ascl:2401.018] tidalspin: Constrain black hole spins using relativistic tidal forces properties

tidalspin uses a Bayesian approach to infer posterior distributions of a black hole's parameters (mass and spin) in an observed tidal disruption event, given a prior estimate of the black hole’s mass (e.g., from a galactic scaling relationship, or the tidal disruption event’s observed properties). These posterior distributions will only utilize the properties of tidal forces in their inference. tidalspin can be applied to the population of tidal disruption events already discovered.

[ascl:2401.017] QuantifAI: Radio interferometric imaging reconstruction with scalable Bayesian uncertainty quantification

QuantifAI reconstructs radio interferometric images using scalable Bayesian uncertainty quantification relying on data-driven (learned) priors. It relies on the convex accelerated optimization algorithms in CRR (ascl:2401.016) and is built on top of PyTorch. QuantifAI also includes MCMC algorithms for posterior sampling.

[ascl:2401.016] CRR: Convex Ridge Regularizer

CRR (Convex Ridge Regularizer) takes the gradient of regularizers that are the sum of convex-ridge functions and parameterizes them using a neural network that has a single hidden layer with increasing and learnable activation functions. The neural network is trained within a few minutes as a multistep Gaussian denoiser, and offers improvements for denoising and image reconstruction over other methods with similar reliability.

[ascl:2401.015] maskfill: Fill in masked values in an image

maskfill inward extrapolates edge pixels just outside masked regions, using iterative median filtering and the full information contained in the edge pixels. This provides seamless transitions between masked pixels and good pixels, and allows high fidelity reconstruction of gaps in continuous narrow features. An image and a mask the only required inputs.

[ascl:2401.014] LoRD: Locate Reconnection Distribution

LoRD (Locate Reconnection Distribution) identifies the locations and structures of 3D magnetic reconnection within discrete magnetic field data. The toolkit contains three main functions; the first, ARD (Analyze Reconnection Distribution) locates the grids undergoing reconnection without null points and also recognizes the local configurations of reconnection sites. ANP (Analyze Null Points) locates and classifies the 3D null points, and APNP (Analyze Projected Null Points) analyzes the 2D neutral points projected on a plane near a cell. LoRD is written in Matlab and the toolkit contains demo scripts.

[ascl:2401.013] SolarKAT: Solar imaging pipeline for MeerKAT

SolarKAT mitigates solar interference in MeerKAT data and recovers the visibilities rather than discarding them; this solar imaging pipeline takes 1GC calibrated data in Measurement Set format as input. Written in Python, the pipeline employs solar tracking, subtraction, and peeling techniques to enhance data quality by significantly reducing solar radio interference. This is achieved while preserving the flux measurements in the main field. SolarKAT is versatile and can be applied to general radio astronomy observations and solar radio astronomy; additionally, generated solar images can be used for weather forecasting. SolarKAT is deployed in Stimela (ascl:2305.007). It is based on existing radio astronomy software, including CASA (ascl:1107.013), breizorro (ascl:2305.009), WSclean (ascl:1408.023), Quartical (ascl:2305.006), and Astropy (ascl:1304.002).

[ascl:2401.012] baryon-sweep: Outlier rejection algorithm for JWST/NIRSpec IFS data

baryon-sweep produces a robust outlier rejection while simultaneously preserving the signal of the science target. The code works as a standalone solution or as a supplement to the current pipeline software. baryon-sweep creates the 2D pixel mask and mask layers, processes the sky (non-science target) spaxels, and creates a post-processed cube ready for use.

[ascl:2401.011] ostrich: Surrogate modeling using PCA and Gaussian process interpolation

Ostrich emulates surrogate models for complex and expensive functions using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to decompose a signal, then interpolate the PCA weights over the parameters θ using a Gaussian Process interpolator. The code is trained on samples from the expensive functions, recreating and interpolating between those training samples with reduced computational cost, and recalculating for each use.

[ascl:2401.010] SYSNet: Neural Network modeling of imaging systematics in galaxy surveys

The Feed Forward Neural Network SYSNet models the relationship between the imaging maps, such as stellar density and the observed galaxy density field, in order to mitigate the systematic effects and to make a robust galaxy clustering measurements. The cost function is Mean Squared Error and a L2 regularization term, and the optimization algorithm is Adaptive Moment (ADAM).

[ascl:2401.009] Harmonic: Learnt harmonic mean estimator

harmonic learns an approximate harmonic mean estimator (referred to as a "learnt harmonic mean estimator") from posterior distribution samples to compute the marginal likelihood required for Bayesian model selection. Using a large number of independent Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains from another package such as emcee (ascl:1303.002), harmonic uses importance sampling to learn a new target distribution in order to optimize an approximate harmonic estimator while minimizing its variance.

[ascl:2401.008] DARC: Dirac Atomic R-matrix Codes

DARC (Dirac Atomic R-matrix Codes) enables the study of continuum processes for a general atomic system. The suite of programs calculate electron-atom or electron-ion collision cross-sections. In addition, the programs include code for bound-state and photoionization calculations.

[ascl:2401.007] deal.II: Finite element library

deal.II computes solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs) using adaptive finite elements. The code provides an interface for processing PDEs accessible to both laptops and supercomputers, and has been used to investigate the local and global waveform effects of gravitational waves by numerical simulation. deal.II supports massively parallel computing of very large linear systems of equations and provides access to triangulation of various geometries of the simulation domain.

[ascl:2401.006] LoSoTo: LOFAR solutions tool

LoSoTo (LOFAR Solution Tool) performs a variety of operations on H5parm data, which is based on the HDF5 format; it isolates direction independent systematic effects and can therefore be transferred to the target field. Subsets of data can be selected for each operation using lists of axes values, regular expressions, or intervals. The LoSoTo package stores solutions in arrays organized in a hierarchical fashion; this provides flexibility and preserves performance. The code can, for example, extract Faraday rotation from RR/LL phase solutions or a rotation matrix, clip solutions around the median, and calculate the ionospheric structure function. LoSoTo includes an outlier flagging procedure, normalizes solutions to a given value, and offers an advanced plotting routine, and many other operations.

[ascl:2401.005] CosmosCanvas: Useful color maps for different astrophysical properties

CosmosCanvas creates perception-based color maps for different astrophysical properties such as spectral index and velocity fields. Three tutorials demonstrate how to use python code to exploit and adjust the boundaries in these divergent colour schemes. Intended to work with human physiology, each tutorial offers at least one default scheme that is monotonic in value both as a redundancy for supporting data information and an aid for colour blind viewers. This library relies on Gilles Ferrand's colourspace library.

[ascl:2401.004] pyPETaL: A Pipeline for Estimating AGN Time Lags

pyPETAL produces cross-correlation functions, discrete correlation functions, and mean time lags from multi-band AGN time-series data, combining multiple different codes (including pyCCF (ascl:1805.032), pyZDCF, PyROA (ascl:2107.012), and JAVELIN (ascl:1010.007)) used for active galactic nuclei (AGN) reverberation mapping (RM) analysis into a unified pipeline. This pipeline also implements outlier rejection using Damped Random Walk Gaussian process fitting, and detrending through the LinMix algorithm. pyPETAL implements a weighting scheme for all lag-producing modules, mitigating aliasing in peaks of time lag distributions between light curves. pyPETAL scales to any combination of internal code modules, supporting a variety of computational workflows.

[ascl:2401.003] LUNA: Forward model luna simulator

LUNA generates dynamically accurate lightcurves from a planet-moon pair, analytically accounting for shadow overlaps, stellar limb darkening, and planet-moon dynamical motion. The code takes transit timing/duration variations and ingress/egress asymmetries into consideration not only for the planet, but also the moon. LUNA was designed to be analytical and dynamical and to incorporate limb darkening (including non-linear laws) and account for all orbital elements, including eccentricity and longitude of the ascending node. Because the software is precise and analytic, LUNA is a highly potent tool for exomoon detection.

[ascl:2401.002] Rayleigh: Pseudo-spectral MHD

The 3-D convection code Rayleigh enables study of dynamo behavior in spherical geometry. It evolves the incompressible and anelastic MHD equations in spherical geometry using a pseudo-spectral approach. Rayleigh employs spherical harmonics in the horizontal direction and Chebyshev polynomials in the radial direction and has undergone extensive accuracy testing.

[ascl:2401.001] tomso: TOols for Models of Stars and their Oscillations

tomso loads and saves input and output files for and from stellar evolution and oscillation codes. The functions are bundled together in modules that correspond with a specific stellar evolution code, stellar oscillation code, or file format. tomso supports the FGONG format and various input/output files for ADIPLS (ascl:1109.002), GYRE (ascl:1308.010), MESA (ascl:1010.083), and STARS (ascl:1107.008). tomso's main purpose is to provide a compact interface for manipulating input and output data in these formats and simplify research that uses them.

[ascl:2312.036] SubGen2: Subhalo population generator

The SubGen2 subhalo population generator works for both CDM and WDM of arbitrary DM particle mass. It can be used to generate a population of subhaloes according to the joint distribution of subhalo bound mass, infall mass and halo-centric distance in a halo of a given mass. SubGen2 is an extension to SubGen (ascl:2312.035), which works only for CDM subhaloes.

[ascl:2312.035] SubGen: Fast subhalo sampler

SubGen generates Monte-Carlo samples of dark matter subhaloes. It fully describes the joint distribution of subhaloes in final mass, infall mass, and radius; it can be used to predict derived distributions involving combinations of these quantities, including the universal subhalo mass function, the subhalo spatial distribution, the gravitational lensing profile, the dark matter annihilation radiation profile and boost factor. SubGen works only for CDM subhaloes; for an extension of the code to also work with WDM subhaloes, see SubGen2 (ascl:2312.036).

[ascl:2312.033] RADIS: Fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra

RADIS resolves spectra with millions of lines within seconds on a single-CPU and can be GPU-accelerated. It supports HITRAN, HITEMP and ExoMol out-of-the-box (auto-download), and therefore is particularly suitable to compute cross-sections or transmission spectra at high-temperature. RADIS includes equilibrium calculations for all species, and non-LTE for CO2 and CO.

[ascl:2312.032] gaia_tools: Tools for working with Gaia and related data sets

gaia_tools contains codes for working with the ESA/Gaia data and related data sets (APOGEE, GALAH, LAMOST DR2, and RAVE). Written in Python, it includes tools to read catalogs, perform cross-matching, read RVS or XP spectra, and query the Gaia archive. gaia_tools also contains various matching recipes, such as matching APOGEE or APOGEE-RC to Gaia DR2, and RAVE to TGAS (taking into account the epoch difference).

[ascl:2312.031] AM3: Astrophysical Multi-Messenger Modeling

AM3 simulates lepto-hadronic interactions in astrophysical environments. It solves the time-dependent partial differential equations for the energy spectra of electrons, positrons, protons, neutrons, photons, neutrinos as well as charged secondaries (pions and muons), immersed in an isotropic magnetic field. The code accounts for the emission of photons and charged secondaries in electromagnetic and hadronic interactions feed back into the interaction rates in a time-dependent manner, therefore grasping non-linear effects including electromagnetic cascades. AM3 is computationally efficient, making it possible to scan vast source parameter scans and fit the observational data, and has been deployed to explain multi-wavelength observations from blazars, gamma-ray bursts and tidal disruption events.

[ascl:2312.030] matvis: Fast matrix-based visibility simulator
Kittiwisit, Piyanat; Murray, Steven G.; Garsden, Hugh; Bull, Philip; Cain, Christopher; Parsons, Aaron R.; Sipple, Jackson; Abdurashidova, Zara; Adams, Tyrone; Aguirre, James E.; Alexander, Paul; Ali, Zaki S.; Baartman, Rushelle; Balfour, Yanga; Beardsley, Adam P.; Berkhout, Lindsay M.; Bernardi, Gianni; Billings, Tashalee S.; Bowman, Judd D.; Bradley, Richard F.; Burba, Jacob; Carey, Steven; Carilli, Chris L.; Chen, Kai-Feng; Cheng, Carina; Choudhuri, Samir; DeBoer, David R.; de Lera Acedo, Eloy; Dexter, Matt; Dillon, Joshua S.; Dynes, Scott; Eksteen, Nico; Ely, John; Ewall-Wice, Aaron; Fagnoni, Nicolas; Fritz, Randall; Furlanetto, Steven R.; Gale-Sides, Kingsley; Gehlot, Bharat Kumar; Ghosh, Abhik; Glendenning, Brian; Gorce, Adelie; Gorthi, Deepthi; Greig, Bradley; Grobbelaar, Jasper; Halday, Ziyaad; Hazelton, Bryna J.; Hewitt, Jacqueline N.; Hickish, Jack; Huang, Tian; Jacobs, Daniel C.; Josaitis, Alec; Julius, Austin; Kariseb, MacCalvin; Kern, Nicholas S.; Kerrigan, Joshua; Kim, Honggeun; Kohn, Saul A.; Kolopanis, Matthew; Lanman, Adam; La Plante, Paul; Liu, Adrian; Loots, Anita; Ma, Yin-Zhe; MacMahon, David H. E.; Malan, Lourence; Malgas, Cresshim; Malgas, Keith; Marero, Bradley; Martinot, Zachary E.; Mesinger, Andrei; Molewa, Mathakane; Morales, Miguel F.; Mosiane, Tshegofalang; Neben, Abraham R.; Nikolic, Bojan; Devi Nunhokee, Chuneeta; Nuwegeld, Hans; Pascua, Robert; Patra, Nipanjana; Pieterse, Samantha; Qin, Yuxiang; Rath, Eleanor; Razavi-Ghods, Nima; Riley, Daniel; Robnett, James; Rosie, Kathryn; Santos, Mario G.; Sims, Peter; Singh, Saurabh; Storer, Dara; Swarts, Hilton; Tan, Jianrong; Thyagarajan, Nithyanandan; van Wyngaarden, Pieter; Williams, Peter K. G.; Xu, Zhilei; Zheng, Haoxuan

matvis simulates radio interferometric visibilities at the necessary scale with both CPU and GPU implementations. It is matrix-based and applicable to wide field-of-view instruments such as the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), as it does not make any approximations of the visibility integral (such as the flat-sky approximation). The only approximation made is that the sky is a collection of point sources, which is valid for sky models that intrinsically consist of point-sources, but is an approximation for diffuse sky models. The matvix matrix-based algorithm is fast and scales well to large numbers of antennas. The code supports both CPU and GPU implementations as drop-in replacements for each other and also supports both dense and sparse sky models.

[ascl:2312.029] RRLFE: Metallicity calibrations for RR Lyrae variable stars

RRLFE generates and applies calibrations for retrieving [Fe/H] from low-res spectra of RR Lyrae variable stars. The code can generate a metallicity calibration anew, from real or synthetic spectra; it can also apply a metallicity calibration to low-resolution (R ~2000) RR Lyrae spectra spanning 3911 to 4950 angstroms.

[ascl:2312.028] SAGE: Stellar Activity Grid for Exoplanets

SAGE corrects the time-dependent impact of stellar activity on transmission spectra. It uses a pixelation approach to model the stellar surface with spots and faculae, while accounting for limb-darkening and rotational line-broadening. The code can be used to evaluate stellar contamination for F to M-type hosts, test various spot sizes and locations, and quantify the impact of limb-darkening. SAGE can also retrieve the properties and distribution of active regions on the stellar surface from photometric monitoring, and connect the photometric variability to the stellar contamination of transmission spectra.

[ascl:2312.027] galclaim: GALaxy Chance of Local Alignment algorIthM

galclaim identifies association between astrophysical transient sources and host galaxy. This association is made by estimating the chance alignment between a given transient sky localization and nearby galaxies. The code can be used with various catalogs, including Pan-STARRS, HSC, AllWISE and GLADE. galclaim also pre-checks for nearby bright galaxy using the RC3 catalog ( When a nearby galaxy is found, a warning is raised and the properties of the galaxy are saved in a dedicated output file. The package can create plots displaying the computed pval for the found objects for each transient and each catalog; plots are stored in the result/plots directory.

[ascl:2312.026] CloudFlex: Small-scale structure observational signatures modeling

CloudFlex models observational signatures associated with the small-scale structure of the circumgalactic medium. It populates cool gas structures in the CGM as a complex of cloudlets using a Monte Carlo method. Various parameters can be set to describe the structure of the cloudlet complexes, including cloudlet mass, density, velocity, and size. Functionality exists for generating the observational signatures of sightlines piercing these cloudlet complexes, borrowing heavily from the Trident code (ascl:1612.019).

[ascl:2312.025] pyC2Ray: Python interface to C2Ray with GPU acceleration

pyC2Ray updates C2-Ray (ascl:2312.022), an astrophysical radiative transfer code used to simulate the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). pyC2Ray includes a new raytracing method, ASORA, developed for GPUs, and provides a Python interface for customizable use of the code. The core features of C2-Ray, written in Fortran90, are wrapped using f2py as a Python extension module, while the raytracing library ASORA is implemented in C++ using CUDA. Both are native Python C-extensions and can be directly accessed from any Python script.

[ascl:2312.024] C2-Ray3Dm1D_Helium: Hydrogen + helium version of C2-Ray

C2-Ray3Dm1D_Helium is the hydrogen + helium version of the radiative transfer photo-ionization code C2-Ray. It combines the 1D and 3D versions of the code.

[ascl:2312.023] C2-Ray3Dm: 3D version of C2-Ray for multiple sources, hydrogen only

C2-Ray3Dm performs time-dependent photo-ionization calculations for 3D multiple sources, and for hydrogen only. Based on C2-Ray (ascl:2312.022), it runs under both MPI and OpenMP. The length of subroutines has been reduced to make the code more manageable and easier to read.

[ascl:2312.022] C2-Ray: Time-dependent photo-ionization calculations

C2-Ray calculates spherical symmetric time-dependent photo-ionization in 1D with the source at the origin for hydrogen only. The code is explicitly photon-conserving and uses an analytical relaxation solution for the ionization rate equations for each time step, thus enabling integration of the equation of transfer along a ray with fewer cells and time steps than previous methods. It is suitable for coupling radiative transfer to gas and N-body dynamics methods on fixed or adaptive grids. C2-Ray is not parallelized but contains an MPI module for compatibility with the 3D version (C2-Ray3Dm).

[ascl:2312.021] PyRaTE: Non-LTE spectral lines simulations

PyRaTE (Python Radiative Transfer Emission) post-processes astrochemical simulations. This multilevel radiative transfer code uses the escape probablity method to calculate the population densities of the species under consideration. The code can handle all projection angles and geometries and can also be used to produce mock observations of the Goldreich-Kylafis effect. PyRaTE is written in Python; it uses a parallel strategy and relies on the YT analysis toolkit (ascl:1011.022), mpi4py and numba.

[ascl:2312.020] ProPane: Image warping and stacking utilities

The ProPane package comes with key utilities for warping between different WCS systems: propaneWarp (for warping individual frames once). ProPane also contains the various functions for creating large stacks of many warped frames (which is of class ProPane, which is roughly meant to suggest the idea of many panes of glass being stacked together). It uses the wcslib C library (ascl:1108.003) for projections (all legal ones are supported) via the Rwcs package, and uses the threaded Cimg C++ library via the imager library to do image warping. ProPane also contains functions converted from older (deprecated) Rwcs and ProFound (ascl:1804.006) related functions.

[ascl:2312.019] Rainbow: Simultaneous multi-band light curve fitting

Rainbow is a black-body parametric model for transient light curves. It uses Bazin function as a model for bolometric flux evolution and a logistic function for the temperature evolution; it provides seven fit parameters and goodness of fit (reduced χ2) and is well-suited for transient objects. Also included is RainbowRisingFit, suitable for rising transient objects, which offers six fit parameters. It is based on a rising sigmoid bolometric flux and a sigmoid temperature evolution. These implementations are implemented in the light-curve processing toolbox (ascl:2107.001) for Python.

[ascl:2312.018] PyMsOfa: Python package for the Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA) service

PyMsOfa accesses the International Astronomical Union’s SOFA library (ascl:1403.026) from Python. It offers a wrapper package based on a foreign function library for Python (ctypes), a wrapper with the foreign function interface for Python calling C code (cffi), and a package directly written in pure Python codes from SOFA subroutines. PyMsOfa is suitable for the astrometric detection of habitable planets of the Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES) mission and for the frontier themes of black holes and dark matter related to astrometric calculations and other fields.

[ascl:2312.017] LimberJack.jl: Auto-differentiable methods for cosmology

LimberJack.jl performs cosmological analyses of 2 point auto- and cross-correlation measurements from galaxy clustering, CMB lensing and weak lensing data. Written in Julia, it obtains gradients for its outputs faster than traditional finite difference methods, making the code greatly synergistic with gradient-based sampling methods such as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. LimberJack.jl can efficiently exploring parameter spaces with hundreds of dimensions.

[ascl:2312.016] The Farmer: Photometry routines for deep multi-wavelength galaxy surveys

The Farmer contains photometry routines geared towards deep, multi-wavelength galaxy surveys. It fits simple parametric surface brightness profiles provided by The Tractor (ascl:1604.008) to measure precision photometry even in deeply crowded fields when provided with a suitable high resolution detection image. The Farmer has been used to build a number of galaxy survey catalogs including COSMOS202, SHELA, and H20.

[ascl:2312.015] SUNBIRD: Neural-network-based models for galaxy clustering

SUNBIRD trains neural-network-based models for galaxy clustering. It also incorporates pre-trained emulators for different summary statistics, including galaxy two-point correlation function, density-split clustering statistics, and old-galaxy cross-correlation function. These models have been trained on mock galaxy catalogs, and were calibrated to work for specific samples of galaxies. SUNBIRD implements routines with PyTorch to train new neural-network emulators.

[ascl:2312.014] GRFolres: Extension to GRChombo for modified gravity simulations

GRFolres performs simulations in modified theories of gravity. It is based on GRChombo (ascl:2306.039) and inherits all of the capabilities of the main GRChombo code, which makes use of the Chombo library (ascl:1202.008) for adaptive mesh refinement. The code implements the 4∂ST theory of modified gravity and the cubic Horndeski theory in (3+1)-dimensional numerical relativity. GRFolres can be used for stable gauge evolution, solving the modified energy and momentum constraints for initial conditions, and monitoring the constraint violation and calculating the energy densities associated with the different scalar terms in the action. It can also extract data for the tensor and scalar gravitational waveforms.

[ascl:2312.013] 21cmEMU: 21cmFAST summaries emulator

21cmEMU emulates 21cmFAST (ascl:1102.023) summary statistics, among them the 21-cm power spectrum, 21-cm global brightness temperature, IGM spin temperature, and neutral fraction. It also emulates the Thomson scattering optical depth and UV luminosity functions. With 21cmFAST installed, parameters can be supplied direction to 21cmEMU, and 21cmEMU can be used for, for example, analytic calculations of taue and UV luminosity functions. The code is included as an alternative simulator in 21cmMC (ascl:1608.017).

[ascl:2312.012] PulsarX: Pulsar searching

The folding pipeline PulsarX searches for pulsars. The code includes radio frequency interference mitigation, de-dispersion, folding, and parameter optimization, and supports both psrfits and filterbank data formats. The toolset has two implementations of the folding pipelines; one uses a brute-force de-dispersion algorithm, and the other an algorithm that becomes more efficient than the brute-force de-dispersion algorithm as the number of candidates increases. PulsarX is appropriate for large-scale pulsar surveys.

[ascl:2312.011] PhotochemPy: 1-D photochemical model of rocky planet atmospheres

PhotochemPy finds the steady-state chemical composition of an atmosphere or evolves atmospheres through time. Given inputs such as the stellar UV flux and atmospheric temperature structure, the code creates a photochemical model of a planet's atmosphere. PhotochemPy is a distant fork of Atmos (ascl:2106.039). It provides a Python wrapper to Fortran source code but can also be used exclusively in Fortran.

[ascl:2312.010] FORECAST: Realistic astronomical image and galaxy survey generator

FORECAST generates realistic astronomical images and galaxy surveys by forward modeling the output snapshot of any hydrodynamical cosmological simulation. It exploits the snapshot by constructing a lightcone centered on the observer's position; the code computes the observed fluxes of each simulated stellar element, modeled as a Single Stellar Population (SSP), in any chosen set of pass-band filters, including k-correction, IGM absorption, and dust attenuation. These fluxes are then used to create an image on a grid of pixels, to which observational features such as background noise and PSF blurring can be added. FORECAST provides customizable options for filters, size of the field of view, and survey parameters, thus allowing the synthetic images to be tailored for specific research requirements.

[ascl:2312.009] GravSphere: Jeans modeling code

The non-parametric Jeans code GravSphere models discrete data and can be used to model dark matter distributions in galaxies. It can also recover the density ρ(r) and velocity anisotropy β(r) of spherical stellar systems, assuming only that they are in a steady state. Real or mock data are prepared by using the included code; the repository also includes many examples for exploring the GravSphere's capabilities.

[ascl:2312.008] CompressedFisher: Library for testing Fisher forecasts

The CompressedFisher library tests whether Fisher forecasts using simulated components are converged. The library contains tools to compute standard Fisher estimates, estimate the level of bias due to the finite number of simulations, and compute the compressed Fisher information. Typical usage of CompressedFisher requires two ensembles of simulations: one set of simulations is given at the fiducial parameters (𝜃) to estimate the covariance matrix. The second is a set of simulated derivatives; these can either be in the form of realizations of the derivatives themselves or simulations evaluate at a set of point in the neighborhood of the fiducial point that the code can use to estimate the derivatives.

[ascl:2312.007] CosmoLED: Cosmo code for Large Extra Dimension (LED) black holes

CosmoLED computes Hawking evaporation from black holes and set constraints on the fraction of black holes in dark matter. Based on ExoCLASS (ascl:1106.020), the code provides a DarkAges_LED module and C codes in class_LED to compute the evolution and energy deposition functions from LED black holes. Though CosmoLED is designed for large extra dimension black holes, it can also be used to study 4D black holes.

[ascl:2312.006] SolarAxionFlux: Solar axion flux calculator for different solar models and opacity codes

SolarAxionFlux quantifies systematic differences and statistical uncertainties in the calculation of the solar axion flux from axion-photon and axion-electron interactions. Determining the limitations of these calculations can be used to identify potential improvements and help determine axion model parameters more accurately.

[ascl:2312.005] LyaCoLoRe: Generate simulated Lyman alpha forest spectra

LyaCoLoRe uses CoLoRe (ascl:2111.009) simulations to generate simulated Lyman alpha forest spectra. The code takes the output files from CoLoRe as an input, carries out several stages of processing, and produces realistic skewers of transmitted flux fraction as an output. The repository includes tools to tune the parameters within LyaCoLoRe's transformation, and to measure the 1D power spectrum of output skewers quickly.

[ascl:2312.004] DENSe: Bayesian density estimation for Poisson data

DENSe enables Bayesian non-parametric inferences of densities of Poisson data counts. Its framework of stateless methods is written in Python, although it relies on NIFTy (ascl:1302.013, ascl:1903.008) for the heavy lifting. DENSe utilizes all available information in the data by modeling the inherent correlation structure using a Matérn kernel. The inference of the density from count data can be written in a single line of python code. The fitting method takes a multidimensional numpy array as input and returns multidimensional arrays of the same dimensions encoding the density field.

[ascl:2312.003] BUQO: Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification by Optimization

BUQO solves large-scale imaging inverse problems. It leverages probability concentration phenomena and the underlying convex geometry to formulate the Bayesian hypothesis test as a convex problem that is then efficiently solved by using scalable optimization algorithms. This allows scaling to high-resolution and high-sensitivity imaging problems that are computationally unaffordable for other Bayesian computation approaches.

[ascl:2312.002] PROSPECT: Profile likelihood for frequentist cosmological inference

PROSPECT infers cosmological parameters using profile likelihoods. It constructs an approximate profile likelihood from an MCMC and optimizes it using simulated annealing, a gradient-free stochastic optimization algorithm. It employs an automatic tuning of the step size parameter and binned covariance matrices from the MCMC to achieve efficient optimizations of the profile likelihood.

[ascl:2312.001] smops: A sub-band model FITS image interpolator

smops interpolates input sub-band model FITS images, such as those produced by WSClean (ascl:1408.023), into more finely channelized sub-band model FITS images, thus generating model images at a higher frequency resolution. It is a Python-based command line tool. For example, given input model FITS images initially created from sub-dividing a given bandwidth into four, smops can subdivide that bandwidth further, resulting in more finely channelized model images, to a specified frequency resolution. This smooths out the stepwise behavior of models across frequency, which can improve the results of self-calibration with such models.

[submitted] prodimopy: Python tools for the radiation thermo-chemical code ProDiMo

prodimopy is an open-source Python package to read, analyze and plot modelling results of the radiation thermo-chemical disk code ProDiMo (PROtoplanetary DIsk MOdel, It also includes tools to run ProDiMo in 1D slap model mode, to run simple ProDimo model grids and to interface ProDiMo with 1D and 2D disk codes (i.e. use input structure from hydrodynamic models).

prodimopy can also be used independently of ProDiMo (no ProDiMo installation is required) and hence is also useful to extract information from already available ProDiMo models (e.g. as input for other codes) or for model comparison.

[ascl:2311.016] RoSSBi3D: Finite volume code for protoplanetary disk evolution study

The numerical code RoSSBi3D (Rotating Systems Simulation Code for Bi-fluids) is designed for protoplanetary discs study at 2D and 3D. It is a finite volume code which is second order in time, features self-gravity (2D), and uses an exact Riemann solver to account for discontinuities. This FORTRAN 90 code solves the fully compressible inviscid Euler, continuity and energy conservation equations in polar coordinates for an ideal gas orbiting a central object. Solid particles are treated as a pressureless fluid and interact with the gas through aerodynamic forces. The code works on high performance computers thanks to the MPI standard (CPU).

[ascl:2311.015] nemiss: Neutrino emission from hydrocode data

nemiss calculates neutrino emission from an astrophysical jet. nemiss works as part of the PLUTO-nemiss-rlos pipeline. PLUTO (ascl:1010.045) produces a hydrodynamical jet. Then, nemiss calculates beamed neutrino emission at each eligible cell along a given direction in space. Finally, rlos (ascl:1811.009) produces a synthetic neutrino image of the jet along the given direction, taking into consideration the finite nature of the speed of light.

[ascl:2311.014] FASMA: Stellar spectral analysis package

FASMA delivers the atmospheric stellar parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, microturbulence, macroturbulence, and rotational velocity) based on the spectral synthesis technique. This technique relies on the comparison of synthetic spectra with observations to yield the best-fit parameters under a χ2 minimization process. FASMA also delivers chemical abundances of 13 elements. Written in Python, the code is wrapped around MOOG (ascl:1202.009) which calculates the synthetic spectra. FASMA includes two grids of models in MOOG readable format, Kurucz and marcs, that cover the parameter space for both dwarf and giant stars with metallicity limit of -5.0 dex.

[ascl:2311.013] pygwb: Lighweight python stochastic GWB analysis pipeline

pygwb analyzes laser interferometer data and designs a gravitational wave background (GWB) search pipeline. Its modular and flexible codebase is tailored to current ground-based interferometers such as LIGO Hanford, LIGO Livingston, and Virgo, but can be generalized to other configurations. It is based on GWpy (ascl:1912.016) and bilby (ascl:1901.011) for optimal integration with widely-used gravitational wave data analysis tools. pygwb also includes a set of scripts to analyze data and perform large-scale searches on a high-performance computing cluster efficiently.

[ascl:2311.012] CosmoLattice: Lattice simulator of scalar and gauge field dynamics in an expanding universe

CosmoLattice performs lattice simulations of field dynamics in an expanding universe. The code can simulate the dynamics of interacting scalar field theories, Abelian U(1) gauge theories, and non-Abelian SU(2) gauge theories, either in flat spacetime or an expanding FLRW background, including the case of self-consistent expansion sourced by the fields themselves. It can also compute gravitational waves sourced by U(1) Abelian Gauge fields. The CosmoLattice platform can implement any system of dynamical equations suitable for discretization on a lattice, as it introduces its own language describing fields and operations between them, and hence can implement new libraries to solve arbitrary field problems (related or not to cosmology).

[ascl:2311.011] PIPPIN: Polarimetric Differential Imaging (PDI) pipeline for NACO data

PIPPIN (PDI pipeline for NACO data) reduces the polarimetric observations made with the VLT/NACO instrument. It applies the Polarimetric Differential Imaging (PDI) technique to distinguish the polarized, scattered light from the (largely) un-polarized, stellar light. As a result, circumstellar dust can be uncovered. PIPPIN appropriately handles various instrument configurations, including half-wave plate and de-rotator usage, Wollaston beam-splitter, and wiregrid observations. As part of the PDI reduction, PIPPIN performs various levels of corrections for instrumental polarization and crosstalk.

[ascl:2311.010] FPFS: Fourier Power Function Shaplets

FPFS (Fourier Power Function Shaplets) is a fast, accurate shear estimator for the shear responses of galaxy shape, flux, and detection. Utilizing leading-order perturbations of shear (a vector perturbation) and image noise (a tensor perturbation), the code determines shear and noise responses for both measurements and detections. Unlike methods that distort each observed galaxy repeatedly, the software employs analytical shear responses of select basis functions, including Shapelets basis and peak basis. FPFS is efficient and can process approximately 1,000 galaxies within a single CPU second, and maintains a multiplicative shear estimation bias below 0.5% even amidst blending challenges.

[ascl:2311.009] Hi-COLA: Cosmological large-scale structure simulator for Horndeski theories

Hi-COLA runs fast approximate N-body simulations of non-linear structure formation in reduced Horndeski gravity (Horndeski theories with luminal gravitational waves). It is generic with respect to the reduced Horndeski class. Given an input Lagrangian, Hi-COLA's front-end dynamically constructs the appropriate field equations and consistently solves for the cosmological background, linear growth, and screened fifth force of that theory. This is passed to the back-end, which runs a hybrid N-body simulation at significantly reduced computational and temporal cost compared to traditional N-body codes. By analyzing the particle snapshots, one can study the formation of structure through statistics such as the matter power spectrum.

[ascl:2311.008] IQRM: IQRM interference flagging algorithm for radio pulsar and transient searches

IQRM implements the Inter-Quartile Range Mitigation (IQRM) interference flagging algorithm for radio pulsar and transient searches. This module provides only the algorithm that infers a channel mask from some spectral statistic that measures the level of RFI contamination in a time-frequency data block. It should be useful as a reference implementation to developers who wish to integrate IQRM into an existing pipeline or search code.

[ascl:2311.007] tensiometer: Test a model until it breaks

Tensiometer provides non-Gaussian tension estimators that extend GetDist (ascl:1910.018) capabilities to test the level of agreement or disagreement between different posterior distributions by using kernel density estimates. The code has been used to study the level of internal agreement between different measurements of the clustering of cosmological structures from the Dark Energy Survey and the Planck satellite.

[ascl:2311.006] MONDPMesh: Particle-mesh code for Milgromian dynamics

MONDPMesh provides a particle-mesh method to calculate the time evolution of an system of point masses under modified gravity, namely the AQUAL formalism. This is done by transforming the Poisson equation for the potential into a system of four linear PDEs, and solving these using fast Fourier transforms. The accelerations on the point masses are calculated from this potential, and the system is propagated using Leapfrog integration. The time complexity of the code is O(N⋅p⋅log(p)) for p pixels and N particles, which is the same as for a Newtonian particle-mesh code.

[ascl:2311.005] NEOexchange: Target and Observation Manager for the Solar System

The NEOexchange web portal and Target and Observation Manager ingests solar system objects, including Near-Earth Object (NEO) candidates from the Minor Planet Center, schedules observations on the Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope network and reduces, displays, and analyzes the resulting data. NEOexchange produces calibrated photometry from the imaging data and uses Source Extractor (ascl:1010.064) and SCAMP (ascl:1010.063) to perform object detection and astrometric fitting and calviacat (ascl:2207.015) to perform photometric calibration against photometric catalogs. It also has the ability to perform image registration and subtraction using SWARP (ascl:1010.068) and HOTPANTS (ascl:1504.004) and image stacking, alignment, and faint feature detection using gnuastro (ascl:1801.009).

[ascl:2311.004] KvW: Modified Kwee–Van Woerden method for eclipse minimum timing with reliable error estimates

The KvW code applies the Kwee Van Woerden (KvW) method for eclipse or transit minimum timing, with an improved error calculation that avoids underestimated errors in minimum times that may appear in the original method. This is particularly the case for low-noise eclipse or transit lightcurves from space or from modern ground instrumentation. The code requires an input light curve of near-equidistant points that contains only the eclipse, without any off-eclipse points, and is available in python and IDL. Both implementaitons return an eclipse minimum time with its error and provide optional text output and plots, as well as several levels of debug information.

[submitted] CRPropa 3.2

The landscape of high- and ultra-high-energy astrophysics has changed in the last decade, largely due to the inflow of data collected by large-scale cosmic-ray, gamma-ray, and neutrino observatories. At the dawn of the multimessenger era, the interpretation of these observations within a consistent framework is important to elucidate the open questions in this field. CRPropa 3.2 is a Monte Carlo code for simulating the propagation of high-energy particles in the Universe. This version represents a major leap forward, significantly expanding the simulation framework and opening up the possibility for many more astrophysical applications. This includes, among others: efficient simulation of high-energy particles in diffusion-dominated domains, self-consistent and fast modelling of electromagnetic cascades with an extended set of channels for photon production, and studies of cosmic-ray diffusion tensors based on updated coherent and turbulent magnetic-field models. Furthermore, several technical updates and improvements are introduced with the new version, such as: enhanced interpolation, targeted emission of sources, and a new propagation algorithm (Boris push). The detailed description of all novel features is accompanied by a discussion and a selected number of example applications.

[ascl:2311.003] Special-Blurring: Compare quantum-spacetime foam models to GRB localizations

The IDL code Special-Blurring compares models of quantum-foam-induced blurring with the full dataset of gamma-ray burst localizations available from the NASA High Energy Astrophysics Science Research Archive (as of 1 November 2022). This includes GRB221009A, which was especially bright and detected in extremely high energy TeV gamma-rays. An upper limit of the parameter alpha (giving the maximal strength of quantum blurring) can be entered, which is scaled in the model of blurring (called "Phi") operating much like "seeing" from the ground in the optical, and those calculations are plotted against the observations.

[ascl:2311.002] VCAL-SPHERE: Hybrid pipeline for reduction of VLT/SPHERE data

VCAL-SPHERE, for VIP-based Calibration of VLT/SPHERE data, is a versatile pipeline for high-contrast imaging of exoplanets and circumstellar disks. The pipeline covers all steps of data reduction, including raw calibration, pre-processing and post-processing (i.e., modeling and subtraction of the stellar halo), for the IFS, IRDIS-DBI and IRDIS-CI modes (and combinations thereof) of the VLT instrument SPHERE. The three main steps of the reduction correspond to different modules, where the first follows the recommended EsoRex (ascl:1504.003) workflow and associated recipes with occasional inclusion of VIP (ascl:1603.003) routines (e.g., for PCA-based sky subtraction), while the other two stages fully rely on the VIP toolbox. Although the default parameters of the pipeline should yield a good reduction in most cases, these can be tuned using JSON parameter files for each stage of the pipeline for optimal reduction of specific datasets.

[ascl:2311.001] wcpy: Wavelength Calibrator

The graphical user interface Wavelength Calibrator facilitates wavelength calibration. Although developed for astronomical data reduction, it can also be used in any place where wavelength calibration is needed.

[ascl:2310.012] GRIZZLY: 1D radiative transfer code

GRIZZLY simulates reionization using a 1D radiative transfer scheme. The code enables the efficient exploration of the parameter space for evaluating 21cm brightness temperature fluctuations near the cosmic dawn. GRIZZLY builds upon the BEARS algorithm for generating simulated reionization maps with density and velocity fields, which are useful for profiling dark matter halos and cosmological density fields.

[ascl:2310.011] AI-Feynman: Symbolic regression algorithm

AI-Feynman fits analytical expressions to data sets via symbolic regression, mapping the target variable to different features supplied in the data array. Using a neural network with constraints in the number of parameters utilized, the code provides the ability to obtain analytical expressions for normalized features that are used to predict a Pareto-optimal target. AI-Feynman is robust in handling noisy data, recursively generating multidimensional symbolic expressions that match data from an unknown functions.

[ascl:2310.010] riptide: Pulsar searching with the Fast Folding Algorithm

riptide implements the Fast Folding Algorithm (FFA) to identify periodic signals from time series data. In order to identify faint pulsars, the code provides access to a library of functions and classes for processing dedispersed radio signals. The FFA approaches the theoretical optimum for sensitivity to periodic signals regardless of pulse period and duty cycle.

[ascl:2310.009] IQRM-APOLLO: Clean narrow-band RFI using Inter-Quartile Range Mitigation (IQRM) algorithm

IQRM-APOLLO cleans narrow-band radio frequency interference (RFI) using the Inter-Quartile Range Mitigation (IQRM) algorithm. By masking this interference, the code reduces the number of false positive pulsar candidates and increases sensitivity for pulsar detection. The IQRM algorithm is an outlier detection algorithm that is both non-parametric and robust to the presences of trends in time series data. Using short-duration data blocks, IQRM-APOLLO computes a spectral statistic that correlates with the presence of RFI, removing high outliers from the input signal.

[ascl:2310.008] clfd: Clean folded data

clfd (clean folded data) implements GPU-accelerated smart interference removal algorithms to be used on folded pulsar search and pulsar timing data. The code converts each source profile to a small set of representative features, flagging outliers in the resulting feature space. clfd further visualizes the outlier flagging process, as well as the resulting two-dimensional time-frequency mask that is applied to the clean archive. The code provides access to cleaning algorithms that were initially developed for the High Time Resolution Universe (HTRU) survey which found several pulsars.

[ascl:2310.007] zCluster: Measure photometric redshifts for galaxy clusters

zCluster measures galaxy cluster photometric redshifts using data from broadband photometry in large public surveys, given a priori knowledge of the cluster position. The code retrieves and uses redshift probability distributions in order to create a projected two-dimensional density map of a targeted galaxy cluster, which is later convolved with a Gaussian kernel to smooth the map. zCluster also produces photometric redshift estimates and galaxy density maps for any point in the sky using the included zField tool.

[ascl:2310.006] MAGPy-RV: Gaussian Process regression pipeline with MCMC parameter searching

MAGPy-RV (Modelling stellar Activity with Gaussian Processes in Radial Velocity) models data with Gaussian Process regression and affine invariant Monte Carlo Markov Chain parameter searching. Developed to model intrinsic, quasi-periodic variations induced by the host star in radial velocity (RV) surveys for the detection of exoplanets and the accurate measurements of their orbital parameters and masses, it now includes a variety of kernels and models and can be applied to any timeseries analysis. MAGPy-RV includes publication level plotting, efficient posterior extraction, and export-ready LaTeX results tables. It also handles multiple datasets at once and can model offsets and systematics from multiple instruments. MAGPy-RV requires no external dependencies besides basic python libraries and corner (ascl:1702.002).

[ascl:2310.005] DustPyLib: A library of DustPy extensions

The DustPyLib library contains auxiliary modules for the dust evolution software DustPy (ascl:2207.016), which simulates the evolution of dust and gas in protoplanetary disks. DustPyLib includes interfaces to radiative transfer codes and modules with extensions to the DustPy defaults.

[ascl:2310.004] q3dfit: PSF decomposition and spectral analysis for JWST-IFU spectroscopy

q3dfit performs PSF decomposition and spectral analysis for high dynamic range JWST IFU observations, allowing the user to create science-ready maps of relevant spectral features. The software takes advantage of the spectral differences between quasars and their host galaxies for maximal-contrast subtraction of the quasar point-spread function (PSF) to reveal and characterize the faint extended emission of the host galaxy. Host galaxy emission is carefully fit with a combination of stellar continuum, emission and absorption of dust and ices, and ionic and molecular emission lines.

[ascl:2310.003] wwz: Weighted wavelet z-transform code

wwz provides a python3 implementation of the Foster weighted wavelet z-transform, a wavelet-based method for periodicity analysis of unevenly sampled data.

[ascl:2310.002] lcsim: Light curve simulation code

lcsim creates artificial light curves using two algorithms. The first simulates Gaussian distributed light curves following a specific power spectral density (PSD) freely selectable by the user. The second algorithm simulates light curves following a specific PSD and matching a specific probability density function (PDF). The package provides methods to resample the simulated light curves and add "observational" noise. Furthermore, the package provides an interface to a SQLite3-based database to store and access the simulations.

[ascl:2310.001] celerite2: Fast and scalable Gaussian Processes in one dimension

celerite2 is a re-write of celerite (ascl:1709.008), an algorithm for fast and scalable Gaussian Process (GP) Regression in one dimension. celerite2 improves numerical stability and integration with various machine learning frameworks. The implementation includes interfaces in Python and C++, with full support for PyMC (ascl:1610.016) and JAX (ascl:2111.002).

[ascl:2309.020] PlanetSlicer: Orange-slice algorithm for fitting brightness maps to phase curves

PlanetSlicer fits brightness maps to phase curves using the "orange-slice" method and works both for self-luminous objects and those that diffuse reflected light assuming Lambertian reflectance. In both cases, the model supposes that a spherical object can be divided into slices of constant brightness (or albedo) which may be integrated to yield the total flux observed, given the angles of observation. The package contains two key functions: toPhaseCurve and fromPhaseCurve; the former integrates the brightness for each slice to calculate the observed total flux from the object, given the longitude of observation. The latter does the opposite, estimating the brightness of the slices from a set of observed total flux (the phase curve).

[ascl:2309.019] FRISBHEE: FRIedmann Solver for Black Hole Evaporation in the Early-universe

FRISBHEE (FRIedmann Solver for Black Hole Evaporation in the Early-universe solves the Friedmann - Boltzmann equations for Primordial Black Holes + SM radiation + BSM Models. Considering the collapse of density fluctuations as the PBH formation mechanism, the code handles monochromatic and extended mass and spin distributions. FRISBHEE can return the full evolution of the PBH, SM and Dark Radiation comoving energy densities, together with the evolution of the PBH mass and spin as a function of the log10 at scale factor, and can determine the relic abundance in the case of Dark Matter produced from BH evaporation for monochromatic and extended distributions.

[ascl:2309.018] Sprout: Moving mesh finite volume hydro code

The finite volume hydro code Sprout uses a simple expanding Cartesian grid to track outflows for several orders of magnitudes in expansion. It captures shocks whether they are aligned or misaligned with the grid, and provides second-order convergence for smooth flows. The code's expanding mesh capability reduces numerical diffusion drastically for outflows, especially when the analytic nature of the bulk flow is known beforehand. Sprout can be used to study fluid instabilities in expanding flows, such as in SN explosions and jets; it resolves fine fluid structures at small length scales and expand the mesh gradually as the structures grow.

[ascl:2309.017] ChEAP: Chemical Evolution Analytic Package

ChEAP (Chemical Evolution Analytic Package) implements an analytic solution for the chemical evolution model of the Galaxy that extends the instantaneous recycling approximation with the contribution of Type Ia SNe. The code works for different prescriptions of the delay time distributions (DTDs), including the single and double degenerate scenarios, and allows the inclusion of an arbitrary number of pristine gas infalls. The required functions are contained in the file, which is imported as a Python library. ChEAP also includes code to illustrate, with a random-parameter chemical evolution model, the accuracy of this analytic solution compared to one using numerical integration.

[ascl:2309.016] PEREGRINE: Gravitational wave parameter inference with neural ration estimation

PEREGRINE performs full parameter estimation on gravitational wave signals. Using an internal Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation (TMNRE) algorithm and building upon the swyft (ascl:2302.016) code to efficiently access marginal posteriors, PEREGRINE conducts a sequential simulation-based inference approach to support the analysis of both transient and continuous gravitational wave sources. The code can fully reconstruct the posterior distributions for all parameters of spinning, precessing compact binary mergers using waveform approximants.

[ascl:2309.015] bskit: Bispectra from cosmological simulation snapshots

bskit, built upon the nbodykit (ascl:1904.027) simulation analysis package, measures density bispectra from snapshots of cosmological N-body or hydrodynamical simulations. It can measure auto or cross bispectra in a user-specified set of triangle bins (that is, triplets of 3-vector wavenumbers). Several common sets of bins are also implemented, including all triangle bins for specified k_min and k_max, equilateral triangles between specified k_min and k_max, isosceles triangles, and squeezed isosceles triangles.

[ascl:2309.014] fitScalingRelation: Fit galaxy cluster scaling relations using MCMC

fitScalingRelation fits galaxy cluster scaling relations using orthogonal or bisector regression and MCMC. It takes into account errors on both variables and intrinsic scatter. Although it geared for fitting galaxy cluster scaling relations of all kinds, it can be used for any kind of regression problem with errors on both variables and intrinsic scatter.

[ascl:2309.013] maszcal: Mass calibrations for thermal-SZ clusters

maszcal calibrates the observable-mass relation for galaxy clusters, with a focus on the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal's relation to mass. maszcal explicitly models baryonic matter density profiles, differing from most previous approaches that treat galaxy clusters as purely dark matter. To do this, it uses a generalized Nararro-Frenk-White (GNFW) density to represent the baryons, while using the more typical NFW profile to represent dark matter.

[ascl:2309.012] StarbugII: JWST PSF photometry for crowded fields

The python photometry suite StarbugII provides accurate photometry on point-like sources embedded in complex diffuse emissions. The tool has a simple modular interface with a wide range of photometric routines including embedded source detection, aperture and PSF photometry, diffuse background emission estimation, catalog matching and artificial star testing. The core is built around Photutils (ascl:1609.011).

[ascl:2309.011] PCOSTPD: Periodogram Comparison for Optimizing Small Transiting Planet Detection

The Periodogram Comparison for Optimizing Small Transiting Planet Detection R code compares two periodogram algorithms for detecting transiting exoplanets: the Box-fitting Least Squares (BLS) and the Transit Comb Filter (TCF). It calculates the False Alarm Probability (FAP) based on extreme value theory and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) metrics to quantify periodogram peak significance. The comparison approach is aimed at optimizing the detection of small transiting planets in future transiting exoplanet surveys. The code can be extended for comparing any set of periodograms.

[ascl:2309.010] pymccorrelation: Correlation coefficients with uncertainties

pymccorrelation calculates correlation coefficients for data, using bootstrapping and/or perturbation to estimate the uncertainties on the correlation coefficient and p-value. The code supports Pearson's r, Spearman's rho, and Kendall's tau. Calculations of Kendall's tau additionally support censored data. This code supercedes and expands the deprecated code pymcspearman (ascl:2309.009).

[ascl:2309.009] pymcspearman: Monte carlo calculation of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient with uncertainties

pymcspearman is a python implementation of MCSpearman (ascl:1504.008) and calculates Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for data, using bootstrapping and/or perturbation to estimate the uncertainties on the correlation coefficient. This software project has migrated (and expanded) to pymccorrelation (ascl:2309.010).

[submitted] INSPECTA: INtegrated SDHDF Processing Engine in C for Telescope data Analysis

INSPECTA (formerly sdhdfProc) is a software package to read, manipulate and process radio astronomy data in Spectral-Domain Hierarchical Data Format (SDHDF). It is available as part of the 'sdhdf_tools' repository.

[submitted] A pseudo GUI with pyplot

Working with a GUI, or adding interaction in plotting, will help a lot in data analysis. However, the common GUI of Python is OS-dependent, while manually adding interactive codes is too complex. A pseudo-GUI tool is introduced in this work. It will help to add buttons/checkers in the graph and assign callback functions to them. The remaining problem is that the documents in this package are in Chinese and will be in English in the next version. This program is published to the PyPI, and can be installed by 'pip install pltgui'.

[submitted] qmatch: Some astronomical image matching programs

Matching stars in astronomical images is an essential step in data reduction. This work includes some matching programs implemented by Python: simple matching, fast matching, and triangle matching. For two catalogs with m and n objects, the simple method has a time and space complexity of O(m*n) but is fast for fewer n or m. The time complexity of the fast method is O(mlogm+nlogn). The triangle method will work between rotated and scaled images. All methods are applied in pipelines and work well. This package is published to the PyPI with the name 'qmatch'.

[submitted] LOFAR H5plot

Calibration solutions for the LOFAR radio telescope are stored in a 5-dimensional (time, frequency, station, polarisation and direction in the sky) HDF5 table. H5plot is a GUI application focussing on interactive visual inspection of these calibration solutions.

[ascl:2309.008] PI: Plages Identification

Plages Identification identifies solar plages from Ca II K photographic observations irrespective of noise level, brightness, and other image properties. The code provides an efficient, reliable method for identifying solar plages. The output of the algorithm is an image highlighting the plages and the calculated plage index. Plages Identification is also deployed as a webapp, allowing users to experiment with different hyperparameters and visualize their impact on the output image in real time.

[ascl:2309.007] MATRIX: Multi-phAse Transits Recovery from Injected eXoplanets toolkit

The injection-recovery MATRIX (Multi-phAse Transits Recovery from Injected eXoplanets) Toolkit creates grids of scenarios with a set of periods, radii, and epochs of synthetic transiting exoplanet signals in a provided light curve. Typical injection-recovery executions consist of 2-dimensional scenarios, where only one epoch (random or hardcoded) was used for each period and radius, which may reduce accuracy. MATRIX performs multi-phase analyses needing only a few parameters in a configuration file and running one line of code.

[ascl:2309.006] CoLFI: Cosmological Likelihood-Free Inference

CoLFI (Cosmological Likelihood-Free Inference) estimates parameters directly from the observational data sets using neural density estimators (NDEs); it is a fully ANN-based framework that differs from the Bayesian inference. The package contains three NDEs that are used to estimate parameters: an artificial neural network (ANN), a mixture density network (MDN), and a mixture neural network (MNN). CoLFI can learn the conditional probability density using samples generated by models, and the posterior distribution can be obtained for given observational data.

[ascl:2309.005] DeepGlow: Neural network emulator for BOXFIT

The feed-forward neural network DeepGlow emulates BOXFIT (ascl:2306.059) simulation data of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows. The package provides an easy interface to generate GRB afterglow spectra and light curves mimicking those generated through BOXFIT with high accuracy. The code used to generate the training data and to train the neural networks is also included.

[ascl:2309.004] GWSim: Mock gravitational waves event generator

GWSim generates mock gravitational waves (GW) events corresponding to different binary black holes (BBHs) population models. It can incorporate scenarios of GW mass models, GW spin distributions, the merger rate, and the cosmological parameters. GWSim generates samples of binary compact objects for a fixed amount of observation time, duty cycle, and configurations of the detector network; the universe created by the code is uniform in comobile volume.

[ascl:2309.003] Swiftbat: Utilities for handing BAT instrument data from the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory

Swiftbat retrieves, analyzes, and displays data from NASA's Swift spacecraft, especially data from the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT). All BAT data are available from the Swift data archive; however, a few routines in this library use data access methods not available to the general public and thus are useful only to Swift team members. The package also installs a command-line program 'swinfo' that provides Swift Information such as what the MET (onboard-clock) time is, where Swift was pointing, and whether a specific source was above the horizon and/or in the field of view.

[ascl:2309.002] UBHM: Uncertainty quantification of black hole mass estimation

Uncertain_blackholemass predicts virial black hole masses using a neural network model and quantifies their uncertainties. The scripts retrieve data and run feature extraction and uncertainty quantification for regression. They can be used separately or deployed to existing machine learning methods to generate prediction intervals for the black hole mass predictions.

[ascl:2309.001] TRES: TRiple Evolution Simulation package

TRES simulates hierarchical triple systems with stellar and planetary components, including stellar evolution, stellar winds, tides, general relativistic effects, mass transfer, and three-body dynamics. It combines stellar evolution and interactions with three-body dynamics in a self-consistent way. The code includes the effects of common-envelope evolution, circularized stable mass transfer, tides, gravitational wave emission and up-to-date stellar evolution through SeBa (ascl:1201.003). Other stellar evolution codes, such as SSE (ascl:1303.015), can also be used. TRES is written in the AMUSE (ascl:1107.007) software framework.

[ascl:2308.015] FishLSS: Fisher forecasting for Large Scale Structure surveys

FishLSS computes the Fisher information matrix for a set of observables and model parameters. It can model the redshift-space power spectrum of any biased tracer of the CDM+baryon field and the post-reconstruction galaxy power spectrum. The code also models the projected cross-correlation of galaxies with the CMB lensing convergence, the projected galaxy power spectrum, and the CMB lensing convergence power spectrum. FishLSS requires pyFFTW (ascl:2109.009), velocileptors (ascl:2308.014), and CLASS (ascl:1106.020).

[ascl:2308.014] velocileptors: Velocity-based Lagrangian and Eulerian PT expansions of redshift-space distortions

velocileptors computes the real- and redshift-space power spectra and correlation functions of biased tracers using 1-loop perturbation theory (with effective field theory counter terms and up to cubic biasing) as well as the real-space pairwise velocity moments. It provides simple computation of the power spectrum wedges or multipoles, and uses a reduced set of parameters for computing the most common case of the redshift-space power spectrum. In addition, velocileptors offers two "direct expansion" modules available in LPT and EPT.

[ascl:2308.013] Driftscan: Drift scan telescope analysis

Driftscan simulates and analyzes transit radio interferometers, with a particular focus on 21cm cosmology. Given a design of a telescope, it generates a set of products used to analyze data from it and simulate timestreams. Driftscan also constructs a filter to extract cosmological 21 cm emission from astrophysical foregrounds, such as our galaxy and radio point sources, and estimates the 21cm power spectrum using an optimal quadratic estimator.

[ascl:2308.012] KeplerFit: Keplerian velocity distribution model fitter

KeplerFit fits a Keplerian velocity distribution model to position-velocity (PV) data to obtain an estimate of the enclosed mass. The code extracts the scales of the pixels in both directions, spatial and spectral, then extracts the most extreme velocity at each position; this returns two arrays of positions and velocities. KeplerFit then models the extracted PV data and returns a set of the best-fit parameters, the standard deviations in each of the parameters, and the total residual of the fit.

[ascl:2308.011] glmnet: Lasso and elastic-net regularized generalized linear models

glmnet efficiently fits the entire lasso or elastic-net regularization path for linear regression (gaussian), multi-task gaussian, logistic and multinomial regression models (grouped or not), Poisson regression and the Cox model. The algorithm uses cyclical coordinate descent in a path-wise fashion.

[ascl:2308.010] BCemu: Model baryonic effects in cosmological simulations

BCMemu provides emulators to model the suppression in the power spectrum due to baryonic feedback processes. These emulators are based on the baryonification model, where gravity-only N-body simulation results are manipulated to include the impact of baryonic feedback processes. The package also has a three parameter barynification model; the first assumes all the three parameters to be independent of redshift while the second assumes the parameters to be redshift dependent.

[ascl:2308.009] caput: Utilities for building radio astronomy data analysis pipelines

Caput (Cluster Astronomical Python Utilities) contains utilities for handling large datasets on computer clusters. Written with radio astronomy in mind, the package provides an infrastructure for building, managing and configuring pipelines for data processing. It includes modules for dynamically importing and utilizing mpi4py, in-memory mock-ups of h5py objects, and infrastructure for running data analysis pipelines on computer clusters. Caput features a generic container for holding self-documenting datasets in memory with straightforward syncing to h5py files, and offers specialization for holding time stream data. Caput also includes tools for MPI-parallel analysis and routines for converting between different time representations, dealing with leap seconds, and calculating celestial times.

[ascl:2308.008] Rapster: Rapid population synthesis for binary black hole mergers in dynamical environments

Rapster (RAPid cluSTER evolution) models binary black hole population synthesis and the evolution of star clusters based on simple, yet realistic prescriptions. The code can generate large populations of dynamically formed binary black holes. Rapster uses SEVN (ascl:2206.019) to model the initial black hole mass spectrum and PRECESSION (ascl:1611.004) to model the mass, spin, and gravitational recoil of merger remnants.

[ascl:2308.007] DiskMINT: Disk Model For INdividual Targets

DiskMINT (Disk Model for INdividual Targets) models individual disks and derives robust disk mass estimates. Built on RADMC-3D (ascl:1202.015) for continuum (and gas line) radiative transfer, the code includes a reduced chemical network to determine the C18O emission. DiskMINT has a Python3 module that generates a self-consistent 2D disk structure to satisfy VHSE (Vertical Hydrostatic Equilibrium). It also contains a Fortran code of the reduced chemical network that contains the main chemical processes necessary for C18O modeling: the isotopologue-selective photodissociation, and the grain-surface chemistry where the CO converting to CO2 ice is the main reaction.

[ascl:2308.006] Nemo: Millimeter-wave map filtering and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich galaxy cluster and source detection

Nemo detects millimeter-wave Sunyaev-Zel'dovich galaxy clusters and compact sources. Originally developed for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope project, the code is capable of analyzing the next generation of deep, wide multifrequency millimeter-wave maps that will be produced by experiments such as the Simons Observatory. Nemo provides several modules for analyzing ACT/SO data in addition to the command-line programs provided in the package.

[ascl:2308.005] FastSpecFit: Fast spectral synthesis and emission-line fitting of DESI spectra

FastSpecFit models the observed-frame optical spectroscopy and broadband photometry of extragalactic targets using physically grounded stellar continuum and emission-line templates. The code handles data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Survey, which is amassing spectrophotometry for an unprecedented 40 million extragalactic targets, although the algorithms are general enough to accommodate other upcoming, massively multiplexed spectroscopic surveys. FastSpecFit extracts nearly 800 observed- and rest-frame quantities from each target, including light-weighted ages and stellar velocity dispersions based on the underlying stellar continuum; line-widths, velocity shifts, integrated fluxes, and equivalent widths for nearly 40 rest-frame ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared emission lines arising from both star formation and active galactic nuclear activity; and K-corrections and rest-frame absolute magnitudes and colors. Moreover, FastSpecFit is designed with speed and parallelism in mind, enabling it to deliver robust model fits to tens of millions of targets.

[ascl:2308.004] AstroPhot: Fitting everything everywhere all at once in astronomical images

AstroPhot quickly extracts detailed information from complex astronomical data for individual images or large survey programs. It fits models for sky, stars, galaxies, PSFs, and more in a principled chi^2 forward optimization, recovering Bayesian posterior information and covariance of all parameters. The code optimizes forward models on CPU or GPU, across images that are large, multi-band, multi-epoch, rotated, dithered, and more. Models are optimized together, thus handling overlapping objects and including the covariance between parameters (including PSF and galaxy parameters). AstroPhot includes several optimization algorithms, including Levenberg-Marquardt, Gradient descent, and No-U-Turn MCMC sampling.

[ascl:2308.003] SIMBI: 3D relativistic gas dynamics code

SIMBI simulates heterogeneous relativistic gas dynamics up to 3d for special relativistic hydrodynamics and up to 2D Newtonian hydrodynamics. It supports user-defined mesh expansion and contraction, density, momentum, and energy density terms outside of grid; the code also supports source terms in the Euler equations and source terms at the boundaries. Boundary conditions, which include periodic, reflecting, outflow, and inflow boundaries, are given as an array of strings. If an inflow boundary condition is set but no inflow boundary source terms are given, SIMBI switches to outflow boundary conditions to prevent crashes. The code can track a single passive scalar, insert an immersed boundary, and is impermeable by default. SIMBI USES the Cython framework to blend together C++, CUDA, HIP, and Python.

[ascl:2308.002] FLATW'RM: Finding flares in Kepler data using machine-learning tools

FLATW'RM (FLAre deTection With Ransac Method) detects stellar flares in light curves using a classical machine-learning method. The code tries to find a rotation period in the light curve and splits the data to detection windows. The light curve sections are fit with the robust fitting algorithm RANSAC (Random sample consensus); outlier points (flare candidates) above the pre-set detection level are marked for each section. For the given detection window, only those flare candidates that have at least a given number of consecutive points (three by default) are kept and marked as flares. When using FLATW’RM, the code's output should be checked to determine whether changes to the default settings are needed to account for light curve noise, data sampling frequency, and scientific needs.

[ascl:2308.001] MOOG_SCAT: Scattering version of the MOOG Line Transfer Code

MOOG_SCAT, a redevelopment of the LTE radiative transfer code MOOG (ascl:1202.009), contains modifications that allow for the treatment of isotropic, coherent scattering in stars. MOOG_SCAT employs a modified form of the source function and solves radiative transfer with a short charactersitics approach and an acclerated lambda iteration scheme.

[ascl:2307.062] FABADA: Non-parametric noise reduction using Bayesian inference

FABADA (Fully Adaptive Bayesian Algorithm for Data Analysis) performs non-parametric noise reduction using Bayesian inference. It iteratively evaluates possible smoothed models of the data to estimate the underlying signal that is statistically compatible with the noisy measurements. Iterations stop based on the evidence E and the χ2 statistic of the last smooth model, and the expected value of the signal is computed as a weighted average of the smooth models. Though FABADA was written for astronomical data, such as spectra (1D) or images (2D), it can be used as a general noise reduction algorithm for any one- or two-dimensional data; the only requisite of the input data is an estimation of its associated variance.

[ascl:2307.061] connect: COsmological Neural Network Emulator of CLASS using TensorFlow

connect (COsmological Neural Network Emulator of CLASS using TensorFlow) emulates cosmological parameters using neural networks. This includes both sampling of training data and training of the actual networks using the TensorFlow library. connect aids in cosmological parameter inference by immensely speeding up the process, which is achieved by substituting the cosmological Einstein-Boltzmann solver codes, needed for every evaluation of the likelihood, with a neural network with a 102 to 103 times faster evaluation time. The code requires CLASS (ascl:1106.020) and Monte Python (ascl:1307.002) if iterative sampling is used.

[ascl:2307.060] MBASC: Multi-Band AGN-SFG Classifier

MBASC (Multi-Band AGN-SFG Classifier) classifies sources as Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) and Star Forming Galaxies (SFGs). The algorithm is based on the light gradient-boosting machine ML technique. MBASC can use a wide range of multi-wavelength data and redshifts to predict a classification for sources.

[ascl:2307.059] orbitN: Symplectic integrator for near-Keplerian planetary systems

orbitN generates accurate and reproducible long-term orbital solutions for near-Keplerian planetary systems with a dominant mass M0. The code focuses on hierarchical systems without close encounters but can be extended to include additional features. Among other features, the package includes M0's quadrupole moment, a lunar contribution, and post-Newtonian corrections (1PN) due to M0 (fast symplectic implementation). To reduce numerical roundoff errors, orbitN features Kahan compensated summation.

[ascl:2307.058] APOLLO: Radiative transfer and atmosphere spectroscopic retrieval for exoplanets

APOLLO forward models the radiative transfer of light through a planetary (or brown dwarf) atmosphere; it also forward models transit and emission spectra and retrieves atmospheric properties of extrasolar planets. The code has two operational modes: one to compute a planetary spectrum given a set of parameters, and one to retrieve those parameters based on an observed spectrum. The package uses emcee (ascl:1303.002) to find the best fit to a spectrum for a given parameter set. APOLLO is modular and offers many options that may be turned on and off, including the type of observations, a flexible molecular composition, multiple cloud prescriptions, multiple temperature-pressure profile prescriptions, multiple priors, and continuum normalization.

[ascl:2307.057] species: Atmospheric characterization of directly imaged exoplanets

species (spectral characterization and inference for exoplanet science) provides a coherent framework for spectral and photometric analysis of directly imaged exoplanets and brown dwarfs which builds on publicly-available data and models from various resources. species contains tools for grid and free retrievals using Bayesian inference, synthetic photometry, interpolating a variety atmospheric and evolutionary model grids (including the possibility to add a custom grid), color-magnitude and color-color diagrams, empirical spectral analysis, spectral and photometric calibration, and analysis of emission lines.

[ascl:2307.056] HELA: Random Forest retrieval for exoplanet atmospheres

HELA performs atmospheric retrieval on exoplanet atmospheres using a Random Forest algorithm. The code has two stages: training (which includes testing), and predicting. It requires a training set that matches the format of the data to be analyzed, with the same number of points and a sample spectrum for each parameter. The number of trees used and the number of jobs are editable. The HELA package includes a training set and data as examples.

[ascl:2307.055] plan-net: Bayesian neural networks for exoplanetary atmospheric retrieval

plan-net uses machine learning with an ensemble of Bayesian neural networks for atmospheric retrieval; this approach yields greater accuracy and more robust uncertainties than a single model. A new loss function for BNNs learns correlations between the model outputs. Performance is improved by incorporating domain-specific knowledge into the machine learning models and provides additional insight by inferring the covariance of the retrieved atmospheric parameters.

[ascl:2307.054] LEFTfield: Forward modeling of cosmological density fields

LEFTfield forward models cosmological matter density fields and biased tracers of large-scale structure. The model, written in C++ code, is centered around classes encapsulating scalar, vector, and tensor grids. It includes the complete bias expansion at any order in perturbations and captures general expansion histories without relying on the EdS approximation; however, the latter is also implemented and results in substantially smaller computational demands. LEFTfield includes a subset of the nonlinear higher-derivative terms in the bias expansion of general tracers.

[submitted] backtrack: fit relative motion of candidate direct imaging sources with background proper motion and parallax

Directly imaged planet candidates (high contrast point sources near bright stars) are often validated, among other supporting lines of evidence, by comparing their observed motion against the projected motion of a background source due to the proper motion of the bright star and the parallax motion due to the Earth's orbit. Often, the "background track" is constructed assuming an interloping point source is at infinity and has no proper motion itself, but this assumption can fail, producing false positive results, for crowded fields or insufficient observing time-baselines (e.g. Nielsen et al. 2017). `backtrack` is a tool for constructing background proper motion and parallax tracks for validation of high contrast candidates. It can produce classical infinite distance, stationary background tracks, but was constructed in order to fit finite distance, non-stationary tracks using nested sampling (and can be used on clusters). The code sets priors on parallax based on the relations in Bailer-Jones et al. 2021 that are fit to Gaia eDR3 data, and are therefore representative of the galactic stellar density. The public example currently reproduces the results of Nielsen et al. 2017 and Wagner et al. 2022, demonstrating that the motion of HD 131399A "b" is fit by a finite distance, non-stationary background star, but the code has been tested and validated on proprietary datasets. The code is open source, available on github, and additional contributions are welcome.

[ascl:2307.053] EVolve: Growth and evolution of volcanically-derived atmospheres

EVolve calculates the chemical composition and surface pressure of a ID atmosphere on a rocky planet that is being produced by volcanic activity, as it grows over time. Once the initial volatile content of the planet's mantle and the composition and resultant surface pressure of any pre-existing atmosphere is set, the volcanic degassing model EVo (ascl:2307.052) calculates the amount and speciation of any volcanic gases released into the atmosphere over each time step. Atmospheric processing is calculated using FastChem (ascl:1804.025); thermochemical equilibrium is assumed so the final chemical composition of the atmosphere is calculated according to the pre-set surface temperature.

[ascl:2307.052] EVo: Thermodynamic magma degassing model

EVo calculates the speciation and volume of a volcanic gas phase erupting in equilibrium with its parent magma. Models can be run to calculate the gas phase in equilibrium with a melt at a single pressure, or the melt can be decompressed from depth rising to the surface as a closed-system case. Single pressure and decompression can be run for OH, COH, SOH, COHS and COHSN systems. EVo can calculate gas phase weight and volume fraction within the system, gas phase speciation as mole fraction or weight fraction across numerous compounds, and the volatile content of the melt at each pressure. It also calculates melt density, f02 of the system, and more. EVo can be set up using either melt volatile contents, or for a set amount of atomic volatile which is preferable for conducting experiments over a wide range of fO2 values.

[ascl:2307.051] WeakLensingQML: Quadratic Maximum Likelihood estimator applied to Weak Lensing

WeakLensingQML implements the Quadratic Maximum Likelihood (QML) estimator and applies it to simulated cosmic shear data and compares the results to a Pseudo-Cl implementation. The package computes and saves relevant data files for later processes, such as the fiduciary cosmic shear power spectrum used in the analysis, the sky mask, and computing an analytic version of the QML's covariance matrix. The core of the package implements a conjugate-gradient approach for the quadratic estimator, and is parallelized for maximum performance. The code relies on the Eigen linear algebra package and the HealPix spherical harmonic transform library. A post-processing script analyzes the results and compares the QML's estimates with those from the Pseudo-Cl estimator; it then produces an array of plots highlighting the results.

[ascl:2307.050] νHawkHunter: Forecasting of PBH neutrinos

νHawkHunter explores the prospects of detecting neutrinos produced by the evaporation of primordial black holes in ground-based experiments. It makes use of neutrino fluxes from Hawking radiation computed with BlackHawk (ascl:2012.020). νHawkHunter is also be used for Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background or similar studies by replacing the signal fluxes by the proper ones.

[ascl:2307.049] reMASTERed: Calculate contributions to pseudo-Cl for maps with correlated masks

reMASTERed reconstructs ensemble-averaged pseudo-$C_\ell$ to effectively exact precision, with significant improvements over traditional estimators for cases where the map and mask are correlated. The code can compute the results given an arbitrary map and mask; it can also compute the results in the ensemble average for certain types of threshold masks.

[ascl:2307.048] NaMaster: Unified pseudo-Cl framework

NaMaster computes full-sky angular cross-power spectra of masked, spin-0 and spin-2 fields with an arbitrary number of known contaminants using a pseudo-Cl (aka MASTER) approach. The code also implements E/B-mode purification and offers both full-sky and flat-sky modes. NaMaster is available as a C library, Python module, and standalone program.

[ascl:2307.047] GWDALI: Gravitational wave parameter estimation

GWDALI focuses on parameter estimations of gravitational waves generated by compact object coalescence (CBC). This software employs both Gaussian (Fisher Matrix) and Beyond-Gaussian methods to approximate the likelihood of gravitational wave events. GWDALI also addresses the challenges posed by Fisher Matrices with zero determinants. Additionally, the Beyond-Gaussian approach incorporates the Derivative Approximation for Likelihoods (DALI) algorithm, enabling a more reliable estimation process.

[ascl:2307.046] HAYASHI: Halo-level AnalYsis of the Absorption Signal in HI

HAYASHI (Halo-level AnalYsis of the Absorption Signal in HI) computes the number of absorption features of the 21cm forest using a semianalytic formalism. It includes the enhancement of the signal due to the presence of substructures within minihalos and supports non-standard cosmologies with impact in the large scale structure, such as warm dark matter and primordial black holes. HAYASHI is written in Python3 and uses the cosmological computations package Colossus (ascl:1501.016).

[ascl:2307.045] NAVanalysis: Normalized Additional Velocity analysis

NAVanalysis studies the non-baryonic, or non-Newtonian, contribution to galaxy rotation curves straight from a given data sample. Conclusions on the radial profile of a given model can be drawn without individual galaxy fits to provide an efficient sample comparison. The method can be used to eliminate model parameter regions, find the most probable parameter regions, and uncover trends not easy to find from standard fits. Further, NAVanalysis can compare different approaches and models.

[ascl:2307.044] RUBIS: Fast centrifugal deformation program for stellar and planetary models

The centrifugal deformation program RUBIS (Rotation code Using Barotropy conservation over Isopotential Surfaces) takes an input 1D model (with spherical symmetry) and returns its deformed version by applying a conservative rotation profile specified by the user. The code needs only the density as a function of radial distance from the reference model in addition to the surface pressure to be imposed to perform the deformation; preserving the relation between density and pressure when going from the 1D to the 2D structure makes this lightness possible. By solving Poisson's equation in spheroidal rather than spherical coordinates whenever a discontinuity is present, RUBIS can deform both stellar and planetary models, thereby dealing with potential discontinuities in the density profile.

[ascl:2307.043] EAGLES: Estimating AGes from Lithium Equivalent widthS

EAGLES (Estimating AGes from Lithium Equivalent widthS) implements an empirical model that predicts the lithium equivalent width (EW) of a star as a function of its age and effective temperature. The code computes the age probability distribution for a star with a given EW and Teff, subject to an age probability prior that may be flat in age or flat in log age. Data for more than one star can be entered; EAGLES then treats these as a cluster and determines the age probability distribution for the ensemble. The code produces estimates of the most probable age, uncertainties and the median age; output files consisting of probability plots, best-fit isochrone plots, and tables of the posterior age probability distribution(s).

[ascl:2307.042] LIMpy: Line Intensity Mapping in Python

LIMpy models and analyzes multi-line intensity maps of CII (158 µ), OIII (88 µ), and CO (1-0) to CO (13-12) transitions. It can be used as an analytic model for star formation rate, to simulate line intensity maps based on halo catalogs, and to calculate the power spectrum from simulated maps and the cross-correlated signal between two separate lines. Among other things, LIMpy can also create multi-line luminosity models and determine the multi-line intensity power spectrum.

[ascl:2307.041] EFTCAMB: Effective Field Theory with CAMB

EFTCAMB patches the public Einstein-Boltzmann solver CAMB (ascl:1102.026) to implement the Effective Field Theory approach to cosmic acceleration. It can be used to investigate the effect of different EFT operators on linear perturbations and to study perturbations in any specific DE/MG model that can be cast into EFT framework. To interface EFTCAMB with cosmological data sets, it is equipped with a modified version of CosmoMC (ascl:1106.025), EFTCosmoMC, to create a bridge between the EFT parametrization of the dynamics of perturbations and observations.

[ascl:2307.040] pycrires: Data reduction pipeline for VLT/CRIRES+

pycrires runs the CRIRES+ recipes of EsoRex. The pipeline organizes the raw data, creates SOF and configuration files, runs the calibration and science recipes, and creates plots of the images and extracted spectra. Additionally, it corrects remaining inaccuracies in the wavelength solution and the spectrum curvature. pycrires also provides dedicated routines for the extraction, calibration, and detection of spatially-resolved objects such as directly imaged planets.

[ascl:2307.039] adiabatic-tides: Tidal stripping of dark matter (sub)haloes

adiabatic-tides evaluates the tidal stripping of dark matter (sub)haloes in the adiabatic limit. It exactly reproduces the remnant of an NFW halo that is exposed to a slowly increasing isotropic tidal field and approximately reproduces the remnant for an anisotropic tidal field. adiabatic-tides also predicts the asymptotic mass loss limit for orbiting subhaloes and differently concentrated host-haloes with and without baryonic components, and can be used to improve predictions of dark matter annihilation.

[ascl:2307.038] WarpX: Time-based electromagnetic and electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code

WarpX is an advanced electromagnetic & electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code. It supports many features including Perfectly-Matched Layers (PML), mesh refinement, and the boosted-frame technique. A highly-parallel and highly-optimized code, WarpX can run on GPUs and multi-core CPUs, includes load balancing capabilities, and scales to the largest supercomputers.

[ascl:2307.037] WDMWaveletTransforms: Fast forward and inverse WDM wavelet transforms

WDMWaveletTransforms implements the fast forward and inverse WDM wavelet transforms in Python from both the time and frequency domains. The frequency domain transforms are inherently faster and more accurate. The wavelet domain->frequency domain and frequency domain->wavelet domain transforms are nearly exact numerical inverses of each other for a variety of inputs tested, including Gaussian random noise. WDMWaveletTransforms has both command line and Python interfaces.

[ascl:2307.036] binary_c-python: Stellar population synthesis tool and interface to binary_c

binary_c-python provides a manager for and interface to the binary_c framework (ascl:2307.035), and rapidly evolves individual systems and populations of stars. It provides functions such as data processing tools and initial distribution functions for stellar properties. binary_c-python also includes tools to run large grids of (binary) stellar systems on servers or distributed systems.

[ascl:2307.035] binary_c: Stellar population synthesis software framework

The binary_c software framework models the evolution of single, binary and multiple stars, including stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis. Stellar evolution includes wind mass loss, rotation, thermal pulses, magnetic braking, pre-main sequence evolution, supernovae and kicks, and neutron stars; binary-star evolution includes mass transfer, gravitational-wave losses, tides, novae, circumbinary discs, and merging stars. binary_c natively includes nucleosynthesis, and, as it is designed for stellar population calculations, it is lightweight and versatile. binary_c works in standalone, virtual and HPC environments, and its support software contains tools for development and data analysis. A version in Python, binary_c-python (ascl:2307.036), is also available.

[ascl:2307.034] Guacho: 3D uniform mesh parallel HD/MHD code for astrophysics

Guacho is a 3D hydrodynamical/magnetohydrodynamical code suited for astrophysical fluids. The hydrodynamic equations are evolved with a number of approximate Riemann solvers. Gaucho includes various modules to deal with different cooling regimes, and a radiation transfer module based on a Monte Carlo ray tracing method. The code can run sequentially or in parallel with MPI.

[ascl:2307.033] Imber: Doppler imaging tool for modeling stellar and substellar surfaces

Imber simulates spectroscopic and photometric observations with both a gridded numerical simulation and analytical model. Written in Python, it is specifically designed to predict Extremely Large Telescope instrument (such as ELT/METIS and TMT/MODHIS) Doppler imaging performance, and has also been applied to existing, archival observations of spectroscopy and photometry.

[ascl:2307.032] AmpF: Amplification factor for solar lensing

AmpF numerically calculates the amplification factor for solar lensing. The import parameters are the gravitational-wave frequency and the source angular position with respect to the solar center; the code outputs are the amplification factor and its geometrical-optics limit. AmpF accepts variables for several attributes and the overall amplitude of the lensing potential can be changed as needed. The method has been implemented in both C and Python.

[ascl:2307.031] HilalPy: Analysis tool for lunar crescent visibility criterion

HilalPy analyzes lunar crescent visibility criteria. Written in Python, the code uses more than 8000 lunar crescent visibility records extracted from literature and websites of lunar crescent observation, descriptive statistics, contradiction rate percentage, and regression analysis in its analysis to predict the visibility of a lunar crescent.

[ascl:2307.030] SAMUS: Simulator of Asteroid Malformation Under Stress

SAMUS (Simulator of Asteroid Malformation Under Stress) simulates the deformation of minor bodies, assuming that they are homogenous incompressible fluid masses. They are initialized as ellipsoids and the Navier-Stokes equations are interatively solved to investigate the deformation of the body over time. The software is modular and allows for user-defined output functions, size, and trajectories. Structured as a single large class, SAMUS can store variables and handle arbitrary function calls, which eases debugging and investigation, especially for lengthy high-fidelity simulation runs.

[ascl:2307.029] SIMPLE: Intensity map generator

SIMPLE (Simple Intensity Map Producer for Line Emission) generates intensity maps that include observational effects such as noise, anisotropic smoothing, sky subtraction, and masking. Written in Python, it is based on a lognormal simulation of galaxies and random assignment of luminosities to these galaxies and generates mock intensity maps that can be used to study survey systematics and calculate covariance matrices of power spectra. The code is modular, allowing its components to be used independently.

[ascl:2307.028] TidalPy: Moon and exoplanet tidal heating and dynamics estimator

TidalPy performs semi-analytic calculations of tidal dissipation and subsequent orbit-spin evolution for rocky and icy worlds. It can be used as a black box, in which an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) scheme performs many calculations with very little user input from the user, making it easy to get started with the package, or as a toolbox, as it contains many efficient functions to perform calculations relevant to tides and thermal-orbital coupling, which can be quickly imported and used in a custom scripts. In general, TidelPy's toolbox (functional) scheme provides much higher performance, flexibility, and extensibility than the OOP scheme. It also makes assumptions more visible to the user. The downside is the user may need to be more familiar with the underlying physics.

[ascl:2307.027] CosmicFish: Cosmology forecasting tool

CosmicFish obtains expected bounds on cosmological parameters for a wide range of models and observables for cosmological forecasting. The package includes a Fortran library to produce Fisher matrices, a Python library that performs operations on the produced Fisher matrices, and a full set of plotting utilities. It works with many models, including CAMB (ascl:1102.026) and MGCAMB (ascl:1106.013), and can interface with any Boltzmann solver. The user can choose within a wide range of possible cosmological observables, including cosmic microwave background, weak lensing tomography, galaxy clustering, and redshift drift. CosmicFish is easy to customize; it provides a flexible package system and users can produce their own analyses and plotting pipelines following the default Python apps.

[ascl:2307.026] gyrointerp: Gyrochronology via interpolation of open cluster rotation sequences

gyrointerp calculates gyrochronal ages by interpolating between open cluster rotation sequences. The framework, written in Python, can be used to find the gyrochronological age posterior of single or many stars. It can also produce a visual interpolation for a star’s age to determine where the star falls in the rotation-temperature plane in comparison to known reference clusters. gyrointerp models the ensemble evolution of rotation periods for main-sequence stars with temperatures of 3800-6200 K (masses of 0.5-1.2 solar) and is not applicable for subgiant or giant stars, and should be used cautiously with binary stars, as they can observationally bias temperature and rotation period measurements.

[ascl:2307.025] pyhalomodel: Halo-model implementation for power spectra

pyhalomodel computes halo-model power spectra for any desired tracer combination. The software requires only halo profiles for the tracers to be specified; these could be matter profiles, galaxy profiles, or something else, such as electron-pressure or HI profiles. pyhalomodel makes it easier to perform basic calculations using the halo model by reducing the changes of variables required to integrate halo profiles against halo mass functions, which can be confusing and tedious.

[ascl:2307.024] SHARK: Gas and dust hydrodynamics with dust coagulation/fragmentation

SHARK solves the hydrodynamic equations for gas and dust mixtures accounting for dust coagulation and fragmentation (among other things). The code is written in Fortran and is capable of handling both 1D and 2D Cartesian geometries; 1D simulations with spherical geometry are also possible. SHARK is versatile and can be used to model various astrophysical environments.

[ascl:2307.023] PyIMRPhenomD: Stellar origin black hole binaries population estimator

PyIMRPhenomD estimates the population of stellar origin black hole binaries for LISA observations using a Bayesian parameter estimation algorithm. The code reimplements IMRPhenomD (ascl:2307.019) in a pure Python code, compiled with the Numba just-in-time compiler. The module implements the analytic first and second derivatives necessary to compute t(f) and t'(f) rather than computing them numerically. Using the analytic derivatives increases the code complexity but produces faster and more numerically accurate results; the improvement in numerical accuracy is particularly significant for t'(f).

[ascl:2307.022] TOAST: Time Ordered Astrophysics Scalable Tools

The TOAST software framework simulates and processes timestream data collected by telescopes. The framework can distribute data among many processes and perform operations on the local pieces of the data, and has generic operators for common processing tasks such as filtering, pointing expansion, and map-making. In addition to offering I/O for a limited set of formats, it provides well-defined interfaces for adding custom I/O classes and processing operators. TOAST is written in C++ with a public Python interface, and contains utilities for controlling the runtime environment, logging, timing, streamed random number generation, quaternion operations, FFTs, and special function evaluation.

[ascl:2307.021] FGBuster: Parametric component separation for Cosmic Microwave Background observations

FGBuster (ForeGroundBuster) separates frequency maps into component maps and forecasts component separation both when the model is correct and when it is incorrect. FGBuster can be used for SED evaluation, intermediate component separation, multi-resolution separation, and forecasting, among other tasks.

[ascl:2307.020] PolyBin: Binned polyspectrum estimation on the full sky

PolyBin estimates the binned power spectrum, bispectrum, and trispectrum for full-sky HEALPix maps such as the CMB. This can include both spin-0 and spin-2 fields, such as the CMB temperature and polarization, or galaxy positions and galaxy shear. Alternatively, one can use only scalar maps. For each statistic, two estimators are available: the standard (ideal) estimators, which do not take into account the mask, and window-deconvolved estimators. For the second case, a Fisher matrix must be computed; this depends on binning and the mask, but does not need to be recomputed for each new simulation. PolyBin can compute both the parity-even and parity-odd components, accounting for any leakage between the two, for the bispectrum and trispectrum.

[ascl:2307.019] IMRPhenomD: Phenomenological waveform model

The IMRPhenomD model generates gravitational wave signals for merging black hole binaries with non-precessing spins. The waveforms are produced in the frequency domain and include the inspiral, merger and ringdown parts for the dominant spherical harmonic mode of the signal. Part of LALSuite (ascl:2012.021) and also available as an independent code, IMRPhenomD is written in C and is calibrated against data from numerical relativity simulations. A re-implementation of IMRPhenomD in Python, PyIMRPhenomD (ascl:2307.023), is available.

[ascl:2307.018] IMRIpy: Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals simulator

IMRIpy simulates an Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspiral (IMRI) by gravitational wave emission with a Dark Matter(DM) halo or a (baryonic) Accretion Disk around the central Intermediate Mass Black Hole(IMBH). It can use different density profiles (such as DM spikes), and different interactions, such as dynamical friction with and without HaloFeedback models or accretion, to produce the simulation.

[ascl:2307.017] Veusz: Scientific plotting package

Veusz produces a wide variety of publication-ready 2D and 3D plots. Plots are created by building up plotting widgets with a consistent object-based interface, and the package provides many options for customizing plots. Veusz can import data from text, CSV, HDF5 and FITS files; datasets can also be entered within the program and new datasets created via the manipulation of existing datasets using mathematical expressions and more. The program can also be extended, by adding plugins supporting importing new data formats, different types of data manipulation or for automating tasks, and it supports vector and bitmap output, including PDF, Postscript, SVG and EMF.

[ascl:2307.016] DataComb: Combining data for better images

DataComb combines radio interferometric and single dish observations and obtains quantitative measures of how different techniques perform to obtain better fidelity images. The package relies on CASA (ascl:1107.013) for the combinations and on AstroPy (ascl:1304.002) for making quantitative
comparisons between different images produced by different methods. Model images and simulations are also used to assess the different combination methods.

[ascl:2307.015] BOWIE: Gravitational wave binary signal analysis

BOWIE (Binary Observability With Illustrative Exploration) performs graphical analysis of binary signals from gravitational waves. It takes gridded data sets and produces different types of plots in customized arrangements for detailed analysis of gravitational wave sensitivity curves and/or binary signals. BOWIE offers three main tools: a gridded data generator, a plotting tool, and a waveform generator for general use. The waveform generator creates PhenomD waveforms for binary black hole inspiral, merger, and ringdown. Gridded data sets are created using the PhenomD generator for signal-to-noise (SNR) analysis. Using the gridded data sets, customized configurations of plots are created with the plotting package.

[ascl:2307.014] Synthetic LISA: Simulator for LISA-like gravitational-wave observatories

Synthetic LISA simulates the LISA science process at the level of scientific and technical requirements. The code generates synthetic time series of the LISA fundamental noises, as filtered through all the TDI observables, and provides a streamlined module to compute the TDI responses to gravitational waves, according to a full model of TDI, including the motion of the LISA array, and the temporal and directional dependence of the armlengths.

[ascl:2307.013] SIRENA: Energy reconstruction of X-ray photons for Athena X-IFU

SIRENA (Software Ifca for Reconstruction of EveNts for Athena X-IFU) reconstructs the energy of incoming X-ray photons after their detection in the X-IFU TES detector. It is integrated in the SIXTE (ascl:1903.002) end-to-end simulations environment where it currently runs over SIXTE simulated data. This is done by means of a tool called tesreconstruction, which is mainly a wrapper to pass a data file to the SIRENA tasks.

[ascl:2307.012] mnms: Map-based Noise ModelS

mnms (Map-based Noise ModelS) creates map-based models of Simons Observatory Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) data. Each model supports drawing map-based simulations from data splits with independent realizations of the noise or equivalent, similar to an independent set of time-domain sims. In addition to the ability to create on-the-fly simulations, mnms also includes ready-made scripts for writing a large batch of products to disk in a dedicated SLURM job.

[ascl:2307.011] DiscVerSt: Vertical structure calculator for accretion discs around neutron stars and black holes

DiscVerSt calculates the vertical structure of accretion discs around neutron stars and black holes. Different classes represent the vertical structure for different types of EoS and opacity, temperature gradient and irradiation scheme; the code includes an interface for initializing the chosen structure type. DiscVerSt also contains functions to calculate S-curves and the vertical and radial profile of a stationary disc.

[submitted] Coniferest: Python package for active anomaly detection

Coniferest is a Python package designed for implementing anomaly detection algorithms and interactive active learning tools. The centerpiece of the package is an Isolation Forest algorithm, known for its superior scoring performance and multi-threading evaluation. This robust anomaly detection algorithm operates by constructing random decision trees.

In addition to the Isolation Forest algorithm, Coniferest also offers two modified versions for active learning: AAD Forest and Pineforest. The AAD Forest modifies the Isolation Forest by reweighting its leaves based on responses from human experts, providing a faster alternative to the ad_examples package.

On the other hand, Pineforest, developed by the SNAD team, employs a filtering algorithm that builds and dismantles trees with each new human-machine iteration step.

Coniferest provides a user-friendly interface for conducting interactive human-machine sessions, facilitating the use of these active anomaly detection algorithms. The SNAD team maintains and utilizes this package primarily for anomaly detection in the field of astronomy, with a particular focus on light-curve data from large time-domain surveys.

[ascl:2307.010] baccoemu: Cosmological emulators for large-scale structure statistics

baccoemu provides a collection of emulators for large-scale structure statistics over a wide range of cosmologies. The emulators provide fast predictions for the linear cold- and total-matter power spectrum, the nonlinear cold-matter power spectrum, and the modifications to the cold-matter power spectrum caused by baryonic physics in a wide cosmological parameter space, including dynamical dark energy and massive neutrinos.

[ascl:2307.009] pnautilus: Three-phase chemical code

The three-phase pnautilus chemical code finds the abundance of each species by solving rate equations for gas-phase and grain surface chemistries. It performs gas–grain simulations in which both the icy mantle and the surface are considered active, taking into account mantle photodissociation, diffusion, and reactions; the code also considers the competition among reaction, diffusion and evaporation.

[ascl:2307.008] 21cmvFAST: Adding dark matter-baryon relative velocities to 21cmFAST

21cmvFAST demonstrates that including dark matter (DM)-baryon relative velocities produces velocity-induced acoustic oscillations (VAOs) in the 21-cm power spectrum. Based on 21cmFAST (ascl:1102.023) and 21CMMC (ascl:1608.017), 21cmvFAST accounts for molecular-cooling haloes, which are expected to drive star formation during cosmic dawn, as both relative velocities and Lyman-Werner feedback suppress halo formation. This yields accurate 21-cm predictions all the way to reionization (z>~10).

[ascl:2307.007] AGNvar: Model spectral timing properties in active galactic nuclei

AGNvar calculates the expected reverberation signal in any given energy band, for a given spectral energy distribution (SED), assuming variable X-ray emission. The code predicts the shape of the re-processed continuum by modeling the time-averaged SED according to input parameters, which include geometry, mass, and mass accretion rate; generally the input parameters are based off typical XSPEC (ascl:9910.005) models. It evaluates the SED response to an input driving light-curve (assumed to originate in the X-ray corona) and creates a set of time-dependent SEDs. It then takes the results from the set of time-dependent SEDs and extracts the light-curve in a given band pass.

[ascl:2307.006] pyPplusS: Modeling exoplanets with rings

pyPplusS calculates the light curves for ringed, oblate or spherical exoplanets in both the uniform and limb darkened cases. It can constrain the oblateness of planets using photometric data only. This code can be used to model light curves of more complicated configurations, including multiple planets, oblate planets, moons, rings, and combinations of these, while properly and efficiently taking into account overlapping areas and limb darkening.

[ascl:2307.005] axionHMcode: Non-linear power spectrum calculator

axionHMcode computes the non-linear matter power spectrum in a mixed dark matter cosmology with ultra-light axion (ULA) component of the dark matter. This model uses some of the fitting parameters and is inspired by HMcode (ascl:1508.001). axionHMcode uses the full expanded power spectrum to calculate the non-linear power spectrum; it splits the axion overdensity into a clustered and linear component to take the non clustering of axions on small scales due to free-streaming into account.

[ascl:2307.004] ALF: Absorption line fitter

alf fits the absorption line optical—NIR spectrum. Initially written to constrain the stellar IMF in old massive galaxies, the code now also offers theoretical age and metallicity-dependent response functions covering 19 elements, nuisance parameters to capture uncertainties in stellar evolution, and parameters to capture uncertainties in the data, including modeling telluric absorption and sky line residuals. alf can fit stellar populations with metallicities from approximately -2.0 to +0.3 and performs well when fitting stellar populations ranging from metal-poor globular clusters to brightest cluster galaxies. The software works in continuum-normalized space and so does not make any use of the shape of the continuum (nor of corresponding photometry). Fitting is handled with emcee (ascl:1303.002); the code is MPI parallelized and runs efficiently on many processors, though fitting data with alf is time intensive.

[ascl:2307.003] RelicFast: Fast scale-dependent halo bias

RelicFast computes the scale-dependent bias induced by relics of different masses, spins, and temperatures, through spherical collapse and the peak-background split. The code determines halo bias in under a second, making it possible to include this effect for different cosmologies, and light relics, at little computational cost.

[ascl:2307.002] BE-HaPPY: Bias emulator for halo power spectrum

BE-HaPPY (Bias Emulator for Halo Power spectrum Python) facilitates future large scale surveys analysis by providing an accurate, easy to use and computationally inexpensive method to compute the halo bias in the presence of massive neutrinos. Provided with a linear power spectrum, the package will compute a new power spectrum according to the chosen configuration. BE-HaPPY handles linear, polynomial, and perturbation theory bias models. The code also handles Kaiser and Scoccimarro redshifts; other available options include real or redshift space, the total neutrino mass, and a choice of mass bin or scale array, among others.

[ascl:2307.001] Jdaviz: JWST astronomical data analysis tools in the Jupyter platform

Jdaviz provides data viewers and analysis plugins that can be flexibly combined as desired to create interactive applications. It offers Specviz (ascl:1902.011) for visualization and quick-look analysis of 1D astronomical spectra; Mosviz for visualization of astronomical spectra, including 1D and 2D spectra as well as contextual information, and Cubeviz for visualization of spectroscopic data cubes (such as those produced by JWST MIRI). Imviz, which provides visualization and quick-look analysis for 2D astronomical images, is also included. Jdaviz is designed with instrument modes from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in mind, but the tool is flexible enough to read in data from many astronomical telescopes, and the documentation provides a complete table of all supported modes.

[ascl:2306.060] SCF-FDPS: Disk-halo systems simulator

The fast N-body code SCF-FDPS (Self-Consistent Field-Framework for Developing Particle Simulators) simulates disk-halo systems. It combines a self-consistent field (SCF) code, which provides scalability, and a tree code that is parallelized using the Framework for Developing Particle Simulators (FDPS) (ascl:1604.011). SCF-FDPS handles a wide variety of halo profiles and can be used to study extensive dynamical problems of disk-halo systems.

[ascl:2306.059] BOXFIT: Gamma-ray burst afterglow light curve generator

BOXFIT calculates light curves and spectra for arbitrary observer times and frequencies and of performing (broadband) data fits using the downhill simplex method combined with simulated annealing. The flux value for a given observer time and frequency is a function of various variables that set the explosion physics (energy of the explosion, circumburst number density and jet collimation angle), the radiative process (magnetic field generation efficiency, electron shock-acceleration efficiency and synchrotron power slope for the electron energy distribution) and observer position (distance, redshift and angle). The code can be run both in parallel and on a single core. Because a data fit takes many iterations, this is best done in parallel. Single light curves and spectra can readily be done on a single core.

[ascl:2306.058] GER: Global Extinction Reduction

The Global Extinction Reduction IDL codes compare optical photometry from the twin Gemini North and South Multi-Object Spectrographs (GMOS-N and GMOS-S) against the expected worsening of atmospheric transparency due to global climate change. Data from the Gemini instruments are first reduced by DRAGONS (ascl:1811.002). GER then calibrates them against the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and Gaia G-band catalogs; image rotation and alignment is accomplished via identification of sufficiently-bright stars in Gaia. A simple model of Gemini and their site characteristics is generated, including meteorology, cloudy-fractions, number of reflections, dates of re-coatings modulated by rate of efficiency decay, together with response of detectors and associated zeropoints, and can be compared with the decline of transparency due to rising temperature and associated humidity increase.

[ascl:2306.057] pybranch: Calculate experimental branching fractions and transition probabilities from atomic spectra

pybranch calculates experimental branching fractions and transition probabilities from measurements of atomic spectra. Though the program is usually used with spectral line lists from intensity-calibrated spectra from Fourier transform spectrometers, it can in principle be used with any calibrated spectra that meet the input requirements. pybranch takes a set of linelists, computes a weighted average branching fraction (Fki) for each line, combines these branching fractions with the level lifetime to obtain the transition probability, and then prints the calibrated intensities and S/N ratios for all the lines observed from a particular upper level in each spectrum. One line can be chosen to use as a reference to put all of the intensities on the same scale. pybranch can use calculated transition probabilities to calculate a residual from lines that have not been observed.

[ascl:2306.056] PSFMachine: Toolkit for doing PSF photometry

PSFMachine creates models of instrument effective Point Spread Functions (ePSFs), also called Pixel Response Functions (PRFs). These models are then used to fit a scene in a stack of astronomical images. PSFMachine is able to quickly derive photometry from stacks of Kepler and TESS images and separate crowded sources.

[ascl:2306.055] ESSENCE: Evaluate spatially correlated noise in interferometric images

ESSENCE (Evaluating Statistical Significance undEr Noise CorrElation) evaluates the statistical significance of image analysis and signal detection under correlated noise in interferometric images (e.g., ALMA, NOEMA). It measures the noise autocorrelation function (ACF) to fully characterize the statistical properties of spatially correlated noise in the interferometric image, computes the noise in the spatially integrated quantities (e.g., flux, spectrum) with a given aperture, and simulates noise maps with the same correlation property. ESSENSE can also construct a covariance matrix from noise ACF, which can be used for a 2d image or 3d cube model fitting.

[ascl:2306.054] threepoint: Covariance of third-order aperture statistics

threepoint models the third-order aperture statistics, the natural components of the shear three-point correlation function and the covariance of third-order aperture statistics. Third-order weak lensing statistics extract cosmological information in the non-Gaussianity of the cosmic large-scale structure, making them a promising tool for cosmological analyses.

[ascl:2306.053] TiDE: Light curves and spectra of tidal disruption events

TiDE (TIdal Disruption Event) computes the light curves or spectrum of tidal disruption events. Written in C++, it can compute the monochromatic light curve without diffusion, including the total luminosity, wind luminosity and disk luminosity, and the monochromatic light curve with diffusion. TiDE can also model the bolometric luminosity and calculate the spectrum at a given time, including the wind luminosity and disk luminosity. This code can be used to explore the possible parameter space and reveal potential biases caused by the model assumptions, and can be extended with new models, allowing one to compare and test different prescriptions and model assumptions under the same circumstances.

[ascl:2306.052] kilopop: Binary neutron star population of optical kilonovae

kilopop produces binary neutron star kilonovae in the grey-body approximation. It can also create populations of these objects useful for forecasting detection and testing observing scenarios. Additionally, it uses an emulator for the grey-opacity of the material calibrated against a suite of numerical radiation transport simulations with the code SuperNu (ascl:2103.019).

[ascl:2306.051] Hitomi: Cosmological analysis of anisotropic galaxy distributions

Hitomi provides a comprehensive set of codes for cosmological analysis of anisotropic galaxy distributions using two- and three-point statistics: two-point correlation function (2PCF), power spectrum, three-point correlation function (3PCF), and bispectrum. The code can measure the Legendre-expanded 2PCF and power spectrum from an observed sample of galaxies, and can measure the 3PCF and bispectrum expanded using the Tripolar spherical harmonic (TripoSH) function. Hitomi is basically a serial code, but can also implement MPI parallelization. Hitomi uses MPI to read multiple different input parameters simultaneously.

[ascl:2306.050] SubgridClumping: Clumping factor for large low-resolution N-body simulations

SubgridClumping derives the parameters for the global, in-homogeneous and stochastic clumping model and then computes the clumping factor for large low-resolution N-body simulations smoothed on a regular grid. Written for the CUBEP3M simulation, the package contains two main modules. The first derives the three clumping model parameters for a given small high-resolution simulation; the second computes a clumping factor cube (same mesh-size as input) for the three models for the given density field of a large low-resolution simulation.

[ascl:2306.049] ARPACK-NG: Large scale eigenvalue problem solver

ARPACK-NG provides a common repository with maintained versions and a test suite for the ARPACK (ascl:1311.010) code, which is no longer updated; it is a collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems. ARPACK-NG offers routines for banded matrices, singular value decomposition, single and double precision real arithmetic versions for symmetric, non-symmetric standard or generalized problems, and a reverse communication interface (RCI). It also provides example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement numerous shift-invert strategies for all problem types, data types and precision, in addition to other tools. The ARPACK-NG project, started by Debian, Octave, and Scilab, is now a community project maintained by volunteers.

[ascl:2306.048] MG-PICOLA: Simulating cosmological structure formation

MG-PICOLA is a modified version of L-PICOLA (ascl:1507.004) that extends the COLA approach for simulating cosmological structure formation to theories that exhibit scale-dependent growth. It can compute matter power-spectra (CDM and total), redshift-space multipole power-spectra P0,P2,P4 and do halofinding on the fly.

[ascl:2306.047] COLASolver: Particle-Mesh N-body code

COLASolver creates Particle-Mesh (PM) N-body simulations; the code is fast and very flexible, and can compute a wide range of models. For models with complex dynamics (screened models), it provides several options from doing it exactly to approximate but fast to just simulating linear theory equations. Every time-consuming operation is parallelized over MPI and OpenMP. It uses a slab-based parallelization that works well for fast approximate (COLA) simulations but does not perform as well for high resolution simulations. COLASolver can also be used as an analysis code for results from other simulations.

[ascl:2306.046] CHIPS: Circumstellar matter and light curves of interaction-powered transients simulator

CHIPS (Complete History of Interaction-Powered Supernovae) simulates the circumstellar matter and light curves of interaction-powered transients. Coupled with MESA (ascl:1010.083), the combined codes can obtain the circumstellar matter profile and light curves of the interaction-powered supernovae. CHIPS generates a realistic CSM from a model-agnostic mass eruption calculation, which can serve as a reference for observers to compare with various observations of the CSM. The code can also generate bolometric light curves from CSM interaction, which can be compared with observed light curves. The calculation of mass eruption and light curve typically takes respectively half a day and half an hour on modern CPUs.

[ascl:2306.045] nuPyProp: Propagate neutrinos through the earth

nuPyProp simulates tau neutrino and muon neutrino interactions in the Earth and predicts the spectrum of the τ-leptons and muons that emerge. The code produces tables of charged lepton exit probabilities and energies that can be used directly or as inputs to nuSpaceSim (ascl:2306.043), which is designed to simulate optical and radio signals from extensive air showers induced by the emerging charged leptons.

[ascl:2306.044] nuSpaceSim: Cosmic neutrino simulation

nuSpaceSim simulates upward-going extensive air showers caused by neutrino interactions with the atmosphere. It is an end-to-end, neutrino flux to space-based signal detection, modeling tool for the design of sub-orbital and space-based neutrino detection experiments. This comprehensive suite of modeling packages accepts an experimental design input and then models the experiment's sensitivity to both the diffuse, cosmogenic neutrino flux as well as astrophysical neutrino transient events, such as that postulated from binary neutron star (BNS) mergers. nuSpaceSim calculates the tau neutrino acceptance for the Optical Cherenkov technique; tau propagation is interpolated using included data tables from nupyprop (ascl:2306.044). The simulation is parameterized by an input XML configuration file, with settings for detector characteristics and global parameters; nuSpaceSim also provides a python API for programmatic access.

[ascl:2306.043] SHERLOCK: Explore Kepler, K2, and TESS data

The end-to-end SHERLOCK (Searching for Hints of Exoplanets fRom Lightcurves Of spaCe-based seeKers) pipeline allows users to explore data from space-based missions to search for planetary candidates. It can recover alerted candidates by the automatic pipelines such as SPOC and the QLP, Kepler objects of interest (KOIs) and TESS objects of interest (TOIs), and can search for candidates that remain unnoticed due to detection thresholds, lack of data exploration, or poor photometric quality. SHERLOCK has six different modules to perform its tasks; these modules can be executed by filling in an initial YAML file with some basic information and using a few lines of code sequentially to pass from one step to the next. Alternatively, the user may provide with the light curve in a csv file, where the time, normalized flux, and flux error are provided in columns in comma-separated format.

[ascl:2306.042] CONDUCT: Electron transport coefficients of magnetized stellar plasmas

CONDUCT calculates all components of kinetic tensors in fully ionized electron-ion plasmas at arbitrary magnetic field. It employs a thermal averaging with the Fermi distribution function and can be used when electrons are partially degenerate; it provides, along with the electrical and thermal conductivities, also thermopower (thermoelectric coefficient). CONDUCT takes into account collisions of the electrons with ions and (in solid phase) charged impurities as well as quantum effects on ionic motion in the solid phase. The code's outputs are the longitudinal, transverse, and off-diagonal (Hall) components of electrical and thermal conductivity tensors as well as the components of thermoelectric tensor.

[ascl:2306.041] COFFE: COrrelation Function Full-sky Estimator

COFFE (COrrelation Function Full-sky Estimator) computes quantities in linear perturbation theory. It computes the full-sky and flat-sky 2-point correlation function (2PCF) of galaxy number counts, taking into account all of the effects, including density, RSD, and lensing. It also determines the full-sky, flat-sky, and redshift-averaged multipoles of the 2PCF, and the flat-sky Gaussian covariance matrix of the multipoles of the 2PCF.

[ascl:2306.040] PEPITA: Prediction of Exoplanet Precisions using Information in Transit Analysis

PEPITA (Prediction of Exoplanet Precisions using Information in Transit Analysis) makes predictions for the precision of exoplanet parameters using transit light-curves. The code uses information analysis techniques to predict the best precision that can be obtained by fitting a light-curve without actually needing to perform the fit, thus allowing more efficient planning of observations or re-observations.

[ascl:2306.039] GRChombo: Numerical relativity simulator

GRChombo performs numerical relativity simulations. It uses Chombo (ascl:1202.008) for adaptive mesh refinement and can evolve standard spacetimes such as binary black hole mergers and scalar collapses into black holes. The code supports non-trivial many-boxes-in-many-boxes mesh hierarchies and massive parallelism and evolves the Einstein equation using the standard BSSN formalism. GRChombo is written in C++14 and uses hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelism and vector intrinsics to achieve good performance.

[ascl:2306.038] FacetClumps: Molecular clump detection algorithm based on Facet model

FacetClumps extracts and analyses clumpy structure in molecular clouds. Written in Python and based on the Gaussian Facet model, FacetClumps extracts signal regions using morphology, and segments the signal regions into local regions with a gradient-based method. It then applies a connectivity-based minimum distance clustering method to cluster the local regions to the clump centers. FacetClumps automatically adjusts its parameters to local situations to improve adaptability, and is optimized to detect faint and overlapping clumps.

[ascl:2306.037] CADET: X-ray cavity detection tool

The machine learning pipeline CADET (CAvity DEtection Tool) finds and size-estimates arbitrary surface brightness depressions (X-ray cavities) on noisy Chandra images of galaxies. The pipeline is a self-standing Python script and inputs either raw Chandra images in units of counts (numbers of captured photons) or normalized background-subtracted and/or exposure-corrected images. CADET saves corresponding pixel-wise as well as decomposed cavity predictions in FITS format and also preserves the WCS coordinates; it also outputs a PNG file showing decomposed predictions for individual scales.

[ascl:2306.036] IDEFIX: Astrophysical fluid dynamics

Idefix solves non-relativistic HD and MHD equations on various grid geometries. Based on a Godunov finite-volume method, this astrophysical flows code includes a wide choice of solvers and several modules, including constrained transport, orbital advection, and non-ideal MHD, to address complex astrophysical and fluid dynamics applications. Written in C++, Idefix relies on the Kokkos meta-programming library to guarantee performance portability on a wide variety of architectures.

[ascl:2306.035] CONCEPT: COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon

CONCEPT (COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon) simulates cosmological structure formation. It can simulate matter particles evolving under self-gravity in an expanding background. The code offers multiple gravitational solvers and has adaptive time integration built in. In addition to particles, CONCEPT also evolves fluids at various levels of non-linearity, providing the means for the inclusion of more exotic species such as massive neutrinos, as well as for simulations consistent with general relativistic perturbation theory. Various non-standard species, such as decaying cold dark matter, are fully supported. CONCEPT includes a sophisticated initial condition generator and can output snapshots, power spectra, bispectra ,and several kinds of renders.

[ascl:2306.034] COLT: Monte Carlo radiative transfer and simulation analysis toolkit

COLT (Cosmic Lyman-alpha Transfer) is a Monte Carlo radiative transfer (MCRT) solver for post-processing hydrodynamical simulations on arbitrary grids. These include a plane parallel slabs, spherical geometry, 3D Cartesian grids, adaptive resolution octrees, unstructured Voronoi tessellations, and secondary outputs. COLT also includes several visualization and analysis tools that exploit the underlying ray-tracing algorithms or otherwise benefit from an efficient hybrid MPI + OpenMP parallelization strategy within a flexible C++ framework.

[ascl:2306.033] lasso_spectra: Predict properties from galaxy spectra using Lasso regression

lasso_spectra fits Lasso regression models to data, specifically galaxy spectra. It contains two classes for performing the actual model fitting. GeneralizedLasso is a tensorflow implementation of Lasso regression, which includes the ability to use link functions. SKLasso is a wrapper around the scikit-learn Lasso implementation intended to give the same syntax as GeneralizedLasso. It is much faster and more reliable, but does not support generalized linear models.

[ascl:2306.032] CosmoGraphNet: Cosmological parameters and galaxy power spectrum from galaxy catalogs

CosmoGraphNet infers cosmological parameters or the galaxy power spectrum. It creates a graph from a galaxy catalog with information the 3D position and intrinsic galactic properties. A Graph Neural Network is then applied to predict the cosmological parameters or the galaxy power spectrum.

[ascl:2306.031] ECLIPSE: Efficient Cmb poLarization and Intensity Power Spectra Estimator

ECLIPSE (Efficient Cmb poLarization and Intensity Power Spectra Estimator) implements an optimized version of the Quadratic Maximum Likelihood (QML) method for the estimation of the power spectra of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from masked skies. Written in Fortran, ECLIPSE can be used in a personal computer but also benefits from the capabilities of a supercomputer to tackle large scale problems; it is designed to run parallel on many MPI tasks. ECLIPSE analyzes masked CMB maps in which the signal can be affected by the beam and pixel window functions. The masks of intensity and polarization can be different and the noise can be isotropic or anisotropic. The program can estimate auto and cross-correlation power spectrum, that can be binned or unbinned.

[ascl:2306.030] Butterpy: Stellar butterfly diagram and rotational light curve simulator

Butterpy simulates star spot emergence, evolution, decay, and stellar rotational light curves. It tests the recovery of stellar rotation periods using different frequency analysis techniques. Butterpy can simulate light curves of stars with variable activity level, rotation period, spot lifetime, magnetic cycle duration and overlap, spot emergence latitudes, and latitudinal differential rotation shear.

[ascl:2306.029] Mixclask: Mixing Cloudy and SKIRT

Mixclask combines Cloudy (ascl:9910.001) and SKIRT (ascl:1109.003) to predict spectra and gas properties in astrophysical contexts, such as galaxies and HII regions. The main output is the mean intensity of a region filled with stars, gas and dust at different positions, assuming axial symmetry. The inputs for Mixclask are the stellar and ISM data for each region and an file for the positions (x,y,z) that will be output.

[ascl:2306.028] rfast: Planetary spectral forward and inverse modeling tool

rfast ingests tables of opacities and generates synthetic spectra of worlds and retrieves real or simulated spectral observations. It can add noise, perform inverse modeling, and plot results. The tool can be applied to simulated and real observations spanning reflected-light, thermal emission, and transit transmission. Retrieval parameters can be toggled and parameters can be retrieved in log or linear space and adopt a Gaussian or flat prior.

[ascl:2306.027] PEP: Planetary Ephemeris Program

Planetary Ephemeris Program (PEP) computes numerical ephemerides and simultaneously analyzes a heterogeneous collection of astrometric data. Written in Fortran, it is a general-purpose astrometric data-analysis program and models orbital motion in the solar system, determines orbital initial conditions and planetary masses, and has been used to, for example, measure general relativistic effects and test physics theories beyond the standard model. PEP also models pulsar motions and distant radio sources, and can solve for sky coordinates for radio sources, plasma densities, and the second harmonic of the Sun's gravitational field.

[ascl:2306.026] Parthenon: Portable block-structured adaptive mesh refinement framework

The Parthenon framework, derived from Athena++ (ascl:1912.005), handles massively-parallel, device-accelerated adaptive mesh refinement. It provides a device first/device resident approach, transparent packing of data across blocks (to reduce/hide kernel launch latency), and direct device-to-device communication via asynchronous, one-sided MPI communication to enable high performance. Parthenon uses an intermediate abstraction layer to hide complexity of device kernel launches, offers support for particles and abstract variable control via metadata tags, and has a flexible plug-in package system.

[ascl:2306.025] ALminer: ALMA archive mining and visualization toolkit

ALminer queries, analyzes, and visualizes the ALMA Science Archive. Users can programmatically query the archive for positions, target names, or other keywords in the archive metadata (such as proposal title, abstract, or scientific category). ALminer's plotting routines allow the query results to be visualized, and its analysis functions allow users to filter the results and check whether certain frequencies of interest are covered in the queried observations. The code also allows users to directly download ALMA data products in FITS format and/or the raw data that can be used for manual image processing. ALminer has been designed to make mining the ALMA archive as simple as possible, while being flexible to be customized according to the user's scientific interests. The code is released with a detailed tutorial Jupyter notebook, introducing ALminer's common functions as well as some of its more advanced options.

[ascl:2306.024] COpops: Compute CO sizes and fluxes

COpops computes semi-analytically the CO flux of a disc (given initial conditions and age) under the assumption of LTE and optically thick emission. It then runs disc population synthesis using observationally-informed initial conditions. CO fluxes is one of the most easily accessible observables for studying disc evolution; COpops is a faster alternative to running computationally-expensive thermochemical models for hundreds of discs and is accurate, recovering agreement within a factor of three.

[ascl:2306.023] RELAGN: AGN SEDs with full GR ray tracing

RELAGN creates spectral models for the calculation of AGN SEDs, ranging from the Optical/UV (outer accretion disc) to the Hard X-ray (Innermost X-ray Corona). The code is available in two languages, Python and Fortran. The Fortran version is written to be used with the spectral fitting software XSPEC (ascl:9910.005), and is the preferred version for analyzing X-ray spectral data. The Python version provides more flexibility for modeling. Whereas the Fortran version produces only a spectrum, the Python implementation can extract the physical properties of the system (such as the physical mass accretion rate, disc size, and efficiency parameters) since these are all stored as attributes within the model. Both versions require a working installation of HEASOFT (ascl:1408.004).

[ascl:2306.022] apollinaire: Helioseismic and asteroseismic peakbagging frameworks

apollinaire provides functions and a framework for helioseismic and asteroseismic instruments data managing and analysis, and includes all the tools necessary to analyze the acoustic oscillations of solar-like stars. The core of the package is the peakbagging library, which provides a full framework to extract oscillation modes parameters from solar and stellar power spectra.

[ascl:2306.021] pipes_vis: Interactive GUI and visualizer tool for SPS spectra

pipes_vis is an interactive graphical user interface for visualizing SPS spectra. Powered by Bagpipes (ascl:2104.017), it provides real-time manipulation of a model galaxy's star formation history, dust, and other relevant properties through sliders and text boxes.

[ascl:2306.020] mockFRBhosts: Limiting the visibility and follow-up of FRB host galaxies

mockFRBhosts estimates the fraction of FRB hosts that can be cataloged with redshifts by existing and future optical surveys. The package uses frbpoppy (ascl:1911.009) to generate a population of FRBs for a given radio telescope. For each FRB, a host galaxy is drawn from a data base generated by GALFORM (ascl:1510.005). The galaxies' magnitudes in different photometric surveys are calculated as are the number of bands in which they are detected. mockFRBhosts also calculates the follow-up time in a 10-m optical telescope required to do photometry or spectroscopy and provides a simple interface to Bayesian inference methods via MCMC simulations provided in the FRB package (ascl:2306.018).

[ascl:2306.019] realfast: Real-time interferometric data analysis for the VLA

The transient search pipeline realfast integrates with the real-time environment at the Very Large Array (VLA) to look for fast radio bursts, pulsars, and other rare astrophysical transients. The software monitors multicast messages, catches visibility data, and defines a fast transient search pipeline with rfpipe (ascl:1710.002). It indexes candidate transients and other metadata for the search interface, and writes and archives new visibility files for candidate transients. realfast provides support for GPU algorithms, manages distributed futures, and performs blind injection and management of mock transients, among other tasks, and rapidly distributes data products and transient alerts to the public.

[ascl:2306.018] FRB: Fast Radio Burst calculations, estimations, and analysis

FRB performs calculations, estimations, analysis, and Bayesian inferences for Fast Radio Bursts, including dispersion measure and emission measure calculations, derived properties and spectrums, and Galactic RM.

[ascl:2306.017] Zeus21: Simulations of 21-cm at cosmic dawn

Zeus21 (Zippy Early-Universe Solver for 21-cm) captures the nonlocal and nonlinear physics of cosmic dawn to create an effective model for the 21-cm power spectrum and global signal. The code takes advantage of the approximate log-normality of the star-formation rate density (SFRD) during cosmic dawn to compute the 21-cm power spectrum analytically. It agrees with more expensive semi-numerical simulations to roughly 10% precision, but has comparably negligible computational cost (~ s) and memory requirements. Zeus21 pairs well with data from HERA, but can be used for any 21-cm inference or prediction. Its capabilities include finding the 21-cm power spectrum (at a broad range of k and z), the global signal, IGM temperatures (Tk, Ts, Tcolor), neutral fraction xHI, Lyman-alpha fluxes, and the evolution of the SFRD; all across cosmic dawn z=5-35. It can also predict UVLFs for HST and JWST. Zeus21 can use three different astrophysical models, one of which emulates 21cmFAST (ascl:1102.023), and can vary the cosmology through CLASS (ascl:1106.020).

[ascl:2306.016] SuperRad: Black hole superradiance gravitational waveform modeler

SuperRad models ultralight boson clouds that arise through black hole superradiance. It uses numerical results in the relativistic regime combined with analytic estimates to describe the dynamics and gravitational wave signals of ultralight scalar or vector clouds. Written in Python, SuperRad includes a set of testing routines that check the internal consistency of the package; these tests mainly serve the purpose of ensuring functionality of the waveform model but can also be utilized to check that SuperRad works as intended.

[ascl:2306.015] Mangrove: Infer galaxy properties using dark matter merger trees

Mangrove uses Graph Neural Networks to regress baryonic properties directly from full dark matter merger trees to infer galaxy properties. The package includes code for preprocessing the merger tree, and training the model can be done either as single experiments or as a sweep. Mangrove provides loss functions, learning rate schedulers, models, and a script for doing the training on a GPU.

[ascl:2306.014] AIOLOS: Planetary atmosphere accretion and escape simulations

AIOLOS solves differential equations for hydrodynamics, friction, (thermal) radiation transport and (photo)chemistry for simulating accretion onto, and hydrodynamic escape from, planetary atmospheres. The 1-D multispecies, multiphysics hydrodynamics code, written in C++, compiles in a flexible mode that runs problems with any number of input species, and can be sped up by setting the number of species at compile time, and allows the user to provide initial conditions or boundary conditions if desired. AIOLOS provides output and diagnostic files that give snapshots in time of the state of the simulation. Output files are specific to each species, and diagnostic files contain summary as well as detailed information for, for example, the radiation transport, opacities for all species, and optical cell depths per band, in addition to other information.

[ascl:2306.013] SCONCE-SCMS: Spherical and conic cosmic web finders with extended SCMS algorithms

SCONCE-SCMS detects cosmic web structures, primarily cosmic filaments and the associated cosmic nodes, from a collection of discrete observations with the extended subspace constrained mean shift (SCMS) algorithms on the unit (hyper)sphere (in most cases, the 2D (RA,DEC) celestial sphere), and the directional-linear products space (most commonly, the 3D (RA,DEC,redshift) light cone).

The subspace constrained mean shift (SCMS) algorithm is a gradient ascent typed method dealing with the estimation of local principal curves, more widely known as density ridges. The one-dimensional density ridge traces over the curves where observational data are highly concentrated and thus serves as a natural model for cosmic filaments in our Universe. Modeling cosmic filaments as density ridges enables efficient estimation by the kernel density estimator (KDE) and the subsequent SCMS algorithm in a statistically consistent way. While the standard SCMS algorithm can identify the density ridges in any "flat" Euclidean space, it exhibits large bias in estimating the density ridges on the data space with a non-linear curvature. The extended SCMS algorithms used in SCONCE-SCMS are adaptive to the spherical and conic geometries and resolve the estimation bias of the standard SCMS algorithm on a 2D (RA,DEC) celestial sphere or 3D (RA,DEC,redshift) light cone.

[ascl:2306.012] ZodiPy: Zodiacal emission simulations in timestreams or HEALPix for solar system observers

ZodiPy simulates the zodiacal emission in intensity that an arbitrary solar system observer is predicted to see given an interplanetary dust model, either in the form of timestreams or full-sky HEALPix maps. Written in Python, the code makes zodiacal emission simulations more accessible by providing a simple interface to existing models.

[ascl:2306.011] margarine: Posterior sampling and marginal Bayesian statistics

Margarine computes marginal bayesian statistics given a set of samples from an MCMC or nested sampling run. Specifically, the code calculates marginal Kullback-Leibler divergences and Bayesian dimensionalities using Masked Autoregressive Flows and Kernel Density Estimators to learn and sample posterior distributions of signal subspaces in high dimensional data models, and determines the properties of cosmological subspaces, such as their log-probability densities and how well constrained they are, independent of nuisance parameters. Margarine thus allows for direct and specific comparison of the constraining ability of different experimental approaches, which can in turn lead to improvements in experimental design.

[ascl:2306.010] MOBSE: Massive Objects in Binary Stellar Evolution

MOBSE investigates the demography of merging BHBs. A customized version of the binary stellar evolution code BSE (ascl:1303.014), MOBSE includes metallicity-dependent prescriptions for mass-loss of massive hot stars and upgrades for the evolution of single and binary massive stars.

[ascl:2306.009] Albatross: Stellar stream parameter inference with neural ratio estimation

Albatross analyzes Milky Way stellar streams. This Simulation-Based Inference (SBI) library is built on top of swyft (ascl:2302.016), which implements neural ratio estimation to efficiently access marginal posteriors for all parameters of interest. Using swyft for its internal Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation (TMNRE) algorithm and sstrax (ascl:2306.008) for fast simulation and modeling, Albatross provides a modular inference pipeline to support parameter inference on all relevant parts of stellar stream models.

[ascl:2306.008] sstrax: Fast stellar stream modelling in JAX

sstrax provides fast simulations of Milky Way stellar stream formation. Using JAX (ascl:2111.002) acceleration to support code compilation, sstrax forward models all aspects of stream formation, including evolution in gravitational potentials, tidal disruption and observational models, in a fully modular way. Although sstrax is a standalone python package, it was also developed to integrate directly with the Albatross (ascl:2306.009) inference pipeline, which performs inference on all relevant aspects of the stream model.

[ascl:2306.007] PhotoParallax: Data-driven photometric parallaxes built with Gaia and 2MASS

PhotoParallax calculates photometric parallaxes for distant stars in the Gaia TGAS catalog without any use of physical stellar models or stellar density models of the Milky Way. It uses the geometric parallaxes to calibrate a photometric model that is purely statistical, which is a model of the data rather than a model of stars per se.

[ascl:2306.006] β-SGP: Scaled Gradient Projection algorithm using β-divergence

β-SGP deconvolves an astronomical image with a known Point Spread Function, providing a means for restoration of telescopic images due to issues ranging from atmospheric turbulence to instrumental aberrations. The code supports improved astrometry, deblending of overlapping sources, faint source detection, and identification of point sources near bright extended objects, and other tasks. β-SGP generalizes the Scaled Gradient Projection (SGP) image deconvolution algorithm using β-divergence as a loss function to restore distorted stellar shapes.

[ascl:2306.005] Delight: Photometric redshift via Gaussian processes with physical kernels

Delight infers photometric redshifts in deep galaxy and quasar surveys. It uses a data-driven model of latent spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and a physical model of photometric fluxes as a function of redshift, thus leveraging the advantages of both machine- learning and template-fitting methods by building template SEDs directly from the training data. Delight obtains accurate redshift point estimates and probability distributions and can also be used to predict missing photometric fluxes or to simulate populations of galaxies with realistic fluxes and redshifts.

[submitted] Turbospectrum_NLTE

Latest version of TS (Turbospectrum), with NLTE capabilities.
Computation of stellar spectra (flux and intensities) in 1D or average stellar atmosphere models.
In order to compute NLTE stellar spectra, additional data is needed, downloadable outside GitHub.
See documentation in DOC folder

Python wrappers are available at and
They allow interpolation between models and fitting of spectra to derive stellar parameters.

[ascl:2306.004] TIDYMESS: TIdal DYnamics of Multi-body ExtraSolar Systems

The N-body code TIDYMESS (TIdal DYnamics of Multi-body ExtraSolar Systems) can describe the mass distribution of each body its inertia tensor and directly and self-consistently integrates orbit, spin, and inertia tensors. It manages the deformation of a body follows the tidal Creep model and includes the centrifugal force and tidal force. Written in C++, TIDYMESS is available as a standalone package and also through the AMUSE framework (ascl:1107.007).

[ascl:2306.003] SAVED21cm: Global 21cm signal extraction pipeline

SAVED21cm extracts the 21cm signal from the simulated mock observation for the Radio Experiment for the Analysis of Cosmic Hydrogen (REACH). Though built for the REACH experiment, this 21cm signal extraction pipeline can in principle can be utilized for any global 21cm experiment. The toolkit is based on a pattern recognition framework using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the 21cm and foreground training set. SAVED21cm finds the patterns in the training sets and properly models the chromatic distortions with a better basis than the polynomials.

[ascl:2306.002] sbi: Simulation-based inference toolkit

Simulation-based inference is the process of finding parameters of a simulator from observations. The PyTorch package sbi performs simulation-based inference by taking a Bayesian approach to return a full posterior distribution over the parameters, conditional on the observations. This posterior can be amortized (i.e. useful for any observation) or focused (i.e.tailored to a particular observation), with different computational trade-offs. The code offers a simple interface for one-line posterior inference.

[ascl:2306.001] HAFFET: Supernovae photometric and spectroscopic data analyzer

HAFFET (Hybrid Analytic Flux FittEr for Transients) analyzes supernovae photometric and spectroscopic data. It handles observational data for a set of targets, estimates their physical parameters, and visualizes the population of inferred parameters. HAFFET defines two classes, snobject for data and fittings for one specific object, and snelist to organize the overall running for a list of objects. The HAFFET package includes utilities for downloading SN data from online sources, intepolating multi band lightcurves, characterizing the first light and rising of SNe with power law fits, and matching epochs of different bands. It can also calculate colors, and/or construct the spectral energy distribution (SED), estimate bolometric LCs and host galaxy extinction, fit the constructed bolometric lightcurves to different models, and identify and fit the absorption minima of spectral lines, in addition to performing other tasks. In addition to utilizing the built-in models, users can add their own models or import models from other python packages.

[ascl:2305.025] CELEBI: Precision localizations and polarimetric data for fast radio bursts

The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) has been enabled by the Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients Collaboration (CRAFT) to detect Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) in real-time and save raw antenna voltages containing FRB detections. CELEBI, the CRAFT Effortless Localization and Enhanced Burst Inspection pipeline, extends CRAFT’s existing software to process ASKAP voltages to produce sub-arcsecond precision localizations and polarimetric data at time resolutions as fine as 3 ns of FRB events. CELEBI uses Nextflow (ascl:2305.024) to link together Bash and Python code to perform software correlation, interferometric imaging, and beamforming, thereby making use of common astronomical software packages.

[ascl:2305.024] Nextflow: DSL for data-driven computational pipelines

Nextflow enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers. It allows the adaptation of pipelines written in the most common scripting languages. Its fluent DSL simplifies the implementation and the deployment of complex parallel and reactive workflows on clouds and clusters. Nextflow supports deploying workflows on a variety of execution platforms including local, HPC schedulers, AWS Batch, Google Cloud Life Sciences, and Kubernetes. Additionally, it provides support for workflow dependencies through built-in support for, for example, Conda, Spack, Docker, Podman, Singularity, and Modules.

[ascl:2305.023] GLASS: Cosmological simulations on the sphere

GLASS (Generator for Large Scale Structure) produces cosmological simulations on the sphere. The full, three-dimensional past light cone of the observer is discretized into a sequence of nested shells, which are further discretized in the angular dimensions into maps of the sphere. GLASS was originally designed to simulate cosmic matter, weak gravitational lensing, and galaxy positions, but its flexible design and open architecture allows it to be used for a wide range of cosmological and astrophysical simulations on the sphere.

[ascl:2305.022] GrGadget: Evolve metric perturbations in the weak field limit

GrGadget merges the Particle-Mesh (PM) relativistic GEVOLUTION code (ascl:1608.014) with the TreePM GADGET-4 code (ascl:2204.014) to create a TreePM simulation code that represents metric perturbations at the scales where they are relevant while resolving non-linear structures. The better resolution of the highly non-linear regime improves the representation of the relativistic fields sampled on the mesh with respect to PM-only simulations.

[ascl:2305.021] COLIBRI: Cosmological libraries in Python

COLIBRÌ (which roughly stands for “Cosmological Libraries”) computes cosmological quantities such as ages, distances, power spectra, and correlation functions. It supports Lambda-CDM cosmologies plus extensions including massive neutrinos, non-flat geometries, evolving dark energy (w0-wa) models, and numerical recipes for f(R) gravity. COLIBRÌ is built especially for large-scale structure purposes and can interact with the Boltzmann solvers CAMB (ascl:1102.026) and CLASS (ascl:1106.020).

[ascl:2305.020] JEDI: James's EVE Dimming Index

JEDI searches for and characterizes coronal dimming in light curves produced from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Variability Experiment (EVE). The suite has a wrapper script that calls other functions, which can also be run independently assuming needed inputs from prior functions are provided. JEDI's functions fit light curves and return the best fit, compute precision for iron light curves, and find the biggest dimming depth and its time in a given light curve. JEDI also includes functions for finding the duration of the dimming, minimum, maximum, and mean slope of dimming of a light curve, and for identifying the biggest peak in two light curves, time shifting them so the peaks are concurrent, scaling them so the peaks are the same magnitude, and then subtracting them, among other useful functions.

[ascl:2305.019] sterile-dm: Sterile neutrino production

The sterile neutrino production code sterile-dm incorporates new elements to the calculations of the neutrino opacity at temperatures 10 MeV ≤ T ≤ 10 GeV and folds the asymmetry redistribution and opacity calculations into the sterile neutrino production computation, providing updated PSDs for the range of parameters relevant to the X-ray excess. The code requires several data files, which are included. With each run, sterile-dm creates a new output sub-directory that contains a parameter file listing the mass, mixing angle, initial lepton asymmetry and other information, a state file, which includes, among other states, the temperature and FRW coordinate time, and a set of snapshot files, one for each line in the state file.

[ascl:2305.018] GWSurrogate: Gravitational wave surrogate models

GWSurrogate provides an easy to use interface to gravitational wave surrogate models. Surrogates provide a fast and accurate evaluation mechanism for gravitational waveforms which would otherwise be found through solving differential equations. These equations must be solved in the “building” phase, which was performed using other codes.

[ascl:2305.017] simple-m2m: Extensions to the standard M2M algorithm for full modeling of observational data

Made-to-measure (M2M) is a standard technique for modeling the dynamics of astrophysical systems in which the system is modeled with a set of N particles with weights that are slowly optimized to fit a set of constraints while integrating these particles forward in the gravitational potential. Simple-m2m extends this standard technique to allow parameters of the system other than the particle weights to be fit as well, including nuisance parameters that describe the observer's relation to the dynamical system (e.g., the inclination) or parameters describing an external potential.

[ascl:2305.016] gw_pta_emulator: Gravitational Waves via Pulsar Timing Arrays

The gw_pta_emulator reads in gravitational wave (GW) characteristic strain spectra from black-hole population simulations, re-bins for the user's observing baseline, and constructs new spectra. The user can train a Gaussian process to emulate the spectral behavior at all frequencies across the astrophysical parameter space of supermassive black-hole binary environments.

[ascl:2305.015] EIDOS: Modeling primary beams of radio astronomy antennas

EIDOS models the primary beam of radio astronomy antennas. The code can be used to create MeerKAT L-band beams from both holographic (AH) observations and EM simulations within a maximum diameter of 10 degrees. The beam model is less accurate at higher frequencies, and performs much better below 1400 MHz. The diagonal terms of the model beam Jones matrix are much better known than the off-diagonal terms. The performance of EIDOS is dependent on the quality of the given AH and EM datasets; as more accurate AH models and EM simulations become available, this pipeline can be used to create more accurate sparse representation of primary beams using Zernike polynomials.

[ascl:2305.014] DP3: Streaming processing pipeline for radio interferometric data

DP3 (the Default Preprocessing Pipeline) is the LOFAR data pipeline processing program and is the successor to DPPP (ascl:1804.003). It performs many kinds of operations on the data in a pipelined way so the data are read and written only once. DP3 preprocesses the data of a LOFAR observation by executing steps such as flagging or averaging. Such steps can be used for the raw data as well as the calibrated data by defining the data column to use. One or more of the following steps can be defined as a pipeline. DP3 has an implicit input and output step. It is also possible to have intermediate output steps. DP3 comes with predefined steps, but also allows the user to plug in arbitrary steps implemented in either C++ or Python.

[ascl:2305.013] aartfaac2ms: Aartfaac datasets converter

aartfaac2ms converts raw Aartfaac correlator files to the casacore (ascl:1912.002) measurement set format. It phase rotates the data to a common phase center, and (optionally) flags, averages, and compresses the data. The code includes a tool, afedit, to splice a raw Aartfaac set based on LST.

[ascl:2305.012] KERN: Radio telescope toolkit

KERN contains most of the standard tools needed to work with radio telescope data. The suite saves time and reduces frustration in setting up of scientific pipelines, and also improves scientific reproducibility. It includes a wide variety of packages, including 21cmfast (ascl:1102.023), BRATS (ascl:1806.025), CARTA (ascl:2103.031), casacore (ascl:1912.002), CubiCal (ascl:1805.031), DDFacet (ascl:2305.008), PyBDSF (ascl:1502.007),TiRiFiC (ascl:1208.008), WSClean (ascl:1408.023), and many others. KERN can be run on a supported platform such as Ubuntu, with Docker and Singularity, or in a virtual machine.

[ascl:2305.011] DarkMappy: Mapping the dark universe

DarkMappy reconstructs maximum a posteriori (MAP) convergence maps by formulating an unconstrained Bayesian inference problem in order to implement hybrid Bayesian dark-matter reconstruction techniques on the plane and on the celestial sphere. These convergence maps support principled uncertainty quantification and provide hypothesis testing of structure, from which it is possible to distinguish between physical objects and artifacts of the reconstruction.

[ascl:2305.010] FLAGLET: Fast and exact wavelet transform on the ball

FLAGLET computes flaglet transforms with arbitrary spin direction, probing the angular features of this generic wavelet transform for rapid analysis of signals from wavelet coefficients. The code enables the decomposition of a band-limited signal into a set of flaglet maps that capture all information contained in the initial band-limited map, and it can reconstruct the individual flaglets at varying resolutions. FLAGLET relies upon the SSHT (ascl:2207.034), S2LET (ascl:1211.001), and SO3 codes to provide angular transforms and sampling theorems, as well as the FFTW (ascl:1201.015) code to compute Fourier transforms.

[ascl:2305.009] breizorro: Image masking tool

Given a FITS image, breizorro creates a binary mask. The software allows the user control various parameters and functions, such as setting a sigma threshold for masking, merging in or subtracting one or more masks or region files, filling holes, applying dilation within a defined radius of pixels, and inverting the mask.

[ascl:2305.008] DDFacet: Facet-based radio imaging package

DDFacet provides a wideband wide-field spectral imaging and deconvolution framework that accounts for generic direction-dependent effects (DDEs). It implements a wide-field coplanar faceting scheme and uses nontrivial facet-dependent w-kernels to correct for noncoplanarity within the facets. In the imaging and deconvolution steps, DDFacet can handle generic, spatially discrete, time-frequency-baseline-direction-dependent full polarization Jones matrices, and computes a direction dependent PSF for use in the minor cycle of deconvolution for time-frequency-baseline dependent Mueller matrices. The code also allows for the effects of time and bandwidth averaging to be explicitly incorporated into deconvolution. DDFacet has been successfully tested with data diverse telescopes such as LOFAR, VLA, MeerKAT AR1, and ATCA.

[ascl:2305.007] Stimela: Containerized radio interferometry scripting framework

stimela provides a system-agnostic scripting framework for simulating, processing, and imaging radio interferometric data. The framework executes radio interferometry related tasks such as imaging, calibration, and data synthesis in Docker containers using Python modules. stimela offers a simple interface to packages that perform these tasks rather than doing any data processing, synthesis or analysis itself. stimela only requires Docker and Python. Moreover, because of Docker, a stimela script runs the same way (in the same iso­lated environment) regardless of the host machine’s settings, thus providing a user-friendly and modular scripting environment that gives general users easy access to novel radio interferometry calibration, imaging, and synthesis packages.

This package is no longer under active development and has been superseded by Stimela2 (ascl:2412.002).

[ascl:2305.006] QuartiCal: Fast radio interferometric calibration

QuartiCal is the successor to CubiCal (ascl:1805.031). It implements a suite of fast radio interferometric calibration routines exploiting complex optimization. Unlike CubiCal, QuartiCal allows for any available Jones terms to be combined. It can also be deployed on a cluster.

[ascl:2305.005] killMS: Direction-dependent radio interferometric calibration package

killMS implements two very efficient algorithms for solving the Direction-Dependent calibration problem (also known as third generation calibration). This problem naturally arises in the Radio Interferometry Measurement Equation (RIME), but only became overwhelmingly problematic with the construction of the SKA precursors and pathfinders. Solving for the DDE calibration problem basically consists in inverting a number of non-linear equations, while the system is very large and often subject to ill conditioning. The two algorithms killMS uses are based on complex optimization techniques and exploit algorithmic shortcuts; killMS also runs an extended Kalman filter.

[ascl:2305.004] katdal: MeerKAT Data Access Library

katdal interacts with the chunk stores and HDF5 files produced by the MeerKAT radio telescope and its predecessors (KAT-7 and Fringe Finder), which are collectively known as MeerKAT Visibility Format (MVF) data sets. The library uses memory carefully, allowing data sets to be inspected and partially loaded into memory. Data sets may be concatenated and split via a flexible selection mechanism. In addition, katdal provides a script to convert these data sets to CASA MeasurementSets.

[ascl:2305.003] extrapops: Fast simulation and analysis of extra-galactic binary GW sources

extrapops simulates extra-galactic populations of gravitational waves sources and models their emission during the inspiral phase. The code approximately assesses the detectability of individual sources by LISA and computes the background due to unresolved sources in the LISA band using different methods. The simulated populations can be saved in a format compatible with LISA LDC. Simulations are well calibrated to produce accurate background calculations and fair random generation at the tails of the distributions, which is important for accurate probability of detectable events. extrapops uses a number of ad-hoc techniques for rapid simulation and allows room for further optimization up to almost 1 order of magnitude.

[ascl:2305.002] Virtual Telescope: Next-Generation Space Telescope Simulator

Virtual Telescope predicts the signal-to-noise and other parameters of imaging and/or spectroscopic observations as a function of telescope size, detector noise, and other factors for the Next-Generation Space Telescope.

[ascl:2305.001] FRIDDA: Fisher foRecast code for combIned reDshift Drift and Alpha

FRIDDA forecasts the cosmological impact of measurements of the redshift drift and the fine-structure constant (alpha) as well as their combination. The code is based on Fisher Matrix Analysis techniques and works for various fiducial cosmological models. Though designed for the ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph (ANDES), it is easily adaptable to other fiducial cosmological models and to other instruments with similar scientific goals.

[ascl:2304.006] JET: JWST Exoplanet Targeting

JET (JWST Exoplanet Targeting) optimizes lists of exoplanet targets for atmospheric characterization by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The software uses catalogs of planet detections, either simulated, or actual and categorizes targets by radius and equilibrium temperature; it also estimates planet masses and generates model spectra and simulated instrument spectra. JET then performs a statistical analysis to determine if the instrument spectra can confirm an atmospheric detection and finally ranks the targets within each category by observation time required for detection.

[ascl:2304.005] FALCO: Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer in Python

FALCO (Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer) performs coronagraphic focal plane wavefront correction. It includes routines for pair-wise probing estimation of the complex electric field and Electric Field Conjugation (EFC) control. FALCO utilizes and builds upon PROPER (ascl:1405.006) and rapidly computes the linearized response matrix for each DM, which facilitates re-linearization after each control step for faster DM-integrated coronagraph design and wavefront correction experiments. A MATLAB implementation of FALCO (ascl:2304.004) is also available.

[ascl:2304.004] FALCO: Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer in MATLAB

FALCO (Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer) performs coronagraphic focal plane wavefront correction. It includes routines for pair-wise probing estimation of the complex electric field and Electric Field Conjugation (EFC) control. FALCO utilizes and builds upon PROPER (ascl:1405.006) and rapidly computes the linearized response matrix for each DM, which facilitates re-linearization after each control step for faster DM-integrated coronagraph design and wavefront correction experiments. A Python 3 implementation of FALCO (ascl:2304.005) is also available.

[ascl:2304.003] BatAnalysis: HEASOFT wrapper for processing Swift-BAT data

BatAnalysis processes and analyzes Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) survey data in a comprehensive computational pipeline. The code downloads BAT survey data, batch processes the survey observations, and extracts light curves and spectra for each survey observation for a given source. BatAnalysis allows for the use of BAT survey data in advanced analyses of astrophysical sources including pulsars, pulsar wind nebula, active galactic nuclei, and other known/unknown transient events that may be detected in the hard X-ray band. BatAnalysis can also create mosaicked images at different time bins and extract light curves and spectra from the mosaicked images for a given source.

[ascl:2304.002] Applefy: Robust detection limits for high-contrast imaging

Applefy calculates detection limits for exoplanet high contrast imaging (HCI) datasets. The package provides features and functionalities to improve the accuracy and robustness of contrast curve calculations. Applefy implements the classical approach based on the t-test, as well as the parametric boostrap test for non-Gaussian residual noise. Applefy enables the comparison of imaging results across instruments with different noise characteristics.

[ascl:2304.001] ASSIST: Solar system test particles trajectories integrator

ASSIST integrates test particle trajectories in the field of the Sun, Moon, planets, and massive asteroids, with the positions of the masses obtained from the JPL DE441 ephemeris and its associated asteroid perturber file. Using REBOUND's (ascl:1110.016) IAS15 integrator, ASSIST incorporates the most significant gravitational harmonics and general relativistic corrections and accounts for position- and velocity-dependent non-gravitational effects. The first-order variational equations are included for all terms to support orbit fitting and covariance mapping.

[ascl:2303.020] HaloGraphNet: Predict halo masses from simulations

HaloGraphNet predicts halo masses from simulations using Graph Neural Networks. Given a dark matter halo and its galaxies, this software creates a graph with information about the 3D position, stellar mass and other properties. It then trains a Graph Neural Network to predict the mass of the host halo. Data are taken from the CAMELS hydrodynamic simulations.

[ascl:2303.019] pulsar_spectra: Pulsar flux density measurements, spectral models fitting, and catalog

pulsar_spectra provides a pulsar flux density catalog and automated spectral fitting software for finding spectral models. The package can also produce publication-quality plots and allows users to add new spectral measurements to the catalog. The spectral fitting software uses robust statistical methods to determine the best-fitting model for individual pulsar spectra.

[ascl:2303.018] MORPHOFIT: Morphological analysis of galaxies

MORPHOFIT consists of a series of modules for estimating galaxy structural parameters. The package uses SEXTRACTOR (ascl:1010.064) in forced photometry mode to get an initial estimate of the galaxy structural parameters and create a multiband catalog. It also uses GALFIT (ascl:1010.064), running it on galaxy stamps and galaxy regions from the parent image and also on galaxies from the full image using SEXTRACTOR properties as input. MORPHOFIT has been optimized and tested in both low-density and crowded environments, and can recover the input structural parameters of galaxies with good accuracy.

[ascl:2303.017] bajes: Bayesian Jenaer software

bajes [baɪɛs] provides a user-friendly interface for setting up a Bayesian analysis for an arbitrary model, and is specialized for the analysis of gravitational-wave and multi-messenger transients. The code runs a parameter estimation job, inferring the properties of the input model. bajes is designed to be simple-to-use and light-weighted with minimal dependencies on external libraries. The user can set up a pipeline for parameters estimation of multi-messenger transients by writing a configuration file containing the information to be passed to the executables. The package also includes tools and methods for data analysis of multi-messenger signals. The pipeline incorporates an interface with reduced-order-quadratude (ROQ) interpolants. In particular, the ROQ pipeline relies on the output provided by PyROQ-refactored.

[ascl:2303.016] SatGen: Semi-analytical satellite galaxy and dark matter halo generator

SatGen generates satellite-galaxy populations for host halos of desired mass and redshift. It combines halo merger trees, empirical relations for galaxy-halo connection, and analytic prescriptions for tidal effects, dynamical friction, and ram-pressure stripping. It emulates zoom-in cosmological hydrosimulations in certain ways and outperforms simulations regarding statistical power and numerical resolution.

[ascl:2303.015] SIDM: Density profiles of self-interacting dark-matter halos with inhabitant galaxies

The SIDM model combines the isothermal Jeans model and the model of adiabatic halo contraction into a simple semi-analytic procedure for computing the density profile of self-interacting dark-matter (SIDM) haloes with the gravitational influence from the inhabitant galaxies. It agrees well with cosmological SIDM simulations over the entire core-forming stage and up to the onset of gravothermal core-collapse. The fast speed of the method facilitates analyses that would be challenging for numerical simulations.

[ascl:2303.014] Delphes: Fast simulation of a generic collider experiment

Delphes simulates a fast multipurpose detector response. The simulation includes a tracking system, embedded into a magnetic field, calorimeters and a muon system. The Delphes framework is interfaced to standard file formats (e.g. Les Houches Event File or HepMC) and outputs observables such as isolated leptons, missing transverse energy and collection of jets that can be used for dedicated analyses. The simulation of the detector response takes into account the effect of magnetic field, the granularity of the calorimeters and sub-detector resolutions. Visualization of the final state particles is also built-in using the corresponding ROOT library.

[ascl:2303.013] FastJet: Jet finding in pp and e+e− collisions

The FastJet package provides fast native implementations of many sequential recombination algorithms, including the longitudinally invariant kt longitudinally invariant inclusive Cambridge/Aachen and anti-kt jet finders. It also provides a uniform interface to external jet finders via a plugin mechanism. FastJet also includes tools for calculating jet areas and performing background (pileup/UE) subtraction and for jet substructure analyses.

[ascl:2303.012] EvoEMD: Cosmic Evolution with an Early Matter-Dominated era

EvoEMD evaluates cosmic evolution with or without an early matter dominated (EMD) era. The framework includes global parameter, particle, and process systems, and different methods for Hubble parameter calculation. EvoEMD automatically builds up the Boltzmann equation according to the user's definition of particle and process,solves the Boltzmann equation using 4th order Runge-Kutta method with adaptive steps tailored to cosmology application, and caches the collision rate calculation results for fast evaluation.

[ascl:2303.011] Scri: Manipulate time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics

Scri manipulates time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics. It implements the BMS transformations of the most common gravitational waveforms, including the Newman-Penrose quantity ψ4, the Bondi news function, the shear spin coefficient σ, and the transverse-traceless metric perturbation h, as well as the remaining Newman-Penrose quantities ψ0 through ψ3.

[ascl:2303.010] spinsfast: Fast and exact spin-s spherical harmonic transforms

spinsfast is a fast spin-s spherical harmonic transform algorithm, which is flexible and exact for band-limited functions. It permits the computation of several distinct spin transforms simultaneously. Specifically, only one set of special functions is computed for transforms of quantities with any spin, namely the Wigner d matrices evaluated at π/2, which may be computed with efficient recursions. For any spin, the computation scales as O(L^3), where L is the band limit of the function.

[ascl:2303.009] Pandora: Fast exomoon transit detection algorithm

Pandora searches for exomoons by employing an analytical photodynamical model that includes stellar limb darkening, full and partial planet-moon eclipses, and barycentric motion of planet and moon. The code can be used with nested samplers such as UltraNest (ascl:1611.001) or dynesty (ascl:1809.013). Pandora is fast, calculating 10,000 models and log-likelihood evaluation per second (give or take an order of magnitude, depending on parameters and data); this means that a retrieval with 250 Mio. evaluations until convergence takes about 5 hours on a single core. For searches in large amounts of data, it is most efficient to assign one core per light curve.

[ascl:2303.008] nd-redshift: Number Density Redshift Evolution Code

Comparing galaxies across redshifts via cumulative number densities is a popular way to estimate the evolution of specific galaxy populations. nd-redshift uses abundance matching in the ΛCDM paradigm to estimate the median change in number density with redshift. It also provides estimates for the 1σ range of number densities corresponding to galaxy progenitors and descendants.

[ascl:2303.007] PyCom: Interstellar communication

PyCom provides function calls for deriving the optimal communication scheme to maximize the data rate between a remote probe and home-base. It includes models for the loss of photons from diffraction, technological limitations, interstellar extinction and atmospheric transmission, and manages major atmospheric, zodiacal, stellar and instrumental noise sources. It also includes scripts for creating figures appearing in the referenced paper.

[ascl:2303.006] GPCC: Gaussian process cross-correlation for time delay estimation

Gaussian Process Cross-Correlation (GPCC) uses Gaussian processes to estimate time delays for reverberation mapping (RM) of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). This statistically principled model delivers a posterior distribution for the delay and accounts for observational noise and the non-uniform sampling of the light curves. Written in Julia, GPCC quantifies the uncertainty and propagates it to subsequent calculations of dependent physical quantities, such as black hole masses. The code delivers out-of-sample predictions, which enables model selection, and can calculate the joint posterior delay for more than two light curves. Though written for RM, the software can also be applied to other fields where cross-correlation analysis is performed.

[ascl:2303.005] Blobby3D: Bayesian inference for gas kinematics

Blobby3D performs Bayesian inference for gas kinematics on emission line observations of galaxies using Integral Field Spectroscopy. The code robustly infers gas kinematics for regularly rotating galaxies even if the gas profiles have significant substructure. Blobby3D also infers gas kinematic properties free from the effects of beam smearing (where beam smearing is the effect of the observational seeing spatially blurring the gas profiles), which has significant effects on the observed gas kinematic properties, particularly the observed velocity dispersion.

[ascl:2303.004] naif: Frequency analysis package

naif extracts frequencies and respective amplitudes from time-series, such as that of an orbital coordinate. Based on the Numerical Analysis of Fundamental Frequencies (NAFF) algorithm and written in Python, naif offers some improvements, particularly in computation time. It also offers functions to plot the power-spectrum before extraction of each frequency, which can be useful for debugging particular orbits.

[ascl:2303.003] SeeKAT: Localizer for transients detected in tied-array beams

SeeKAT is a Python implementation of a novel maximum-likelihood estimation approach to localizing transients and pulsars detected in multiple MeerKAT tied-array beams at once to (sub-)arcsecond precision. It reads in list of detections (RA, Dec, S/N) and the beam PSF and computes a covariance matrix of the S/N value ratios, assuming 1-sigma Gaussian errors on each measurement. It models the aggregate beam response by arranging beam PSFs appropriately relative to each other and calculates a likelihood distribution of obtaining the observed S/N in each beam according to the modeled response. In addition, SeeKAT can plot the likelihood function over RA and Dec with 1-sigma uncertainty, overlaid on the beam coordinates and sizes.

[ascl:2303.002] line_selections: Automatic line detection for large spectroscopic surveys

The Python code line_selections reads synthetic "full" spectra and elemental spectra, automatically identifies the detectable lines at a given resolution (provided the linelist used to compute the spectra), and returns a table containing various properties of the lines (e.g., purity, central wavelength, and depth). The code then stores the information in a pandas DataFrame. line_selections demonstrates where chemical information is present in a stellar spectrum, and allows the user to optimize observational strategies, such as choosing resolution and spectra windows, as well as analysis codes with the application of high-quality masks.

[submitted] World Observatory

World Observatory visualizes S/N-versus-cost tradeoffs for large optical and near-infrared telescopes. Both mid-latitude and Arctic/Antarctic sites can be considered; the intent is a simple simulation to grow intuition for where major capital costs lie relative to key observatory design choices, and against expected scientific performance at various sites. User-defined unit costs for (a possibly "effective") roadway, enclosure, aperture, focal length, and adaptive optics can be scaled up for polar sites, and down for better seeing and lower sky brightness in K-band. Observatory models and results are immediately displayed side-by-side. Either point-source-detection S/N or recovery of bulge-to-total ratios in a simulated galaxy survey are divided by the total project cost, thus providing a universal metric.

[ascl:2303.001] cysgp4: Wrapper for C++ SGP4 satellite library

The cysgp4 Cython-powered package wraps the C++ SGP4 Library for computing satellite positions from two-line elements (TLE). It provides similar functionality as the sgp4 Python package, though also works well with arrays of TLEs and/or observing times and makes use of multi-core platforms (via OpenMP) to improve processing times.

[ascl:2302.026] HDMSpectra: Dark Matter Spectra from the electroweak to the Planck scale

HDMSpectra computes the decay spectrum for dark matter with masses above the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking, down to Planck scale and including all relevant electroweak interactions. The code determines the distribution of stable states for photons, neutrinos, positrons, and antiprotons.

[ascl:2302.025] Diffmah: Differentiable models of halo and galaxy formation history

Diffmah approximates the growth of individual halos as a simple power-law function of time, where the power-law index smoothly decreases as the halo transitions from the fast-accretion regime at early times to the slow-accretion regime at late times. The code has a typical accuracy of 0.1 dex for times greater than one billion years in halos of mass greater than 10e11 M_sun. Diffmah self-consistently captures the mean and variance of halo mass accretion rates across long time scales, and it generates Monte Carlo simulations of cosmologically-representative and differentiable halo histories.

[ascl:2302.024] DSPS: Differentiable Stellar Population Synthesis

DSPS synthesizes stellar populations, leading to fully-differentiable predictions for galaxy photometry and spectroscopy. The code implements an empirical model for stellar metallicity, and it also supports the Diffstar (ascl:2302.012) model of star formation and dark matter halo history. DSPS rapidly generates and simulates galaxy-halo histories on both CPU and GPU hardware.

[ascl:2302.023] AART: Adaptive Analytical Ray Tracing

AART (Adaptive Analytical Ray Tracing) exploits the integrability properties of the Kerr spacetime to compute high-resolution black hole images and their visibility amplitude on long interferometric baselines. It implements a non-uniform adaptive grid on the image plane suitable to study black hole photon rings (narrow ring-shaped features, predicted by general relativity but not yet observed). The code implements all the relevant equations required to compute the appearance of equatorial sources on the (far) observer's screen.

[ascl:2302.022] RALF: RADEX Line Fitter

The RADEX Line Fitter provides a Python 3 interface that calls RADEX (ascl:1010.075) to make a non-LTE fit to a set of observed lines and derive the column density of the molecule that produced the lines and optionally also the molecular hydrogen (H2) number density or the kinetic temperature of the molecule. This code requires RADEX to be installed locally.

[ascl:2302.021] AMICAL: Aperture Masking Interferometry Calibration and Analysis Library

AMICAL (Aperture Masking Interferometry Calibration and Analysis Library) processes Aperture Masking Interferometry (AMI) data from major existing facilities, such as NIRISS on the JWST, SPHERE and VISIR from the European Very Large Telescope (VLT) and VAMPIRES from SUBARU telescope. The library cleans the reduced datacube from the standard instrument pipelines, extracts the interferometrical quantities (visibilities and closure phases) using a Fourier sampling approach, and calibrates those quantities to remove the instrumental biases. In addition, two external packages (CANDID and Pymask) are included to analyze the final outputs obtained from a binary-like sources (star-star or star-planet); these stand-alone packages are interfaced with AMICAL to quickly estimate scientific results (e.g., separation, position angle, contrast ratio, and contrast limits) using different approaches.

[ascl:2302.020] UBER: Universal Boltzmann Equation Solver

UBER (Universal Boltzmann Equation Solver) solves the general form of Fokker-Planck equation and Boltzmann equation, diffusive or non-diffusive, that appear in modeling planetary radiation belts. Users can freely specify the coordinate system, boundary geometry and boundary conditions, and the equation terms and coefficients. The solver works for problems in one to three spatial dimensions. The solver is based upon the mathematical theory of stochastic differential equations. By its nature, the solver scheme is intrinsically Monte Carlo, and the solutions thus contain stochastic uncertainty, though the user may dictate an arbitrarily small relative tolerance of the stochastic uncertainty at the cost of longer Monte Carlo iterations.

[ascl:2302.019] MADCUBA: MAdrid Data CUBe Analysis

MADCUBA analyzes astronomical datacubes and multiple spectra from various astronomical facilities, including ALMA, Herschel, VLA, IRAM 30m, APEX, GBT, and others. These telescopes, and in particular ALMA, generate extremely large datacubes (spatial, spectral and polarization). This software combines a user-friendly interface and powerful data analysis system to derive the physical conditions of molecular gas, its chemical complexity and the kinematics from datacubes. Built using the ImageJ (ascl:1206.013) infrastructure, MADCUBA visualizes astronomical datacubes with thousands on spectral channels, and datasets with thousands of spectra; it also identifies molecular species using publicly available molecular catalogs. It can automatically derive the physical parameters of the molecular species: column density, excitation temperature, velocity and linewidths and provides the best non-linear least-squared fit using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, among other tasks.

[ascl:2302.018] GCP: Automated GILDAS-CLASS Pipeline

This library of scripts provides a simple interface for running the CLASS software from GILDAS (ascl:1305.010) in a semi-automatic way. Using these scripts, one can extract and organize spectra from data files in CLASS format (for example, .30m and .40m), reduce them, and even combine or average them once they are reduced. The library contains five Python scripts and two optional Julia scripts.

[ascl:2302.017] RichValues: Managing numeric values with uncertainties and upper/lower limits

RichValues transforms numeric values with uncertainties and upper/lower limits to create "rich values" that can be written in plain text documents in an easily readable format and used to propagate uncertainties automatically. Rich values can also be exported in the same formatting style as the import. The RichValues library uses a specific formatting style to represent the different kinds of rich values with plain text; it can also be used to create rich values within a script. Individual rich values can be used in, for example, tuples, lists, and dictionaries, and also in arrays and tables.

[ascl:2302.016] swyft: Scientific simulation-based inference at scale

swyft implements Truncated Marginal Neural Radio Estimation (TMNRE), a Bayesian parameter inference technique for complex simulation data. The code improves performance by estimating low-dimensional marginal posteriors rather than the joint posteriors of distributions, while also targeting simulations to targets of observational interest via an indicator function. The use of local amortization permits statistical checks, enabling validation of parameters that cannot be performed using sampling-based methods. swyft is also based on stochastic simulations, mapping parameters to observational data, and incorporates a simulator manager.

[ascl:2302.015] FCFC: C toolkit for computing correlation functions from pair counts

FCFC (Fast Correlation Function Calculator) computes correlation functions from pair counts. It supports the isotropic 2-point correlation function, anisotropic 2PCF, 2-D 2PCF, and 2PCF Legendre multipoles, among others. Written in C, FCFC takes advantage of three parallelisms that can be used simultaneously, distributed-memory processes via Message Passing Interface (MPI), shared-memory threads via Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP), and single instruction, multiple data (SIMD).

[ascl:2302.014] kima: Exoplanet detection in RVs with DNest4 and GPs

kima fits Keplerian curves to a set of RV measurements, using the Diffusive Nested Sampling (ascl:1010.029) algorithm to sample the posterior distribution for the model parameters. Additionally, the code can calculate the fully marginalized likelihood of a model with a given number of Keplerians and also infer the number of Keplerian signals detected in a given dataset. kima implements dedicated models for different analyses of a given dataset. The models share a common organization, but each has its own parameters (and thus priors) and settings.

[ascl:2302.013] SASHIMI-C: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Cold Dark Matter

SASHIMI-C calculates various subhalo properties efficiently using semi-analytical models for cold dark matter (CDM), providing a full catalog of dark matter subhalos in a host halo with arbitrary mass and redshift. Each subhalo is characterized by its mass and density profile both at accretion and at the redshift of interest, accretion redshift, and effective number (or weight) corresponding to that particular subhalo. SASHIMI-C computes the subhalo mass function without making any assumptions such as power-law functional forms; the only assumed power law is that for the primordial power spectrum predicted by inflation. The code is not limited to numerical resolution nor to Poisson shot noise, and its results are well in agreement with those from numerical N-body simulations.

[ascl:2302.012] Diffstar: Differentiable star formation histories

Diffstar fits the star formation history (SFH) of galaxies to a smooth parametric model. Diffstar differs from existing SFH models because the parameterization of the model is directly based on basic features of galaxy formation physics, including halo mass assembly history, accretion of gas into the dark matter halo, the fraction of gas that is converted into stars, the time scale over which star formation occurs, and the possibility of rejuvenated star formation. The SFHs of a large number of simulated galaxies can be fit in parallel using mpi4py.

[ascl:2302.011] UniverseMachine: Empirical model for galaxy formation

The UniverseMachine applies simple empirical models of galaxy formation to dark matter halo merger trees. For each model, it generates an entire mock universe, which it then observes in the same way as the real Universe to calculate a likelihood function. It includes an advanced MCMC algorithm to explore the allowed parameter space of empirical models that are consistent with observations.

[ascl:2302.010] SASHIMI-W: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Warm Dark Matter

SASHIMI-W calculates various subhalo properties efficiently using semi-analytical models for warm dark matter (WDM); the code is based on the extended Press-Schechter formalism and subhalos' tidal evolution prescription. The calculated constraints are independent of physics of galaxy formation and free from numerical resolution and the Poisson noise, and its results are well in agreement with those from numerical N-body simulations.

[ascl:2302.009] EXOTIC: EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code

EXOTIC (EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code) analyzes photometric data of transiting exoplanets into lightcurves and retrieves transit epochs and planetary radii. The software reduces images of a transiting exoplanet into a lightcurve, and fits a model to the data to extract planetary information crucial to increasing the efficiency of larger observational platforms. EXOTIC is written in Python and supports the citizen science project Exoplanet Watch. The software runs on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux/Unix computer, and can also be used via Google Colab.

[ascl:2302.008] HawkingNet: Finding Hawking points in the Cosmic Microwave Background

HawkingNet searches for Hawking points in large Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data sets. It is based on the deep residual network ResNet18 and consists of eighteen neural layers. Written in Paython, HawkingNet inputs the CMB data, processes the data through its internal network trained for data classification, and outputs the result in a form of a classification score that indicates how confident it is that a Hawking point is contained in the image patch.

[ascl:2302.007] AnalyticLC: Dynamical modeling of planetary systems

AnalyticLC generates an analytic light-curve, and optionally RV and astrometry data, from a set of initial (free) orbital elements and simultaneously fits these data. Written in MATLAB, the code is fast and efficient, and provides insight into the motion of the orbital elements, which is difficult to obtain from numerical integration. A Python wrapper for AnalyticLC is available separately.

[ascl:2302.006] RCR: Robust Chauvenet Outlier Rejection

RCR provides advanced outlier rejection that is easy to use. Both sigma clipping, the simplest form of outlier rejection, and traditional Chauvenet rejection make use of non-robust quantities, the mean and standard deviation, which are sensitive to the outliers that they are being used to reject. This limits such techniques to samples with small contaminants or small contamination fractions. RCR instead first makes use of robust replacements for the mean, such as the median and the half-sample mode, and similar robust replacements for the standard deviation. RCR has been carefully calibrated and can be applied to samples with both large contaminants and large contaminant fractions (sometimes in excess of 90% contaminated).

[ascl:2302.005] celmech: Sandbox for celestial mechanics calculations

celmech provides a variety of analytical and semianalytical tools for celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy. The package interfaces closely with the REBOUND N-body integrator (ascl:1110.016), thus facilitating comparisons between calculation results and direct N-body integrations. celmech can isolate the contribution of particular resonances to a system's dynamical evolution, and can develop simple analytical models with the minimum number of terms required to capture a particular dynamical phenomenon.

[ascl:2302.004] SFQEDtoolkit: Strong-field QED processes modeling for PIC and Monte Carlo codes

SFQEDtoolkit implements strong-field QED (SFQED) processes in existing particle-in-cell (PIC) and Monte Carlo codes to determine the dynamics of particles and plasmas in extreme electromagnetic fields, such as those present in the vicinity of compact astrophysical objects. The code uses advanced function approximation techniques to calculate high-energy photon emission and electron-positron pair creation probability rates and energy distributions within the locally-constant-field approximation (LCFA) as well as with more advanced models.

[ascl:2302.003] PHOTOe: Monte Carlo model for simulating the slowing down of photoelectrons

PHOTOe simulates the slowing down of photoelectrons in a gas with arbitrary amounts of H, He and O atoms, and thermal electrons, making PHOTOe useful for investigating the atmospheres of exoplanets. The multi-score scheme used in this code differs from other Monte Carlo approaches in that it efficiently handles rare collisional channels, as in the case of low-abundance excited atoms that undergo superelastic and inelastic collisions. PHOTOe outputs include production and energy yields, steady-state photoelectron flux, and estimates of the 'relaxation' time required by the photoelectrons to slow down from the injection energy to the cutoff energy. The model can also estimate the pathlength travelled by the photoelectrons while relaxing.

[ascl:2302.002] deconfuser: Fast orbit fitting to directly imaged multi-planetary systems

Deconfuser performs fast orbit fitting to directly imaged multi-planetary systems. It quickly fits orbits to planet detections in 2D images and ensures that all orbits within a certain tolerance are found. The code also tests all groupings of detections by planets (which detection belongs to which planet), and ranks partitions of detections by planets by deciding which assignment of detection-to-planet best fits the data.

[ascl:2302.001] nicaea: NumerIcal Cosmology And lEnsing cAlculations

nicaea calculates cosmology and weak-lensing quantities and functions from theoretical models of the large-scale structure. Written in C, it can compute the Hubble parameter, distances, and geometry for background cosmology, and linear perturbations, including growth factor, transfer function, cluster mass function, and linear 3D power spectra. It also calculates fitting formulae for non-linear power spectra, emulators, and halo model for Non-linear evolution, and the HOD model for galaxy clustering. In addition, nicaea can compute quantities for cosmic shear such as the convergence power spectrum, second-order correlation functions and derived second-order quantities, and third-order aperture mass moment; it can also calculate CMB anisotropies via CAMB (ascl:1102.026).

[submitted] PREVIS: Python Request Engine for Virtual Interferometric Survey

PREVIS is a Python module that provides functions to help determine the observability of astronomical sources from long-baseline interferometers worldwide: VLTI (ESO, Chile) and CHARA (USA). PREVIS uses data from the Virtual Observatory (OV), such as magnitudes, Spectral Energy Distribution (SED), celestial coordinates or Gaia distances. Then, it compares the target brightness to the limiting magnitudes of each instrument to determine whether the target is observable with present performances. PREVIS includes main facilities at the VLTI with PIONIER (H band), GRAVITY (K band) and MATISSE (L, M, N bands), and at CHARA array with VEGA (V band), PAVO (R bands), MIRC (H band), CLIMB (K band) and CLASSIC (H, K bands). PREVIS also uses the V or G magnitudes to check the guiding restriction or the tip/tilt correction limit. For the VLTI: if the star is too faint in G mag, PREVIS will look for the list of stars around the target (57 arcsec) with the appropriate magnitude and give the list of celestial coordinates usable as the guiding star.

[ascl:2301.030] HIPP: HIgh-Performance Package for scientific computation

HIPP (HIgh-Performance Package for scientific computation) provides elegant interfaces for some well-known HPC libraries. Some libraries are wrapped with full-OOP interfaces, and many new extensions based on those raw-interfaces are also provided. This C++ toolkit for HPC can significantly reduce the length of your code, making programming more productive.

[ascl:2301.029] ALMA3: plAnetary Love nuMbers cAlculator

ALMA3 computes loading and tidal Love numbers for a spherically symmetric, radially stratified planet. Both real (time-domain) and complex (frequency-domain) Love numbers can be computed. The planetary structure can include an arbitrary number of layers, and each layer can have a different rheological law. ALMA3 can model numerous linear rheologies, including Elastic, Maxwell visco-elastic, Newtonian viscous fluid, Kelvin-Voigt solid, Burgers and Andrade transient rheologies.

[ascl:2301.028] special: SPEctral Characterization of directly ImAged Low-mass companions

special (SPEctral Characterization of directly ImAged Low-mass companions) characterizes low-mass (M, L, T) dwarfs down to giant planets at optical/IR wavelengths. It can also be used more generally to characterize any type of object with a measured spectrum, provided a relevant input model grid, regardless of the observational method used to obtain the spectrum (direct imaging or not) and regardless of the format of the spectra (multi-band photometry, low-resolution or medium-resolution spectrum, or a combination thereof). It analyzes measured spectra, calculating the spectral correlation between channels of an IFS datacube and empirical spectral indices for MLT-dwarfs. It fits input spectra to either photo-/atmospheric model grids or a blackbody model, including additional parameters such as (extra) black body component(s), extinction and total-to-selective extinction ratio, and can use emcee (ascl:1303.002), nestle (ascl:2103.022), or UltraNest (ascl:1611.001) samplers infer posterior distributions on spectral model parameters in a Bayesian framework, among other tasks.

[ascl:2301.027] Puri-Psi: Radio interferometric imaging

Puri-Psi addresses radio interferometric imaging problems using state-of-the-art optimization algorithms and deep learning. It performs scalable monochromatic, wide-band, and polarized imaging. It also provide joint calibration and imaging, and scalable uncertainty quantification. A scalable framework for wide-field monochromatic intensity imaging is also available, which encompasses a pure optimization algorithm, as well as an AI-based method in the form of a plug-and-play algorithm propelled by Deep Neural Network denoisers.

[ascl:2301.026] MGwave: Detect kinematic moving groups in astronomical data

The 2-D wavelet transformation code MGwave detects kinematic moving groups in astronomical data; it can also investigate underdensities which can eventually provide further information about the MW's non-axisymmetric features. The code creates a histogram of the input data, then performs the wavelet transformation at the specified scales, returning the wavelet coefficients across the entire histogram in addition to information about the detected extrema. MGwave can also run Monte Carlo simulations to propagate uncertainties. It runs the wavelet transformation on simulated data (pulled from Gaussian distributions) many times and tracks the percentage of the simulations in which a given extrema is detected. This quantifies whether a detected overdensity or underdensity is robust to variations of the data within the provided errors.

[ascl:2301.025] desitarget: Selecting DESI targets from photometric catalogs

desitarget selects targets for spectroscopic follow-up by Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). The pipeline uses bitmasks to record that a specific source has been selected by a particular targeting algorithm, setting bit-values in output data files in a number of different columns that indicate whether a particular target meets specific selection criteria. desitarget also outputs a unique TARGETID that allows each target to be tracked throughout the DESI survey. This TARGETID encodes information about each DESI target, such as the catalog the target was selected from, whether a target is a sky location or part of a random catalog, and whether a target is part of a secondary program.

[submitted] nFITSview: A simple and user-friendly FITS image viewer

nFITSview is a simple, user-friendly and open-source FITS image viewer available for Linux and Windows. One of the main concepts of nFITSview is to provide an intuitive user interface which may be helpful both for scientists and for amateur astronomers. nFITSview has different color mapping and manipulation schemes, supports different formats of FITS data files as well as exporting them to different popular image formats. It also supports command-line exporting (with some restrictions) of FITS files to other image formats.
The application is written in C++/Qt for achieving better performance, and with every next version the performance aspect is taken into account.
nFITSview uses its own libnfits library (can be used separately as well) for parsing the FITS files.

[ascl:2301.024] SOXS: Simulated Observations of X-ray Sources

SOXS creates simulated X-ray observations of astrophysical sources. The package provides a comprehensive set of tools to design source models and convolve them with simulated models of X-ray observatories. In particular, SOXS is the primary simulation tool for simulations of Lynx and Line Emission Mapper observations. SOXS provides facilities for creating spectral models, simple spatial models for sources, astrophysical background and foreground models, as well as a Python implementation of the SIMPUT file format.

[ascl:2301.023] PoWR: Potsdam Wolf-Rayet Models

PoWR (Potsdam Wolf-Rayet Models) calculates synthetic spectra for Wolf-Rayet and OB stars from model atmospheres which account for Non-LTE, spherical expansion and metal line blanketing. The model data is provided through a web interface and includes Spectral Energy Distribution, line spectrum in high resolution for different wavelength bands, and atmosphere stratification. For Wolf-Rayet stars of the nitrogen subclass, there are grids of hydrogen-free models and of models with a specified mass fraction of hydrogen. The iron-group and total CNO mass fractions correspond to the metallicity of the Galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, or the Small Magellanic Cloud, respectively. The source code is available as a tarball on the same web interface.

[ascl:2301.022] GalCEM: GALactic Chemical Evolution Model

GalCEM (GALactic Chemical Evolution Model) tracks isotope masses as a function of time in a given galaxy. The list of tracked isotopes automatically adapts to the complete set provided by the input yields. The prescription includes massive stars, low-to-intermediate mass stars, and Type Ia supernovae as enrichment channels. Multi-dimensional interpolation curves are extracted from the input yield tables with a preprocessing tool; these interpolation curves improve the computation speeds of the full convolution integrals, which are computed for each isotope and for each enrichment channel. GalCEM also provides tools to track the mass rate change of individual isotopes on a typical spiral galaxy with a final baryonic mass of 5×1010M⊙.

[ascl:2301.021] WALDO: Waveform AnomaLy DetectOr

WALDO (Waveform AnomaLy DetectOr) flags possible anomalous Gravitational Waves from Numerical Relativity catalogs using deep learning. It uses a U-Net architecture to learn the waveform features of a dataset. After computing the mismatch between those waveforms and the neural predictions, WALDO isolates high mismatch evaluations for anomaly search.

[ascl:2301.020] VDA: Void Dwarf Analyzer

void-dwarf-analysis analyzes Keck Cosmic Web Imager datacubes to produce maps of kinematic properties (velocity and velocity dispersion), emission line fluxes, and gas-phase metallicities of void dwarf galaxies.

[ascl:2301.019] KCWI_DRP: Keck Cosmic Web Imager Data Reduction Pipeline in Python

KCWI_DRP, written in Python and based on kderp (ascl:2301.018), is the official DRP for the Keck Cosmic Web Imager at the W. M. Keck Observatory. It provides all of the functionality of the older pipeline and has three execution modes: multi-threading for CPU intensive tasks such as wavelength calibration, and multi-processing for large datasets. It offers vacuum to air and heliocentric or barycentric correction and the ability to use KOA file names or original file names. KCWI_DRP also improves the provenance and traceability of DRP versions and execution steps in the headers over kderp, and has versatile sky subtraction modes including using external sky frames and ability of masking regions.

[ascl:2301.018] kderp: Keck Cosmic Web Imager Data Extraction and Reduction Pipeline in IDL

kderp (KCWI Data Extraction and Reduction Pipeline) reduces data for the Keck Cosmic Web Imager. Written in IDL, it performs basic CCD reduction on raw images to produce bias and overscan subtracted, gain-corrected, trimmed and cosmic ray removed images; it can also subtract the sky. It defines the geometric transformations required to map each pixel in the 2d image into slice, postion, and wavelength, and performs flat field and illumination corrections. It generates cubes, applying the transformations previously solved to the object intensity, variance and mask images output from any of the previous stages, and uses a standard star observation to generate an inverse sensitivity curve which is applied to the corresponding observations to flux calibrate them.

This pipeline has been superseded by KCWI_DRP (ascl:2301.019).

[ascl:2301.017] ReACT: Calculation of non-linear power spectra from non-standard physics

ReACT extends the Copter (ascl:1304.022) and MG-Copter packages, which calculate redshift and real space large scale structure observables for a wide class of gravity and dark energy models. Additions to Copter include spherical collapse in modified gravity, halo model power spectrum for general theories, and real and redshift space LSS 2 point statistics for modified gravity and dark energy. ReACT also includes numerical perturbation theory kernel solvers, real space bispectra in modified gravity, and a numerical perturbation theory kernel solver up to 4th order for 1-loop bispectrum.

[ascl:2301.016] FERRE: Match physical models to measurements

FERRE matches physical models to observed data, taking a set of observations and identifying the model parameters that best reproduce the data, in a chi-squared sense. It solves the common problem of having numerical parametric models that are costly to evaluate and need to be used to interpret large data sets. FERRE provides flexibility to search for all model parameters, or hold constant some of them while searching for others. The code is written to be truly N-dimensional and fast. Model predictions are to be given as an array whose values are a function of the model parameters, i.e., numerically. FERRE holds this array in memory, or in a direct-access binary file, and interpolates in it. The code returns, in addition to the optimal set of parameters, their error covariance, and the corresponding model prediction. The code is written in FORTRAN90.

[ascl:2301.015] SOAP-GPU: Spectral time series simulations with GPU

SOAP-GPU is a revision of SOAP 2 (ascl:1504.021), which simulates spectral time series with the effect of active regions (spot, faculae or both). In addition to the traditional outputs of SOAP 2.0 (the cross-correlation function and extracted parameters: radial velocity, bisector span, full width at half maximum), SOAP-GPU generates the integrated spectra at each phase for given input spectra and spectral resolution. Additional capabilities include fast spectral simulation of stellar activity due to GPU acceleration, simulation of more complicated active region structures with superposition between active regions, and more realistic line bisectors, based on solar observations, that varies as function of mu angle for both quiet and active regions. In addition, SOAP-GPU accepts any input high resolution observed spectra. The PHOENIX synthetic spectral library are already implemented at the code level which allows users to simulate stellar activity for stars other than the Sun. Furthermore, SOAP-GPU simulates realistic spectral time series with either spot number/SDO image as additional inputs. The code is written in C and provides python scripts for input pre-processing and output post-processing.

[ascl:2301.014] LBL: Line-by-line velocity measurements

LBL derives velocity measurements from high-resolution (R>50 000) datasets by accounting for outliers in the spectra data. It is tailored for fiber-fed multi-order spectrographs, both in optical and near-infrared (up to 2.5µm) domains. The domain is split into individual units (lines) and the velocity and its associated uncertainty are measured within each line and combined through a mixture model to allow for the presence of spurious values. In addition to the velocity, other quantities are also derived, the most important being a value (dW) that can be understood (for a Gaussian line) as a change in the line FWHM. These values provide useful stellar activity indicators. LBL works on data from a variety of instruments, including SPIRou, NIRPS, HARPS, and ESPRESSO. The code's output is an rdb table that can be uploaded to the online DACE pRV analysis tool.

[ascl:2301.013] pyExoRaMa: An interactive tool to investigate the radius-mass diagram for exoplanets

pyExoRaMa visualizes and manipulates data related to exoplanets and their host stars in a multi-dimensional parameter space. It enables statistical studies based on the large and constantly increasing number of detected exoplanets, identifies possible interdependence among several physical parameters, and compares observables with theoretical models describing the exoplanet composition and structure.

[ascl:2301.012] XGA: Efficient analysis of XMM observations

XGA (X-ray: Generate and Analyse) analyzes X-ray sources observed by the XMM-Newton Space telescope. It is based around declaring different types of source and sample objects which correspond to real X-ray sources, finding all available data, and then insulating the user from the tedious generation and basic analysis of X-ray data products. XGA generates photometric products and spectra for individual sources, or whole samples, with just a few lines of code. Though not a pipeline, pipelines for complex analysis can be built on top of it. XGA provides an easy to use (and parallelized) Python interface with XMM's Science Analysis System (ascl:1404.004), as well as with XSPEC (ascl:9910.005). All XMM products and fit results are read into an XGA source storage structure, thus avoiding the need to leave a Python environment at any point during the analysis. This module also supports more complex analyses for specific object types such as the easy generation of scaling relations, the measurement of gas masses for galaxy clusters, and the PSF correction of images.

[ascl:2301.011] Rosetta: Platform for resource-intensive, interactive data analysis

Rosetta runs tasks for resource-intensive, interactive data analysis as software containers. The code's architecture frames user tasks as microservices – independent and self-contained units – which fully support custom and user-defined software packages, libraries and environments. These include complete remote desktop and GUI applications, common analysis environments such as the Jupyter Notebooks. Rosetta relies on Open Container Initiative containers, allowing for safe, effective and reproducible code execution. It can use a number of container engines and runtimes and seamlessly supports several workload management systems, thus enabling containerized workloads on a wide range of computing resources.

[ascl:2301.010] Fastcc: Broadband radio telescope receiver fast color corrections

Fastcc returns color corrections for different spectra for various Cosmic Microwave Background experiments. Available in both Python and IDL, the script is easy to use when analyzing radio spectra of sources with data from multiple wide-survey CMB experiments in a consistent way across multiple experiments.

[ascl:2301.009] Xpol: Pseudo-Cl power spectrum estimator

Xpol computes angular power spectra based on cross-correlation between maps and covariance matrices. The code is written in C and is fully MPI parallelized in CPU and memory using spherical transform by s2hat (ascl:1110.013). It has been used to derive CMB and dust power spectra for Archeops and CMB, dust, CIB, SZ, SZ-CIB for Planck, among others.

[ascl:2301.008] HiLLiPoP: High-L Likelihood Polarized for Planck

HiLLiPoP is a multifrequency CMB likelihood for Planck data. The likelihood is a spectrum-based Gaussian approximation for cross-correlation spectra from Planck 100, 143 and 217GHz split-frequency maps, with semi-analytic estimates of the Cl covariance matrix based on the data. The cross-spectra are debiased from the effects of the mask and the beam leakage using Xpol (ascl:2301.009) before being compared to the model, which includes CMB and foreground residuals. They cover the multipoles from ℓ=30 to ℓ=2500. HiLLiPoP is interfaced with the Cobaya (ascl:1910.019) MCMC sampler.

[ascl:2301.007] LoLLiPoP: Low-L Likelihood Polarized for Planck

LoLLiPoP is a Planck low-l polarization likelihood based on cross-power-spectra for which the bias is zero when the noise is uncorrelated between maps. It uses a modified approximation to apply to cross-power spectra and is interfaced with the Cobaya (ascl:1910.019) MCMC sampler. Cross-spectra are computed on the CMB maps from Commander component separation applied on each detset-split Planck frequency maps.

[ascl:2301.006] Self-cal: Optical/IR long-baseline interferometry

Self-cal produces radio-interferometric images of an astrophysical object. The code is an adaptation of the self-calibration algorithm to optical/infrared long-baseline interferometry, especially to make use of differential phases and differential visibilities. It works together with the Mira image reconstruction software and has been used mainly on VLTI data. Self-cal, written in Yorick, is also available as part of fitsOmatic (ascl:2301.005).

[ascl:2301.005] fitOmatic: Interferometric data modeling

The fitOmatic model-fitting prototyping tool tests multi-wavelength model-fitting and exploits VLTI data. It provides tools to define simple geometrical models and conveniently adjust the model's parameters. Written in Yorick, it takes optical interferometry FITS (oifits) files as input and allows the user to define a model of the source from a set of pre-defined models, which can be combined to make more complicated models. fitOmatic then computes the Fourier Transform of the modeled brightness distribution and synthetic observables are computed at the wavelengths and projected baselines of the observations. fitomatic's strength is its ability to define vector-parameters, i.e., parameters that may depend on wavelength and/or time. The self-cal (ascl:2301.006) component of fitOmatic is also available as a separate code.

[ascl:2301.004] HEADSS: HiErArchical Data Splitting and Stitching for non-distributed clustering algorithms

HEADSS (HiErArchical Data Splitting and Stitching) facilitates clustering at scale, unlike clustering algorithms that scale poorly with increased data volume or that are intrinsically non-distributed. HEADSS automates data splitting and stitching, allowing repeatable handling, and removal, of edge effects. Implemented in conjunction with scikit's HDBSCAN, the code achieves orders of magnitude reduction in single node memory requirements for both non-distributed and distributed implementations, with the latter offering similar order of magnitude reductions in total run times while recovering analogous accuracy. HEADSS also establishes a hierarchy of features by using a subset of clustering features to split the data.

[ascl:2301.003] WF4Py: Gravitational waves waveform models in pure Python language

WF4Py implements frequency-domain gravitational wave waveform models in pure Python, thus enabling parallelization over multiple events at a time. Waveforms in WF4Py are built as classes; the functions take dictionaries containing the parameters of the events to analyze as input and provide Fourier domain waveform models. All the waveforms are accurately checked with their implementation in LALSuite (ascl:2012.021) and are a core element of GWFAST (ascl:2212.001).

[ascl:2301.002] Pyxel: Detector and end-to-end instrument simulation

Pyxel hosts and pipelines models (analytical, numerical, statistical) simulating different types of detector effects on images produced by Charge-Coupled Devices (CCD), Monolithic, and Hybrid CMOS imaging sensors. Users can provide one or more input images to Pyxel, set the detector and model parameters, and select which effects to simulate, such as cosmic rays, detector Point Spread Function (PSF), electronic noises, Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI), persistence, dark current, and charge diffusion, among others. The output is one or more images including the simulated detector effects combined. The Pyxel framework, written in Python, provides basic image analysis tools, an input image generator, and a parametric mode to perform parametric and sensitivity analysis. It also offers a model calibration mode to find optimal values of its parameters based on a target dataset the model should reproduce.

[ascl:2301.001] CALSAGOS: Select cluster members and search, find, and identify substructures

CALSAGOS (Clustering ALgorithmS Applied to Galaxies in Overdense Systems) selects cluster members and searches, finds, and identifies substructures and galaxy groups in and around galaxy clusters using the redshift and position in the sky of the galaxies. The package offers two ways to determine cluster members, ISOMER and CLUMBERI. The ISOMER (Identifier of SpectrOscopic MembERs) function selects the spectroscopic cluster members by defining cluster members as those galaxies with a peculiar velocity lower than the escape velocity of the cluster. The CLUMBERI (CLUster MemBER Identifier) function select the cluster members using a 3D-Gaussian Mixture Modules (GMM). Both functions remove the field interlopers by using a 3-sigma clipping algorithm. CALSAGOS uses the function LAGASU (LAbeller of GAlaxies within SUbstructures) to search, find, and identify substructures and groups in and around a galaxy cluster; this function is based on clustering algorithms (GMM and DBSCAN), which search areas with high density to define a substructure or groups.

[submitted] unWISE-verse: An Integrated WiseView and Zooniverse Data Pipeline

unWISE-verse is an integrated Python pipeline for downloading sets of unWISE time-resolved coadd cutouts from the WiseView image service and uploading subjects to for use in astronomical citizen science research. This software was initially designed for the Backyard Worlds: Cool Neighbors research project and is optimized for target sets containing low luminosity brown dwarf candidates. However, unWISE-verse can be applied to other future astronomical research projects that seek to make use of unWISE infrared sky maps, such as studies of infrared variable/transient sources.

[ascl:2212.026] Spender: Neural spectrum encoder and decoder

Spender establishes a restframe for galaxy spectra that has higher resolution and larger wavelength range than the spectra from which it is trained. The model can be trained from spectra at different redshifts or even from different instruments without the need to standardize the observations. Spender also has an explicit, differentiable redshift dependence, which can be coupled with a redshift estimator for a fully data-driven spectrum analysis pipeline. The code describes the restframe spectrum by an autoencoder and transforms the restframe model to the observed redshift; it also matches the spectral resolution and line spread function of the instrument.

[ascl:2212.025] CONTROL: Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment data reduction pipeline

CONTROL (CUTE autONomous daTa ReductiOn pipeLine) produces science-quality output with a single command line with zero user interference for CUTE (Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment) data. It can be used for any single order spectral data in any wavelength without any modification. The pipeline is governed by a parameter file, which is available with this distribution. CONTROL is fully automated and works in a series of steps following standard CCD reduction techniques. It creates a reduction log to track processes carried out and any parameters used.

[ascl:2212.024] Burning Arrow: Black hole massive particles orbit degradation

Burning Arrow determines the destabilization of massive particle circular orbits due to thermal radiation, emitted in X-ray, from the hot accretion disk material. This code requires the radiation forces exerted on the material at the point of interest found by running the code Infinity (ascl:2212.021). Burning Arrow begins by assuming a target particle in the disk that moves in a circular orbit. It then introduces the recorded radiation forces from Infinity code for the target region. The forces are subsequently introduced into the target particle equations of motion and the trajectory is recalculated. Burning Arrow then produces images of the black hole - accretion disk system that includes the degenerated particle trajectories that obey the assorted velocity profiles.

[ascl:2212.023] Tranquillity: Creating black hole spin divergence plots

Tranquillity creates an observing screen looking toward a black hole - accretion disk system, seeks the object, then searches and locates its contour. Subsequently, it attempts to locate the first Einstein "echo" ring and its location. Finally, it collates the retrieved information and draws conclusions; these include the accretion disk level inclination compared to the line of sight and the main disk and the first echo median. The displacement, and thus the divergence of the latter two, is the required information in order to construct the divergence plots. Other programs can later on automatically read these plots and provide estimations of the central black hole spin.

[ascl:2212.022] Elysium: Observing black hole accretion disks

Elysium creates an observing screen at the desirable distance away from a black hole system. Observers set on every pixel of this screen then photograph the area toward the black hole - accretion disk system and report back what they record. This can be the accretion disk (incoming photons bring in radiation and thus energy), the black hole event horizon, or the empty space outside and beyond the system (there are no incoming photons or energy). The central black hole can be either Schwarzschild (nonrotating) or Kerr (rotating) by choice of the user.

[ascl:2212.021] Infinity: Calculate accretion disk radiation forces onto moving particles

Infinity sets an observer in a black hole - accretion disk system. The black hole can be either Schwarzschild (nonrotating) or Kerr (rotating) by choice of the user. This observer can be on the surface of the disk, in its exterior or its interior (if the disk is not opaque). Infinity then scans the entire sky around the observer and investigates whether photons emitted by the hot accretion disk material can reach them. After recording the incoming radiation, the program calculates the stress-energy tensor of the radiation. Afterwards, the program calculates the radiation flux and hence, the radiation force exerted on target particles of various velocity profiles.

[ascl:2212.020] Omega: Photon equations of motion

Omega solves the photon equations of motion in the environment surrounding a black hole. This black hole can be either Schwarzschild (nonrotating) or Kerr (rotating) by choice of the user. The software offers numerous options, such as the geometrical setup of the accretion disk around the black hole (including no disk, band, slab, wedge, among others, the spin parameter of the central black hole, and the thickness of the accretion disk. Other options that can be set includ the azimuthal angle of the photon emission/reception, the poloidal angle of the photon emission/reception, and how far away or close to the system to look.

[ascl:2212.019] m2mcluster: Star clusters made-to-measure modeling

m2mcluster performs made-to-measure modeling of star clusters, and can fit target observations of a Galactic globular cluster's 3D density profile and individual kinematic properties, including proper motion velocity dispersion, and line of sight velocity dispersion. The code uses AMUSE (ascl:1107.007) to model the gravitational N-body evolution of the system between time steps; GalPy (ascl:1411.008) is also required.

[ascl:2212.018] SourceXtractor++: Extracts sources from astronomical images

SourceXtractor++ extracts a catalog of sources from astronomical images; it is the successor to SExtractor (ascl:1010.064). SourceXtractor++ has been completely rewritten in C++ and improves over its predecessor in many ways. It provides support for multiple “measurement” images, has an optimized multi-object, multi-frame model-fitting engine, and can define complex priors and dependencies for model parameters. It also offers efficient image data caching and multi-threaded processing, and has a modular design with support for third-party plug-ins.

[ascl:2212.017] powspec: Power and cross spectral density of 2D arrays

powspec provides functions to compute power and cross spectral density of 2D arrays. Units are properly taken into account. It can, for example, create fake Gaussian field images, compute power spectra P(k) of each image, shrink a mask with regard to a kernel, generate a Gaussian field, and plot various results.

[ascl:2212.016] AbundanceMatching: Subhalo abundance matching with scatter

The AbundanceMatching Python module creates (interpolates and extrapolates) abundance functions and also provides fiducial deconvolution and abundance matching.

[ascl:2212.015] SImMER: Stellar Image Maturation via Efficient Reduction

SImMER (Stellar Image Maturation via Efficient Reduction) reduces astronomical imaging data. It performs standard dark-subtraction and flat-fielding operations on data from, for example, the ShARCS camera on the Shane 3-m telescope at Lick Observatory and the PHARO camera on the Hale 5.1-m telescope at Palomar Observatory; its object-oriented design allows the software to be extended to other instruments. SImMER can also perform sky-subtraction, image registration, FWHM measurement, and contrast curve calculation, and can generate tables and plots. For widely separated stars which are of somewhat equal brightness, a “wide binary” mode allows the user to selects which star is the primary around which each image should be centered.

[ascl:2212.014] pyTANSPEC: Python tool for extracting 1D TANSPEC spectra from 2D images

pyTANSPEC extracts XD-mode spectra automatically from data collected by the TIFR-ARIES Near Infrared Spectrometer (TANSPEC) on India's ground-based 3.6-m Devasthal Optical Telescope at Nainital, India. The TANSPEC offers three modes of observations, imaging with various filters, spectroscopy in the low-resolution prism mode with derived R~ 100-400 and the high-resolution cross-dispersed mode (XD-mode) with derived median R~ 2750 for a slit of width 0.5 arcsec. In the XD-mode, ten cross-dispersed orders are packed in the 2048 x 2048 pixels detector to cover the full wavelength regime. The XD-mode is most utilized; pyTANSPEC provides a dedicated pipeline for consistent data reduction for all orders and to reduces data reduction time. The code requires nominal human intervention only for the quality assurance of the reduced data. Two customized configuration files are used to guide the data reduction. The pipeline creates a log file for all the fits files in a given data directory from its header, identifies correct frames (science, continuum and calibration lamps) based on the user input, and offers an option to the user for eyeballing and accepting/removing of the frames, does the cleaning of raw science frames and yields final wavelength calibrated spectra of all orders simultaneously.

[ascl:2212.013] PACMAN: Planetary Atmosphere, Crust, and MANtle geochemical evolution

PACMAN (Planetary Atmosphere, Crust, and MANtle geochemical evolution) runs a coupled redox-geochemical-climate evolution model. It runs Monte Carlo calculations over nominal parameter ranges, including number of iterations and number of cores for parallelization, which can be altered to reproduce different scenarios and sensitivity tests. Model outputs and corresponding input parameters are saved in separate files which are used to plot results; the the user can choose which outputs to plot, including all successful outputs, nominal Earth outputs, waterworld false positives, desertworld false positives, and high CO2:H2O false positives. Among other functions, PACMAN contains functions for interpolating the pre-computed Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) grid, the atmosphere-ocean partitioning grid, and the stratospheric water vapor grid, calculating bond albedo and outgassing fluxes.

[ascl:2212.012] BANZAI-NRES: BANZAI data reduction pipeline for NRES

The BANZAI-NRES pipeline processes data from the Network of Robotic Echelle Spectrographs (NRES) on the Las Cumbres Observatory network and provides extracted, wavelength calibrated spectra. If the target is a star, it provides stellar classification parameters (e.g., effective temperature and surface gravity) and a radial velocity measurement. The automated radial velocity measurements from this pipeline have a precision of ~ 10 m/s for high signal-to-noise observations. The data flow and infrastructure of this code relies heavily on BANZAI (ascl:2207.031), enabling BANZAI-NRES to focus on analysis that is specific to spectrographs. The wavelength calibration is primarily done using xwavecal (ascl:2212.011). The pipeline propagates an estimate of the formal uncertainties from all of the data processing stages and includes these in the output data products. These are used as weights in the cross correlation function to measure the radial velocity.

[ascl:2212.011] xwavecal: Wavelength calibrating echelle spectrographs

The xwavecal library automatically wavelength calibrates echelle spectrographs for high precision radial velocity work. The routines are designed to operate on data with extracted 1D spectra. The library provides a convienience function which returns a list of wavelengths from just a list of spectral feature coordinates (pixel and order) and a reference line list. The returned wavelengths are the wavelengths of the measured spectral features under the best fit wavelength model. xwavecal also provides line identification and spectral reduction utilities. The library is modular; each step of the wavelength calibration is a stage which can be disabled by removing the associated line in the config.ini file. Wavelength calibrating data which already have spectra means only using the wavelength calibration stages. Using the full experimental pipeline means enabling the other data reduction stages, such as overscan subtraction.

[ascl:2212.010] sf_deconvolve: PSF deconvolution and analysis

sf_deconvolve performs PSF deconvolution using a low-rank approximation and sparsity. It can handle a fixed PSF for the entire field or a stack of PSFs for each galaxy position. The code accepts Numpy binary files or FITS as input, takes the observed (i.e. with PSF effects and noise) stack of galaxy images and a known PSF, and attempts to reconstruct the original images. sf_deconvolve can be run in a terminal or in an active Python session, and includes options for initialization, optimization, low-Rank approximation, sparsity, PSF estimation, and other attributes.

[ascl:2212.009] Hazma: Compute indirect detection constraints on sub-GeV dark matter

Hazma enables indirect detection of sub-GeV dark matter. It computes gamma-ray and electron/positron spectra from dark matter annihilations, sets limits on sub-GeV dark matter using existing gamma-ray data, and determines the discovery reach of future gamma-ray detectors. The code also derives accurate CMB constraints. Hazma comes with several sub-GeV dark matter models, for which it provides functions to compute dark matter annihilation cross sections and mediator decay widths. A variety of low-level tools are provided to make it straightforward to define new models.

[ascl:2212.008] panco2: Pressure profile measurements of galaxy clusters

panco2 extracts measurements of the pressure profile of the hot gas inside galaxy clusters from millimeter-wave observations. The extraction is performed using forward modeling the millimeter-wave signal of clusters and MCMC sampling of a posterior distribution for the parameters given the input data. Many characteristic features of millimeter-wave observations can be taken into account, such as filtering (both through PSF smearing and transfer functions), point source contamination, and correlated noise.

[ascl:2212.007] PyMCCF: Python Modernized Cross Correlation Function for reverberation mapping studies

PyMCCF (Python Modernized Cross Correlation Function), also known as MCCF, cross correlates two light curves that are unevenly sampled using linear interpolation and measures the peak and centroid of the cross-correlation function. Based on PyCCF (ascl:1805.032) and ICCF, it introduces a new parameter, MAX, to reduce the number of interpolated points used to just those which are not farther from the nearest real one than the MAX. This significantly reduces noise from interpolation errors. The estimation of the errors in PyMCCF is exactly the same as in PyCCF.

[ascl:2212.006] GPry: Bayesian inference of expensive likelihoods with Gaussian processes

GPry efficiently obtains marginal quantities from computationally expensive likelihoods. It works best with smooth (continuous) likelihoods and posteriors that are slow to converge by other methods, which is dependent on the number of dimensions and expected shape of the posterior distribution. The likelihood should be low-dimensional (d<20 as a rule of thumb), though the code may still provide considerable improvements in speed in higher dimensions, despite an increase in the computational overhead of the algorithm. GPry is an alternative to samplers such as MCMC and Nested Sampling with a goal of speeding up inference in cosmology, though the software will work with any likelihood that can be called as a python function. It uses Cobaya's (ascl:1910.019) model framework so all of Cobaya's inbuilt likelihoods work, too.

[ascl:2212.005] MTNeedlet: Spherical maps filtering

MTNeedlet uses needlets to filter spherical (Healpix) maps and detect and analyze the maxima population using a multiple testing approach. It has been developed with the CMB in mind, but it can be applied to other spherical maps. It pivots around three basic steps: 1.) The calculation of several types of needlets and their possible use to filter maps; 2.) The detection of maxima (or minima) on spherical maps, their visualization and basic analysis; and 3.) The multiple testing approach in order to detect anomalies in the maxima population of the maps with respect to the expected behavior for a random Gaussian map. MTNeedlet relies on Healpy (ascl:2008.022) to efficiently deal with spherical maps.

[ascl:2212.004] FastDF: Integrating neutrino geodesics in linear theory

FastDF (Fast Distribution Function) integrates relativistic particles along geodesics in a comoving periodic volume with forces determined by cosmological linear perturbation theory. Its main application is to set up accurate particle realizations of the linear phase-space distribution of massive relic neutrinos by starting with an analytical solution deep in radiation domination. Such particle realizations are useful for Monte Carlo experiments and provide consistent initial conditions for cosmological N-body simulations. Gravitational forces are calculated from three-dimensional potential grids, which are obtained by convolving random phases with linear transfer functions using Fast Fourier Transforms. The equations of motion are solved using a symplectic leapfrog integration scheme to conserve phase-space density and prevent the build-up of errors. Particles can be exported in different gauges and snapshots are provided in the HDF5 format, compatible with N-body codes like SWIFT (ascl:1805.020) and Gadget-4 (ascl:2204.014). The code has an interface with CLASS (ascl:1106.020) for calculating transfer functions and with monofonIC (ascl:2008.024) for setting up initial conditions with dark matter, baryons, and neutrinos.

[ascl:2212.003] MGCosmoPop: Modified gravity and cosmology with binary black holes population models

MGCosmoPop implements a hierarchical Bayesian inference method for constraining the background cosmological history, in particular the Hubble constant, together with modified gravitational-wave propagation and binary black holes population models (mass, redshift and spin distributions) with gravitational-wave data. It includes support for loading and analyzing data from the GWTC-3 catalog as well as for generating injections to evaluate selection effects, and features a module to run in parallel on clusters.

[ascl:2212.002] Eventdisplay: Analysis and reconstruction package for ground-based Gamma-ray astronomy

Eventdisplay reconstructs and analyzes data from the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT). It has been primarily developed for VERITAS and CTA analysis. The package calibrates and parametrizes images, event reconstruction, and stereo analysis, and provides train boosted decision trees for direction and energy reconstruction. It fills and uses lookup tables for mean scaled width and length calculation, energy reconstruction, and stereo reconstruction, and calculates radial camera acceptance from data files and instrument response functions such as effective areas, angular point-spread function, and energy resolution. Eventdisplay offers additional tools as well, including tools for calculating sky maps and spectral energy distribution, and to plot instrument response function, spectral energy distributions, light curves, and sky maps, among others.

[ascl:2212.001] GWFAST: Fisher information matrix python package for gravitational-wave detectors

GWFAST forecasts the signal-to-noise ratios and parameter estimation capabilities of networks of gravitational-wave detectors, based on the Fisher information matrix approximation. It is designed for applications to third-generation gravitational-wave detectors. It is based on Automatic Differentiation, which makes use of the library JAX (ascl:2111.002). This allows efficient parallelization and numerical accuracy. The code includes a module for parallel computation on clusters.

[submitted] SLEPLET

Many fields in science and engineering measure data that inherently live on non-Euclidean geometries, such as the sphere. Techniques developed in the Euclidean setting must be extended to other geometries. Due to recent interest in geometric deep learning, analogues of Euclidean techniques must also handle general manifolds or graphs. Often, data are only observed over partial regions of manifolds, and thus standard whole-manifold techniques may not yield accurate predictions. In this thesis, a new wavelet basis is designed for datasets like these.

Although many definitions of spherical convolutions exist, none fully emulate the Euclidean definition. A novel spherical convolution is developed, designed to tackle the shortcomings of existing methods. The so-called sifting convolution exploits the sifting property of the Dirac delta and follows by the inner product of a function with the translated version of another. This translation operator is analogous to the Euclidean translation in harmonic space and exhibits some useful properties. In particular, the sifting convolution supports directional kernels; has an output that remains on the sphere; and is efficient to compute. The convolution is entirely generic and thus may be used with any set of basis functions. An application of the sifting convolution with a topographic map of the Earth demonstrates that it supports directional kernels to perform anisotropic filtering.

Slepian wavelets are built upon the eigenfunctions of the Slepian concentration problem of the manifold - a set of bandlimited functions which are maximally concentrated within a given region. Wavelets are constructed through a tiling of the Slepian harmonic line by leveraging the existing scale-discretised framework. A straightforward denoising formalism demonstrates a boost in signal-to-noise for both a spherical and general manifold example. Whilst these wavelets were inspired by spherical datasets, like in cosmology, the wavelet construction may be utilised for manifold or graph data.

[ascl:2211.020] EXCEED-DM: EXtended Calculation of Electronic Excitations for Direct detection of Dark Matter

EXCEED-DM (EXtended Calculation of Electronic Excitations for Direct detection of Dark Matter) provides a complete framework for computing DM-electron interaction rates. Given an electronic configuration, EXCEED-DM computes the relevant electronic matrix elements, then particle physics specific rates from these matrix elements. This allows for separation between approximations regarding the electronic state configuration, and the specific calculation being performed.

[ascl:2211.019] APERO: A PipelinE to Reduce Observations

APERO (A PipelinE to Reduce Observations) performs data reduction for the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope's near-infrared spectropolarimeter SPIRou and offers different recipes or modules for performing specific tasks. APERO can individually run recipes or process a set of files, such as cleaning a data file of detector effects, collecting all dark files and creating a master dark image to use for correction, and creating a bad pixel mask for identifying and dealing with bad pixels. It can extract out flat images to measure the blaze and produced blaze correction and flat correction images, extract dark frames to provide correction for the thermal background after extraction of science or calibration frames, and correct extracted files for leakage coming from a FP (for OBJ_FP files only). It can also take a hot star and calculate telluric transmission, and then use the telluric transmission to calculate principle components (PCA) for correcting input images of atmospheric absorption, among many other tasks.

[ascl:2211.018] ODNet: Asteroid occultation detection convolutional neural network

ODNet uses a convolutional neural network to examine frames of a given observation, using the flux of a targeted star along time, to detect occultations. This is particularly useful to reliably detect asteroid occultations for the Unistellar Network, which consists of 10,000 digital telescopes owned by citizen scientists that is regularly used to record asteroid occultations. ODNet is not costly in term of computing power, opening the possibility for embedding the code on the telescope directly. ODNet's models were developed and trained using TensorFlow version 2.4.

[ascl:2211.017] BiGONLight: Bi-local Geodesic Operators framework for Numerical Light propagation

BiGONLight (Bi-local geodesic operators framework for numerical light propagation) encodes the Bi-local Geodesic Operators formalism (BGO) to study light propagation in the geometric optics regime in General Relativity. The parallel transport equations, the optical tidal matrix, and the geodesic deviation equations for the bilocal operators are expressed in 3+1 form and encoded in BiGONLight as Mathematica functions. The bilocal operators are used to obtain all possible optical observables by combining them with the observer and emitter four-velocities and four-accelerations. The user can choose the position of the source and the observer anywhere along the null geodesic with any four-velocities and four-accelerations.

[ascl:2211.016] Korg: 1D local thermodynamic equilibrium stellar spectral synthesis

Korg computes stellar spectra from 1D model atmospheres and linelists assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium and implements both plane-parallel and spherical radiative transfer. The code is generally faster than other codes, and is compatible with automatic differentiation libraries and easily extensible, making it ideal for statistical inference and parameter estimation applied to large data sets.

[ascl:2211.015] H-FISTA: Phase retrieval for pulsar spectroscopy

H-FISTA (Hierarchical Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm) retrieves the phases of the wavefield from intensity measurements for pulsar spectroscopy. The code accepts input data in ASCII format as produced by PSRchive's (ascl:1105.014) psrflux function, a FITS file, or a pickle. If using a notebook, any custom reader can be used as long as the data ends up in a NumPy array. H-FISTA obtains sparse models of the wavefield in a hierarchical approach with progressively increasing depth. Once the tail of the noise distribution is reached, the hierarchy terminates with a final unregularized optimization, resulting in a fully dense model of the complex wavefield that permits the discovery of faint signals by appropriate averaging.

[ascl:2211.014] PDFchem: Average abundance of species from Av-PDFs

PDFchem models the cold ISM at moderate and large scales using functions connecting the quantities of the local and the observed visual extinctions and the local number density with probability density functions. For any given observed visual extinction sampled with thousands of clouds, the algorithm instantly computes the average abundances of the most important species and performs radiative transfer calculations to estimate the average emission of the most commonly observed lines.

[ascl:2211.013] 2DFFTUtils: 2DFFT Utilities implementation

The Python module 2DFFTUtils implements tasks associated with measuring spiral galaxy pitch angle with 2DFFT (ascl:1608.015). Since most of the 2DFFT utilities are implemented in one place, it makes preparing images for 2DFFT and dealing with 2DFFT data interactively or in scripts event easier.

[ascl:2211.012] gsf: Grism SED Fitting package

gsf fits photometric data points, simultaneously with grism spectra if provided, to get posterior probability of galaxy physical properties, such as stellar mass, dust attenuation, metallicity, as well as star formation and metallicity enrichment histories. Designed for extra-galactic science, this flexible, python-based SED fitting code involves a Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) process, and may take more time (depending on the number of parameters and length of MCMC chains) than other SED fitting codes based on chi-square minimization.

[ascl:2211.011] fastSHT: Fast Spherical Harmonic Transforms

fastSHT performs spherical harmonic transforms on a large number of spherical maps. It converts massive SHT operations to a BLAS level 3 problem and uses the highly optimized matrix multiplication toolkit to accelerate the computation. GPU acceleration is supported and can be very effective. The core code is written in Fortran, but a Python wrapper is provided and recommended.

[ascl:2211.010] BlackJAX: Library of samplers for JAX

BlackJAX is a sampling library designed for ease of use, speed, and modularity and works on CPU as well as GPU. It is not a probabilistic programming library (PLL), though it integrates well with PPLs as long as they can provide a (potentially unnormalized) log-probability density function compatible with JAX. BlackJAX is written in pure Python and depends on XLA via JAX (ascl:2111.002). It can be used by those who have a logpdf and need a sampler or need more than a general-purpose sampler. It is also useful for building a sample on GPU and for users who want to learn how sampling algorithms work.

[ascl:2211.009] ovejero: Bayesian neural network inference of strong gravitational lenses

ovejero conducts hierarchical inference of strongly-lensed systems with Bayesian neural networks. It requires lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012) and fastell (ascl:9910.003) to run lens models with elliptical mass distributions. The code trains Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) to predict posteriors on strong gravitational lensing images and can integrate with forward modeling tools in lenstronomy to allow comparison between BNN outputs and more traditional methods. ovejero also provides hierarchical inference tools to generate population parameter estimates and unbiased posteriors on independent test sets.

[ascl:2211.008] pmclib: Population Monte Carlo library

The Population Monte-Carlo (PMC) sampling code pmclib performs fast end efficient parallel iterative importance sampling to compute integrals over the posterior including the Bayesian evidence.

[ascl:2211.007] mgcnn: Standard and modified gravity (MG) cosmological models classifier

mgcnn is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture for classifying standard and modified gravity (MG) cosmological models based on the weak-lensing convergence maps they produce. It is implemented in Keras using TensorFlow as the backend. The code offers three options for the noise flag, which correspond to noise standard deviations, and additional options for the number of training iterations and epochs. Confusion matrices and evaluation metrics (loss function and validation accuracy) are saved as numpy arrays in the generated output/ directory after each iteration.

[ascl:2211.006] baobab: Training data generator for hierarchically modeling strong lenses with Bayesian neural networks

baobab generates images of strongly-lensed systems, given some configurable prior distributions over the parameters of the lens and light profiles as well as configurable assumptions about the instrument and observation conditions. Wrapped around lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012), baobab supports prior distributions ranging from artificially simple to empirical. A major use case for baobab is the generation of training and test sets for hierarchical inference using Bayesian neural networks (BNNs); the code can generate the training and test sets using different priors.

[ascl:2211.005] unTimely_Catalog_explorer: A search and visualization tool for the unTimely Catalog

unTimely Catalog Explorer searches for and visualizes detections in the unTimely Catalog, a full-sky, time-domain catalog of detections based on WISE and NEOWISE image data acquired between 2010 and 2020. The tool searches the catalog by coordinates to create finder charts for each epoch with overplotted catalog positions and light curves using the unTimely photometry, to overplot these light curves with AllWISE multi-epoch and NEOWISE-R single exposure (L1b) photometry, and to create image blinks with overlaid catalog positions in GIF format.

[ascl:2211.004] PAHDecomp: Decomposing the mid-IR spectra of extremely obscured galaxies

PAHDecomp models mid-infrared spectra of galaxies; it is based on the popular PAHFIT code (ascl:1210.009). In contrast to PAHFIT, this model decomposes the continuum into a star-forming component and an obscured nuclear component based on Bayesian priors on the shape of the star-forming component (using templates + prior on extinction), making this tool ideally suited for modeling the spectra of heavily obscured galaxies. PAHDecomp successfully recovers properties of Compact Obscured Nuclei (CONs) where the inferred nuclear optical depth strongly correlates with the surface brightness of HCN-vib emission in the millimeter. This is currently set up to run on the short low modules of Spitzer IRS data (5.2 - 14.2 microns) but will be ideal for JWST/MIRI MRS data in the future.

[ascl:2211.003] AMBER: Abundance Matching Box for the Epoch of Reionization

AMBER (Abundance Matching Box for the Epoch of Reionization) models the cosmic dawn. The semi-numerical code allows users to directly specify the reionization history through the redshift midpoint, duration, and asymmetry input parameters. The reionization process is further controlled through the minimum halo mass for galaxy formation and the radiation mean free path for radiative transfer. The parallelized code is over four orders of magnitude faster than radiative transfer simulations and will efficiently enable large-volume models, full-sky mock observations, and parameter-space studies.

[ascl:2211.002] KC: Analytical propagator with collision detection for Keplerian systems

The analytic propagator Kepler-Collisions calculates collisions for Keplerian systems. The algorithm maintains a list of collision possibilities and jumps from one collision to the next; since collisions are rare in astronomical scales, jumping from collision to collision and calculating each one is more efficient than calculating all the time steps that are between collisions.

[ascl:2211.001] PTAfast: PTA correlations from stochastic gravitational wave background

PTAfast calculates the overlap reduction function in Pulsar Timing Array produced by the stochastic gravitational wave background for arbitrary polarizations, propagation velocities, and pulsar distances.

[ascl:2210.030] cuvarbase: fast period finding utilities for GPUs

cuvarbase provides a Python library for performing period finding (Lomb-Scargle, Phase Dispersion Minimization, Conditional Entropy, Box-least squares) on astronomical time-series datasets. Speedups over CPU implementations depend on the algorithm, dataset, and GPU capabilities but are typically ~1-2 orders of magnitude and are especially high for BLS and Lomb-Scargle.

[ascl:2210.029] paltas: Simulation-based inference on strong gravitational lensing systems

paltas conducts simulation-based inference on strong gravitational lensing images. It builds on lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012) to create large datasets of strong lensing images with realistic low-mass halos, Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observational effects, and galaxy light from HST's COSMOS field. paltas also includes the capability to easily train neural posterior estimators of the parameters of the lensing system and to run hierarchical inference on test populations.

[ascl:2210.028] CK: Cloud modeling and removal

Cloud Killer recovers surface albedo maps by using reflected light photometry to map the clouds and surface of unresolved exoplanets. For light curves with negligible photometric uncertainties, the minimal top-of-atmosphere albedo at a location is a good estimate of its surface albedo. On synthetic data, it shows little bias, good precision, and accuracy, but slightly underestimated uncertainties; exoplanets with large, changing cloud structures observed near quadrature phases are good candidates for Cloud Killer cloud removal.

[ascl:2210.027] LensingETC: Lensing Exposure Time Calculator

LensingETC optimizes observing strategies for multi-filter imaging campaigns of galaxy-scale strong lensing systems. It uses the lens modelling software lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012) to simulate and model mock imaging data, forecasts the lens model parameter uncertainties, and optimizes observing strategies.

[ascl:2210.026] PGOPHER: Rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra simulator

PGOPHER simulates and fits rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra. It handles linear molecules and symmetric and asymmetric tops, including effects due to unpaired electrons and nuclear spin, with a separate mode for vibrational structure. The code performs many sorts of transitions, including Raman, multiphoton, and forbidden transitions. It can simulate multiple species and states simultaneously, including special effects such as perturbations and state dependent predissociation. Fitting can be to line positions, intensities, or band contours. PGOPHER uses a standard graphical user interface and makes comparison with, and fitting to, spectra from various sources easy. In addition to overlaying numerical spectra, it is also possible to overlay pictures from pdf files and even plate spectra to assist in checking that published constants are being used correctly.

[ascl:2210.025] tvguide: Observability by TESS

tvguide determines whether stars and galaxies are observable by TESS. It uses an object's right ascension and declination and estimates the pointing of TESS's cameras using predicted spacecraft ephemerides to determine whether and for how long the object is observable with TESS. tvguide returns a file with two columns, the first the minimum number of sectors the target is observable for and the second the maximum.

[ascl:2210.024] Faiss: Similarity search and clustering of dense vectors library

The Faiss library performs efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. It contains algorithms that search in sets of vectors of any size, up to ones that possibly do not fit in RAM. It also contains supporting code for evaluation and parameter tuning. Faiss is written in C++ with complete wrappers for Python/numpy. Some of the most useful algorithms are implemented on the GPU.

[ascl:2210.023] BornRaytrace: Weak gravitational lensing effects simulator

BornRaytrace uses neural data compression of weak lensing map summary statistics to simulate weak gravitational lensing effects. It can raytrace through overdensity Healpix maps to return a convergence map, include shear-kappa transformation on the full sphere, and also include intrinsic alignments (NLA model).

[ascl:2210.022] MCCD: Multi-CCD Point Spread Function Modelling

MCCD (Multi-CCD) generates a Point Spread Function (PSF) model based on stars observations in the field of view. After defining the MCCD model parameters and running and validating the training, the model can recover the PSF at any position in the field of view. Written in Python, MCCD also calculates various statistics and can plot a random test star and its model reconstruction.

[ascl:2210.021] SHEEP: Machine Learning pipeline for astronomy classification

The photometric redshift-aided classification pipeline SHEEP uses ensemble learning to classify astronomical sources into galaxies, quasars and stars. It uses tabular data and also allows the use of sparse data. The approach uses SDSS and WISE photometry, but SHEEP can also be used with other types of tabular data, such as radio fluxes or magnitudes.

[ascl:2210.020] ixpeobssim: Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer simulator and analyzer

The simulation and analysis framework ixpeobssim was specifically developed for the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). It produces realistic simulated observations, in the form of event lists in FITS format, that also contain a strict superset of the information included in the publicly released IXPE data products. The framework's core simulation capabilities are complemented by post-processing applications that support the spatial, spectral, and temporal models needed for analysis of typical polarized X-ray sources, allowing implementation of complex, polarization-aware analysis pipelines. Where applicable, the data formats are consistent with the common display and analysis tools used by the community, e.g., the binned count spectra can be fed into XSPEC (ascl:9910.005), along with the corresponding response functions, for doing standard spectral analysis. All ixpeobssim simulation and analysis tools are fully configurable via the command line.

[ascl:2210.019] POSYDON: Single and binary star population synthesis code

POSYDON (POpulation SYnthesis with Detailed binary-evolution simulatiONs) incorporates full stellar structure and evolution modeling for single and binary-star population synthesis. The code is modular and allows the user to specify initial population properties and adopt choices that determine how stellar evolution proceeds. Populations are simulated with the use of MESA (ascl:1010.083) evolutionary tracks for single, non-interacting, and interacting binaries organized in grids. Machine-learning methods are incorporated and applied on the grids for classification and various interpolation calculations, and the development of irregular grids guided by active learning, for computational efficiency.

[ascl:2210.018] LavAtmos: Gas-melt equilibrium calculations for a given temperature and melt composition

LavAtmos performs gas-melt equilibrium calculations for a given temperature and melt composition. The thermodynamics of the melt are modeled by the MELTS code as presented in the Thermoengine package (ascl:2208.006). In combination with atmospheric chemistry codes, LavAtmos enables the characterization of interior compositions through atmospheric signatures.

[ascl:2210.017] PySME: Spectroscopy Made Easy reimplemented with Python

PySME is a partial reimplementation of Spectroscopy Made Easy (SME, ascl:1202.013), which fits an observed spectrum of a star with a model spectrum. The IDL routines of SME used to call a dynamically linked library of compiled C++ and Fortran programs have been rewritten in Python. In addition, an object oriented paradigm and continuous integration practices, including build automation, self-testing, and frequent builds, have been added.

[ascl:2210.016] PETSc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation

PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) provides a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations, and is intended for use in large-scale application projects. The toolkit includes a large suite of parallel linear, nonlinear equation solvers and ODE integrators that are easily used in application codes written in C, C++, Fortran and Python. PETSc provides many of the mechanisms needed within parallel application codes, such as simple parallel matrix and vector assembly routines that allow the overlap of communication and computation. In addition, PETSc (pronounced PET-see) includes support for managing parallel PDE discretizations.

[ascl:2210.015] Solar-MACH: Multi-spacecraft longitudinal configuration plotter

Solar-MACH (Solar MAgnetic Connection HAUS) derives and visualizes the spatial configuration and solar magnetic connection of different observers (i.e., spacecraft or planets) in the heliosphere at different times. It provides publication-ready figures for analyzing Solar Energetic Particle events (SEPs) or solar transients such as Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). Solar-MACH is available as a Python package; a Streamlit-enabled tool that runs in a browser is also available (

[ascl:2210.014] Blacklight: GR ray tracing code for post-processing Athena++ simulations

Blacklight postprocesses general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulation data and produces outputs for analyzing data sets, including maps of auxiliary quantities and false-color renderings. The code can use Athena++ (ascl:1912.005) outputs directly, and also supports files in HARM (ascl:1209.005) and iHARM3d (ascl:2210.013) format. Written in C++, Blacklight offers support for adaptive mesh refinement input, slow-light calculations, and adaptive ray tracing.

[ascl:2210.013] iharm3D: Hybrid MPI/OpenMP 3D HARM with vectorization

iharm3D implements the HARM algorithm (ascl:1209.005) with modifications and enables a second-order, conservative, shock-capturing scheme for general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD). Written in C, it simulates black hole accretion systems in arbitrary stationary spacetimes.

[ascl:2210.012] pixmappy: Python interface to gbdes astrometry solutions

pixmappy provides a Python interface to gbdes pixel map (astrometry) solutions. It reads the YAML format astrometry solutions produced by gbdes (ascl:2210.011) and issues a PixelMap instance, which is a map from one 2d coordinate system ("pixel") to another ("world") 2d system. A PixelMap instance can be used as a function mapping one (or many) coordinate pairs. An inverse method does reverse mapping, and the local jacobian of the map is available also. The type of mapping that can be expressed is very flexible, and PixelMaps can be compounded into chains of tranformations.

[ascl:2210.011] gbdes: DECam instrumental signature fitting and processing programs

gbdes derives photometric and astrometric calibration solutions for complex multi-detector astronomical imagers. The package includes routines to filter catalogs down to useful stellar objects, collect metadata from the catalogs and create a config file holding FITS binary tables describing exposures, instruments, fields, and other available information in the data, and uses a friends-of-friends matching algorithm to link together all detections of common objects found in distinct exposures. gbdes also calculates airmasses and parallactic angles for each exposure, calculates and saves the expected differential chromatic refraction (DCR) needed for precision astrometry, optimizes the parameters of a photometric model to maximize agreement between magnitudes measured in different exposures of the same source, and optimizing the parameters of an astrometric model to maximize agreement among the exposures and any reference catalogs, and performs other tasks. The solutions derived and used by gbdes are stored in YAML format; gbdes uses the Python code pixmappy (ascl:2210.012) to read the astrometric solution files and execute specified transformations.

[ascl:2210.010] TSRecon: Time series reconstruction method of massive astronomical catalogs

The time series reconstruction method of massive astronomical catalogs reconstructs all celestial objects' time series data for astronomical catalogs with great accuracy. In addition, the program, which requires a Spark cluster, solves the boundary source leakage problem on the premise of ensuring accuracy, and the user can set different parameters for different data sets to filter the error records in the catalogs.

[ascl:2210.009] NEMESIS: Non-linear optimal estimator for multivariate spectral analysis

NEMESIS (Non-linear optimal Estimator for MultivariatE spectral analySIS) is the general purpose correlated-k/LBL retrieval code developed from the RADTRAN project (ascl:2210.008). Originally based on the correlated-k approximation, NEMESIS also works in line-by-line (LBL) mode. It has been designed to be generally applicable to any planet and with any observing mode and so is suitable for both solar-system studies and also exoplanetary studies.

[ascl:2210.008] RADTRAN: General purpose planetary radiative transfer model

RADTRAN calculates the transmission, absorption or emission spectra emitted by planetary atmospheres using either line-by-line integration, spectral band models, or 'correlated-K' approaches. Part of the NEMESIS project (ascl:2210.009), the code also incorporates both multiple scattering and single scattering calculations. RADTRAN is general purpose and not hard-wired to any specific planet.

[ascl:2210.007] COMET: Emulated predictions of large-scale structure observables

COMET (Clustering Observables Modelled by Emulated perturbation Theory) provides emulated predictions of large-scale structure observables from models that are based on perturbation theory. It substantially speeds up these analytic computations without any relevant sacrifice in accuracy, enabling an extremely efficient exploration of large-scale structure likelihoods. At its core, COMET exploits an evolution mapping approach which gives it a high degree of flexibility and allows it to cover a wide cosmology parameter space at continuous redshifts up to z∼3z \sim 3z∼3. Among others, COMET supports parameters for cold dark matter density (ωc\omega_cωc​), baryon density (ωb\omega_bωb​), Scalar spectral index (nsn_sns​), Hubble expansion rate (hhh) and Curvature density (ΩK\Omega_KΩK​). The code can obtain the real-space galaxy power spectrum at one-loop order multipoles (monopole, quadrupole, hexadecapole) of the redshift-space, power spectrum at one-loop order, the linear matter power spectrum (with and without infrared resummation), Gaussian covariance matrices for the real-space power spectrum, and redshift-space multipoles and χ2\chi^2χ2's for arbitrary combinations of multipoles. COMET provides an easy-to-use interface for all of these computations.

[ascl:2210.006] ExoRad2: Generic point source radiometric model

ExoRad 2.0, a generic point source radiometric model, interfaces with any instrument to provide an estimate of several Payload performance metrics. For each target and for each photometric and spectroscopic channel, the code provides estimates of signals in pixels, saturation times, and read, photon, and dark current noise. ExoRad also provides estimates for the zodiacal background, inner sanctum, and sky foreground.

[ascl:2210.005] PSFr: Point Spread Function reconstruction

PSFr empirically reconstructs an oversampled version of the point spread function (PSF) from astronomical imaging observations. The code provides a light-weighted API of a refined version of an algorithm originally implemented in lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012). It provides user support with different artifacts in the data and supports the masking of pixels, or the treatment of saturation levels. PSFr has been used to reconstruct the PSF from multiply imaged lensed quasar images observed by the Hubble Space Telescope in a crowded lensing environment and more recently with James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) imaging data for a wide dynamical flux range.

[ascl:2210.004] Finder_charts: Create finder charts from image data of various sky surveys

Finder_charts creates multi-band finder charts from image data of various partial- and all-sky surveys such as DSS, 2MASS, WISE, UKIDSS, VHS, Pan-STARRS, and DES. It also creates a WISE time series of image data acquired between 2010 and 2021. All images are reprojected so that north is up and east is to the left. The resulting finder charts can be overplotted with corresponding catalog positions. All catalog entries within the specified field of view can be saved in a variety of formats, including ipac, csv, and tex, as can the finder charts in png, pdf, eps, and other common graphics formats. Finder_charts consists of a single Python module, which depends only on well-known packages, making it easy to install.

[ascl:2210.003] NIRDust: Near Infrared Dust finder for Type2 AGN K-band spectra

NIRDust uses K-band (2.2 micrometers) spectra to measure the temperature of the dust heated by an Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) accretion disk. The package provides several functionalities to pre-process spectra and fit the hot dust component of a AGN K-band spectrum with a blackbody function. NIRDust needs a minimum of two spectra to run: a target spectrum, where the dust temperature will be estimated, and a reference spectrum, where the emission is considered to be purely stellar. The reference spectrum will be used by NIRDust to model the stellar emission from the target spectrum.

[ascl:2210.002] SPINspiral: Parameter estimation for analyzing gravitational-wave signals

SPINspiral analyzes gravitational-wave signals from stellar-mass binary inspirals detected by ground-based interferometers such as LIGO and Virgo. It performs parameter estimation on these signals using Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) techniques. This analysis includes the spins of the binary components. Written in C, the package is modular; its main routine is as small as possible and calls other routines, which perform tasks such as reading input, choosing and setting (starting or injection) parameters, and handling noise. Other routines compute overlaps and likelihoods, contain the MCMC core, and manage more general support functions and third-party routines.

[ascl:2210.001] PSS: Pulsar Survey Scraper

Pulsar Survey Scraper aggregates pulsar discoveries before they are included in the ATNF pulsar catalog and enables searching and filtering based on position and dispersion measure. This facilitates identifying new pulsar discoveries. Pulsar Survey Scraper can be downloaded or run online using the Pulsar Survey Scraper webform.

[submitted] EleFits

EleFits is a modern C++ package to read and write FITS files which focuses on safety, user-friendliness, and performance.

[ascl:2209.020] FastQSL: Quasi-separatrix Layers computation method

FastQSL calculate the squashing factor Q at the photosphere, a cross section, or a box volume, given a 3D magnetic field with Cartesian, uniform or stretched grids. It is available in IDL and in an optimized version using Fortran for calculations and field line tracing. Use of a GPU accelerates a step-size adaptive scheme for the most computationally intensive part, the field line tracing, making the code fast and efficient.

[ascl:2209.019] SolTrack: Compute the position of the Sun in topocentric coordinates

SolTrack computes the position of the Sun, the rise and set times and azimuths, and transit times and altitudes. It includes corrections for aberration and parallax, and has a simple routine to correct for atmospheric refraction, taking into account local atmospheric conditions. SolTrack is derived from the Fortran library libTheSky (ascl:2209.018). The package can be used to track the Sun on a low-specs machine, such as a microcontroller or PLC, and can be used for (highly) concentrated (photovoltaic) solar power or accurate solar-energy modeling.

[ascl:2209.018] libTheSky: Compute positions of celestial bodies and events

libTheSky compute the positions of celestial bodies, such as the Moon, planets, and stars, and events, including conjunctions and eclipses, with great accuracy. Written in Fortran, libTheSky can use different reference frames (heliocentric, geocentric, topocentric) and coordinate systems (ecliptic, equatorial, galactic; spherical, rectangular), and the user can choose low- or high-accuracy calculations, depending on need.

[ascl:2209.017] SpectraPy: Extract and reduce astronomical spectral data

SpectraPy collects algorithms and methods for data reduction of astronomical spectra obtained by a through slits spectrograph. It produces two-dimensional wavelength calibrated spectra corrected by instrument distortions. The library is designed to be spectrograph independent and can be used on both longslit (LS) and multi object spectrograph (MOS) data. SpectraPy comes with a set of already configured spectrographs, but it can be easily configured to reduce data of other instruments.

[ascl:2209.016] RAPOC: Rosseland and Planck mean opacities calculator

RAPOC (Rosseland and Planck Opacity Converter) uses molecular absorption measurements (i.e., wavelength-dependent opacities) for a given temperature, pressure, and wavelength range to calculate Rosseland and Planck mean opacities for use in atmospheric modeling. The code interpolates between discrete data points and can use ExoMol and DACE data, or any user-defined data provided in a readable format. RAPOC is simple, straightforward, and easily incorporated into other codes.

[ascl:2209.015] TauREx3: Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets

TauREx 3 (Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets) provides a fully Bayesian inverse atmospheric retrieval framework for exoplanetary atmosphere modeling and retrievals. It is fully customizable, allowing the user to mix and match atmospheric parameters and add additional ones. The framework builds forward models, simulates instruments, and performs retrievals, and provides a rich library of classes for building additional programs and using new atmospheric parameters.

[ascl:2209.014] SyntheticISOs: Synthetic Population of Interstellar Objects

Synthetic Population of Interstellar Objects generates a synthetic population of interstellar objects (orbits and sizes) in arbitrary volume of space around the Sun. The only necessary assumption is that the population of ISOs in the interstellar space (far from any massive body) is homogeneous and isotropic. The assumed distribution of interstellar velocities of ISOs has to be provided as an input. This distribution can be defined analytically, but also in a discrete form. The algorithm, based on the multivariate inverse transform sampling method, is implemented in Python.

[ascl:2209.013] wsynphot: Synthetic photometry package using quantities

wsynphot provides a broad set of filters, including observation facility, instrument, and wavelength range, and functions for imaging stars to produce a filter curve showing the transmission of light for each wavelength value. It can create a filter curve object, plot the curve, and allows the user to do calculations on the filter curve object.

[ascl:2209.012] URILIGHT: Time-dependent Monte-Carlo radiative-transfer

The time dependent Monte-Carlo code URILIGHT, written in Fortran 90, assumes homologous expansion. Energy deposition resulting from the decay of radioactive isotopes is calculated by a Monte-Carlo solution of the γ-ray transport, for which interaction with matter is included through Compton scattering and photoelectric absorption. The temperature is iteratively solved for in each cell by requiring that the total emissivity equals the total absorbed energy.

[ascl:2209.011] GaLight: 2D modeling of galaxy images

GaLight (Galaxy shapes of Light) performs two-dimensional model fitting of optical and near-infrared images to characterize the light distribution of galaxies with components including a disk, bulge, bar and quasar. Light is decomposes into PSF and Sersic, and the fitting is based on lenstronomy (ascl:1804.01). GaLight's automated features including searching PSF stars in the FOV, automatically estimating the background noise level, and cutting out the target object galaxies (QSOs) and preparing the materials to model the data. It can also detect objects in the cutout stamp and quickly create Sersic keywords to model them, and model QSOs and galaxies using 2D Sersic profile and scaled point source.

[ascl:2209.010] HyPhy: Hydrodynamical Physics via Deep Generative Painting

HyPhy maps from dark matter only simulations to full hydrodynamical physics models. It uses a fully convolutional variational auto-encoder (VAE) to synthesize hydrodynamic fields conditioned on dark matter fields from N-body simulations. After training, HyPhy can probabilistically map new dark matter only simulations to corresponding full hydrodynamical outputs and generate posterior samples for studying the variance of the mapping. This conditional deep generative model is implemented in TensorFlow.

[ascl:2209.009] GRUMPY: Galaxy formation with RegUlator Model in PYthon

GRUMPY (Galaxy formation with RegUlator Model in PYthon) models the formation of dwarf galaxies. When coupled with realistic mass accretion histories of halos from simulations and reasonable choices for model parameter values, this simple regulator-type framework reproduces a broad range of observed properties of dwarf galaxies over seven orders of magnitude in stellar mass. GRUMPY matches observational constraints on the stellar mass--halo mass relation and observed relations between stellar mass and gas phase and stellar metallicities, gas mass, size, and star formation rate. It also models the general form and diversity of star formation histories (SFHs) of observed dwarf galaxies. The software can be used to predict photometric properties of dwarf galaxies hosted by dark matter haloes in N-body simulations, such as colors, surface brightnesses, and mass-to-light ratios and to forward model observations of dwarf galaxies.

[ascl:2209.008] PINION: Accelerating radiative transfer simulations for cosmic reionization

PINION (Physics-Informed neural Network for reIONization) predicts the complete 4-D hydrogen fraction evolution from the smoothed gas and mass density fields from pre-computed N-body simulations. Trained on C2-Ray simulation outputs with a physics constraint on the reionization chemistry equation, PINION accurately predicts the entire reionization history between z = 6 and 12 with only five redshift snapshots and a propagation mask as a simplistic approximation of the ionizing photon mean free path. The network's predictions are in good agreement with simulation to redshift z > 7, though the oversimplified propagation mask degrades the network's accuracy for z < 7.

[ascl:2209.007] AMBER: Fast pipeline for detecting single-pulse radio transients

AMBER (Apertif Monitor for Bursts Encountered in Real-time) detects single-pulse radio phenomena, such as pulsars and fast radio bursts, in real time. It is a fully auto-tuned pipeline that offloads compute-intensive kernels to many-core accelerators; the software automatically tunes these kernels to achieve high performance on different platforms.

[ascl:2209.006] KaRMMa: Curved-sky mass map reconstruction

KaRMMa (Kappa Reconstruction for Mass MApping) performs curved-sky mass map reconstruction using a lognormal prior from weak-lensing surveys. It uses a fully Bayesian approach with a physically motivated lognormal prior to sample from the posterior distribution of convergence maps. The posterior distribution of KaRMMa maps are nearly unbiased in one-point and two-point functions and peak/void counts. KaRMMa successfully captures the non-Gaussian nature of the distribution of κ values in the simulated maps, and KaRMMa posteriors correctly characterize the uncertainty in summary statistics.

[ascl:2209.005] SCORE: Shape COnstraint REstoration

The Shape COnstraint REstoration algorithm (SCORE) is a proximal algorithm based on sparsity and shape constraints to restore images. Its main purpose is to restore images while preserving their shape information. It can, for example, denoise a galaxy image by instanciating SCORE and using its denoise method and then visualize the results, and can deconvolve multiple images with different parameter values.

[ascl:2209.004] Cluster Toolkit: Tools for analyzing galaxy clusters

Cluster Toolkit calculates weak lensing signals from galaxy clusters and cluster cosmology. It offers 3D density and correlation functions, halo bias models, projected density and differential profiles, and radially averaged profiles. It also calculates halo mass functions, mass-concentration relations, Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) cluster signals, and cluster magnification. Cluster Toolkit consists of a Python front end wrapped around a well optimized back end in C.

[ascl:2209.003] DeepMass: Cosmological map inference with deep learning

DeepMass infers dark matter maps from weak gravitational lensing measurements and uses deep learning to reconstruct cosmological maps. The code can also be incorporated into a Moment Network to enable high-dimensional likelihood-free inference.

[ascl:2209.002] Herculens: Differentiable gravitational lensing

Herculens models imaging data of strong gravitational lenses. The package supports various degrees of model complexity, ranging from standard smooth analytical profiles to pixelated models and machine learning approaches. In particular, it implements multiscale pixelated models regularized with sparsity constraints and wavelet decomposition, for modeling both the source light distribution and the lens potential. The code is fully differentiable - based on JAX (ascl:2111.002) - which enables fast convergence to the solution, access to the parameters covariance matrix, efficient exploration of the parameter space including the sampling of posterior distributions using variational inference or Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo methods.

[ascl:2209.001] A-SLOTH: Semi-analytical model to connect first stars and galaxies to observables

A-SLOTH (Ancient Stars and Local Observables by Tracing Halos) connects the formation of the first stars and galaxies to observables. The model is based on dark matter merger trees, on which A-SLOTH applies analytical recipes for baryonic physics to model the formation of both metal-free and metal-poor stars and the transition between them. The software samples individual stars and includes radiative, chemical, and mechanical feedback. A-SLOTH has versatile applications with moderate computational requirements. It can be used to constrain the properties of the first stars and high-z galaxies based on local observables, predicts properties of the oldest and most metal-poor stars in the Milky Way, can serve as a subgrid model for larger cosmological simulations, and predicts next-generation observables of the early Universe, such as supernova rates or gravitational wave events.

[ascl:2208.025] Yonder: Data denoising and reconstruction

YONDER uses singular value decomposition to perform low-rank data denoising and reconstruction. It takes a tabular data matrix and an error matrix as input and returns a denoised version of the original dataset as output. The approach enables a more accurate data analysis in the presence of uncertainties. Consequently, this package can be used as a simple toolbox to perform astronomical data cleaning.

[ascl:2208.024] toise: Performance estimator for high-energy neutrino detectors

The toise framework estimates the sensitivity of natural-medium neutrino detectors such as IceCube-Gen2 to sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. It uses parameterizations of a detector's fiducial area or volume, selection efficiency, energy resolution, angular resolution, and event classification efficiency to convert (surface) neutrino fluxes into mean event rates in bins of observable space. These are then used to estimate statistical quantities of interest, e.g., the median sensitivity to some flux (i.e., 90% upper limit assuming the true flux is zero) or the median discovery potential (i.e., the flux level at which the null hypothesis would be rejected at 5 sigma in 50% of realizations).

[ascl:2208.023] CubeFit: Regularized 3D fitting for spectro-imaging data

Cubefit is an OXY class that performs spectral fitting with spatial regularization in a spectro-imaging context. The 3D model is based on a 1D model and 2D parameter maps; the 2D maps are regularized using an L1L2 regularization by default. The estimator is a compound of a chi^2 based on the 1D model, a regularization term based of the 2D regularization of the various 2D parameter maps, and an optional decorrelation term based on the cross-correlation of specific pairs of parameter maps.

[ascl:2208.022] PyNAPLE: Automated pipeline for detecting changes on the lunar surface

PyNAPLE (PYthon Nac Automated Pair Lunar Evaluator) detects changes and new impact craters on the lunar surface using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Narrow Angle Camera (LRO NAC) images. The code enables large scale analyses of sub-kilometer scale cratering rates and refinement of both scaling laws and the luminous efficiency.

[ascl:2208.021] GSSP: Grid Search in Stellar Parameters

GSSP (Grid Search in Stellar Parameters) is based on a grid search in the fundamental atmospheric parameters and (optionally) individual chemical abundances of the star (or binary stellar components) in question. It uses atmosphere models and spectrum synthesis, which assumes a comparison of the observations with each theoretical spectrum from the grid. The code can optimize five stellar parameters at a time (effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, microturbulent velocity, and projected rotational velocity of the star) and synthetic spectra can be computed in any number of wavelength ranges. GSSP builds the grid of theoretical spectra from all possible combinations of the above mentioned parameters, and delivers the set of best fit parameters, the corresponding synthetic spectrum, and the ASCII file containing the individual parameter values for all grid points and the corresponding chi-square values.

[ascl:2208.020] GStokes: Magnetic field structure and line profiles calculator

GStokes performs simple multipolar fits to circular polarization data to provide information about the field strength and geometry. It provides forward calculation of the disc-integrated Stokes parameter profiles as well as magnetic inversions under several widely used simplifying approximations of the polarized line formation. GStokes implements the Unno–Rachkovsky analytical solution of the polarized radiative transfer equation and the weak-field approximation with the Gaussian local profiles. The magnetic field geometry is described with one of the common low-order multipolar field parametrizations. Written in IDL, GStokes provides a user-friendly graphical front-end.

[ascl:2208.019] RadioLensfit: Radio weak lensing shear measurement in the visibility domain

RadioLensfit measures star-forming galaxy ellipticities using a Bayesian model fitting approach. The software uses an analytical exponential Sersic model and works in the visibility domain avoiding Fourier Transform. It also simulates visibilities of observed SF galaxies given a source catalog and Measurement Sets containing the description of the radio interferometer and of the observation. It provides both serial and MPI versions.

[ascl:2208.018] EstrellaNueva: Expected rates of supernova neutrinos calculator

EstrellaNueva calculates expected rates of supernova neutrinos in detectors. It provides a link between supernova simulations and the expected events in detectors by calculating fluences and event rates in order to ease any comparison between theory and observation. The software is a standalone tool for exploring many physics scenarios, and offers an option to add analytical cross sections and define any target material.

[ascl:2208.017] HOCHUNK3D: Dust radiative transfer in 3D

HOCHUNK3D is an updated version of the HOCHUNK radiative equilibrium code (ascl:1711.013); the code has been converted to Fortran 95, which allows a specification of one-dimensional (1D), 2D, or 3D grids at runtime. The code is parallelized so it can be run on multiple processors on one machine, or on multiple machines in a network. It includes 3-D functionality and several other additional geometries and features. The code calculates radiative equilibrium temperature solution, thermal and PAH/vsg emission, scattering and polarization in protostellar geometries. HOCHUNK3D also computes spectral energy distributions (SEDs), polarization spectra, and images.

[ascl:2208.016] CRPropa3: Simulation framework for propagating extraterrestrial ultra-high energy particles

CRPropa3, an improved version of CRPropa2 (ascl:1412.013), provides a simulation framework to study the propagation of ultra-high-energy nuclei up to iron on their voyage through an (extra)galactic environment. It takes into account pion production, photodisintegration, and energy losses by pair production of all relevant isotopes in the ambient low-energy photon fields, as well as nuclear decay. CRPropa3 can model the deflection in (inter)galactic magnetic fields, the propagation of secondary electromagnetic cascades, and neutrinos for a multitude of scenarios for different source distributions and magnetic environments. It enables the user to predict the spectra of UHECR (and of their secondaries), their composition and arrival direction distribution. Additionally, the low-energy Galactic propagation can be simulated by solving the transport equation using stochastic differential equations. CRPropa3 features a very flexible simulation setup with python steering and shared-memory parallelization.

[ascl:2208.015] J-comb: Combine high-resolution and low-resolution data

J-comb combines high-resolution data with large-scale missing information with low-resolution data containing the short spacing. Based on uvcombine (ascl:2208.014), it takes as input FITS files of low- and high-resolution images, the angular resolution of the input images, and the pixel size of the input images, and outputs a FITS file of the combined image.

[ascl:2208.014] uvcombine: Combine images with different resolutions

uvcombine combines single-dish and interferometric data. It can combine high-resolution images that are missing large angular scales (Fourier-domain short-spacings) with low-resolution images containing the short/zero spacing. uvcombine includes the "feathering" technique for interferometry data, implementing a similar approach to CASA’s (ascl:1107.013) feather task but with additional options. Also included are consistency tests for the flux calibration and single-dish scale by comparing the data in the uv-overlap range.

[ascl:2208.013] SPAMMS: Spectroscopic PAtch Model for Massive Stars

SPAMMS (Spectroscopic PAtch Model for Massive Stars), designed with geometrically deformed systems in mind, combines the eclipsing binary modelling code PHOEBE 2 (ascl:1106.002) and the NLTE radiative transfer code FASTWIND to produce synthetic spectra for systems at given phases, orientations and geometries. SPAMMS reproduces the morphology of observed spectral line profiles for overcontact systems and the Rossiter-Mclaughlin and Struve-Sahade effects.

[ascl:2208.012] DELIGHT: Identify host galaxies of transient candidates

DELIGHT (Deep Learning Identification of Galaxy Hosts of Transients) automatically identifies host galaxies of transient candidates using multi-resolution images and a convolutional neural network. This library has a class with several methods to get the most likely host coordinates starting from given transient coordinates. In order to do this, the DELIGHT object needs a list of object identifiers and coordinates (oid, ra, dec). With this information, it downloads PanSTARRS images centered around the position of the transients (2 arcmin x 2 arcmin), gets their WCS solutions, creates the multi-resolution images, does some extra preprocessing of the data, and finally predicts the position of the hosts using a multi-resolution image and a convolutional neural network. DELIGHT can also estimate the host's semi-major axis if requested, taking advantage of the multi-resolution images.

[ascl:2208.011] POIS: Python Optical Interferometry Simulation

POIS (Python Optical Interferometry Simulation) provides the building blocks to simulate the operation of a ground-based optical interferometer perturbed by atmospheric seeing perturbations. The package includes functions to generate simulated atmospheric turbulent wavefront perturbations, correct these perturbations using adaptive optics, and combine beams from an arbitrary number of telescopes, with or without spatial filtering, to provide complex fringe visibility measurements.

[ascl:2208.010] FFD: Flare Frequency Distribution

FFD (Flare Frequency Distribution) fits power-laws to FFDs. FFDs relate the frequency (i.e., occurrence rate) of flares to their energy, peak flux, photometric equivalent width, or other parameters. This module was created to handle disparate datasets between which the flare detection limit varies; in essence, the number of flares detected is treated as following a Poisson distribution while the flare energies are treated as following a power law.

[ascl:2208.009] LeXInt: Leja Exponential Integrators

LeXInt (Leja interpolation for eXponential Integrators) is a temporal exponential integration package using the method of polynomial interpolation at Leja points. Exponential Rosenbrock (EXPRB) and Exponential Propagation Iterative Runge-Kutta (EPIRK) methods use the Leja interpolation method to compute the functions. For linear PDEs, one can get the exact solution (in time) by directly computing the matrix exponential.

[ascl:2208.008] RJ-plots: Automated objective classification of 2D structures

RJ-plots uses a moments of inertia method to disentangle a 2D structure's elongation from its centrally over/under-density, thus providing a means for the automated and objective classification of such structures. It may be applied to any 2D pixelated image such as column density maps or moment zero maps of molecular lines. This method is a further development of J-plots (ascl:2009.007).

[ascl:2208.007] VapoRock: Modeling magma ocean atmospheres and stellar nebula

VapoRock calculates the equilibrium partial pressures of metal-bearing gas species of specific elements above the magma ocean surface to determine the metal-bearing composition of the atmosphere as a function of temperature and the bulk composition of the magma ocean. It utilizes ENKI's ThermoEngine (ascl:2208.006) and combines estimates for element activities in silicate melts with thermodynamic data for metal and metal oxide vapor species.

[ascl:2208.006] ThermoEngine: Thermodynamic properties estimator and phase equilibrium calculator

ThermoEngine estimates the thermodynamic properties of minerals, fluids, and melts, and calculates phase equilibriums. The Equilibrate module of ThermoEngine provides Python functions and classes for computing equilibrium phase assemblages with focus on MELTS calculations. The Phases module includes Python functions and classes for computing standard thermodynamic calculations utilizing the Berman, Holland and Powell, or Stixrude-Lithgow-Bertelloni endmember databases, and calculations based on solution properties utilized by MELTS. There are many helper functions available in this module that assist in the calculation of pseudosections, univariant equilibria and the construction of phase diagrams.

[ascl:2208.005] Asymmetric Uncertainty: Handling nonstandard numerical uncertainties

Asymmetric Uncertainty implements and provides an object class for dealing with uncertainties for physical quantities that are not symmetric. Instances of the class behave appropriately with other numeric objects under most mathematical operations, and the associated errors propagate accordingly. The class also provides utilities such as methods for evaluating and plotting probability density functions, as well as capabilities for handling arrays of such objects. Standard and symmetric uncertainties are also supported.

[ascl:2208.004] TOM Toolkit: Target and Observation Manager Toolkit

The TOM Toolkit combines a flexible, searchable database of all information related to a scientific research project, with an observation and data analysis control system, and communication and data visualization tools. This Toolkit includes a fully operational TOM (Target and Observation Manager) system in addition to a range of optional tools for specific tasks, including interfaces to widely-used observing facilities and data archives and data visualization tools. With TOM Toolkit, project teams can develop and customize a system for their own science goals, without needing specialist expertise in databasing.

[ascl:2208.003] Scatfit: Scattering fits of time domain radio signals (Fast Radio Bursts or pulsars)

Scatfit models observed burst signals of impulsive time domain radio signals ( e.g., Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) or pulsars pulses), which usually are convolution products of various effects, and fits them to the experimental data. It includes several models for scattering and instrumental effects. The code loads the experimental time domain radio data, cleans them, fits an aggregate scattering model to the data, and robustly estimates the model parameters and their uncertainties. Additionally, scatfit determines the scaling of the scattering time with frequency, i.e. the scattering index, and the scattering-corrected dispersion measure of the burst or pulse.

[ascl:2208.002] qrpca: QR-based Principal Components Analysis

qrpca uses QR-decomposition for fast principal component analysis. The software is particularly suited for large dimensional matrices. It makes use of torch for internal matrix computations and enables GPU acceleration, when available. Written in both R and python languages, qrpca provides functionalities similar to the prcomp (R) and sklearn (python) packages.

[ascl:2208.001] BlaST: Synchrotron peak estimator for blazars

BlaST (Blazar Synchrotron Tool) estimates the synchrotron peak of blazars given their spectral energy distribution. It uses a machine-learning algorithm that simplifies the estimation and also provides a reliable uncertainty estimation. The package naturally accounts for additional SED components from the host galaxy and the disk emission. BlaST also supports bulk estimation, e.g. estimating a whole catalog, by providing a directory or zip file containing the seds as well as an output file in which to write the results.

[submitted] Eidein: Interactive Visualization Tool for Deep Active Learning

Eidein interactively visualizes a data sample for the selection of an informative (contains data with high predictive uncertainty, is diverse, but not redundant) data subsample for deep active learning. The data sample is projected to 2-D with a dimensionality reduction technique. It is visualized in an interactive scatter plot that allows a human expert to select and annotate the data subsample.

[submitted] BMarXiv

BMarXiv scans new (i.e., since the last time checked) submissions from arXiv, ranks submissions based on keyword matches, and produces an HTML page as an output.

The keywords are looked for (with regex capabilities) in the title, abstract, but also the author list, so it is possible to look for people too. The score is calculated for each specific entry but additional (and optional) scoring is performed using the first author recent submissions and/or the other authors' recent submissions.

It is possible to include/exclude any arXiv categories (within astro-ph or not). New astronomical conferences (from CADC by default) and new codes (from are also checked and can also be scanned for keywords.

A local bibliography file can be scanned to find frequent words/groups of words that could become scanned keywords.

[ascl:2207.035] massmappy: Mapping dark matter on the celestial sphere

massmappy recovers convergence mass maps on the celestial sphere from weak lensing cosmic shear observations. It relies on SSHT (ascl:2207.034) and HEALPix (ascl:1107.018) to handle sampled data on the sphere. The spherical Kaiser-Squires estimator is implemented.

[ascl:2207.034] SSHT: Fast spin spherical harmonic transforms

SSHT performs fast and exact spin spherical harmonic transforms; functionality is also provided to perform fast and exact adjoint transforms, forward and inverse transforms, and spherical harmonic transforms for a number of alternative sampling schemes. The code can interface with DUCC (ascl:2008.023) and use it as a backend for spherical harmonic transforms and rotations.

[ascl:2207.033] piXedfit: Analyze spatially resolved SEDs of galaxies

piXedfit provides a self-contained set of tools for analyzing spatially resolved properties of galaxies using imaging data or a combination of imaging data and the integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data. piXedfit has six modules that can handle all tasks in the analysis of the spatially resolved SEDs of galaxies, including images processing, a spatial-matching between reduced broad-band images with an IFS data cube, pixel binning, performing SED fitting, and making visualization plots for the SED fitting results.

[ascl:2207.032] gwdet: Detectability of gravitational-wave signals from compact binary coalescences

gwdet computes the probability of detecting a gravitational-wave signal from compact binaries averaging over sky-location and source inclination. The code has two classes, averageangles and detectability. averageangles computes the detection probability, averaged over all angles (such as sky location, polarization, and inclination), as a function of the projection parameter. detectability computes the detection probability of a non-spinning compact binary.

[ascl:2207.031] BANZAI: Beautiful Algorithms to Normalize Zillions of Astronomical Images

BANZAI (Beautiful Algorithms to Normalize Zillions of Astronomical Images) processes raw data taken from Las Cumbres Observatory and produces science quality data products. It is capable of reducing single or multi-extension fits files. For historical data, BANZAI can also reduce the data cubes that were produced by the Sinistro cameras.

[ascl:2207.030] Analysis of dipole alignment in large-scale distribution of galaxy spin directions

This code analyzes a dipole axis in the distribution of galaxy spin directions. The code takes as input a list of galaxies, their equatorial coordinates, and their spin directions. It then determines the statistical significance of possible dipole axis at any point in the sky by comparing the cosine dependence of the spin directions to the mean and standard deviation of the cosine dependence after 2000 runs with random spin directions. A code to analyze the binomial distribution of the spin directions using Monte Carlo simulation is also available.

[ascl:2207.029] ParticleGridMapper: Particle data interpolator

ParticleGridMapper.jl interpolates particle data onto either a Cartesian (uniform) grid or an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) grid where each cell contains no more than one particle. The AMR grid can be trimmed with a user-defined maximum level of refinement. Three different interpolation schemes are supported: nearest grid point (NGP), smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH), and Meshless finite mass (MFM). It is multi-threading parallel.

[ascl:2207.028] disksurf: Measure the molecular emission surface of protoplanetary disks

disksurf measures the height of optically thick emission or photosphere in moderately inclined protoplanetary disks. The package is dependent on AstroPy (ascl:1304.002) and uses GoFish (ascl:2011.016) to retrieve data from FITS data cubes and user-specified parameters to return a surface object containing the disk-centric coordinates of the surface and the gas temperature and rotation velocity at those locations. disksurf provides clipping, smoothing, and diagnostic functions as well.

[ascl:2207.027] ConeRot: Velocity perturbations extractor

ConeRot extracts velocity perturbations in protoplanetary disks from observed line centroids maps ν∘, by creating axially-symmetric centroid maps. It also derives 3D rotation curves in disk-centered cylindrical coordinates, and can estimate the disk orientation based on line data alone. It approximates the unit opacity surface of an axially symmetric disc by a series of cones whose orientations are fit to the observed velocity centroid in concentric radial domains, or regions, with the disc orientation and the rotation curve both optimized to fit ν∘ in each region. ConeRot extracts the perturbations directly from observations without strong assumptions about the underlying disk model and employs a reduced number of free parameters.

[ascl:2207.026] pdspy: MCMC tool for continuum and spectral line radiative transfer modeling

pdspy fits Monte Carlo radiative transfer models for protostellar/protoplanetary disks to ALMA continuum and spectral line datasets using Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting. It contains two tools, one to fit ALMA continuum visibilities and broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with full radiative transfer models, and another to fit ALMA spectral line visibilities with protoplanetary disk models that include a vertically isothermal, power law temperature distribution. No radiative equilibrium calculation is done.

[ascl:2207.025] casa_cube: Display and analyze astronomical data cubes

casa_cube provides an interface to data cubes generated by CASA (ascl:1107.013) or Gildas (ascl:1305.010). It performs simple tasks such as plotting given channel maps, moment maps, and line profile in various units, and also corrects for cloud extinction, reconvolves with a beam taper, and permits quick and easy comparisons with models.

[ascl:2207.024] pymcfost: Python interface to the MCFOST 3D radiative transfer code

pymcfost provides an interface to and can be used to visualize results from the 3D radiative transfer code MCFOST (ascl:2207.023). pymcfost can set up continuum and line models, read a single model or library of models, plot basic quantities such as density structures and temperature maps, and plot observables, including SEDs, polarization maps, visibilities, and channels maps (with spatial and spectral convolution). It can also convert units (e.g. W.m-2 to Jy or brightness temperature), and it provides an interface to the ALMA CASA simulator (ascl:1107.013).

[ascl:2207.023] MCFOST: Radiative transfer code

MCFOST is a 3D continuum and line radiative transfer code based on an hybrid Monte Carlo and ray-tracing method. It is mainly designed to study the circumstellar environment of young stellar objects, but has been used for a wide range of astrophysical problems. The calculations are done exactly within the limitations of the Monte Carlo noise and machine precision, i.e., no approximation are used in the calculations. The code has been strongly optimized for speed.

MCFOST is primarily designed to study protoplanetary disks. The code can reproduce most of the observations of disks, including SEDs, scattered light images, IR and mm visibilities, and atomic and molecular line maps. As the Monte Carlo method is generic, any complex structure can be handled by MCFOST and its use can be extended to other astrophysical objects. For instance, calculations have succesfully been performed on infalling envelopes and AGB stars. MCFOST also includes a non-LTE line transfer module, and NLTE level population are obtained via iterations between Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations and statistical equilibrium.

[ascl:2207.022] triple-stability: Triple-star system stability determinator

triple-stability uses a simple form of an artificial neural network, a multi-layer perceptron, to check whether a given configuration of a triple-star system is dynamically stable. The code is written in Python and the MLP classifier can be imported to other custom Python3 scripts.

[ascl:2207.021] BAYGAUD: BAYesian GAUssian Decomposer

BAYGAUD (BAYesian GAUssian Decomposer) implements the decomposition of velocity profiles in a data cube and subsequent classification. It uses MultiNest (ascl:1109.006) for calculating the posterior distribution and the evidence for a given likelihood function. The code models a given line profile with an optimal number of Gaussians based on the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques. BAYGAUD is parallelized using the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) standard, which reduces the time needed to calculate the evidence using MCMC techniques.

[ascl:2207.020] vKompth: Time-dependent Comptonization model for black-hole X-ray binaries

vKompth fits the energy-dependent rms-amplitude and phase-lag spectra of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in low mass black-hole X-ray binaries using a variable Comptonization model. The accretion disc is modeled as a multi-temperature blackbody source emitting soft photons which are then Compton up-scattered in a spherical corona, including feedback of Comptonized photons that return to the disc.

[ascl:2207.019] walter: Predictor for the number of resolved stars in a given observation from RST

walter calculates the number density of stars detected in a given observation aiming to resolve a stellar population. The code also calculates the exposure time needed to reach certain population features, such as the horizontal branch, and provides an estimate of the crowding limit. walter was written with the expectation that such calculations will be very useful for planning surveys with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (RST, formerly WFIRST).

[ascl:2207.018] pocoMC: Preconditioned Monte Carlo method for accelerated Bayesian inference

pocoMC performs Bayesian inference, including model comparison, for challenging scientific problems. The code utilizes a normalizing flow to precondition the target distribution by removing any correlations between its parameters. pocoMC then generates posterior samples, used for parameter estimation, with a powerful adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm manifesting a sampling efficiency that can be orders of magnitude higher than without precondition. Furthermore, pocoMC also provides an unbiased estimate of the model evidence that can be used for the task of Bayesian model comparison. The code is designed to excel in demanding parameter estimation problems that include multimodal and highly non–Gaussian target distributions.

[ascl:2207.017] LOTUS: 1D Non-LTE stellar parameter determination via Equivalent Width method

LOTUS (non-LTE Optimization Tool Utilized for the derivation of atmospheric Stellar parameters) derives stellar parameters via Equivalent Width (EW) method with the assumption of 1D non-local thermodynamic equilibrium. It mainly applies on the spectroscopic data from high resolution spectral survey. It can provide extremely accurate measurement of stellar parameters compared with non-spectroscopic analysis from benchmark stars. LOTUS provides a fast optimizer for obtaining stellar parameters based on Differential Evolution algorithm, well constrained uncertainty of derived stellar parameters from slice-sampling MCMC from PyMC3 (ascl:1610.016), and can interpolate the Curve of Growth from theoretical EW grid under the assumptions of LTE and Non-LTE. It also visualizes excitation and ionization balance when at the optimal combination of stellar parameters.

[ascl:2207.016] DustPy: Simulation of dust evolution in protoplanetary disks

DustPy simulates the radial evolution of gas and dust in protoplanetary disks, involving viscous evolution of the gas disk and advection and diffusion of the dust disk, as well as dust growth by solving the Smoluchowski equation. The package provides a standard simulation and the ability to plot results, and also allows modification of the initial conditions for dust, gas, the grid, and the central star.

[ascl:2207.015] calviacat: Calibrate star photometry by catalog comparison

calviacat calibrates star photometry by comparison to a catalog, including PanSTARRS 1, ATLAS-RefCat2, and SkyMapper catalogs. Catalog queries are cached so that subsequent calibrations of the same or similar fields can be more quickly executed.

[ascl:2207.014] petitRADTRANS: Exoplanet spectra calculator

petitRADTRANS (pRT) calculates transmission and emission spectra of exoplanets for clear and cloudy planets. It also incorporates an easy subpackage for running retrievals with nested sampling. It allows the calculation of emission or transmission spectra, at low or high resolution, clear or cloudy, and includes a retrieval module to fit a petitRADTRANS model to spectral data. pRT has two different opacity treatment modes. The low resolution mode runs calculations at λ/Δλ ≤ 1000 using the so-called correlated-k treatment for opacities. The high resolution mode runs calculations at λ/Δλ ≤ 106, using a line-by-line opacity treatment.

[ascl:2207.013] MuSCAT2_transit_pipeline: MuSCAT2 photometry and transit analysis pipelines

MuSCAT2_transit_pipeline provides photometry and transit analysis pipelines for MuSCAT2. It consists of a set of executable scripts and two Python packages: muscat2ph for photometry, and muscat2ta for transit analysis. The MuSCAT2 photometry can be carried out using the scripts only. The transit analysis can also in most cases be done using the main transit analysis script m2fit, but the muscat2ta package also offers high-level classes that can be used to carry out more customized transit analysis as a Python script (or Jupyter notebook).

[ascl:2207.012] ExoCTK: Exoplanet Characterization Tool Kit

The Exoplanet Characterization ToolKit (ExoCTK) focuses primarily on the atmospheric characterization of exoplanets and provides tools for time-series observation planning, forward modeling, data reduction, limb darkening, light curve fitting, and retrievals. It contains calculators for contamination, visibility, integrations and groups, and includes several Jupyter Notebooks to aid in learning how to use the various tools included in the ExoCTK package.

[ascl:2207.011] samsam: Scaled Adaptive Metropolis SAMpler

The samsam package provides two samplers, a scaled adaptive metropolis algorithm to robustly obtain samples from a target distribution, and a covariance importance sampling algorithm to efficiently compute the model evidence (or other integrals). It also includes tools to assess the convergence of the sam sampler and a few commonly used prior distributions.

[ascl:2207.010] Helios-r2: Bayesian nested-sampling retrieval code

Helios-r2 performs atmospheric retrieval of brown dwarf and exoplanet spectra. It uses a Bayesian statistics approach by employing a nested sampling method to generate posterior distributions and calculate the Bayesian evidence. The nested sampling itself is done by Multinest (ascl:1109.006). The computationally most demanding parts of the model have been written in NVIDIA's CUDA language for an increase in computational speed. Successful applications include retrieval of brown dwarf emission spectra and secondary eclipse measurements of exoplanets.

[ascl:2207.009] SolAster: 'Sun-as-a-star' radial velocity variations

SolAster provides querying, analysis, and calculation methods to independently derive 'sun-as-a-star' RV variations using SDO/HMI data for any time span since SDO has begun observing. Scaling factors are provided in order to calculate RVs comparable to magnitudes measured by ground-based spectrographs (HARPS-N and NEID). In addition, there are routines to calculate magnetic observables to compare with RV variations and determine what is driving Solar activity.

[ascl:2207.008] TESS_PRF: Display the TESS pixel response function

TESS_PRF displays the TESS pixel response function (PRF) at any location on the detector. The package is primarily for estimating how the light from a point source is distributed given its position in a TESS Target Pixel File (TPF) or TESScut postage stamp. By default, it accesses the relevant PRF files on MAST, but can also reference files on a local directory. TESS_PRF assumes the PRF doesn't change considerably within a small TPF. The PRF model can be positioned by passing the relative row and column location within the TPF to the "resample" method. The pixel locations follow WCS convention, that an integer value corresponds to the center of a pixel.

[ascl:2207.007] Pyriod: Period detection and fitting routines

Pyriod provides basic period detection and fitting routines for astronomical time series. Written in Python and designed to be run interactively in a Jupyter notebook, it displays and allows the user to interact with time series data, fit frequency solutions, and save figures from the toolbar. It can display original or residuals time series, fold the time series on some frequency, add selected peaks from the periodogram to the model, and refine the fit by computing a least-squared fit of the model using Lmfit (ascl:1606.014).

[ascl:2207.006] MultiModes: Efficiently analyze pulsating stars

MultiModes extracts the most significant frequencies of a sample of classical pulsating stars. The code takes a directory with light curves and initial parameters as input. For every light curve, the code calculates the frequencies spectrum, or periodogram, with the Fast Lomb Scargle algorithm, extracts the higher amplitude peak, and evaluates whether it is a real signal or noise. It fits frequency, amplitude, and phase through non-linear optimization, using a multisine function. This function is redefined with the new calculated parameters. MultiModes then does a simultaneous fit of a number of peaks (20 by default), subtracts them from the original signal, and goes back to the beginning of the loop with the residual, repeating the same process until the stop criterion is reached. After that, the code can filter suspicious spurious frequencies, those of low amplitude below the Rayleigh resolution, and possible combined frequencies.

[ascl:2207.005] echelle: Dynamic echelle diagrams for asteroseismology

Echelle diagrams are used mainly in asteroseismology, where they function as a diagnostic tool for estimating Δν, the separation between modes of the same degree ℓ; the amplitude spectrum of a star is stacked in equal slices of Δν, the large separation. The echelle Python code creates and manipulates echelle diagrams. The code provides the ability to dynamically change Δν for rapid identification of the correct value. echelle features performance optimized dynamic echelle diagrams and multiple backends for supporting Jupyter or terminal usage.

[ascl:2207.004] cosmic-kite: Auto-encoding the Cosmic Microwave Background

Cosmic-kite performs a fast estimation of the TT Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) power spectra corresponding to a set of cosmological parameters; it can also estimate the maximum-likelihood cosmological parameters from a power spectra. This software is an auto-encoder that was trained and calibrated using power spectra from random cosmologies computed with the CAMB code (ascl:1102.026).

[ascl:2207.003] MeSsI: MErging SystemS Identification

MeSsI performs an automatic classification between merging and relaxed clusters. This method was calibrated using mock catalogues constructed from the millennium simulation, and performs the classification using some machine learning techniques, namely random forest for classification and mixture of gaussians for the substructure identification.

[ascl:2207.002] pynucastro: Python interfaces to the nuclear reaction rate databases

pynucastro interfaces to the nuclear reaction rate databases, including the JINA Reaclib nuclear reactions database. This set of Python interfaces enables interactive exploration of rates and collection of rates (networks) in Jupyter notebooks and easy creation of the righthand side routines for reaction network integration (the ODEs) for use in simulation codes.

[ascl:2207.001] MULTIGRIS: Multicomponent probabilistic grid search

MULTIGRIS (also called mgris) uses the sequential Monte Carlo method in PyMC (ascl:1506.005) to extract the posterior distributions of primary grid parameters and predict unobserved parameters/observables. The code accepts either a discrete number of components and/or continuous (e.g., power-law, normal) distributions for any given parameter. MULTIGRIS, written in Python, infers the posterior probability functions of parameters in a multidimensional potentially incomplete grid with some observational tracers defined for each parameter set. Observed values and their potentially asymmetric uncertainties are used to calculate a likelihood which, together with predefined or custom priors, produces the posterior distributions. Linear combinations of parameter sets may be used with inferred mixing weights and nearest neighbor or linear interpolation may be used to sample the parameter space.

[submitted] CosmicEmu: High Precision Emulator for the Nonlinear Matter Power Spectrum

Modern cosmological surveys are delivering datasets characterized by unprecedented quality and statistical completeness. In order to maximally extract cosmological information from these observations, matching theoretical predictions are needed. In the nonlinear regime of structure formation, cosmological simulations are the primary means of obtaining the required information but the computational cost of sufficiently resolved large-volume simulations makes it prohibitive to run very large ensembles. Nevertheless, precision emulators built on a tractable number of high-quality simulations can be used to build very fast prediction schemes to enable a variety of cosmological inference studies. The "Mira-Titan Universe" simulation suite covers the standard six cosmological parameters and, in addition, includes massive neutrinos and a dynamical dark energy equation of state. It is based on 111 cosmological simulations, each covering a (2.1Gpc)^3 volume and evolving 3200^3 particles, and augments these higher-resolution simulations with an additional set of 1776 lower-resolution simulations and TimeRG perturbation theory results to cover scales straddling the linear to mildly nonlinear regimes. The emulator built on this suite, the CosmicEmu, provides predictions at the two to three percent level of accuracy over a wide range of cosmological parameters. Presented in:

[submitted] Compact Binary Chebyshev Polynomial Representation Ephemeris Kernel

The software used to transform the tabular USNO/AE98 asteroid ephemerides into a Chebyshev polynomial representations, and evaluate them at an arbitrary time is available. The USNO/AE98 consisted of the ephemerides of fifteen of the largest asteroids, and were used in The Astronomical Almanac from 2000 through 2015. These ephemerides are outdated and no longer available, but the software used to store and evaluate them is still available and provides a robust method for storing compact ephemerides of solar system bodies.

The object of the software is to provide a compact binary representation of solar system bodies with eccentric orbits, which can produce the body's position and velocity at an arbitrary instant within the ephemeris' time span. It uses a modification of the Newhall (1989) algorithm to achieve this objective. The Newhall algorithm is used to store both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory DE and the Institut de mécanique céleste et de calcul des éphémérides INPOP high accuracy planetary ephemerides. The Newhall algorithm breaks an ephemeris into a number time contiguous segments, and each segment is stored as a set of Chebyshev polynomial coefficients. The length of the time segments and the maximum degree Chebyshev polynomial coefficient is fixed for each body. This works well for bodies with small eccentricities, but it becomes inefficient for a body in a highly eccentric orbit. The time segment length and maximum order Chebyshev polynomial coefficient must be chosen to accommodate the strong curvature and fast motion near pericenter, while the body spends most of its time either moving slowly near apocenter or in the lower curvature mid-anomaly portions of its orbit. The solution is to vary the time segment length and maximum degree Chebyshev polynomial coefficient with the body's position. The portion of the software that converts tabular ephemerides into a Chebyshev polynomial representation (CPR) performs this compaction automatically, and the portion that evaluates that representation requires only a modest increase in the evaluation time.

The software also allows the user to choose the required tolerance of the CPR. Thus, if less accuracy is required a more compact, somewhat quicker to evaluate CPR can be manufactured and evaluated. Numerical tests show that a fractional precision of 4e-16 may be achieved, only a factor of 4 greater than the 1e-16 precision of a 64-bit IEEE (2019) compliant floating point number.

The software is written in C and designed to work with the C edition of the Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Software (NOVAS). The programs may be used to convert tabular ephemerides of other solar system bodies as well. The included READ.ME file provides the details of the software and how to use it.


IEEE Computer Society 2019, IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. IEEE STD 754-2019, IEEE, pp. 1–84

Newhall, X X 1989, 'Numerical Representation of Planetary Ephemerides,' Celest. Mech., 45, 305 - 310

[ascl:2206.028] Spritz: General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code

The Spritz code is a fully general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code based on the Einstein Toolkit (ascl:1102.014). The code solves the GRMHD equations in 3D Cartesian coordinates and on a dynamical spacetime. Spritz supports tabulated equations of state, takes finite temperature effects into account and allows for the inclusion of neutrino radiation.

[ascl:2206.027] DustFilaments: Paint filaments to produce a thermal dust full sky map at mm frequencies

DustFilaments paints filaments in the Celestial Sphere to generate a full sky map of the Thermal Dust emission at millimeter frequencies by integrating a population of 3D filaments. The code requires a magnetic field cube, which can be calculated separately or by DustFilaments. With the magnetic field cube as input, the package creates a random filament population with a given seed, and then paints a filament into a healpix map provided as input; the healpix map is updated in place.

[ascl:2206.026] ShapePipe: Galaxy shape measurement pipeline

ShapePipe processes single-exposure images and stacked images. Input images have to be calibrated beforehand for astrometry and photometry. The code can handle different image and file types, such as single-exposure mosaic, single-exposure single-CCD, stacked images, database catalog files, and PSF files, some of which are created by the pipeline during the analysis, among others. The end product of ShapePipe is a final catalog containing information for each galaxy, including its shape parameters and the ellipticity components :math:e_1 and :math:e_2. This catalog also contains shapes of artificially sheared images. This information is used in post-processing to compute calibrated shear estimates via metacalibration.

[ascl:2206.025] CuspCore: Core formation in dark matter haloes and ultra-diffuse galaxies by outflow episodes

CuspCore describes the formation of flat cores in dark matter haloes and ultra-diffuse galaxies from feedback-driven outflow episodes. The halo response is divided into an instantaneous change of potential at constant velocities followed by an energy-conserving relaxation. The core assumption of the model is that the total energy E=U+K is conserved for each shell enclosing a given dark matter mass, which is treated in the code as a least-square minimization of the difference between the final and the initial energy of each shell.

[ascl:2206.024] Wavetrack: Arbitrary time-evolving solar object recognition and tracking

Wavetrack recognizes and tracks CME shock waves, filaments, and other solar objects. The code creates base images by averaging а series of images a few minutes prior to the start of the eruption and constructs base difference images by subtracting base images from the current raw image of the sequence. This enhances the change in intensity caused by coronal bright fronts, omits static details, and reduces noise. Wavetrack then chooses an appropriate intensity interval and decomposes the base difference or running difference image with an A-Trous wavelet transform, where each wavelet coefficient is obtained by convolving the image array with a corresponding iteration of the wavelet kernel. When the maximum value of the wavelet coefficients for a connected set of pixels satisfies certain conditions, this region is considered as a structure on the respective wavelet coefficient. Separate stand-alone object masks are obtained with a clustering algorithm and objects are renumbered according to the number of the quadrant they belong at each iteration.

[ascl:2206.023] pyPipe3D: Spectroscopy analysis pipeline

The spectroscopy analysis pipeline pyPipe3D produces coherent and easy to distribute and compare parameters of stellar populations and ionized gas; it is suited in particular for data from the most recent optical IFS surveys. The pipeline is build using pyFIT3D, which is the main spectral fitting module included in this package.

[ascl:2206.022] RealSim-IFS: Realistic synthetic integral field spectrscopy of galaxies from numerical simulations

RealSim-IFS generates survey-realistic integral-field spectroscopy (IFS) observations of galaxies from numerical simulations of galaxy formation. The tool is designed primarily to emulate current and experimental observing strategies for IFS galaxy surveys in astronomy, and can reproduce both the flux and variance propagation of real galaxy spectra to cubes. RealSim-IFS has built-in functions supporting SAMI and MaNGA IFU footprints, but supports any fiber-based IFU design, in general.

[ascl:2206.021] PyCASSO2: Stellar population and emission line fits in integral field spectra

PyCASSO runs the STARLIGHT code (ascl:1108.006) in integral field spectra (IFS). Cubes from various instruments are supported, including PMAS/PPAK (CALIFA), MaNGA, GMOS and MUSE. Emission lines can be measured using DOBBY, which is included in the package. The package also includes tools for IFS cubes analysis and plotting.

[ascl:2206.020] CCDLAB: FITS image viewer and data reducer

CCDLAB provides graphical user interface functionality for FITS image viewing and data reduction based on the JPFITS FITS-file interface. It can view, manipulate, and save FITS primary image data and image extensions, view and manipulate FITS image headers, and view FITS Bintable extensions. The code enables batch processing, viewing, and saving of FITS images and searching FITS files on disk. CCDLAB also provides general image reduction techniques, source detection and characterization, and can create World Coordinate Solutions automatically or manually for FITS images.

[ascl:2206.019] SEVN: Stellar EVolution for N-body

The population synthesis code SEVN (Stellar EVolution for N-body) includes up-to-date stellar evolution (through look-up tables), binary evolution, and different recipes for core-collapse supernovae. SEVN also provides an up-to-date formalism for pair-instability and pulsational pair-instability supernovae, and is designed to interface with direct-summation N-body codes such as STARLAB (ascl:1010.076) and HiGPUs (ascl:1207.002).

[ascl:2206.018] MADYS: Isochronal parameter determination for young stellar and substellar objects

MADYS (Manifold Age Determination for Young Stars) determines the age and mass of young stellar and substellar objects. The code automatically retrieves and cross-matches photometry from several catalogs, estimates interstellar extinction, and derives age and mass estimates for individual objects through isochronal fitting. MADYS harmonizes the heterogeneity of publicly-available isochrone grids and the user can choose amongst several models, some of which have customizable astrophysical parameters. Particular attention has been dedicated to the categorization of these models, labeled through a four-level taxonomical classification.

[ascl:2206.017] atoMEC: Average-Atom code for Matter under Extreme Conditions

atoMEC simulates high energy density phenomena such as in warm dense matter. It uses Kohn-Sham density functional theory, in combination with an average-atom approximation, to solve the electronic structure problem for single-element materials at finite temperature.

[ascl:2206.016] wdwarfdate: White dwarfs age calculator

wdwarfdate derives the Bayesian total age of a white dwarf from an effective temperature and a surface gravity. It runs a chain of models assuming single star evolution and estimates the following parameters and their uncertainties: total age of the object, mass and cooling age of the white dwarf, and mass and lifetime of the progenitor star.

[ascl:2206.015] Smart: Automatic differentiation of accelerations and variational equations

Smart provides pre-processing for LP-VIcode (ascl:1501.007). It computes the accelerations and variational equations given a generic user-defined potential function, eliminating the need to calculate manually the accelerations and variational equations.

[ascl:2206.014] SpinSpotter: Stellar rotation periods from high-cadence photometry calculator

SpinSpotter calculates stellar rotation periods from high-cadence photometry. The code uses the autocorrelation function (ACF) to identify stellar rotation periods up to one-third the observational baseline of the data. SpinSpotter includes diagnostic tools that describe features in the ACF and allows tuning of the tolerance with which to accept a period detection.

[ascl:2206.013] smooth: Smoothing for N-body simulations

Smooth calculates several mean quantities for all particles in an N-Body simulation output file. The program produces a file for each type of output specified on the command line. This output file is in ASCII format with one smoothed quantity for each particle. The program uses a symmetric SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) smoothing kernel to find the mean quantities.

[ascl:2206.012] WDPhotTools: White Dwarf Photometric SED fitter and luminosity function builder

WDPhotTools generates color-color diagrams and color-magnitude diagrams in various photometric systems, plots cooling profiles from different models, and computes theoretical white dwarf luminosity functions based on the built-in or supplied models of the (1) initial mass function, (2) total stellar evolution lifetime, (3) initial-final mass relation, and (4) white dwarf cooling time. The software has three main parts: the formatters that handle the output models from various works in the format as they are downloaded; the photometric fitter that solves for the WD parameters based on the photometry, with or without distance and reddening; and the generator of the white dwarf luminosity function in bolometric magnitudes or in any of the photometric systems available from the atmosphere model.

[ascl:2206.011] IFSCube: Analyze and process integral field spectroscopy data cubes

IFSCube performs analysis tasks in data cubes of integral field spectroscopy. It contains routines for fitting spectral features in 1D spectra and data cubes and rotation models to velocity fields; it also contains a routine that inspects the fit results. Though originally intended to make user scripts more concise, analysis can also be performed on the fly by using an interactive interpreter such as ipython. By default, IFSCube assumes data are in the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) standard, but the package can be modified easily to allow use of other data formats.

[submitted] JPFITS (C# .Net FITS File Interaction)

FITS File interaction written in Visual Studio C# .Net.

JPFITS is not based upon any other implementation and is written from the ground-up, consistent with the FITS standard, designed to interact with FITS files as object-oriented structures.

JPFITS provides functionality to interact with FITS images and binary table extensions, as well as providing common mathematical methods for the manipulation of data, data reductions, profile fitting, photometry, etc.

JPFITS also implements object-oriented classes for Point Source Extraction, World Coordinate Solutions (WCS), WCS automated field solving, FITS Headers and Header Keys, etc.

The automatic world coordinate solver is based on the trigonometric algorithm as described here:

All function parameters, methods, properties, etc., are coded with XML descriptions which will function with Visual Studio. Other code editors may or may not read the XML files.

Everything which is reasonable to parallelize in order to benefit from the computation speed increase for multi-threaded systems has been done so. In all such cases function options are given in order to specify the use of parallelism or not. Generally, most image manipulation functions are highly amenable to parallelism. No parallelism is forced, i.e., any code which may execute parallelized is given a user option to do so or not.

[submitted] fastrometry: Fast world coordinate solution solver

Fastrometry is a Python implementation of the fast world coordinate solution solver for the FITS standard astronomical image. When supplied with the approximate field center (+-25%) and the approximate field scale (+-10%) of the telescope and detector system the astronomical image is from, fastrometry provides WCS solutions almost instantaneously. The algorithm is also originally implemented with parallelism enabled in the Windows FITS image processor and viewer CCDLAB (ascl:2206.021).

[ascl:2206.010] pyHIIexplorerV2: Integrated spectra of HII regions extractor

pyHIIexplorerV2 extracts the integrated spectra of HII regions from integral field spectroscopy (IFS) datacubes. The detection of HII regions performed by pyHIIexplorer is based on two assumptions: 1) HII regions have strong emission lines that are clearly above the continuum emission and the average ionized gas emission across each galaxy, and 2) the typical size of HII regions is about a few hundreds of parsecs, which corresponds to a usual projected size of a few arcsec at the distance of our galaxies. These assumptions will define clumpy structures with a high Ha emission line contrast in comparison to the continuum. pyHIIexplorerV2 is written in Python; it is based on and is a successor to HIIexplorer (ascl:1603.017).

[ascl:2206.009] Craterstats3: Analyze and plot crater count data for planetary surface dating

Craterstats3 analyzes and plots crater count data for planetary surface dating. It is a Python implementation of Craterstats2 (ascl:2206.008) and is designed to replicate the output of the previous version as closely as possible. As before, it produces plots in cumulative, differential, Hartmann, and R-plot styles with possible overlays of crater counts, isochrons, equilibrium functions and epoch boundaries, as well aschronology and impact rate functions. Data can be shown with various binnings or unbinned, and age estimates made by either cumulative fitting, differential fitting, or Poisson timing evaluation. Numerical results can be output as text for further processing elsewhere. A number of published chronology systems are already set up for use, but new ones may be added by the user. The software is designed to be easily integrated into other software, which could allow the addition of a graphical interface or the inclusion of some Craterstats functions into a GIS.

[ascl:2206.008] Craterstats2: Planetary surface dating from crater size-frequency distribution measurements

Craterstats2 plots crater counts and determining surface ages. The software plots isochrons in cumulative, differential, R-plot and Hartmann presentations, and makes isochron fits to both cumulative and differential data. Hartmann-style piecewise production functions may also be used. A Python implementation of the software, Craterstats3, is also available.

[ascl:2206.007] CircleCraters: Crater-counting plugin for QGIS

CircleCraters is a projection independent crater counting plugin for QGIS. It has the flexibility to crater count in a GIS environment on Windows, OS X, or Linux, and uses three-click input to define crater rims as a circle.

[ascl:2206.006] MYRaf: Aperture photometry GUI for IRAF

MYRaf is a practicable astronomical image reduction and photometry software and interface for IRAF (ascl:9911.002). The library uses IRAF, PyRAF (ascl:1207.011), Ginga (ascl:1303.020), and other python packages with a Qt framework for automated software processing of data from robotic telescopes.

[ascl:2206.005] NonnegMFPy: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with heteroscedastic uncertainties and missing data

NonnegMFPy solves nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) given a dataset with heteroscedastic uncertainties and missing data with a vectorized multiplicative update rule; this can be used create a mask and iterate the process to exclude certain new data by updating the mask. The code can work on multi-dimensional data, such as images, if the data are first flattened to 1D.

[ascl:2206.004] pystortion: Distortion measurement support

pystortion provides support for distortion measurements in astronomical imagers. It includes classes to support fitting of bivariate polynomials of arbitrary degree and helper functions for crossmatching catalogs. The crossmatching uses an iterative approach in which a two-dimensional distortion model is fit at every iteration and used to continuously refine the position of extracted sources.

[ascl:2206.003] ExoJAX: Spectrum modeling of exoplanets and brown dwarfs

ExoJAX provides auto-differentiable line-by-line spectral modeling of exoplanets/brown dwarfs/M dwarfs using JAX (ascl:2111.002). In a nutshell, ExoJAX allows the user to do a HMC-NUTS fitting using the latest molecular/atomic data in ExoMol, HITRAN/HITEMP, and VALD3. The code enables a fully Bayesian inference of the high-dispersion data to fit the line-by-line spectral computation to the observed spectrum, from end-to-end (i.e. from molecular/atomic databases to real spectra), by combining it with the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in recent probabilistic programming languages such as NumPyro.

[submitted] Green Bank Observatory Gridder

A stand-alone spectral gridder and imager for the Green Bank Telescope, as well as functionality for any diameter telescope. Based around the cygrid package from Benjamin Winkel and Daniel Lenz

[ascl:2206.002] TCF: Transit Comb Filter periodogram

TCF calculates a periodogram designed to detect exoplanet transits after the light curve has been differenced. It is a matched filter for a periodic double-spike pattern. The difference operator that can be used independently for detrending a light curve; it is also embedded in ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) Box-Jenkins modeling.

[ascl:2206.001] vortex: Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition for an AMR velocity field

vortex performs a Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition on vector fields defined on AMR grids, decomposing a vector field in its solenoidal (divergence-less) and compressive (curl-less) parts. It works natively on vector fields defined on Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) grids, so that it can perform the decomposition over large dynamical ranges; it is also applicable to particle-based simulations. As vortex is devised primarily to investigate the properties of the turbulent velocity field in the Intracluster Medium (ICM), it also includes routines for multi-scale filtering the velocity field.

[ascl:2205.025] simulateSearch: High-time resolution data sets simulations for radio telescopes

simulateSearch simulates high time-resolution data in radio astronomy. The code is built around producing multiple binary data files that contain information on the radiometer noise and sources that are being simulated. These binary data files subsequently get combined and output PSRFITS
search mode files produced. The PSRFITS files can be processed using standard pulsar software packages such as PRESTO (ascl:1107.017).

[ascl:2205.024] MM-LSD: Multi-Mask Least-Squares Deconvolution

MM-LSD (Multi-Mask Least-Squares Deconvolution) performs continuum normalization of 2D spectra (echelle order spectra). It also masks and partially corrects telluric lines and extracts RVs from spectra. The code requires RASSINE (ascl:2102.022) and uses spectral line data from VALD3.

[ascl:2205.023] PyWPF: Waterfall Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Folding

PyWPF (Waterfall Principal Component Analysis Folding) finds periodicity in one-dimensional timestream data sets; it is particularly designed for very high noise situations where traditional methods may fail. Given a timestream, with each point being the arrival times of a source, the software computes the estimated period. The core function of the package requires several initial parameters to run, and using the best known period of the source (T_init) is recommended.

[ascl:2205.022] BANG: BAyesian decomposiotioN of Galaxies

BANG (BAyesian decomposiotioN of Galaxies) models both the photometry and kinematics of galaxies. The underlying model is the superposition of different components with three possible combinations: 1.) Bulge + inner disc + outer disc + Halo; 2.) Bulge + disc + Halo; and 3.) inner disc + outer disc + Halo. As CPU parameter estimation can take days, running BANG on GPU is recommended.

[ascl:2205.021] CPNest: Parallel nested sampling

CPNest performs Bayesian inference using the nested sampling algorithm. It is designed to be simple for the user to provide a model via a set of parameters, their bounds and a log-likelihood function. An optional log-prior function can be given for non-uniform prior distributions. The nested sampling algorithm is then used to compute the marginal likelihood or evidence. As a by-product the algorithm produces samples from the posterior probability distribution. The implementation is based on an ensemble MCMC sampler which can use multiple cores to parallelize computation.

[ascl:2205.020] ASTROMER: Building light curves embeddings using transfomers

ASTROMER is a Transformer-based model trained on millions of stars for the representation of light curves. Pretrained models can be directly used or finetuned on specific datasets. ASTROMER is useful in downstream tasks in which data are limited to train deep learning models.

[ascl:2205.019] HOPS: Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System

HOPS (Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System) analyzes the data generated by DiFX VLBI correlators. It is written in C for Linux computers, and emphasizes quality-control aspects of data processing. It sits between the correlator and an image-processing and/or geodetic-processing package, and performs basic fringe-fitting, data editing, problem diagnosis, and correlator support functions.

[ascl:2205.018] ASOHF: Adaptive Spherical Overdensity Halo Finder

ASOHF (Adaptive Spherical Overdensity Halo Finder) identifies bound dark matter structures (dark matter haloes) in the outputs of cosmological simulations, and works directly on an input particle list. The computational cost of running ASOHF in simulations with a large number of particles can be reduced by using a domain decomposition to split the simulation box into smaller boxes, or subdomains, which are then processed independently. The basic output of ASOHF is a halo catalog. The package includes a python code to build a merger tree from ASOHF outputs.

[ascl:2205.017] LiSA: LIghtweight Source finding Algorithms for analysis of HI spectral data

The LIghtweight Source finding Algorithms (LiSA) library finds HI sources in next generation radio surveys. LiSA can analyze input data cubes of any size with pipelines that automatically decompose data into different domains for parallel distributed analysis. For source finding, the library contains python modules for wavelet denoising of 3D spatial and spectral data, and robust automatic source finding using null-hypothesis testing. The source-finding algorithms all have options to automatically choose parameters, minimizing the need for manual fine tuning. Finally, LiSA also contains neural network architectures for classification and characterization of 3D spectral data.

[ascl:2205.016] Pryngles: PlanetaRY spaNGLES

Pryngles produces visualizations of the geometric configuration of a ringed exoplanet (an exoplanet with a ring or exoring for short) and calculates the light-curve signatures produced by these kind of planets. The model behind the package has been developed in an effort to predict the signatures that exorings may produce not only in the light-curve of transiting exoplanets (a problem that has been extensively studied) but also in the light of stars having non-transiting exoplanets.

[ascl:2205.015] CS-ROMER: Compressed Sensing ROtation MEasure Reconstruction

CS-ROMER (Compressed Sensing ROtation MEasure Reconstruction) is a compressed sensing reconstruction framework for Faraday depth spectra. It can simulation Faraday depth sources, subtract Galactic RM, and reconstruct Faraday depth sources from linearly polarized data and Faraday depth sources using Compressed Sensing.